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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5195053 No.5195053[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So yeah I know, but all memes aside, is this place any good if you are an Artist? and if so what advice would you all give?

>> No.5195060

If your art is shit, majority of users will ignore your post, minority will ask you for tutorials on how to draw

If your art is good,they'd ask for your twitter or insta, some will pm you do commissions. The minority will still ask you to personally tutor them on how to draw.

>> No.5195067

Now I've heard that you need to farm Karma, is that true or can you just start a fresh account and be fine?

>> No.5195079

They only care about hyper realistic drawings of celebrities and other gimmicky shit. You can find good stuff on there but it rarely gets appreciated.

>> No.5195085

My advice is dont go there

>> No.5195087

My advice is to get off 4chan

>> No.5195093

you'd be fine if the art you post looks good to the online users that will upvote and comment on your thread, so it will bumped to the Hot tab of Reddit.

Yeah, some subreddit definitely has minimum points required reddit account age, reddit comment karma or reddit post karma. Easiest ways To farm karma, just post wikipedia links for interesting articles to the TIL subreddit, any realistic painting to r/Art.

And for some reason, including the pen you used next to traditional drawing you post, regardless of caption or quality, will give you minimum 50 karma points.

>> No.5195096

Thanks for the advice, any subreddits you would suggest?

>> No.5195107
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten a couple commissions off there but that's it. Even if you get THOUSANDS of upvotes, people are simply too fucking lazy to click links to follow you on socials. It's not worth the hassle imo.

You also have to dig around for relevant, active subreddits to whatever you're posting. And then read all the bullshit rules, post something thinking you understood the rules, only having to redo it because you glossed over a rule and a bot auto-deleted your post. One of the biggest art subreddits on there doesn't even allow you to post your relevant socials.

If you have a ton of time to burn, sure, reddit away. But it's too much of a time sink for too little reward, personally.

>> No.5195108

Specific fandoms will give you the most commission requests and karma

>> No.5195112

If you’re a cute girl, pose with your art n post on r/pics. draw some vidya n post to r/gaming. Generally, you go to the larger groups with a more normie audience. There’s smaller communities dedicated to art, but since those users are also artists, they will not commission or follow you.

>> No.5195124
File: 483 KB, 1553x1127, drunk-obama-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool thank you all very much, y'all rock

>> No.5195127

since I assume you'll start with a new account, I wanted to try this but my art is recognizeable now in that site,

Draw your loomis drawings sketches,studies to r/learnart for about a month

then suddenly draw fanart to any anime, just find the relevant subreddit. Or post them to r/anime and r/manga as "fanart"

If you're going to post a drawing on a sketchpad or paper, make sure to include the mechanical pencil (look up the brand) you used in the picture and post to r/mechanicalpencils. you might get spotted by brand employees here and be sponsored. make sure you can handle that lmao

Follow the rules for r/ArtFundamentals posting, make sure your line weights are good. You'd get karma and points but alot of pm for tutorials

for r/drawing just post anything everyday you'd get points. you might get commissions here

Good luck

>> No.5195148

No, reddit roasted me for my armpit fetish

>> No.5195164
File: 30 KB, 800x532, 6893763858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, thank you so much for the advice, much appreciated

>> No.5195169

Well maybe keep that stuff to yourself, some folks aren't into that kinda stuff, save that stuff for the places that are all ready down for it

>> No.5195460

Dunno if it's true, but some poster on /fit/ once said, that Reddit can be an alright place for serious advice, because they're to scared of getting bad boy points for bad advice.
Unlike here where you can't tell good advice from bad advice from shitposting of you were new.

>> No.5195497

spoken like a true redditor

>> No.5195498


>> No.5195694

Before the SJW invasion I gave away a few character drawings on a D&D subreddit. I was terrible but one user liked his drawing so much he offered to pay me at least something (I declined). But Reddit now is really terrible.

>> No.5195786
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, 727032-jksimmons-090518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that is my issues with reddit, there is no genuine people on reddit since everyone just want to get there goodboy points, here yeah there are trolls, but when you get an honest critique, you that's what the person means, unlike on Reddit, sometimes you need brutal honesty, kinda like Fletcher

>> No.5195788

Why do you think armpit fetishes should be publicly normalised exactly? you faggots are always one extreme or the other. Like either ree ree degeneracy must end globohomobagenda etc etc. Or alternatively ree ree everyone should openly be allowed to become pedophiles and fuck peoples sweaty armpits without judgement. It’s not “reddit” to keep your armpit fetish private, it’s jut common sense for fucks sake

>> No.5195790
File: 48 KB, 571x548, 4B4A4493-C544-479A-BC5E-0D510EBFF9A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honest critique

>> No.5195791

Yes exactly, it's like people who like Feet, I've seen so many threads just get flooded with that stuff, just keep your fetishes to yourself, not everyone is going to be into that

>> No.5195792

Yes in fact you can find them, just sometimes they can be hard to find is all

>> No.5195794

good for getting exposure for your art, bad if you want good critique. People there are too touchy feely and blow smoke up your ass telling you how good your drawing is, when you know it's nothing special.

4chan has a different problem, a lot of people here are bitter (myself included) and may tear you a new one for no real reason, in a destructive manner.

overall, 4chan is probably a bit better if you want to improve because at least people here are not afraid to speak their mind. It still sucks though.

>> No.5195797

So....similar to Reddit, then?

>> No.5195798
File: 29 KB, 600x410, Whiplash-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heck yeah that's what I'm talking about, brutal critiques are the best way to get better, Diamonds are made through extreme pressure, same with great Artists

>> No.5195800

No better because no goodboy point system, and trolls are semi easy to spot

>> No.5195804

I wouldn't know. By any chance, have they recently added a way to post without making a permanent account? Have they abolished the voting feature and karma points?

>> No.5195818

I feel relying on the voting system has the same issue as relying on anonymous advice from 4chan. You can't tell which votes are from the mediocre shitters and dunning-krugers who vastly outnumber the really good artists and teachers who know what they're talking about. It's probably worse because on 4chan they're at least forced to say something of substance and you can at least try to judge the post's merit and people can challenge and debate it. On Reddit someone can downvote a post simply on the basis of not liking the poster and you will never know.

>> No.5195846

Well the tldr of the post I'm talking about was pretty much
>go to reddit for genuine advice, lurk here for laughs
I figured it wouldn't translate one to on to /ic/ though, even if the boards are surprisingly similar (for better or for worse)

>> No.5195852

You can make an account and dispose of it 100 times a day if you want and it’s up to you whether you care about points or not faggot. I don’t use Reddit but your reasons for not using it are stupid

>> No.5196688

Post it

>> No.5196696


>> No.5196876

ok masochist

>> No.5196969
File: 146 KB, 650x308, Screen-Shot-2017-04-21-at-10.28.18-PM-650x308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, greatness comes from sacrifice, if you wanna be great you need to sacrifice everything for it

>> No.5197086

problem with 4chan is that there is no way to verify if said critique is any good, also a good critique takes a while

>> No.5197830

Is it better I just post a direct video on that shit hole or link to something on YouTube instead?

The few times I ever went on there it felt like nobody really bothered clicking on YouTube videos and preferred the embedded videos that just play by themselves as you scroll past.

>> No.5197848

Imagine making art to please godforsaken people baka!
I just want to make good art in order to please myself!
What the heck has humanity done for me for free?
Why do i even have to publish my own artworks so that some other human garbage gets excited over it?
I don't really care about your hapiness/satisfaction you human shit.
This is why I pray for humanity's destruction!

>> No.5197950

Well that's not the point, making Art is part of it, but also about inspiring the next generation, just think about the stuff that has inspired you, or just think about those times where you where feeling down in out, and a piece of Art filled you with hope and joy, that's what its all about giving back to the World.
And for the whole "what has humanity done for me lately" well you have no idea all the things people have done for you that you don't even know about, and if everyone had that opinion then life would never get better, sometimes you just need to try and help even if it doesn't feel like it matters you just got to keep on trying, Humanity has done incredible things, and it's done awful things, but that's the beauty of it, if everyone did good all the time, then nothing would be good, it would just be same and life wouldn't be exciting, so don't be so nihilistic

>> No.5197952

anityng is better than /ic/

>> No.5197958

This but entirely unironically.
Not to mention that the moment you put anything online people will feel entitled to do anything they please with your art. Consoomer entitlement is disgusting, they act like spoiled brats.

>> No.5197989

But that's the point, Art is meant to be shared and enjoyed, the whole oc please do not steal, or don't repost, kills Art, Art belongs to everyone

>> No.5198034

>post fandom art to fandom sub
>post links to socials
>end up getting 800 upvotes
>11 likes on link to blogs
>gain 1 follower directly from reddit over 72 hours
>post to Post Your Blog thread on 4chan
>3 new followers almost guaranteed
I fucking hate reddit

>> No.5198050

Actually I've never thought about that but, is posting your socials on the self promotion thread actually worth it?

>> No.5198056

imo it's good for showing your work if you have a very specific community/fanbase in mind, it's easy to get your work seen and the users generally like all OC which has shows even a bit of effort or skill.

I wouldn't use it as an artist community though, it just doesn't seem to work like that. The people on reddit seem to be rather unartistic. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as you can use it the gauge how accessible your work is to the average Joe.

>> No.5198140

It's a great place to post joke webcomics, if you can draw at a competitive level.

>> No.5198159

>Art belongs to everyone
Art belongs to whoever owns it, according to the law. If you want to make art so it can be freely shared and enjoyed, then make it yourself and put a license that enables people to do whatever they want with it.
But chances are you are either a porn peddler who makes money by parasitizing other people's creations, or you're a straight up consoomer who wants free shit. Fuck off.

>> No.5198242

Not at all, Art belongs to all people, it is the right of humanity, it is this mind set that allows Disney to keep eternal copyright of Walts IP's even though they should be public domain, spare me your Radein idea's about property

>> No.5198244

Would if I could, pal.

>> No.5198396

i can say it’s worth it if you’re under 100 followers like I am, but if you can find other ways to shill your art for greater gain, post to those.
people like BBC are still posting to it though, so there must be something still to gain from it even at his popularity

>> No.5198397

nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot

>> No.5199139

Alright thank you for the advice

>> No.5199416

should've posted it to the armpit fetish sub dumbass

>> No.5199420

whiplash was a good movie but please dont treat it as some sorta documentary, the shit he does is antithetical to a steady output and a healthy work/life balance, you'll just burn out and hate whatever your are doing