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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 712 KB, 2001x1052, yunling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5245474 No.5245474 [Reply] [Original]

so how many artists got roped into nft art that you know of and how are they doing?

>> No.5245477

okay so this is basically adoptables

>> No.5245478

English please

>> No.5245483

Yes, that is the easiest way to think about it actually. Good job.

>> No.5245487

looks like it

nft = crypto art

>> No.5245645

But worse
At least with adoptables, you own the design. What the fuck do you own with this? A high-res of a drawing that's perfectly fine for viewing as is? I want to be into it but I just don't get it.

>> No.5245652

What's to stop somebody from just taking what you "digitally own" and just distributing it to everyone? At least with fakes in the art world it's still a tangible object you physically own.

>> No.5245655

Is rarible the best platform to sell nfts? Do you have to get accepted into a gallery by a curator or can you jsut post up the NFT?

>> No.5245658

Rarible's a scam. They charge you a 20-60$ minting fee but there's a 20% chance it wont complete while still charging you.
Wait for something more reliable to show up on the scene.

>> No.5245670

Can we get five minutes without someone shilling this stuff? We get it, you invested your life savings into a volatile asset and need it do go up. I empathise. But can't you annoy your family members instead?

>> No.5245673

its just crypto investment but you get to be a moustache twirling dweeb about it

>> No.5245676
File: 20 KB, 290x324, 1566077319954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me get this straight, you basically just pay for the ownership of an artwork that anyone can access at the same level as you?
NFT sounds like the retarded child of fine arts collecting, at least when you pay millions for a physical painting you get the possess the real thing or expose it in a gallery. With that, you only get bragging rights, it's retarded. Don't be a retard and put your money into regular crypto instead if you want to invest.

>> No.5245751

>another crypto scam thread
>OP didn't post his work

>> No.5245795

Are you purchasing only the png or is the image yours yours after purchase?
like copyright and stuff, if not I don't see any value in it tbph pham

>> No.5245890

Nft is terrible for the environment

>> No.5245906

I still dont understand what an adoptable is or why would people do it

>> No.5245913

i've seen some proponents claim that you'd be able to "showcase your purchased art in a gallery, assuming you can get permission from the artist", so it's not even any different from just hitting someone up on twitter and ask "hey can i put your art in my digital gallery"
its pointless.

>> No.5245927

You people bitched about paper, canvas, and paint water being bad for the environment, now you complain about NFT. Nobody cares, you are just fun suckers.

>> No.5245930

Do they mean like a digital art gallery as in a physical place where they show your painting on a screen? Cause that would be lit

If it's just an online gallery whats the fucking point

>> No.5245937
File: 22 KB, 480x699, FB_IMG_1614443564365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs of truth, and /thread

Basically the same concept, and everyone talkin like this some new thing.

I tried to get into it. Though you need contacts, or to pay for publishing. Seeing some shovelware blender renders, and stuff along the art, so it all surely seems like shit, and temporary. Would prefer a different hustle. Surely more cool stuff can come from it. I'd rather make some pokemon esque cards, or whatever. Just need to get more known online before I can have fun with what I do, and earn from it.

Beepsy did well with his editions, since you get to get so much shit with the virtual thing. Even a fucken USB charging photo frame with the gif. Even as to send pubes to certify authenticity.

I prefer regular commissions with reliable people who know what they want, or that give me freedom.

>> No.5245943

nah, they mean a website where you host art you bought. probably want you to use a VR headset too or some gimmicky shit that doesn't necessitate NFT at all yet they act like it's the only enabler

>> No.5245946

>sweet, we have agreed upon ourselves that our imaginary money is worth a fortune
>nobody aside from retards will take it
>the sites won't let us exchange bitcoin to usd, just usd to bitcoin
>maybe if we included art in this we could legitimize this money.
Can't wait till some big dick country outlaws this gay shit and slowly every country follows until it is meaningless.

>> No.5245954

People do the most retarded things for a bit of cash.

>> No.5245965

>sweet, we have agreed upon ourselves that our imaginary money is worth a fortune
It is though, and you could just say the same thing with fiat money
>Can't wait till some big dick country outlaws this gay shit and slowly every country follows until it is meaningless.
Why are you so upset about crypto, people have made millions investing into it.

>> No.5245983

Bullshit, exchange sites will let nobody pull out with big amounts, your only chances of getting your money back is selling yours to another retard.
Until it will be accepted as cash it would be poker chips with a large sum on the side to replace them back. Most people who are sitting on bitcoin won't sell and become suckers.
>come on anon, it will fix the economy and make everyone millionaires
If everyone is a millionaire, nobody is, and right now, they are just being annoying and making computer components really damn expensive.

>> No.5245998

>Bullshit, exchange sites will let nobody pull out with big amounts, your only chances of getting your money back is selling yours to another retard.
never said that
>come on anon, it will fix the economy and make everyone millionaires
never said that, I just said people have made a lot of money investing in it
>making computer components really damn expensive.
Are you upset that some really expensive graphics cards used for gaming are more expensive or something.
A bit of a none issue to be quite honest.

>> No.5246000

>Why are you so upset about crypto, people have made millions investing into it.
yeah by way of wasting terawatts of energy and funding the emergent crime indudstry of ransomware. at least with regular investments in corporations i can at least buy some physical trinket, crypto is ephemeral and intrinsically worthless. it's not even like folding@home where you use all that processing power for cool shit, it's literally just calculating numbers for the piss of it.
that and im still pissed that we're like 4 months deep in a GPU recession thanks to these chink chucklefucks buying 4,000 cards for mining shitcoin

>> No.5246002

Kek. That’s why no real artists or intelligent human actually bother to post in /ic/. Keep drawing your loomis circles for the rest of your life anon.

>> No.5246005

There's something creepy about this stuff, like you're unknowingly rubbing shoulders with sex traffickers, dark web pedos and drug lords doing this

>> No.5246009

You are, cause those are the only people who use that stuff, and this stuff itself is a scam.

>> No.5246016

>yeah by way of wasting terawatts of energy
>not the energarino
Dumb argument
>and funding the emergent crime indudstry of ransomware.
How is investing in memecoins funding crime
>at least with regular investments in corporations i can at least buy some physical trinket, crypto is ephemeral and intrinsically worthless. it's not even like folding@home where you use all that processing power for cool shit, it's literally just calculating numbers for the piss of it.
>that and im still pissed that we're like 4 months deep in a GPU recession thanks to these chink chucklefucks buying 4,000 cards for mining shitcoin

>> No.5246020

yeah nice rebuttal you fucking retard. trips prove me right.

>> No.5246021

>There's something creepy about this stuff, like you're unknowingly rubbing shoulders with sex traffickers, dark web pedos and drug lords doing this
You can really just say the same thing about the internet

>> No.5246025

considering climate change is well past the tipping point, decrying an industry that does nothing but accelerate the damage is not "dumb argument". it's very fucking pertinent to the global situation.

>How is investing in memecoins funding crime
do you actually know anything about cryptocurrency or do you just like typing whatever stupid shit floats around your head?

>> No.5246026
File: 9 KB, 225x225, B92F747C-8A17-4EC5-8621-FA4F9FF0BDF8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5246047

>do you actually know anything about cryptocurrency or do you just like typing whatever stupid shit floats around your head?
Investing in a meme cryptocurrency doesn't equate to helping drug lords, unless your trying to state that because the price of a certain crypto goes up drug lords also benefit, which is true but you could just say the same thing for the stock market.
>decrying an industry that does nothing but accelerate the damage is not "dumb argument"
It doesn't really make a difference in anyone's lives so far and other technology already uses a fuck ton of electricity.
For the most part your argument is a bit virtue signalling.
Your average person doesn't change their lifestyle to be more eco friendly, nor really cares about climate change beyond making comments on the internet (which is honestly not at all).
And corporations don't care that much either, you can say its a problem but its a problem that isn't really going to be solved anytime soon and is just a small part of a larger problem when it comes down to it.

>> No.5246166
File: 42 KB, 976x549, _107727090_bitcoin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people don't care and therefore you shouldn't either.
Is that really the extent of your argument? Does it matter if it's just a small part of the problem? It's extemely wasteful nontheless.

>> No.5246177

the energy wastefulness is extremely relevant because it’s destined to be replaced by a better process, it’s a failure in the making
>hurr durr the average person
the average person doesn’t buy crypto either
>hurr durr corps
corps don’t stand to gain from crypto and have 0 reason to lobby for it like they do for their own interests

>> No.5246260

>corps don’t stand to gain from crypto and have 0
I was talking about how corporations don't care that much about the environment.
>Most people don't care and therefore you shouldn't either
I'm saying that most people don't really care enough to do anything of worthwhile other than commenting on websites about how much they dislike climate change. That practically is doing nothing, other than wasting time on the internet and feeling a bit morally righteous.
>Does it matter if it's just a small part of the problem?
In my opinion it doesn't really feel like a good reason to dislike crypto.

>> No.5246280

>I will conveniently cut off the sentence so I can dismiss it
corpos lobby to be allowed to do do what they want
they will not lobby for crypto
it’s complete non-argument
>hurr durr somalia doesn’t care about the environment, therefore the western world will just let me dump oil everywhere lol

>> No.5246616

Because the environment was perfectly clean under FIAT currency, right?

>> No.5246622

>rajesh, perhaps we shouldn’t shit on the streets
>oh because the street was perfectly clean with just monkeys and cows shitting on it huh

>> No.5246631
File: 65 KB, 860x1054, IMG_20210301_154723_193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many fellow /biz/ chads are here?
Lemme count

>> No.5246633

Imagine simping for bankers without getting paid. You're not a bright person if you believe in any pretext used to disempower you after they recently colluded to rig the stock market last month.

>> No.5246657

>noooooo be receptive to shilling or you’re a simp!!!
fuck off, kike

>> No.5246669

I agree anon! Crime has never existed until BTC arrived in 21st century! FIAT is completely clean.

>> No.5246674

it's a form of collector's autism for some people

>> No.5246676

I'm totally selling Crypto wallets by telling people to make them for free

>> No.5246968

Crypto faggots pyw or kys, we're done here.

>> No.5246996

You don't seem to understand the amount of dumb rich people there are. They buy a ratty torn shirt for $600 because it comes from some trendy "designer".

>> No.5246997

Their parents should just buy them a pokemon game, it's more efficient.

>> No.5247001

its for people who can't design or draw their own original characters, so they buy a design they like instead.

>> No.5247037

>shilling nfts
except it isn’t, fuck off

>> No.5247111

Seeing people who got scammed by Jason Manley, Feng Zhu, Failed Kickstarters & Spectrum getting roped into NFT. This reeks of another art con-job.

>> No.5247115

Cryptoshit ruined everything. Fuck the jap who popularized it.

>> No.5247130

yeah this, what stopping someone from just taking my art and calling it the "original"? or does that merit only come when the artist themselves sells it?

>> No.5247134

I'm about to take the leap to tokenize one of my pieces. When it sells I plan on sending the buyer the original painting. If the buyer then sells the token again without handing over the original could I get some shit for it? I'm planning to sell it for 2.5 ETH

>> No.5247138

You hand over the copyright iirc. It’s like a fine art piece they can do whatever the fuck they want with it. Don’t suggest doing now as Ethereum fees are ducking high.

>> No.5247172

you don’t get rights when you buy a painting, dumbass

>> No.5247354

Just read about what the bullshit digital certificate entails. If there's nothing that pertains to your specific situation, tough luck

>> No.5247553

6 mil for crypto art

>> No.5247610

Psychicpebbles or Zach Hadel, is the only artist I knew that did this, since I don't really look into this stuff. I noticed he hadn't appeared on Oneyplays lately and checked his twitter to find that he's been abducted into the NFL (NFT, dumb autocorrect)

>> No.5248113

Artists have a tax liability for when the piece sold. For the dollar market value at the time, It's called a realization event. The price of ETH is falling...28-30 percent since the top. People are reporting its difficult to withdraw funds from these platforms...3-5 business days not good when it's falling this fast (and the last time ETH bubbled was Jan 2018). On top of that there are fees, gas fees, minting fees, transaction fees, fees to accept bids, fees to cancel bids.

So your big win just lost 15-30 percent of it's value...with the principle investment to mint the piece. You're on the hook for this. You double down and shill, pray ETH rallies so you can cash out. Welcome to the cult.

>> No.5248423

Go away, poo

>> No.5248438

Yea, i just looked up that you pay tax on teh cost basis for the sale, so basically I’m just generating tax for myself to pay on an asset that depreciates in value.

To mint and sell an NFT should really be done as if you were to be buying crypto / a stock. So mint low when the gas fees are low and ETH is low, then try to sell immediately.

But wouldn’t the buyers only want to buy when ETH is high? To convert their assets? So it may be more difficult to offload NFTs when everything is bottomed out

>> No.5248440

There is something very weird going on with this shit. Really mediocre and borderline shitty pieces are going for thousands of dollars. Sometimes tens of thousands. It almost seems like a money laundering scheme. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.5248452

no no, there is nothing going on, don’t you want in on this unrealistically lucrative digital original jpg trade, fellow artist?

>> No.5248545

>seems like a money laundering scheme. What the fuck is going on?
A handful of 35 year old concept art bros are colluding with NFT platforms to build a pyramid scheme.

>> No.5248555
File: 187 KB, 1280x577, 6D7672AA-8DBE-4BA8-9277-4A7E46A0D9DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon this image cost $5000 dollars a decade ago.

>> No.5248559

>Really mediocre and borderline shitty pieces are going for thousands of dollars. Sometimes tens of thousands. It almost seems like a money laundering scheme.
That's the fine art world I guess.
Also it's mainly because it's seen as rare so even the shittiest of pieces still sell.
Not really trying to support it, I'm currently eh on it but still.

>> No.5248565

forget NFTs go back to making and buying adoptables

you don't need to mint adoptables, pay for every action on bidding for adoptables, you can buy them get a few artworks of them on the cheap, flip em, the whole market for them for free and you can even get your start in getting them for just art or even free if you play your cards right

You get to own these designs and do something with them if you really want them, whats the point in owning a shitty NFT JPEG, i can't even do anything with it

>> No.5248573

>forget NFTs go back to making and buying adoptables

>> No.5248660

It is lol, I'd shill for bank accoutns if I wanted to make money

>> No.5248768

Ez maney

>> No.5248771

>GPUs that could be used for entertainment or rendering 3D art are being used for making retarded internet number go up
>normal people who want more powerful hardware to pursue their own interests are being choked out of equipment by rich faggots trying to get richer
>'hurr durr what's wrong with a pointless scarcity on high-end equipment???'
neck yourself cryptonigger

>> No.5248778

>that could be used for entertainment
First world issue
>3D art
>normal people who want more powerful hardware to pursue their own interests are being choked out of equipment by rich faggots trying to get richer
Your already quite rich if you want to spe d thousands of dollaroos building a pc.

>> No.5248786

i wouldn't have to spend 4000 dollars on a GPU if not for you niggers jacking the prices up by buying them.

>> No.5249535

Its GME all over again , people are doing speculative buying , what that means they buy not to own but on basis of speculating that theyll be able to flip it for even more than what they bought for , just how people bought GME stocks in order to sell the stock as soon as it rises in value , at some point jug will be up and the last person buying will have no one to sell to theyll be left holding the bag. Think about it as hot potato except with money , everyone makes profit except last person holding the potato. Now atleast artist make profit and becuase blockchain allows you to track every sell of yoir piece you can even get royalties from resseling of your piece between others. So you dont only generate profit first time you sell , every time someone flips your piece for even more money to someone you get percentage of it as royalties.

>> No.5249539

Maybe I don't understand but it feels like even for a richman, to buy shit so expensive it'd need to be from a somewhat established brand at least

>> No.5249709

That’s a horrific amount of fine detail so I almost understand it being $5000. Not that I would pay it, the detail is almost too much to comprehend without zooming in. I’m actually kind of a fan of the colors and rendering, kinda reminds me of shitty web browser MMOs.

>> No.5249741

>Its GME all over again , people are doing speculative buying
>what’s a short squeeze

>> No.5249934

You were already doing that by posting on 4chan

>> No.5250352

fuck off

>> No.5250357

You get to say you own an endorsed original instead of a copy.

>> No.5250359

there’s no original, it’s the exact same image as any other and it does not predate them in any way
you can mince words all you want, there’s no such thing as an original jpeg

>> No.5250369

here’s what I don’t understand about this:
is an nft a special file that is “an original jpeg™“, or a blockchain ledger that says “so and so owns an original jpeg™ of such and such work” and it doesn’t refer to an actual, unique file in any way?
if it’s the latter, how is that any different than any other certificate stating that you own an “original jpeg™“? are these retards actually paying for a symbolic certificate of authenticity for a file that doesn’t actually exist, but rather claims that you own the right to pretend your jpeg is “original™“?

>> No.5250389

Are NFTs collectively a crypto currency with a base value while each individual NFT has the potential to be worth more based on the art attached to it?
Like how old dollar notes can be worth multiple dollars due to their scarcity and collectability?

>> No.5250493

I don't get it. I feel like an old person trying to understand a trend.

>> No.5250546

Short squeeze is when OG WSB goers reddit got in , normies who entered the game late at @300-400$ are the speculative traders , they probably didint even know what short squeeze is

>> No.5250790

It's a digitally signed image that exists on the blockchain, faggot.

>> No.5250885

I know abso-fucking-lutely nothing about bitcoin or crypto currencies but I'm making an account to sell shit as we speak. Gonna offer up something super shitty for relatively cheap as a test. Will post results here.
Wish me luck.

>> No.5251146

When you mint an NFT, a file with the transaction is generated. There will only be 1 file like that, the original one.

>> No.5251261

I spent all night reading etherscan logs to figure out what the fuck is actually going on.

What wallet did you use? and what marketplace did you use to mint?

>> No.5251804

>exists on the blockchain
a blockchain is a ledger, an image doesn’t “exist on the blockchain”

>> No.5252788


>> No.5252799
File: 463 KB, 1080x1577, IMG_20210307_103613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they really expecting us to pay 100 Canadian dollars for a SINGLE nft certification? Are they crazy?

>> No.5252815
File: 4 KB, 232x266, 1615003389317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get it straight. You can not participate in the NFT Art market without paying these crazy high fees? Sounds like a scam. Most of people won't sell their stuff if they are famous right?

>> No.5252821

You know what I meant

>> No.5252832

*if they are not famous