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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.47 MB, 356x376, loomies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5219591 No.5219591 [Reply] [Original]

>Lets solve this once and for all.
Post SPECIFIC pages and pieces of advice that is in Loomis' books that have actually helped you that you and why it is preferred to learn from Loomis than from anyone else who may have said the same thing.

>> No.5219593

The page where Loomis introduces you to the divided ball and plane. You should know this if you were arsed enough to at least read the fucking book.

>> No.5219595

the thinly veiled "spoonfeed me" thread, my favorite

>> No.5219597
File: 52 KB, 643x741, Loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it?
that's fucking it?
this is the fucking shit that people are all raving about?
you're fucking joking right?

you do realize that Michael Hampton does the same thing but actually explains it better, right?
You do realize that Steve Huston shows an even better method, right?

No way.
This has to be a joke.

>> No.5219602
File: 3.08 MB, 4032x3024, 1613791632008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try, buddy but so long as we have these threads:
it only further proves your ignorance compounded with your lack of wanting to take responsibility and further compounding it with arrogance when someone who asks for help is called "retarded"

try again, buddy

>> No.5219603

I don't like Michael hampton drawins, agree with Huston

>> No.5219608

I'll never tell you my Loomis shortcuts

>> No.5219610

Michael Hampton and Steve Huston both mention Loomis in their videos. Their methods could not exist without Loomis.

>> No.5219615

No, you should look into fun with a pencil where he goes more in depth.

>> No.5219619
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, WIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their methods could not exist without Loomis.
The fucking ignorance in this thread.
And how did the masters learn to draw heads from imagination?
Did they have Loomis?
This is completely retarded.
Regardless, just because they mention Loomis doesn't mean you should study it.

Literally every artist mentions Michelangelo but NOONE here says to study him. I wonder why...
We should just replace "Loomis" with "Michelangelo" if we're going to go with that logic.

>> No.5219622

tried it, garbage, like the rest of his books
see this thread: >>5217581
to know what the result of studying those books have.

>> No.5219631

>We should just replace "Loomis" with "Michelangelo" if we're going to go with that logic.
i would be ok with this honestly

>> No.5219633

Actually, I would too.

>> No.5219639

not OP but I really have a hard time taking in a book as information for study, any other things you'd advice over reading fun with a pencil?

>> No.5219648
File: 30 KB, 300x700, Kim Jung Gi - 2007-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brent Eviston - The Art and Science of Drawing
Sycra - Most of channel except for the podcasts
VolenCK - If you don't mind his rambling
Mike's Drawing Tutorials - Good psychology but not that good at drawing despite 10 years of it
ChouTac - Sketch Like The Pros (in the MEGA thread)
Marshall Vandruff - Perspective

Feel free to add on this list.
Only Absolute Beginner stuff please.
No Anatomy or Figure Drawing or anything too complex.

>> No.5219650

no one is responsible for you, if you read loomis and didn't get anything out of it then he's probably not for you.
but you probably didn't read his books because you're asking people to spoonfeed his books to you.

>> No.5219656

As stated in a previous thread, this is complete bullshit.
There is no such thing as "maybe he's just not for you."

If you wanted to learn Guitar, you'd almost always study with JustinGuitar.
He will NEVER be "not for you," because he teaches you in a way that is easy for ANYONE to understand.

If Loomis does not teach in a way for ANYONE to understand, then I am right about Loomis being useless and that he must be replaced with someone else who is more capable and competent.
Calling people "retarded" because they don't understand Loomis is complete arrogance and solves nothing.

>> No.5219659

anyone have michelangelo's sketchbook drawings
maybe in an archive or mega??

>> No.5219664

adding those, thanks anon, I also really liked Michael Hampton that some anon recommended before, he breaks down the simple stuff pretty well but I dont feel confident enough to do more than pose practices at the moment

>> No.5219669

but did you actually read his books and study + draw the figures

>> No.5219670

Michael Hampton is pretty difficult for a beginner.
I wouldn't recommend jumping too far to anatomy before first understanding the concepts in the video courses there.
On top of that, I'd also recommend going through Proko's anatomy course and Scott Eaten as well.
Idk, I just personally did not have much value from Michael Hampton.

Oh, and I meant "Mark's Drawing Tutorials" not Mike.

>> No.5219675
File: 76 KB, 324x238, GÈT'S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like when people call out bullshit.

>> No.5219676

with absolutely no improvement

>> No.5219678

nono I didnt make the immediate jump to anatomy I liked his tutorial on the SCI and I feel a decent improvement on doing different things is all, but as I feel its just not enough to make the step to construction personally

>> No.5219681

literally all he does is just babble on about something he doesn't really know how to do (draw)
stop recommending this retard to people

>> No.5219682

I think it's one of those texts you could do without. An artist should have the ability to develop most of those techniques on their own terms and reading the book would be more like common sense with a few tricks and things to key in on.

>> No.5219688
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Based OP
Loomis was a waste of my time, 6 months wasted listening to that hack
What should I use instead?

>> No.5219689

Who would you recommend then?
I personally like him because he reveals things that artists who know how to draw well neglect to explain because of the "Expert Blindspot."

This childish mentality that /ic/ has where you only listen to professional artists who have a godly ability in drawing is completely ignorant and why a lot of people don't improve.
How else am I going to learn things that artists know but don't explain because it's second nature to them and they think it's common sense?

I'm not crabbing, I'm being genuine.
If we're just going to put artists down because they're not pro level then you have to give me some sort of alternative that is actually good.
Just saying "Loomis" only makes you look more ignorant.

>> No.5219690

I really don't remember /ic/ being this dumb. Ever.

>> No.5219691

Brent Eviston was easy to understand and all those other artists I put in that small list.

>> No.5219695
File: 451 KB, 618x891, 1599873327388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 months wasted
Loomis and vilppu
Drawabox and keys to drawing

>> No.5219696

ironically doing exactly what I put in the OP
how about you show me and give me EXACTLY why I should be using Loomis, huh?
can't do that?
that's what I fucking thought
your blanket "Loomis" response is being exposed and now you are responding with vague replies to gaslight the rest of the thread
nice try

next time, answer the fucking question or get ignored

>> No.5219707
File: 98 KB, 571x667, 1585169592077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder, its all the same shit

Loomis > Bridgman > Jean-Léon Gérôme > Charles Gleyre > Jean-Claude Bonnefond >
Pierre Révoil > Alexis Grongard > Donat Nonnotte > Francois Boucher >
François Lemoyne > Louis Galloche > Louis de Boullogne > Charles de La Fosse >
Charles Le Brun > François Perrier > Giovanni Lanfranco >
Agostino Carracci > Prospero Fontana > Innocenzo di Pietro Francucci da Imola >
Perino del Vaga > Ridolfo Ghirlandaio > Fra Bartolomeo > Raphael > Pietro Perugino >
Andrea del Verrocchio > ( Filippo Lippi > Masaccio|) Donatello > Lorenzo Ghiberti >
Gherardo Starnina > Antonio Veneziano > Taddeo Gaddi > Giotto

>> No.5219712
File: 68 KB, 521x700, Kim Jung Gi - 2007-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I'm slowly realizing with all the Video Courses and Artbooks.
They all say the exact same shit but differently.
You still have to figure out how to draw at the end of the day which fucking sucks and why it takes years to get any good.

I just wished there was some sort of JustinGuitar for drawing.
At least one person who teaches absolute begs how to teach themselves to draw something instead of all the misinformation out here.

>> No.5219716
File: 753 KB, 1063x1667, 1593046803217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey can you do me a favor, review my thread and answer some questions? Please
You appear knowledgeable on resources

>> No.5219717

i can kinda imagine a normie who is not a mouthbreather taking loomis book at face value and actually making it useful. the info in the books are borderline intermediate but not impossible for beginner. i dont blame if they cant interpret it

>> No.5219727

that's fine, I didn't get much out of his stuff either but I'm not going to devalue all the information in there because of that. there's lots of people who attribute their success to him and a lot of teachers who stand on his shoulders. "maybe he's not for you" is not a meme, people learn differently and get more out of different teaching styles.
And you probably did get something out of him, the mileage is there subconsciously even if it doesn't appear like it. Unless you're braindead or didn't actually study it.

>> No.5219728
File: 6 KB, 236x214, 1613438334248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally anyone else. At least Proko can draw well. At least moderndayjames can draw well and demonstrate that he can.

VolenCK mostly just babbles on about theory because that's all he really knows how to do. You know how people clown on Proko because he can't draw from imagination? This guy is still beg level at drawing.

There is no fucking reason to waste your time listening to this guy when you can just as easily listen to someone who is actually at the level you want to reach and can tell you exactly how to get there. If you still want to then let's see how that works out for you.

>> No.5219737

lol. who do you think you are? Some rebel uprooting the institution?

>> No.5219748

Honestly the best ones for me are those that have both a book and video courses, like hampton, huston, vilppu to a smaller extent. It really helps to see something actually drawn rather than seeing the finished piece in a book. And getting the extra doses of information of the same thing eventually makes it click. The same goes for using multiple teachers on the same subject.

>> No.5219753

I'll be completely honest with you.
There are no good resources as far as I could tell.
I went through 300 artbooks and close to 100 video courses and I've learned that they are all really, really bad.
I wish I could recommend something to you but it would be all for naught as none are at all solid enough to be recommended for a beginner to learn.

Line control is really important which is why Brent Eviston, Peter Han, and Draw A Box are good for that but they tend to include a lot of fluff and it makes more sense if someone like me were to guide a beginner through those courses and skip everything that isn't entirely useful. (Which is something I wish people would do with Loomis with how much it is spammed on here but evidently 4chan loves to give good things derogatory definitions and say that's called "hand-holding" or "spoon-feeding" and basically despising a really helpful form of teaching.)
Perspective is another fundamental you want to learn as a beginner but at this point it would be tiring that you still can't draw shit at all despite all the time you put in which is where most people become frustrated.

I'm working as hard as I can to make an absolute beginner course using my hyper analytical mind to be able to really teach beginners how to draw but I need time to develop it.
It's literally the hardest thing I've ever done because it feels like nothing work.
Everything feels like shit.
It's as if I had to reinvent the wheel because no one remembers how to invent it.

>> No.5219762
File: 1.96 MB, 2315x1573, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here OP.

>> No.5219767

Lol he lists drawabox and Peter han together as if drawabox isn't literally dynamic bible cut into lessons

>> No.5219771
File: 47 KB, 600x566, a1af8b1cf3ab315ecfee670a63360493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter Han is the video version of DAB.
Do whichever you prefer.
At the end of the day, you'll still be shit at drawing since line control won't make your drawings look good.
Proportions are typically what determine this and something else.
I think Sycra mentioned this in one of his videos which was an eye opener for me and something that no one really talks about.

You could have a scribbly ass drawing but as long as the proportions are on point, it won't really look that bad.

>> No.5219973 [DELETED] 

>explains it better, right?
what the fuck is there to explain.

>> No.5219981 [DELETED] 

>how about you show me and give me EXACTLY why I should be using Loomis, huh?

how about i'm not your mom?

>> No.5219996

it takes a long time to get good at anything. constant volume over time is the only thing that works. in anything.

>that's it?
>that's fucking it?

yeah, that's fucking it

>> No.5219997

where the fuck is your construction

>> No.5220001

>And how did the masters learn to draw heads from imagination?

go see how many years they trained for.

>> No.5220008

I think the crux here to understand is that the resources aren't bad, drawing is just a really fucking hard skill to learn.
Not really comparable to something like guitar.

>> No.5220012

How many of the old masters wrote down their methods and explained how to learn them?
My impression is that most of them also tended to work from model rather than imagination.

>> No.5220035


>> No.5220054

>If you wanted to learn Guitar, you'd almost always study with JustinGuitar.
What the actual fuck? Confirmed troll..

>> No.5220068

I love this meme of not practicing fundies because you want to pretend to have an opinion the quality of the teachers. No one cares if you use Loomis or Huston or Hampton or fucking Proko. Studying is the important thing.

>> No.5220072

Like everyone replying to OP?

>> No.5220489

Your pic has no line width variation but through stacking lines on top of each other or in close priximity it gives the illusion of it. Line control is being used.

>> No.5220506

>JustinGuitar for drawing.

Bruh you must be a shit guitar player if that's your pinnacle of instruction.

>> No.5220520

post in /beg/ this is shit

>> No.5220538


>> No.5220549

Successful Drawing by Loomis has an excellent section on perspective, with lots of techniques explained in a simple manner. IMO it also makes other books by him much easier to understand. I recommend checking it out if you only want to read one book by Loomis.

But it's also true that ultimately art books are all just explaining the same things in slightly different ways. The trick is to just go through them until you find one that clicks with your way of thinking.

>> No.5220571

>you do realize that Michael Hampton does the same thing but actually explains it better
I always assume that when people say "loomis" they mean the method, not the person

>> No.5220580

This thread made me realize that maybe selling a how to draw manual book IS MAKING IT.

>> No.5220617

thats been my aim for years now. Still stuck at the "learn myself how to draw" phase

>> No.5220943

>Successful Drawing by Loomis
rarely see this recommeded compared to all his other books

>> No.5221029

No, like those who can think for themselves.
Those who don't base what they think is true on old memes.

>> No.5221046

looking at all those shitty instagram "learn how2draw" courses, you really don't have to

>> No.5221051

As a self taught artists you should just be getting as many resources as possible to learn from without falling into the "hoard info, get depressed and don't draw" pitfall.
Every source on figure drawing that you study will help you a little bit more to understand all the other sources on figure drawing.
Every hour you spend practicing with purpose will make all of those sources make more sense as new questions pop up in your brain and you realise the answer was actually in one of the books you skimmed through and thought was irrelevant.

You have to get into a loop of:
1. Draw to see what problems you have/ what questions you think of.
2. Seek answers to these questions from books/videos/teachers
3. Practice the solution with purpose and clarity.
4. Go back to 1

Skimming through books/videos you will see tons of answers to questions you didnt think of yet and so aren't ready to study but this can help you in the future to quickly go back to that source when you DO think of the question.

It's important that you are drawing what you want to draw more than you are studying/practicing with purpose. You study INTENTLY and EXHAUSTIVELY so that you can later draw freely and effortlessly but just drawing from observation in a sketchbook/ipad/tablet without worrying about the quality should be most of your drawing time. If you studied well you should just be automatically incorporating the new things you learn into your sketches.

Conditioning yourself to associate drawing with self expression, relaxation, play or almost meditation is going to allow you to do this for the rest of your life.

When you transition to full time work you will need to be able to separate drawing for work vs drawing for yourself and be able to come home, sit down and take out a sketchbook/ipad(etc) and draw for yourself to wind down.

>> No.5221106
File: 34 KB, 525x525, Blook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun With a Pencil is the greatest and most versatile art book ever made. If you can't understand he simple and universal methods it expresses throughout the entire volume you're quite simply Not Going to Make It

Half the posters in this thread ought to kys themselves because they're not going anywhere

>be op
>pick up a pencil once every six months
>complain about why he isn't improving and blame a dead man instead of taking responsibility for his own actions or lack thereof
>make histrionic /ic/ thread no. 6,000,000 to sate his ego and further kick the can down the road

>doesn't follow the method properly at all as you can clearly see in the comically undersized spheroid sketch underneath the amateurish final contour copy
>muh six months of barely drawing wasted

>This nigga can't even draw a Blook but wants to come across as an authority

>> No.5221318
File: 39 KB, 630x478, 1531739601638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I doubt it.
What's with all the misinformation with beginners falling for the "How to Draw an Eye" meme or the Mark Crilley meme when in Guitar it's well known to just use JustinGuitar and that's it.
After him, you'll be comfortable enough to figure out things on your own and don't need anymore handholding.
We don't have that in drawing because we don't have that one specific resource that is so good that a beginner has absolutely no excuse to not improve because all these books and courses are all geared towards people who have been drawing their whole life and not for absolute beginners.

Drawing isn't any harder than any other skill.
Not to mention that it's a pretty vague definition.
What exactly are we talking about when we say drawing here?
Are we talking about drawing from imagination?
Are we talking about being able to copy something with good accuracy?

No one really sits down and handholds the absolute begs so that they can "fish for a lifetime" if you know that quote.
They basically have to learn how to fish themselves when all it takes is one really good teacher to teach them how to fish.
We need a teacher that can teach an absolute beg the mindset of how to be an artist and how they can teach themselves how to draw.

Instead, we have memes like Mark Crilley who only care about money and squeezing dry all the ignorant beginners who don't know any better.

How the fuck does he sleep at night?
I hope he doesn't.

>> No.5221325

>one specific resource that is so good that a beginner has absolutely no excuse to not improve
keys to drawing

>> No.5221326
File: 334 KB, 2550x3507, 1584618296348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eviston gave me more results than Loomis

>> No.5221327

I'm pretty sure whoever designed Mario and Luigi was heavily inspired by Loomis

>> No.5221328

I know you're gaslighting here to make me sound bad but for those watching, I may as well clarify.

The reason I mention JustinGuitar is because he is good for absolute beginners in Guitar.
The same for Japanese From Zero (George Trombley).
You obviously don't stick with them for years but they are good to make whatever skill you want to learn much easier to grasp in the beginning when you know absolutely nothing.

If you don't think JG is a good resource, chances are you heard of JG when you were already pretty good at playing Guitar and so he seemed like a meme.
This is the main problem that we have in drawing as well since most people who draw started as children, not as adults so people like VolenCK seem like memes when they actually give good and sound advice.
People shit on his drawings but does art skill automatically prove your point?
Mark Crilley is pretty good yet he's an awful teacher.
Should we now study him because he's amazing at drawing?

I'm an adult who started drawing as an adult so I care more about principles than childish things like their drawing skills.
Feel free to provide replacements for them however everytime I ask here for someone to replace VolenCK, I never get any.
People just say "Loomis" or "Vilppu" which doesn't help at all and further proves my point.

>> No.5221329

Then use it faggot

>> No.5221334
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Even if it's shit right now far better than that hack loomis

>> No.5221335

How is a beginner supposed to know that???

Most people have /ic/ mentality where they assume that you should always listen to anyone who has any sort of skill when it is principles that matter the most.
But yea. If you want an immoral way to make money, you could always trick /beg/s to buying your How to Draw book.

For some reason you get trashed here for having a differing opinion.
I didn't think this place was some autistic groupthink.
Why don't people here formulate their own opinions?
If you're so confident of the old methods, they should work for /beg/s. If they don't work, you should be questioning whether or not they are actually as useful as you made them out to be in your head.

Yes. That is exactly it.
Draw --> Realize there is mistake --> Create a way to fix it in the future (exercises or whatever) --> Draw it again until you don't make the same mistake.
Rinse and repeat.
The only problem is, how does this work for absolute beginners when they don't even know what is shit about their drawings?

>> No.5221342

It's very easy to tell exactly what's wrong with drawings once you get rid of symbols.

>> No.5221366

nothing should work for begs. begs should suffer and rot in eternal hell. what you're looking for is a teacher - if you are going to self-study, then you have to know how to approach any material and break it down yourself, regardless of whether you're beg or not. nobody can do your critical thinking for you. all of these books talk about the same shit and are all slightly different simplifications of it. if among them you can't find a single one that works for you, then either get a teacher and lay that responsibility on him, or figure out a simplification for yourself.

there's no fucking justinguitar or whatever it is you want for representational drawing - the skill is orders of magnitude more complex than plucking some strings to make nice sounds. if you can't be bothered to use your brain, then you will fail, and that's the bottom line. this applies to you and it applies to every aspiring beg. no art resource can teach someone who is incapable of learning.

>> No.5221376

>How is a beginner supposed to know that???
no I totally agree that it is not helpful at all, some people just take the non spoon feeding culture to the extreme, that they go out of their way to be cryptic

>> No.5221386

This. I've had many friends ask me how to get good at drawing and Keys to Drawing is the only book that consistently worked for every one of them. And it seems to be really good at getting rid of symbol drawing, so you can see them improve almost immediately.
After some help, they very quickly learn how to spot their mistakes and as a consequence they get even better. Every single time, both hobbyist and wanna-be-professionals alike.
Ngl, I strongly believe the single most important skill a /beg/ can learn is not how to draw some stupid heads, but to actually use their eyes, to be able to observe. Both the world around you and your (and others') work. If you cannot see your mistakes, you simply cannot fix them. But I guess telling people "This is how you draw an anime eye!" gets more views or sales idk.

>> No.5221398
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You're just copying contours and negative space though; day one stuff. There's nothing wrong with that per se, but it's obvious the idea of construction is going over your head if you can't even tell what you're doing wrong to begin with.

>begs should suffer and rot in eternal hell

based and checked

>> No.5221421

Whats so good about loomis in particular?
T. Beg waiting loads of books to torrent

>> No.5221453

>Mark Crilley meme when in Guitar it's well known to just use JustinGuitar and that's it
Well then it's well known to use Andrew Loomis and that's it for drawing.

Your argument is retarded, and Justin Guitar is fucking awful.

>> No.5221484

It's not a joke. I didn't discover this place until I was an adult who'd been painting since I was a kid, studied art seriously in high school, gotten an art degree, and worked as an illustrator, before ever hearing of Loomis.

I've been coming here off an on for a long time. To me, "Loomis" was when a bunch of anons decided that art school was bullshit, because they had emotional issues, or were social misfits, or belligerently cheap, and tried to make their own version of art education from pirated books and a LOT of filling in the blanks with utter nonsense. These days, the stuff parroted by a lot of anons is several generations from that, mistakes compounded on even more mistakes. Silly ideas like "grinding boxes" for hundreds of hours, when in a formal art educational setting, beginning exercises like that are maybe a week.

There's nothing in Loomis that's "wrong", but it's the same foundational information that's always been taught. It's a start, but it's the beginning steps that should be mastered in weeks, with guidance.
In a real educational setting, you learn basic concepts like construction, and then you iterate on that, using that step in the next one. Draw a box. Now draw an object. Now shade it. Now add color. Now add a bunch of objects into a still life. Now try a portrait, etc, etc. Every class I took in the first two years of art were staged like that. Iteration, fusion, compounding foundational blocks into steps. Loomis is a step. The step after Loomis is where /ic starts going off the rails.

>> No.5221512

No, anon. A teacher in front of you, who you can ask questions in the moment while learning new things or practicing things will always be preferable to a video or book. There's nothing wrong with JustinGuitar, but millions of guitar players learned to play without him.
Look at how many players who learned under Joe Satriani, who went on to fame and fortune. Joe was "just right" for them. And then the students who studied with Joe who wasn't the right fit for them.
I know I didn't care for at least 25% of my teachers in art school. Personality, or they just were just lazy, whatever - they didn't 'click" with me - but the ones I did click with, I pushed forward in leaps and bounds.

You should stop insisting on single sources, and promote exploring different sources. And, understand, that video or books where you can't stop teh source and ask a question will always be a poorer source of instruction than an in-person teacher - or lacking access to that, honest critiques here, which do happen from time to time. But with the amount of "Loomis", "NGMI" and other shitposting, this forum is anti-education at it's core.

>> No.5221516
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>a bunch of anons decided that art school was bullshit

I can't imagine why...

>> No.5221517

>It's as if I had to reinvent the wheel because no one remembers how to invent it.
Or, take an art course with a teacher, in person, which is the process that the vast majority of artists have done, and succeeded with.

If you have a crippling social awkwardness, or live in a 3rd world with no access to schools, or just a stubborn neckbeard who thinks college is a waste of money, sure. But it's funny to me you think you exhausted all avenues, except the one that actually works.

>> No.5221518
File: 400 KB, 703x1227, SAIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...anyone could possibly...

>> No.5221519
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...come to that conclusion!

>> No.5221521
File: 26 KB, 500x480, 1606316852496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The English is so wrong/dyslexic in this "meme" that it paints OP as someone who can't even read the instructions on the book to me, so it's no wonder she's trying to fish for the abridged version.


>> No.5221528

No, it's about the same. I know people who have tried for years to master the guitar, and can barely play. I also saw people in college struggle in art classes and drop out, because they couldn't wrap their heads around it and progress.

The idea that anyone can do anything is the flaw here.

>> No.5221532

>Draw --> Realize there is mistake --> Create a way to fix it in the future (exercises or whatever) --> Draw it again until you don't make the same mistake

Draw --> Realize there is mistake --> have a teacher to ask how to solve the problem --> Draw it again until you don't make the same mistake

99% of the walls anon hit would be solved in a classroom. I will always prefer and recommend classes, especially for the first steps. You don't have to get a full degree, or take any classes past the first steps, but a Drawing 101 class would benefit everyone in /beg.

>> No.5221537

I'm amused you think you have a point, but you slot quite nicely into the anti-education core of /ic. You and your kind have been here forever, which is why most who come here to learn, try.

So, grats? I guess? You totally showed me and everyone else that floundering around /beg for years listening to people like you is the totally right thing.

>> No.5221548

>You and your kind have been here forever, which is why most who come here to learn, try.
Replace "try" with fail.

Not that it matters, your type don't listen anyway. That's why you're still here shitting on art school, instead of being an artist.

>> No.5221555
File: 52 KB, 534x202, Emmy Cicierega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Statistically speaking most people-in fact the great majority-don't make it whether they had a teacher or not, that's the point-and it's a good and heckin' valid one that's backed up by historical data. One group, if they live in the western hemisphere, ends up with six figures worth of debt and the other doesn't, and if they live in Europe or something they're still subjecting themselves to a series opportunity cost by attending an adult day care center for two to four years and being tithed for it the rest of their lives through taxation.

>> No.5221569
File: 391 KB, 2149x702, Tom Bancroft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5221642

Why the hate off loomis? his book really helped me with construction when i was a begginer. The part with the cartoon faces is bullshit tho

>> No.5221645

op is just medically retarded

>> No.5221699
File: 197 KB, 1182x1000, 1602028125337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say Loomisshit

>> No.5221703

considering you tried everything and nothing worked you should check if the shit isn't you instead

>> No.5221706
File: 267 KB, 1365x1000, 1592379356331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think that will stop me from complaining? LOL

>> No.5221707

what the fuck is this shit? op turn off your pc

>> No.5221708
File: 1.26 MB, 3510x2555, 1591593184922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like it?

>> No.5221709

isn't that eye guro?

>> No.5221714

that sphere is the only vaguely loomis-related thing you've shown so far

>> No.5221717
File: 673 KB, 2048x2048, 1610470122618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre so HOT youre hurting my feelings
Im not OP this is my thread
Go and check it

>> No.5222017

I don't think you get it, read the dynamic bible (it's very short) and you'll see what I mean. Drawabox is just dynamic bible turned into assignments

>> No.5222086

Loomis was one of the first books I tried out after realizing those How to Draw Manga books were all memes and I realized that Loomis was no different.
Sure, the first few pages aren't too bad but the rest of the pages are all garbage with really complicated drawings and difficult to follow terminology.
It's why I continuously say that Loomis is not for beginners.
People here swear by Loomis but forget the fact that they were already pretty decent at drawing when they started to do Loomis and it made them a little better.

It's like telling an absolute beginner to learn Anatomy when they don't have a concept of perspective or form just because learning anatomy made your drawings better.
You assume that it is anatomy that made you what you are now but it's not.
It's everything before that you count as useless that people on here neglect to mention.

I always say the same thing everytime.
If Loomis was so good, why the hell do people still suck ass at drawing after following him?
All people say is, "hurr durr, you're just too retarded."
That's arrogance.

>> No.5222103

but you literally are

>> No.5222104


>> No.5222108

i can't explain anything to you because you won't understand it. you need the justinguitar of basic cognitive function

>> No.5222119
File: 2.73 MB, 2972x3976, PXL_20210221_120614335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked out Brent Eviston and completed the Basic Skills portion yesterday but I'm not sure if I'm at the level to go further. Are you the anon that recommended the course?

>> No.5222125

so that would mean that everyone in the /beg/ thread is too retarded??
i'm going to have a hard fucking laugh when i pull people out of /beg/ because i'm competent enough to help absolute beginners (true absolute beginners) to get good at drawing

>> No.5222130

no, just you. but i enjoy the saviour complex you have going on here, goes well with the dk

>> No.5222294

what is this from? mannequinization is that old?

>> No.5222385

Studied Loomis for a bit. Realized it was a hella meme. Better resources in today's day and age like Hampton. Even Hogarth is better. Loomis has some okay stuff in it. But later people explain stuff way better. There's no real point in studying Loomis anymore.

Depends on how hard you are willing to work. If you want to improve relatively quickly and have some money decent money to spend, I'd recommend taking Dynamic Sketching I and II from CGMA. Do Drawabox if you want the budget version (but be warned that it's not as good as Dynamic Sketching ... He fucked with the method too much and as a result it's not as effective).

If you're totally /beg/ tier and don't want to shell out a ton of money yet, then do the Art and Science of Drawing by Brent Eviston.

However, I really do recommend you take Dynamic Sketching at some point. It can feel like a grind at times, but there's nothing really better than it at improving your ability as fast as possible.

Everything becomes easier once you can draw well.

>> No.5222533

Read that doing fwap up till the realistic drawing stuff then hopping straight into huston anatomy was a good way to go assuming you were able to snatch the course off the mega

>> No.5222572

>>5219619 >>5220012

the information that's in loomis comes from people like him passed down from one generation of artists to the next to the present day in an unbroken line

a lot of the concepts we use to draw have in fact been invented by michelangelo himself

just read robert beverly hale's book "Drawing Lessons from the Old Masters"

>> No.5222574

correction: the book title is Drawing Lessons from the GREAT Masters

>> No.5222751

After reading through this thread and a couple others, I have to say that this board is unsalvageable.
It needs to rot in the deepest pits of hell alongside the shitposters who don't even draw (which is 90% of this place).
If you are a beg and reading this. Get a couple of books, useful links, LEAVE and block this god forsaken site for the rest of your life.Don't get sucked into this vacuum of depression and anger.
I just wish that there is a place online where beginners could get PROPER advice instead of the meme trash on youtube/reddit and the vomit that is ic.