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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5230783 No.5230783 [Reply] [Original]

What keeps you here instead of other fine outstanding communities like twitter? What brings you here specifically?

>> No.5230785

Seeing people fail and rage while I'm making progress is a huge ego boost
+ this board has good advice but most are too stupid to put it to practice

>> No.5230817

>What keeps you here instead of other fine outstanding communities like twitter
I can't be openly racist on twitter and be left alone

>> No.5230826

Most artists are retarded and this is the only place honest about that fact. And the fear that I too may be one of these retards keeps me on my toes.

>> No.5230845
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Free shit, thanks fellow pirates, you’ve saved me $5000+ at this point.

Found some good discords with cool people through here too

DAD seems cool but I never got into it. It’s one of the cosiest communities on this shitty site

I’m still here because I cannot leave. Don’t forget, you’re here forever!

>> No.5230886

how do you archive it?

>> No.5230891
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>outstanding communities
>like twitter

>> No.5230896

yeah it was a joke because of the zoomoidtranites

>> No.5230897

i am a racist

>> No.5230898

4chan is the last place I come after viewing all discord, twitter and reddit feeds. This is basically reddit but for retro game and anime watching losers and you have to sift through posts instead of just a front page

>> No.5230900
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Try as it might, /ic/ is rarely an echo chamber because its denizens are so contrarian they will learn obscure and esoteric techniques and find ancient, bizarre resources just to flex on each other and get the rush of going against the grain
Very useful as an impassive viewer, but confusing for a /beg/.
I like this natural selection of ideas and methods, you only get it where there’s big money such as the entertainment industry and where you have anonymity such as this cesspit
Try calling an artist retarded and redlining their work into oblivion on Twitter, see where that gets you

>> No.5230903

can you not come back?? you never wash off and bring your smell filth and grime in.

>> No.5230911
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Shut up faggot Ive probably been here longer than you, drawn less than you but am still better by far.
You're such a loser you identify with a website.
Go play Doom and watch evangelion. Probably have a nintendo emulator installed am I right?

>> No.5230914
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>> No.5230916


>> No.5230923

Please anon, post your work

>> No.5230925

/ic/ can take banter and jokes and generally have a better sense of humour because you don’t have to worry about walking on eggshells for the sensitive faggots.

you can’t have a good art discussion on other platforms like twitter/reddit anyways; they aren’t designed for it. they only post stuff they think will give them positive attention/likes/upvotes/whatever.

they literally filter comments from “best” to “controversial” like what the fuck, just show it in chronological order and let me decide what’s best or controversial. that sort of shit also trains the masses what is “right/wrong think” because most people are cowards and can’t think for themselves so they go with whatever appears to be the popular opinion even though most of it has been artificially pushed to the top through bots or the engine/mods themselves.

also doesn’t help how if you don’t follow the “right” thought order, obsessive retards will attack your identity and affect your internet experience or your real life if it gets that bad. the faceless-ness here protects you from that. you can discuss whatever isn’t considered mainstream opinion here and not get punished/questioned for it.

>> No.5230931

nice bait go get cancelled by your "friends" fag

>> No.5230943

This, the closest thing to Reddit updoots is getting dubs, trips, quints etc which is so retarded I always enjoy it

>> No.5230962

You can say whatever you want here without the fear of being wrong

>> No.5230985

I can say nigger, faggot and retard here

>> No.5231810

I don't talk with anyone, I hate normie communities and I feel the commitment to them would make me stressed about participating instead of doing more important things like actually learning and drawing. This place would work for critiques if it wasn't most of the people here are just interested in baiting or sperging for (You)s

>> No.5231814
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then don't be openly racist retard.

>> No.5231815

This thread is why modern 4chan is a cancer, i wish politics were illegal just like mlp was.

>> No.5231832

too bad twitter decides what is and isnt racist depending on their feelings anyway and who can seem the most offended.

>> No.5231833

this is a distorted view of the platform brought on by too much 4chan propaganda. nobody is coming after you, and consider that youre more racist than you are. Racism IS a bad thing, you have to be stupid to think otherwise unless youre just a tween edgelord

>> No.5231838

it's 4chan
im here forever

>> No.5231844
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i'm here to be a based racist homophobe to remind the touring twitter trannies that just because trump is gone doesn't mean we are

>> No.5231848

>4chan propaganda
You mean /pol/shitters and stormfag tourists propaganda, right?

>> No.5231850

The anonymity and lack of upvotes since it allows posts & replies to stand on their own merit.

>> No.5231862

no its retard, its objetive observation. Most of the stupid SJW opinions that are mainstream today, came from twitter and tumblr.

The people who believe so much of that questionable, arguable at best crap, are people who grew up with it who were indoctronized for years on twitter and tumblr, being taught to be offended by shit they themselves never would have thought about in the first place, had some other person not taught them to get upset by it.

So after years of being in that echo chamber, those people flooded into every tech sector and company bringing in their warped ideas and opinions regarding what is and isnt offensive.

im not saying that racism isnt bad im saying that half the shit people claim is racist or racially offensive in some way, was not something people cared about two decades ago. And this isnt just "white" people but the majority of all minority populations.

Now everyone is running around getting offended by crap that had they never used the internet, they never would have cared about.

>> No.5231866

keyboard is fucked up just mmake the most sense of this that you can.

>> No.5231868
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I came here when I didn’t know how to draw. I learned how to draw thanks to the threads that were posted here between 2011-2013.
Even if I have freelance, even if I’ve done concept art for money for company. At the end of a long session with Photoshop, I still check back here. I’ll always check back here.
Even if it’s for just a few minutes before I go to sleep.

Paddington because it’s an awesome design

>> No.5231869

Who cares, Twitter is a shitty platform regardless (and yes they are coming after you >>5230914 ), pure mob mentality and a safe space for passive agressive people that feel they need to dunk on a imaginary boogeyman while spreading platitudes, nobody gives a shit about what you think of the current president, and they are as dumb and schizos as anyone else, they just happen to have a blue checkmark at times, so it's a fair game if someone else thinks that you're a nigger retard, you shouldn't care either.

>> No.5231871

youre reading off of the script buddy. test theory against reality. some of that is true but youre letting it disproportionately affect your life

>> No.5231881

I haven't been to the board in a while. I was at a point where I wanted to talk art and no one to with. I first inteeacting naturally again. The namefield caught too much attention; The non generals were flooded with the same annoying bait; The general I though I would like ended up not really being my pace.
I checked it again this week, found the OC thread and it has been what I have been mainly checking out.

>> No.5231882

Because you can be yourself post what you want you know it’s awesome plus it reminds me of the dark web

>> No.5231884

Sorry anon. You’re wrong.
Magic the gathering illustrators were let go due to following Info Wars and similar on twitter (having, at this point unfollowed Alex Jones). And similar offences.
Just like 4chan is completely neutral, and harmless until it gets user created content; so twitter is perfectly innocent platform until #CancelCulture, and the “court of public opinion” conducts modern witch trials.

Twitter is a tax on Innocent until proven guilty, and free speech.
Say what you will about 4chan, you’re allowed to respond to this, calling me any name you like. Enjoy the freedom.
The “far left” mob would reduce any disagreement to the other party being:
Inconsiderate, racist, immoral, evil, etc.

I did enjoy it when they had a complete meltdown on that Noah guy though.

>> No.5231890

What script? im not letting anything "affect" my life because i dont go to those websites. What I can tell you, objectively, is that the people I knew who or dated who started using those websites, got really fucking weird after hanging around them for more than a few months or a year, and became unrecognizable after a while. And the people who dipped their toes in, and dipped, stayed the way they were.

If you are going to accuse someone of reading off a script look in the mirror. I dont get all of my life opinions from a website. I have best friends who are minorites who tell me the same exact shit, that a decade ago and a decade before that, people were not so angry and sensitive to everything. The internet is great but it has fucked up just as much shit as its helped with.

If you want to dial it back in to art, consider the shit that people draw that people on twitter say is racist. If they know that a white person drew something, they made say oh why did you draw the person like that? Thats racist, or a racial caricature, and if they find out a black or asian person drew the same thing, suddenly its a beautiful or strong image or whatever. They bend over backwards getting upset about shit that they themselves dont even fully understand or care about because they are taught its what they are supposed to be doing.

>> No.5231893

now name every artist that wasnt cancelled for far right beliefs. you cant because there are too many of them, youre indoctrinated. muh far left mob helllppp meeeeeee

>> No.5231896

still on script down to "i have minority friends" lol

>> No.5231898

>far right beliefs
not him but todays "far right" was just yesterdays moderate conservative.

no, you are because you and liberals think that it doesnt have any value or weight and it always will. I do not go around pressing my friends for their opinions on political shit. And if I didnt have any minority friends, then i would be racist for that. And if I did have minority friends but they didnt share my opinions, then i would be racist for not understanding their viewpoints. the indoctrinated one is you and you.

>> No.5231900

looks like youve got everything figured out. me and me? both of us? youre a clown

>> No.5231902

i already told you my keyboard is malfunctioning. I already explained myself to you. Liberals tell everyone we are supposed to "listen to minorities" to "learn" and then when we have minority friends who share conservative opions, who bring them up to US, then suddenly to liberal "clowns" like you, it suddenly isnt worth anything and is a script. Nice mental gymnastics.

>> No.5231905

They feel "offended" because they don't want someone to burst their imaginary bubble, I notice that people that are on the edge the most used to say those things before so they either censor themselves completely or act offended and start policing everyone around them, maybe out of spite, if they are having a bad time maybe it won't be as bad if others do as well. Companies in the other hand realized that they won't get profit if their investors don't want to associate themselves with a brand that allow racism, bigotry or whatever the fuck is being blasted in the media nowadays, is bad publicity and people will feel conflicted about using/consuming these platform (notice how people try their hardest not to associate themselves with this place in other communities?), so they just took a hard turn and decided all of a sudden to punish any content that was offensive, it has not much to do with them giving a shit people feelings really, but they put in charge at people that usually do, unbeknownst to them, the people that put them in those places are just covering their ass, I bet some of them are aware but as many people, they are more worried about keeping their jobs than speaking up. This is the dominating landscape for any current big platform, so yeah, this place is shit but at least you can vent a little without a target on your back, or maybe not.

>> No.5231906

im a hard conservative, im just not an internet-drunk social autist like you

>> No.5231913

you obviously arent and are just backpedaling to make it seem like my opinions are outlandish even by conservative ideals. Your arguments suck and lack any substance or weight.

I have given you plenty of first hand evidence to back up everything ive said and all you can do is make vague accusations that i am just making it up or that im wrong because you dont have anything to build your own opinion on.

im not conservative, i am independent. Liberal in just as many ways as I am Conservative. But something that you and other Liberals refuse to acknowledge about why Twitter is so dangerous, is that their ideas of what is wrong or offensive fluctuate wildly, especially on the identity politics of the person in question. What their sex is, race, sexual orientation. They pick and choose what they want to get upset about and who they take it out on. And they give a pass to people they dont want to hurt or get seen attacking. Nothing about their way of ganging up on people is fair, and much of it runs off assumptions and performative social justice acts and clout.

And as I said earlier because you mentioned "far right opinions". Todays FAR RIGHT as far as twitter is concerned is just the MIDDLE GROUND from a decade ago. And this is the way that social opinions and the left and the right has changed for the last few decades, well before I was even born.

>> No.5231925

>I notice that people that are on the edge the most used to say those things before so they either censor themselves completely or act offended and start policing everyone around them

yeah dude a lot of people who are super loud against X or Y it will turn out that they themselves did this thing, and its gross because they are basically sell outs, attacking people for the shit they hope no one finds out they themselves did.

There are a ton of stupid E thot goth women i know who are super anti racist to an obnoxious performative degree, who i found out were super racist themselves like a decade before that. Its really gross and pathetic. Like if people change thats good but dont make it some public spectacle or sacrafice other people to save your own ass.

> Companies
yeah in their own ways the companies doing it is even more gross to me because you know they dont even back this shit up because they believe in it, its just to make an extra dollar and in my mind thats more evil than just being an honest up front asshole.

>> No.5231945

I’m curious how many of you virtual signal or pretend to be a SJW on Twitter just to be favorable within the art/animation community

I have pronouns in my bio, only so I don’t look like an intolerant asshole to the artists I admire.

>> No.5231958

>white power IS as good thing
Goddamn, based

>> No.5231965

It’s more “genuine”.

Sure, this whole gets the reputation of being a hot-bed for Incels and Alt-Right retards, but the fact is that I can at least express myself without being apologetic.

Usually this is abused by the mentioned fucktwats, but there’s time where the responses or posts feel 100000% more genuine than the posts I’ll see on Reddit or Twitter. On those sites, only the best of the best get to see the metaphorical light of day. It makes ya feel like shit because you just see the end result of YEARS of hard work. Here, I get to see people actually progress and grind to get to that level of contentment. It feels more human. I guess that’s the benefit of being anonymous and not having some shitty upvote system.

>> No.5231971

probably a lot, because all you need is one trggered person with the right "following" to generate a snowball that turns into an avalanche.

Want to know what fuels their autistic self righteous fury? People without lives or their own purposes latch on to larger causes to feel like they themselves have meaning. Sometimes this works to the benefit of society and other times it doesnt. People who are desperate to not fully investigate the validity of the bandwagons they join.

>> No.5231977

thats because as volitile and immature as the people here can be, no one here has anything to gain from helping you or being nice to you. there is no upvote or clout here. if someone likes your thoughts or wants to help you, you know they mean it from their heart.

>> No.5231981


This site is just beautiful. People can so easily insult each other and try to be the biggest asshole possible just cause, yet it’s when someone decides not to that makes interacting here worth it

>> No.5231983

you can get solid advice from people who dont want to get off on being mean online. something people here forget. theres some myth that you have to be a cock in order to give "like, hardcore, badass, no bullshit advice maaaann. i say nigger and faggot mannnn that makes my advice better WHOAH watch out im a dark CREATIVE". if you just go to communities that arent kiddy pools you can get advice that isnt just compliments. theres a reason that its very rare for pros to ever show face here (inb4 some cherry pick guy here like 6 years ago), because theyre adults and dont have time to rolyplay

>> No.5231985

there is something nice to it. no one here has an account or anything so they have no reason to perform or be nice because of how it will make them look. So when someone here has a nice conversation with you, or shares something with you, its a very genuine experience.

There is some expression having to do with not every good deed needs to be seen or known, i cant remember the phrase, but it more or less applies here. In real life people who help you will not always be doing it for the right reason.

>> No.5231987

bro thats called stockholm syndrome LMAO

"my boyfriend beats me because im bad but when he tells me he loves me i can tell he REALLY means it"

>> No.5231988

well, there is mean and there is mean. But you need to understand that whatever ugly responses here that you get, exist everywhere else, the only difference is that wherever else you are, people will hide those thoughts from you. but they still exist. i think people here can go too autistic with how mean they are, but it still is a good lesson to see it here, because as i said, in the real world people still have those thoughts, they just obscure or hide them.

>> No.5231992

When this site actually has something of value, it’s usually gold

>> No.5231996

you pretty much have outed yourself as being very low IQ, or young and retarded.

In real life there will be people who treat you nice or compliment you, but it will not always be for the right reason of them meaning what they say, or them wanting to just help you. Many people perform a favor because they expect or want one back. Maybe they want you in their social circle to make themselves look better. Maybe they want you to tell other people they helped you or maybe they want other people to see they helped you.

The point is, the way people talk here is ugly at times, no one wants to admit it, but it exists everywhere else, people just hide it. And unfortunate people think because they dont hear it that it doesnt exist because they are naieve.

For that reason, because no one here has any reason to perform, when someone here helps you you can be sure it is only because they care and want to help. If you cant understand the difference and context then idk what to tell you. you need to think more before you talk.

>> No.5231997

You type like you've been drinking onions for 10 years straight. Gtfo

>> No.5232000

dont be such a fag. ive been here since 05, if you dont like my reddit spacing you can choke on my cock.

>> No.5232038
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>> No.5232145

there are thoughts and there is acting upon thoughts. there are ways you can go about it, for example being pissed off at someone doesn't cancel the possibility of being cooperative. there's no real reason to be an ass towards anyone either

>> No.5232147

You first, fag

>> No.5232160

got anymore paddington pics?

>> No.5232176

Reddit is a giant hugbox where nobody makes any gains. They'll tell you dumb shit like "find what's good for you", "I think it's cool", or other inane stuff because you can't just say "practice more, faggot" on Reddit and get away with it.

/ic/ is full of retards but at least you have a chance to leave /beg/ at some point.

This and the shitposting.

>> No.5232181

i guess deep down i want to believe that this shitty board is actually an art board.

>> No.5232261
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twitter is a necessity. its not good, its not preferable. its not an alternative. i am forced to go there if i wish to make money. at least here i have the freedom to identify you as the faggot you are op.

>> No.5233091

maybe you should git gud

>> No.5233094
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Join server
- no drama
- no bullshit
- no shitposting
(new server)

>> No.5233098

Sorry, I'm not american.

>> No.5233135

A thing I like about /ic/ is because it is 100% anonymous people can be brutal with their critiques and not suffer backlash for it.

Too nervous to ever post here, because I know I will get killed, but want to someday.

>> No.5233140

do it right now in an appropiate thread and i will promise you it won't go like you think it will

>> No.5233144

what he said

>> No.5233148

Oooh, more courage then I would ever have at the moment.

>> No.5233163

only reason they weren't cancelled yet was because they weren't outed or ostracized for being right wing yet lol

some people are just now finding out that Dali was a fascist

not even just that but ever notice how confident and comfortable the artists of today are wearing their politics on their sleeve. you ever notice how the most politically outspoken artists also happen to be very left wing while ones more right wing have to hide it otherwise they lose their job? for what? merely following right wing accounts on twitter?

couldn't be that the left gatekeeps the art industry or hobbies and pop culture in general right? no that's just propaganda

>> No.5233169

>while ones more right wing have to hide it otherwise they lose their job? for what? merely following right wing accounts on twitter?
Actually that exact thing happened to an MTG artist last year

>> No.5233173

Based the retards here absolutely convince me im gmi. Helps me remember that 50% of people are below average

>> No.5233197

>like twitter?
I'm homophobic

>> No.5233215

leftoidism is a cult, each generations left is more radical than the one before it, and the new generation of leftoids alienates and ostracizes or cannibalizes the older generation for not being left enough. its pretty disgusting.

>> No.5233279

/mlp/ actually has very active drawthreads. Pretty sure a lot is d/ic/ks could take a note from them as productivity goes.
I’ll stop if you tell other races to stop being antisocial psychopaths

>> No.5233289

Mlp is fun, I started a fetish over there by accident.

>> No.5233707
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The majority of the shitters are only on 4chan because they don't to.
The world and internet at large is batshit insane and wants to burn down villages, hack and take down web serves and clog up every industry over a difference of beliefs and skin colour.

Nobody wants to be here.

>> No.5233772

you're just retarded, no one can help you

>> No.5234947
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It's incredibly frustrating to say so but outside of closed circles there aren't any better art groups out there

>> No.5234953

le no.

>> No.5236409

You are right to some degree, however the whole Twitter witch hunts thing get immensely exaggerated here. For example, have you heard of an anime called Re-do of Healer? It's basically a glorified power rape fantasy disguised as a revenge story. The second episode has 8 straight minutes of rape. Guess what Twitter thought of it...... Nothing. This is a series that thrives on rape and woman objectification but not one Twitter tranny said anything about it. No discussion, no outrage, no studio burning, no death threats to the author, nothing. The series is borderline irrelevant. Wanna know why? Because no journo, celebrity or political actor said anything about it. A friend told me that there even is a "Facist Twitter" page. Twitter becomes a dangerous and cancerous place only when an influential person craves some scandal. That's it. You can post anything on Twitter and as long as a journo/influencer/celebrity doesn't notice or care nothing will happen to you.

>> No.5236455

does twitter share artbooks? do they have 8x8 collab maps?

>> No.5236462

this is basically true as long as you stay in your lane and don't post shit that's obviously going to piss people off. most people on twitter really don't notice or care what anyone else does unless they see their tweets, and they will only see them if someone they follow retweets/likes them, or if you are using a tag they searched, or replied to something they happen to look at. most people just stick to their little corner of the website and mind their business. been on the website for years and the only thing anyone i know ever got "cancelled" for was drawing loli, and now she is ironically more successful because of the influx of attention it brought her. People who hate you will forget you in a week. People who like you will stay.

>> No.5236866
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not him but

>most people on twitter really don't notice or care what anyone else does
>person does thing 5 10 or 20 years ago
>suddenly out of the blue, act, art, or speech is big angry and twitter big mad

get fucked dude they are cancer, its almost as if they just go through everyones entire life who is remotely well known looking for something to complain about

>> No.5236896

As much as I hate you racist, sexist, homophobic, low iq incels, at least you guys are brutally honest, decently equipped at staking out shitty things, fast as fuck, and unflinchingly savage in the way you critique things. No cancel culture, no shitty dragged out drama, no false asspats, and no instant bans. Red-lining are useful too. Also instant feedback because I pretty much got zero mentions on twitter.

>> No.5236904 [DELETED] 

pyw, i know u wont

>> No.5237665

*brap* go back to *br brp brp BRAP* Twitter.

>> No.5237669 [DELETED] 
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to suffer

>> No.5237673

The community is unmatched.

The critiques are unparalleled.

4chan is just something special. I can't leave.

>> No.5237675

I use both + others

>> No.5237676

Im actually heard here
On twitter if you dont have at least 1k followers your voice is meaningless
Not that I have anything important to say

>> No.5237679

You would assume that with the way some niggers on /ic/ talk about cancel culture that it's actually something more than some mob of irrelevant twitter nignogs making snarky replies for 2 days before their attention span lets up. Unless you go out of your way to join that type of crowd, you're highly unlikely to get 'canceled', and should it actually happen, literally nothing of actual consequence occurs to you unless you count your feelings getting hurt as one. The majority of people don't even like cancel culture, it's just a minority of twitterniggers that actually actively participates in it. All of you who try and frame cancel culture as a legitimate problem are retarded and should be embarrassed.

>> No.5237684

>fine outstanding communities like twitter
Twitter is a shit hole, not that this place is special

>> No.5237686

Yeah honestly cancel culture is only as powerful as people want it to be. Plenty of artists have been "cancelled" and it caused their follower count to double. If you're a pussy who cares what sjws on twitter think about you then don't post there, otherwise just do your thing and stop giving a shit.

>> No.5238816

I can call you a retard and be called a retard without anyone making a fuss out of it

>> No.5238937

the only thing that keeps me bound here is that I actually have a legitimate reason. Otherwise I would block this place in my website blocker, too.

>> No.5239110

This, fuck niggers, spics, jews, pajeets, japs, chinks and jannies.

Drawing is all that matters.

>> No.5239126

fuck white people

>> No.5239502

I'm a minority and the dude is very spot on. People get very galvanized by a 280 character tweet, with in an algorithm that was made to spread controversial "hot takes". I've seen it myself, people who live in spaces like twitter, reddit ect ect, start to take on these beliefs when their just the ramblings of a room temperature IQ eceleb or explicated bad actor. My mother is one of those smooth brain individuals that believes everything they read on twitter and will yell and huff and puff about shit she has no idea about.

>> No.5239545

you're delusional if you think the current political climate reflects the past. the american far-right is a straight up death cult. i hope you meant to say "yesterdays far-right is today's moderate conservative".

>> No.5239558
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this site may be a garbage dump filled with a bunch of psychos, but there are a few nice pieces of garbage here you can take with you and you have more freedom here and it's anonymous. no account needed.

twitter, facebook, all that shit is far worse. it's all controlled, monetized, the sheeple hang out there. social media should never have been created. it's destroying the world. the dumb crowd has become batshit because of it.

>> No.5239560

yeah im a gay black dude and you're totally right

>> No.5239573

twitter/reddit seems more fucked up the more i learn about it. i never bothered to use those sites but it sounds like a goddamn dystopian nightmare has been created irl the way you describe it.