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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 610 KB, 1766x1054, 135356356356475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5227902 No.5227902 [Reply] [Original]

>girls are just better artists
prove me wrong

>> No.5227905

>thinly veiled tranny thread
ywnbaw cope seethe dilate

>> No.5227915

This guy has been saving this bait for literal years.

>> No.5227916

Aren't you supposed to prove me why you're right?

>> No.5227930

Women are better anime artists and cartoonists than men, yes, the more action oriented and realist the art, the less prominent female artists there are. This is why most action manga are drawn or written by men.
Except Dorohedoro.
These women will never amount to a man's skill level, but their art is cute and do are they while they suck your dick under the desk.
Seethe roastie trannie.

>> No.5227956

>Women are better anime artists
stopped reading there. You're right

>> No.5227960

Ok the more important question is how the fuck does rei turn her lineart in that artistically blended warm shade without it looking like value poop

>> No.5227962

who is she?

>> No.5227983
File: 557 KB, 674x698, 1572045626018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you agreed with the rest of the post without reading it? what a brave(clearly retarded) individual

>> No.5228036

Show us her work then gayboi

>> No.5228045

Women are inferior to men so even their best work is mediocre amongst the many male artists

>> No.5228048

Any mental midget talking about people, popularity, money or social media rather than art should be banned on sight.

>> No.5228306
File: 57 KB, 276x256, 1596609391671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that's a tranny on the left then I'm a faggot cause I would fuck him

>> No.5228318


>> No.5228324

If girls are better at art why do most girls choose to be whores instead? Checkmate.

>> No.5228332

Because they know betas like you will pay for pics of their ass online.

>> No.5228419

Female genes are real

>> No.5228420

I don't think girls are better artists necessarily but art is an effeminate hobby

>> No.5228427

all noteworthy art before 1918 was done by mostly men

>> No.5228453

shut up dad

>> No.5228454

There is no difference between male and female artists. Both sexes create beautiful works

>> No.5228456


>> No.5228459

grills draw a lot more of the cute soulfull art you see, which is what I like, so I like girl's art more

>> No.5228464

They draw cute stuff but they're often trash. Why are there so few women who have any sort of technical mastery?

I know a few and I respect them so much more than male artists of the same skill level, simply because there seems to be something inhibiting women from getting to that level and those particular women have overcome it.

My unironic theory is that your average woman can just get fucked by 10/10 guys on Tinder which gives 2000x more pleasure to her than grinding shitty studies for 12 hours a day would. There is no reason to be anything but mediocre when your mediocrity is enough for you to get the absolute best experiences possible. While the average dude can't just get dates with beautiful women whenever he pleases so he has to occupy his time with something.

>> No.5228472

pick one

>> No.5228475

I wanna punch the stupid whore in her ugly chink face

>> No.5228519

wouldn't a simpler explaination be that women can use their own bodies as reference, and... being women, they naturally care a lot about beauty. They after all, devote a lot of energy to making themselves beautiful.

If you ask me, men are a lot more distracted from their studies due to video games / porn, so it can't be mere distraction. Women are far less distracted in school than men, and have better grades in school.

The reason they don't have technical mastery, is because they aren't interested in technical mastery. Men are the ones that care what's true, women care what's lovely. both of these things are noble and good. they compliment each other.

>> No.5228532

No. You have no reason to be good at anything when you can get approval for your mere gender. A woman will get shittons of compliments, dates, etc by doing practically nothing. It's like grinding in a video game where you already have everything unlocked.

Like I said, massive respect for women who escape the incredibly strong pull of mediocrity and manage to become good. Because for women the pull towards mediocrity is relentless. I'm actually more inspired by good female artists than good male artists because for a man you are constantly pressured to NOT be mediocre while as a woman you are constantly told that you're good enough, beautiful, competent, etc. Even if those aren't true.

If a woman says fuck that to all that feel-good fake-positive bullshit and decides to be better than what the media and her friends tell her then she's based as fuck.

And women have better grades in school because most of the school system is based on rote memorization (at which women are indeed better). You don't see a lot of women in architecture or other math-intensive fields for a reason. But again, respect to the few who escape the pull of mediocrity and end up in fields like that.

>> No.5228535

How does she pee? What if it is really hot and she wants to take her sweater off. Seems annoying to have to take all those ropes off

>> No.5228539

>wouldn't a simpler explaination be that women can use their own bodies as reference
Women are less good at the technical aspects of art because... they can use their own bodies as reference? What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.5228584

You pee before you get tied up

>> No.5228585

I didn't say they were any worse at aquiring technical skill, only that they weren't as interested in aquiring it

>> No.5228590

I can't op. You're right. I've known so many women who are wizards with a paintbrush.
Some dudes too.

>> No.5228615

>and do are they while they suck your dick under the desk.

>> No.5228629

what you're saying is, Men have to perform, or they won't find love. I've always wanted to be a priest from a young age, so I can tell you I've personally never really felt that pressure to be great so I can find a wife. if you ask me, that simple, easygoing life is exactly what i'd like.

but ye I hate fake feel good nonsense as much as anyone. Actually I think the reason men are worse at school is because men are honest. You have to lie and talk dishonest bullshit you don't care about to do good at school. tho desu, it's probably most to do with the fact that men are obsessed with vidya.

>> No.5228631

>makes a ridiculus statmet

>> No.5228688

>filtered by typo

>> No.5229482

The feminine essence means to do anything to get attention.
They excel at art because you can only get a lot attention with good works.
That's what drives them.
That's why trannies, faggots and roasts have flooded the industry with their mental illness.
That's why this board has become a shithole.

I really wish homofaggotry and women will get banned.

>> No.5229548

unironically yes.
>look at female yaoi artist
>her non-gay stuff (and even the gay) are really fucking good
>detailed, flowy, solid construction, dynamic, effortless appearance, great finish, polished, just a pleasure to look at every inch
>look at male coomer "artist"
>discoherent blobs outlined in marker with garish colors like a 8 year old drew it
>wonky forms, disgusting "style", giant ass and mammary mounds stapled on top
men are subhuman.

>> No.5229571

You will never be a woman

>> No.5229586

ITT: I guess most hentai artists aren't female after all.
Who's going to tell the poor oppressed weebs now?

>> No.5229589

You will never fuck a woman

>> No.5229599

They at least give me ammo in my totally not imaginary fight against prude feminazis when defending my waifu!
After all, a woman made it so how could it possibly be harmful to other women?

>> No.5229845

this anime is bad

>> No.5229852

Because you will never be a real woman but that doesn't mean we can't have fun, now bend over princess. :)

>> No.5230193

dilate tranny

>> No.5230591

no, I obv agreed with woman are better anime artists. You must be retarded or something

>> No.5230593

>why are so many nufem males insecure

>> No.5230595

that's why you're gay

>> No.5230597

Can any of you faggots answer an art related question instead of attacking the opposite gender

>> No.5230598

This is /pol/ disguised as an art board, so no.

>> No.5231070

>i was not shit at school! I was just avoiding the dishonesty of society!

>> No.5231574

making illustrations doesn't make you an artist, so already your example to your argument is flawed
secondly, artistry is measured by creativity, so you could make the argument that males tendency to be obsessed for technicality is a weakness in the world of art
lastly, my whole post is just semantics and cliche fine-art gatekeeping but its meant to emphasize the worthlessness of this thread by showcasing that even if the statement is true, you're too stupid and green to know why and that this thread should be saged and purged

>> No.5231775

but suicide rate for women during covid went up

>> No.5231801
File: 361 KB, 2000x1000, DxAPLyEX4AAJMdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that rei_17 on twitter or something? if it's a woman she's pretty based, always loved her style.

>> No.5231804

Wasn't there some drama involving this artist some time ago? Like she bullied some other artist? Or do I remember wrong, or misinformed?

>> No.5231807

damn even more based than I thought then. Most artists are entitled self absorbed bitches.

>> No.5232341
File: 9 KB, 845x453, artisticability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based purely on my own observations, the average female is a better artist than the average male.
Despite this, however, the best artists are still male.

Pic related, I feel the distribution is something like this.

There is a reason why societies all over world rely women to decorate everyday things for the massses, but rely on men to produce art for the consumption of the elite.

>> No.5232348

she is always anal about people copying her style and later she was found out to be plagiarizing other artists' works