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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5182432 No.5182432 [Reply] [Original]

I think they call these things pennies but I'm not sure. Basically just easily digestible little miniature art tutorials. Post them

>> No.5182436
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>> No.5182437
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Penny for your farts

>> No.5182446

This make me nostalgic, thinging back at all those bad deviant art tutorials that for some reason got massively popular despite the author barely being out of /beg/. I guess the crudeness of it all makes it feel more approachable to a beginner.

>> No.5182462

>vague childlike figures in the thumbnail
>titled Pennies
>its NOT a shota thread

Stop giving me false hope anon

>> No.5182466

I'm not sure if these shorthand tutorials actually help as opposed to actually studying fundies.

>> No.5182659


>> No.5182662

hot doga

>> No.5182781

There's nothing crabby about that post, you sensitive /beg/.

>> No.5182805

okay crabby

>> No.5183029

you should study fundamentals but seeing it from time to time will help you to remember what you learned until it became second nature.

>> No.5183072

>dont draw them like a weeb

>> No.5183074

Way to ruin your own thread. Fuck this faggot

>> No.5183199
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>> No.5183201
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>> No.5183202
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>> No.5183205
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>> No.5183210
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>> No.5183216
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>> No.5183218
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>> No.5183221
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>> No.5183229
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>> No.5183232
File: 1.21 MB, 2400x3224, exercise_29__back_to_basics_step_by_step_by_cgcookie_d7za8vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly the sort of shit i've been interested in lately
huge thanks
have this in return

>> No.5183318

Nice. You'd probably also like the posts on Gurney Journey about lost edges and painterly abstraction. I believe he has some on block-ins somewhere in there too.

>> No.5183341
File: 342 KB, 1280x1882, 1573233336938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes a blended edge and lost edge happen?

>> No.5183508
File: 182 KB, 1000x754, seagull-edges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sharper the shadow edge, the sharper the edge of the form. The softer the shadow edge, the rounder the form. Think of shadow as a turn in form, intensity depends on light position paired with how hard or soft the form is. Compare a box to a cylinder. The box always has hard edges, and every panel of the box will be a single value, yes? With the cylinder, your only hard edge is the sides and the top, the rest of a cylinder is very smooth, it is not a point like a box edge but a slow constant roundness.

Lost edge is an artist's abstraction to create interest. Think of it as softer than a soft edge. It is where form gets lost in shadow or value - where you might want to render out all forms, you choose to lose an edge in the shadows, making it interesting. The brain very much enjoys filling in the blanks of these lost edges.

Blended is between soft and lost. It is a subtle change, almost lost in shadow but barely the form shows through.

>> No.5184320

post that aged like shit

>> No.5184327

The only useful infographic ITT

>> No.5184485

this tutorials are mostly usless

>> No.5184512

Yeah, if you already know that shit or you are a /beg/ that doesn't know any better.

What kind of tutorials are useful to you?

>> No.5184540

None really, read books or watch courses instead, where things are actually explained.

>> No.5184544

Obviously preferable but if people are going to have a tutorial thread I'd rather see them checking out actual tips and art processes over "how to symbol draw an eye" or "how to draw bodies totally wrong from a specific angle"

>> No.5184559

i guess it's ok for a quick easy thing, like maybe teaching you a shortcut to do something, maybe a usefull filter in Photoshop or shit like that. But for complicated things, like perspective, composition or line of action, yoy can't rely on something like a small tutorial.

>> No.5184704

You're going to lead a lot of people completely astray with your strange mangling of those concepts...

>> No.5184709
File: 7 KB, 196x250, soy006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooooooo it needs to be itty bitty baby bite sized so I can consoom it like yummy shitposts

>> No.5184786

I've been doing this for a while now and it works pretty well but I don't see other artists do it. Why?

>> No.5184955

yeah, i wish i'd had that photo to show a guy in another thread
foreshortening is trivial once you determine the position of the hand and shoulder
it's much harder to draw the arm without that information

>> No.5185097
File: 279 KB, 1226x1570, 1501655064827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I learned much from this but the thought bubble alone makes it the most important thing I have saved from /ic/.

>> No.5185127
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>> No.5185587

Its how it was explained to me, some explain this differently, keep it in mind. If you would like to explain better, please go ahead! Maybe it will lead to a better understanding for those learning on edges

>> No.5185682

what an useless thread, go draw fucking how to hoarders

>> No.5185732

so that's why my characters foreheads look so fuckin weird

>> No.5185736

Low contrast.
Out of focus/point of interest.
Darkness eating into silhouette.
Intense brightness breaking through the silhouette/light bloom/halation.
Motion blur.
These are all real world optical effects that happen dynamically, with the eyes constantly adapting to contrast and adjusting focus. Likewise, these are the two main things a photographer is controlling in their camera, focus and exposure. But a painting is a single moment, so the artist can choose to exaggerate or capture the most intense moments for effect.

>> No.5185776
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>> No.5186623
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this thread is cool

>> No.5186637
File: 567 KB, 800x2326, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dicks, you say?

>> No.5186647

Do you have the one with all the animal dicks?

>> No.5187150

Why would you want that?...

>> No.5188619

>tfw sad panda dick

>> No.5188655

How else am I going to draw my futa's with massive horse cocks?

>> No.5189204
File: 574 KB, 1760x1232, EsKozrcUcAETbJr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
