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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5190694 No.5190694 [Reply] [Original]

Can you really get to pro by only studying on your own? I been trapped 6 years on the same level

>> No.5190725

i dunno. i've been trying for two years now.

>> No.5190729

I doubt pro level but good enough to take comms

>> No.5190735

And why not pro?

>> No.5190744

do you know a large number of pros without mentors?
maybe a few could do it but I doubt anyone asking on /ic/ this has the discipline to emulate those artists

>> No.5190751


>> No.5190760

Eurasian jeans

>> No.5190815

It's a 50/50 thing; some people works better alone and some people needs a tutor.

It's almost similar to getting a driver license, if you got yours by just driving alone with only youtube guides then you're most likely good at self-learning drawing

>> No.5191286

Depends if you do well on your own, some people simply strive better in a classroom environment. If have the drive to excel on your own its more than possible, but theres no shame if you need a class structure if its to your benefit. Different people learn differently, you have to be aware what works for you.

>> No.5191381

NTA but I know of a few that came out of /ic/ self taught. You have to have really good work ethic for that shit

>> No.5191389

Yes, but you need two brain cells you can rub together to figure out what to improve on, so you're not stuck doing the exact same shit over and over and expecting improvement.

>> No.5191414

Trying to learn on your own is a waste of time. Sure it's possible but you may wander around lost forever or only find the scenic route. If you want to go somewhere and don't know where you are it's best to ask someone who knows the way. Even if you can't get a tutor, find a community where you can get some constructive criticism from better artists on your drawings or ask someone friendly for help. It will help keep your studies on the right track.

The few students I have that go pro study 8+ hours a day, actual study, not just drawing for shits and giggles or repeating exercises out of habit. They're constantly challenging themselves and raising their standards. If you're not willing to put that effort in you're not going to make it.

>> No.5191417

Can I be one?

>> No.5191705

Its possible, but you cant.

>> No.5191711

i must agree, unfortunately. if one has to ask, the answer is no.

>> No.5191809

I self taught to a pro level in computer programming. As in I make a living getting paid for it.
Is drawing that much harder than programming?

>> No.5191841


>> No.5191868

What the fuck does "pro" even mean? That's literally only based off luck if some retard hires you for work somewhere.

>> No.5191879

Short answer: yes
How? fucking studying and forcing yourself to play around stuff like composition and perspective, correct light source, shading, anatomy and rythm, stuff that was mentioned a millon times... and while looking for a tutor/course can't be a bad thing, one way or another you need to LEARN how to become a self-taught or else you'll get stuck again.

>> No.5191899

>just grind the same mistakes over and over bro lol

>> No.5191965

The average beginner disliked math, homework, problem solving, reading, etc. and view art as something that is fundamentally opposed to those things. It's not completely their fault, because it's a common belief in our culture. Art is viewed as being reserved for the freethinkers. Being creative is something you should be able to do without having to adhere to rules and procedures, right?

When they learn that it does, in fact, require effort and hard work, they absolutely refuse to accept the truth. If only they could find that one book or course that would unlock the ability to perfectly copy down their imagination to paper. And the ones who are *really deep* in their denial insist it must be some innate flaw like a lack of talent. They think some people are born with the ability to render things -- like that makes any sort of sense.

People who make it look effortless without showing the lips and assholes that goes into the sausage-making that is learning art are doing beginners a huge disservice.

The biggest lie we've been told is that if we're being methodical then we're not being creative. We've been told that art shouldn't be corrupted with things like tools and measurement. I see the same question asked several times a day, "Is this thing I'm doing considered cheating?"

The feeling you are doing something you shouldn't was *born* from that lie. If you are not progressing, then it's likely because you still hold the viewpoint that art is a sacred activity. Naturally we want to avoid destroying that which is sacred to us, and so we don't. And that's how you become forever stuck in beginner hell.

The simple fact is that if you want to create something it will always require some degree of planning and problem solving. You have to be willing to make mistakes, ask questions, start over, and iterate endlessly or you will fail. You need to approach the same thing a bunch of different ways until you succeed, building upon your failures.

>> No.5191991 [DELETED] 

Actually no, i didn't want to write a lot what's why i was just like "study and play around stuff", but yeah, if you learn the wrong way you'll carry the mistakes, that's why you need to have some gray matter and deconstruct works of people that are better than you so you can see how they play around stuff like composition and perspective, don't fall into the same face/pose syndrome, be curios and a thousand of other stuff that are obvious but most people just want to copy someone brush settings and spect the draw to looks good.

I don't have any problem with that, the more mediocre artists, the easiest to get noticed.

>> No.5192068

Schizo rambling

>> No.5192189

Yes, art is sacred. Yes I will contemplate and pray for inspiration. Yes, divine inspiration is real. No, I will not read Loomis. Yes, I will read poems instead. No, I will not grind fundamentals. Yes, I will just draw the noble subjects which please me. No, I will not draw obscene subjects. Yes, my work is soulful.

>> No.5192258
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>The simple fact is that if you want to create something it will always require some degree of planning and problem solving. You have to be willing to make mistakes, ask questions, start over, and iterate endlessly or you will fail.

>> No.5192600

Yes. They aren't even remotely comparable in difficulty.

>> No.5192638

lmao no
just no

>> No.5193200

I like your philosophy anon, I've been thinking something along those lines lately. I also feel like people expect to know when they're taking the right step, to know when they're on the right path, when in reality everyone is taking guesses, and blindly trying, trying again to reach their goal until they do or don't make it.