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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5238008 No.5238008 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Krita you sp/ic/s

Im playin around with it, since i'd been using SAI only for my drawing sessions, but i miss the geometric shapes and tools

Any recommendations on Krita advantages or disadvantages?

>> No.5238022

>Krita disadvantages
It's not the software I use, use the software I use instead

>> No.5238028

use photoshop you dirty mexican

>> No.5238056
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im a destitute slav you cunt

I tried using photoshop, and played around with the brush settings, but it just doesn't feel right

its like my linework is 10x more janky in photoshop then in any other software

>> No.5238061


>> No.5238065

>he thinks a different program would make him a better artist
definitely ngmi

>> No.5238072

>get photoshop
>pick hard round brush

>> No.5238086
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nah it just that im enjoying it now, and im worried im not seeing some pitfall that is waiting for me if i start getting into said program

if i really wanted only to "make it tm@" id do as >>5238072 said and just grind away with a hard round, but i enjoy/have fun with the toys that Krita has provided, im trying to see, with the infinite wisdom/autism of this place, if there are any major dealbrakers or cool techniques or tools im unaware of

>> No.5238109
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ah well, thanks for the banter anons
good night

>> No.5238167

is this true? i thought 90% /ic/ was americans. or it's particularly the krita users?

>> No.5238178

>implying /ic/ isn't full of third-worlders looking to make easy income off coom

>> No.5238182

>not third world

>> No.5238201

you can make your own macros with the python scripting
uses more ram than sai
clipping layers dont work like in sai, which might be confusing, but just read the docs
use the "ten brushes" plugin so you can assign brushes to hotkeys
every brush can be used to erase
vector tools on krita kinda follow the photoshop way, so its worse than sai
the perspective tools in krita are better
the clone layers thing is awesome
you can configure better your brushes in krita, and make stuff like this madman does
the stabilization tools are the same, you can adjust the intensity and all that stuff

So far my experience with krita has been positive

the biggest downside of sai I would say is that you cant move the canvas with middle button and the fact that if you open a psd with sai and then save it, it changes the internal id of the layers what fucked everything I used to do with said psd files afterwards

>> No.5238202

I like Krita because its free

>> No.5238996

Fucking banger reply, opinion anon
thanks a ton

>> No.5239016

At least most of the users seem to euro weebshitters

>> No.5239070

Krita is really great for image processing for gamedev applications, it has a lot of amazing tools for sprites and tiles processing. I still don’t understand why nobody else added seamless tile editing mode, it is really amazing feature of Krita that alone worth all of it’s disadvantages.
As for drawing with it, it can be done but brush engine is really meh and not helping you.

>> No.5239749

>i thought 90% /ic/ was americans.
Of course it is, there's no other way to reach such levels of stupidity, pretentiousness and malice.

>> No.5241515

using photoshop to paint kys faggot and also paying a premium cuck

>> No.5243597

>use the "ten brushes" plugin so you can assign brushes to hotkeys
I tried using this shit but it locks you from using any of the alphabet keys right? Kinda un-intuitive to be locked to using 1-0 or F1-F12 or something along those lines.
>every brush can be used to erase
Every brush can be used to erase in sai, and I think CSP too.
>the perspective tools in krita are better
Than sai 1? Yes, because Sai doesn't have them. But better than Sai 2? I doubt that. Krita has some okay perspective tools but honestly, Lazy Nezumi is way better than that and SAI 2 from what I recall was on par with Lazy Nezumi.
>the stabilization tools are the same, you can adjust the intensity and all that stuff
Not really. They're the same in "theory" but neither CSP or Krita feels like sai's stabilizer. The closest would be Lazy Nezumi's.

Krita isn't bad but it doesn't necessarily do anything better than the competition. It just so happens to have a lot of stuff from all the other drawing apps mashed into one program done decent-good but never amazing.

>> No.5243605

i bought CSP and i keep trying to use it to get my moneys worth but fuck me, krita just feels 10x better to use. i think it's CSPs stabilizer, it's so heavy that it makes all my strokes feel weighted down.
sidewayspencil-kun and Ink4_Pen_Rough are so nice to use

>> No.5243607

oh right and the way krita handles the "Eraser Mode" on my XP Pen is miles better than anything else i've used.
CSP doesn't actually switch to the eraser, so to change size i have to switch to eraser, make my change, switch back to my pen/pencil/brush/whatever then hit the eraser mode, and SAI always resets to "Pencil" like a retard regardless of what tool i was using
krita? just keeps track of two different brushes. amazingly simple, works perfectly.
the canvas rotation is amazing too. fuck i just love krita so much bros.

>> No.5243610

That's fuckin cool

>> No.5245302
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>I tried using this shit but it locks you from using any of the alphabet keys right? Kinda un-intuitive to be locked to using 1-0 or F1-F12 or something along those lines.
You configure the shortcuts for the plugin through the typical Keyboard Shortcuts interface

>> No.5245888

show me some guide videos on painting with krita
also, does it have perspective guidelines?

>> No.5247940

What is best for me? I'm most used to Photoshop, but I hear people saying that lines suffer in Photoshop, and that I need a stabilizer/Lazy Nezumi. Is this simply a matter of learning how to draw cleaner lines, or do I really need a stabilizer to get good lines in Photoshop? Should I take the Kritapill?