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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5222342 No.5222342 [Reply] [Original]

good or just a meme?

>> No.5222353

Great for level 0 begs.

>> No.5222372

From what I have heard, it's very good for beginners. Better than the /ic/ sticky for sure.

>> No.5222375


>> No.5222912

I'm on the last week but my cylinders still come out weird and I don't know what more to practice

>> No.5222932


>> No.5222944

Brett's stuff is pretty good. Best thing on Udemy although that's a low low bar.

Yeah like the other anon said, more cylinders/basic volumes. It takes as long as it takes so don't put any arbitrary deadlines on it.

>> No.5222959

>cylinders still come out weird
py circles

>> No.5222963

Do not ever buy anything from Udemy because they engage in false advertising with their permanent "just a few hours left!" discounts, the videos are always at the discounted price.

>> No.5222972

Yeah I made that mistake when I was just starting out. Pretty much everything on there is garbage or mediocre anyway. Lessons were learned.

>> No.5223665

keep at it
darken the side you want to see as the front

>> No.5225591

This. It's is what should be recommened to absolute begs, not loomis and other meme shit. Even a complete no talent retard will be able to draw a birb similar to the one in the op pic by the end of it.

>> No.5225632

Cylinders are hard. Just keep at it.

>> No.5225735

Cylinderfag here. Thanks for the motivation, anons. I'll do it for you, as well as for myself.

>> No.5227043
File: 981 KB, 750x721, 1613672600294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gives me flashbacks to elementary school where there was this one rich kid who would always come to school to finish rendering his stupid fucking birds

just thinking about it now tilts me, i don't know why, probably be cause he thought he was hot shit or something, fuck

he would never sketch the damn birds at school, he would always do the sketches at home and then be filling in all the fucking little rendered bullshit details of the bird during lunchtime and people fawned over it

i wish i knew what i knew now so that it wouldn't have bothered me much as a kid because any stupid ass /beg/ could learn to draw a rendered birb with enough patience
not to mention that he probably had a teacher to help him critique his bullshit

i actually checked his facebook a while back and he doesn't even draw anymore lmao
he had one shit sketch of a 3DPD cartoon
i guess he realized that drawing anything beyond a simple birb actually required effort and learning the fundamentals so he quit

it kind of motivates me since it proves that drawing isn't some innate ability, it's just persistence mixed with passion
>and maybe a sprinkle of asain jeans

>> No.5227067

>elementary school

>> No.5227263

>tfw getting filtered by volumetric spheres
horizontal ovals fuck me up

>> No.5227300

Fuckin hell that's a long grudge...

>> No.5228776

are you some kind of zoomer incel?

>> No.5228804

Seems like an odd thing to be angry about but more often than not "young prodigies" just quickly learn one thing and plateau early, having a flash of brilliance is never a guarantee that you will keep improving, that always requires effort.

>> No.5228930
File: 224 KB, 2240x500, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brent Eviston is up there on the BASED trifecta with Steve Huston and Scott Eaton.
A few tips to enjoy his course more for people starting out:
>It's highly reccomended to draw with pen n paper. Because Brent teaches you a grip that will help you learn a good habit, which is sketching lightly and dynamically (from the shoulder)
>You don't have to like every segment. I jumped over from the stuff that I deemed uninteresting at the time and it was just fine. Brent takes you through most of the MAJOR fundies. Your mind may not be prepared to accept some concepts for now. For example, you must first be really good at observation to start learning construction and "seeing 3D". That takes months. It's fine if some segments of his course seem too hard or useless for now. You'll get to them later.
>If you use skillshare, don't be too discouraged at the people who post their work and it looks fantastic, almost unreal for the beginner level. A lot of people who are int or even pro practice with this course and they are more eager to post drawings than the averate trainee. Even if your drawings look shit by comparison, just post them. You'll be just fine.
>Also, try to spend at least an hour and a half on the exercises.

>> No.5229008

I barely think about.
It only comes up when I see people rendering a birb which isn't very often.
I usually just cringe and move on.

>> No.5229049

you dont seem very lit zoomoid, did birdboi ruin your vibe? go use your jull and tweet about it.

>> No.5229050

based, fuck that kid

>> No.5229073
File: 276 KB, 1080x1089, Screenshot_20210218-151827_eBay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no social media
I have no friends
All I have is a pen and paper
These are my friends
I dont need anyone else

Also, what's a zoomer?

>> No.5230499

i work as an elementary school subsitute
A prodigy like that is exceptionally rare
and even after that they're only capable of drawing to one extent (like anime heads) or are just tracers

this kid sounds like a tracer desu. as a kid you can't really tell whats good and what's bad so you're letting your own memory betray you. we have a habit of exaggerating images in our memory

eitherway, why compare your younger self to some kid who was probably socially retarded

at least you're not past young adulthood and still trying to get good while still being a social retard like me lol

>> No.5233037
File: 215 KB, 1159x1500, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the deal with this and Keys to Drawing? they're both for begs, but one is all about drawing in 3D and understanding form, and Keys is more so about just drawing what you see with far less focus on 3D thinking
is one more 'correct' than the other? do they both yield the same results? is Keys outdated, even?

>> No.5233462

On shading, he teaches how to make even washes of value. Those look "smudged" to me.
How can I learn hatching (not cross-hatching) in various values? And when do you prefer which method of rendering?

>> No.5233467

Both understanding 3d space and observational skills are extremely important.
I'd say the Eviston course focuses too little on observation, which actually makes it harder to do the exercises correctly. (Again, some -are- focused like that, like the ones on angle sighting or making curves)
So I think a combination is best.

>> No.5233743

>>not Huston
you answered your own question

>> No.5235696


>> No.5235942

I hated this guy's videos, he pads them out like youtubers do and theres an obnoxious 40 second intro for everything, and he spends 10 minutes saying something that can be said in half the time. He's a dickhead twat

>> No.5236027
File: 38 KB, 604x430, 1611804211199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, this happens with girls i used to think were attractive and then realized they were busted af when i looked at my past yearbooks

>> No.5236030

dude just put your forms with the right proportions in the right perspective lmao

>> No.5236229

Holy shit I could cut the roastie jealousy with a knife, so saturated is the air.

>> No.5236368

all the girls I went to highschool with are hitting 30 now so it's the same thing

>> No.5236570

Best intro, similar to Keys to Drawing, but in video course. Short videos (<20min), exercises in every one of them, grouped into eight weeks. You may skip one week, but muy suggestion is to do the exercises many times, your gains come from *grinding* the exercises. How good do you become depends on how many hours do you put into them.

After that, do the bargue plates.

>> No.5236580
File: 533 KB, 706x614, 2622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck bargue plates honestly
i think you can improve just as quickly if you just use master drawings that you personally like and isolate a very small area and try to replicate that spot exactly

i ran this da vinci sketch through a filter to provide as an example

>> No.5236581

Unironically this

>> No.5236583

What program is that?

>> No.5236593

Do they all get fucked up after 30?

>> No.5236597

but it's super limited in terms of effects and filters
use photoshop instead

>> No.5238451

It's amazing for people with literally zero talent or skill.

>> No.5238598

Do you incorporate angle sighting in your process? I find it hard to do while drawing on a desk

>> No.5238601

which one is this