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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 522 KB, 1237x1080, dcczv8z-35c1e3ea-d9c4-4a3b-af0b-aa6bed3d9305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5181438 No.5181438 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you really want to draw all day, but wrist pain starts to quick in
tried stretching, drawing from the elbow, pain killers, nothing seems to work for me.

>> No.5181447

>drawing from the elbow

lmao retard

draw from your shoulder, you shouldnt have to even move your wrist at all

>> No.5181452

>draw from your shoulder
Not drawing from the hips, NGMI. Everyone knows all the power comes from your core

>> No.5181453

stop jerking off anon so your wrists could heal

>> No.5181455

>not drawing from your knee
Stop skipping leg day guys

>> No.5181456

Deal with it. It’s the only thing that worked for me. I just put a heating pad on my wrist at the end of the day and sleep with it wrapped. There are athletes who tear their bodies apart for their craft. I’m no art Olympian, but I love art all the same. Don’t let your broken body stop you.

>> No.5181457

>not drawing from your ankles
definetly ngmi

>> No.5181468

>jerking with the wrist

>> No.5181486

Do as much of your practice drawing as you can on a big pad of newsprint, like 18x24. Tablets and small sketchbooks are hard on wrists so you need a big surface that forces you to draw with your shoulder.

>> No.5181514

>not drawing with your feet, utilizing knees and hips for round forms
It's like you guys don't want to make it.

>> No.5181518

based femanon

>> No.5181525

I hold my hand still and thrust my penis into my stationary palms. It’s like brushing your teeth by only moving your head side to side.

>> No.5181588

Is developing wrist pain/carpal tunnel inevitable for artists? Or is it just a result of bad habits? Does it come from gripping the pen too tightly?

>> No.5181602

do you recommend buying a big tablet? currently i have a Intuos medium.

>> No.5181680


Carpal tunnel is not an inevitability but some amount of wrist soreness will be. Just be smart and give it a rest. Death gripping your pen will fuck up your wrist. If you feel like you're grinding your wrist trying to draw a line, you have bad technique and you need to practice drawing comfortably.


Bigger is better with tablets. Get an anti-fouling glove too if your hand sticks to the surface.


It's not the same as a torn muscle, it's permanent nerve damage if you let it go too long without resting it. Athletes are generally careful and try not to permanently cripple themselves outside of an accident.

>> No.5181828

carpal tunnel is not necessarily related to muscle soreness, in fact medicine doesn't really know why people develop it.

>> No.5181860
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i use my shoulder to jerk, anon
my pp is probably my only outstanding quality
i would trade my big pp for art skills any day

>> No.5181889

> inevitable

I don't think so. I'm in my 40s and been drawing since I was in 5th grade and haven't had any issues except for a few cases of flat-finger when i was in school (it's like nintendo thumb). I've always been mindful of posture and pencil grip too so maybe that's it? I've never experienced carpel tunnel personally.

>> No.5181931

Hey anon, help me here
I went to a doc and so far took anti inflammatory meds for the ulnar nerve yet right now it was hurting like crazy, about to draw again? is it tennis elbow? dangers?

>> No.5182148

Dude I had the same thing happen. Weak/sore ulnar nerve. Doc told me to stop using my dominant hand [no phone/mouse/pen] for 6 months, unironically. It genuinely helped and the soreness is completely gone.

>> No.5182173

My wrist hurts when I draw digitally, but not traditionally. I think its the weight of the pen, but I'm not sure

>> No.5182176

Sometimes my pinky feels a little funny if I draw a lot. Is that ulnar nerve? It's subtle enough that I wonder if it's in my head. No pain at all just possible funny feel that might be in my head

>> No.5182177

Same for me. I can't draw with my intuos, my pinky feels weird almost instantly, but I can draw for hours with a pencil or my ipad

>> No.5182179
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Go lift faggots.

>> No.5182189

I don’t want to pick up bundles of sticks

>> No.5182190

That's a lot of time, I'll be sure to mention it next time I visit though
Your pain, was it horrible? describe it

>> No.5182200

What are good stretches to prevent problems?

>> No.5182236

Where did it hurt the most (as in, which area along the ulnar nerve) for you guys?

>> No.5182265

Burning sensation, like picture a line going across the elbow or the bones and into your forearm
Stings like a bitch, sore ache too

>> No.5182270

makes the pain worst fatty

>> No.5182292
File: 201 KB, 400x400, hand pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you sometimes get
>Burning sensation
>sore ache
in the red areas like in this pic?

>> No.5182960

Hey, I had the same problem.
Due to pain wrist I have been drawing with the elbow for a week and that fucked up my ulnar nerve.
Try these excercises

>> No.5183010

spend a month or two to learn ambedexterity. use the non tired hand for what you need at the moment.

>> No.5183011
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>> No.5183015

I don't think manlet means what you think it means.

>> No.5183166

I move two small balls in my hand to prevent pain from playing guitar. Make the balls go in circles, both clockwise and vice versa. Perhaps it helps drawing hand too.

>> No.5183361

You fucks don't listen to useful advice even when it's given on a silver platter.

>> No.5183380
File: 2.74 MB, 498x372, 13y6icn0b0r31.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heed my advice. i struggled with hand/arm/shoulder pain for about 2-3 years, and was in physical therapy for all of it. you want to nip this in the bud now before it gets out of control. it was extremely depressing not being able to draw, and even just get on the computer without physical pain, made me suicidal for a time. start doing daily yoga, i mean a full fucking class, daily, start strengthening your body now so you will never have to deal with it. also check out the mind body presription, its a book that discusses the manifestation of undigested emotions/trauma through physical pain. it sounds woo woo but its legit.after a year of seriously focusing on this, i have almost 0 issues with my hand arm and can draw again daily for 10+ hours without any problems.
daily yoga now save yourself from a terrible fate.

>> No.5185845

From the elbow?? Anon you're a different type of dumb

>> No.5186334

Any tips for a starting point or does the book discuss it as well?

>> No.5186342
File: 45 KB, 240x260, get-a-load-of-this-retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>useful advice on /ic/

>> No.5186452

Well shit. I thought drawing from the elbow was the fix.

>> No.5186464
File: 118 KB, 895x627, feral artist in his natural drawbitat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically draw with your other hand until you become ambidextrous.

>> No.5186496

at 2:12
>if this continues over time, you may start to experience tingling, pain and burning sensations in this area of your hand
>or weakness in the muscles that contribute to this sort of movement
...and it's exactly my problems + problem area
Fuck, time to visit a doctor, I guess

>> No.5186587

It's not inevitable. I have never gotten carpal tunnel, probably never will because I work to prevent it. I got tendonitis in my shoulder once, I was tense while drawing on an easel at 90° angle. Sucked but I learned my lesson, regular preventative stretches are necessary if you want to avoid that stuff. Don't just do carpal tunnel stretches, pay attention to elbows and shoulders too.

>> No.5186590

I think its bad habits but I've never drawn enough for it to be a problem so I can't give a concrete answer.
I use computers 24/7 though and haven't had issues cause some people get carpal from using a mouse. It's probably a combination of bad habits and genetics that cause these wrist issues.

>> No.5186598
File: 24 KB, 1065x603, feels ogey rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An example

>> No.5186707
File: 134 KB, 747x876, pic related.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use pic related or similar (finger resistance band and pinch grip exerciser). 3 sets 15 reps each, 1 - 2 x / week. Don't bother with static stretching. Resistance training at least 2 x / week (squat, push up, FIFA 11+, a sport you enjoy etc.). Myo-reps and AMRAP are effective time savers. Eccentric wrist extensions with a light weight may help but it's meant for elbow pain.

>> No.5186782

>he doesn't draw with his mouth

>> No.5188743


>> No.5188746

isn't that a traditionalist illustrator problem? Why the fuck are you fags still getting wrist pain in the era of digital illustration