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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5171072 No.5171072 [Reply] [Original]

The artist on the right get more likes and followers than the one on the left (which tends to mean more money).

The less popular artist is "better" (his drawings are harder to make and take more skill and time and effort)

These two are just an example, but I see this type of situation all the time.


What's the lesson here? Booba? Fanart? Help me make sense of the world. I thought that getting good was all you needed.

>> No.5171094

Booba. Simple as

>> No.5171099

Is it that hard to understand that art (in all its forms) is not about technique ? Technique is a tool that helps you better convey the true purpose of art which is bringing an emotion to the viewer/listener.

People do not give a single shit about the work you put into your artwork, they stumble upon it and either feel something that makes them want to repeat the experience, or they dont feel anything and move on.

Just look at your favorite playlists : is it full of master classical symphonies ? Or maybe you have no idea of how much the musicians have study and how good they are, you just like the song and thats it.

>> No.5171101

They coom.

>> No.5171105

I was a professional classical guitarist, I also played jazz and grew up on rock and metal. I can play pretty much anything at a supremely high level (also a Ph.d student in music). One of the things I noticed was its the same in music with guitarist, the best guitarist to people were not the most skilled and brilliant but the most familiar. Say slash who isnt an amazing guitarist in comparison to Pat Metheney, Greg Howe, John Petrucci, John Williams etc. is way more regarded because he was in a popular band and branded toward mass audiences. Anime/manga is a mass audience art form, if the person on the left did spiderman even shitty it would get more likes. This doesnt mean mass consumer artist are bad many can be amazing but it really means what they do is more reconizable regardless of skill.

>> No.5171113

Left pic doesn't really seem that much technically "better".

>> No.5171114

The lesson is that you don’t need to be a master to become popular and cultivate a following. You just need to make stuff people like, put yourself out there and roll the dice. This is a good thing for most of us.

>> No.5171115
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>Left pic doesn't really seem that much technically "better".

>> No.5171118


>> No.5171120

Your eyes are broken

>> No.5171121

based look at them go mad

>> No.5171123

how long are we going to beat this dead horse? i swear this is the most frequently repeated topic of discussion on this board.

>> No.5171125

Popularity on social media has no direct relationship with technical skill and it never did. The end.

>> No.5171126
File: 1.95 MB, 640x360, Ryouka Jumps.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Ryouka drawing from the left, where's his comm sheet?

>> No.5171129

Left pick is just a standard academic drawing probably using references. With good shading and good technique. But still, its just your standard academic crap.

Right has to itself that the artist created a design from imagination and gave it an interesting gesture.

>> No.5171131

what do YOU think about AI taking our jobs? Is talent real? Why can’t westerners draw? And most importantly, how can I go from beg to professional artist in a concept studio in less than a year?

>> No.5171132

Booba helps. It being weebshit helps. The fact she's a foid helps.

Steven is also up against the fact the whole Frazetta / Jeff Watts style has been driven into the ground. People aren't very sensitive to it, and the D&D culture that gravitated towards it at its height has kinda colored how people see it. They reflexively don't relate as much as they do anime.

There's a handful of reasons why Aly's more popular, and booba along with simps are both huge factors.

i dunno about that. face doesn't even match her body. she's a garbage artist who would be unknown if she was a dude.

>> No.5171137

Here's a better question- how do you make your OC stuff popular to get followers?

>> No.5171140

instagram is the site most filled with kids and teens next to youtube. Is it really a good metric for art popularity, and does it result in anything good? I have 10k in there but can't get even a fraction of job requests I get on twitter. Most you can do on insta is get brand sponsorship, and they're quite stingy with insta artists.

>> No.5171145

You have no clue what academic art is lmao

>> No.5171147

Sex sells buddy

>> No.5171153
File: 427 KB, 908x532, anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys make this thread all day every fucking day when are you gonna finally accept the answer yes people want porn holy shit you know it, they know it, everybody knows it. you arent going to change the world making the same shitty thread every 3 minutes in your echo chamber so shut the fuck up and start drawing porn if you really want the twitter followers so god damn bad.

>> No.5171179

if I put the pencil in my asshole it would be much more harder to draw it but would it make it any better?

>> No.5171186

you tell some good story that appeal to a underserved niche.

>> No.5171189

Honestly, I'd rather have the smaller community interested in my work and my ideas rather than the flavor crowd. People who are into you personal work tend to be more interested in you and where you take your ideas. They like to see your ideas and are excited for things that could be more experimental because they like the way you design or represent things. The other crowd is more flakey and a large majority of them sometimes don't even know your name, you're just another thing that generates something they like. They also scatter the moment you reach out for support. Maybe that's just me.

Not trying to hate, I get the appeal of drawing characters you and everyone else is excited about, but I don't feel like large numbers matter if you don't manage to attract core fans that like you and what you do; Whatever that may be.

>> No.5171190

>you arent going to change the world making the same shitty thread every 3 minutes in your echo chamber
not with this attitude!

>> No.5171191

also, they want to simp. so if you want to sell porn illustrations, grow a set of tits and a vagene.

>> No.5171202

I know what you are saying and it's true and it's always been kind of sad, but the situation right now is a lot worse than just familiar = popular. There's a weird fucked up algorithm catering to weird fucked up people who are chronic hyperspeed devourers of content and addicted to the motions of social media platforms. It's not like the teenage girl who sings along to some shitty boyband, this is something much uglier I can't even describe. The state of art right now is pathological.

>> No.5171203
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The obvious answer is booba.
Anime is extremely effective at accomplishing it's artistic goals. That goal is communicating human emotion. It's easy to read and understand exactly what a character is feeling, and that's by design. And that's because the style's entire purpose is storytelling. It's comic art. It's so effective at it's goal that people form emotional bonds to the characters and want to express that physically. Therefore booba.
It's also why people use shots of anime characters as reaction images. It's extremely effective at communicating human emotion.

>> No.5171207

>That goal is communicating human emotion.
I am mentally exploding your head with my bare hands like that guy in the fantasy soap opera.

>> No.5171209

do I have to make an account just to see shit on instangram?

>> No.5171217


>> No.5171223

>Fantasy "art"
And into the trash it goes.

>> No.5171230

Sex sells and also probably posts more often/interacts with comments. Left would have an easier time selling commisions or getting a job as an illustrator/comic artist than right though.

>> No.5171233

>human emotion

>> No.5171236

>Left would have an easier time selling commisions or getting a job as an illustrator/comic artist
I see no #visiblewomen or #killallwhitepeople anywhere on the left post, so I doubt it

>> No.5171239
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>> No.5171247

it is but the drawing on the right is still a decent drawing

>> No.5171268

Most musicians on a very high technical level are not good at creating music. The best they will ever do is most likely play something someone else composed very well. I obviously don't know you, but I would be willing to bet a fair sum of money that you haven't put out anything that has received any notable acclaim from anyone. Listening to live music is nice though, so in that regard it's nice that people like you exist.
And yes, a lot of popular music very obviously has very little going for it in terms of complexity and originality, but that doesn't mean that simple or easy to play is inherently bad.
Also, you sound like an insufferable faggot.

>> No.5171275
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That's the entire purpose for the style. It's designed to be easy to draw and for the emotions to be easy to read. So that when it's drawn in a manga the reader can easily interpret what the character is feeling. It's visual storytelling.
You may not like it, but it's what peak performance looks like. And if the goal of art is communication, and the communication of human emotion, anime is so effective at it it's reached meme status. So by that definition, anime is peak art.

>> No.5171283

>Most musicians on a very high technical level are not good at creating music.
No him but the shitty pop song licks that normies love were always made by people on a very high technical level, often the very same people that normies think are skilled but boring, and I have never seen a skilled musician who wasn't creative. You are a massive fucking sheep and you're most likely a cumbrain. I know you because you all behave the fucking same. You spout retarded contraditory takes pulled from your ass just because you're indignated when someone challenges the legitimity of this pozzed piece of shit of a system that you implicitly love because it caters to dumb fucking cow brains like you, and you always say "btw you are so insufferable omg!" because he didn't go through the motions and trim every edge in his speech to make you and your faggy opinions unhurt. Go suck a cock you fucking redditor chickenhead.

>> No.5171284

sure, like how the "smiley face" caught on in the '60s and survived for decades into the modern day emoji.

what you mean is "shallow indicator of emotion."

>> No.5171291

Only literally retarded people emote like weebshit, and only autistic people feel comfortable relating to retarded emojis faces with 0 depth.

>> No.5171302

>No him but the shitty pop song licks that normies love were always made by people on a very high technical level
Lmoa, no. Not the kind of skill we're talking about. Are a lot of them good? Probably.
Btw, it sounds like you've got mental health issues. Might want to get that checked out.

>> No.5171312

he's sorta right, in that most of them are written by people who develop extremely strong pop sensibilities to the extent they're legitimate craftsmen.

they're not usually technical virtuosos or bleeding edge composers or anything though.

>> No.5171314

But I like animay (。•́︿•̀。)

>> No.5171319

>static, muddy rendermonkey work that you can't tell what the fuck is going on
>dynamic illustration with interesting shapes to look at
gee, i wonder which one people like more

>> No.5171323

sex sells

>> No.5171327

>interesting shapes
As in thicc + booba, right?

>> No.5171328

>they're not usually technical virtuosos or bleeding edge composers or anything though.
Do you really think the people who make the music for Lady Gaga or some other stage monkey may not know exactly what they're doing?

>> No.5171329

the only shapes that matter, friend.

>> No.5171332
File: 687 KB, 1255x686, vf6s5wuc1sg41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally anything done by a woman will get more attention. Beta men will like it because she has a vagina, and women will do it because "muh feminism".

>> No.5171334

cumbrains should unironically be gassed

>> No.5171336

no, and i didn't say anything remotely like that.
there's a huge difference between being capable of playing, or at the very least bashing out a musical idea to compose with, and being a technical wizard, or being a compositional innovator.

>> No.5171343

>you can't tell what the fuck is going on
you might be retarded.

>> No.5171347

there's nothing interesting in the left to look at. what is the focus of the image? on the left, the first thing i see is the dark shadow of the abdomen and really fucked up looking rib cage/costal cartilage. i see a massive coomer jackoff arm that doesn't fit with the body then a head and beard that have nothing extraordinary about them. oh yeah then the shield which looks like it has some lord of the rings orc or whatever on it for no reason. looks like something a high schooler drew with a #2 pencil.

i don't like the right but it has more appealing design and shapes than anything in the left. the face is fucking awful but the body is alright.

>> No.5171360

>Weebshit prefers trash amateur weeb doodle
News at 11

>> No.5171368

You said
>Most musicians on a very high technical level are not good at creating music.
Regardless if this is true, which it isn't, people who are good at creating music are good on a technical level. You are saying that skilled musicians are incapable of creating music because you don't like the music they make, which is generally understood by other musicians, so you are excluding these skilled people from the realm of catchy pop music, except they are the people hired by the big studios (because they're the best) to help create pop songs for normies. You have this idea of skilled musicians as virtuoso shredders when they're not necessarily that. There are many classically trained musicians who do not play like solo shredders, they are people who work on pop songs. The only reason why people have this retarded belief is that there is this retarded doublethink about training vs. talent where people on one hand want to brag that they're highly trained and on the other hand they need to be special so they try to look at talented as possible, so you get this image of the "hard working natural", basically a guy singing really hard under the shower until his dreams come true. The innovation you're thinking of is the aftermath of the aftermath of something done by skilled people.

>> No.5171395

it's more that i don't like unfinished generic fantasy renderfag shit that doesn't try to convey any emotion or story.

oh boy he did the thing with the graphite and blending stump and rendered shadows that make no sense at all in the context of the scene, that's so impressive! the lighting on the torso and head are different from the shield and from the upper arm and from the lower arm.

>> No.5171407

Not him but please kill yourself. Please.
I look at the left and see a warrior of some sort, holding up what might be an effigy on his shield. How the FUCK does this not have more story than some shitty anime thot floating in the air. Are you really this fucking retarded? God fucking damn it I hate zoomers so fucking much. If I ever hear someone spout this "appeal"and "story" shit IRL when talking about retarded coomshit I'm going to bite his face off.

>> No.5171414

what story or emotion does the generic anime girl without feet convey

>> No.5171416

anime is a literal mental illness, that's why trannies love it

>> No.5171418

i never said that.
although i am separating musicianship from composing ability, because they're separate disciplines.

>> No.5171421

Maybe you should actually read what I said instead of whatever the fuck it is you're doing. I never meant or said any of the shit you're saying I said. You're rambling. But please do go on. I'm sure this post has fuel enough for multiple paragraphs of discourse somewhere between the lines.

>> No.5171427

Don't be discouraged by retards. You're gmi, bro.

>> No.5171433

>If I ever hear someone spout this "appeal"and "story" shit IRL when talking about retarded coomshit I'm going to bite his face off.
Yeah, either you won't do that or you just think the odds of the given scenario actually happening are so low that you can get away with saying shit like that without ever facing the consequences.

>> No.5171441

who cares, just draw

>> No.5171444

i think he was responding to me... unless... you're me?!

>> No.5171445

Jesus cares.

>> No.5171446

It's more because zoomer weeaboos drop out of the conversation entirely when I realize they're weebs and I say that no adult man with dignity should watch anime. You only have the gall to defend your cumbrain faggotry over the internet.

>> No.5171450

if he doesn't bite your face off, i will.

>> No.5171459

Are you retarded and/or autistic? Or do people actually take "I'm going to bite his face off" literally where you're from? I guess maybe if you're from Brazil...

>> No.5171461
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>> No.5171469

hes dead as fuck
and he couldnt fucking draw

>> No.5171470

Damn, if only there was another explanation. I guess I must be autistically retarded then. Could go for some sopa de macaco rn as well..

>> No.5171473

he's probably just a zoomer, so both

>> No.5171509

we have no idea what the warrior is wearing, the weapon makes no sense because he can't even wrap his hand around whatever the shaft is, no one would hold a shield like that and it doesn't make sense anatomically with how his hand is resting. the jump suit and pouches on the right tell more about the character and setting than the left, and it's a finished an inked drawing.

>> No.5171512

>the jump suit and pouches on the right tell more about the character and setting than the left

>> No.5171540

he's holding onto stair railing, b/c he's clearly a disabled warrior.

>> No.5171629

t. Freud

>> No.5171632

You show us an example of interesting shapes.

>> No.5171637

All this “muh wahmen artists have it soo easy, fame is practically handed down to them on a silver platter” and yet the vast majority of famous artists in the industry are men.

>> No.5171670

simpbox don't exist until it can propel them above everyone even at the highest levels.

>> No.5171685

Right has more followers but that's because her feed is consistent. It's all fanart of popular characters but all are very sexualized. She draws every day so followers know she will always have new content. Also she likely doesn't make a lot of money tons of followers =/= more money
Left, although lovely, doesn't post consistently. His last post was from Dec 15 and isn't fanart. But he's also an art teacher, so he does bring in a paycheck, though
IG is also shit, please consider that the algorithm there is totally fucked

>> No.5171708

>The less popular artist is "better"
>(his drawings are harder to make and take more skill and time and effort)

>> No.5171747


>> No.5171793

>The less popular artist is "better" (his drawings are harder to make and take more skill and time and effort)

Nobody cares how long the drawing takes or how hard it is. Accept this into your heart and be okay with it. It doesn't mean you shouldn't work hard, but your reason for doing so should come from within and not without -- high personal standards, a code or philosophy. You seem to implicitly already understand effort or skill =/= better, which is why you put "better" in quotes.
Really can you blame them? The idea that artistic merit is derived mainly from how rendered and realistic the subject is incredibly shallow, almost childish. It's a normalfag view of art, someone with who's cultivated no taste -- the equivalent of ordering chicken tenders at an upscale establishment. In this case the right is tasteless AND bad, but the general principle holds and you should get used to doing what's right, not what's popular. Unless you literally only care about likes.

>> No.5171881

>The idea that artistic merit is derived mainly from how rendered and realistic the subject is incredibly shallow, almost childish
I didn't say that, but I do find the more rendered drawing in this case to be much better than the other one.
>he general principle holds and you should get used to doing what's right, not what's popular. Unless you literally only care about likes.
I don't only care about likes, but money does matter, and on top of that it's kind of depressing that people out there have bad taste. You can get good and someone out there like the girl in OP will get more recognition. Better not to think about it

>> No.5171907

>Just look at your favorite playlists : is it full of master classical symphonies ?

>> No.5172094

>There's a weird fucked up algorithm
yeah I can see that as sort of imposed echo chamber of content based on narrow criteria that gives the consumer the smallest variation possible

>> No.5172156

kino and underrated post. also checked

>> No.5172163

left doesn't connect with me, literally who is that? I dont care about your over well drawn shit or I would care about artstation posts
right is shit but it's 02 and she is thick

>> No.5172166

if the dude on the left drew anime tiddies he'd be way more popular than the dude on the right

>> No.5173790

>It's a cool concept but it just isn't quite good enough! That's why nobody cares!
>OK I improved my skills
>Still a cool concept but the perspective is a bit off there! It just doesn't work without that perspective there!
>OK I improved my skills
>Honestly I just prefer the crudely drawn anime tiddy, art isn't just technique y'know! :^)

>> No.5173802

>it means what you do needs to be more recognizable than skill
In the context of OPs question, /thread

>> No.5173813

what's good or likable about the left?

>> No.5173826

I wasn't talking about OP but I like the facial expression, the beard is interesting, I like the face in the shield. But it has technical issues like the hands and I was thinking of those times where people told me the shit I quoted, until I realized that it was all a very roundabout way of saying "it's not anime tits" because nobody wants to be honest today and the meritocratic narrative is constantly used to meme people into an eternal wild goose chase.

>> No.5173831

>that doesn't try to convey any emotion or story.
It literally conveys more than the right, the man is clearly some form of brutal warrior, anyone could tell that at a quick glance. Without knowing who the anime girl is, you have no way of knowing what the fuck is going on with her. Is she from space? Is she from the future? Is she just wearing some weird motorcycle outfit?

>> No.5173833

people who say "story" or "appeal" are completely braindead, ignore them

>> No.5173838

>The artist on the right get more likes and followers than the one on the left (which tends to mean more money).
huh? people get money from likes?

>> No.5173846

>TENDS to mean

>> No.5173870

The face and torso of the warrior and the face on the shield have very good form and value. It gets rougher around everything else but this is intentional in what is clearly a sketch/small study, not a final piece so it's not a big deal.
The right is stylized but the anatomy and pose are too weird to overlook.

>> No.5173875

He should have photoshopped the pencil he used to draw this in place of the character's staff or whatever.

>> No.5173919

>but your reason for doing so should come from within and not without -- high personal standards, a code or philosophy.
This used to be my case until I got criticized for not knowing the fundies/samebody, and even after lesson 1 of drawabox I haven't figured out how to apply that knowledge to the figures I draw.

>> No.5174049



>> No.5174086

Then why do people gush over those Xerox machine grayscale photoreal paintings of Justin Bieber and shit?

>> No.5174095

cause its that hot piece of ass justin bieberrrrrrr

>> No.5174100
File: 48 KB, 960x960, 1468549666265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy on left has a career based on art
>girl on right has instagram followers
>follows/likes = money

>> No.5174128

Yes, those 3 statements are true. Are you ok?

>> No.5174139

People see it as impressive and since the xerox pictures are always a pop culture figure then the stans get attached to it. Nobody is going to randomly stumble on your buff dude drawing but if they search #justinbeiber and see your xerox then they'll like it real quick and move on.
This board really overinflates the value of likes and followers. Engagement % over a given month/quarter is a much better metric. I don't care if I have 5 mil followers if I only pull 10 likes but 10k followers with a 9k like average over 2 months means my audience consistently sees my work and consistently engages with it, which I can then convert into other useful forms of engagement. High % engagement will ALWAYS be better than one quick burst of likes

>> No.5174144

Draw mix of boba in your work. What are you, a fag? It's the internet how did you just come to the realization that tits get more hits?

>> No.5174148

Ignore the retards, you're right. The left pic is "rendered" better, but is likely heavily referenced, the pic on the right shows good dynamism and solid anatomy for what it is (a lust-provoking image). The fact is they're both pretty mediocre by either standard.

>> No.5174155

why comparing two art styles in the first place?
I can enjoy and "consume" both.
One is a cool dude with shild and speer that can easy be a boss depiction for a pen and paper campain.
The other is "anime boobys". In this case its a fanart (i asume) of zero two from Darling in the Franxx. She maybe a bit more on the sexy side then she was in the source manga/anime but fanart can be whatever it wants to be.

A real and fair comparison will be of the same character. THEN we can go into detail.
Befor that is comparing a car and a tractor. Both have there places both are "good" if you like it. Just dont bitch about other peoples art.

>> No.5174158

another idiot.

>> No.5174172

>This board really overinflates the value of likes and followers.
that seems to be all young people in general online, mostly people that don't have any idea how you can make money doing art and not have big numbers of followers or likes. they equate doing well on twitter, instagram, or artstation as a signal for dollars and success.

>> No.5174175

What are you rambling about?

>> No.5174695

>Decent anatomy

>> No.5174786

>the true purpose of art which is bringing an emotion to the viewer/listener.
what a faggy way to look at it

>> No.5174806

>solid anatomy for what it is (a lust-provoking image)

>> No.5174818

Don't think from the outcome, think what you really want to make. If you draw coom just for money you're not better than a wallstreet gambler, since you're not trying to create value, but instead to something standard just to get money

>> No.5174863



>> No.5174880

why the fuck do you care ? I can tell you for sure that the first guy gets more respect and following than the other account. People surely talks about his work, get excited about it, use it for reference and inspiration. NOBODY talks in real life about the second account. The people following them are just doom scrollers and very young people (= people who don't care and talk about art)
Plus this whining of "A gets more follows than B it's so unfair" has the same vibes as the idiots who cry because justin bieber is more popular than bach on spotify or whatever. If you waste energy getting angry about a number on your screen you're a fucking moron.

>> No.5174894

Art as culture industry is not about technique, but what you want to sell people. Everything you say is an argument from market rationality, not beauty. All of you will fade into mediocrity because you are rejects who dream of making it by being hentai artists.

>> No.5174898

Left is just barely a step up up from doing celebrity portraits in pencil

>> No.5174906


>> No.5174928
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 162341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the lesson here
Understanding the market. You're making a highly refined product that no one likes or wants.

On a personal note I hate the "It's not fair, I'm working so much harder than these other people that have it so much easier" If it's really that simple why don't you do it yourself? Oh that's right, because you can't.

>> No.5174933

>If it's really that simple why don't you do it yourself? Oh that's right, because you can't.
Sucking cocks for money is also simple. Why don't you do it yourself? Retard.

>> No.5174942

OP, how can you be this fucking dumb?

>> No.5174944


>> No.5174949

Nope, to busy making it.

>> No.5174950

Normalfags don't understand anything about art or the skills that it requires. Right is more popular because it just has more appeal, but left would be more likely to be hired by an actual studio

>> No.5174965

The lesson here is Skill x Following = Revenue

Learning how to market your talents is just as important as learning how to refine your talents if you want to take up art as a career.

>> No.5174973

If sucking cocks is that simple what do you do it? You're literally proving my point you fucking autist.

>> No.5174987

you dont get it, idiot.

>> No.5175023

What's surprising here? Only other artists tend to care about good art.

Quality does make a difference for regular people, but they have to give a shit first. If both of them were drawing anime girls with fat thighs then you'd likely see them flocking to the artist on the left more than the one on the right.

>> No.5175024

Your punchline was already worthless but the terrible grammar fucking sells it lol

>> No.5175047

the one on the left has a lot of areas I dont like, he has skill and its getting there, but I would not hang that on my wall

the right is mediocre, but doesnt try to be anything fancy, I woulnt mind seeing it in a book filled with 1000 sketches

one works attempt to be good at something and doesnt manage it yet, the other aims lower and reaches its aim

>> No.5175094

You are explaining "water is wet" to a complete idiot. OP is just dumb as fuck. You are wasting your time.

>> No.5175097

>Sucking cocks for money is also simple.
It's dumb kids like you that give a bad name to this place.
Yeah, sucking filthy cocks of obese failures, that keep reminding you about your bad life choices IS DEFINITELY FUCKING EASY.
Fucking imbecile, I swear.

>> No.5175150

That was my point, retard. Neck yourself.

>> No.5175236

The guy on the left is an instructor at a school. He makes good money and doesn't care to pander, just gets whatever followers he gets and leaves it alone.

Guy on the right is pandering through fanart, doesnt make as much money, but he has tons of accounts following him and most likely complaining when he doesnt make flavor of the month art.

>> No.5175967

Normies prefer cute over effort

>> No.5176252

Uhhhh based department?

>> No.5176275

I think the guy got music production confused with improvisation. Classical musicians that read off of sheet music normally can't join in a jam session and improvise. That doesn't mean they can't write anything though lol

>> No.5176290

Shhh you are spilling the secret.

>> No.5177156
File: 317 KB, 666x666, 728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left pic doesn't really seem that much technically "better".

>> No.5177169

>created a design from imagination

>> No.5177913

Good post, it made me think about something.
It also made me feel a slight pang of regret and made me wonder if I should have chosen music as my art form instead.
I consume music much more than I consume paintings or drawings and it makes me feel more vivid emotions and I have a better idea of what kind of music I would make if I made music, than I have an idea of what I actually want to use my drawing skills for.
But I never really enjoyed the actual technical aspects of making music (and there was a time in my life I was trying to get into it) Drawing is something I really enjoy on a technical level but it's always a struggle to come up with something to use those skills for.

>> No.5177915



>> No.5177925

Do you think you could actually produce anything worthwhile even if you had the skills though? Draw because you enjoy the process, not because you want to make art.

>> No.5178061

this is your brain on coom

>> No.5178284

>Do you think you could actually produce anything worthwhile even if you had the skills though?
not him but do you mean worthwhile as in culturally worthwhile or monetarily worthwhile?

>> No.5178355

good point. now pyw

>> No.5178765

Do you think there's going to be any serious alternatives soon for this kike owned platform?
They just hate their users and destroy their reach to make them pay for ads in order to get any traffic. It's becoming pointless to spend time trying to promote my work on ig and being flooded with gym whores videos.

>> No.5178773

>What's the lesson here?
Smartphones and normie accessible internet, and publicly accessible education, and humanity in general were a mistake.

>> No.5178779

>I'm cool because I don't like things. I hate all humans, look how dark and intellectual and brooding I am. I'm behind the times and refuse to adapt, but it's actually a good thing because I'm so cool and sickened by these...normies.

>> No.5178781

You will NEVER escape jew ad schemes. You are always gonna be behind the guy who pays for likes.

>> No.5178783

Anything culturally worthwhile will be worth paying for. Don't try to cope, your stuff doesn't sell because it isn't worthwhile.

>> No.5178791


>> No.5178803

booba sells

>> No.5178812

>Anything culturally worthwhile will be worth paying for.
I don't know what definition you have of culturally worthwhile.

>> No.5178817

let's just cut to the chase, then. you're ngmi.

>> No.5178821

Well that's for sure.

>> No.5178828

No, it wasn't. You weren't ironic. Stop backpedaling, dumbass.

>> No.5178842

I-I don't want to be a coomer anymore after seeing these retarded replies..

>> No.5178872
File: 72 KB, 220x220, 6ix9ine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly 19k is huge for me, I don't know how it is with Instagram but on Twitter a lot of the people I follow who do a lot of great art don't tend to hit 100k, many only have 20k, 10k, or above 1k but under 10k. Once I came across an artist like the dude on the left and they had like hundreds of thousands of followers. That made me realize that people who draw like the left actually do sometimes get huge followings, while people who draw less realistic stuff don't. Now the problem with the artist on the right with 76k followers (fucking how) is that some of her art is pretty fucking bad at parts. But it does do the coomer parts passably well and people tend to follow porn artists who fill their needs. Sad truth. 76k is a huge following count though, and the 19k guy is doing more than well already. I know for a fact a lot of people on /ic/ have under 1k on Twitter/Instagram and a big number of them have less than 100 followers. You guys deserve more but the real thing that gets you followings is not quality of art, but CRONYISM. Which is awful for our personality types, we hate sucking up, we're probably not keen on making friends in a superfake and utilitarian sort of way, so we don't get ahead. I really recommend for the time to at least just retweet people who draw like you in the 1k-20k range, they notice and may become your mutuals and retweet your art in turn, and then start doing things like art raffles. I had like 100 followers for over a year, I still have under 500 but I hit 300 in late December and then 400 in late January and I'm almost halfway to 500 already. It'll pick up pace with time and I'm not doing a lot of networking. So imagine the people who suck up plenty and especially those who fit a niche with a needy audience. Guy on the left is not in a hard place though, he's doing okay. But please be honest to yourself. Do art cause you love it first, not for attention exclusively.

>> No.5178910

I haven't had social media in years. It's just an ad space now, and I've understood that a career in art is impossible for me so I don't bother. Even if there were potential friends or people who liked what I like there, it feels like trying to make friends on an escalator with the strangers going in the other direction. If you are socially inept, a private person and hate talking through digital means it gets unbearable. I don't necessarily think it's about cronyism and sucking up to people but you have to be a very nicely functioning individual who can make friends and goes well with other people now, whereas in the past the internet was made almost entirely of people who were a bit awkward or offbeat.

>> No.5178911

God shut the fuck up

>> No.5179067

>The artist on the right get more likes and followers than the one on the left (which tends to mean more money).


>> No.5179091
File: 10 KB, 274x274, 532169D2-08CE-4410-A24F-AD209EED0498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shut the fuck you slack jawed dead eyed slutbag you’d be lucky to crawl back up the rancid hole you were spawned from now fack off before you get facked of you putrid puddle of pig piss

fax. based

>> No.5179093

In fact, I love 2D porn and have no qualms about supporting it

>> No.5179318

>Solid anatomy
>With that left arm
Anon, I...

>> No.5179421

Is it just me, or are those pencil marks around it from the failed attempts to draw it properly?

>> No.5180581

People have been doing realistic works for centuries, while the cartoonish styles are relatively a very recent thing.

>> No.5180591

but ...but ...but muh artistic integrity

>> No.5180992

I've given up. This is making me hate human beings desu. It's hard to accept you're living among these creatures who pass as sapient only because their desire for conformity prevents them from pulling their cock out and humping everything in sight. What the fuck are people for? Why are we even making all this effort to lengthen lifespans if this shit is all that people are about? They produce goods that mean nothing and do nothing so they can go home and consume these same things mindlessly just to pass the time. Fucking disgusting, all of it.

>> No.5182894

the truth

>> No.5182896

Are you the schizo?

>> No.5182901

What is incoherent rambling about this?

>> No.5182919
File: 269 KB, 587x802, kanamori_artistic_passion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the lesson here?
Technical skill alone is not enough, if you lack the ability to market it.

>> No.5182920

All of it stop being a bitch ese

>> No.5182924

simple people like simple art

>> No.5182926

You don't even understand the words you use, imbecile

>> No.5182935

>Sucking cocks for money is also simple.
Is it really? I wouldn't even know where to find cocks to suck, and I don't think there's much demand for professional cocksuckers of my body type and gender.

>> No.5183307

Oh my God they are

>> No.5183321

This. Popularity is from value provided to an audience or internet people - people who are just average joes who won't pay you and don't care about art quality. Dogshit that resonates with them in some way, haha funny relatable comic, coom fan art, ect is going to be far far more valuable to your average internet person than a very skillful drawing of a dude holding a funny shield.

>> No.5183946

that's what it's like working with traditional. it's a phone shot of the art, when scanned you wouldn't even notice. why is this so shocking

>> No.5183961

I get that, but look at how many attempts there are. And why did they press down so hard each time? I'm no expert, but aren't you supposed to sketch lightly? From my perspective it just screams "beg".

>> No.5184377

I don't want to draw realistic things, I want to draw interesting things.

>> No.5184435

the picture on the left is cool
the picture on the right is hot

>> No.5184723

Just say you want porn you fucking cumbrain, there's absolutely nothing interesting about a fucking anime girl floating in the air

>> No.5185899

booba always, and anime

>> No.5185912
File: 24 KB, 328x512, 1612479271289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get by on just doing tasteful nudes? of both sexes?

>> No.5186120

>Designer, Instructor at Art Center College of Design

he's doing fine

>> No.5186367

yea no adult man with dignity should watch something like attack on titan. they should watch netflix feminist show and get brainwashed like a good adult huh? retards like you are hopeless

>> No.5186380

kys meru

>> No.5186386
File: 554 KB, 500x288, d634eecc-d569-41d4-a6dc-cc12abb0d580.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5186400

only you are autistically infatuated with that character youre not even trying

>> No.5186404
File: 32 KB, 512x512, 1608019372511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, you this may be surprising to you, but this meru isn't the only person who has ever enjoyed this show.
plus it's a reaction pic goldmine

>> No.5186476
File: 8 KB, 250x199, 1579720145588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reaction pic goldmine
You're on a hyperautisticnormie board.
Reaction pics have no effect here.

>> No.5186480

If you're not sponsored by the brand of anything, never post the shitty micron brand logo front and center.

>> No.5186482

right pic is fanart of an exiting design with a bodytype you can literally find step by step guides on how to draw line by line on deviantart, the pose isnt really something you cant find reference for either

>> No.5186487

>What the fuck are people for? Why are we even making all this effort to lengthen lifespans if this shit is all that people are about? They produce goods that mean nothing and do nothing so they can go home and consume these same things mindlessly just to pass the time
philosophy has been discussing more or less the same question for a few thousand years my bruhgga

>> No.5186495

>god these commoner peasant buzzword buzzword are so easily offended
>let me go on this rage filled rant to prove how not triggered i am at this dissenting opinion

>> No.5186499

>they should watch netflix feminist show and get brainwashed like a good adult huh?
are you a third worlder

>> No.5186505

>sex work isnt legal in most places
>not only that but its highly risky
>the effort to payout ratio doesnt seem worth it
>risk of stds
>risk of a client falling in love and turning into a creepy stalker
>a pimp can dislike you taking work away from his dicksuckers and just send someone to fucking kill you
>even if you take the e-whore route there are a billion people doing the same so you have no chance to succeed
sucking cock might be pitiful, but i doubt its easy

>> No.5186508

remember to shower today

>> No.5186544

>(a lust-provoking image)
PLEASE be troll

>> No.5186894

the right causes neuron activation

>> No.5188418
File: 191 KB, 750x1056, FD417BEC-F13B-431B-AAFA-262032E8E271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lesson is to git gud and hope you strike luck with the algorithm

>> No.5188420

oh no, not an anecdotal example

>> No.5188426

Some of the highest paid artists in the world don't post online, at all.

>> No.5188581
File: 88 KB, 247x248, 1581628207112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
