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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 488 KB, 1920x1200, uglycolors-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5214136 No.5214136 [Reply] [Original]

boxman edition because i didn't see one

first stupid question:

what are some good color rules to follow when drawing flowers? im trying to turn random left hand scribbles into a bed of flowers and the result is rancid.

>> No.5214266

check out Vilppu's landscape drawing course on rutracker, boxman

>> No.5214276

Can I learn to do libeless stuffs by usibg markers as some kind of paint?

>> No.5214280


>> No.5214371

anyone know how I can replicate this brush in Procreate?

>> No.5214538
File: 52 KB, 750x733, 1613274178026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5214566

Is it rude to ask other artists about how they get clients/commissions or anything to do with income? for context we are mutuals, but they have like 10x more followers

>> No.5214886
File: 203 KB, 479x911, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone help me recall/find a piece of artwork? My memory is really fuzzy but it was a painting of a tall man in black, his outfit had no detail to it and was nearly completely noir. I wish I could remember the background as well, pic related is the best I could do from memory.

>> No.5214916
File: 59 KB, 525x768, f3c202e6a8775ef4dcd2e06f963068bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I manage to find it, the artist is Anne Magill.

>> No.5214984
File: 58 KB, 602x427, A79F92B9-6097-43E1-85B7-44D41DE9E35F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will I know I’m ready to quit my job and go full-time on art?
What are good indicators: having a lot of clients lined up, matching your own standards in your art, making a lot of money per commission, making a good hourly rate based on your own workflow?
The only reason I’d entertain it is because I have a lot of clients lined up. By my own standards I’m not that good, but it’s also hard to practice getting better because good practice cuts into my actual drawing time, which nowadays all goes to my clients. They’re starting to get frustrated that I’m not getting through my queue fast enough. Mix of animation and illustration clients. They won’t say as much but I can feel it.
My main animation client is constantly giving me work and the work I’ve been doing basically spiraled into pre-production for an animated film(I’ve been paid all along the way).
Aside from that guy, I have 3 other people who want me to do some work for them. 2 of them are always in my backyard asking me to do stuff, long-term work on things like comics, animation, etc.
My main bottleneck to getting more work done is time management and the amount of time I have to work with. My average is 2 hours of drawing per day, 5 hours when I have the whole day to myself and I haven’t been exhausted by my dayjob(cafe).

>> No.5215123

Me being neurotic.
Is it ok to mix media? ie use watercolors, pen and ink and colored pencils?
Is it considered childish to use colored pencils? what about drawing on colored paper?
I feel as though I'm cheating or not drawing as I'm supposed to with the proper materials. I don't often see people here use this stuff so I feel as though I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.5215127

no rules, just tools. everything is okay, as long as it looks good.

>> No.5215147
File: 2.86 MB, 1000x1735, pestdoktorer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. This is what prompted me to think of this. I had a lot of fun drawing these and that childlike glee made me feel a little strange, I was so used to being frustrated when using watercolours for example that it felt, wrong, somehow.
I can't really find any artists using these mediums that don't just do photo realistic drawings of animals or people, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.

>> No.5215287

What's a good watercolor palette for beginners?

>> No.5215307

you have to learn proportions, get a face you really like, and observe the distances of the main parts of the face.

>> No.5215335

if you have fun with it you should pour yourself into that direction in art.

>> No.5215383
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1605903010610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does shading an object (a head for example) works under a shadow?

>> No.5215392

Looks good.

>> No.5215811

if you get a commission request you dont like like an ugly oc or extremely boring idea or whatever reason how do you refuse it do you just "i will not do this because i dont like it lol"

>> No.5216266


Thank you. I will try to stop overthinking things.

>> No.5216498

make it darker than the shadow it's under

>> No.5217128

how do you add spaces to tags in Pixiv? when you do something like "original character" it just becomes #original #character and adding an underscore or hyphen just makes it its own tag

>> No.5217137

i dont speak commie

>> No.5217138

oh, and what are some other good tags to use?

>> No.5217163

Does anyone know what’s going on with Quickposes right now? Because it seems to me like they suddenly lost, like 80% of their content. Is it just maintenance or did they really downscale their gallery permanently?

>> No.5217401

Tradfag here. How do i transition into digital art? is there any tips or resources i should look in to, if so which?

>> No.5217408

i just need to now how do i into inking. this shit makes me want ot kill myself

>> No.5217421

digital inking

>> No.5217740

this is why i hate this board, you ask for advice you get none but make threqd about talent, coom or boobaposting and you get replies within seconds.

>> No.5217747

welcome to art communities
fuckers who quickly forgot their struggles and all out for themselves

>> No.5217782

When shading a head under a shadow it should look almost one solid color but have faint shading in the bright areas

>> No.5217902
File: 3.43 MB, 1280x1657, F5FC5832-1CAF-4991-8AEB-27787A6A092F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are you fags finding your stock images for references?
is there a treasure trove somewhere i don't know about
>inb4 google images

>> No.5218038

What shortcuts do you use for layers, brushes and whatever else you actively use? and i read a post some time ago saying i should copy my brushes and lock them to different sizes (CSP), then set up different shortcuts for each brush, is this actually a thing? or is it some retarded shit?

>> No.5218094
File: 220 KB, 750x1114, 632AEB09-32D2-42EA-B6A9-0AD072CE55DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unrelated but I just need to know

Does Arron Blaise have a big dick pic related

>> No.5218100

Why artists are so attractive to woman if they don't have resources?

>> No.5218106

Seems like you're in a good position to drop your dayjob. I'd say go for it

But anyway if the day job is only 4-5 hours long I think you can manage both with some good time management and an ipad/S6 tablet so you could draw during slow hours

>> No.5218109

Just say no, don't add anymore salt to his wound. The clients will usually understand (since you're probably not the first artist that rejected his shitty oc)

>> No.5218119
File: 203 KB, 512x512, 87808094_p3_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I was clearly way too exhausted from work and was not using my brain when I made this post...

So I'll ask it again:
anyone know how I can replicate this brush in Procreate?

>> No.5218433

It's literally just a hard round chalk brush.

>> No.5218434

pinterest. submit to the algorithm and you'll get even better refs sometimes

>> No.5218461

So it would seem haha

>> No.5218465
File: 29 KB, 465x469, Photoshop lag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix this shit? I've tried every solution I can find regarding brush lag in Photoshop and no matter what I do, it keeps doing it.
Disabling windows ink, changing the performance settings, lower spacing on brushes, SystemStylus settings in a .txt config file, double click distance, opening in compatability modes, have 32gb of ram. What more does it want from me?

>> No.5218490

can someone explain clipping masks to a retard

>> No.5218498

only musicians and tattoo artists are considered attractive

>> No.5218499


>> No.5218516

in potatoshop alt+click between two layers, this will create a clip mask. what this does is ensures that the top layer only appears over the bottom layer, opacity and all. it's kind of hard to explain verbally so it's like this: if you fill a circle, and clipmask a layer on top, whatever is on that layer will only appear on the circle, and not outside of it. it's used in many digital processes because it's very convenient - you fill in a shape (e.g. the character, or a specific part like hair) and then use that as a mask to ensure whatever you paint on top stays within that shape.

this is useful because you don't have to keep messing with edges after you establish the initial shape, and you can use large brushes without going outside the bounds of the figure or a particular part of it, and also lots of other things that you'll figure out when you become comfortable with them. of course you don't have to use them, and you can use normal masks or lasso selections for a similar effect, or you can paint all on one layer.

>> No.5218547

tfw you cant upgrade your shit hands

>> No.5218549

yes you can
just do dexterity exercises every day
every beginner art course starts with this, if they don't they're not beginner courses
DaB, Dynamic Sketching, Art of Science and Drawing, Russian Drawing, NMA's Beginner course, and so on all have shit like this
quickest one right here though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz6DrQeQ5rI&t=136s

>> No.5218559

im not that guy my hands are fine

>> No.5218561

it's clearly a tablet problem lmao
op i have no idea, try reinstalling drivers, use different software to see if it's just ps, or maybe use a different version of ps?

>> No.5218563
File: 2.24 MB, 1000x1224, 65431684531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a PS halftone brush with this hexagon pattern, but I can't find one

>> No.5218565
File: 176 KB, 857x1094, 2021-02-20_190107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I can find are these useless overlapping patterns on free brushes websites

>> No.5218567

I have one

>> No.5218570

where did you get it ?

>> No.5218573

made it

>> No.5218592

So it's an easier way to keep color inside the lines? Thanks, I think I get it now

>> No.5218627

Get a tablet of some kind, I use the Huion 640p as it was very affordable and I haven't had issues. As for digital inning, you are in for a treat. Just look up Vector layers. Makes it so fucking easy combined with a vector eraser. But get ready to spam Alt+Z a lot, even the pros have to do it. As for videos to watch, there are a ton. Just look up, 'how to do digital lineart' and you'll find someone and they will likely have videos on the rest of digital shit like coloring and shading and lighting. Just scour Youtube, that's what I did and it has been helping. But be prepared to try multiple processes as there a million ways to get similar results and everyone has their own method it seems like, so you have to try multiple to find what you like best and is best for your workflow. Hope this helped. I just transitioned to digital last month and have been learning it as I go it really helps if you at least understand Photoshop layers beforehand as there are multiple programs that use the same type of 'layers' system and 90% of every tutorial you find will be using them too.

>> No.5219120

Isnt drawing from imagination just symbol drawing and if so isn’t that bad?

>> No.5219130

semantically yes, just the symbol is much more refined. practically no. a constructed eye with well thought out anatomy and perspective is much closer to an accurate representation of an eye than an abstract and flat fish shape drawn by a child.

>isn't that bad?
either bait or npc

>> No.5219132

It's 3d symbol drawing. Like legos

>> No.5219287

Someone posted a painting here a while back that was a painting of nude muscular men either in a locker room or indoor pool i think? You could not see their dicks, as they had towels around them. Does anyone know what the painting was?

>> No.5219388

I come here to waste time every few months and every time I do people are still coping over the same shit. I hope for their sake it's not the same people still doing it years later, but some new copers running into the same problems. Anyway, it makes me sad because the solution to their problem is often so simple and common sense and they just don't want to fix their terrible behaviour. They could be better off and this whole place could be better off if they unironically drew more and talked less

>> No.5219611


>> No.5219667

... how do I draw cum like Jlullaby?

>> No.5219687

next question: how to stop being npc?

>> No.5219775
File: 491 KB, 1280x720, 1613884074869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do i feel like i can touch her in this image?
i usually shit on anime but this one just feels alive to me

>> No.5220171

how is it that sometimes I can tell someone does NSFW art just form looking at one piece of their SFW stuff?

>> No.5220396

Thank you, I asked because sometimes when a girl ask for my work, I say I am a draftsman and she is surprised and interested, saying 'when can I draw her' but only works with draftsman if I say 'I am an animator' she is confused and change the subject.

>> No.5220467

Imagine she farts haha

>> No.5220468

The vulgar curves speak volumes. Look at Shadman's sfw stuff. Feels gross.

>> No.5220472

You should just make one. Set a repeating hexagon grid as the texture, and follow the same procedure as halftone brush making in PS.

>> No.5220673

I've been trying but I run against a problem everytime and so far none of the tutorials I've found help me make a halftone brush like the ones I've bought from pros, they're mostly filters or weird brushes with only the edge working as halftone
I wish I could just find an hexagon brush for purchase, making them is too complicated

>> No.5220702

use brain. nothing good or bad just because someone say so on the internet. critically analyze why something like symbol drawing is a concept, what it means and why people advise against it - or, in this case, seeing as it's the natural way most people begin to draw at a young age, what it leads to and why it's important to break away from it. a generic 3d form from your head might technically be a symbol by virtue of being a generic approximation, but "symbol drawing" doesn't refer to this, it refers to 2d abstractions, which are "bad" in this case because they're incompatible with construction or reality, which exists in 3 dimensions in space and not on a flat plane. ask yourself what you're trying to draw and then ask if an aspect your method is useful for that end or not and why.

>> No.5220885

Draw one particular theme or focus on one particular style long enough, and you'll eventually do it unconsciously. So when the artist tries doing something diferent, the previous style accidently "leaks" and they may not even notice.
Its more common with nsfw to sfw art, but it can happen with other types. Like when someone who draws only women tries drawing men and they come off looking feminine.

>> No.5220910

Why can I only draw when I listen to music?

>> No.5220912

because you;re afraid of the demons in your head

>> No.5221096
File: 109 KB, 736x652, 7994c366260692a5de69a7e6f14042ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study asaro heads. If thats still not helping then you need to get better at drawing forms and planes.

>> No.5221140
File: 715 KB, 1343x1695, 545437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are some good artists to follow on twitter?

>> No.5221194

Thanks anon, I'll try that + ctrl paint videos. can't wait to draw high qual coom

>> No.5221201

best guide for blending modes? i kind of get them, but not really

>> No.5221472
File: 390 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2021-02-21-14-48-01-603_de.x3logic.picarto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was watching an artist stream (Angstrom) and notice this.
What do you call these method of construction and drafting?

Any videos that teach you that kind of drafting too?

>> No.5221497
File: 429 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2021-02-21-15-06-48-243_de.x3logic.picarto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic
just the gray stuff snd lineart

>> No.5221509
File: 184 KB, 910x736, brushsetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My curve brush preview stopped showing on clipstudio as I draw, now it only shows this countour lines, how do I turn it back into showing the brush shape itself?

>> No.5221544

What brush or brush settings do you guys use for sketching in CSP(or in general, really)? Coming from trad, it's hard to find a brush that feels natural to sketch on

>> No.5221701

Can somebody please answer my question?

>> No.5221791

New to digital art. What canvas size should I generally be using?

>> No.5221802

bigger is better, you can downsize to post and you don't get as much pixelation when zooming in to paint detail. alternatively, if you're doing studies and not rendering minutiae, you can force yourself to use a smaller canvas. value studies can be done at 1000x1000 and splash illustrations are done at 8k+. start with 2000xwhatever and see how it works for you

>> No.5221821

Post an example im not going to look that shit up.

Most likely the answer is just do cum studies from their work.

>> No.5222009

Explain what a cum study is?

>> No.5222020

study how he draws the cum......................

>> No.5222022

Just look it up, it’s not that bad lol

>> No.5222040

How am I supposed to know opacity settings etc? I don’t really understand all I know is it looks clear in some places yet thick and puddled in others, it’s usually yellowish and very shiny. Did I do it right? What do I do now?

>> No.5222046

Look up tutorials on drawing it then? They exist on the internet. I'm not going to spoonfeed you. I have given you your direction, now go.

You know how to paint, right? So paint. If you don't know how, go to ctrl+paint or something and learn your basics first, man.

>> No.5222047

almost there, now paint it fucker. figure out the opacity settings yourself by judging how opaque it is

>> No.5222056

I have an intelligent question, but i don't think it deserves its own thread. Should I open a new general?

>> No.5222059

almost all questions are stupid so i'd love to hear it

>> No.5222924

How do you make drawing fun again?

>> No.5223072

How do I find an art mentor?

>> No.5223126

Pay cash. Check out mentorly.co but if you're low on budget, fiverr got a few cheap mentors

Sometimes you can get an experienced artist as mentor for free but you'll need to be a smooth talker and with some gmi potentials. These guys wanted the credits of raising the next big name

>> No.5223129

Do things you find fun. Do you like trees? Draw them. Do you like anime? Draw them. Experiment with different mediums. Try something you haven't before. You know what's fun to you. So do it.

>> No.5223134

you can't make it fun in the same logical way you might look to get good. if you want it to be fun you need to let go of your analysis and find something you love, and get really obsessed with it. cliche advice but look back to what got you drawing in the first place, and put that ideal first and foremost before any other ideas - fall in love with THAT again, and the love for drawing will follow. you can't force fun by itself

>> No.5223349
File: 753 KB, 1063x1667, 1605693042271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5223374

please make a trip and stick to it so everyone can filter you

>> No.5223389

Does his bullshit count as spamming because it feels like spamming

>> No.5223396

it's in every thread and it doesn't stop so take action

>> No.5223401

It's not spamming unless you also delete the pixel art thread and the coom ones so be my guess

>> No.5223409

I'm not a Janny just trying to figure out what category he fits in

>> No.5223808
File: 4 KB, 229x96, pixiv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? What's the difference between the two? It says to heart things I like but there's also a Like button. Anyone familiar with pixiv can explain this and which I should be liking/hearting?

>> No.5223865

what's the best time of day to post your shit on social media, i.e: when do most people pick up their phones and browse twitter/instagram?

>> No.5223875

heart is your bookmark/favorite option. it puts it in collection for you that you can then come back and look at. you can also specify to book mark things privately too.
like is just a like. you can like multiple times, too, in a day but usually just once is more than enough.

>> No.5223886

So what do artists like to see more, hearts or likes?
Seems a bit dumb that you can like something multiple times desu.

>> No.5223930

hearts boost the artist's work more, such as allowing them to tag it with bookmark milestones (like say #1000userbookmarks) and thus can be more easily searched and found as more "quality" work than the rest.
other than it being social in nature and to show extreme appreciation, I can't say for certain why the option is there for multiple likes. if anything it seems doing it too much might freak users out, especially if they see its a foreigner doing it daily.

>> No.5223976

1pm - 3pm

>> No.5224074

i know how to work with forms through perspective and hard construction but i dont think i really "feel" it. everything still seems flat. are there exercises for this kind of thing

>> No.5224325

what's the quickest giveaway that something is flat?

>> No.5224423
File: 699 KB, 1908x1919, 20210223_022311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote down a list of artists i like/want to study and only one isnt a jap. Does this say anything about me? Am i ngmi?

>> No.5224430

This is like my porn collection.

>> No.5224435

How so?

>> No.5224473

you like what you like but your scope is probably small
widen your scope to artists who are good to study from

>> No.5224642

1.i've been drawing on and off as a hobbyist for years without any direction and want to git good. so as well as doing loomis i've been collecting images i like (photos, movie posters, comic/manga pages and covers, random shit from draw threads) with the intent to try copy them, mostly focusing on getting whatever aspects that make me like the peice right, and then trying to intergrate those aspects into my own original works eventually. is this a good use of my time?

2.how do i make something digital (i use sai2) look like water color?

>> No.5224803

/beg/ here. should I care at all about improving my drawing speed at this point? I would like to start improving my speed asap, but I also don’t want to get ahead of myself and rush things.

>> No.5224877

i'm drawing a webcomic that has a lot of fight scenes in it
i don't really get any views or people talking about it but i want to draw it
is it best if I take my time drawing them and only post one page per week or should i be drawing multiple pages but with lower quality artwork, say two or three per week while also doing multiple studies

>> No.5224879


>> No.5224880

Draw slower. You'll improve faster that way if you take the time to go through all the steps. I wasted years of progress doing scribbly shit when i was trying to be a storyboard artist

>> No.5224884

consistancy matters

>> No.5225638

No. Work on accuracy first. Speed will come with experience. Do you want fast shitty work or fast good work after years of practice? Take your time, it will get faster.

>> No.5226054
File: 116 KB, 938x632, 1614021259545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be a good idea to go onto Only Fans and pay for users to be amateur models?

>> No.5226084

whats that

>> No.5226101

if there are artists you actually like, that's a pretty good symptom of being gmi

>> No.5226107

post your work

>> No.5226161

What you're describing is a transparency mask.

A clipping path is a vector path, that defines a region, and is usually used to export images for use in other applications, like InDesign.


You can also create clipping paths in InDesign, and in Illustrator.

Transparency masks don't work outside of Photoshop, unless you export as a tiff, gif, or bmp. A clipping path in a .PSD file will work in another app - and gives you the ability to still edit the image, and the vector path, after placing it in a document.

It's a design tool, more than an art tool.

>> No.5226163

1. I think that counts as research so its not really a waste of time
2. Sai comes with a few water color burshes (3 I think) but you could add more by downloading brushes or custom create your own

>> No.5226164

That's more than likely a hexagon grid, imported as a later, and edited to remove parts of it to the overall shape.

>> No.5226166

No, drawing from imagination is not symbol drawing.

Symbol drawing is cartoony, child-like drawings. It's drawing 'symbols" of objects, like a stick figure instead of an actual body.

>> No.5226171

Speed is irrelevant when learning.

>> No.5226175

In what way? In person? I would think most if all OnlyFan models have no interest in personal meet ups.

The best source for live models, if that's what you're looking for, is small agencies like Model Mayhem.

If you want photos, I'm sure some OnlyFans models would be into you paying for a custom shoot only you get copies of. I don't use OnlyFans, though, so you'd have to go on there and ask.

>> No.5226181

How much money are we talking here? A buck? 100 bucks?

>> No.5226184

I mean like "Hey, can you photograph yourself doing *insert pose here*"

>> No.5226208
File: 5 KB, 404x87, Untitled-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know what i'm describing retard. nobody mentioned paths at any point

>> No.5226230

Ctrl+Paint free videos (or the paid ones if you can find em for free)

>> No.5226248

What do you mean? Like grabbing her on the chest?

>> No.5226249

translated: how do i make it look 3d without learning anything about form and perspective

>> No.5226251

to slow down keep a conversation of questions in your head. be specific, very specific

>> No.5226255
File: 36 KB, 640x480, lumangry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upload something to tumblr
>After a couple of hours get a few notes, pleased people like my art
>Come back later and search the tags I posted in to see if there's anything new
>Notice that my art isn't showing up
>Go back to my original post and edit the tags, usually remove one or two
>Artwork is now visible again

Does anyone know why this happens? Am I just being seen as spam by the tumblr bots or something?
This has to be the fourth time I had to mess with the tags to get my art to show up and it's starting to piss me off

>> No.5226257

how do i feel the form

>> No.5226260

start cross contouring everything like a wireframe and it will start making sense

>> No.5226265

how to train consistency

>> No.5226266

tumblr is dead my dude

>> No.5226272

draw more
if you're under 5000 hours which is a number i just pulled out of my ass then you don't have any consistency because you don't have enough experience and you're still making beginner mistakes

>> No.5226316

I still get more notes there than I ever get on my twitter, which is basically just posting into the ether

>> No.5226548
File: 44 KB, 533x420, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I stop Photoshop from doing this gay thing whenever I use the paint bucket?

>> No.5226556


>> No.5226621

>Coming from trad
Artrage should be a better software for you, it primarily attempts to replicate traditional media

>> No.5226626

Stop using the paint bucket. You are just asking for ugly edges.
Try select+expand+fill (if you do it lots, save it as an action or something so you can assign a shortcut to the expand+fill).

>> No.5226765

You're using a brush with opacity or a soft brush when you go along the edges before filling. Use a brush with hard edges and no opacity (not that hard round bullshit, an actual hard edged brush like a pixel artist would use).

You could also just magic wand select the area and fill, or lasso tool it.

>> No.5227437

Thanks anons. Gonna go draw some hands now - slow as fuck.

>> No.5227898
File: 226 KB, 758x1000, anatomy-for-sculptors-understanding-the-human-figure-english-pdf-ebook_76740c1a-dd9b-4a7c-9f45-cd557f8c0813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guts study from books that dont handhold you with specific exercises to try? I have pic related and its cool but when I try and study from it I just copy what I see on a given page, which feels more like training my ability to copy a reference than it does actually understanding whats on the page.

>> No.5227907

Try drawing the anatomy from different angles, and build up from the skeleton through the deep layers of muscle up to the top. You can also try tracing the anatomy out over nude model photographs, and then try constructing them yourself.

>> No.5227914

this is why the beg trap threads are hilarious, it's not the resource anywhere near as much as the people using it kek

what are you trying to learn anon? the thought process is the same regardless of the book - you want to internalize the knowledge and incorporate it into your own work, so do whatever you do to study and then test yourself. do it from imagination, do it from different angles, do it in extreme perspectives, break down real life model refs into the same format - if you can't do it, then go back and go over the info and test yourself again. keep rinsing and repeating until you can reliably recall what you wanted to learn on paper, and then grind it until its second nature. the test isn't whether you can copy something, the test is whether you actually learned it, and it becomes clear whether you have or not when you engage your brain and be honest with yourself

>> No.5227927

Is the free version of sketchup good for 3d modeling?

>> No.5227950

For modeling what? It's good for stuff like buildings and maybe cars, but good luck trying to model people in it.

>> No.5228333

What's the best mechanical pencil for beginner? At first I was confused about, what exactly the difference between drafting and artist pencil, then I came across this video and it helped me understand a little bit.

Although I'm still not sure what to buy. I've been considering Pentel's GraphGear 1000, I heard it's a hybrid between drafting and artist pencil, but the spring mechanism to retract the nib and lead is kinda too strong and I fear it will wear down after some time. I heard Uni Kuru Toga is nice too.

Also, I find this kind of mechanical pencil for artist kinda rare in my country. Basically I don't know where to buy the lead locally if I ran out of them.

I'm considering buying it from amazon jp, but I wonder if something like standard pentel's graphgear is more than enough for beginner.

>> No.5228408

What software is better design doll or clip studio paint's 3d models?

>> No.5228447
File: 131 KB, 850x1198, brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any shortcut in sai that can zoom in AND out? every shortcut seems to only do one thing

>> No.5228462

Op here,I was thinking about modeling architecture.

>> No.5228490

Did you try Ctrl + and Ctrl - ?

>> No.5228508

is there any scan for Shingo Fujii's Anime Fuuraibou books? Nice to see another Fujii's fans here.

>> No.5228529

Which pen name is better

>> No.5228596

how do i get better drawing expressions? my faces always look flat

>> No.5228601
File: 821 KB, 650x4128, 1463396891512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i find the rest of this? and the rest of krenz's perspective stuff too i guess

>> No.5228611

That process converts the selection path to a vector. But keep calling people names to cover up your ignorance.

>> No.5228623

There is no "best". There is 'what I like and prefer (and can afford)"

I know it's 4chan, but it's flabbergasting sometimes how hard you anons create artificial barriers, especially over something as low entry and low cost as buying a pencil. Buy a couple different kinds. Try them. If one of them feels good in your hand, and you like using it, buy more of that one.

>> No.5228643

no it doesn't, it clipmasks the layer to the layer below, without a single selection path being used at any point, and has nothing to do with vectors. I don't know why you're so desperate to flex your graphic design knowledge but you are, unreservedly, a retard

>> No.5230093

alright, I think I'll start by buying the one that I can afford. In general, which country produces best quality, Germany or Japan? I see a lot of options from both:
>Faber Castell TK 9400
>Staedtler Mars 780 Technica
>Kaweco CLASSIC Sport clutch pencil
>Rotring 300
>Kita Boshi
>OHTO Sharp
>Mitsubishi Uni MH-500

>> No.5230098

Easiest way to draw siege gear? I want to draw it for my siege oc

>> No.5230254


>> No.5230259

They're pencils, buy a box of them at your local store and fucking draw.

>> No.5230349

but I must consoom.

>> No.5230401

how do i know if something is worth posting

>> No.5230404

>which country produces best quality, Germany or Japan
Jetpens has guides to most of this shit
Artist grade pencils aren't that different

>> No.5230465

just post it all no one cares anyways

>> No.5230500

what are some good tags and hashtags to use when posting OCs on either Pixiv, Twitter, and Newgrounds

>> No.5230505

Whatever the subject is, I don't bother with "fellow artists" tags because they are not my target audience.

>> No.5230514

should i be able to draw the "perfect" man in any angle before learning how to exaggerate characters in cartoony ways?

>> No.5231248
File: 108 KB, 540x798, 348daf225833add6487b176c7599e6fefd9ddd7b_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how I can draw ink splatter like this on CSP?

>> No.5231271

I made an explicit drawing of nude women in some yandere/fetish scene and I want to know if it's good enough quality to get commissions, but at the same time I'm not sure if I should post it on this board because I've heard some anons steal work

>> No.5231368

Just draw another sample with a generic pose and post it on a price check thread. If you can't pull a new drawing in a short amount of time you'll struggle doing commissioning work

>> No.5231381

What do you consider a short amount of time ?

>> No.5231401

You should be doing everything in less than a day, but if you're just starting out then 3 - 4 days for a colored piece would be sufficient (depends on your quality ofcourse)

>> No.5231413

I see
I usually do them in a few days, although I don't draw full-time because I'm in uni
Thanks for the tips

>> No.5231417

I want to draw coom but i'm not good at it.

>> No.5231419

you could do it traditionally then scan it in. Or find images. Or just make a brush. idk, just some ideas

Learning how to draw a perfect many will build your skills to draw anything. You won't have to start all over from the beginning with cartoons. And learning ideal proportions gives you a standard to compare your work to, or you'll never develop control over your proportions.

It's like learning anatomy. You basically have to study every single possible expression out there. That's a part of Will Weston's 300 head challenge. He recommends also to study animated frames and other artists who are good at drawing expressions, in addition to studying real life. Animators exaggerate and caricature effectively, so they're a good resource to learn from.

>> No.5231527


>> No.5231678
File: 98 KB, 693x393, 20210225234035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I change the edge or tip of a brush in CSP? I'm trying to thin out a round tip to look more like the G-Pen, I tried copying/changing a bunch of settings but couldn't really replicate it.

>> No.5231683
File: 75 KB, 1023x584, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5231686

God I saw that menu and thought it was the same as the "Start and ending" tab which post corrects, so I didn't even try it. Feeling really stupid, but got it to work. Thank you very much!

>> No.5232801
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1588147605279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for drawing hats with a curved brim?

>> No.5233261
File: 884 KB, 1399x678, 567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the deal with this and Keys to Drawing? they're both for begs, but one is all about drawing in 3D and understanding form, and Keys is more so about just drawing what you see with far less focus on 3D thinking
is one more 'correct' than the other? do they both yield the same results as far as drawing from observation is concerned? is Keys perhaps even outdated?

>> No.5233265

yeah I’ve got a tip, stop drawing hick faggots

>> No.5233267

there is only one certain path to getting good. It is the objective truth and you are a fool if you do your learning from multiple sources. Pick one teacher and do not divert from them. All you can do is hope you chose the right one.

>> No.5233273

Why not get both - for free from the book links thread - and try them?

If you're demanding the results of books before reading them, you're overthinking this. If you whine about reading two books, you're probably not cut out for art.

>> No.5233277

I shouldn't need to.

>> No.5233278

Keys to drawing is for mega/beg/
The other course is for people that know how to hold a pencil

>> No.5233286

Any of these are fine. You're still overthinking this. Just get SOME pencils and try them. You're a beginner, pencil brands might be important later on, as long as they're not cheap, trashy ones, like the cheap yellow school pencils (which is fine if you're completely broke). Right now, you just need to get some mileage drawing, with anything.

>> No.5233291

Are you still trying?

Oh, yeah. 4chan. Autism. My bad.

>> No.5233292

Is it weird to message my crush something like “how was your week?”

>> No.5233392

Bro NTA but you should stop. You obviously don't know what you're talking about and it's cringe as fuck watching you get BTFO over and over. Just stop you masochist

>> No.5234838
File: 76 KB, 369x345, Polish_20210227_152602105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are saying this face looks like a guy (the character is female) and i dont understand how. I didnt think there was enough detail in me art for a face alone to be overly masculent or feminente. What about it looks male?
>lol your just shit
Im fully aware of that but i can and do reconize probably 99% of the other flaws in my work and try to improve of them, in this case i dont even know what im doing wrong.

>> No.5234939

A thinner neck would make your character more feminine, but still kind of hard to distinguish if it's a male or female, because you're drawing basic symbols.

>> No.5234942

Eyes high, low mouth, thick eyebrows and narrow iris.

>> No.5234944

First you need to learn to draw faces and people before worrying about their sex.

>> No.5234951

>because you're drawing basic symbols.
People say shit like this all the time (your the first to say it to me), what does it mean?

>> No.5234960

It means you are symbol drawing and you have a very stiff idea of form.
Start with something like Keys to Drawing before nitpicking minutiae like this, facial dimorphism is way above your current skill level.

>> No.5234970

>what does drawing symbols mean?
>oh, it means your drawing symbols!
Great help man, fucking incredible

>> No.5234980

>open sticky
>ctrl+f "symbol"
Now fuck off

>> No.5234982

It's a term used in art that you can easily search for in your favorite search engine to understand the meaning of. You are drawing flat, symbolic ideas of facial features with no regard for the 3D form.
You can add eyelash symbols to band-aid fix it if that's all you care about, but your flaws here are bigger than just that and you'll have to go through the whole serious learning rabbit hole if you want to improve because you certainly aren't aware of 99% of your mistakes.

>> No.5235610

Its been days since last time my wrist hurt, but now the tip of my fingers feels fucked.
heck is going on.

>> No.5235648

pls help i like her so much XD

>> No.5235651

ask her if you can draw her feet (from reference)

>> No.5235680

Probably compressed nerve. Whatever you were doing, stop - that can lead to permanent damage. If you're not in a 3rd world country, have a doctor check it out.

>> No.5235931

I played minecraft (had to use the mouse with my right hand).

>> No.5235937

Oh god oh lord

>> No.5235946

Do any of you guys balance art with a full time job? How the hell do you manage it?

I've been looking to finally take the plunge into illustrating (studied it in school but effectively failed out of my senior year from medical problems, didn't resolve them until fucking December of last year). Even if it's just simple fan art commissions on Twitter. But my job is 100% physical labor for 40 hours a week and finding the time and energy to draw is damn near impossible, I have one day a week to really focus on it.

>> No.5236470
File: 68 KB, 1080x1080, a4a4fed76f66cfb27e0e4dbccd7dc85f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the worst question you'll get on this thread but:

Using a square brush, how the fuck do I get those angular and sharp shapes. Look specifically at the hair shapes. Is it really just cutting? I know I technically could do the same with a round brush but it's uncomfortable.
Now I know that if I have to asking that I have no bearing worrying about what fucking brush I'm using but now that I'm getting used to it, I really want to start using it properly

>> No.5236999
File: 19 KB, 370x320, 1601243957493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why anatomy courses dont usually teach about hair?

>> No.5237000

hair is not anatomy, at best it's a material

>> No.5237002

How it's placed on the head is structural anatomy.

>> No.5237006

no, it is just structural. the structural anatomy part is the shape of the cranium and the position of the hairline, which all anatomy books address. the hair itself is not anatomy

>> No.5237087

it is normal to ask your peers for advice. but depends how you frame it.

>> No.5237132
File: 173 KB, 500x750, bark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird that I don't like drawing with pressure? Am I fucking myself over by doing so?

>> No.5237264 [DELETED] 

Let's say I put a Coca Cola product in my drawing, is that legal?

>> No.5237275

yes you are. there are plenty of niche artstyles that function on the flat no-pressure look so in the endgame you can do whatever you want, but while you're learning about line quality, value, rendering, etc, not using pressure is silly. pressure/size is a natural part of traditional art mediums so if you really dislike it then switch to those for a while to get the hang of it

>> No.5237301

when can i draw booba bodies from imagination

>> No.5237312

right now

>> No.5237330
File: 470 KB, 1080x1080, 1613782782027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do fine with line weight whenever I do trad art, it's just that it feels wrong when I draw digitally. Doesn't matter what I do with the settings, it feels like I get way too much variation in line weight unless I just totally turn it off

>> No.5237363

Any decent art program lets you set the range to something more subtle.

>> No.5237380

not a lawyer, but the answer is generally no
see: andy warhol and campbell's soup
they'd have to prove that you were enriched at their expensive, if i understand it correctly, but that may be waaay off
selling t-shirts with the coca cola logo and nothing else? infrigement
selling prints of a painting that contains the coca cola logo? legal
if i'm not mistaken, the obama "hope" poster brought this question to the forefront
take this entire post with a grain of salt, i'm tired and intoxicated

>> No.5237391

>is that legal?
>the answer is generally no
i meant the answer is generally "yes"
as in, it's not generally considered illegal, afaik
sorry for any confusion

>> No.5237667
File: 24 KB, 636x484, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm searching for the name of a specific haircut to find references. It's basically a short ponytail that's held in reverse with a barrette like this.

>> No.5237758

She left me on read I hate you I hate you I hate you!

>> No.5237793

how long does it take to git gud at blender?

Chonmage maybe?

>> No.5237815

tell me, what types of crabs exist in /ic/?

>> No.5237884

best way to learn exaggerated expression?

>> No.5237914


>> No.5237980
File: 226 KB, 1920x1080, 1506828201138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys have any other absolute timesink interests besides art?
like learning a language or an instrument
if so how do you balance your time?

>> No.5238048

I know but I still hate it.

>> No.5238053

pls respond >>>5237864

>> No.5238099

What are there so many different digital painting software and yet they all seem to do more or less the same thing and give the same results? Why is there so little innovation in the field?

>> No.5238158
File: 196 KB, 1200x866, 1200px-Jaguar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How badly do anti-glare screens mess with color perception and values? Anyone here use one here before?

>> No.5238169

Eh it doesn't mess with it much. Might make your colors a tiny bit muted or something but nothing major. If you're worried about it just double check on a monitor that is color and contrast accurate (hopefully you have color calibrated both screens you are using) and see if you can tell a difference.

>> No.5238186

Using their trademarks without permission can be an issue, but not always. if you sell something like a poster, or a digital image with their logos in it, you may get a letter from their lawyers. If it's a traditional painting, they may not, like they handle tattoos of their trademarks, it's a one-off.

>> No.5238188

Your monitor already has wildly inaccurate color reproduction unless you took the time to calibrate it with something like a printed color reference chart.

>> No.5238199

Are there any sites with like drawing prompts? Like little ideas for me to use during my warmups.

>> No.5238203


>> No.5238211

That's not how you calibrate your monitor. You need a colorimeter for that. What you're probably talking about neutralizing it using sites like http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/

>> No.5238233

she's so hot

>> No.5238537

is "reverse engineering" a digital drawing a good way to learn digital coloring? Of course, in tandem with proper light / value study.

>> No.5238541

No those color charts are for cameras not monitors. For monitors you just use something like a spyder

>> No.5238542

yup. one of the best

>> No.5238547

Is there a name for that uncanny valley, where people draw neither a significantly abstract drawing (cartoons, anime), nor a fairly realistic drawing (high grade capeshit)?
It's like they chose a style below low grade capeshit, with it's primary hallmarks being detailed but unrefined shading, and detailed but unrefined outlines for features.

Dare I call it, the DeviantArt style?

>> No.5238560

Post an example? That could be anything.

>> No.5238565
File: 687 KB, 1500x2333, image0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, I was randomly sent this pretentious furry comic

>> No.5238575

I regret asking.

Yeah I'd call that DA style alright

>> No.5238580

I don't know what you were expecting bro

>> No.5238944

>never being able to enjoy food unless you shut yourself in darkness
sounds bad desu

>> No.5238978

A youtuber actually got around the monetization restriction by slowly zooming in or out for each picture. He also said that the first 10 seconds need to be a video of some sort to make it work

>> No.5238979

What about this can be considered furry?

>> No.5238983

Is it ethically sound to pay a young upstart artist a lot of money to make me disgusting images that they’d usually never make, then later blackmail them with the art to further sabotage their career?

>> No.5239004

get a load of sun tzu over here

no one will care, retard. have fun wasting yor money

>> No.5239011

>Be /beg/
>Spend days aching over which pencil to use
>Be shit
>MuSt Be ThE pEnCiL
>Buy another stupid fucking pencil
>Be shit

>Be /beg/
>Buy some cheap pencils at local store
>Git gud because it's just a pencil
>Be /int/
>Expensive pencil actually improves drawing because you know how to use it

Choose a path you stupid faggot

>> No.5239329

Very helpful, thank you anon

>> No.5239354

So, i am insecure about my sketchbooks. When i see someones sketchbook, the pages are usually filled with drawings to the brim, an idea on top of an idea. But in my case there tend to be 1 to 2 drawings per page. Maybe i lack the vigor or imagination but that is all i can do for one page. So there is a lot blank space, as figured. And it makes me feel bad.

>> No.5239392

Don't worry about that.

>> No.5239400

There's your problem, you are planning and relying on "sketching ideas" instead of doodling.
It's a matter of confidence, let your hand move, draw a line before thinking what it should represent.

>> No.5239479

What's the best place to sell merchandise without partnering with a big company? I know sites like redbubble and Teespring but they're kinda shit on the amount you get per sale.

>> No.5239510

Kofi but you have to grow a following and direct them there

>> No.5239784

This is going to be a shot in the dark but can anyone help me find an artist that was posted on this board? I have little to go by from memory. They were probably 19th-20th century, either illustrator or cartoonist, European and probably French but I'm not sure. The works I saw from him had black ink lines for contours and were in plenty of color (I don't know if watercolor or gouache, and I remember oranges). They were fictional urban sceneries, and they reminded me of Bioshock Infinite. I think there were elements like zeppelins or balloons? with plenty of ornaments.

>> No.5239851
File: 69 KB, 600x800, saerg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do when you can't find a specific reference you need? I'm trying to find a photo of a woman partially undressing from her robe, but the robe is dangling from her elbows.

>> No.5240127

how do I get good at posing portraits?
I've been drawing a lot of portraits lately but I just can't draw poses or take pictures to pose them and they always look weird

>> No.5240208

how do you get the cgpeers invites?

>> No.5240213

Does anyone have tips on how to use the hard round brush? I'm having a hard time controlling my edges, it's always not hard enough or not soft enough. Also, painting something with "the least amount of strokes possible" seems impossible if you want to have soft edges

>> No.5240475

Use soft and hard erasers. Ctrl + Paint on youtube have some really solid tutorials to help

>> No.5240483

don't soft erasers defeat the point of using hard round brush in the first place?

>> No.5240488

adele blanc sec by jacques tardi perhaps? its the only french steampunk i could name

>> No.5240657

This has probably been asked a billion fucking times but does paypal show my full name when people give me money?

>> No.5240665

try to find multiple references that are close to what you're looking for and make up the rest, or alternatively, change your drawing to fit a reference you found

>> No.5240820


>> No.5241369

How much of digital skills are transferrable to traditional? Is there any way to set up my drawing tablet/application to get it as close to traditional? I'm currently practicing using digital cause I won't have to buy pens, paper, coloring materials, and whatever but my end goal is traditional

>> No.5241789
File: 428 KB, 1080x1615, Screenshot_20210302-102655~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought shadows work the same no matter the color? Am I missing something??

>> No.5241795

this is just a stylization. the shadows do work the same, but the shadow on the skin will be lighter than the shadow on a black object, because of local value, and he implies this through stylized ink work by making the shadow smaller instead.

he's also not factoring in the reflectivity of the material here and his approach would be completely useless for drawing something highly reflective like polished metal.

basically don't worry about

>> No.5241817

oh that makes sense thank you!

>> No.5241862

there's also something else to consider when you're only working with b/w - how do you put a shadow on a black object, when you only have black to work with? usually you use hatching, but this is just pure binary b/w

so here, extending the shadow and leaving the specular white allows you to imply that the object is actually pretty dark in local colour, while the opposite is true for skin - making the shadow thinner and allowing more white to show through implies that the local colour of the object is pretty light.

basically, this particular "trick" isn't so much to do with how shadows actually work as just the limitations of this b/w style

>> No.5241922

Will watching Twitch videos make me better at art?

>> No.5241926

is kintsugi soul?

>> No.5241941


>> No.5241950
File: 543 KB, 852x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to take notes?

>> No.5242223

What do zoomers watch to learn digital art? videos/courses.

>> No.5242812

Will listening to something as background noise while I draw hinder my improvement?

>> No.5242813

Only if there are spoken words or vocals. Listen to instrumental music or something to get the best gains.

>> No.5242838

Does learning traditionnal and digital painting at the same time is a good idea?

>> No.5242917

>Is there any way to set up my drawing tablet/application to get it as close to traditional
Set the pen as sensitive as possible; digital drawing somehow encourages more heavy handed drawings.
Draw everything in one layer.
Avoid ctrl + Z or at least don't make it into a habit

>> No.5243065


>> No.5243653

When will I know if I actually enjoy drawing or not? I'm having a hard time making myself do it even though I'd like to think I want to get good at it.

>> No.5244648

How do you teach yourself anatomy? I'm struggling so hard despite hoarding so many resources. Focusing on the hands at the moment.

>> No.5244750

When drawing from reference, my drawings tend to end up looking stretched the further away from the start point I go. Like I'll do a rough gesture, then get working on the head, and work outwards from there. The rest of the figure becomes longer/wider than the ref, the weird thing is that if i just resize the long/wide part of the drawing, the proportions are still 'correct' relative to eachother. It's like I'm having trouble keeping the middle/end of the drawing relative to the beginning of it. Anyone have this issue?

>> No.5245053

I'm a brainlet with using pencil hardness correctly. If I want to lay down some construction lines it's better to use hard pencils since they leave less of a thick mark with the same pencil, right?