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6069575 No.6069575 [Reply] [Original]

This exercise isn't meant to turn you into a beginner artist into a good artist. This exercise isn't meant to be fun nor engaging. This exercise is not part of the fundamentals needed for your growth as an artist. However, this exercise is important if you're planning into getting into draftsmanship and/or want your linework control and quality to be better, so your pieces can have more consistency and personality to them.

It's boring, it's mind numbing, it's technical but it's effective if you take your time and be committed in doing these daily. The pen should be an extension of your body and having full control of it will make your pieces look and feel better.

I personally use this as my warm-up before the actual warm-up (Quick poses). It takes 15~30 minutes, depending on your pacing but do take your time with this. The exercise humbles you as well because some of them actually do showcase just how shit you are at linework when that's the main focus of the drawing. I'll post a drawing I did for my comic as a sample on how much better it can look just by my doing these exercises daily.

Do it and share your attempt at this exercise to see where you are with your linework control.

>> No.6069576

These exercises were taken from Arthur L. Guptill's book "Rendering in Pen and Ink". I only included in the exercises which I believe would be beneficial to me but the book contains a whole lot more of these kinds of sets if you want to do more than what I provided.


>> No.6069579
File: 404 KB, 935x965, OiD Inked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's that sample I talked about taken from my comic. I applied exercise H, X, and Z in my cross hatching and linework.

God speed brothers.

>> No.6069581

why are straight negative slope lines (i.e. exercise D) so fucking hard
I can do horizontal, vertical, or positive slope no problem but my negative slopes always bend and are shit

>> No.6069584

It's most likely because your wrist and hand aren't used to the motions and angle in holding the pen and dragging it diagonally compared to horizontally and vertically.

Fortunately, just like with working out, you just need to do a lot of diagonal strokes properly so your drawing hand gets used to it.

>> No.6069591

should we do them digitally or traditionally? I'll be drawing my comics digitally

>> No.6069595

Any is fine as long as you avoid spamming that Ctrl+Z button when you do digital because you're not going to learn from relying on Undo.

The one I did was digital for clarification.

>> No.6069596

also, op, thank you for the actually nice advice. Makes the time spent sloshing through this dump worth it

>> No.6069598
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>> No.6069620

I've never really understood how you are supposed to do something like K or 14 with a dip pen without rotating your page. How can you downstroke in that direction? How do you hold the pen?

>> No.6069624

It's harder with a ballpoint pen for sure but the concept is going from thick to thin and vice versa, so as long as your starting stroke is very thin, the thicker lines should pop. Also, you can just go back on the thick area and thicken it a bit more by going through it with a few more strokes if you really want it to show. I did a quick one as a sample.

>> No.6069625
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I keep forgetting to attach my shit wew

>> No.6069651
File: 1.89 MB, 2420x2783, beg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright here's my attempt. done with a dip pen and the paper angle was not changed (i also didn't didn't reposition my arm), i only changed my pen grip to the french hold for the horizontal shades

>> No.6069662

you should rotate the page to what's most comfortable for your arm anyway. i don't remember it saying you shouldn't.

>> No.6069676

If you rotate the page you would just be making vertical lines...

>> No.6069687
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This is the pen I was having trouble with, but I tried again and got a little further.

I've always wanted to sketch with this pen because the line variation is so insane but I've never had enough control for it.

>> No.6069698

Nice I've been looking for something like this to do. I love mindless grind unironically

>> No.6069723

ah, i was more meaning that you shouldn't do it with the paper vertically straight. i rotate the paper slightly and can do both of them with the same paper position. didn't mean completely rotating it to the pointthey become straight, just to my natural arm radius. K is more pulling toward my body and L rotating away from my body clockwise as a righty.

>> No.6069795

Fuck traditional shits. What CSP plugin can make shortcut this?

>> No.6069796

Plugin: Git Gud

>> No.6069811

holy shit you are retarded!!!!

>> No.6069815

I'd say take your time with your lines and try to focus on making them accurate and purposeful. There was supposed to be a thick to thin on the exercises but I don't see it in yours. The line consistency isn't there yet.

Good work on doing it though, that's already a step forward. Keep it up mate.

>> No.6069948

Where can i read the comic?

>> No.6069971

Opposites in Disguise.

Either on Webtoons, Mangadex, Ba.to, or Mangakakalot.

>> No.6069989

Wait, how did u get your comic on mangakaklot?

>> No.6069999

Mangadex is a major aggregator for manga stuff. From what I've gathered, when you hit a certain amount of traction/content, other manga sites take notice and start uploading into their website.

I don't know much about the technical stuff though, so that's just my guess on the matter.

>> No.6071089
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holy fuck this was hard

>> No.6071107
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slight improvement

>> No.6071114
File: 188 KB, 1054x867, Screen Shot 2022-05-21 at 10.57.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this /guptill/ general now

>> No.6071149

>15~30 minutes
this is half of the time most post people on this board spend on their drawings

>> No.6071172
File: 260 KB, 1345x923, Screen Shot 2022-05-21 at 11.47.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is stupidly hard

>> No.6071187

Premium keks. I'd believe it.

It truly does humble you. I did this the first time and it was like a big slap to my face on how shit my line control and quality were. On the bright side, doing these everyday really did help me tons, so kudos for you for actually taking your time and repeatedly doing the same thing with the goal of getting better and better everytime.

Keep it up anon!

>> No.6071205
File: 144 KB, 1226x609, Screen Shot 2022-05-22 at 12.19.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. Your post just came at the right time for me. I was really struggling with inking and your thread reminded me I had Guptill's book on my shelf. I'll definitely continue with this

>> No.6071246

Happy to hear it mate, I wish you the best of inking gains in your journey.

>> No.6071254
File: 78 KB, 1161x297, Screen Shot 2022-05-22 at 1.02.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling some improvement. Will move onto vertical lines soon


>> No.6071759
File: 2.51 MB, 4000x4000, 4F8680E5-D5F1-40AE-BC43-95123585F9E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lineart is damn hard, no stabilisation nor undoing ain’t helping

>> No.6071943

what kind of cheap pen would give the line width variation you'd need for E-P?

>> No.6071990

nothing really. dip or brush pens (can be felt too). you can maybe mimic it with highlighter or marker shit

>> No.6072016

You can get there with a fineliner, to some degree. A quill or equivalent would be better suited. Brush pen would work too, but are harder to control.

Good idea OP; artwork is nice, perhaps a bit too loaded somehow?

>> No.6072019

I usually draw over a single line like Peter Han does, so that my fuckups are clear

>> No.6072047

It is, for sure. I've toned down on my lines ever since then and have focused more on controlling and getting better at drawing them.

>> No.6072073

i refuse to believe this is humanly possible on a tablet. Human beings cannot draw a straight horizontal or vertical line. I've tried my entire life and it cannot be done.

>> No.6072075

tfw I'm not a human bean.

I've ascended lads, catch ya around.

>> No.6072180

it is definitely 1000x easier traditionally

>> No.6072344

damn lads i'm sweating. thought my lines were good but apparently I'm actually SHIT

>> No.6072483
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it gets easier. i feel a little improvement myself, from yesterday

>> No.6072849
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True that. All the more to do these exercises if you wanna get better at it. God speed brother

Very nice! Yeah, I can see the lines being more consistent and better compared to before for sure. Keep it up mate, I'd suggest to do the other lines as well in tandem with this as when you actually start drawing, you'll be changing angles a lot, so it'll be more practical if your wrist gets used to that.

Here's mine for today.

>> No.6072903

How big should my canvas be, or how much should I zoom in? Can you work with your shoulder if they're as small as they look on my screen?

>> No.6072906

Ideally big enough where you can confidently make continuous long strokes without having to adjust yourself. How much you zoom in/out depends on you as long as you achieve the goal making the lines consistent and accurate.

It'll naturally come to you as you do the exercise as if you the habit of zooming in too much, it'll show in your lines being disconnected. If it's too zoomed out, you won't be accurate. So just open up a regular sized canvas and start doing them. You'll learn and understand from there better than any hard rules/restrictions I'll give to you.

>> No.6073106
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>> No.6073208

>This exercise isn't meant to turn you into a beginner artist into a good artist
are you a retard?
if it wasnt meant to do that, it wouldnt be a practice

if you cant control your hand and in consequence your lines, you will never draw what you want
you can know all the theory, geometry, anatomy etc. but it means nothing, if you cant put whats in your mind onto the paper

retarded post

>> No.6073211


>> No.6073268

How do you do z anon?

>> No.6073313
File: 8 KB, 1008x356, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you reach the highest amount of lines + dots, just do the same in reverse where you take away the lines/dots instead of adding.

God speed and best of luck anon.

>> No.6073960


>> No.6074281
File: 202 KB, 727x429, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god oh fuck
I'll try again later with a glove

>> No.6074654

Good work for doing it at least anon. Keep it up and your lines will slowly but surely improve as long as you commit to it.

>> No.6074989

Do you happen to know the type of nib you used for this? It has a very nice variance in line weight.

>> No.6075072
File: 864 KB, 1488x1052, ll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gloves didn't help
why are straight lines so hard to draw

>> No.6077412

bump for good thread

>> No.6078288

Can you please share your Outlining/writing/Drawing process with us in as much detail as possible?

>> No.6079356

Bump. Do't let it die anons!

>> No.6079391

That's a tall order since there's a lot of details that goes behind the scenes. I can summarize it by:
(1) Writer makes the script;
(2) I draw a rough draft of the script;
(3) We both talk and give feedback on what to change;
(4) I ink it and tone it;
(5) I do 1 last review and publish it

There's a lot of stuff I didn't mention inbetween but I'd have to write paragraphs for that and I don't think that's necessary wew.

>> No.6079406

That's okay; thanks for answering. How does the manga script look, and how is it structured? It would be lovely if you could provide an example.

>> No.6079410
File: 26 KB, 641x294, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The script looks like a novel-ish format (Since the writer I'm working with is used to that) but we tweaked it a bit to include some action descriptions that you normally wouldn't see in novels. The structure of it is basically like telling a short story but less focus on making the descriptions sound fancy and more focus on describing the action/scenery/camera angles/expressions clearer, since they have to be drawn accurately. The rest of the pieces is up to me for interpretation.

Sure, I can give you a sample. I attached a screenshot of the first few lines of the script. As you can see, it's kinda written like a short story but there are lines that just describe what a scene/panel should contain, so it gives me a good idea on what specifics the writer wants to be included.

The rest of the scenes and events, I just draw whatever pops up in my head as I read the script. I hope this helps!

>> No.6079428

Thank you very very much. Your manga inspired me tremendously, and your answers were very informative. I'm rooting for you, and I wish you the utmost luck with your current and future works.

>> No.6079432

I'm happy to hear our work inspired you and I appreciate the support! I wish you the best of luck as well with whatever project you're planning to pursue.

Keep fighting the good fight anon, I believe in you.

>> No.6079728
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I am using a brush.

>> No.6079951

sorry op ive been really lazy the past few days. ill get back to doing htese exercises soon

>> No.6081053

i need a better pen. can't do much line variation with this artist loft's pen

>> No.6081631

You can, just not with a single clean stroke. Double over your strokes, thickening where necessary. This is a totally viable way of varying line weight.

>> No.6081655

I feel this practice is useless and boring af. Why don't you try to practice while drawing sth fun? I've never done this in my life, and my lines are just fine.

>> No.6081858
File: 234 KB, 2000x2000, unfortunate lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TIL I'm an actual sped. The more I thought about it the worse I got, somehow. Doesn't help that I'm using a tiny tablet on a canvas I didn't zoom in on.
Thanks OP, will be studying these out the ass for the next several months til I have them down to a science.

>> No.6081894


Approaching ballpoint with this attitude is a solution looking for a problem. There are things ball point pen does well, and smooth variations of line art are not one of those things. Example: your insane chicken scratch you decided to post for some reason

>> No.6081916

Right lol my bad. I was under the impression I had to do these in 1 stroke for some reason

>> No.6082037

isn't the point to do these in one stroke?

>> No.6082051
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The point of it is to learn how to control your lines, and for some tools in order to achieve the right line weight that involves doubling back on lines. For example, pic related is just a stroke into a back stroke with a brush that has only a relatively small amount of pressure sensitivity -- it's digital, but the same thing applies with a real pencil/pen.
Keep in mind I'm not advocating slowly building up your lines, I'm talking more like a stroke-backstroke-stroke movement, fanning from the thin point to the thick point to create a line that's thick on one end and thin on the other. Don't try to slowly build a line by scribbling inefficiently, that undermines what you're trying to learn from the exercise.

>> No.6083634

Such a great thread.

>> No.6084031
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>> No.6085136
File: 1019 KB, 2000x2000, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus this exercise really is humbling

>> No.6085198

This exercise was mean solely for quill control as it have limited angle compare to other tools. For other inking tools like fineliner or brush, it is nothing more than a catalog for hatching.

>> No.6085202

why this curse.