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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 249 KB, 1125x942, 7B71189C-B5F6-48D8-8F9D-5AFD1B3C7937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5250987 No.5250987 [Reply] [Original]

Talent is not real.

>> No.5251066

Surprise, who would have guessed certainly not /ic/

>> No.5251075

Yes it is, its just possible to overcome not having it.

>> No.5251084

survivor bias

>> No.5251092

Talent is real, but it isn’t everything. A person with average artistic ability and a good amount of dedication will be able to become better at art than 95+% of artists in the world. You will not be a famous master if you aren’t talented, but most talented people won’t either.

>> No.5251098

Talent is a shortcut to being a master, you can reach masterhood through the long route, but having a talent will make your progress easier to achieve. It doesn't mean that you need a talent to become master, it just makes it easier.
I don't think however that if talent is something you're born with, but more of something you grow to have.

>> No.5251102

It is, but it's not required and there are levels of talent that people have.
You'd have to be willfully retarded to think it doesn't exist.

>> No.5251110

Because he had talent.

>> No.5251117

It is, but talent really matters at the surface level and extreme depths of a subject. Talent matters when you’re starting out because it means you fly through the early stages of progress. Talent matters when you’ve achieved mastery, because to go beyond just “being really fucking good” into the realm of “being something genuinely special” it requires something unreachable.
Everything between those two extreme points - i.e. nearly all the art that actually gets done - is just putting in work.

>> No.5251119
File: 1.12 MB, 1080x1305, the limit of no talent .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talent is real. proof: sycra, he's been drawing 8hr + daily for the past god knows how many years yet this is what he produces

>> No.5251125

Anti-talent exists, too. Luckily it's as rare as talent. Nearly everybody falls in between.

>> No.5251132

yeah exactly, the twitter artist in the OP is naive because he doesn't realise he must have talent to go from stick figures to what he draws. There are a lot of people who dont make it out of /beg/ for years and eventually just give up that we never see precisely because only people with some talent make it

>> No.5251157

That's not even remotely what I was saying.
What I am saying is that people who never get better no matter how hard they try are as rare as the kinds of people who can draw well with minimal effort.
Most people fall in between. Applying yourself is 99% of art.
And as I said before there are levels of talent. For example, I had a roommate who never had it in his head that symbol drawing was a thing. He drew exactly what he saw without ever being told or taught to. However, he was fucking awful at lighting, shading, coloring, and other shit, until he trained and studied it.
Art is a very multifaceted thing, even when it comes to something like drawing. You have to know all kinds of shit: anatomy, geometry, perspective, construction to name a few, and sometimes your raw talent might only cover a couple of those fields.

>> No.5251162

Rereading your post I guess we're on the same page. My mistake.

>> No.5251166

talent is what we mistake for intuition and resources
people can be born with this but they are also things that can be taken

>> No.5251167

talent is real, deal with it easy mode talentchads
everyone has to work much longer and harder to reach the levels of a talentchad

>> No.5251173

Excellent reasoning. I was about to say something similar.
Not everybody's gonna make it, but nearly everyone has the ability or can obtain the ability.
Even this retard's pic in >>5251119 is fucking up somehow and that mistake is within his ability to correct. His only failure is failing or refusing to see it.

>> No.5251182

unironically who cares
having no talent isnt gonna stop me

>> No.5251197

Talent is fake but drive is real and some people lazy ass mfs.

>> No.5251201


>> No.5251252

Sycra is just trash, bad example
Pure fucking trash, absolute anti-talent, he literally can't draw, he's like armless person trying to draw, this is not the norm he's genetically programmed to fucking suck

>> No.5251259

no way he has been drawing 8hrs daily.

>> No.5251283

> he's genetically programmed to fucking suck
isn't this pretty much talent summed up? you're either genetically programmed to be great or, in sycra's case genetically programmed just suck balls no matter how much grinding you do. He's not even an outlier because people who know they have no talent give up far before they get to where he is in terms of milage

>> No.5251290


>> No.5251293

It is,but not in the way that people describe it.
Our brains are differents,while somebody will grasp an information in the blink of an eye,another will have to put more time.
And sometimes no matter how hard the second try,she won't grasp anything.

That not to say that you must have talent to make it,but it exists.

>> No.5251299

Sycra was obssessed with stylization I think,this can explain his progress.

>> No.5251349

Sycra's de-evolution is completely voluntary. he was obsessed with pushing shapes to their limit (and thus reaching bad taste singularity).
Same exact thing than early 20th century artist going from painted portraits to cubism.
Most people who dedicate actual time and effort to learn to draw/paint can reach good draftsmanship.

>> No.5251357

the real redpill is getting envious of knowing that only rich kids "make it"
if you're anythiing less good luck fag

>> No.5251382


>> No.5251394

Stop opening bait threads, retard.

>> No.5251414
File: 279 KB, 1024x1821, parasol_by_sycra_d7mko02-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even though he cant draw for shit these days he was still better than 90% of /ic/ (not a very high bar i know) in the past. This is my favourite thing he did, its probably better than a lot of people in industry too

>> No.5251416 [DELETED] 

I thought it was some /beg/ literal who who will just not going to make it, then I googled his name. HOLY FUCK. 800K YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND TEACHING PEOPLE?????????? THIS PERSON SHOULD BE DELETED FROM THE INTERNET.

His art is fucking repulsive, I have no fucking idea how he does it but there is something about his pieces that make it look disgusting to the point you're physically ill. First time in my life I felt this way and it's fucking weird.

>> No.5251424

literally who?

>> No.5251429

be nice, he's actually mentally ill and is doing his best

>> No.5251432

I start draw when i just put photo on sai and draw above, and i aberation that pick like pro did. all shit was beter with aberation

>> No.5251435
File: 1.52 MB, 1447x931, sycra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was some /beg/ literal who who will just not going to make it, then I googled his name. HOLY FUCK. 800K YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND TEACHING PEOPLE?????????? THIS PERSON SHOULD BE DELETED FROM THE INTERNET.

His art is fucking repulsive, I have no fucking idea how he does it but there is something about his pieces that make it look disgusting to the point you're physically ill. First time in my life I felt this way and it's fucking weird.

Pic extremely related.

>> No.5251442
File: 370 KB, 1920x1053, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its probably better than a lot of people in industry too
you really underestimate how much competition there is to actually make it in professional art, that's why people like sycra appeals to people who just want to learn how to draw but don't really know how
post your work

>> No.5251444 [DELETED] 

>post your work
Absolutely irrelevant request. His art is trash and he can't draw for shit.

>> No.5251445
File: 49 KB, 512x512, 9049FF64-052A-4988-99F6-79C532801DEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gotta be honest, ive never really looked at his stuff before nor watched any of his videos but the thing about art is that you don’t necessarily have to be great to be a good teacher.
i think marco bucci is a pretty good example. I dont think his paintings are all that great but he really is a phenomenal teacher.

>> No.5251450

Post your work, faggot.

>> No.5251451
File: 102 KB, 900x1378, saori_by_sycra_d51wdzf-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that's his work, thats fanart someone did of his character, his painted work is more like pic related (and likely better than you although not the greatest)

>> No.5251452

>post your work
Absolutely irrelevant request. His art is trash.

I agree, but the point is, even the picture you've posted is physically pleasing to look at. The problem I have with Sycra is that his art makes me physically disgusted, like there is something fundamentally wrong with EVERYTHING almost as if his rotten soul is being funneled into his pieces and that's why it looks so disturbing.

This goes even beyond fucked up proportions, lighting, perspective and composition. It's something else and I just can't find a name for it.

>> No.5251455
File: 41 KB, 735x760, FE2DF8F2-ACE5-4549-955A-DC35E071E176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god the anatomy. oh my god my eyes.

>> No.5251457

do a red line or you're full of shit

>> No.5251461

Eat shit you fucking cum guzzling retard. You can objectively gauge when something is or isn't shit. You don't even have to be a fucking artist, to see that there is something very wrong with his art, for the same reason the uncanny valley exist in 3d exists or getting bad vibes from something due to the subconscious non-verbal communication processing your brain does all the time. For same reason you can call some movie pile of dogshit without directing your own.

Like I said again. I won't post shit because it's absolutely irrelevant to the critique. Go back to beg. Also, my art is better than his and yours.

>I don't think that's his work
Except it is. He confirms it in a video when he makes a commentary on how he made this piece.

>> No.5251467
File: 780 KB, 1080x1290, actually good piece from sycra .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replied to the same post twice,

post your work, i bet its worse than sycra's and thats why you are now on the damage control front

>> No.5251468

Fucking schizoid, I know you can't draw for shit.
Post your fucking work or fuck off.

>> No.5251469

>this is my favorite thing he did
Looking like some fucking naruto fanart pulled off of ancient deviantart page lmao

>> No.5251475

post your work. or fuck off and go back to grinding so you can at the very least get to the "naruto fanart pulled off of ancient deviantart page" level.

>> No.5251479

>Post your fucking work or fuck off.
Get it through your thick fucking head you fucking degenerate. Mastery of something is absolutely irrelevant to the critique. You can critique books without writing your own. You can critique movies without directing your own.

For the same reason you can critique art, especially when it's character design. Your brain is fucking supercomputer of face recognition and that's result of millions of years of evolution, then, once you're born your brain goes into fucking overdrive in regards to faces and bodies. The fact alone, that he CANNOT see, that there is something super fucked up with his drawings makes matters even worse. Because he is barely human or some husk without a soul without eye for beauty.

Now fuck off and go back to /beg/ or something you colossal fucking retard.

>> No.5251480


>> No.5251483

post your work? if sycra is as bad as you say, you cant possibly be worse than him... right?

>> No.5251486

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.5251487

read Peak by Anders Ericsson

>> No.5251488

oh god he actually drew it, at least he realises he made a shitty drawing and tried again after which is a better attitude than most of the crabs on /ic/

>> No.5251489

Choke on shit, cretin. Sycra is objectively shit. And no, I won't PMW.

>> No.5251493

why are you so mad that sycra is bad? because you're worse? if you dont post your work im taking it as fact that you are actually worse and thats why you're crabbing so hard

>> No.5251494

I might not even be an artist. I don't have to be one, to judge others' art from a consumer's point of view.

>> No.5251496
File: 186 KB, 1447x930, portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what. Fuck you, niggers. Here is my art, now eat shit, I am thousand times better than this mentally ill retard called Sycra. Go back to /beg/ you fucking literal whos. Not my fault you can't even objectively gauge when something is shit, like his art.

>> No.5251499

I feel bad for the dude getting hated on for the sole reason that his art isn't god tier after 8-9 years(dunno the exact number).
/ic/ is shit in that regard and isn't a place to spend your time on except for free tutorials(/beg/ here, learning about fwap helped a lot)

>> No.5251500
File: 1.79 MB, 320x193, 1611663024025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking clown.

>> No.5251504

post your work then

>> No.5251505

He is. But so is Sycra-sahib.

>> No.5251508
File: 543 KB, 1920x1080, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5251509

It's shit. You're talentless.

>> No.5251511

its actually decent but its obviously not his work. lets just ignore the troll for now

>> No.5251512


Trash. Go back to /beg/ NGTMI.

>> No.5251513

Looks like a copy. And a poorly executed one, at that.

>> No.5251514

Beglet BTFO

>> No.5251515

there is no way this is real.

>> No.5251518
File: 2.89 MB, 200x200, jordanlaughing_zpsfa0b44e7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5251520

This is why you should never pyw in this type of context

>> No.5251522

Post your work.

>> No.5251523
File: 79 KB, 900x720, priestess_of_light_by_sycra_d5fhsf3-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sycra still absolutely mogs you

>> No.5251524
File: 76 KB, 647x873, umm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, Y'all got the wrong guy. I am not the beglet, I am the SycraIsTrash-chad. The beglet is the other one. Shouldn't have caved and post my work tho >>5251496

Because like I said, your own work is irrelevant and you don't need to be even /beg/ to see that Sycra is dogshit artist.

>> No.5251527

And all crabs and begs will look up and shout "PYW" and I'll look down and whisper "no".

>> No.5251531

I'm not the one shit talking sycra, though.
I'm still learning myself.

>> No.5251537

oh my bad, your work is pretty decent structurally but the values seem off to me, im /beg/ so i can't give you a proper critique sorry

>> No.5251539

Sure, but if you are an artist, and you aren't posting your work, this means he's right and you are worse than sycra, which makes you "objectively even bigger shit" kek.

>> No.5251540

Literally somebody you will never be as good as.

>> No.5251543

Are you low IQ or you genuinely believe you've just made a point? You don't have to be artist to objectively gauge how shit something is.

>> No.5251546

This doesn't look any better than Sycra's stuff imo.

>> No.5251547

You're worse than sycra though.

>> No.5251548

I just said "sure". You don't need to be an artist to have an artistic eye.
But if YOU ARE AN ARTIST and you still keep refusing to post your stuff, then there's a big chance you are just as bad as the person you are criticizing and you are just afraid of admitting it.

>> No.5251551

It ain't worse either.

>> No.5251554

I've already posted my work you bunch of fucking crab clowns. >>5251496 And it's miles ahead of Sycra.

>> No.5251556

I'm not so sure about that. Sycra seems to have a much better grasp of depth and perspective.
Disclaimer, I don't like Sycra's art because he seems to be hiding his lack of anatomy skills behind "stylization".
Also, it's hard to compare that anon to sycra bsed on just one artwork he posted. I just hope that's not the best art they have ever produced.

>> No.5251558

Is this a troll? this looks like something sycra would make lol

>> No.5251560

It 100% looks worse than sycra's work.

>> No.5251562

this is probably sycra's best work >>5251523 , should be comparing to this

>> No.5251563

I saw that AFTER posting this >>5251539
Afterwards I said this >>5251546 and this >>5251556.
From what I've seen I don't think you are better than Sycra.

>> No.5251565

Your worth is as good as your weakest work. Sycra is trash. I am not. Fuck off. Case closed.

>> No.5251567

Now this is cope.

>> No.5251568

>Sycra is trash. I am not.
>I am not.
If you think Sycra is trash, then, based on that artwork you posted, you are just as trash or even more than him.

>> No.5251569

if that was true then every artist should be compared against their very first work they ever made? You might have a intellectual disability anon

>> No.5251574

Because he feels entitled to teach while possessing 0 skill

>> No.5251577

this >>5251523 and this >>5251467 isn't "0 skill"

>> No.5251580

Yes it is you trashcan lmao

>> No.5251582

you already know what I'm going to say:
Post Your Work

>> No.5251587
File: 79 KB, 1296x890, oh no no no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're worse than sycra though.
>Sycra seems to have a much better grasp of depth and perspective.
>It 100% looks worse than sycra's work.
>From what I've seen I don't think you are better than Sycra.
Now this is cope.
>you are just as trash or even more than him.
>Because he feels entitled to teach while possessing 0 skill
>Post Your Work

So, the /ic/ is bunch of inconsistent, self-absorbed retards that are never going to make it because they absolutely cannot handle even the slightest critique and always default into a defensive state asking for others to POST THEIR WORK otherwise you have no right crutiquing. Basically, they are projecting their insecurities into any legitimate critique to the point, they are willing to trash and call shit the very same artist they cluelessly defend as long as it's presumably work of a fellow /ic/ artlet because they themselves are talentless hacks.

L M A O.

>> No.5251589

you're funny, i enjoyed this trolling

>> No.5251590

What if you stick with it for a decade and never leave the beginner stage?

>> No.5251594
File: 422 KB, 1280x720, stamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5251599

>>Sycra seems to have a much better grasp of depth and perspective.
Based on his other stuff, the artwork that troll anon posted is flatter (cause it's not finished).

As I said, you are just a bad artist that is afraid to show their own work, cause it's worse than sycra's.
Keep coping, crab.

>> No.5251602

Post your work.

>> No.5251604

>>you are just as trash or even more than him.
Not sure why you are posting my comment. I nailed it.

>> No.5251608


He won't. He already admitted he's worse than Sycra.

>> No.5251611
File: 3.73 MB, 760x328, hamster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm not gonna post my work but you can have this, a paintover I did for another thread

>> No.5251613

>bad artist that is afraid to show their own work
Have it ever crossed your mind. That maybe, just MAYBE, somebody doesn't want to be associated with this place? Because the second I post my work here, I will lose ongoing contracts because it's absolutely guaranteed, that some crab will start a shitstorm out of pure jealousy and start making shit up contacting the companies I work for? Just look at this thread, the absolute cope and delusion along with the perception of one self grandeur. It will be a fucking crusade, just look at people being salty at Sakimichan. The only reason she isn't getting canceled is because it's Patreon and not actual contracts.

I like to shitpost here and give legitimate critique on /beg/ But I like to do it ANONYMOUSLY. Now eat shit.

P.S. I hope you will like my next splash art in Legends of Runeterra.

>> No.5251615

Being successful in anything you need:
- Discipline to do it every day even when you don't want to, even when it's boring or difficult, even when you want to scream and bang your head against the wall.
- Self Awareness enough to recognise if you are progressing, stagnating or getting worse and taking the necessary measures to correct yourself be it study, emulation or outside critique. You also have to know when you are too comfortable and need to branch out into uncomfortable territory. Embrace failure in the name of growth.
- The initial reason or inspiration for why you even want to be successful at that thing. An experience, an emotion, a moment of logical clarity, a longing to discover something about yourself. Some kind of seed that stems from you and you alone. Something that will anchor you when you become so lost in the sea of bullshit life can create that you almost forget yourself. Maybe you realise you are living not for yourself, but for the expectations of others. In that moment you remember this core reason for being and you find yourself again.

>> No.5251617

redline his work then.

>> No.5251624

Nah. Keep seething. You will never know whether you got trashed by some literal who that isn't even an artist or an actual industry professional.

TL;DR Post your work and I might redline yours. Oh wait, you're trash and you wont.

>> No.5251629

im not very good (never claimed to be), redline my sketch please

>> No.5251630
File: 176 KB, 776x1119, 1503947701907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post your work and I might redline yours
I'm waiting, Riot artist

>> No.5251631
File: 63 KB, 423x712, c2w-zSA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.5251635
File: 441 KB, 1503x868, shsfn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redline me bro

>> No.5251637

>entertain me and redline obvious trolling shit 2 min sketch
childish, this is the main reasons why you're ngtmi learn to accept critique

>> No.5251638

I don't know how it wasn't fucking obvious to everyone because of the chin and tiny squished mouth

>> No.5251639
File: 87 KB, 304x437, 13444248942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can guarantee I'm doing better than you.
post your stats if you want. Along with your expenses and taxes

>> No.5251642

cant even redline a sketch that's got very obvious mistakes? jeez you must be worse than a non artist in terms of skill then

>> No.5251646
File: 571 KB, 916x1100, 1602195770857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your redline bro

>> No.5251661

you're using that incorrectly
survivor bias is winning the lottery and telling other people to keep trying because prayers get answered
learning a skill does not depend entirely on luck
having the free time to learn the skill, maybe there's some luck in that

>> No.5251667

post your work

>> No.5251672

people stick with being stupid for 30 years

how is that a talent

besides it's always these tumblr westerners who have to make their opinions heard on social media, people can still do things without having an aptitude for it, like writing or whatever else

>> No.5251679

i dont know whats more inexplicable, the form of the face or the fact the cursor is in the image

>> No.5251683

the face looks like typical British woman genes

>> No.5251709

post your work

>> No.5251711

I like his videos, fun to listen to while drawing.

>> No.5251724

Better than people in industry? Which kind of companies use arts like this? The quality is way too low compare with industry standards.

>> No.5251733

post your work

>> No.5251741

>bunch of bullshit
>P.S. I hope you will like my next splash art in Legends of Runeterra.
I wonder which artist you will pretend to be this time kek.

Keep shitposting, crab.

>> No.5251742

post your work

>> No.5251743

Autistic larper in all his glory LMAO.

>> No.5251744
File: 911 KB, 800x1200, 2021.03.06-R3-BlackWolf-Historia & Ymir (Attack on Titan).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5251746

post your work

>> No.5251749

It's not like an ic beg like you knows anything bout "industry standard"

>> No.5251750
File: 1.76 MB, 1536x2048, femme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your turn big boi

>> No.5251751

Unironically better than most shit I see on here. GMI

>> No.5251753

post your work

>> No.5251754

>The absolute state or western artists
This is hideous

>> No.5251757

I'd post but I only work traditionally

>> No.5251774

You have to be a total nigger not to believe in talent.

>> No.5251776
File: 616 KB, 1263x936, 1581187609144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the talent shit still such a huge meme on /ic/
I thought that shit was solved after people read that Lee vs Gaara manga chapter in fucking 2001

>> No.5251785

Just take a photo you r-word

>> No.5251794

I just did.

>> No.5251807

>I just did.
No you didn't. Post YOUR work.

>> No.5251839
File: 151 KB, 675x900, 1496185544199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me regret this..

>> No.5251849
File: 9 KB, 236x177, 5890e4cf62261a4252f507348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sycra literally said he was goofing around in the description of this. You could have picked a better drawing instead of his fun sketch.

>> No.5251856
File: 234 KB, 900x1378, gdfgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the dude you're replying to but the anatomy is horseshit

>> No.5251881

antitalent exists for sure

>> No.5251946
File: 800 KB, 1125x732, 53D2498F-A16F-477D-A8D3-82A36BA5A955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5251955

>2 and half years
>21 looks even worse than 18

>> No.5252016

Holy shit, the amount of cope in this thread is just ridiculous. No wonder this place is /beg/ central and vent is the 2nd most popular thread.

>> No.5252041

You don't need talent to draw, and everyone already knows this otherwise art classes wouldn't exist. But you do need talent to be that top 1% ubermensch turbo elite master class.

>> No.5252055

>Talent isn't real

Big cope ngmi, big cope

>> No.5252061

absolutely correct

>> No.5252074

Cool. PYW.

>> No.5252083

One of the reasons they say "those who can't, teach."
If you know and understand what to do, but you can't or won't improve past a certain point, then the least you can do is teach those fundamentals.
Problem is this also results in incredibly bitter and jealous teachers from time to time. You especially see this in universities. The fucking stories I've heard. Glad I never bought into the college meme, especially these days.

>> No.5252088

You are a talentless fucking hack who cannot draw. Shut the fuck up. You refused to post your work because your art sucks and you can't draw. But the worst part is your angrily shitting on Sycra just because your a butthurt rage gremlin.

>> No.5252091


>> No.5252092

>So, the /ic/ is bunch of inconsistent, self-absorbed retards
/ic/ is more than one person. Criticism doesn't feel good or anything, but I can take it and dish it in equal measure. Anybody who says "ngmi" or other such nonconstructive bullshit in a serious tone can be safely ignored. They don't give a shit about improving themselves or others. That said I see a lot of actual constructive criticism pretty often.
The only correct part of this statement is that /ic/ is inconsistent. It's an anonymous image board. ALL of it is inconsistent and has a lot of different points of view and opinions. Even /pol/ is MASSIVELY more divisive than the news likes to tell you.
You can't rely on consistency on 4chan, but you can rely on somebody telling you the right shit at some point.

>> No.5252093

/ic/ is a low IQ board

>> No.5252096

survivor bias has nothing to do with luck and your example is terribly incorrect because lotteries keep track of the number of entrants, so we objectively know the odds of losing are several million to one regardless of what winners tell us
OP is actually a good example of survivor bias because people who don't make it after grinding for 10 years obviously won't trumpet their failure on twatter or have a wide enough audience to be heard. it could be a thousand to one for all we know, and we can't know because failures don't get tallied

>> No.5252136
File: 144 KB, 296x270, 1598278535126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an fucking unlikeable schozoid you are. First you chimp out over sycra in a hostile way, with obvious jealously against him. Then you chimp out against an anon who says he's likely better than you. Then you seethe again, saying others are shit art and your art is better than theirs. You get told to pyw. You don't, making it impossible to back up your claim. Then you post a badly drawn pic. But you pull a gotcha moment by revealing its taken from a sycra video and seethe about everyone's retarded and your not. You did all that stupid shit just to justify being a narcissistic assswipe and to avoid posting your goddamn work.

You will never be a quarter of a good as Sycra is. You won't try to be better, you can't do better, so instead you seethe and try to drag others down.

If you still won't PYW and finally back up your shittalking, then fuck off and die. Just another anon that contributes to the forever growing cancer that plagues this shithole.

>> No.5252322

I'm jealous of people with actual artistic talent, not shitty artists like Sycra.

>> No.5252324

Anon, his medium is lulz, and everybody who (You)s him is his canvas.

>> No.5252327

doesn't help that most of the retards that called the previous art posted shit and said scyra is better when that was actually scyra's art in the first place. You just made yourselves look even worse.

>> No.5252367

the biggest thing that hinders people is getting access to the RIGHT resources

>> No.5252369

the biggest thing that hinders people is not understanding how to learn.

>> No.5252377

No, it's lack of discipline. Having 1000 hours in lol instead of art won't make you any better. Also this >>5252369

>> No.5252392

It's both and more. There's no one single factor to staying bad. The trick is finding that factor or factors and taking measures to overcome them.

>> No.5252398

Talent is real but its intrinsically linked to IQ instead of the magic shit /ic/ makes it out to be

>> No.5252444

The game was rigged from the start.

>> No.5252449

hearty kek

>> No.5252450

No. Talent is real but what it is is being extremely observant without trying/realizing it. Understanding what something should look like because you’ve seen it before and you subconsciously know what it’s supposed to look like drawn. “The spark” is just being an extremely visual person but if you never nurture that trait you’ll still amount to nothing.

>> No.5252454


darius autism anon having a crisis of faith i see

>> No.5252473

Keep blaming talent for the reason why you suck, kek.

>> No.5252538

There is total correlation between "talent" and IQ

>> No.5252572

I like your changes except for the ear colors you chose

>> No.5252768

is everyone on /ic/ just a dk syndrome? no way you think your redline is actually good anatomy

>> No.5252772

All that rendering and the drawing still looks flat. Impressively bad. The anatomy is definitely off too.

>> No.5252775

do a red line,

>> No.5252781

I would just stop ngl if I did that for 8 years and all I got was that

>> No.5253007
File: 60 KB, 750x275, 821410E3-F8E7-4847-9106-0D05F5804353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. There is a correlation between specific attentive processing modes and drawing skill, though; those traits are evidently innate, but there’s evidence of their being modifiable through training too.

>> No.5253271
File: 300 KB, 300x297, i am looking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mastery of something is absolutely irrelevant to the critique.
people misinterpret this mindset, you dont need to be able to do the exact same thing as what you are critiquing, but you need to (at the very least) have the same amount of knowledge about the topic as the person whose work you are picking apart
critique and production of artwork might be different skills, but they both focus on the same topic

>> No.5253281

wow nice work

>> No.5253342

Not really. You don't need to be a good artist to tell if something looks like shit.

>> No.5253364

yes and no
drawing a thousand figures without knowing how to construct or gesture does nothing to help you improve. someone who is brand new to drawing doesn't understand that

but if you tell someone to just draw boxes they won't improve because they don't understand the value of drawing boxes, how could that possibly do anything for them? how would they know how to even draw a box correctly

>> No.5253406

But you do need to be able to tell WHY it looks like shit. Otherwise you offer nothing the artist doesn't already know.

>> No.5253452

You know retards like >>5253342 don't like that. They want to feel smart about shit they have no clue about. Accounts like this one https://twitter.com/animation_takes?lang=en are created to show how many ignorant dumbasses there are.

>> No.5253537

You're the retard who keeps insisting bad artists can't be recognized or criticized by other bad artists. You're the reason terrible artists like Sycra can masquerade as art instructors.

>> No.5253580

talent isnt real thats why he spent 10 years practicing only to draw coom pinups that Japanese artists learn to do in 2 years xD

>> No.5253687

It doesn't matter if they or you have a talent or not. Art require of decades in study, practice, explain, understand and learn then continue around many decades to become a Master and Conquer of Arts with Sweat and Tears.

>> No.5253699

What if they're taught the value of drawing boxes ahead of time?

>> No.5253713

faggot cope

>> No.5253717

ever heard of concept art?
Thought so