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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 234 KB, 750x900, modeus_1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5178333 No.5178333 [Reply] [Original]

Post your OCs, talk about great designs, share resources.

Help each other make your designs, don't hug box.

>How can I make my OC better?
>What is the best method to better designs?
>Is my design too generic?

Lets help each other out.

Join our discord community: https://discord.gg/njqAyjt

>> No.5178339


>> No.5178387

What was the reason of helltaker OCs success?

>> No.5178468

just look up how many lewds there are of this character. OCs hold power, my friend.

>> No.5178487

video game characters are not “ocs”
ocs is what cwc tier literal autists do because they cannot produce anything coherent and instead just make super special amazing character (spoiler alert: it’s shit) in a vacuum to project themselves into

>> No.5178580

Every character is an OC until it is owned by a big company. Think about that.

>> No.5178591

you think about it, how does being owned by a company make it less of an oc, and how does being owned by a “big” company different from a medium or small company?
you’re being retarded

>> No.5178675

Go draw your boxes

>> No.5178713

>free, extremely accessible game
>game was well polished with good music
>strong characterisation through appearance and dialogue; ditzy fallen angel is ditzy
>characters are attractive with a non-trash style
>attraction for the game feeds into the characters which feeds into the game etcetera
But primarily
>mah cute succubus waifus
There was a demand or vacuum for the concept and it was competently achieved for free.

>> No.5178785

Go draw something good

>> No.5178794

way to show off just how much their post hurt you

>> No.5178906
File: 472 KB, 703x907, panc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously do not understand why 4chan can't have a single functioning oc thread on any board that isn't fucking /co/

>> No.5178916

>samefagging to agree with yourself

>> No.5179024

yeah lemme just pull some bullshit out of my ass to make myself feel better after some stranger ruined my mood too

>> No.5179057

probably because they have more purpose in their designs than us, especially if it's for their webcomic, they're going to remove any detail that's fucking annoying to draw but looks cool

>> No.5179195

design's not bad, but poorly drawn. learn to draw hands ffs and stop symbol drawing them.

>> No.5179275

ceaseless discharge?

>> No.5179321

Miyazaki would appreciate the fine art of ripping things off wholesale

>> No.5179324

coom coom coom coom
demon COOOM

>> No.5180205

distinct art style
every different flavor of COOM

>> No.5180212

just coom bro

>> No.5181686
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1680, POV you said fundies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn to draw hands
>stop symbol drawing

>> No.5181713
File: 593 KB, 896x1050, New Canvas (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good character design
I came up with it one day out of boredom

>> No.5181869
File: 1.97 MB, 4000x4000, Karstaag final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably had to redraw this three times over but neve got him feeling right.

>> No.5181884

Every character is an OC until it becomes part of an IP. That's literally how it works. You are being stupid.

>> No.5181887
File: 347 KB, 2132x3017, Illustration2 (2) - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing I did a couple months ago. Really garbage because I'm pretty sure I didn't even do any construction for this and it's one of the first things I've ever drawn digitally but I liked the design. I wanna use it for something eventually but idk what that'd be

>> No.5181894

she's cute

>> No.5181932

furry robo griffith

>> No.5182419
File: 302 KB, 1139x1280, 54F58843-6172-4D19-BD89-C13AB8EB9FD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old drawing of mine

>> No.5182578

what are some books about character design?

>> No.5182583

Cool design, but very unclear. Especially in the scene.

>> No.5182584

coom designs

>> No.5182607

It's horror anon it's supposed to be unclear

>> No.5182613

Nah I think that’s cope. Seriously in your best interest consider the advice. Cool drawing, but it is unclear

>> No.5182687

This would make a cool game.

>> No.5182697
File: 1.69 MB, 1027x767, 2680482-executor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks cool but I'm gonna have to call you out for looking way too much like pathologic. Try to mix up the silhouette some more

>> No.5182730
File: 522 KB, 1263x1165, personAGGi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some characters from my crappy RPG.

>> No.5182731


Looks good anon, what’s the rpg?

>> No.5182757

a really basic OSR game with a Sandland vibe. There's still no english version so I won't shill.

>> No.5182760
File: 244 KB, 3062x3206, lineup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting something I'm happy with.

My priorities when designing these characters were:
#1: Must, above all else, be easy to draw quickly. (it was for a CYOA where I would draw full comic pages as quickly as I could), which is why they were designed almost entirely as shapes of black and white.
#2: Must be recognizable from a thumbnail or when drawn loosely, largely in service of #1.
#3: Must inform us something about the character. I'm not entirely sure I managed to succeed at this very well (particularly with the middle character), but for most part it's obvious. The chick in the male uniform is tomboyish. The chick with the bags under her eyes and the long skirt is a gloomy stick in the mud, and so on.
#4: Must be be appealing. Obviously subjective, but I was happy with how they turned out.
#5: Must be distinct. The lowest priority here because I figured the way the project was drawn would make it recognizable (and it was only a small project anyway so it's not like the designs need to be super unique).

It wasn't my first time intentionally designing characters, but I had a bad habit of putting off designing characters for projects until I'm literally drawing the character in the project. I put more effort into designing these characters than I have for any character before in order to try and break that habit.

>> No.5182770
File: 117 KB, 342x949, 56B628D6-D3FA-4ECA-915A-10250B30DCBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5182773

you don’t even know what an ip is, retard
EVERY oc ever made is an ip

>> No.5182799
File: 239 KB, 759x581, 2021-02-04 18_54_26-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very generic design, but i like it. Had this one for about two years now

>> No.5182800
File: 202 KB, 789x555, 2021-02-04 18_56_06-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5182804
File: 133 KB, 393x390, 2021-02-04 18_57_11-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5182819
File: 156 KB, 553x335, finally! gamer girl pee!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tend to keep my OC designs simple with some exaggerated identifiers, not too great at enjoying outfit design
pic related, his big aye-aye lookin-ass eyes are fun to draw

>> No.5183022

learn to draw

>> No.5183098
File: 587 KB, 3000x3000, a9f7ca6d-4e96-46db-b1ab-2a45b888efec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this have too many decals/random bullshit detailed in?

>> No.5183102
File: 7 KB, 170x85, cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5183112
File: 461 KB, 1280x1426, Luso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. there's a lot of empty space around the image, you might want to crop that or give it some kind of background to fill the space
2. maybe? a slight bit, it depends on how willing you are to draw all of them often. Hat decal might be too detailed to not be annoying after a period of time, but otherwise the decals are fine

as long as you're willing to draw them frequently, your decals are ok. if not, then you find that out on your own and the design evolves to include less of them for a less annoying alternative

>> No.5183132
File: 180 KB, 422x723, edit of some1s oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized that after editing that this is probably supposed to be some pagan demon thing oops
The branches on his back make him look lopsided and maybe use something else other than RED but other than that it's pretty cool ngl

>> No.5183136

Is she supposed to be the Android mascot?

>> No.5183138

Cool head. Is he wearing a cape/cloth? It sort of blends in with his muscles

>> No.5183143
File: 187 KB, 648x732, mecha4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinion on this mecha design for a generic grunt unit?

>> No.5183211

I don’t think this is right. When I hear OC I think of people who just draw portraits or character sheets and never DO anything by with the characters beyond having them pose vacuously.

>> No.5183489


>> No.5183490
File: 853 KB, 1224x1209, gdsgdsafsaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5183495
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5183528

Blog pls

>> No.5183530
File: 48 KB, 814x810, charac bleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully I become good enough to make a comic or something one day...
until then it's just grinding fundies I guess

>> No.5183545

have you been to oekaki? the oc threads have been a bit slow but much better now.

>> No.5183692
File: 224 KB, 1447x578, fyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the blues you chose, especially for the metal on his arms. I'm gonna steal that for when he's not angry enough to have the flame wreath, his arms can lose their glow and they can heat up when he gets mad.

Asian demon, hindu to be more precise
You're right, the arms were lopsided, I just thought it made him look more unstable. The point was that he became a hand, but even drawing it trying to illustrate the point showed that you don't have all your fingers that far way from the thumb.
The blue around the neck really makes the eyes stand out more, I'll find a way to use that
The reason for his monochromaticness is that he's a member of a gang of idiot rainbow demons

>> No.5183859


Are those wheels on the calves? Is there a way to make them pop a bit more, while still keeping the feeling the same?

>> No.5184137

Yeah, a sort of rag as a cape.

>> No.5184176


>> No.5184182

How does acting like a retard benefit you exactly ancunt?

>> No.5184319
File: 14 KB, 144x267, Jeffrequest (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my new shonen anime character

>> No.5184802
File: 66 KB, 615x1280, IMG_20210131_154628_345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you design a memorable normal looking characters without going down the path of modern overdesigned JRPGs? people complained that my characters looked bland design-wise so I decided to exaggerate the armor/clothing shapes of one of my MCs. Any feedback? I know the arms are slighty fucked but It's a quick sketch

>> No.5184821

with regular armor, when all else fails add gold rims and decals

and downsize the shoulder-pad a bit, you're making the space marines jealous
either that or add something to the other shoulder too, there's no point having just one comically sized shoulderpad

>> No.5184930

add oddities with the shape of the armour. like little dents in the shoulder pad, rips in the cloth and breaks in the outline as that will attract the eye.
Though that advice mainly depends on what background the character has, so if you know what the background is, try to implement more signifiers to the that background as that will add uniqueness to the character.

>> No.5185640

/ic/ is slowly turning into /i/. Yikes.

>> No.5186011

Just make them white

>> No.5186502

they know how to have fun there.

>> No.5186509

Looks simple enough for you to be able to do that.

>> No.5186561
File: 26 KB, 640x427, jocko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i fucking wish

>> No.5186579

Is there any good sources of how to make good or interesting characters? I fell for the meme as a kid of ocs being cringe but now I'm in my 20's and want to make a comic, and have no idea how to actually make these characters

>> No.5186592

what you mean?

>> No.5186648

a character design is a storytelling medium to tell people the character's personality, background, beliefs, inner thoughts, etc.
basically, everyone gets to look exactly how they want to in fiction and gets all their clothes from a magical Main Character Tailor.
If you're not autistic, this should come naturally, as why even design a character if you don't want to display what they're all about?

>> No.5186967

if only

>> No.5187020

post your work

>> No.5188251

Man I love anything Ivalice but that character has always just looked so bad.

>> No.5188302

Im interested in your RPG, looks soul as fuck

>> No.5188306

We're all God's little OCs

>> No.5188309
File: 189 KB, 980x794, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to design a league of legends champion from scratch for my portfolio. Tell me what do you guys think

>> No.5188311
File: 168 KB, 955x776, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5188314
File: 354 KB, 985x790, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some exploration sketches

>> No.5188320

I have a shit ton more of sketches (more staff designs, cothing alternatives and early concepts completely diferent from this ones)

>> No.5188324
File: 245 KB, 899x718, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit forgot to add image lol

>> No.5188409

Not terrible but needs a bit more to not only get a better idea of role he's made for, but also the potentional makeup of his kit, and also get a sense of his story/personality. Can you post the alternative outfits? Based on what you've posted so far he seems a bit like Jax or Wukong.

>> No.5188475
File: 272 KB, 635x645, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is meant to be a shuriman mage support, he is quite joyful and active, he is a nomad and loves tu run around in the sands saving people from desert dangers (be it bandits, animals, starving, dehydrating etc...) his powers revolve around creating mirages and bending water and plants.

>> No.5188501
File: 1.78 MB, 4032x3024, 20201126_210555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck piss shit fuck shit piss fuck shit piss fuck shit PISS

I can't even call this a proper OC, also I intend on redesigning the dude. Again.

>> No.5188518

Honestly, this character would be rejected.

Push the design, you have complete control of this right now, and should be experimenting with overall shape, because there's already tons of human dudes in league, and if you wanna add another he really needs something to differentiate him.

For his pesonality, add a hook. You say he creates mirages and saves people, but if he just did that he'd be a perfect, uninteresting dude. Maybe it a pied piper situation, he saves you and then ropes you into paying him, and always collects. Maybe he fakes saving people to get fame by using illusion magic, maybe he goes into towns and uses his wit and magic to help people, then sneaks away into the middle of the night so legends are made about him.

Incorporate some unique design into his silhouette. He could be very tall, or perhaps has water permanently around his feet, and leaves it in a trail behind him, which he can use to create rivers and traps. maybe he forgoes use of his arms altogether and just uses water.

Explore his entire range of emotions, he's happy, but he can get mad. Should others avoid getting him mad? Maybe he falls into bouts of depression when separated from streams and rivers.

Draw him overhead, as he would be seen ingame. Draw him using his powers.

Think about why Riot Games would like this design. What kind of player would be drawn to this guy on their first play session over all the other champions?

>> No.5188564

the only retard here is you

>> No.5188576

calm down 5 monthsanon

>> No.5188595
File: 53 KB, 756x1008, resized_JPEG_1550441428962_8088738347880587341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fart poop cock

More shit I intend on redesigning

>> No.5188627

You just confirmed my biggest fear with this design to be real, which is that the silhouette wasnt interesting enough.

I was planning to draw him on the rift and casting his abilities as you said, but first imma fix his design.

I was kinda seeing him as a shuriman legend, a strange man that rescued innocents about to die,just gliding in the sand and saving lives in the blink of an eye, sometimes using mirages to distract bandits and beasts. Like maybe some dude could tell a story of how just when he was about to pass out of dehydration an entire oasis was formed arround him while mysterious slender guy glanced upon him from afar. Think of him kind of like the mysterious stranger from fallout, is this story interesting enough or should i put more work into his concept? Anyways, i'll be thinking of cool hooks for his story.

Legit the best critique i've received for this concept so far, thanks my dude.

>> No.5188701

If I drew like this I would get canceled for being racist

>> No.5188739
File: 1.98 MB, 4032x3024, 20210207_020339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drew this, trying to redesign a concept I had for a bunch of post apocalyptic fire worshippers

>> No.5188754
File: 2.83 MB, 4032x3024, 16126825184915990506095130978315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same page, different mask design

>> No.5188762

I like your style. How long have you been drawing?

>> No.5188785
File: 1.96 MB, 4032x3024, 20200903_202045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time but I haven't drawn much in recent years. Used to draw a lot of snti-furry stuff, now I mostly doodle when killing time at the job.

>> No.5188797

The man had a fetish for silver haired demon girls and made it into a brand, then applied an alternate art that services the simple colors.

>> No.5188926

Just did this on my phone, which I have never tried. Same flame cultist group

>> No.5188931
File: 876 KB, 1080x1527, Gaslighter practice_210207_041600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the fucking pic

>> No.5189182
File: 518 KB, 1080x1527, Pyromancer practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More practice at my fire cultists, this one being a take on one of their leaders.

>> No.5190172

It's Sienna in a gas mask

>> No.5190544
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x1127, anthea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5190684
File: 1.14 MB, 1291x1954, 80441001_2932709940107244_4382865983556026368_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple years ago. I've really fallen off the design wagon. Been finding youtube talking heads and low res pinterest infographics wholly unhelpful.

>> No.5191065
File: 319 KB, 796x724, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the actual process behind designing an oc? I don't know what I'm doing

>> No.5191138

Really like this

>> No.5191443

you literally just draw something that looks cool
You can do art that isn't a cube exercise anon

>> No.5191912


>> No.5192186

Neat reminds me of Cosimo Galluzzi a bit, maybe use a slightly darker shade of blue for the out lines though but that's just my opinion

>> No.5192465

>get jealous of art friends with sonas to represent themselves
>try to make one
>remember I'm a hollow shell of a human
>can't think of anything special to me to represent myself with

>> No.5192755

Humans are just a combination of various things.
You're designing one from scratch.

First, the physical appearance
- Hairstyle and color, eye and skin color
- Face shape - gaunt? feminine? masculine? rounded? strong cheekbones?
- Height, bodytype and weight, torso shape, breast, thighs, butt, hip size, etc... are they lanky? well-built and sturdy-looking? average?
- Style of clothing, or if some sort of hero or other fantasy character, their costume
- Any disfigurements (scars, disabilities, etc...)

Then, personality
- Are they boisterous, proud, confident? Or maybe shy? Average?
- Any conversational quirks? Accents? Where are they from, where did they grow up?
- Do they have any hobbies? Do they have a job? Any skills? Are they religious? Are they funny? Deadpan? Shallow? Do they really listen to people, or do they just talk to hear their own voice?
- Do they have money? What sort of place do they live in?
- What's their family like? Parents, cousins, etc...?

If you get all of these things down that's a pretty good start for having a developed character. I'd say just for drawing, the physical aspects are obviously the most important, but a character's personality can be a big part of what makes them interesting.

>> No.5192791

EVERY time somebody has some OC and a webcomic they want to work on, they trace this exact same “epic anime punch” pose.
What’s it from again? At the back at my mind I’m thinking My Hero Academia or One Punch Man. I see it a lot.

>> No.5192835

the actual process is knowing who the character is and what they are doing in the story. The best designs are the ones where they fit in their environment.

waste of time, what might be cool now won't be later

>> No.5193021
File: 627 KB, 1000x1000, 020721queenofhell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some kind of demon lady

>> No.5193276
File: 141 KB, 920x998, sitting2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl for a comic I have a idea of. She's a eccentric and enthusiastic fanatic of the supernatural. Although she's not exactly popular at school, she doesn't let it get to her and approach everything with a sense of optimism and try to find the best in everyone.

>> No.5193285

why is she carrying her newborn inside her sweater

>> No.5193302

literally comically large udders

>> No.5193320

you can write all the bullshit you want
your characters gonna be known as the boobie character and thats all

>> No.5193591

Even if you find it sexy I just don't know how you can't see what's wrong with this.

>> No.5193624

yeah characters with comically large tits are always known as that character with comically large tits especially because artists/writers think that's a personality trait

>> No.5193714
File: 207 KB, 700x394, its a meme you dip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5193719

is it alright to share my OCs even if my drawing skill is an equivalent of a 3rd grader?

>> No.5193866
File: 121 KB, 833x1200, 2021FEB09_geomancer_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of times I create OCs more out of spite, because they are based on something that had aspect of things that I was interested in, but didn't executed well or turned out in way that fits my taste, so I will make a version that does. Although these rarely coalesced into coherent projects or I lack wherewithal to execute the idea because I had other things that are further along so I will need to dedicate my time to those instead. Chasing every new project that pop out of your head is just a bad idea, but sometimes I just have more of those than I know what to do with.

>> No.5193870
File: 149 KB, 833x1200, 2021FEB09_geomancer_qilin_ur_and_blackstrider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These looks amazing, I would love to see them in some sort of narrative context.

>> No.5193871
File: 147 KB, 833x1200, 2021FEB09_geomancer_autianxiao_of_scundrel_gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5193872
File: 146 KB, 1661x1200, 2021FEB09_geomancer_long_yuan_masters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5193946

Thanks, you just confirmed my suspicions.
>but it’s done as a meme
That pepepe meme image is a trace of something else and you know damn well people trace that same frame because they think it would look totally epic and badass on their character, not because they’re just “doing a meme”.

>> No.5194392
File: 899 KB, 1061x1970, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how you treat women irl with similar proportions?
Where in my description of her personality did I mention her physique? I think you just projecting your own view of the character.

>> No.5194473

Do it

>> No.5194721

What's your comic about?
Honestly, I think it could work. I love huge breasts but I hate fanservice
Also, sadly that's how people view women with huge breasts so you'll have to play your cards rights so the people who only come here for the BEWBs stay for the story


>> No.5194823

I think it's from Injustice 1's Green Lantern super move pose

>> No.5195477

I just don’t find her design plausible. If she’s trying to cover up her boobs than she’d be wearing an oversized shirt with proportionate sleeves (so they should be longer, looser and more scrunched up the arms). I also don’t get why the lower hem of the shirt looks so loose while the fabric is folded directly beneath the boobs. Oversized, thick fabric sweaters should not be forming boob pockets like that. It’s fabric details like this that make people think it’s just a fetish design and not an attempt to respectfully represent people at bodily extremes. If you want that crisp demarcation beneath the breasts then you need to draw the fabric of her sweater differently because that is a quality of thinner fabrics with stretch, not thicker ones. I think the design also ignores changes in the selling and design and manufacture of bras that has happened in the past decade (assuming it takes place in the present day). Bigger sized bras that actually fit and support the breasts well have become a lot more accessible and less expensive.

>> No.5195691

you're not representing women who actually have chests like that, you're just drawing grotesque fetish shit.

>> No.5195692

Scrotes should not be allowed to designing female characters

>> No.5195702
File: 490 KB, 900x1000, porple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me wanty have cute brown chunnibyou

>> No.5195706

>Is this how you treat women irl with similar proportions?
They don’t exists. It’s so painfully obvious that you just draw her this way because it makes you horny, you transparent faggot.
Don’t fucking lie to us and get all defensive.

>> No.5195707

>implying she wouldnt get breast reduction surgery as soon as it was legally possible
i think you underestimate the amount of backpain big titties give women

>> No.5195722

women want big boobs, yeah, but that is literally freakish and i don't think any woman would want to look like that. ever notice most porn stars don't have back breaking H cups? she'd get a reduction to look like a normal girl, probably early in her life.

>> No.5195744

r you a grill

>> No.5195826

Lots of pornstars *do* have back breaking H-cups though

>> No.5195840
File: 40 KB, 507x604, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ouch her poor back
I didn't know /ic/ was filled with normies.
The internet has long since proved that women with huge boobas aren't that much rare, and many of them keep their breasts in adulthood and beyond. The "backpain" problem literally depends from girl to girl, one of my friends says it never bothered her.

We have characters in comics that look like anything but real humains (like the super huge muscle guys from Hokuto no Ken) who gives a shit?

>> No.5195844

they are by far a minority. dont extrapolate tendencies from your limited experiences onto the rest of the industry.

>> No.5195858

Don't add a bunch of gimicky crap. Emphasize personality. Every aspect of the characters appearance should show something about who they are. If it doesn't visually tell you about who the character is, cut it. Try to think big picture. maybe you like one little aspect, but it doesn't make sense to the overall person you are trying to build. Then cut it, no matter how much you love it. Writers call this killing your darlings, and you do it because the whole is more important than any single part.

You should have a clear crystalized idea in your head of who the character is, (not their appearance, but what kind of person they are). Then you have to sit down and do the hard work of figuring out how to show that. Don't focus on making them look cool. Focus on communicating that idea of who they are.

>> No.5195860
File: 612 KB, 1791x2048, 1585964910667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most anons are calling him out for not knowing how to draw normal women with big booba. 'oh i just want to represent the bodytype teehee x3' no one buys it pal. you can either just admit youre horny as fuck (which is fine but dont lie) or fix your shit so it actually looks plausable

>> No.5196047

Dumb cumbrain

>> No.5196085
File: 1.71 MB, 2048x2048, no transparency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying something a bit new but kinda blanking on how I want to texture her giant industrial torch's matte parts.

>> No.5196209

>drew an oc, got to coloring
>ended up with grey/red colors as main

god damn it, its s easy to fall into this color scheme because it looks good.

>> No.5196320
File: 28 KB, 400x402, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You understimate how big boobs can get. Anyway we can't get into anon's head to really know

>> No.5196323
File: 84 KB, 720x900, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And before someone asks : no, it's not shopped

>> No.5196461

no one is saying women with big breasts don't exist, just that it's clear you're a pornsick scrote with a fetish and your character design fucking sucks

>> No.5196520


>> No.5196528

big booby.

>> No.5196589

No argument

>> No.5196599

are you fucking dense?
>post character for critique
>anons point out the flaws
>start sperging about breasts to justify your poor design choices

Breasts aside, the design fucking sucks. It looks like you put an asian kid caricature drawing on the body of an adult woman with comically large breasts that don't fit with the proportions of the rest of the body. The design says nothing about her personality or who she is, and the colors are unappealing.

>> No.5196616 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 791x720, 1595067066951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the original poster, I'm just saying you guys have no argument beyond "big boobies, back hurt
> It looks like you put an asian kid caricature drawing on the body of an adult woman with comically large breasts that don't fit with the proportions of the rest of the body. The design says nothing about her personality or who she is, and the colors are unappealing.
Now this is more like it, too bad 4chan kids needs to be angered to give some basic advice or critique

>> No.5196791

Shitty scopedog

>> No.5196819

>/i/ poster comes to /ic/
>destroys another oc thread with his baiting
why dont you get tired of this

>> No.5196961
File: 190 KB, 818x509, classi extra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some extra stuff, vampire and shaolin monk class

>> No.5197100

Shut the fuck up. Fuck you.

>> No.5197121
File: 490 KB, 1200x1416, skulkfin1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5197123
File: 544 KB, 1200x1735, fleshmancer1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and these two recently

>> No.5197124
File: 467 KB, 1200x1755, flesh collector 1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5197132

this one is based

>> No.5197180
File: 187 KB, 600x900, maggie 4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5197190
File: 60 KB, 559x810, 2021FEB10_shaolin_outfit_doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the way shaolin guy is drawn, but he is in a layperson's outfit and wearing hair like a typical Qing dynastic plebeian. The color and the type outfit would suggest professional class that's not doing any physical labor. A shaolin monk should be clean shaven and wears orange and white garbs closer to peasants who does physical labor or a gi. He could still be some sort of kungfu master though.

>> No.5197212

>Too scared of making an OC
Why am I like this?

>> No.5197215
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210209-191550_Girls X Battle 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this character design technique called

>> No.5197218

It's okay but all the arm details look like a chain of clitorises rubbing eachother

>> No.5197236


You dont like clitoris gloves???

>> No.5197242

being male

>> No.5197410

Adore this but explain the limb spikes

>> No.5197753


>> No.5197778

find it well drawn, the colors are alluring (although some might say you just placed a 30% opacity white layer on an otherwise normal image)
its not very unique, but you'll get there
what i actually have a problem with is
gives a princess vibe that pushes the ununiqueness to unprecedented degrees
do you have a blog? i wanna see more

>> No.5197784

shit, its in the image, i didnt see that
since im here, let me say something else
the outfit is something ive n ot seen before, and the design gains considerable points for not being in generic skirt or dress
but its design also cuts my attention
like if it were just one red ball rather than two, or if the balls were smaller- those would be much more readable
and therefore immaediately digestable
and therefore part of the personality
and therefore a better design, id think

>> No.5197789

Yeah, in his description he's just "martial artistl", don't know why I wrote shaolin monk. Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.5198211

Got an insta?

Would happily follow.

You too. Insta?

>> No.5198247

you got ig or something?

>> No.5198266

Thanks! Regular_size_,monster on Instagram

>> No.5198579

You made A zaku. try a different head design. so people won't notice it right away.

>> No.5198609

Blatant samefaggery, begging, and spam combined with a lolsorandomandquirky theme

>> No.5198712

I know monks are a very simple costume dressing, and their uniforms are always a hot bright color and a dark cool color, but this is derivative of Kuririn from Dragon Ball. I'd recommend switching the colors or doing a different color scheme like hot purple and dark orange if you wanna keep the orange

>> No.5198720
File: 169 KB, 1500x622, s320_15_cs.sel16.638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I know this is a thread about Original Characters, but every character design in this film is cartoonishly exaggerated and not romanticized/idealized as if Mort Druker or Tom Richmond drew them. Just something to think of in designing OCs, they don't have to be cute or beautiful, but don't use that as an excuse to design badly

>> No.5198737

Very nice, and her body is great too. Do you have an idea of the colors you'll use?

>> No.5198763

My man, the photo references are more practical than your character, who looks like she needs help or a better bra strap. Either she has a long torso and short legs or her breast overlap her belly button and reaches her pelvis
> Although she's not exactly popular at school,
Suspension of disbelief is used for things like disguises or a character in a heightened world with fantastical elements, I could not see an adolescent to young adult woman with large mammal features being "unpopular" in a place where hormones exist in large quantities
so in the nicest suggestion possible
>make her ugly
>Limit the breasts to at least C cup or at most regular D cup. Nothing more
>Make her proportionately a shortstack(Short endomorphs have thicker qualities even when at a healthy body fat percentage)

>> No.5198766

I meant either make her ugly, limit the breast size to between C and D, or make her a short person. Not all 3 together, unless you wanna go whole ham

>> No.5199178

The guy posting Cassie0pia isn't me, as far as the proportions, her legs are suppose to be a little short. I was she would wear a looser bra since it be easier to just fine one with a wider band. As for why she's not popular, beside the fact that after a certain point large breasts are no longer attractive to normie, her face is average and have a weird personality that could be off putting, and she just isn't interested in relationships or her reputation. She doesn't care about fashion, she just wears what ever she finds comfortable. That what I wanted the design to express.

>> No.5199184

Yall niggas suck ass, and your shit is all gay
fucking americans
so lame
no style
just sterilized bug design
stay a child forever

>> No.5199314

someone vocaroo this as freestyle rap

>> No.5199790

your comment actually made me laugh.

>> No.5199807

artists and creators are afraid of making ugly characters anon. instead they make """ugly""" characters (characters that everyone in-universe says is average/ugly but doesnt actually appear as such) because they cant risk losing that precious coomer audience.
theyll come up with every excuse in the book for not making a design that cant be wanked to

>> No.5199860
File: 48 KB, 808x767, 1592649994009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idare i say, based?

>> No.5199870 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 343x434, Untitled296_20210211213136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morty Fry is the host of a children's christian tv program. Rumors of weird shit that happens off-and on set circle around on the net. Are there horrors beyond imagining hidden behind a smiling pink-haired guy brainwashing children with mediocre puppetry?

>> No.5199916

pretty sure that's the point retard, not everything has to be simplified to the point where you can see every detail with a single glance.

>> No.5199921

>bird head
this isn't necessarily a very unique silhouette

>> No.5199923

Very cool anon, great art style. There needs to be more characters that go for an inhuman/unrecognizable look like this.

>> No.5201717

good question, if little kids can make oc don't steals on deviantart and it makes em happy, what's stopping you?

>> No.5201832
File: 67 KB, 512x288, geets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5201841
File: 1003 KB, 2000x1200, dateasaurcol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to make them more lizardy and monstergirl-like (and make more art).

>> No.5202042

Blz AZN genes ama rite. chinkoid Seething about western aesthetics like a total austist.

>> No.5202091

Still doesn’t make sense. Modern comfort bras for big breasts won’t provide a shape like that, they can’t fit loose because the band supports the weight of the breasts. They are snug, wide bands with wide straps to better distribute weight. The cups are either less distinct (like in athletic bras which usually squish breasts down) or they have discrete cups which lift and separate the breasts to prevent rashes and sweating. That character isn’t wearing any modern type of bra because her breasts are too low and squished together. She probably isn’t wearing a bra at all.

>> No.5202310
File: 317 KB, 876x1901, Neph and Mage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of my characters. Friendly and carefree Half-Giantess soldier and a young nobleman mage that isn't used to people treating him without formality in public.

They become good friends.

She's like 8'.

Outside of general /beg/ness are there any issues?

>> No.5202468

Based or Cringe?

>> No.5202483

you can do whatever you want as long as the rest of the character is well designed

>> No.5202491

The glaring issue here is her not amazon-riding him.

>> No.5203699


>> No.5203713


>> No.5203725

Yikes, why are they all so sexual?

>> No.5203731
File: 208 KB, 668x848, Ludovic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of my wizard boy?

>> No.5203768

honk honk

>> No.5203775


>> No.5203837

I like his shapes

>> No.5205818
File: 200 KB, 600x900, mina 33b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marrii1n on Twitter
Got no Instagram.

>> No.5206631

think those colors could use some work to match better, both between each other and to themselves;
very nice pants shape on that dudem combined with the boots too
her boots feel a little redundant because of his, but theres also a likeability in that because it makes them link
not sure theres any reason for her dress to be puffed while also wearing nothing else, it seems armor-like or otherwise warmth-oriented, but that the rest of her is so exposed makes it seem quite a random choice
like it doesnt communicate what context shes in
whereas you might guess, due to the fanciness of his clothes, this boy kinda looks royal, or at least not poor
(though his simple green shirt almost begins to state otherwise)

fix the colors

>> No.5206633

looks like a girl

>> No.5207527

no it doesn't
you just might be on the spectrum

>> No.5207561

how so? The long hair or what?

>> No.5207626

big hair
hourglass shape
completely soft face
big cheeks, tiny mouth, pointed chin, small eyebrows, makeup under the eyes
hell the lighting makes it look like he has boobs

>> No.5207684

>completely soft face, big cheeks, tiny mouth, pointed chin, small eyebrows
Well its a heavily stylized simplified drawing of a kid character. The fuck am I supposed to do, give him a 5 o'clock shadow or what?
>hourglass shape, lighting makes it look like he has boobs
On the spectrum for sure. You need to stop cooming

>> No.5207701

>getting this defensive
absolute cringe

>> No.5207717

is that your drawing? you're definitely on the spectrum as well if you're getting this defensive over someone thinking it's a girl lol.

>> No.5207772

yea, that definitely came across way spergier than intended (should've known sarcasm doesn't come across very well over text) and I'm sorry about that. I agree it kinda looks like a girl but that's okay. Just thought those arguments were kinda silly in the context of that drawing. But yea, I really goofed myself on this one

>> No.5208197
File: 176 KB, 467x503, l6ljvm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's from a webtoons comic I made, took a lot of inspiration from my favorite helltaker demon (Justice). his personality is being based.

>> No.5208575
File: 201 KB, 668x848, spoiler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spot the difference
this drawing is all girl features except a single line and a dot
im not saying it looks bad or anything, im saying, you arent really capturing boyhood at all, and in a comic after gender reveal id genuinely think of them as a trap

>> No.5208577

I want to rape that anime girl

>> No.5208583

>id genuinely think of them as a trap
i genuinely think you're porn addicted

>> No.5209050

I got no advice to give you but I like your design anon

>> No.5209174

personally I think that kinda throws off the balance but I get your point
Ehhh no you lost me

>> No.5209293 [DELETED] 

generic moeshit number 9377236349

>> No.5210947
File: 762 KB, 1706x2692, echo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eyepatches are very based. I like them on most characters, as well as face coverings and masks in general. but as >>5202483 said, you should make sure everything comes together nicely so the eyepatch is a good addition and doesn't feel too out of place.

I wanna show my witch girl with her ribbon eyepatch. the world needs more eyepatches/masks/helmets in media please

>> No.5211289

Yeah, I've been designing out an eyepatch OC I've had in my head for about a month. I'm /beg/-tier though so It'll be a long while before I have any real finalization, let alone produce anything that looks good.

>> No.5212898

I like practicality in designs, love the style and colors but the ribbon eyepatch just feels off, maybe its the angle

>> No.5212920
File: 1.38 MB, 4032x3024, 20201019_155446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your OCs are boobs, all i see are boobs, no character, just boobs.

-Kazuma Kazuma

>> No.5213067
File: 923 KB, 1920x1080, two of them hd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been designing out an eyepatch OC I've had in my head for about a month.
tell me about them anon. I feel that last part though, I've been redesigning a lot of my OCs recently to feel more like how I originally intended them to look.

I forgot to add the straps so it would look properly tied to her face instead of just a ribbon eye, maybe if I go in and add those it'll look a little better? More like an eyepatch.
many thanks! I would post more pictures of her here but I haven't really drawn her recently. I plan to do a bigger illustration of her soon to finalize her design a bit.

>> No.5213107
File: 277 KB, 1668x2224, 75BCF7A3-C88D-417A-AA2C-E8CD09188B65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to learn how to draw interesting outfits, trying to reach peak cuteness

>> No.5213112

Low detail but still enough for each character to fill distinct. Very nice

>> No.5213118

character on the right is beautiful

>> No.5215154
File: 433 KB, 884x1916, Neph and Mage4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man thanks for the reply. Appreciate it.

>colors could use some work to match better, both between each other and to themselves

I get what you're saying about the colours.

The woman is pretty heavily inspired by a vidya character and her clothes, including colours, are the same as the gear she wore. I was afraid her hair and armour would clash and I assume that's the issue you have?

I'd rather not change them but is there another colour I could throw into the mix to balance it out?

As for the boy, do you think that making him a brunette would help?

> boots feel a little redundant because of his

Honestly with the boots I wanted something quick and easy so it's fair to say that they're pretty much a cut and paste in terms of design. Considering that they make up 40% of the boys body I should really try to differentiate them. Straps or laces or something.

Originally the boys boots were meant to go up to his crotch and didn't have the turned down tops.

This also had the effect of making the pants give him the silhouette of someone with well built hips. Which went with his personality of being a rampant flirt.

> puffed while also wearing nothing else, it seems armor-like, but that the rest of her is so exposed makes it seem quite a random choice

Like I said earlier I worked myself in to a bit of a corner with her due to basing her so heavily upon an in game avatar. I'll look up some refs and see what I can add or change to make her look more 'foot soldiery'

In saying that I've managed to come up with a couple explanations as to why she is dressed like she is.
>her size makes it hard to find clothes/armour that fits
>she enjoys the mobility it affords

Anyway man thanks for the input, you've given me a bit to think about.

If I'm being honest I am a bit married to the the colours but I'll have a play around with them and see if something nicer pops up.

>> No.5215177

fucking learn how to draw clothing folds, not copy the failure of an artist that designed shitty kingdom hearts

>> No.5215353
File: 69 KB, 1080x1081, drool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not copy the failure of an artist that designed shitty kingdom hearts
nomura based
you got a point though. clothing folds are my hard weak spot and I want to work to study them. thank you anon

>> No.5216247
File: 1.01 MB, 1016x1016, 268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, please be brutally honest with it.

The design, aesthetic, the primary basics I should focus on, ect.

I am working on honing the basics I ignored like a dumbass early on, but having others discern what I should primarily focus on would help heaps.

To be real for a second, I'm genuinely frustrated of the false positive reinforcement I receive from those around me. Not that I don't appreciate the sentiment of course.


>> No.5216290
File: 892 KB, 1061x1970, critedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I'm assuming this isnt you just shitposting- I tweaked her design a bit to look a bit more realistic. I get sometimes you hit puberty early, but it's unlikely a girl her age would have that cup size at her apparent age. So I adjusted her bust (and the apparent inconsistency of the fabric density, which was a good catch by >>5195477 )

Basically, if she had larger breasts, she'd likely invest in a bra at that age given those fuckers hurt if you even walk too fast with no bra on. So smaller, a bit higher on the chest for her age.

>> No.5216348
File: 583 KB, 1016x968, redesignmushwiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be 100%, this design is terrible, I have no idea anything about this character just by looking at them, which is key to a good design.

However, general tips: don't make everything bright and saturated. It's eye-searing and it makes it hard to figure out where to look.

Figure out your characters background and what they do. I took a shot in the dark redoing this by assuming these things about this character to go from

1.) This character is wise/smart in some way, like a sage or a wizard

2.) this character is important or wealthy, or somehow well respected

3.) this character is a dude.

I lowered the saturation on the colors and changed the robe, as the one you put this character in is plain and has nothing to draw the eye, and I added the outer garment and haori hiro- both pieces of a formal mens kimono. I made the base of the piece more muted, nearly completely grey, and the bottom half slightly less grey, and I matched the desaturated jacket to the mushroom hat.

I also made the hat look more like an actual mushroom- a hat like the one he has on not only doesn't really look like a mushroom outside of the patterning, but would not stay on given that it looks like an upended bowl on his head.

I kept the bright eyes as it gives a starting point for our eyes to focus on, with the underside of the hat being another thing bringing focus to the head.

I swapped pink for purple as the colors go together a bit better and desaturated pink looks kind of dirty/muddy.

the picture was pretty quickly thrown together based on your piece, which I assume (?) is him sitting by a fire of some sort with his pipe

>> No.5216351

oh, I also added a bit more color to his skin as shading/highlight is really difficult when the skin is so close to white.

>> No.5216447


Thanks for the response my guy. There's quite some really juicy stuff in there to soak in.

> I have no idea anything about this character just by looking at them

It might take some thought but I'll really try to narrow down the appeal I was originally going for (whatever it is lmao).

>don't make everything bright and saturated

Will improve upon.

>I also made the hat look more like an actual mushroom

Imma be honest, idk why I haven't bothered learning this (probably laziness haha), will work upon it.

>I kept the bright eyes as it gives a starting point for our eyes to focus on

Actually, I had been intending for the eyes to be more pronounced, but now that I can grasp the elephant in the room that was the saturation, I can agree with this being the focal point.

>oh, I also added a bit more color to his skin as shading/highlight is really difficult when the skin is so close to white.

I'll keep note of that

Cheers >>5216348
for taking the time to formulate a response, helped me heaps.

>> No.5216606
File: 181 KB, 643x717, 423434554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbqh you made him way less interesting/striking
the only issue with the original design is that the depiction sucks balls because the art is bad.
just keep drawing lol, i like this character

>> No.5216626

calling your characters "original character" diminishes and belittles the integrity of your own brand as an artist. By using "OC" the term isolates your characters from the wider zeitgeist of culture and implies a distinct lesser important from existing characters in fiction, it is also associated with lot of deviantart tier stuff and generally low quality. the only time i see OC being an appropriate dignified term is in referring to a character that is a non cannon fan addition to an existing cast. so Have some respect for yourself and work, make characters not "OC's".

>> No.5216635

he said he wanted real critique, i think they gave it to him. he's only really striking because he looks like a glow stick broke on him

>> No.5216668

>critiquing critique
you are what's wrong with this board. he types out a post full of suggestions for improvement and includes a redraw. you tell him the crit sucks and then *your* crit is "just keep drawing lol"

>> No.5216722

how are you supposed to critique him when he doesnt even tell us what hes going for in the character? the redraw completely changed it to fit the person giving the critique's taste.
the design was fine as is, if the original artist kept drawing i think it would be much more appealing to look at :)
no need to change it to some gloomy desaturated thing

>> No.5216750

Exactly. A good character design tells us itself what the character is, or at least gives an idea.

the original tells us nothing except he's in a robe and a hat patterned like a mushroom. It's a neon mess that hurts to look at.

The second one is pretty slapdash, but the colors are more pleasant, and it adds more details for our eyes to follow and look at.

>> No.5216797


i agree, the colors are more "pleasant" in the second one, but i feel that could be fixed in a way that doesnt make him look all muddy.

all im saying is, i feel like that could be fixed by just learning more about color, drawing more, and referencing other characters. there are plenty of "good" character designs that are super saturated.
it just depends on what the original artist was going for

>> No.5216799
File: 332 KB, 569x717, 54354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.5216826
File: 1.05 MB, 1467x1991, gamemock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about her, its for a personal game project.

>> No.5216855

>without making him muddy
>makes eyes, the stated wanted focal point by the og, muddy

also the colors you picked are basically the same as the other guy who redrew this aside from the hair and eyes.

>> No.5216885

it is a tried-and-true mechanic with a tried-and-true aesthetics that was never combined before, at least that I know. and it is free. I never saw a game this polished not get some success, survival bias tho.

>> No.5216886

i like it. good luck on your game anon.

>> No.5216896
File: 705 KB, 640x482, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video game characters are not “ocs”
this, remember when oc meant a fan made character? I remember.

>> No.5216907

I don't know about the other boards, here I think that the problem is that people just don't interact enough, if you ask a question about the design you never get any response, seems like people just post their design and never open the thread again.

>> No.5216910

is it cat or owl based?

>> No.5216917


>> No.5216961

That looks fantastic, wish you all the luck anon

>> No.5217143
File: 75 KB, 640x853, meirl29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent bait my friend, at first I thought you were sincere but then I saw the smug fucking mug of your character and I knew

>> No.5217205
File: 161 KB, 1366x685, Blotz the Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think?

>> No.5217212
File: 122 KB, 800x800, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with saturated colors.

>> No.5217262

look at real people with iconic looks for inspiration

>> No.5217274

>big saggy tits

>> No.5217281

scared of what? what you think that will happen?

>> No.5217288
File: 185 KB, 1033x899, abaddon body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a'baddon. i've posted him many times and have more recent drawings, but this one kinda captures his design best i guess. the clothing is a placeholder, because i don't know what he would actually wear, considering he is an outcast who hasn't developed a style or skills in anything social. what he has is strength, curiosity, and a few artifacts at his disposal.

>> No.5217289

>more lizardy

>> No.5217298

most of them reflect a fetishised array of body types. i assume you are going for some coomer thing.

>> No.5217301

I think that a more noodly arm, like mickey's, would fit more the design

>> No.5217314

without knowing more that his world, he looks like a space gym bro to me. also your hand writing is not easy to read, it would be better to just type.

>> No.5217315

oh yeah, if you couldn't tell he's an alien. i want to make a web comic sort of thing in a science fiction universe. a'baddon is the main character and is part of a race exiled from the universal union because of their role in a terrorist attack on earth.

>> No.5217319

oh don't worry i know - that was just for myself. my handwriting is ass, but i've typed up the first chapter of course. also yeah his race are naturally fit, and he did various exercises to keep himself in check.

>> No.5217331

>race exiled from the universal union
isn't that a little racist? was everyone a terrorist?

>> No.5217345

a group majoritively led by that race, with only a few outliers wiped out 400,000 people - they lost their place in the union, but what they actually went through was undocumented. also yeah, a lot of the universe is racist - including the main antagonist. a stigma still surrounds the main characters race, though some people don't give a shit of course.

>> No.5217352

About the presentation, I can say it’s hard to see anything on the head even in the thumbnail except for the eyes. Maybe you’d want to consider lightening up those lines some or just make them white to help increase the visibility. Increasing the line/feature thickness could help as well

>> No.5217359

>a lot of the universe is racist
oh! that explains it. I had a more utopian universe in mind, that is why it didn't sit well at first.

>> No.5217362

it's a weird universe. main character has lived on his shitty dying planet for his 19 years of life, but his parents help him to escape, allowing him to go on a journey. the planet is dying because it's resources were sapped after it couldn't seek relief from any of its previous allies from when it was in the union - most of its fauna and flora were extracted and taken to off world conservation's and such.

>> No.5217368

interesting, how will be the story's structure? will be just him going to a journey and meeting interesting people and places, or it will be more people coming to him?

>> No.5217395

crew dynamic. i dunno how many members they'll be altogether, but so far i have 6 - each taking up a different role. i want more total members though. might do intercalary kinda chapters and chapters focusing on a slice of life-esque development between them. after all, many of them have differing senses of morality, goals, etc. story will be structured generally into specific arcs focused around different planets / deeper into space and such.

>> No.5217433

sounds like you put a lot of thought on it. any other designs so far?

>> No.5217437
File: 279 KB, 1270x884, villain crew wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are a few sketches unfinished of some of the antagonists. the top one with a fucked up face is gabriel - the main antagonist. he's recruiting a legion of anti-alien brothers and sisters to found his own planet. the aliens below are his colleagues, made up of aliens who either don't care about their own race for certain reasons, or follow him because they respect him.

>> No.5217522

I like the shape of the left one, does he have gills or that are scars in his neck? the bottom one give me some dark souls vibe don't know why, is he wearing glasses?
do they hate every non-human race or just the mc's race?

>> No.5217536
File: 115 KB, 723x817, lennox the conniver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy with the weird shaped head is apollyon - same race as a'baddon (main character), they're kinda shark-like people who are giant and have gills. he dislikes his own race, and was taken in by gabriel, who saw potential in him becoming an ally unlike any other (because apollyon has a reason to hate his own race). guy with 'x' eyes is lennox. he's a goblin who simply doesn't care, so willingly joined gabriel on his anti alien crusade. gabriel hates all aliens and wants to subjugate most of them with his own legion and artifacts - effectively colonizing them. as for lennox's eyes, those are literally his eyes - his pupils are in an 'x' shape but he also paints 'x's on his eyelids.

>> No.5217799

Getting your subreddit shut down is no reason for you to come here and spew your faux feminist bullshit all over. The character looks underwhelming at best but plenty of people design based on an interest or fetish and there are porn artists on the board, maybe he is one. At least pretend to fit in rather than repeat your obvious language and buzzwords.

>> No.5217821

highest level brain rot

>> No.5217827

Fuck off back to your containment area, bulldyke.

>> No.5217829


Holy shit, didn't think he'd get redrawn. This is great haha, made my day lol.

>> No.5217870

seethe and weep

>> No.5217918
File: 80 KB, 287x469, IMG_20210220_145440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started drawing a few months ago. I have the design but haven't pick her a personality and role in the world I'm currently building (Fantasy Europe steampunk industrial revolution)

>> No.5218103

take your meds, schizo coomer

>> No.5218130

I see, it does sounds a little weird to see a racist aligning with other races, but I am sure that there is some historical precedent to it, also it has the side effect of make me want to know more about them, their relationships and motivations etc.

>> No.5218131

>Getting your subreddit shut down
which subreddit got shut down recently?

>> No.5218177

this looks really good

>> No.5218180

1st off: way too many colors
2nd: industrial revolution in europe, she wouldn't have her hair loose. This whole thing just looks bad.

>> No.5218184

Its cute.

>> No.5218238

Yeah, i should look for more reference. The word I'm looking for is late enlightenment era not industrial revolution.

>> No.5218243

How can I fix the color problem

>> No.5218310

i imagine that deep down in gabriels inccredibly damaged psyche, he values his commanders as aliens he has not only instilled authority over, but as actual assets - and deep down maybe even comrades.

>> No.5218324

Try change the sharp white on her cap to a more neutral colour like her pack, cape or pants.

>> No.5218441
File: 246 KB, 488x804, 493f5bba-81a4-11e9-bf79-066b49664af6_cm_1440w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the piece is already bad but does she look better somehow?

>> No.5218452

I think so yes.

>> No.5218474
File: 449 KB, 1937x2048, 125014220_2913817498842083_8911727900198726134_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw this a while back, you can see bottom left character has a solid color palette however the character to the right (main character) I've been struggle on her concept, proper color palette and clothing, etc.....

>> No.5218484

you will never feel the touch of a woman. you are going to die alone, unloved, and a virgin. how does that feel?

>> No.5218543

>late enlightenment era
that makes this even worse. I assume she's american yea?

>> No.5218545
File: 136 KB, 1000x1000, PG 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of the hat's shape. The rest is nice, I really like it.

>> No.5218558

Bruh I don't know for sure, I'm a Vietnamese that like European history a lot.
AAAAAAAAAAAA This is the look I'm exactly looking for, THANK YOU SO MUCH

>> No.5218566

I know this is 4chan but can I 'follow' you somehow?

>> No.5218595
File: 756 KB, 1282x1067, gendarme lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't give any feedback on her fittingness for her period since you don't have a singular clue what it actually is- I went with 18th century and opted towards mens clothing as I assume you did, given that you put her in pants and at the time women were still heavily involved in regency era fashion.

This is a fantasy setting, so I get that you want a cloak, but like, why brown? why the green sleeping cot? The outfit you gave her makes it seem like shes some kind of soldier.

A woman in that era would likely have her hair pulled at least partially back if not in a low bun.

The current costume (and honestly the one I've scribbled out) are both very busy for any kind of comic, which it looks like you're making given what you've posted.)

Basically, figure out what vibe *exactly* you are going for. Is it a wartime comic in a steampunk fantasy setting with 18th century flair? Then figure out what they wore into battle. Then put the twist on it. (the goggles you added in your comic >>5218474
don't look steampunk, they just look like... well, swimming goggles, or ski goggles)

Is it a magical fantasy universe? (i.e magical creatures and the like, or magic users?) or is it more practical but with fantasy elements, like alchemy being likened to potions.

Narrow down your characters color schemes. I went with some classic colors (red white n blue w gold accents) for the uniform as they were commonly used in the 18th century

(note. im aware this is a scribbly mess)

>> No.5218647

Well yeah like I said I really have no clue what era my world is compare to real world history. Medieval Fantasy is overdone so i'm actually avoiding it. I choose the later era in my world where nations start forming and people are spreading liberalism. They have gunpowder and airship technology. I only want soft magic in form of magical crystal or material (My character wears one)

>> No.5219703

Sick designs.

>> No.5219725

Really neat. Hope the project goes well.

>> No.5219926
File: 312 KB, 1100x1000, gatashenanigans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revising an old character of mine, I doubt people will recognize me, but I shared this character like 5 years ago and the reaction was way bigger than I expected.