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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5234755 No.5234755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>post my work and ask for advice on reddit
>get encouragement
>get constructive criticism
>get linked to new resources to learn from

>post my work and ask for advice on /ic/
>"needs more loomis"
>*something about asian genes*

How do we fix this?

>> No.5234757


>> No.5234765

eww woman go away

>> No.5234777

god, i hate women

>> No.5234778

Fuck off back there

>> No.5234789

god, i love women

>> No.5234794 [DELETED] 

god, I’d fuck a woman

>> No.5234795

god, i wish that were me

>> No.5234798

>people just being honest on /ic/
>it hurts my feelings
>how do we fix this?

>> No.5234799 [DELETED] 

just coom

>> No.5234803

I want to gently have sex with her in the missionary position as I softly whisper how bad she is at art but it’s ok because she’s a woman so you can’t expect anything from her in the first place

>> No.5234814

like anywhere else, you have to wade through useless advice. if you can't filter through trolling, try to get a real life circle that can be honest with you. otherwise, there's probably a discord in alignment with you?

>> No.5234815
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Best post ITT

>> No.5234819

i can see her autism.

>> No.5234823
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You have a place where you like how you get treated but instead of staying there you come somewhere you don't belong and want to change it into that. The fuck is wrong with you. You have a mental illness. Fucking nauseating.

>> No.5234826 [DELETED] 

This thread is peak /ic/

>> No.5234835
File: 124 KB, 976x549, Ef_7ADGXsAIvVXG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post work on reddit
>get empty platitudes and surface-level recommendations for free tutorials on youtube

>post work on /ic/
>get the brutal truth of what people actually think of art
>get recommended 300 dollar course
>pirate, improve way quicker with the course and brutal feedback

this has been at least my experience. Maybe you're thin-skinned? if you aren't getting feedback on your work past getting meme'd on, you're probably bad my guy

>> No.5234859

if that was the case, then why is place still /beg/ central? There are a few decent anons and most of the good ones are coom artist.

>> No.5234866

the problem with /ic/ is that the "brutal truth" stems from crabs

>> No.5234876

There are lots of good artists here, the revolving door of /beg/s is simply a case of new people showing up as usual.
Beginners stagnate when there's a combination of unwillingness to learn and other people's unwillingness to critique honestly, I'm generalizing now since you can get good critique anywhere but hugbox artists always tend to have very glaring issues and holes in knowledge even if they do get some good nitpicking advice sprinkled with sugar to feed their egos.

>> No.5234897

The term crabs has been abused so much it means absolutely fuckall now and it's being used in every single context for no good reason.
There are too many dunning kruger beginners here who hand out their shitty assumptions as fact and treat teachers like sports teams but that's not crabbing, it's just the tribalistic nature of discussions and poor understanding of the big picture regarding learning. Crabbing is specifically about putting others down by using demotivating memes like asian genes.
Recommending certain books is certainly not crabbing even if you personally don't like the books, not recommending anything is the real crabbing.

>> No.5234899 [DELETED] 


Women only exist to be raped and disposed.

>> No.5234919
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crabs are a false construct in the way you describe them. Crabs are people who attack others with no base to stand on, and it's easy enough to ignore people who don't say anything other than "you suck shit". But calling someone a fucking retard for messing up perspective isn't crabbing. Calling someone /beg/ isn't crabbing. Telling someone they're shit because they need to be studying more fundies instead of drawing loli isn't crabbing. These are all judgments based on the quality of the work, but most people call it crabbing nonetheless.

Jargon like "crab" and "pyw" outfit posters, especially /beg/ who have been hugboxed to the point where they become defensive, with an arsenal of memes to defend themselves when they get their feelings hurt by the truth. I prefer the abrasiveness of this environment over a saccharine "compliment sandwich" because people get to the point. Call me a worthless piece of shit if you want, but if you point out a flaw in my work that I overlooked, you're right and it's something I need to fix. plain and simple

>> No.5234932
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You'll never be a woman

>> No.5234941

empty platitudes are crabbing because it deincentivizes improving, saying go back to beg can only serve to reinforce the need to learn

>> No.5235023

/ic/ is unironically one of the best places to start drawing if your a /beg/
Advice like "just draw" is all you need your first year or two of drawing and then from there you start to actually apply yourself with real tutorials and studies.
The only sad thing about /ic/ is by your fourth/fifth year of drawing you realize how shit the average artist on /ic/ is and how terrible their advice is. Then you just join the secret /ic/ discords for people who are actually GMI and it becomes way better

>> No.5235036

"we" don't have to do anything

>> No.5235086
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/ic is a coomer and vent board.
just download some books, browse for a bit and fuck off.

...and then come back to do it all over again because you'll never leave..

>> No.5235687

so fuck off then

and hiro and his spam protection can fuck off as well.

>> No.5235690

apparently saying fuck off back to pleebit is now spam on 4chan. does it interfere with hiros loli harvesting activities or something?

>> No.5235770

true crabs will be nice to you, but lead you to the wrong path.

>> No.5235778


>> No.5235781

there is no fixing it, 4chan is for beta cucks who won't speak the way they do here irl. yes that includes me and you

>> No.5235785

me too anon, women are the best

>> No.5235867

the most feedback you'll ever get out of /ic/ is "needs more loomis"

>> No.5235873

Anyone who complains about this feedback is in fact refusing to improve and needs to stop being stubborn.

>> No.5235878


>> No.5236059


>> No.5236066
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>> No.5236069

i want to put my hand on her back and comfort her as she weaps and then rape her because

>> No.5236073

There's absolutely no benefits to posting good work here, only detriments. You won't ever lose job opportunities for being identified as someone who uses reddit.
Good artists don't post their good art or otherwise identify themselves as an /ic/ user because nothing good can come from doing so, and there's the potential for it to negatively impact their career.

>> No.5236691
File: 351 KB, 1080x1920, 1614303424685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes it takes an unwavering aura of pain and hopelessness to bring out the perfection in a skill and craft; but if you want to draw pretty pictures for the respectable crowd of intellectuals on Reddit go ahead, don't let us stop you

>> No.5236765

Honest advice if you like reddit so much you should go back there ,im not memeing , seruosly no one is holding you here you can move to other art communities

>> No.5236772

/ic/ is a feedback loop of bitterness. People are cunts to one another and it gives them a chip on their shoulder so they have to do it to the next person. Then rinse and repeat.

Reddit, due to lack of anonymity, means people think before they talk and usually aren't just bitter hacks out to be salty.

"Needs more Loomis" is shorthand for "I have nothing to say about this because I'm also shit and if I could provide worthwhile feedback I wouldn't be on /ic/"

>> No.5236779

To add to this - the reason this place is good because you get the occassional diamond from a torrent of diarrhoea. Reddit is more like most advice is silver with the occassional chunk of gold.

>> No.5236806

>There's absolutely no benefits to posting good work here
Are you implying that dunking on anonymous autists is not reason enough?

>> No.5236840


>> No.5236852

reddit is more like most "advice" is glossy surface level shit with the occasional chunk of silver. due to a lack of anonymity people are more concerned with looking wholesome or knowledgeable and so you end up with either hugbox tripe or the same exact dunning kruger that you get here

"needs more loomis" is shorthand for "the basic construction is lacking, the form (if any) is skewed in perspective and the proportions are off." these are the most common beginner mistakes and this is why the most common advice is "needs more loomis." if you had ever even read a single line of what loomis has to say you'd know this, but you haven't.

>> No.5236869

Same for the hard round brush meme
If you need to ask you don't need a fancier brush than an hard round no pressure brush.

>> No.5236885

If I ever find that girl in Minecraft, I'm gonna pin her down and pump her butthole so full of cum it will get absorbed into the lining of her rectum and enter her bloodstream

>> No.5236928

both are worthless if you don't get paid

>> No.5237065

Reddit has some genuinely nice and helpful people but /ic/ is 95% bitter /beg/s who bet their entire lives on Loomis. The other 5% are the good artists here who almost never post and a few helpful anons who set sails and pirated everything under the sun.