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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.21 MB, 1246x1113, fuckit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6067483 No.6067483 [Reply] [Original]

Why is western fanart always so bad? Even the best western artists like Sakimichan are just completely incapable of drawing characters accurately.

>> No.6067485

>western fanart
u talking about westernized asian?

>> No.6067487

They only know how to construct one adult loomis body and don't really know how to draw.
Asians are able to freely draw any type they wish because they don't use construction as heavily.

>> No.6067491

>westernized asian

>> No.6067493

What the fuck happened? Her drawings looks worse and worse nowadays

>> No.6067496

At least that's clearly trying to be a different thing from the original instead of "what if I have them a bright red pig nose?"

>> No.6067497
File: 1.41 MB, 1024x1407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is your WHITE westoid, retarded westoid.
Westoid asians are still westoids.

>> No.6067499

Ironically the original has more soul than the right.

>> No.6067503

At least with tumblr I can usually tell its the same character.

>> No.6067504


>> No.6067505

huh......im ok with that
she looks likje an adult and hot

>> No.6067506

>she looks like an adult
>and hot

>> No.6067507

>this is westoid mentality
here's your answer OP. Westoid audiences are just retarded

>> No.6067508

>drawing characters accurately.
lmao she is drawing porn if someone big and mainstream porn artist like her draws porn with little girl she would be cancel for real this time unlike the BLM riots drama

>> No.6067509

nice, can we close this thread now?

>> No.6067510
File: 76 KB, 1080x1185, 2a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>discuss about what you hate about someone's artwork while artist makes 6 figs off your dumbass non-asian genes

>> No.6067515

This is in line with what Sakimichan draws though. If she drew kid anya like this then she'd have gotten even more people trying to cancel her than she did drawing the right side version.

ThiccwithaQ getting bodied over calling her out and trying to walk it back as a joke was a little entertaining though.

>> No.6067517

>draw a kid is bad
>drawing a kid with giant boobs and overtly sexualized is good
I'll never understand the west.

>> No.6067519

>Even the best western artists like Sakimichan

>> No.6067524

>ThiccwithaQ getting bodied over calling her out and trying to walk it back as a joke

>> No.6067525

>kid with giant boobs

>> No.6067532

How the fuck does the one on the right look like a kid to you?

Right is bad but how does the one of the left look any better you fuckin weebs

>> No.6067534

>How does the original character design look bad
It doesn't look like anything, its a frame from an animation. But that's the original character while the right is the fanart of that character.

>> No.6067536

This turns me off immediately.

>> No.6067538

Well she's aged up and again this didn't stop Sakimi from catching shit from people for it. This isn't the first time either. It's happened with pokemon girls and hero academia girls.

A lot of people didn't even know about Sakimi working on the Anya picture until ThiccwithaQ made a post about unfollowing them because of it.

It picked up a lot of traction but many were pointing out how not only does Q age up characters, mainly Pokemon, but puts them through worse as well with rape, drugs, abuse and such. While Sakimi just has anya standing there.

Not long after they said they made a hypocritical joke that they shouldn't have and apologized.

>> No.6067539

The west only cares about boobs.
They're basically the most obnoxious fetishfags to ever exist, they demand you cater to their fetish or you should be jailed. Its disgusting.

>> No.6067542

The artist is ASIAN you mentally retarded nigger

>> No.6067545

same. It just looks like a shitty cosplay. whats the point

>> No.6067546

kek why are Twittards such drama whores

>> No.6067548

I always find it funny how Pokemon gets a pass for some reason. Its one of the few anime I can say I want to fuck the characters and nobody thinks twice about it.

>> No.6067559
File: 14 KB, 154x202, 1521769514679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Sakimichan out here winning by doing absolutely nothing

>> No.6067588
File: 277 KB, 1140x1040, sexy and kawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak 3D dolls
What a fucking abomination to take apart
holy shit

But one thing i don't get:
Loli and aging up a character is bad but if sakumi does it it's ok?

>> No.6067593

Because I rather draw sexed up version of the character than on-model version. And my viewers and clients seem to prefer that too.

Plus I don't have autism about fictional characters and how on-model they are.

>> No.6067595

>Draw completely unrelated character
>No dude its totally that character, their hair color is the same!

>> No.6067598

Yes, unironically. I like it, my audience likes it. Why would I draw what you want when I can badly draw what I want?

>> No.6067604

>my audience
post your twitter.
or post your work.
but you'll do neither.

>> No.6067606
File: 125 KB, 798x728, kawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the same image because i say so.

>> No.6067609

Yes, Americans are brainless consoomers who will pay for anything if it's popular. News at 11

>> No.6067614

Sorry but /ic/ has taught me never to pmw when anon with malintent asks

>> No.6067617
File: 41 KB, 405x720, 1653008006950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6067619
File: 237 KB, 1365x759, threefiddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love americans!

>> No.6067621

Because pokemon characters have been getting porn for decades now. There are people that complain about the ages but it's an uphill battle even for them so it doesn't last long.

>> No.6067672

Everytime i see a sakimi chan draw i feel like it gets progressively worse, kinda like those images that the longer you watch it the worse everything is, is almost like Ai generated.

>> No.6067689

>best western artists like Sakimichan

>> No.6067691

Unironically the algorithm makes them sick and deranged.

>> No.6067694

>the examples of "WEST LE BAD" are actual artist and make literal millions of dollars
>the jealous crabs can't into BANZAI JAPAN and beat these westoids and cope making $0 and mock it with art at the literal best of their ability which is slightly below that of a 7th grader.
It's all so tiresome...

>> No.6067702

>not only does Q age up characters, mainly Pokemon, but puts them through worse as well with rape, drugs, abuse and such
A classic example of the pot calling the kettle black
or a pedo tweeting how anime is for pedos.
many such cases

>> No.6067764

lets put the wards up

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.6067781

The red ribbon around her neck looks like she took a png of a ribbon and forced it in there, she forgot to add a shadow under it. Now that I’m looking at it she forgot to add a shadow under the entire collar

>> No.6067793

her anatomy has gotten so bad. I'm starting to doubt the assistants rumors. She just rushes things like crazy

>> No.6067795

Thank you anon, I can breathe a bit better without that chinkroach smell

>> No.6067801
File: 109 KB, 350x302, 1642550570968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked up ThiccwithaQ and I was kinda surprised how they garnered 650k followers for this abomination

>> No.6067819

>cropping porn on a NSFW board

>> No.6067903
File: 1.30 MB, 654x1000, isabelle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coom art is different from normal art
"Well, gang, it looks like we've got another mystery on our hands.."

>> No.6067909
File: 1.20 MB, 772x1000, Tsuyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6067913
File: 22 KB, 296x299, IMG_20220520_101006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6067914

let's see your 60k/month portfolio
oh wait, you don't even draw lmao

>> No.6067922

It's not about the money. It's about art.

>> No.6067923

extremely cursed and uncanny
has its weird charm though

>> No.6067953
File: 813 KB, 1024x1024, 1633434818027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that face on the frog
what the fuck

>> No.6067961

You all seeth so fucking hard when something isnt 100% realistic. Cant into exaggeration.
Fucking pathetic

>> No.6067962

It's not the original. Just an edit by some seething beg.

>> No.6067964

>Cant into exaggeration.
There's appealing exaggeration and there's uncanny exaggeration. OP pic is an abomination. If you can't see that, then you are just a beg without a good artistic eye, sorry.

>> No.6067966

Loli is bad. It's just pedophilia.
Aging up a character is totally fine imo, but you will make the fnadom mad, cause those people are atustically attached to the characters.

>> No.6067984
File: 759 KB, 684x647, tsuyu03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it was done by some Anon here just like pic related the thread was pretty hilarious, I am sad that I forgot to save it.

>> No.6067994

im sorry for your moe brainrot lel

>> No.6068014

Man, Sakimi used to do pretty nice art a long time ago. She's already loaded for life she doesn't have to do this trash anymore.

>> No.6068032

I'm just pissed they aged her up, not really the style

>> No.6068039

Coomer Money.

>> No.6068051
File: 780 KB, 583x981, girl 09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6068068

you're a pedo

>> No.6068074

Share your kid's photo then.
After all, sexualizing literal toddlers is ok if they're "aged up"

>> No.6068077
File: 158 KB, 850x567, 4893934 - Genshin_Impact Miko_Yae sakimichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed her faces look like they're melting into the body

>> No.6068078

To be fair that's what your face does when looking down.

>> No.6068104
File: 114 KB, 500x387, 16864546565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cant into exaggeration.
You fucker. It took me a bit but i got the joke.
No, aging up a character is fine as long as you got countless followers ready to defend everything you do.
You could do shota and no one would bat an eye.

>> No.6068148


>> No.6068203

Has Sakimichan ever said she is trying to draw characters accurately? And what makes fanart be considered bad?

>> No.6068260

Oh gosh so much seeth.im not a
Not fan of sakimi but goddamn these
Weebs are indeed subhumans

>> No.6068275

Edit all her artwork with BLACKED tattoos.
There you go problem solved

>> No.6068289
File: 214 KB, 1730x1852, spy x family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this style called?

>> No.6068300
File: 57 KB, 735x471, 9e17849d9b38d550e8b223d2f495c653[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best western fanart
>not Anato Finnstark

>> No.6068302

>draw a character
>don't draw it accurately
you didn't draw the character.

>> No.6068314

Are you saying OP's image isn't showing a character and a fanart of the character?

>> No.6068316

its nothing new just pedos seething because sakimi made her an adult
due to their mental gymnastics and thiking pedophilia is normal they cant comprehend why would sakimi do this

>> No.6068319

How about just not drawing the child sexualized...?
You know you can draw things that aren't coombait right?

>> No.6068320

You should inquiry Sakimichan, not me

>> No.6068339

These artists have constantly churned out the same artwork for years that if you ask them to draw something on model, 99% of them will either shrug your suggestion off, or fail miserably at their attempt. They can't do it, and only because they take their art as a job, and not as a craft. Artists who draw for a living and base their entire livelihood on their art are like 9 to 5 drones, pushing out the same cookie cut designs for the masses to gorge on. Artists who hone their craft and take the time to really understand their work, are the ones who can draw on model because they've taken the time to learn their skills properly. Seek out the craftsmen and women, those are the ones you want to support, not someone like Sakimichan who does this for a wage.

>> No.6068348

>aged up
i sleep

>> No.6068355

Holy cope. Im the beg?
Case in point.

I dont know why im defending sakimi, i dont really care, but this crab shit you guys do is pathetic

>> No.6068394
File: 109 KB, 667x1024, 164564584784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw for a living and base their entire livelihood on their art are like 9 to 5 drones, pushing out the same cookie cut designs for the masses to gorge on.
Still doesn't make her immune to criticism, any other form of discussion and observation or mockery for all it matters.
Learning from the mistakes of others should also be part of any artists training.
Training your eye is also a must.
Not every piece of work that mimics reality is a masterpiece.
Not every piece that is mindlessly consumed by the masses means it's good.
Observing that type of work should be a warning about how to not to be trapped in that golden cage if one actually cares about their art.

And shitting on Sakitschi is like beating a dead horse that changes shape and color endlessly whenever you hit it; there is no reason to it, but it's fun.
What anons don't do here is draw others works badly, and see for themselves how fucking fun that is.

>> No.6068414

5 years old

>> No.6068415

western usually looks like plastic to me. competent but over-rendered plus the poses are all taken from porn

>> No.6068417

you just described every korean that does digital

>> No.6068422

I dunno if it's me who becomes better or she becomes shittier every year
Seems more uncanny than usual
I mean it's sexy but i feel like she was better before

>> No.6068472

yeah for some reason korean art as well. it's near unmistakable

>> No.6068498


>> No.6068534

>Loli is bad. It's just pedophilia.
>Aging up a character is totally fine imo

>Gee i bet this child will look really sexy and fuckable when she's older, im going to draw this

You cant say loli is bad but then say drawing an aged up sexy version of the character is ok

>> No.6068538

Aren't adults just aged up versions of themselves or were they born adults

>> No.6068551

pedophiles are mentally ill dont bother talking to them

>> No.6068568


>> No.6068780
File: 118 KB, 1080x1080, 1631363573350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6068791

reminds me of façade

>> No.6068891


>> No.6068908

Westerners are okay with you being attracted to children as long you wait until they're adults. Weird I know.

>> No.6068962

you'll never be japanese, muttpedos

>> No.6068982

ew, a wild westoid.
someone catch it quickly before it spreads its lack of taste

>> No.6069303

Shit, what I meant was the face melting into her head. When I first saw it, I thought the face was weirder than usual.

>> No.6069430

Reminds me of this guy.

>> No.6069822

lolibros were in favour of this you dumbass. it was the moral police who thinks ageing up a child character for lewds is bad and complained about the anya pic.

>> No.6069848

This is about fictional characters, not real people, anon.
Also, someone wanting porn of their own children is weird, regardless of age.
I can't really picture a channer with children though.

>> No.6070039

Retard logic

>> No.6070067

The person might be aged up, but the character in the photo won't be

>> No.6070687

>western artists like Sakimichan
She's a chink

>> No.6070816

If western fanart gives you hemorrhoids it's good in my book.

>> No.6071839


If drawing loli art is immoral, because it is in some way analogous to sexualizing real children, then drawing an aged up sexy version of a loli must also be morally wrong.
Because in real life, if someone sees a 10 year old, and feels inspired to draw a sexy 20 year old version of her, you would definitely be disgusted by that.
And if you think art of a fictional child is the same as a real child, then the same must apply
If you see a loli character and are inspired to draw sexy adult versions of her, you are just as much a pedophile as the people drawing lolis

>> No.6071844

>you would definitely be disgusted by that
speak for yourself anon

>> No.6071882

>that spine
kek, what the fuck
and doesn’t sakimi just hire ghost artists these days?

>> No.6073461
File: 100 KB, 960x960, 1653321727343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the saying goes: coomers don't care. Diives favorites a lot of loli porn on his pixiv.
Minus8 admitted he wants to fuck kids and drew loli shit on the regular.
Derpixon and Zone are hypocrites that make rape cartoons.

>> No.6073468
File: 2.22 MB, 1140x1600, tumblr_7bc7ef858d94066b85bb6fddcd3daa67_0f77c4c7_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is animation pig slop 95% of the time and the retards who like it should be unironically killed

>> No.6074796
File: 269 KB, 379x379, 1651034219251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys westfaggot

>> No.6074798

ok zoomer

>> No.6074810

Sure faggot you never create anything.

>> No.6074813


>> No.6074815

Post your work faggot

>> No.6074816
File: 217 KB, 2290x2330, 1622676709999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6074818


>> No.6074819

sure zoomer

>> No.6074829

Cock sucker

>> No.6074834

yes, u mirin?

>> No.6074837

Gay boomer

>> No.6075913

damn you loch ness monster!

>> No.6075925

who the fuck cares you whiney faggots, die already, DIE YOU FUCK

>> No.6075946
File: 103 KB, 828x817, PEDOS MIND CRUSHED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>drawing a kid with giant boobs and overtly sexualized is good
That's not a kid, that's an adult. Why are you obessed over kids?
Americans understand people can grow up, so we draw everyone grown up. Only pedophiles like kids, so kill yourself.

>> No.6075951


>> No.6075953

>sexualizing literal toddlers is ok if they're "aged up"
Ok, so no one can fuck anyone post 18+ if you have family photos of yourself when you were a kid now, ok then.

End humanity, this picture of this female at the age of 17 and 355 days means it's PEDOPHILIA because your having sex with her after she turned 18

>> No.6075963

A drawing of a kid with tits slapped on. Her face is still childlike.
Except the female in question is fucking 5

>> No.6075971
File: 25 KB, 295x250, 8 year old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A drawing of a kid with tits slapped on. Her face is still childlike.
Meds, now.

>> No.6076492

That's not really anything but an abomination.
Aging up lolis is more pedo than just drawing the loli.

>> No.6076513

Keep telling yourself that, pedo

>> No.6076987

Sure thing pedo.
Unlike you I see lolis as more than just glorified fuckmeat where I'm just sitting there waiting for them to become "legal" so I can immediately fuck them.
I like them because I like their character and personality. I enjoy them for who they are regardless of their age. Meanwhile you're just a pedo waiting for the day they grow boobs to rape them without caring about who they are or what they stand for.

>> No.6077012
File: 27 KB, 600x402, 1505701736213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medication. It's normal to want to fuck a adult when they ready to commit, creep. You're the schizo grooming them while they are young and manipulable, don't pull that reversal shit on me bastard.

>> No.6077298


>> No.6077372

>a drawing of what
A drawing of based.

>> No.6077420

>a drawing of what
A fictional character. How come you didn't go for Alan Moore when he made Lost Girls?

>> No.6077426
File: 158 KB, 345x377, 169746214668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And all of them are trannies.
What are the odds?

>> No.6077438

Yes but she has the soul of an American

>> No.6077473

Humans aren't fictional, troons

>> No.6077499

people need to just admit they are nonces and move on or just not post this pathetic "hee hee it's loli but since I'm NOT a pedo its an adult version of her" shit
also reminder that all the time spent on this flavor of the week bait is time used to not draw

>> No.6077514

The soul of a leaf, you mean. She's Canadian if I remember right.

>> No.6077515
File: 75 KB, 500x357, tumblr_58e27937ea16fd208cbe5fa2a1c8745f_ab67252d_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much just this

>> No.6077546

gays got the pass, trannies got the pass, pedos will also get the pass
just speed it up and come out so we can genocide faggotkind

>> No.6077548

I don't know why she gets so many fucking whiteknights when her art is just polished turds

>> No.6077562

minus8 isnt a tranny. wtf are you on about

>> No.6077585
File: 164 KB, 823x783, 1652723169454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that your girlfriend used to be a 5 year old
and now she's just aged up with boobs? You fucking pedophile

>> No.6077591

What child? This is Anya Forger she's 30 years old in the 'universe' of this specific fanart picture. I don't see any children being sexualized here.
>but she's a child in the anim-
In this piece of fanart she's not

>> No.6077593

loli is bad but drawing an aged up sexy version of the character is ok
There I said it

>> No.6077598

Sexy child = bad
Sexy adult = good
What don't you fucking understand
Every adult character can be defined as an "aged up version of a child character"

>> No.6077600

>Because in real life, if someone sees a 10 year old, and feels inspired to draw a sexy 20 year old version of her, you would definitely be disgusted by that.
It would be weird to draw sexy images of real life people regardless
This is not related to the argument
Anya Forger is not in real life

Insane pedohunters are now trying to frame artists for drawing sexy adults, because the adult "used to be a child"
This is super retarded
What is your goal? Eliminate sexualization altogether? That's censorship

There are no children being sexualized in OP's pic. PERIOD. This is where the argument ends.

>> No.6077601

>the best western artists
>like Sakimichan
Jesis Christ i hate this board

>> No.6077604
File: 91 KB, 623x970, anon acquires brain damage in his quest to protect fictional children from not pedophiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please show me where on this image there are sexualized chidlren

>> No.6077605

People search up a character because they like the character as portrayed in canon.
People like Anya because the character she is is a loli and acts like one.

If you're searching for a character you like, who happens to be a kid. You still like the kid no matter what bullshit excuse you make that it's okay to fap to her now that she's "grown up" because you don't like the "grown up" version, you liked her because of how she acted as a loli.

Which is fine if you just admit you like the loli instead of the cringe mental gymnastics to justify completely butchering her design.

>> No.6077606

>muh pedo
I self-insert as the loli

>> No.6077607
File: 92 KB, 600x927, Anya.Forger.600.3636415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ok to age up a child because pp feel good
man, porn should just get banned
coom has rooten your brains

>> No.6077610

> cringe mental gymnastics
This is your entire post
"if you like the character then you look up the character on google"
WHO gives a SHIT what I like
Why are you trying to dissect my mind like a fucking frog
You don't know what I like

Tell me where in this image are there any sexualized children >>6077604
You wanna locate the child on this image for me?

>> No.6077612

>You wanna locate the child on this image for me?

>> No.6077616

>you can't have sex with this 30 year old woman, she's just an aged up child!
>go to jail pedo
Oh okay is that how it works now

>> No.6077618

This is not that image
I'm talking about this image, this piece of fanart by Sakimichan
The one that contains a sexualized adult

NOTICE how there is no image that contains both sexualization and a child. It's almost as if there is no child that is being sexualized

>> No.6077621

If you are against porn in general as a whole, you should've just said so in the first place instead of focusing on aged up loli debacle
Then I will just call you a retarded pro-censorship bootlicker and move on with my day

But if you aren't, and you admit that drawing sexy adults is appropriate, there is no sane argument you can make for why drawing sexy adult Anya Forger is not appropriate

>> No.6077622

>more retarded rhetoric
Why do you need to age her up? Just admit your want to fuck the loli and lets get this shitshow over with
>sexualized adult
But it's a child that has been aged up for the sake of sexualizing it and still retains the same childish design.
Stop arguing, you're wrong and a fag and you should kill yourself.

>> No.6077624
File: 218 KB, 691x1076, ADULT ANYA FORGER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are there any children found on THIS here image, picrelated image (by sakimichan)
I don't see any! Do you?

>> No.6077625

You can't morally justify aging up a child for sexual consumption
Nigger, stop arguing.

>> No.6077629

>Why do you need to age her up?
Because adults are sexy and children are not
>Just admit your want to fuck the loli
Ummmm no I don't. Are you projecting?
>But it's a child that has been aged up for the sake of sexualizing it
Yeah, which is the part that makes it okay and not pedophilia
>it and still retains the same childish design
What is childish design
>Stop arguing, you're wrong and a fag and you should kill yourself

>> No.6077630


>> No.6077631

>You can't morally justify aging up a child for sexual consumption
I can, and I did
Here's how it's morally justifiable: the child is not sexualized, the adult is
Exactly the same as any other piece of pornography
>Nigger, stop arguing
You stop arguing

>> No.6077633

Where are there any sexualized children found on THIS here image, picrelated image (by sakimichan)
I don't see any! Do you?

>> No.6077635

Riddle me this nigman
If I watch fucking The Bing Bang Theory and make porn of Sheldon Cooper, and then 4 years later a new show "Young Sheldon" comes out, does that now by your retarded logic mean I'm sexualizing an aged up version of kid Sheldon?

(wish i had come up with a better example on the spot but oh well)

>> No.6077636

No, Anya is still a 5 year old child.
You're objectively, irredeemably and morally wrong.
On which current character is the sexualized adult based on?
Just stop take the L and hang yourself with it, tranny.

>> No.6077638

It doesn't matter.
The character is a loli and anyone who likes said character is a loli. Anyone who likes that image does not like the character which defeats the point of drawing fanart of a specific character.

The only reason to do this is because fotm memes and you can only draw 1 type of art. Or because you're a pedo who likes kids but wants to pretend you don't because you totally waited for then to have boobs first.

>> No.6077641
File: 891 KB, 582x926, 1653523754414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admit your want to fuck the loli
I don't, and I don't really like sakimi's art, and I don't watch this show. I only came here to explain to you how you're a retarded pro-censorship hysteric doublethink niggerfaggot.

Read the text: it says "31 year old". This is an adult. No children are being sexualized here. It says "31 years old" and it depicts an unmistakeably adult woman with a fully developed body and breasts and not a single childlike feature.

This is where the argument ends, and you close the tab and go back to your favorite discord server. Okay?

>> No.6077643

>No, Anya is still a 5 year old child.
Not in this image she isn't. In this image, she's an adult.
>You're objectively, irredeemably and morally wrong
Just because you keep saying that doesnt make it any more true or convincing. You need to supply some arguments.
Did you know that your girlfriend used to be a child some time ago
>Just stop take the L and hang yourself with it, tranny
God damn well somebody's a little upset that no one would let him censor art

>> No.6077645
File: 308 KB, 1000x1707, 20220509_153010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because adults are sexy!
Then why pick this specific character instead of her mom who is objectively already sexy as fuck?
someone went out of their way to pick the loli to go out of their way to draw her sexualized, instead of the adult characters.

Do tell me why anyone would bother to do that.

>> No.6077647
File: 2.24 MB, 375x300, 1649360881990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more retarded strawman
Riddle me this troonerman
What has two legs, two arms, countless dildos and a crippling addiction to porn?
>draw a loli
>"it's ok because she's 6 gorillion years old!!"
Time for argument is over.
You don't want arguments.
You only understand coom and violence.
nigger kill yourself i will censor your life

>> No.6077648

>The character is a loli
In the show - yes. In the fanart - no.
>anyone who likes said character is a loli
Yay I'm a loli!
>The only reason to do this is...
You don't know that. You may speculate that sakimichan is actually a horrid pervert pedophile and not just trying to make a buck off of a popular thing, but you don't know what's going on in head or heart. You're projecting really hard right now.
>Or because you're a pedo who likes kids but wants to pretend you don't
Yes I'm sure any pedophile would be thrilled to jerk off to a picture of an adult woman with huge breasts...
Pedophiles love to wait until a girl is fully grown up and is 31 years old until they start sexing them. thats what being a pedophile is all about
Are you retarded?

>> No.6077649

>Then why pick this specific character instead of her mom
Idk ask sakimichan
Probably because popular thing

It still doesn't make it any more morally wrong than drawing any other sexy fanart of any other character

>> No.6077651

>see kid
wow sakimi can't stop winning, agedup sisters

>> No.6077652

You may criticize it as shrewd, soulless, sellout, capitalizing on the popular thing, etc, I will agree with you
It's still not pedophilia

>> No.6077653

Fanart exists to pander to people who like a character.
The character is 5.
The people who like the character like someone who's 5.
>but the drawing isn't!
Nobody looks up "Anya forger, but 31 years old!" They looked up "Anya forger"

>> No.6077656

Yeah, it's pedophilia with extra steps for not getting called a pedo for jerking off to a aged up version of a child.

>> No.6077659

>They looked up "Anya forger"
>Fanart exists to pander to people who like a character.
>The character is 5.
>The people who like the character like someone who's 5.
That's absolutely salient my dude
However my point still stands tall as ever, there are no children being sexualized in this image. Your mental olympics to try and weasel it into somehow still being pedophilia are amusing, but I don't really understand the point

>> No.6077663

>it's pedophilia with extra steps
so it's not pedophilia then

Having sex with your 30 year old girlfriend is "pedophilia with extra steps" bro
I waited exactly 25 years before making advances, just so I don't get called a pedo
Smart thinking dude

>> No.6077665

>be sakimi
>be genius marketing expert
>draw aged up character
>still didn't get the pedobux
>pedos whiteknighting the everliving shit for "based" sakimi
>ffw to 2023
>Sakimi now draws loli porn because she is a 7k IQ marketing genius
wow im so jealous

>> No.6077666

>Jerking it to an adult version of a character is pedophilia

Your mental gymnastics are getting out of hand

>> No.6077667

>pedophilia with extra steps for not getting called a pedo for jerking off to a aged up version of a child
Yeah, that's exactly the tactic, and it works!
The key to making sexy art of Anya without it being pedophilic is to.. age her up! That's exactly the idea.
And it works wonders.

Notice that sakimichan is not being cancelled right now as we speak
So why should I feel bad?

>> No.6077668

>Uh idk lol
Then why are you even arguing about this nigga? We've explained why this specific point is why it's bad.

The why matters because the reasoning behind drawing or looking up drawings of a character is because you like the character as portrayed on the show. And since in the show it's a kid, people who like the character like a loli.

To get away from the pedo argument the reason this image is fucking dogshit is that people who like the character are going to see this and be disgusted because it's OOC and people who don't like the character aren't going to bother to find it because they won't search for it.
This image appeals to 2 types of people, people who already follow sakimichan. And normalfags who just consume fotm content and will fap to anything with boobs presumably (although how you fap to this or find it attractive in anyway is beyond me)

It fails as a fanart piece because it doesn't capture the character in anyway. It fails as headcanon because you're doing nothing with the design change other than to make smut. If there was a narrative reason to aging her up then maybe there's purpose, but there is none beyond
>lmao sex

>> No.6077669

"Were". Not "is"

>> No.6077670

Tell em satan
I'm not whiteknighting for Sakimi, I don't care about that BITCH
I'm fighting for the truth and against the retarded censorship Jason Schreirer "if you jerk off to an adult lady with huge boobs you're still a pedophile because something something"

>> No.6077672

Those are fair points however it's still not pedophilia, which is what I'm personally arguing about
Yeah, and this image of Anya is not depicting a child. Glad we have reached a compromise.

>> No.6077676

>"Yeah, and this image of Anya is not depicting a child"
>the image of the character that is a child is not a child
nice oxymoron
an hero, famalamsenpai

>> No.6077677

The pedo part comes into reason by choosing the specific character to do it to, as opposed to just making a sexy picture of yor who's already an adult. They went out of their way to pick the child to sexualize.

Sure if we're being literal it's not true pedo. But neither is loli. But both are closely related to it.

>> No.6077678

Yes, in these two images Anya is not a child. In the show she is, but in these images she is not.
Do you still not understand?

>> No.6077679

So it's not pedophilia, okay. Glad we have reached a conclusion, I was worried this would go on for hours.

>> No.6077680

She's still a child though.
So, if i take a picture of your child and "age it up" to sexualize it it's ok.
>inb4 but muh fiction
Also fiction.
But you'd probably like that so i really hope you don't have any offspring or ever will.

>> No.6077687

>She's still a child though.
In the show, yes. Not on these images, though, she's not. This is like a fanmade sequel, a new continuity that explores what Anya Forger looks like 26 years after the events of Spy X Family.
>So, if i take a picture of your child and "age it up" to sexualize it it's ok
Well, what makes this analogy hard to work with is the fact that it would be weird, creepy, immoral and probably illegal to take pictures of my child and sexualizing her in the first place, regardless of age.
Thankfully Anya Forger is not real and this is the beauty of freedom of art, I can do whatever. I can draw fanart of Anya Forger being dunked into a woodchipper and turning into a blood mess, and it's still be okay. Gross, but okay. Tossing a real child into a woodchipper? Not okay. Drawing a real specific child being tossed into a woodshipper? Not okay.
Do you understand better now?!
>But you'd probably like that so i really hope you don't have any offspring or ever will
Why are you so emotionally invested in the pedophile argument? Why do you project so much?
Super projection going on right now, every red flag is being raised. See you on the news dude lmao.

>> No.6077691

mucho texto
still a child

>> No.6077693

>redditards are unable to read and comprehend more than 2 sentences at once

>> No.6077696

>fags thinks his midwit take is worth taking seriously
wow dude see you on the projector ur literally meltdowning cope
lol and lmao

>> No.6077711

not even that anon you mongloid

>> No.6077715

neither am i you spergozoid

>> No.6077765

don't care didn't read. will continue drawing loli
back to twitter with you oversensitive fruits

>> No.6077767

Moralfags btfo

>> No.6077776

wow you westerners really are annoying

>> No.6077777
File: 166 KB, 282x284, 1649817653024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter is full of pedos and pedos drawing loli
>"wow, u say loli bad? must literally b a twitter moralfag!!"
imagine having such a pathetic existence that you start deluding yourself you'd had a chance at getting laid if you target children


>> No.6078003

It's pretty simple, actually. They're coom brains and can only produce such content. At the same time they have to go with the flavor of the week stuff to keep being relevant on blue bird. If this happens to be an underaged character they have to age her up before they can make fanart of them resulting in the OP image.

>> No.6078701

I think the correlation of pedomorphism and femininity is not only strong but complementary, so in a way if you like women you like childish characteristic, hence why black women aren't considered traditionally feminine, they are adultish and masculine.

>> No.6078711

>t. westerner

>> No.6078712
File: 110 KB, 640x820, rgw7d5a7mn571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok pedo

>> No.6078713

As it should be

>> No.6078721

Westerners can't draw anime-style pictures or dare not to draw them?

>> No.6078728

>Why is western fanart always so bad?
immediately makes this a west vs japan debate based around one western artist (who is chinese btw) and only compares a (generic and boring) art style worked on by dozens of animators vs the terrible art style of one artist in the west.

>Even the best western artists like Sakimichan
no, Sakimichan sucks, a lot. She only makes 6figs b/c of coomers and it looks extremely "polished". The fact she's a female probably helps attracts an audience/cash whales.

>are just completely incapable of drawing characters accurately
I fail to see how it's inaccurate outside of age (which is it's own debate). Of course characters aren't going to translate perfectly between art styles, but the key features of the character (eye color, hair style, hair color, whatever that ugly head piece is) stays the same, while the missing features (nose, mouths) were added using some creative liberties. I don't understand how else you'd draw the character more accurately in a different non-anime style

>> No.6079024

I thought Selloutchan was a leaf...

>> No.6079237

This is your brain on anime. You completely forget the underside of the chin exists

>> No.6079245

She is western and does live in canada.
No idea why these retards think that because she's ethnically chinese she's not western.
Maybe because of the term "asian" refers to both region and ethnicity whilst "western" does not

>> No.6079247

The real problem is that she's hotter in the image you posted. Sakimi just ruined the design.

>> No.6079270

>She's hotter in the image you posted
Bro? Thats a child.

>> No.6079364

A sexy one.

>> No.6079370
File: 138 KB, 1780x1264, boy destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a person that frequently jacks off to weird gross shit other than loli, I can say that a lot of the stuff I jerk off to is attractive to me because it's drawn. If you present to me a femboy centaur with a vore belly and a massive horse dick in real life I would be terrified and disgusted. I imagine it's the same with a lot of people's weird fetishes. I don't even like dudes in real life

>> No.6079469

how tf the left one 100000googilion times hotter than the right one????????????????????

>> No.6079597

Isnt this guy Colodraws the nigga who follows craptons of japanese loli artists on twitter and is friends with numerous artists who have drawn loli as well

>> No.6079603

>hang yourself with it, tranny
Only trannies on twitter actively bitch about this shit

>> No.6079716

What's the point of making fanart of a character you're not going to draw as they are?
If you don't want sexualize a kid just pick another character or don't sexualize it and just do something cute.
But this is the both of worst worlds, you want to take advantage of popular character but not do anything that could hurt your reputation all the while doing the exact same thing you always do, never expanding your range and doing the same pinpup thing you always do.
Complacency and bandwagoning, what a boring combination.

>> No.6079717


>> No.6079740
File: 360 KB, 600x900, 4c23d79a9f86237f5fe61e22bfdc5971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they know sex sells, but loli/shota shit will end their career among the normie masses.
They compromise by maturing underage characters.
That said, I'm tired of seeing Sakimichan style art everywhere. Nothing against that specific artist, but that style has just become so generic and plain.
Sure it's detailed and "sexy" to most people, but so many artists are starting to look the same.

>> No.6079741
File: 573 KB, 1170x1754, 993ba5e42c159026d6b4eec5fd86f46a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6079744
File: 1.03 MB, 640x906, 451cda525acd8c3c53ae82931d1ea322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6079746
File: 231 KB, 600x800, 14a0fa719cbb0447cad7e4e4941aa5a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6079749

god damn that's so bad.

>> No.6079751
File: 351 KB, 1358x1920, db1c445664872702d7e5d84224eca8b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6079753

Whether people like it or hate it, my point is these artists have that same "look" to them.
I don't doubt their talent, it's their similarity that's irksome.

>> No.6079768

In many of these cases like that one and many of the ones you posted, yes they do lack skill.

Saki made most her money off selling tutorials, these guys are literally just copy and pasting her rendering style onto every generic pinup. If you remove the rendering it looks like garbage.

>> No.6079781

aging/deaging characters in fanarts is common though

>> No.6079794

>that torso
>that neck
>those legs and their “foreshortening”


>> No.6079798

How is drawing sexy art of ANY character okay? They didn't consent. Serious question. You're okay with art-raping an adult woman but not a 17 year old woman?

>> No.6079824

Go back to Twitter.

>> No.6079935

Yea I know she's canadian, that's why I said she's a western artist, but it gets rid of the "muh asian genes" debate some retards have been having on this board.

>> No.6080663

She's still more technically skilled than 90% of all other artists so she hardly invalidates "asian genes". The content and style is whats westoid about it.
If she was painting wukong and fantasy armor sexy girls for video games instead of fanart pinups you wouldn't be able to tell her apart from literally any other asia born, asian artist

>> No.6081690

It's the normie style that appeals to normies
>I can't fap to anime characters but I can fap to traces of 3dpd in the same colours!

i spit on sakimichan

>> No.6081724

wow it looks just like a anime but if it was photographed in real life!
So talented!

>> No.6083032

>Loli is bad. It's just pedophilia.


>> No.6083072

The Western fanart is by a red-blooded chad

>> No.6083189

still counts as western.

>> No.6083897
File: 416 KB, 1131x1280, 1622573716851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone arguing about if this is pedo or not
Can we all just agree on how generic this shit is

>> No.6083946

Everything is more appealing when it's drawn, hence the lolicon/pedophilia split.

>> No.6083959

they really dropped the ball with my girl fio here goddammit. they could've just leave the sexy look for some bonus art you could unlock and keep her as goofy as the original in the character selection screen
eri should look more grouchy too but other than that she and the boys are pretty faithful to the original

>> No.6083961

ITT: paedos and more paedos
seek help
touch grass
meds now

>> No.6083968

Annoying rascal

>> No.6083972

Who hurt you

>> No.6083977

>Be japanese an oriental
>Move to the west USA
>draws art
>therefore western

>> No.6083981

western only depends on where you were raised. If you are asian but was raised in the west you are westernized.

>> No.6084024

BRUUUHHHH i miss this game

>> No.6084069

raised in west = western.
That's how it works.
She still has asian genes which is probably why she's so skilled but her art is very definitely heavily western influenced as a result of her upbringing.
Most people thought she was a white dude based on her art at first.

>> No.6084121

what did she do to anya...