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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 495 KB, 959x878, pe45678uyf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5188400 No.5188400 [Reply] [Original]

>Want to draw my own manga
>Don't have the asian gene
>Drawings always look like inbred western weeboo shit
>Find out about Stonehouse's Anatomy book
>Fuck Loomis, Bridgman, Huston, must learn the hidden drawing secrets of the East
>Buy book
>Finally arrives in mail
>"Now I will make it"
>Start reading it
>Study it closer
>Realize it's all the same shit that's in the western anatomy books
>I fell for the Stonehouse meme

>> No.5188411

now that you don’t need it anymore, you can scan it and upload it

>> No.5188425


>> No.5188436
File: 103 KB, 625x1215, 65D5E4C1-2461-4B9D-A5EB-92954FFDFDA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The based chad is actually Asian? And he has a whole anatomy book?

>> No.5188473

Even Japanese mangaka point to Loomis before recommending whatever's the trending "How to Draw Manga" of the month. But the cultural influence of growing up in Japan makes their style naturally gravitate towards manga aesthetics even as they adopt Western figure drawing techniques. As a Westerner you have to autistically study the proportions of manga characters, the composition of their shots, the paneling, line quality, and screentone usage if you ever want to make something that Japanese people won't instantly clock as Western. Even Korean and Chinese artists have some trouble getting that manga look down.

>> No.5188488

>Korean and Chinese develop their own manga like style naturally that is both iconic and beautiful
>They manage to do this easily in 2 years
>Meanwhile you will struggle to find more than 5 persons from a different continent that are able to pass it off as well, despite the sample size being multiple countries and millions of people trying
>And these people usually take 10 years to do so
But asian jeans are not real not one tiny bit oh no

>> No.5188496
File: 193 KB, 333x391, 1055C15D-A3B5-4822-8FA3-BDA4532F0DDB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But asian jeans are not real not one tiny bit oh no
That’s right, they’re not. Why are you stating the truth like it’s anything shocking anon?

>> No.5188500

>they're not
That's like going around saying the sky is red, if you make such an irrational statement no one would take you seriously because its one of those things you see on daily life and reality everyday

>> No.5188505
File: 83 KB, 512x341, 5E3456B8-2FAD-4945-A5F8-70B2745ADC16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's like going around saying the sky is red
Well yeah, it can be, so it’s not really irrational at all, it’s juts the truth, I don’t know why you’re so hung up on the color of the sky and what clothes the yellow skins wear while you could be drawing

>> No.5188506

I literally have a japanese drawfriend and when I asked him for advice he sent me a pdf of loomis figure drawing for all it's worth

>> No.5188507

I don't believe in any of that bullshit but I do believe that Japanese artists are placed on a pedestal and everyone else is unfairly judged when drawing manga or writing light novels.
A poorly TL'd Japanese light novel run through google translate is more likely to be read than your attempt at a Japanese styled light novel. That's sad.
And if a Japanese person drew a manga exactly like your anime-looking webcomic it would perform exponentially better even if the art is exactly the same.
So anyone that wants to draw manga that isn't Japanese has higher standards set for themselves because people expect less from you.

>> No.5188510

The thing is he could learn easily learn to draw even from a cereal box or without anything at all because he has Asian genes. Its ok if you don't believe me, if you are not Asian yourself you'll find out the grim reality eventually and then you will remember this post.

>> No.5188517

So you're saying all I need is a pair of Asian jeans?

>> No.5188519
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1531559862361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why i require a virgin
my fulfillment in life will come through deflowering

>> No.5188525

this chud isn't even funny and his shit comic is way too overrated among right wingers. Basically the same thing as >>5188507 said, that shit comic is popular because the author is white, basically unwarranted privilege.

>> No.5188531
File: 225 KB, 1280x910, 1611723443517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh genes
it's cutural you midwits. that workaholic environment applies to artists as well. they grind and refine until it's up to par. maybe all of you should try, i dunno, fucking drawing.

>> No.5188547

Godspeed anon, may fate bless us both

>> No.5188559

>muh culture
So you're telling me no one outside of Asia works hard? that's a peak midwit take

>> No.5188562

GUYS I found out my great great great grandfather is a chink. Am I Asian enough to make it!??!?!?

>> No.5188589

no, peak midwit take is being a defeatist loser and chocking everything up to genes because it gives you an excuse to give up. stop being a fucking loser anon.

>> No.5188599

my ancestors cri

>> No.5188674

>Dealing with reality is giving up
That's like saying people will give up working for a living because they weren't born rich. Thanks for confirming that you're in a fact a midwit.

>> No.5188680

>this chud isn't even funny and his shit comic is way too overrated among right wingers
>comic is popular because the author is white
I don't know what level of irony we're at but I wish poe's law had a meter to go with it.

>> No.5188693

It isn't asian genes anon it is asian writing. In asian languages in order to write you have to learn thousands of strokes. Compare this to how many strokes we have to use in Germanic and Romantic languages to write. I have tried tracing a lot of different Asian languages and the lines they use are very alien to me.

>> No.5188833

Manga artists also read Loomis. Your favorite professional mangaka has probably read his figure drawing book at some point.
But if that's not enough for you and you want the true weeb experience, go look up the hitokaku website. It was a treasure trove for me when starting out. If you hate digital formats then the guy has also sold a few books on japanese amazon.
Best of luck.

>> No.5188933
File: 545 KB, 3412x1587, OoO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need to be a chink to create good art
Pic related was drawn by a nigger.
Now stop coping and learn how to draw you fucking faggot.

>> No.5188953

Thanks for proving my point I guess

>> No.5188956


>> No.5188957
File: 47 KB, 1200x800, black-history-month-feature-image-2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

African Americans draw some of the best western manga style I've seen.

>> No.5188967

Don't confuse fundies with aesthetic/style. Manga/anime is just an aesthetic/style. Those artists learn the same fundies as western artists.
Learn your fundies while looking at your favorite work. You can even do studies of your favorite manga (I do the same with classic American comics). You'll organically absorb your stylstic influences. I'd recommend to stop obsessing over being a 'mangaka' though. You're a western artist influenced by manga, own it.

>> No.5188976

>I'd recommend to stop obsessing over being a 'mangaka' though.
Obvious truth. There are people that learn Japanese and move to Japan trying to do this. I don't blame them, its their lives. But I think its a little overkill when the internet exists and if you're work is good enough people will translate it for you for free in every possible language.
>You're a western artist influenced by manga, own it.
Whatever that means.

>> No.5188980
File: 40 KB, 800x450, 29E6CC71-96F0-4EAC-A8F5-CA7EF7987BAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the meme
get stone’d

>> No.5188996

>Whatever that means.
It means to stop trying to be part of the exclusive club of Japanese mangaka. Have your comics read left to right. Don't be afraid of expanding your influences beyond manga. Experiment with your style.
If you're born and raised outside of Japan, trying to make 'authentic' manga is kind of a larp. I find western artists influenced by manga, like Daniel Warren Johnson or Ronald Wimberly, far more interesting than some weeb trying to do manga.

>> No.5189013

>Have your comics read left to right.
Anon, I need you to realize that there are people, like me, who have NEVER read comics.
I exclusively read manga, meaning I'm used to reading from right to left and I'm not drawing anything that doesn't read from right to left. This applies to a lot of other people because they grew up reading manga.
Yes, a few of them read graphic novels in kindergarten but that's cause those graphic novels were free, but now everyone reads manga online so its what they're used to. So don't be surprised when you see people making comics that read from right to left. It just means the art form is changing.

>> No.5189019
File: 660 KB, 1242x1232, C8606F41-9D14-47B5-AFE2-7B85BD853818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonkun, I need you to realize that there are people, like me, who have NEVER read comics desu
I exclusively read manga, meaning I'm used to reading from right to left and I'm not drawing anything that doesn't read from right to left desu. This applies to a lot of other people because they grew up reading manga baka baka

>> No.5189030

Anon you're not Japanese so you can't draw with your left hand, you have to draw with your right hand like all of use westerners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5189087
File: 427 KB, 1200x909, Daniel Warren Johnson 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I exclusively read manga, meaning I'm used to reading from right to left ...
Do what you want anon, but as you surely know manga reads right to left because Japanese writing (kanji) reads right to left. When writing, do you write right to left? No, because you're a westerner.
Attached is one of my current western faves Daniel Warren Johnson. Johnson is clearly influenced by manga, but draws COMICS that read LEFT TO RIGHT. Why? Because he is a western cartoonist.

>> No.5189094

>Why? Because he is a western cartoonist.
Because he's catering to a western audience so obviously he's gonna draw that way because he's trying to appeal to comic readers.

>> No.5189132
File: 42 KB, 680x940, 601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this chud isn't even funny and his shit comic is way too overrated among right wingers. Basically the same thing as >>5188507 said, that shit comic is popular because the author is white, basically unwarranted privilege.

>> No.5189164

>have diluted asian jeans
>grew up in Europe
>art still looks mostly like western

It has more to do with the environment. Can’t blame myself as I grew up with both yurocomics and mangoes.

>> No.5189200

>It has more to do with the environment.
you mean culture, which debunks all the retarded racialist 'gene' memes on this website.
and it is true that we live in a more global culture where we can be influenced by other cultures (like westerners with manga), but at the end of the day one's culture is foundational.

>> No.5189218

This one is actually kind funny though. Also /pol/ hate this guy, it's just there to get easy (You)

>> No.5189232

Trump lost

>> No.5189236

>>Don't have the asian gene
>Starts searching for excuses right off the bat.
Yeah, you are NGMI. Give up.

>> No.5189249

I think genes do play a part though but it’s not linked with Asia.
My East Asian mom can’t draw for shit, while my dad is actually a decent painter and never took art classes. And everybody in his family is an artist (5 brothers), managed to sell their paintings irl. They never took art classes, they just drew.
The only thing that is truly Asian is that they learn fast as fuck though, hence why they are doing pretty good at schools and there’s a reason why we built factories in fucking China and not in Africa or Pakistan.

>> No.5189280

You will never be a woman

>> No.5189281

That's all still culture though. Self motivated learning and doing is something found in (many, not all) Asian families and cultures.
It's rooted down to religious and philosophical traditions. Taoism stresses doing over just theoretical learning.
Look at that vs. westerners on here that are always looking for some special trick, book, or course to 'make it' instead of just getting down to business.
Subcultures also have this. Look at immigrant culture that stresses ambition, education and hard work (and to be fair, many immigrants often come from the middle class of their country, giving them a structural advantage).
Alphonso Dunn is a good example, a Jamaican immigrant who not only has a MFA in art but an undergraduate in chemistry!
Ignore the gene bullshit, that's /pol/ retardation. It's culture.

>> No.5189291

Nah, I think there’s definitely something genetic.
My mom has never pushed me for the arts, quite the contrary, as our household took quite some liberties regarding education, there’s a mix of everything, European, Asian etc. But I do know for sure they learn quick as fuck, as my European dad had some Chinese factory workers learn from him to create a high quality product. What it should take 2 years, they managed to learn in 7-9 months. I am not saying I am great, I am just a lazy fuck who happens to draw once in a while. I only started to draw on a regular basis from last year because of the so called pandemic.
Again that wouldn’t explain why my dad and his 5 brothers all know how to paint and manage to sell their paintings without any tryharding or anything.

>> No.5189293

>No one outside of Asians and immigrants can be self motivated to learn
I fucking hate this take so much goddamn it, fucking worse than gene posters

>> No.5189300
File: 254 KB, 401x455, 1499878561012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think genes do play a part though but it’s not linked with Asia.

>tfw relatives from father's side can all draw from life and reference fairly well despite never being taught, mother's side can't even draw a straight line
>tfw you're a talentlet mutt
maybe I should impregnate someone talented so my latent genes combine with their, huh

>> No.5189302

I wish my parents weren't so neglectful so I could've had a productive mindset.....

>> No.5189305

none of which contradicts my point. all can still be traced back to culture.

>> No.5189306

>No one outside of Asians and immigrants can be self motivated to learn
Not what I said anon. Of course anyone can be self motivated to learn. It just takes extra effort if those habits weren't instilled early on.

>> No.5189350

Dont ruin the genepool

>> No.5189351

You will never be a woman

>> No.5189385

>peak midwit take is being a defeatist loser and chocking everything up to genes because it gives you an excuse to give up
I fucking hate this mentality
>hurr durr I wasn't born this race, guess I should just kill myself even though there's thousands of artists my race with the same level of skill
Like holy shit shut the fuck up and stop being a faggot, or actually go through with it and kill yourself you fucking waste of oxygen, get good or die but quit whining like a weak little bitch without having even tried.

>> No.5189402

D/ic/ks have always made better consumercucks than artists. This board is basically a how-to guide on spending your money on books, tablets, drawing materials and online courses and not making work. The life cycle of an average anon is: come to /ic/, spend all disposable money on the above, use for a few weeks, realise it makes no difference to your art abilities, become jaded and then move on to something else.

>> No.5189412

I started drawing a month ago and so far I've only spent $10 on a sketchbook and some mechanical pencils. All the books I'm reading are PDFs that I got for free, and the tutorials I'm watching are from YouTube. All this cheap equipment hasn't stopped me from drawing 12 hours a day for a month straight.

>> No.5189415
File: 820 KB, 1067x619, bc9d9f7cc66e07011adcce5aa904b9de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>spaghetti olive nigger
>lives in Mafia Island
>started reading comics seriously thanks to manga
>grew up watching shit like Detective Conan and Hamtaro when I was still wearing diapers, also played arcade japanese games like Metal Slug, King Of Fighters and Waku Waku 7, let's not forget pre-gen 5 Pokemon games too btw
>got into italian, french and (a few) american comics pretty recently by comparison
>My art could pass as if a japanese westaboo into western nerdy shit and the likes made it
Feels good man

>> No.5189417

is that your work anon? that's cool

>> No.5189456

Italians seems to be honorary Asians, they have a lot of great anime artists that can pass

>> No.5189460

No that's by Ryoko Kui

>> No.5189940

Hey, how you differs "eastern" art styles from "western"? Also Japanese anime drawing books shares same fundies as Loomis. My /beg/ art looks anime enough for me, but I wish to have same lineart quality as a persons who draw a tons of Kana symbols every day of their life.

>> No.5189988

Art is simply the illusion of life, you cannot imitate something you don't understand. You cannot imitate life if you don't even understand the fundamental rules of nature. The first thing you probably did was focused solely on figure drawing because you wanted to draw kawaii anime girls or boys kissing each other

Well it's time to wake up weeb, the hard reality of if it is in order to even advance into figure drawing you have to go deeper in the very basics. Have ever thought about how we live in a 3 Dimensional world? And that with the help of life we are able to see the 3D form of an object perceived by our eyes as a 2 Dimensional image in your minds eye.

Now how do you even begin to comprehend that, You Understand how Dimensions work. That a Dimension is a direction an object can move in space. 0 Dimensions being a static point in space, 1D being going in a straight infinite or finite line, 2D being the idea of a plane in 3D but also known as shape and finally 3D where the 3 axis exists. Height width and depth, and and every living and non living thing follow the rules of 3D space. Well in this Dimension.

Point being is that's How you practice art, by following the principle that in order to imitate life you must dig deep and understand the very laws of nature in order to replicate it. Now go and practice and research and grind, do it for yourself because you want to achieve something and not because you want petty reasons such as validation or attention. An artist seeks truth, truth for himself and not for others. So as to your problem, the only reason why you can't digest Loomis, Bridgeman and Huston is because you lack the prerequisites to do so. Bro you're basically trying to kill a tiger without being prepared and all you have is a stick. Goodluck and I hope this helps and not overwhelm you.

>> No.5190492

bless you too anon

>> No.5190551

learn anatomy, copy anime until you can make your common anime girl drawing, from there just draw your own style

>> No.5190600

>Art is simply the illusion of life, you cannot imitate something you don't understand.
So non Asians can't never even hope to match Asian art, got it.

>> No.5191446

Trump lost and yes, you will be a woman to cope with that.

>> No.5191928

Answer please.