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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6083715 No.6083715 [Reply] [Original]

how can i become pro from 0 knowledge ?
>just draw
>just draw loomis
Pls I need a detailed path

>> No.6083717

get Asian jeans!

>> No.6083718
File: 3.05 MB, 800x9993, advice from naf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6083721

if you want a detailed path then pay for it by going to a god damm art school ffs. if you're poor and can't afford to go to one, then accept that you're never going to reach that level and quit drawing.

>> No.6083734


>> No.6083757

Asian genes

Asian genes

Asian genes every time

>> No.6083783

I really like the lines of the hand

>> No.6083785

Art skill cannot be taught. Once you understand this, you will know the steps to make it.

>> No.6083833

Just draw is true.

Draw for an hour or two every day and dont get discouraged. Learn to enjoy the process and each time you finish something, without beating yourself up ask "what could I have done better?"

Work on perspective (ignore DAB, concentrate on building structure with primal forms like boxes spheres and cylinders as the base for your drawings)

Learn to draw straight decisive lines.

Learn some human anatomy, first your base shapes, then try rotating them, then learn anatomy using peck or proko or some muscle person. Go through this every few months, each time you will retain a little more knowledge.

Draw a Lot. All the things you like.
Work on lineart by doing studies of artists you like.

Once you can draw, concentrate some on light and value and color. Do studies of art from people you love and figure out why you love it.

For this specific image, you need to be able to:
-draw people in perspective
-draw simple machinery
-draw fabric

Anything you want to do, break into pieces so you can "eat" it part by part.
Getting to this skill level will probably take a couple years, but if you honestly give it real effort, no excuses, no video games chosen over drawing, etc then you'll get there.

A lot of it is self discipline.

And maybe you'll find out that you can make something different and better. Then again this is 4chan and you could also just find all this knowledge by googling and working on it.

It's your funeral and you are fully responsible for your success or failure. remember that.

>> No.6083836

>Pls I need a detailed path
The internet is chock-full of tutorials and advice for all skill levels you can use to achieve your goals, unless you're a NGMI looking for shortcuts.

>> No.6083842

>just draw loomis
>Pls I need a detailed path
have you even done loomis
>I want a path but not that path!

>> No.6083846
File: 23 KB, 500x316, tumblr_0f9a8a07c26c218887d3f56e4827ded8_f85151af_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I'm going to give you the advice I know from personal experience, no tutorials just what's worked for me. There's three things you want to get good at: linework, color/shading/rendering, and anatomy/posing.
Get a drawing tablet that's large enough relative to your monitor, and ideally a screen tablet. Use some stabilizers. Most people make separate messy sketches then draw a steadier linework layer over them but I prefer to skip the messy sketch stage, and just directly clean up my initial lineart by using the eraser tool instead of trying to do every line in one go. Anyway what matters isn't how you do it, but what turns out. You want your lineart to look really clean. Your example has very clean lineart. Also it's thin, not particularly thick, so use thinner line weight.
Separate your base colors into layers based on item of clothing/hair/skin/eyes/etc. Then do some basic shading on layers pinned to these. Best way to do this is to actually use the ORIGINAL color on the shading, then manually shift the hue from that startpoint. Make this shading somewhat darker, but not necessarily, and experiment by shifting the hue as well. Don't rely on multiply (a feature on art programs). AFTER this initial shading, do a second shading layer on top of it near edges or otherwise where it seems it should be "darker" and paradoxically make it brighter and more saturated and shift the hue more. Again start from your base color. Look at your example, you'll see parts that are like this, such as random gray-violets and light grays on her pants and on the machine parts, etc. Then after that you can add lighting, and it's ok to use shine or shade/shine modes but don't let those limit you. Depending on how realist you want to be, you'll want to pay attention to creasing on clothes more or less. Also, practice with soft shading, get a good brush for that.
Practice by eyeballing existing pose art. Flip your art it helps.

>> No.6083859
File: 131 KB, 1200x1117, 2021JUN04_food_rococo_signature_cheesecake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you want to draw, and what do you draw like now?

>> No.6083868

And OP is asking for what you think are some good tutorials.

>> No.6083896

Why do people even bother with these ideas anymore? There are so many examples of self taught artists on the internet nowadays. Art school is basically a waste of time unless you lack the discipline to study alone or want to go for fine arts.

>> No.6083931

Draw shapes, add shadows to shapes, add colors to shapes

study the shapes

>> No.6083989

>unless you lack the discipline to study alone or want to go for fine arts.
which one do you think OP is? they sounded like they have no initiative at all.

>> No.6083992

Pirate courses on psdly and onlinecourseclub

>> No.6084220

>be asian
>have the workaholic insect hive mind ability and dedication to grind on a skill for 25 hours a day for years with no other care for distractions, health, family, friends, or life itself

that's literally all it is, if you're a dopamine addicted ADHD zoomer then you're fucking doomed. good luck with that

>> No.6084381

>think are some good tutorials.

There are no tutorials that teach "become pro from 0 knowledge". They teach you specific skills and tools like perspective, construction or color theory. And even with a book shelf full of resources you still need to put in years of life study and practice to even get to mid tier skill.

If you cant tell what tutorials are "good" just from your own needs and personal experience level then you're hopless.

>> No.6084395

Load 3d model in clip paint studio
Adjust proportions for retarded anime head
Pose it
Adjust camera
Convert to lineart or manually trace it
Add bug eyes and spaghetti noodle hair
Auto color

Take a few tries, but a week should master it.

>> No.6084398

lets see your attempt

>> No.6084399

he doesn't draw.

>> No.6084402

this place has a serious problem with people like that guy, just make up exercises without ever following them or more likely it was stolen from some stream

>> No.6084404

proportions in you image are fucked
>t-that's because she's in perspective you beg
then perspective and foreshortening is also fucked

>> No.6084424
File: 400 KB, 1080x1043, 1653948401802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's good enough.
show me how many rts your perfect perspective drawing got.
I'll wait.

>> No.6084507

>it's about the likes
>it's all about the RTs
>normies decide what's good and what's wrong
>I don't have the slightest bit of judgment.
you are going very far with that kind of thinking lmao
>show me how many rts your perfect perspective drawing got.
oh i'm sorry, I didn't know YOU had drawn that OPpic, you are in an art board bitch, if you don't like people pointing out mistakes in the images you like then you can go to reddit and go on living without using your brain cells.

>> No.6084512

not that anon, but try redlining it?

>> No.6084514

he doesn't draw.

>> No.6084537

Do you know this person?

>> No.6084555

i'll try later at night, but I'm not the best draftsman in the world

>> No.6085121

He's not wrong. Easy way to tell if a perspective is fucked is if the art looks flat, even with rendering. But he's still a crabbing bitch

>> No.6085265

No one said he was wrong. Just that the drawing was good enough. Spending months on 1 painting to make it perfect is ngmi attitude

>> No.6085276


>> No.6085318

Not OP, but in my country there are literally no art schools. So here at least, it's not an option.

>> No.6085370

look at a thing
try to draw it
repeat approximately five hundred million times
there are no shortcuts. you can read books and watch courses until your the heat death of the universe but if you don't actually draw you will learn nothing.

>> No.6085394

>Pls I need a detailed path
there is no detailed path unless you learn under a mentor

>> No.6085406

I was the same, looking for shortcuts.
I went to /ic/ and they were just shilling shitty books and endless courses.
Did studies after studies but nothing clicked.
Then I looked at some artist I aspired to be like and found out how much time a day they spend drawing stuff. That instantly humbled me and I started drawing every free minute I had, just stuff I enjoyed. Suddenly the studies I did way before that started to kick in too and stuff started making sense.
So the tl;dr is: Yes, just draw.

>> No.6085485

The first thing you do is get off /ic/. The anonymous nature of the board makes it impossible to tell who's actually got good advice and who's a retard. You have to get advice from actual reputable artists and not literal whos shitposting on /ic/.

>> No.6085549

You just know. Most artists, even the very detached ones, are more or less still care if people like their art or not. It's just human nature. Only posturing retards who don't draw or doing anything creative harass people for wanting to be appreciated. Think about it, how many people on ic are actually hermits who draw for art's sake, and how many are just pathetic losers who would employ any excuses to put people down and feel superior about themselves? And there you have it.

>> No.6085597
File: 170 KB, 601x484, fjkffj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6085611

This pretty much.

>> No.6085632

>The anonymous nature of the board makes it impossible to tell who's actually got good advice and who's a retard
>impossible to tell who's actually got good advice and who's a retard
>who's a retard
anon i have really bad news for you

>> No.6085678

bargue plates to gain observational skills and ability to measure proportionally

perspective so you know how to draw in 3d and hopefully get foreshortening done correctly.

anatomy... enough of the body is hidden that you can get away with not knowing it well beyond what a human should be shaped like.

an understanding on how to draw hair (watch sculptures/3d sculptures for how to do hair)

some drapery drawing,

and a bit of color theory

I think this is all that would be needed to make this particular piece of art.

>> No.6085740

>makes it impossible to tell who's actually got good advice and who's a retard.

Good advice stands out because it has a solid logical basis. Basic reasoning skills should tell you all you need to know and if you fall for retarded advice you're just a retard yourself.

>> No.6086161

Art schools don't teach art. Not for people at OPs level anyway.

>> No.6086164

then why arent you good yet?

>> No.6086175

the fact that this doesn't look perfect but still kick ass makes me feel like maybe the answer isn't just spending 5 years on the fundamentals, like yea, they're important but also just draw cool things

>> No.6086454

>Spending months on 1 painting to make it perfect is ngmi attitude
I guess you've never heard the story, The Tortoise and the Hare.

>> No.6086458

Not OP but the question kind of fits. I'm curious to know what you all think of Stonehouse's anatomy book for learning anatomy. I'm thinking about using that and then reinforcing the shapes of the muscles with Bridgman after. I'm probably going to do it anyway, but I was curious about peoples opinions on Stonehouse's book since people barely talk about it.

>> No.6086628

not applicable. the more you are able to properly do, the faster you improve.
This does not mean rushing though.
Stop being a lazy shit and actually work for more than 12 mins a day

>> No.6086644

>Stop being a lazy shit and actually work for more than 12 mins a day
Just because a painting takes a month does not mean it's cause you spent 12 mins a day painting, I'm not saying
>Do less
What I'm saying is taking your time while you're at it. Yes you can bang out 10 painting's a week but what if you spent that week just for one? Time can bring great things

>> No.6086654

if you are learning, you will learn more from 10 paintings than 1.
if you disagree idc, do what you want.
don't bother replying if you're gonna be stubborn

>> No.6086661

So again, Never heard the story? Nothing to do with being stubborn, This is what you call a conversation.

>> No.6086694

It’s a fun read that teaches you more about the why anatomy is like that rather than how to draw it well

>> No.6086696

The story is not applicable.
Why would you go slow when you have to compete with Koreans, Japanese and Chinese artists who work both hard and smart, doing 3+ practice paintings a day?

There's a reason asia is currently on top. And its not because they're meandering along on the same painting for 3 months.

Children's stories are not reality.

>> No.6087512

>are not reality.
I can promise you what you're thinking is not reality, You won't be anywhere near the Asia skill level because you won't spend the time to learn what you're actually drawing. None of these top artists per say started with that much, They all built there way to it.

Look at
>Kim Jung Gi
He's drawing at a massive scale but did he start there? No. He started small and built his visual library

If the main goal for you is
Sure, Maybe you're right but when it comes to actually learning to draw time is your friend and only time will give you the skill you're after.

>> No.6087526

nta but you can't expect that the concepts and ideals you are talking about can be understood by people like OP, they believe that the main goal of drawing is money, fame, popularity, they don't draw because they like it, they believe that drawing is a tool that will help them to achieve their goal, they don't see it as "I can get better at drawing because I like it and if I can make money with it great" for them it is: "I must become good at drawing even if I hate it and also I must get fame and fortune", believe me the only way these people learn is by crashing into a wall.

>> No.6087538

>believe me the only way these people learn is by crashing into a wall.
Over the year's of posting here, This is becoming more obvious.

>> No.6087545

holy turd polisher cope.

>> No.6087549

enjoy polishing turds i guess.

>> No.6087557

this idea that you cannot make it as an artist unless you prescribe to some arbitrary artistic morality of doing art for the sake of art, and any other motive is destined for failure is the reason you're a nobody and always will be. enjoy living with your type b personality, slaving away as a community center art teacher but hey at least you make art for the "right" reasons tho

>> No.6087558

10 years of figure drawing and master copies

>> No.6087567


>> No.6087574

good god you are fucking retarded beyond any help lmao, I'm not going to write an elaborate response if the best you could get out of my comment is that, I'm going to make it easy for a 6 year old to understand, if you want easy money and even faster than drawing, learn to program, after all anyone can do it and the pay is phenomenal, right? but ok try doing anything of value in your life with that kind of mentality, you'll sure enjoy your late years of life lmao

>> No.6087579

the cope and samefagging lmao, i know you got assblasted OP but instead of crying you should be drawing

>> No.6087586

>nooo r-retard you can't taint art with profit motives! you have to be a code monkey if you want to make money! the only people who are allowed to draw are homeless people and hermits and only as long as it aligns with my beliefs!

seethe faggot

>> No.6087587

>you should be drawing

>> No.6087597

I take 1 week for a single painting bro... sometimes a whole day just for the lineart....
Why wasn't I born asian

>> No.6087600

as the other anon said, It just take's time. If you keep at it, Maybe someday you'll be at the level to achieve that speed.

>> No.6087604

ok anon i'm the one crying and shaking here, you win lmfao, good luck learning to draw without even having reading comprehension and please be the last answer, I know your ego needs it.

>> No.6087606

>I can't refute your points so if you respond I win

that's cute anon, nice try tho maybe try some self reflection and you'll see why you're wrong

>> No.6087623

>anon ask shit
>takataka literally said >>6083718 build the shit up with the fundamentals that we all always said here
>nigga just >>6083757
Every fucking time. Some asians just do it better because they are used to a minimal of discipline and they are not lazy faggots

>> No.6088009

Is this a desirable outcome for an artist? Does it promise fulfilment or joy, or even a pay check? Perhaps Im not the only one who thinks if what im doing doesnt give me a sense of meaning then why all the effort?

>> No.6088024

Why do you aspire to draw toddler looking anime faces on realistic bodies? I'll never understand this.

>> No.6088062

>Imitation of shading is realism
Oh man...

>> No.6088093
File: 74 KB, 528x502, 440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, do you take all memes seriously?

>> No.6091422

No!!!!! Pic left cannot be real!!! Twitter trans fatties told me you cannot show butt and bewbs at the same time without breaking spine!!! REEEEEEE!!!!!!

>> No.6093556

rent free

>> No.6093560

She's only showing the side of one breast not both you coomer imbecile.
>Twitter trans knowing anything about female anatomy
lol .