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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 189 KB, 820x780, CZMw57lWQAA0478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5248110 No.5248110 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have an experiment.

Let's have a thread where every drawing posted gets a reply from everyone, literally everyone.
If you're viewing this thread, either post your work, or reply to everyone's work (or both). It can be a full critique, or a simple "good"/"bad"/"loomis"/whatever.

Ideally every drawing posted here should have the same amount of replies as the IP count of the thread.

Let's do it anons.

>> No.5248115
File: 6 KB, 386x486, stic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5248118


>> No.5248121


>> No.5248126

Top tier character design.

10/10 would coom to again.

>> No.5248198


>> No.5248221


>> No.5248227
File: 40 KB, 595x347, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5248242


>> No.5248244


>> No.5248249
File: 584 KB, 2786x2741, Untitled_Artwork-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doodle while working


Don't look at me this way anon :(

>> No.5248255

those ragged looking faces got me.

>> No.5248265

gay contrarian
bet you thought this one would get big laughs

not much to say
there's at least some perspective going on here, although it's wrong

pretty neat actually
kind of has a west side story meets fashion concept drawings vibe

>> No.5248269


looks cool

>> No.5248293
File: 1.81 MB, 2891x2029, 75AB7226-29C3-4F66-8950-0ABEC1F169C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t have any strawmans for this stickman
Anime eyes seem a bit too far apart
L o o o o ng legs
I like

>> No.5248325
File: 82 KB, 1253x1595, sowwysaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest it looks kind of low effort. Even though you're doing something fairly simple it wouldn't have taken that much work to make sure that the arms were even and the lines a bit straighter. But even for a stick drawing the way you drew the head makes it look like he has a little hair and I like that.

They match the "uh" comment. Like an emote or "my face when" pic. Those are doubtful eyes. You put a lot of expression into them.

Reminds me of fashion designer sketches. Everything is a bit stiff but still each character has pretty solid distinct personality. You're really good at conveying the complex forms of the clothing with simple lines, I wish I could do that.

This is wild, very kinetic. This might be just a mistake in proportions but what it looks like is some old french artist tried to sketch Two-Face. Even focused on such a specific portion of the face great job wit light and shadow, very menacing.

>> No.5248328

The right eye is slightly misshapen. The edge next to the nose is shifted downwards. Doesn't line up with the rest of the face.
Nice aesthetics. I like the blocky look. Dude on the left looks strongest because the linework is confident.
I like this although you gave up on line direction in the right half. It would be stronger if the lines worked with the perspective for the whole piece. The nose in particular is a bit clumsy.

>> No.5248335
File: 104 KB, 794x1037, il_794xN.2948813601_ky7k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're well on your way. Consider studying gesture for a bit. You'd probably do well with studying inorganic perspective as well, the chainsaw is weak. Something like pic related might do you well. Also notable that you hid the hands and neglected the feet ... shows lack of confidence, draw the whole figure.

>> No.5248368
File: 47 KB, 1427x2116, Lucius Flint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I still have to clean up, but I'll post it here anyways.

I remember back in middle school when I would only draw eyes because it was the only thing I knew how to draw well and I didn't even know how to properly place on them on the face. I still struggle sometimes desu.
Very nice contour-esque sketches anon
Same goes for you
>hiding your hands
>also that chainsaw
Pull up some references and you'll be able to improve it a lot!

>> No.5248378

Is he hard

>> No.5248382
File: 1.73 MB, 1500x1591, girl style study__01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on, just say I'm a fucking beg normie xerox faggot already

>> No.5248383

Mirin your line confidence

>> No.5248384

I saw this a while ago

>> No.5248385

Normie xerox

>> No.5248386

fuckin nigger

>> No.5248392

is that suppose to be a micro penis?

>> No.5248393

You wish you were as good as a xerox machine lmfao, maybe then you could make something appealing at least, christ.

>> No.5248394

based thread

>> No.5248410

hardly xerox

>> No.5248411

crab harder retard, you took the bait and fell for the usual /ic/ meme lines

>> No.5248412

fucking beg normie xerox faggot

>> No.5248417

>didn’t reply yup anyone
>still getting (You)s

>> No.5248418

>asking for shit replies and getting them
>unable to cope

>> No.5248562

the most glaring issue is the pupils, neither of them look like circles
i like it, the only thing i could say is that the right guy needs more detail
i cant tell what is happening in the right eye at all
like the other anon says don't hide hands and work on perspective
also learn the planes of the mouth and nose
the placement of the eyes, mouth, and nose look a bit to far down.
i like the clothes a lot though
the hands look good, but could use work
its ok, but you need to learn appeal. there is nothing interesting going on in the picture, if i saw this on my feed i would scroll past it without a second thought

>> No.5248610
File: 816 KB, 1653x1242, The Fyrd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5248765

the body language is pretty great

>> No.5248777

I think it would work better with a little less lines

the composition is nice but I think it is missing a little of atmospheric perspective

>> No.5248819

Your perspective is borked. It's overemphasized in some areas and nonexistent in others. Keep working on construction, look for consistency. You'll get there.
Has a nice mood, the accuracy is fine, but the composition leaves something to be desired. The braids don't work with anything else in the drawing, they're just hanging out and being distracting. It doesn't accomplish anything effectively. Start searching for good/bad composition when you look at artwork. The hatch lines could be tightened up as well, but that's less important.
The main thing that jumps out at me is the lack of rendering. The thick black lines and various light colors don't feel thought-out to me. It doesn't create a strong enough mood to suit the subject matter.
Make an inspiration board of aesthetics you'd like to shoot for, then shoot for them. Start collecting brushes, looking at color schemes, etc. that will help you get there. Study how lighting can make your scenes more atmospheric and striking. It'll sell your ideas more.

>> No.5248951

Thanks for the suggestions and I hate to bother you for more but help would be appreciated.

You all brought up that I hid the hands and feet and the chain saw. So my problem is drawing for the page size I have available, I have this problem working traditionally too and I swear it's worse trying to do it digitally. But even when I try to mark out a top and bottom point or try to put in some kind of outline or gesture to define the overall form (which helped a lot with pencil and paper) I end up tweaking proportions and other small changes and then before I know it, I'm out of room. I mean yea digitally I could just scale the image but I don't think that's going to correct the practice. Like this sketch, what I intended was for the saw to be on the ground and she was going to be nudging it out of sight with her foot. But then I'm running out of room and just gave up and threw the saw in behind her back then quit. So are there any tricks, resources or exercises that help me draw within a defined range?

>> No.5248963
File: 925 KB, 2967x3161, azav commission sheet march2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not trying to shill here but these are my most recent drawings.

>> No.5248984

not very helpful, I know, but I can't see where are the cross contours lines are on the full body one

>> No.5248992

Cute, boobs are too round and you should start each day with a page of organic shapes with contour lines because your sense of 3D could be pushed. Like your aesthetics
Comm page is crowded and not very appealing, work on reducing its noise

>> No.5249009

>yea digitally I could just scale the image but I don't think that's going to correct the practice
That's like saying "I could have used Ctrl+Z to fix this line, but that might be a bad habit." You're working digitally, take advantage of it. Just increase the canvas size and draw it all in. Your ability to eyeball how much canvas you need will naturally improve over time.
Personally, I like to sketch on an oversized canvas and crop it when the proportions, etc. have stabilized.
The fullbody figure looks somewhat unbalanced. Note how the legs are drifting to the right (try putting a vertical line down the middle of the figure to emphasize this). In this pose, the feet should be almost directly under her torso.
The legs are also a bit long, but that could be chalked up to stylistic difference. The hips look a bit wonky due to perspective inaccuracy. Also, I think your style could afford more variability in the characters' eye shapes.

>> No.5249019
File: 1.11 MB, 1500x1941, the chad ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, humble beginnings/10, very nice kek
Based and very expressive eyes anon
Mirin' Drip x3
they look like theyre in pain, nice work King
Teach me how to draw women/10
Clean it up and post it when you're done bro, looks promising!
Nah bro I like it, well done!
Great potential anon, add more if you can!
I like your grillz bro, a little thiccness could be added IMO but thats just me King.

>> No.5249128

why so smug
cool design. The leftmost guy is very stiff, and his jacket seems to be floating.
nice lines, is this traditional? Left eye is kinda small and too high up.
slick line quality. Her head is warped though, if you notice her left jawline is not aligned with her right. Also her face is angled straight while her head is slightly angled to the left.
soulful. Both the perspective and proportions of his head are faulty. I suggest using a reference of a 3d model to see how it should look.
I like the gesture of the hands, but they're anatomically incorrect, notice that the guy has no palm.
your hatching has no consistency or uniformity. In some areas they follow the planes, in some areas they go against the planes, in others they're just randomly angled and cross hatched.
interesting and dynamic idea. I feel like you took too much liberty with the anatomy, even considering the stylization, the bodies should have a sensible structure and form.
Also, you should lower the color saturation for things that are further away, when all mountains and the castle have the same saturation in breaks the illusion of distance.
And the perspective of the castle is incorrect.
>not trying to shill here
you just did
You linework is not easy to look at, zero line weight and too much messy scribbles. I know it's just a quick sketch, but even so it could be done with much more grace and control.

>> No.5249146

Practice your linework, start drawing with your arm and remember that a speedy stroke makes a smooth line.
Not great. Right eye is too low and the eyes seem pretty far apart.
Stylistic. Confident lines. Looks pretty based.
Eye on the right is a mess, but the rest looks damned good.
Cute, would fuck. Linework is messy as hell. Chickenscratching isn't a bad thing, but make sure you aren't using it as a crutch to compensate for real linework either.
That's a book cover.
Good body language, expressive face, really dig those clothes, but there's something a bit off about the head construction, like his face is looking lower than his skull.
Well done face that's overloaded with crosshatching. Study shading and lighting to avoid that kind of overkill.
Beg but not terrible beg. Its biggest flaw is a lack of depth. Study perspective.
Whoever told you the boobs in this were too round is gay.
If you're doing that messy linework for style, I like it. If not, work on your linework. Chad image, literally.

>> No.5249176
File: 259 KB, 567x1000, Shiteater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice sense of the natural distance between eyes
I've always enjoyed the long silhouette. It reminds me of fashion concept. Was that the feel you were aiming for?
Very moody and chaotic
I see you anon, hiding her hands behind her. You can never get away with hiding hands and still have a natural pose
The next step should be focusing on some basic formulation. The step in between gesture and anatomy. Things like learning proportions, head height, eye height, etc., and how the figure interacts with the perspective of the world. I think you'll find it challenging and rewarding
Look at the thumbnail. Look at how much more interesting the read is before you full screen it and get all the hatching. I think this has potential if you rein in the hatching and used it in a more controlled way. hardly xerox
Very graphical and interesting but lacks the construction necessary and looks flat as a result. look into Gurney's light and color for a crash course on creating depth in a scene like this
a weird shill, but ok. I'm interested in your use of the pixel brush. are you doing this in Microsoft paint?
Hommie, do a linework flat color of this and it will 100% be used as a meme template. Based /fit/ and /ic/ patrician

and lastly, I'll share shiteater. I'm dropping him since I find the gesture too boring and nonsensical. I had fun painting him tho and thought I'd share

>> No.5249182

>Comm page is crowded and not very appealing, work on reducing its noise
I get u, I didn't put much effort into the layout cuz I just wanted to get it on twitter asap.
Thank u I will keep this in mind for next time.
>are you doing this in Microsoft paint?
Procreate with a square brush.

>> No.5249206
File: 2.94 MB, 500x281, 1508533861554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedback Kings, it was infact a super quick sketch so i didn't focus on the linework/cleanup at all but I'll polish it tomorrow brahs.

>> No.5249208

fuck meant to also reply to>>5249146

>> No.5249220
File: 649 KB, 2704x2080, 20210304_003414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5249239

as the other anon said who cares if you do it while working digitally, all that matters is the final piece
also addressing the problem while working traditionally i would say try to loosely sketch all of the proportions before putting any actual lines down
i usually do that on pieces of printer paper before putting it into a sketchbook so i don't have the leftover pencil marks

>> No.5249243
File: 89 KB, 1437x778, yeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeeah boiii

too low effort

Nice style, need to grind fundies more to really make things work

looks cool

seems like you're trying to get around drawing feet and hands

study head structure more

cool style

do more studies of mountains and smoke

like how you draw bodies Lips look a bit sloppy though

hd chad heh

nice rendering. Leg poses could maybe be a bit more dynamic though

needs darker lines, better photo/scanning

>> No.5249274
File: 233 KB, 1000x1250, usagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a /beg/ trying to get out of /beg/
he cute
nice forms, I like it
it's the type of tired sleep won't fix
great figure
he looks like a medieval drug dealer
you went overboard with the hatching, not as clear as it could be.
there's no true sense dept to this image, sadly.
i like the style
pretty based
super good
keep going
cool style

>> No.5249280


>> No.5249289

are you the same guy that always asks for blog or are you different people?

>> No.5249450

drawing guidelines can help you out with that!
love that scratchy, messy crosshatching
hope you can make some good cash anon
good shit
love the way you shape, keep it up
good eyes!
your lineart is fucking great

>> No.5249753
File: 30 KB, 432x447, IMG_8070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An /ic/ op requested a caricature of this ( <- ) just now. If you're still around.

i feel these designs
this is beautiful, guy
grounded, sensuous and playful
fantastic folds, there
moody and stunning with an awesome conservation of color. feels like i'm at a great depth
wonderfully well considered composition, your work makes me very happy
awesome elegence your forms and linework, very best of luck in your sales
hip and loose, great free-flowing construction you've got there
monstrously gorgeous, beautifully beautiful design here
cleanly cute
really immersive and love the flow, i think i might feel her feels
happy at the whimsy and playful perspective

>v 2/2

>> No.5249757
File: 877 KB, 678x908, IMG_8084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5249792
File: 116 KB, 1440x759, asddsadasdsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grinding asaro heads to understand planes of the face so I can make better faces/stop symbol drawing stuff

>> No.5249808
File: 1.36 MB, 4000x3250, a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qt stic
Appealing eyes
Finish yer damn drawing
Really cool
Good gesture, now render it
beg normie xerox faget
gmi soulpilled
clean stuff, man. GMI if you keep drawing
you are far better at drawing than me, i have nothing to critique this for. if you added a background to finish this i think it would be awesome though
fuck you
mm hot doga whoops
clean and soulful. did you copy this?
nice use of values mang, gmi with more effort
nice heads nigga

>> No.5249812



>> No.5249814
File: 612 KB, 3136x1752, Rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the blurry photo.

>> No.5249994

Don't call my work soulless you stupid cunt

>> No.5250016

really charming anon

>> No.5250021

This comment has soul

>> No.5250026

Thanks you.

>> No.5250032

that tree at the edge of the image is a serious faux pas in composition

>> No.5250038
File: 2.89 MB, 3136x1752, Rock treeless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I don't know what that word means, but I assume it isn't anything good. Here is an alternative version without the tree.

>> No.5250061

See how much better it looks?

>> No.5250064

I like the tree.

>> No.5250065

both arms should be up if she's stretching, one means she's waving at something. what is she waving at? it's not in the image and makes it uncomfortable. either way she's looking towards the small side side and off the page with no other rhythms to bring the eye back in. you're compositionally telling the viewer to go away

>> No.5250066

i like the tree too

>> No.5250071

Sorry, I didn't draw her other arm very well, her other arm is up, she has the six spikey things which are fingers.
Thank you.

>> No.5250073

maybe you're a contrarian, maybe you just like trees. what isn't subjective is that the focus has been clarified. unless this the picture was depicting the girl's straining relationship with the tree

>> No.5250078

something else lacking clarity is whether you want to use curves or straight lines. for the mounds. the curves leading to her would create a more dynamic image and sharpen the focal point further, pushing more to straight horizontals would create more contrast with the girl's vertical and create a stronger sense of serenity. it's kind of wishy washy atm

>> No.5250081

Okay, I will keep that in mind, thank you.

>> No.5250082


>> No.5250092


>> No.5250114
File: 184 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0034[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5250116
File: 217 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0032[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5250118


>> No.5250119
File: 2.53 MB, 2684x2411, 20210210_185618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5250122


>> No.5250125


>> No.5250126

lazy eyes and lazy drawings

>> No.5250129


>> No.5250130

Great landscape, shit woman

>> No.5250132

in better health than you fat cow!

>> No.5250168

nice, mediums?

>> No.5250195
File: 66 KB, 1024x1012, 1614845054797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dig it baby

>> No.5250221
File: 190 KB, 283x592, yoh yoshinai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clean and soulful. did you copy this?
Thanks, pic related was the loose reference I used for my image image
I like your 2b as well, she's cute the loose rendering is nice

>> No.5250228


>> No.5250233

Shows a lot of promise
Needs loomis
Good but needs work
Good but needs work
ms paint/10
They look wooden and horrible.

>> No.5250258
File: 582 KB, 1101x1958, 20210122_222142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice stickman. The torso line is a bit long though and the head is 'unsealed' meaning the paint-bucket will be problematic to use.

Nice eyes! Very expressive. I feel the right ones iris is a little off, like it's not attached to a globe, more like a flap if that makes sense.

Lovely stylization! The faces are a bit empty without noses though.

I like the scratchy look. right eye is a bit too blackened out though, I feel it's lost some detail.

Nice hips! Could clarify what she's holding though. a fat baseball bat or a low detail chainsaw?

I love the vials. Not big fan of that kind of colouring though, hurts my eyes. I prefer flat colour but to each their own. Nice work with the folds in the clothes.

Really nice! Wish I could draw like that. I think it's a a bit overworked though, too little white space.

Lovely but it lacks depth. Try removing detail of things far away, shift colours toward pale blue.
Nice characters!

Love the expressions.

I like it, but the grey skin detracts from it. Is there some meaning behind the grey skin?

Nice and uncanny. Like a guy turning into some sort of goblin-thing. Maybe the pose could be more dynamic, less upright with the legs.

I like.

I like her I think her body is a bit more stylized than her head and it sort of clashes a bit if that makes sense.

Very clean lines. I feel the face is a little too small though but maybe it's a style thing?

Nice shading! Really like how you captured the light.

Nice work

I like the colours. the limbs are a bit short though nice work though!

Pretty. I like the rock. You could replace the tree with some rocks, I agree that it's a little out of place but it works.


Pinchable cheeks/10

>> No.5250261

Also great thread idea OP!

>> No.5250264

0114 here, ok lol!

>> No.5250267

best comment 11/10

>> No.5250337

someone get that bitch a sandwich

>> No.5250342
File: 617 KB, 1108x1477, fba8e9fbbfdb3bf8a613ab1255105250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>either post your work, or reply to everyone's work (or both)

yeah, nah, not gonna reply to everyone at this point. Tak this WIP of a study

>> No.5250355
File: 501 KB, 720x1067, 20210306_205936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on this rn

Looking good

>> No.5250362

Way to just shit all over the purpose of the thread. Go post somewhere else if you're not going to participate.

>> No.5250367
File: 952 KB, 2448x2448, F2200E23-6D32-47B7-876B-35C35F826F2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gesture is too stiff.
Looks decent. The eyes are lined up properly. One grievance: stop using pen pressure for opacity. But that’s just a personal preference.
Good styluses proportions. You seem to have a personal style in the works (if you don’t already have it.) Looks good. If you want to push that you could do some studies from cartoons with similar styles like Cowboy Bebop.
Good looking eyes but it’s sorta hard to tell which way they’re looking. Otherwise not bad.
I love this style of drawing cutiepies. This would look great fully inked and colored.
You tried. Keep working on it. Fix the guys left hand and the bottom of the face and it’ll look a lot better.
Really good t b h
The landscape is the best part and it’s problems could be fixed by looking at a few references of mountainscapes and rivers. The problems with the characters would fix themselves the more you practice but your posing seems good.
I feel for you because you’re probably one of those underappreciated talents who never gets commissions despite your low prices and feel like your work isn’t good enough to price higher. Don’t believe it. Your stuff looks a lot better than comm sheets I’ve seen going for four times your prices.
The thing I like most about this is that it’s goes beyond just being a doodle and says something. Even dumb jokes give more personality to simple drawings.
Not really into demon stuff but it’s drawn really well.
It’ll look better when you ink it.
There’s something asymmetrical going on with her shoulders. I think it’s the armpit under her right arm. The back line doesn’t follow through logically and it makes her look lopsided. The left arm looks about right and the face looks good too.
Cute style. It have a few minor issues but nothing you wouldn’t fix yourself with time and practice.
Shading gud

>> No.5250379

Go and pick on someone you're not jelly of

>> No.5250382

fuck you op, why did i click this thread
lazy. you not try
/beg/ tier eyes. didn't even use a hard brush. cmon. draw something else.
nice clothes, neat style. would like to see this fully fleshed out and cleaned up.
dunno if because its a scan but watch your tones. too much black. also draw cleaner. there's messiness for style and messiness because you don't know what you're doing.
pretty good understanding of anatomy. would bang. clean this up.
awkward head, whole pose kinda looks stiff
dont dig this style but whatever i guess.
well composed. unlike most people you actually need to work on detail. looks like runescape graphics but drawn.
nice, i guess. try not to fall into samefaceism
decent understanding of anatomy but clean your lines up holy shit. dont post shit this messy when its easy to clean up
gross. nice. would be better if the legs fit the pose of the upper body though.
read loomis
not much to say, have a good grasp on things. looks unfinished though. add some shading or something.
i like. very clean, dynamic, good use of lines
nicely shaded.
looks like youre still learning anatomy. keep going.
could use more practice with painting
kind of basic but alright. do a clean version of this instead of a sketch
these are well done. if these were a study why did you stop at the knees?
nice understanding of the style
needs to be cleaned up. feel like you're using the the shading lines to make it look more complex than it actually is.
good understanding of tones.
looking good. stop smearing though. put a paper under your hand.
good composition. finish it though.

>> No.5250390
File: 352 KB, 1100x1087, SPOILER_djakjdjv838ifch (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a coomer and PROUD OF IT

>> No.5250395

Fuckin sideways posting frickin..
Yes keep on with it m8. That’s a decent set of facial constructions. Not bad at all.
Give her less of a Leafyishere chin and bigger legs and it will look a lot better.
It’s simple but has an atmosphere and some sort of internal narrative that makes it interesting. I like It better with the tree where it is t bh
Bring the torso down farther. Look at yourself in the mirror with your hands at your sides. They shouldn’t go that far down beyond the crotch. Bring everything below her hips down farther and it’ll look about right.
That’s a good study. Nice shading m8
Nice loomis head. It warms my heart to see someone actually using him and not just talking about him.
I have a soft spot for interesting looking mechs so I can’t find anything to critique about it. This is just cool t bh
Looking good
That’s excellent man. What’s your usual content like? Is it mostly creature designs and such? This looks really cool

There I think I got everyone!

>> No.5250399

the face looks so good, but i dont like the back

>> No.5250409

(I'm >>5250390 btw)
Nice joke
Has potential, polish it!!
I like the angular style
Another eye one? Neat, this one has soul.
Nice anatomy!
You should use references especially for the head but it still has soul. I like it ^^
That looks intense and cool
I feel like in a year you will be a very popular artist. Keep on polishing your works and dedicate yourself to learning anatomy
Would get a commission if I had money/10
Fucking WEIRD but you have the talent to make it look good
Complete it bro!!
Your line work is so clean and the anatomy is very good
You are not /beg/. Add line weight and that image will be stunning
You've got very good shading, I wish I could do that
Looking good so far!
The pose is a bit stiff but you're headed in the right direction
SOUL <3 that is all
Holy fuck I wish I could shade like that
Use references bro, and add more detail to see where it leads you
I havent seen crosshatching in a while, I think it's pretty cool that you're doing it!
JFC.. I'm so jealous of artists that can be so detailed without issue. Good work man
My neck is broken but it's cute! You should totally finish it.

>> No.5250411

this drawing has been blessed by loomis himself

>> No.5250435

it's all digital. I used kyle's thick and thin ink and disabled the size jitter

>> No.5250634
File: 733 KB, 2048x1233, 4DB3A0C4-09F2-44EB-A9E0-DB3415EC2E69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expressive eyes are hard, and you did it with very little. good job
lovely lines, very /fa/
looks trad, can’t tell if trad or digital
you’re hiding hands but have a decent sense of form
even at that angle, his jaw should be much larger. he had the head proportions of a woman or child.
this is cool but it feels like something is missing. i can’t quite put my finger on it. maybe the lighter values should be lighter.
i really like the colors.
i love her exaggerated pose
very based
love him and his little peepee. that face is gold
keep going
i like her hair
love the pose, her face seems just a bit small for her head. really, it seems like the volume of her hair overwhelms her head. just minor proportion adjustments would help. i really like the way you drew the shoes, skirt and hair.
great shading and a cool trad style, i would never have the patience for this kind of work
the top left looks the best and the one next him the worst mainly because of the nose
her pose is really stiff and it seems like you should practice anatomy more. the painting and choice of colors is great though, and i really like the sword.
this speaks to me
excellent draftsmanship, hote
very cool design
based rude chad draftsman
the bird is my favorite part
that bunny/monkey pokemon lookin guy in the foreground is cute, i want to see more!

>> No.5250740

Adding the woman is mandatory, I'm sorry that you don't like her. Thank you for the feedback however.

>> No.5250744

Thank you for the tree compliments.
This is an image, there's no audio, hehe.

>> No.5250748
File: 316 KB, 2048x2033, Tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologize for making three posts, I am a bit retarded and slow, but thank you for the feedback.

>> No.5250798

Post more and blog.

>> No.5250802

No sorry, you can only post art once I think. I don't have a blog either, I have a Minds account though.

>> No.5250876

mentor me.

>> No.5251185

0114 0116 here, thks for the feedback

>> No.5251322
File: 3.96 MB, 6000x5200, waifu drawings resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like his little tail
you draw nice pants
i think the one eye got too filled in?
cute. nice gesture
what I want to criticize is that name, if it's an OC.
I'd fax that to someone if I wanted to use up all their ink
i liek long legs
you could crack walnuts with that chin
i like, neat freaky design. leg pose feels stiff tho
should zoom out a bit lol
neat. shoulders might be too wide? or it's just the jacket.
nice clothes.
where's his chin? should borrow some from /ic/ Chad guy up above.
i don't feel grinding works
nice work on the sword blade detail
has charm and soul
nice render
needs more loomis
nice gesture
is that a robot with tits? fuckin based.
foggy start
face is hard to make out desu
you made me hurt my neck for a monkey joke?
my brother. nice work.
very nice. i like those colours a lot.

I've been focusing on my lineart and speed lately. I enjoy filling a big canvas with poses.

>> No.5251339

Thank you, and good digits.

>> No.5251346

all you have to do is to clean your lines (don't forget to add line weight) and youre set for greatness. great color choice. better line art sometimes compensates for the lack of rendering

>> No.5251447
File: 3.28 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20210304_150128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stylezing metals is fun.

>> No.5251491

Perspective is off on the right eye.
Learn proportions before stylezing.
Nice doodle. I tried to make a drawing from random lines but it didn't turn out goot.
Don't cheat. Learn to draw feet and hands.
The head looks wierd, the fingers also and there are too many random folds.
I like this one a lot.
At least learn proper values and shading if you want to go with a cartoonish style.
Her shoulders are too broad for a woman but other than that it looks good.
Looks really good but the colors are a bit flat.
Learn to draw normal eyes before doing anime eyes.
Shoulders to broad but looks nice otherwise. You should try finishing it.
Nice but you should finish it.
I like your style. You have good knowledge of facial structure.
Perspective is weird. Her legs look like stumps.
Looks good. Maybe you should try making the hills come up from the ground as supposed to just slapping them on the field.
These are great.
If you like that book you should try something more complex than just the first chapter head.
Right hand looks weird. You should also finish your drawings.
Really cool. Try finishing the background.
Perspective looks weird. A normal head is not a sphere.
You certainly are. What paper are you using?
Looks OK but if you don't want to color it you should stick to one color.
Her head looks horrible. Like something from a flash game.
Very good. The chicken scratches add a lot of personality.
You can be a great coon artist.

>> No.5251534
File: 2.71 MB, 1620x2160, 7A53AF86-F521-4D0D-8CF8-8A0DC54074BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

webcomic cover

>> No.5251544

Okay, thank you I will keep that in mind.

>> No.5251579

gay AF but otherwise good

>> No.5251671
File: 2.53 MB, 4432x2500, sketch3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool here's some doodling I did when I should have been practicing

I love the shapes the silhouettes create
coal mine worker
the form has been felt
I like how you've done the grey scale but the face makes me feel uncomfortable
this looks pretty rad
think more about line weight and how the atmosphere will affect far away objects
looks decent, hope you get those v-bucks
Based, bit of a note to all anons here, don't let other people's misery distract you from your goals
Anon... why did you draw me?
cmon give us a better picture
really nice, I think you'll benefit from better choosing your line thickness
same as above
pretty cool, reminds me of that guy who drew the final fantasy concept art
keep grinding my man! you're doing good
pose looks a bit unbalanced
i like it
looks solid
>my face when Loomis
pretty cool design, reminds me of Blame
Looks good but maybe get more contrast in
kind of unclear as to what's going on, maybe increase line weight on the lighter side?
can't tell what you're saying in those bubbles
can't tell if she's propping herself up or lying on the bed
I really like it, just clean up those lines a bit. You can still keep them semi scratchy for the aesthetic but at points its too messy.
line weight will greatly improve your work
looks more like cloth
you have border lighting but with shadows, makes it look really weird, I like the statue pose though, what did you use for reference?

>> No.5251714
File: 92 KB, 864x864, 20210208_150710_copy_864x864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most recent study

good start

the style is working for me
>hiding hands

I like it. can't tell where he's looking though

look up chainsaw refs

study proportions

bg is weird

ayy, dariusbro

I feel like you could've pushed this eveb more

nice inking

work on faces and heads. you'll prob make it

her thighs are really short

perspectove is really off.other than that, not bad


really nice

her face looks off in top right. good job tho

I especially like the bunny robot thing

>> No.5252163 [DELETED] 

Just wanted to say op is a genius, and we should have this topic remade at least a few more times.
I never post my work in /ic/, even though I draw itt's all the time, but I'd probably start posting regularly again if this comfortable topic were a /general/ or something
I posted a sketch, and really skilled anons gave me lots of fun feedback I'd never considered. This could be an addictive boost to work milage.
Great work, op.

>> No.5252168

Just wanted to say op is a genius, and we should have this topic remade at least a few more times.
I never post my work in /ic/, even though I draw itt's all the time, but I'd probably start posting regularly again if this comfortable topic were a /general/ or something
I posted a sketch, and really skilled anons gave me lots of fun feedback I'd never considered. This could be an addictive boost to work mileage.
Great work, op.

>> No.5252257

>the best thread is the one that guarantees responses
give and take works

>> No.5252272
File: 30 KB, 1024x1024, Spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should do more of this , i like this concept , what do you guys think of this

>> No.5252318

Does the head look objectively terrible or do you just not like flash stuff? I was going for the flash look which is why I'm asking.

>> No.5252319

I am >>5252272

this is the best drawing i have ever seen i my entire life
Looks good enough
I dont know what to say about this but i gotta reply
Any tips on drawing women/people in general
Head looks a bit weird , i think it has to do with the perspective
Intresting artstyle , i like it , i wonder how your stuff will look when you get out of the "xerox" phase , i think we have all/most been there , no need to insult you over it , we all start somewhere
Looks weird , idk if its the artstyle or what, could do a bit of improvement.
The Lupins cosplayers sideburns look a bit too quickly scribbled with a brush
The boobs for demonstration girl`s plevis region looks a bit skeletal.The breasts dont seem to have any issues
The necks also look off , i think its because they are a bit too long and too perfectly cylindrical
Anatomy looks good but lines are chicken scratched (idk if this is what you where aiming for) amd the clothes arent properly filled it
This does look like a relativlly quick and messy sketch so i will give you that
What are those croissant muscle things on waist , are those like parasites or weird muscles ,anyways looks scary.
Looks meh , eyebrows and what i belive where supposed to be eyebags on the right eye could use some improvement
Reminds me of telepuerte slightly , its good
Lineart looks good, idk why it looks traced tho , perhaps because its has no strong and weak lines and its only linework
Other than that its ok
Dont know what to say aout this other than looks good , the beard of the black guy looks a bit weird where it makes contact with the skin but other than that looks good
Have no ideea about asaro so i wont comment
Nice , the bending leg might have some perspective issues but other than that looks good
not bad , not bad at all
Shading looks good

>> No.5252368

I am >>5252272

Caricature , dont have anything to say about it
Not sure if this is your work or a reaction image , i think its a reaction image tho
Legs are a bit spaggeti , i think its intended but if its not its good to have someone else point it out just in case
The leg next to the hashed out tile looks flat , like you just forgot how to perspective on it
Wonder how it will turn out
Cant you be bothered to atleast rotate it 90 degrees with paint.net or some shit
looks intresting , dont know what else to say
Line work looks clean
Looks a bit more like crystal/cloth than metal . also the candle wax drops seem to behave differently than normal wax , dont really have time to look into exactly why because of the ammount of drawings i have to comment on
Looks like pillowshading , cant tell where the lighting is supposed to come from. Looks you just shaded random bits of the person
Its still drawing so i count it as practice , perhaps less effective than actual practice/study but still practice
Dont know what to comment on this but i have to
Thats my drawing

>> No.5252376

Perhaps make new threads more often so people dont end up having to reply to 3934209 artworks

Or make it so that everyone has to reply to the 5/10/[any number] most recent drawings that have been posted

>> No.5252380

As a flash head it looks fine but for anyone who didn't experience any flash games it will look bad.

>> No.5252397
File: 101 KB, 960x819, 1542683753999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lineart looks good, idk why it looks traced tho , perhaps because its has no strong and weak lines and its only linework
not traced, just a brainlet who gotten a pc 2 months ago and didn't realize my pen pressure wasn't set until after I posted this in /beg/ 2 days ago

>> No.5252423
File: 1.89 MB, 1700x2338, sabineteamgasit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Ps colored version of this if anyone cares to see, if not I'll just leave this here thanks bye

>> No.5252601

Hmm okay, I'll try to modify it so I can get the best of both worlds

>> No.5252604

FUCK, you're right. Trying out new poses can be a bitch sometimes

>> No.5252758

Bazat ce sa mai spun

>> No.5252762

Ne baneaza janny ca vb in romana

>> No.5252765

fut fut ma dor coaiele

>> No.5252773

>Its still drawing so i count it as practice , perhaps less effective than actual practice/study but still practice

True, but I feel like with doodling I just stay within my comfort zone while when practicing I actively try to do stuff I don't feel comfortable doing

>> No.5252807
File: 2.66 MB, 1600x2008, giant v4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these would look good on a face
looks like a female drew it, I like the style
could use more clearly defined bone structure if you're going for realism
hid hands the same way i do
it's not bad but you need to study facial proportions
I'm not sure what you're going for, the lighting values are visible but the way you're portraying them isn't that pleasing to me
absolutely look into varying your line thickness
charge more, you're making me look bad
people will say chickenscratch but it's really not bad enough to matter
disgusting, excellent job
are you drawing from reference? you should be
I'm sure it's part of the style you're going for but her right arm is uncannily detached from her torso, face looks good
I think this could benefit from line thickness variation too
you need to make him thicker all around to better capture the original image
looks good except for the face
reminds me of something that might be in one of Shel Silverstein's books
her head seems a little too large for her body
of the two, I like this one more
this is personal bias but I really like meme redraws
work on your prospective but cool design
it's cool but finish it
solid, reminds me of DND
post more than one panel
why piss
one of my favorites out of the ones I replied to so far
people who fill in the the void of characters who dont have a lot of porn are based
I think the wax drips are too regular-looking
study more feet
it's alright, eyes seems a bit wonky
if this is supposed to be as seen through a peephole adding some distortion would be cool
great job portraying detail without going overboard

how do I learn how to texture things?

>> No.5252970

This is a really cool thread, I'm not ready to pmw but soon, so please keep those up, give then a generic name so we cna identify the threads thanks