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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5172278 No.5172278 [Reply] [Original]

I met this artist last year, he just some guy I would see painting abandoned structures at the park every week. One day, I summoned the courage to say hi and I tagged along with him.

Every week, he would
>Check on my work
>Pick up my spirits
> Critique me (He wash too harsh sometimes)
>Be first to like all my posts on insta
>Always check with me to come out to paint (even drag me out some days)

I can honestly say in 5 months I improved so much with him, he did too. He is legitametly the most skilled and artistic person I know. Faar better than me.

I had always drawn lewd stuff but recently due to coivd, I made a full transition NSFW commissions. One day I shared a commission I was working on as a joke and asked for advice how to approach it and I could see he was dissapointed.

He cut our meeting short and the following day, he essentially wished me all the best and said goodbye over the phone.

I am so sad and angry at myself and him. Has this happenned to anyone else before? How can I fix this?

>> No.5172282

He sounds like a sanctimonious faggot

>> No.5172284

You shouldn't be ashamed of what you want to draw as long as you stay true to yourself, but shouldn't be upset at them for not wanting to associate either. You should both move on, theres no way to recover what once was.

>> No.5172290

Unless he reaches out to you again, let it go. Some people just don't like getting presented nsfw stuff, especially if it's without warning. You probably made him really uncomfortable.

>> No.5172294

Not to mention mentoring someone who they probably thought would follow a similar path as them. Not to scar you OP, but stuff like that demotivates people from mentoring sometimes, you might be his last.

>> No.5172300

Maybe don’t share your coom to people, is sharing coom with your friends a good idea?

>> No.5172302

lol, the fate of a coomer

>> No.5172311

OP, most of us are crabs stuck in the bucket here but you actually made it out. You met the art spirit Robert Henri wrote about in the flesh and in your own words he brought out the best in you in just months.

>but recently due to coivd, I made a full transition NSFW commissions
Bullshit, It means nothing to you to desecrate that which is precious to you. What about him? I bet you he is also starving and according to you way better than you but he did not sell his soul for a few coffers. He had principles.

> As a joke I showed him a 12'' furry bbc going into a tranny
> Tell told him its an assignment for a job
> Asked for advice how to approach it
>I am so angry at him
You cant make this shit up
You are so self centered. Principles aside, you should have been more tactfull. Who just shows people porn just out in the open? You did him so wrong and the poor guy stayed around so more after.

I would have ditched you right there and then and not called back.


Congrats, your back in the crab bucket with us.

>> No.5172314

wtf is wrong with you man...
Are people on here this socially inept?
congrats, one les mentor to go around for us now.

leave him alone.

>> No.5172315

oh fuck of.
This person is litterally a model citizen.
Half of us would kill to have someone like that.

>> No.5172317

Unironically this is why I stopped giving any advice here no matter how small. I got burned a few times where I helped someone out and it turns out he was just drawing porn, I'm not going to help invaders who care nothing about art and only want to make money and jerk off.

>> No.5172326

Pray for his wellbeing on whatever path he chooses and accept the fact that you're parting ways. If what you said is true to reality, you've broken something that you will never be able to fix. Or maybe I've just messed up too many relationships myself, so I'm a bit pessimistic, haha. Anywho~ Best regards Anon, you're going to need them.

>> No.5172329


I hate you so much right now OP.

>Congrats, your back in the crab bucket with us.
No fuck this guy. Go from here do not fucking litter us with porn.
Please dont think like that. Look at how many of us are angry with him. Its always like this, the few ruin it for the majority.

Ignore degenerate posters.

Please reconsider anon. Also thanks for your help.

>> No.5172331

What a fucking prude.
A grown ass man acting this way over a NSFW drawing

What was it anyway?

>> No.5172332

How old was he anon?
Also, what made you think COOM material was not gonna shock him?

>> No.5172333

>5 months

There is that meme again.

>> No.5172335

Nope its a one way street. Been there done that.

At least now you learn (the hard way) not to do coom arts on your main account. At least your parents doesn't know it, right?

>> No.5172339

>fuck of

>> No.5172346

He was not. He was genuinely not, there were times I felt like I was just dead weight but he was patient and always reduced things to silly jokes.

I am not a sperg obviously he is only 2 years younger than me (24) and did not see why his experience of the internet would be diffrent from me. He draws nude males and women for goodnes sake.

Yh I did. He was quite throughout our last meet up and he told me himself on the phone when we last spoke.
>Some people just don't like getting presented nsfw stuff, especially if it's without warning
I feel like, if I call him and apoligise and explain myself, he would understand.

I sent him messages on his socials but he has blocked on there. Would it not be a good idea to attempt to fix things?

>> No.5172352

why is everyone acting like smutt is the of the word here...

You are taking things out of context.

WTF fuck is this place. why is everyone acting like we dont have 5 coom threads that are trending EVERY DAY
> I got burned a few times where I helped someone out and it turns out he was just drawing porn
Its still art. Makes people feel something meaningfull and are happy at the end of the day because of it.

>> No.5172354

He blocked you? Move on, bro. It’s not worth trying to repair things.

>> No.5172363

it was a 2 page sprawl of a furry tiger with a wolf. it was somewhat explicit. but it was just a sketch for my main release of the month. so details were very limited because I always do the final thing on PC.

Why could he not see that because I respected him so much his opion and input was really important to me. I am so angry right now....

he was 24

I am have nothing to hide or be ashmed of. My little sister knows and am sure my mother has been let on.
its normal. Many respect artists on discord do this on the side.

>> No.5172366

what the fuck did you send him
if it was some shit like a lizard person tonguefucking a wolf then id understand

>> No.5172369

>Please dont think like that. Look at how many of us are angry with him. Its always like this, the few ruin it for the majority.
>Ignore degenerate posters.
>Please reconsider anon. Also thanks for your help.
I want this place to die desu. If people come here thinking there's room for anything but porn they might not splinter into a healthier community.

>> No.5172371

He said it here >>5172363
>it was a 2 page sprawl of a furry tiger with a wolf. it was somewhat explicit

Imao. OP share sketch or final painting. Your disgusting degenerate by the way. Your brain is soo COOMED that you see nothing wrong with flashing this in IRL

>> No.5172373

swear i didnt update and read that before posting this >>5172366

dude. why.

>> No.5172377
File: 196 KB, 720x681, 1612035547417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many respect artists on discord do this on the side.
>My little sister knows and am sure my mother has been let on
>I am have nothing to hide or be ashmed of

How is it possible to fall this low?

>> No.5172378

I'd never mentor or waste time on someone who would just use his skills to draw furry porn.

Fucking disgusting

>> No.5172379

>I feel like, if I call him and apoligise and explain myself, he would understand.
>I sent him messages on his socials but he has blocked on there. Would it not be a good idea to attempt to fix things?
In all seriousness, leave him alone. He does not owe you anything.

You said he is only 24, so its propably idiotic youthfull ideals of his art. leave him be anon.

>> No.5172381
File: 393 KB, 494x446, basektw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Many respect artists on discord do this on the side.

>> No.5172383

If he blocked you, then its over.
He doesn't want to listen to anything you have to say.

Just move on dude and try to forget about it.

>> No.5172385

>idiotic youthfull ideals
yeah now put that cock back in your mouth or you're going to lose shekels

>> No.5172388

>its still art something something meaningful happy
Yeah right. Porn addiction can be WORSE than cocaine addiction because it's 2/3 the dopamine release, while being much easier to access, omnipresent and often used much more frequently. The feeling of emptiness, anxiety and lack of motivation is CREATED by porn, not helped by it. It didn't use to be like this, and as anyone on NoFap will tell you, it doesn't have to be. Why would I be motivated to do anything when fapping is so much easier, and more rewarding (chemically at least)?

Porn is the antithesis of art.

>> No.5172390
File: 852 KB, 200x250, Anna With A Sandwich.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not forget, but accept. All forgetting will ever do is leave you with the sense that the empty feeling inside was once filled with something important and dear.

>> No.5172393

>He draws nude males and women for goodnes sake.
> 2 page sprawl of a furry tiger with a wolf.
I have to honestly ask, does your art mean anything to you? how is the long held tradition of the nude figure comparable to a furry tiger being penetrated by a wolf?

This anon is 100% right>>5172317
This place has long been invaded by discord trannies looking to make a quick buck with smutt. Case in point

>>Many respect artists on discord do this on the side.

>> No.5172394

BAHAAHA, why is it always the furfags? How socially removed do you have to be to not be able to tell that normies get a gag reflex when they see fur shit. I'd have RAN if I was that guy, imagine wanting to do art and then the guy you're with draws animal porn, I just couldn't work like that

>> No.5172408
File: 66 KB, 702x705, le disappoint face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... I...

>> No.5172414

OP fucking deserves it. That's basically tantamount to condoning bestiality for most people. Why are furries always like this?

>> No.5172415

Well said anon. I can account first hand of what you speak of. everyday I struggle against it and some days I lose.

>omnipresent and often used much more frequently. The feeling of emptiness, anxiety and lack of motivation
and it wears me out all the time , all the time.

>> No.5172417

>why is everyone acting like we dont have 5 coom threads that are trending EVERY DAY
/ic/ does not reflect real life at all
>wow there is tons of porn on this niche website
>surely this is normal! I will show my mentor my furry porn
please. get off the fucking internet. you have brain rot.

>> No.5172418
File: 17 KB, 474x229, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was obviously because it was furry, he would've probably loved my prolapsed anuses because my style is anime!

>> No.5172419

Kek. Why has no one asked him this though;

OP, are you a tranny? you are on discord.

>> No.5172421

Ayo bruv.
OP you posted this thread on my board >>>/adv/23512305 as well saying
>I posted this thread here
>but they are angry with me, please only meaningfull advice.
Are you gonna reply to the anons there that are kind enough to advice you?

Fucking hell ... So is this where 4chans supply of furry porn is produced??
I dint even know /ic/ existed. How can I learn to make a quick buck with porn?

>> No.5172423
File: 242 KB, 477x468, every day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking hell ... So is this where 4chans supply of furry porn is produced??
>I dint even know /ic/ existed. How can I learn to make a quick buck with porn?
another one...

>> No.5172424

i had a friend that would ask me inappropriate questions around other people, like groups of people
when i would get upset, they'd brush it off as me being "shy" or "uptight"
it has nothing to do with being shy or uptight, and everything to do with disrespect
those questions and topics don't interest me, and they knew it
people like that think you should see the world in their way
they preach "openness" but what they really want is to know all your thoughts
it makes them uncomfortable to be around someone who won't share everything, it eats away at them
if you are this type of person, you need to become aware of it. and you need to realize that not everyone wants to live in your disgusting world
i hope more and more people start repelling these leftists, creeps, degenerates, whatever you want to call them
the internet and its leftists might make you think it's normal for anthropomorphic animals to have sex, and that the rest of society is stubborn and close-minded for not accepting it, but you are very wrong with that analysis
i'd say you've all got a rude awakening coming
good riddance, OP

>> No.5172426
File: 281 KB, 1144x1512, 1604157377390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giga chad artist is chad, helps beta cuck artist become good. beta cuck artist turns to the dark furry porn side. giga chad artist leaves and keeps being chad artist. beta cuck is now a dirty coomer.

>> No.5172432

>the internet and its leftists might make you think it's normal for anthropomorphic animals to have sex
are you telling me you cant differentiate between leftists and furries? hehe okay buddy better get back to the psych ward.

>> No.5172434

Leave now if you know what good for your soul. The markjet is so oversaturated, you have to spend 5 years to git gud and then you only make pennies as a COOMER.

or you can rise up to a higher calling and follow the admirable path of OPs mentor. if so seek out LOOMIS and PROKO. Godspeed.

>> No.5172435

Furries are overwhelming likely to be leftists.

>> No.5172437

All cumbrains should be gassed, you fucking weeb pedo

>> No.5172441

so because all nazis are trump fans, all trump fans are nazis? you are retarded.

>> No.5172444

You're lying to yourself if you think that leftist ideas don't naturally lend support to the existence and defense of furries.

>> No.5172446

coom is not meaningful. of course i dont know what he draws. you said he draws nudes, but not all nude is coom, except to a coom brain or to absolute normies.

restraining our appetites is something noble that literally brings us closer to god. it would be so easy to loose one's self to vice, and nothing easy is virtuous. maybe he got good in the first place because he actually respects art, seeing it as something worthy of sacrifice, but maybe he just thinks furry is disgusting. because you know, they are animals. no one says this but people who believe in their art are all fighting to advocate what they value. why share secrets with an ideological enemy who does things out of a lackadaisal capriciousness and worse, is merry about it? why cast should one cast their pearls in front of swine?

>> No.5172449

Speak for yourself, I don't do coom shit. It's my number 1 rule

>> No.5172450

But he does have a point. OP even says as much himself.
>he is only 2 years younger than me (24) and did not see why his experience of the internet would be diffrent from me.
>why is everyone acting like smutt is the of the word here...
>nothing to hide or be ashmed of. My little sister knows and am sure my mother has been let on
>its normal. Many respect artists on discord do this on the side.

All above green arrows are by OP.
He is so deluded on here >>5172346
he says
>He draws nude males and women for goodnes sake.
>Many respect artists on discord do this on the side.
I dont imagine discord is filled with right wingers fapping to furry filth.
You are 100% on point and OP demonstrates just how indept and asocial these things have made people. His mentory sounds like he is religous and is propably wallowing right now that he is going to hell for the hand he played.

>> No.5172451

>Fucking hell ... So is this where 4chans supply of furry porn is produced??
>I dint even know /ic/ existed. How can I learn to make a quick buck with porn?

Aaaaaaaa another coomer kys real quick dont let your soul be defiled by this place

>> No.5172452

the only way that is true is because leftism supports having free will and freedom of expression, not for the definite love of furries. so you could say that about anything.

>> No.5172453

I recommend https://easypeasymethod.org/nature.html
Sounds like a clickbait buy-my-stuff website, but it's just something to read and it's the most natural approach to NoFap, it makes you not WANT to fap

>> No.5172456

In the other thread he made, he states that his mentor was a Catholic.

>> No.5172457

Based. Coom "artists" will never get this

>> No.5172461

Just imagine god abandoned you so you will toughen up. Be strong.

>> No.5172463

TFW I will never be the chad that is OPs mentor. I could make a career out of making coomers miserable by upgrading their skills and nurturing them but only if they are girls though.

>> No.5172468
File: 1.43 MB, 2048x2732, IMG_0108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftism supports having free will and freedom of expression
You have not been paying attention have you?

>> No.5172470

I think hanging around on 4chan and doing nsfw stuff can really distort your perception on what is socially acceptable among normal, well-adjusted people. I have made an ass on myself on a couple of occasions because I failed to realize just vast this difference in values can be. Lesson learned - be careful with sharing your autism and degeneracy with real world friends. Don't assume everyone is openminded.

>> No.5172471

Leftists are, almost all, conformists.

>> No.5172477

He has made the Catholic kings happy.

>> No.5172482

wait a minute....

That would mean...
>Be a 24 year old catholic chad.
>Every week check on COOMER
>Make sure his COOMER spirits are not low
> Critique and guide his progress to the point COOMER thinks your being too harsh
>Make sure to like all his instagram COOMER posts, because he is an emotional sissy
>Make sure to drag his lazy COOMER ass out every week

I bet you OP recipricated 0 to little effort and the worst part is this kid is propably blaming himself and thinking he has sinned.

>> No.5172483

being intolerant towards intolerance does not make me intolerant
go post more trump inauguration fanfic in gab and cry about neolibs owning you publicly

>> No.5172487
File: 160 KB, 544x479, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Many respect artists on discord do this on the side.
What a time to be alive.

>> No.5172488

Not related to OP but I can't bring myself to share sexual artwork any longer. I thought what I was doing was more artistic but in the end I contributed to something I loathe because people just took it as porn, and tried to get me to do porn. I felt dirty at the time. I don't want to self-censor but it's sad that you cannot share anything with sexuality in it without being swarmed by a certain type of person. I understand why people have this raging sentiment against pornography, there's really too much of it and it's not even remotely in good taste.

>> No.5172491
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x972, 1612018745669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only way that is true is because leftism supports having free will and freedom of expression, not for the definite love of furries. so you could say that about anything.
> being intolerant does not make me intolerant
Well atleast we got of our high horse eh?

>> No.5172493

IMAO this is the most comfiest /ic/ thread in ages. Bless you catholic chad.

leave, save your soul you fool.

>> No.5172494

Just say it committed suicide. Why censor it.

>> No.5172500
File: 39 KB, 600x303, MIT_CHOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your brain leftism.
Am no right winger but freedom to express myself is very important to the artist in me.
>being intolerant towards intolerance does not make me intolerant
and stuff like this just scares the living shit out of me.

>> No.5172505

According to brain scans at least, it has been found that one of the key differences between conservatives and leftists is that leftist's disgust reflex is much less developed than conservative's. So yes, the average conservative is much more likely to feel disgusted and never develop sexual interest around furry, pedo, degen shit. There's a reason why leftists like Vaush, Destiny etc still get thousands of viewers and there's no broad backlash based on utter disgust with their persons.

Btw, the way porn sites are set up is to corrode that disgust reflex slowly by constantly mixing soft core and hardcore and making more extreme shit hard to avoid even for the most normal user, until he's used to seeing it

>> No.5172508

they don't want you to know how unfulfilling a life the godless liberals live

>> No.5172510

liquid cringe story

>> No.5172514

And right here is why I dont lift a single finger anymore accept for those who prove themselves to me.

and I doubt your mentor will ever bother again.
>it was a 2 page sprawl of a furry tiger with a wolf. it was somewhat explicit.
How does a sane person do this? its not normal to show this shit to someone in public let alone consume it!

He helped you at no gain to him and you spat in his face.

Leave him please. Its over forget and forgive.

>> No.5172517

Porn is porn, art is art>>5172369
This place is dying because of coomers littering their literal junk
This is what porn does to someone’s brain. Hey shithead, because I’m not as perverted as you I’m an idiot? Fucking hell no wonder this place is slowly going to shit
For fuck’s sake

>> No.5172518
File: 284 KB, 388x376, 2wert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put me in the screenshot.

>> No.5172526
File: 66 KB, 550x453, D80109F5-423B-4BF9-8ADA-790488E3C277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fucking hilarious you completely disgusting degenerate faggot. Coomers deserve everything they get. Rot

>> No.5172527
File: 1.60 MB, 500x500, Anna gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodness this thread has genuinely made me sad.

>> No.5172531

So OP has a hard time taking no for an answer, eh?

>> No.5172536

>According to brain scans at least, it has been found that one of the key differences between conservatives and leftists is that leftist's disgust reflex is much less developed than conservative's.
Holy shit, interesting.
This is the source if anyone cares, https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(14)01213-5
But it also says
>When we examined the prediction accuracy of each disgust subcondition (core/contamination and animal reminder), only animal-reminder disgust (e.g., mutilated body) was a strong predictor of political attitudes (Figure 3C; mean AUC = 0.998, SD = 0.003 for animal reminder; mean AUC = 0.548, SD = 0.125 for core/contamination).
By "animal-reminder" I assume they're talking about basic threatening imagery that provokes fight or flight. They give "mutilated body" as an example of this.

>> No.5172540

Yes. I adviced him to accept and move on and he was banging on about his mentor lying because he is
> Catholic

Beats me.

Anyways, I am broke because of pandemic and reading some of the commision threads here, you can make a ton with porn.

Can you please advice me on how to get started?

>> No.5172541

So hypothesis, I can stop watching porn by intentionally finding it disgusting? I wonder if they would actually work. Conditioning obviously does work in the inverse scenario so why shouldn’t it work the other way

>> No.5172543

SO what all that says is left leaning individuals are high iq and dont posses animalistic traits of disgust. we fill the board rooms of fortune 500 companies and manage companies far better than conservashits imao.

>> No.5172547

There is nothing wrong with being a coomer bro. Dont let these conservashits scare you.

>> No.5172553

hi, welcome to art, read the sticky, it's harder than it looks and it's going to take you at least a year or two to actually make decent money from drawing porn and you will probably give up within a day to a month tops if the only thing driving you is money
hope you enjoy your stay while it lasts

>> No.5172555

>Aaaaaaaa another coomer kys real quick dont let your soul be defiled by this place
Why are people telling me to kill myself because I want to learn to make art? I thought board is caled
>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

>> No.5172561

Bruh, you never send nsfw shit to irl friends if you both never got drunk enough to fuck with each other in the ass, there are serious friends and degenerate friends, learn to see the difference

>> No.5172563

I would agree if I was into the sort of porn I started on. Just casual normal shit. But now I scroll several pages of shit just to get a boner. I jack off every day purely out of habit that I can’t break and honestly the shit I watch would have absolutely disgusted me to start with years ago. I’m not even a weirdo coomer but if you’ve been watching porn for any significant amount of time you know for yourself for an objective fact that a lot of it is fucking gross, even the relatively vanilla stuff

>> No.5172565

You dont want to make art, you want to cum. Go jerk of and see how much you feel like being ”creative”, be honest with yourself. Or possibly you think art can make you a quick shekel from twitter, which just isnt the case.

>> No.5172568

if you have been long enough you would understand. took a 3 year break, came back, it was more covered coom than ai uehara's arm pit.

>> No.5172571

>>>5172451 #
>>Aaaaaaaa another coomer kys real quick dont let your soul be defiled by this place
>Why are people telling me to kill myself because I want to learn to make art? I thought board is caled
>>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

Holy shit you fit right in

>> No.5172573

OP is that dude who goes around thinking everyone else smokes weed or is OK with it

>> No.5172577

>There is nothing wrong with being a coomer bro.
You are not your brothers keeper.
If you watch porn you know the innadequacy and hell it brings into your life. Are you psychopathic that you woul wish this on someone free of it?

>> No.5172580
File: 121 KB, 558x848, 3A2BEA34-909D-43C0-B04E-618284F2622E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP is that dude who goes around thinking everyone else smokes weed or is OK with it

>like fuckin everybody does it dude stop being such a bitch man nobody can even tell I’m high. Even if they did they wouldn’t care. I go to work high all the time and my manager is just like “Jerry go collect the carts from around the car park”. It’s a total trip man have you ever pushed like 10 shopping carts at once? It’s like a fuckin... train or like a snake or something man it’s crazy. Crazy.

>> No.5172584

Ezekiel 25:17

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides
By the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
Shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee
With great vengeance and furious anger
Those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know my name is the Lord
When I lay my vengeance upon thee

>> No.5172585

Oh I see, sorry that was emberrasing.
I've been ferloughed for months and am skint :(
I will leave it at that then, thanks for sparing the disapointment.

Looks your board is going through an identity crisisa though. Goodluck, wish you all the best

>> No.5172590

This board knows exactly who it is but it doesn’t want to be it. Hence why we’re overrun with trannies. The only hope is to reroll. new board

>> No.5172593

>So hypothesis, I can stop watching porn by intentionally finding it disgusting?
The study says that the evaluation of how disgusting the images were didn't differ significantly between conservatives and liberals, the difference could be seen in the brain imaging (at least from what I understood). So your conscious assessment doesn't matter that much. That said it's unclear if "animal reminders" included sexual things.

>> No.5172595

Thanks anon, beautiful scripture. Stay safe.

>> No.5172597

>Please dont think like that. Look at how many of us are angry with him. Its always like this, the few ruin it for the majority.
>Ignore degenerate posters.
>Please reconsider anon. Also thanks for your help.
this is the most pathetic thing I’ve read here in months

>> No.5172600

>posting this unironically

lmfao is this comment real

>> No.5172606

But you can change your unconscious mind over time clearly. I started out disgusted and I chose to watch porn repeatedly until I wasn’t. The motivator being sexual desire. If I did the opposite and became averted to porn it would be harder because the motivator would be purely not wanting to be a coomer. But I think it would work. You’d have to find some internal natural urge akin to the urge to nut. I’d say the urge to not be a degenerate is an inbuilt natural motivator for actions. Nutting is just easier though. The people with a greater desire to not be a degenerate than a desire to coom truly are more righteous imo and objectively deserve to take a moral high horse

>> No.5172607
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, DDC4A888-2A00-43FA-B179-4463EAF609DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>5172584 (You) #
>>posting this unironically

>Thinking I posted it seriously

>> No.5172612
File: 88 KB, 774x287, QoOmlbBkal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A trip fag called SENGOKU just made a new thread asking how to make COOMER bucks

This board is over, the one needs deposit the imbalanced mathmatical equation unto the machine mainframe, therefore, reloading /ic/ the 7th time.

COOMERS have gotten exceedingly good at compromising /ic/

>> No.5172613

>I started out disgusted and I chose to watch porn repeatedly until I wasn’t.
That's probably because as >>5172505 said
>Btw, the way porn sites are set up is to corrode that disgust reflex slowly by constantly mixing soft core and hardcore and making more extreme shit hard to avoid even for the most normal user, until he's used to seeing it

>> No.5172614
File: 40 KB, 600x603, Oh_My_Sides!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


put me in the in the last screencap of 6th version of /ic/

>> No.5172615
File: 1.06 MB, 2452x1496, E9F7BBD0-F539-47C2-9C0A-7E0318899DDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trip fag
why do you discord tranny newfags keep trying?

>> No.5172616

How is it possible to be this stupid? what happened, your balls fall of?

>> No.5172622

So, care to show us what you showed him?

>> No.5172625

the dubs know

>> No.5172627
File: 256 KB, 719x822, look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5172630

At some point in life I started finding fanservice distasteful. I started getting indignated, not because of morals or anything, but simply because I could see that the artist didn't have skills or content to make his work entertaining, so he put some tits and ass there and expected me to be stupid enough to buy his shit anyway. Fanservice is the analogue of saying something is $9.99 instead of ten dollars so that you think it's 9 dollars, it should piss you off. And that's just fanservice, imagine the hate I feel for trendhopping coomers. They're disrespecting you, they are destroying art, and they're making things worse for everyone. They are agents of destruction.

>> No.5172633

sounds like he was getting tired of your shit long before you sent him nsfw art, he was just looking for an excuse to get rid of you.

>> No.5172637

Who is one among us?
what about the nigger morpheus?

Also what the book archives? the courses?? we need to keep Villpu material

>> No.5172638

you had me worried, anon

>> No.5172642

Idiot,Vilpu was the original COOMER. The jews had already comprised us via the zion archivez.
The archive needs to burn. then and only then can this board start afresh.

>> No.5172646

>Vilpu was the original COOMER
Post proof or fuck of. Drawing nude figure does not count

>> No.5172647
File: 60 KB, 600x400, B5843DA7-80AC-4238-BBD7-B8F2510D3242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psst... pssst hey.....you wanna coom?

>> No.5172650

You sold out. Now live with it. I would do exactly the same what he did. There is no reason to commit to porn or fetish drawing besides instant gratification. Every fetishist and coomer has to understand the consequences of what they're doing and the value you lose. Did you really think you can make all those thousands of buckaroos from diaper furry shit without any repercussions? Objectively speaking of course nothing matters, go read Camus or get into nihilism to feel good about yourself like the rest of the planet. Honestly this story and thread almost made me not paint today actually, people like you truly defile the art spirit and bring us down collectively. I will choose to take solace in the fact that when things got tough, I chose not to do what you did and worked hard instead. And that is why you are now going to seek people to respect you again while people like me will forget you even existed in a few hours while I draw some more vilppu and then some comps with characters for commissions. Live with your choices.

>> No.5172655
File: 54 KB, 550x300, DELETO SEMENTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5172658

Do you think this is an invading soldier or just a rondom COOMANON? seems odd that he wouls have a trip fag

>> No.5172663

He is right.
Villpu was the lead designer on the my little pony show. He also animated some of it. The pony shift is where it all started from. All of it.

>> No.5172667

Back then they were children's cartoons. He can't be responsible for what coomers do with your drawings. If you coom on his figures, it doesn't make them sexualized. It just makes you a coomer.

Bottom line- Show one piece of explicit sexualized content that he has drawn. You can't. Nice cope though.

>> No.5172671


>> No.5172673
File: 70 KB, 227x252, biwtf_scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The pony shift is where it all started from. All of it.
Holy shit this is true. He was one of the Horsemen

>> No.5172686

good god.

>> No.5172691

theres a difference between politics and personal opinions. im not suggesting we make a law that makes it impossible to be a furry. im just not trying to make friends with them. simple as that. why does everything have to go to these extreme whataboutism lenghts with you "liberals".

>> No.5172692

>The jews had already comprised us via the zion archivez.
>The archive needs to burn. then and only then can this board start afresh.
Holly shit now it makes sense. Why did you faggots hide it from me? is this why we have always been inundated with COOMERS.

To hell with any archival preservations. This board needs to burn and start afresh. I am so disgusted with Villpu.

That may very well be so anon but we can no longer afford to be naive and continue to build on faulty foundations. Does it not seem wierd that COOMERS are showing up from everywhere.

Even a mild mannered catholic boy whom only wanted to lead other artists to bettering themselves has been scared.

look fresh recruits
We cannot continue like this.

>> No.5172698

You shared it with a Catholic lol, he probably thinks he failed you as a mentor

>> No.5172703

There isn't even anything wrong with sexual art. A lot of great art is sexual. It's porn that is the problem, but cumbrains are literal cultists and they know that they have to blur the boundary between porn and sexuality, so that all sexual art is treated as porn, and all nudity or beauty is treated as porn, so that porn which is an inhuman machine thing will substitute the arts and beauty and sexuality which are human things. Coomers are anti-huma. I'm not a Christian but they're the closest to the agents of Satan I can imagine. They're undoers of beauty, and once beauty is gone there's no reason to be human.

>> No.5172709
File: 20 KB, 600x596, 35-358224_circle-frame-abstract-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MFW these retards are just now discovering that /ic/ was all along a board for COOMERS. You purists hopeless romantics are the onces out of place.

>This board is over, the one needs deposit the imbalanced mathmatical equation unto the machine mainframe, therefore, reloading /ic/ the 7th time.
Since you like your pasta in matrix recipes.
>You've had your time.
>The future is *our* world
>The future is our time.

>> No.5172712

>no trip
You need to go back.

>> No.5172714
File: 36 KB, 700x632, rape2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5172715

Coom art came from came from people who weren't satisfied with sexual art lol

>> No.5172718

I refuse to believe this is true, this cant be. cant be

>> No.5172719

That's exactly what I said. Pornography is the enemy here. Vilppu is such a wholesome man literally too good for this world. Honestly you fags don't deserve him, to watch posts talking shit like that and making shit up about him is the reason I left in the first place. And I can see coming back was a mistake. Enjoy this degenerate cesspool, no amount of us keeping the right and proper guidance will ever be enough for these perverted manchildren.

>> No.5172722

They were here from the very start, you're just newfags who are bad at drawing

>> No.5172723
File: 272 KB, 1545x869, 6F638D64-F910-4B99-8215-436B4C074DEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re d/ic/ks
And we’re COOMERS

>> No.5172725

>MFW these retards are just now discovering that /ic/ was all along a board for COOMERS.
I've been here for a decent amount of time and the board wasn't nearly as filled with porn as it is right now. Case in point, recently they added straight up porn ads that were not there before (though I have never seen any ads because I block them).

>> No.5172730

Ever since Hiroyuki became the new head of the site, he had porn ads on 4chan.org domain while having sfw ads on 4channel.org domain.

>> No.5172735
File: 463 KB, 1200x1657, 1612016467908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THis is almost too sad to laught at.
To see ones hopes and faith leave ones body.
I gave you the truth. Now we must move forward.

Remeber to pester mods about needing to delete everything and start from scratch.

Every town hall meeting.
Every event mas mailing event where mods are being selected.
Every General assembly of the Chairmain Jackie chan.

We have to put a stop to this.

>> No.5172736
File: 353 KB, 1280x1216, vilppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you can't create. You tell yourself you lack the willpower and goodness of heart to ever do something as good and honest as this. So you choose to destroy. You see something good, wholesome and genuine and you choose to resent it. You are so filled with envy and jealousy, dark twisted and disgusting inside that the only way for you to cope is to destroy it. You tell yourself a fake story about how he was never good in the first place, he's just like you!!! And so you swallow the pill of degeneracy and go down the path you have chosen. And once you are far deep enough, there's nothing else left for you but to bring others to your level just so you can feel alive again. All of this could've been avoided if you were genuine and worked hard, really hard. But this is easier isn't it. Absolutely pathetic galaxy levels of cope. Out of all the shitposts you can read, these are the most depressing and hopeless. So sit here and cope, I'm actually done with this shithole.

>> No.5172739

I am for purging COOMERS but urge you that we must recognise we have been compromised by VILPPU. he is a hack and a COOMER.

>> No.5172744

>Every event mas mailing event where mods are being selected.
>Every General assembly of the Chairmain Jackie chan.
Are you serious? who has time for this? I did not even know such things existed.

Look thank you for the info you shared, I kinda lost respect for Vilppu but I got life and I want to gitgud. I cant do this. Am sorry man.

>> No.5172745

you must be 18 etc etc

>> No.5172760

yeah ok but this place is riddled with cumbrains now and it wasn't nearly as porn infested before. there's a lolicon general ffs

>> No.5172768

This is so beautufull
the line are so flowing and leading to key areas the of former emperors crown.
Its honestly really good.

Is it years anon?

>Every town hall meeting.
>Every event mas mailing event where mods are being selected.
>Every General assembly of the Chairmain Jackie chan.
I can see /ic/ means allot to you but it is dead. This thread is the best proof so far

>> No.5172778

Don’t forget to report the loli general every time you see it

>> No.5172785

It was always there. Teal drew loli but he gave good redlines to others

If you don't know what his name is, then you're definitely new

>> No.5172792

There wasn't a general before. Not a furry one either.
There were a lot more people focused on concept art and "the industry" than making patreonbuxx with porn before. There were always drawthreads up with actual art instead of drama and now I rarely find them and they're barely active. I have no idea why you faggots insist on lying and being delusional about this, this board and the entire site has changed considerably over time and even more so in the last 5 or 6 years.

>> No.5172798

The level of coping with being lazy and encouraging shitty habits has gone way up too. I just come for books every few months and then leave.

>> No.5172807

I..is this true?
Has any corroborated his claim...

>> No.5172810
File: 1.17 MB, 720x960, 1597093885430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stopped browsing /v/ because i was sick of all the mentally ill teenagers screaming tranny at each other and posting the same pictures ad infinitum
>turns out it's not a /v/ problem, just a 4chan problem
Idk why I'm lying to myself in thinking there's worthwhile things to be found on /ic/, because there absolutely isn't besides the MEGA. No one can critique and no one can take critique, there's no passion here, just a bunch of weebs trying to make anime porn for a fast payout, unaware that their impatience and disinterest in the hobby at it's core will ultimately be their downfall.
I've got to find a better way to spend my time when I'm not bored, because 4chan isn't the fucking answer

>> No.5172829

I don't understand the proposed connection between drawing porn and lacking worth ethic. I'd rather hang out with a furfag who studies animal anatomy for hours a day even if it's ultimately for drawing dick sucking tigers and lizard men with prolapsed anuses than some trad guy with high ideals who doesn't have the same passion for drawing

>> No.5172832

>it was a 2 page sprawl of a furry tiger with a wolf.

lmao retard

>> No.5172842
File: 17 KB, 240x320, 137593505136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am have nothing to hide or be ashmed of. My little sister knows and am sure my mother has been let on.
>its normal.
Jesus fucking christ your lack of social awareness is impressive. I'm getting second hand embarassment just from reading your posts.

>> No.5172843

> I'd rather hang out with a furfag who studies animal anatomy for hours a day even if it's ultimately for drawing dick sucking tigers and lizard men with prolapsed anuses
Really bro? That's disgusting. At least the guy who lost his passion can always rekindle the flame. That's inspiring actually, I often wish for purist oldfags to come back and set the record straight on this shithole. What's inspiring about a prolapsed furry anus, Jesus Christ you idiots are so far down the rabbit hole you can't see the forest from the trees.

>> No.5172845

>There wasn't a general before. Not a furry one either.
Correct, there was a NSFW general that furries partook in. JMGN was one of then

>> No.5172851

>At least the guy who lost his passion can always rekindle the flame.
They never do because they realized can grift on anti-SJW podcasts instead lol

There's no incentive for them to create art since AAA stuff does their subject matter faster, cheaper, and better.

>> No.5172878

Exactly. Old /ic/ is dead now.

>> No.5172884

thats what you get for being a degenerate coomer

>> No.5172901
File: 2.72 MB, 2000x3566, left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we're saying that you're disfunctional and the source of almost all societal problems (trannies, pedos, furries, scat, guro, etc) while NORMAL people are rightfully disgusted.

It also means that leftists aren't properly assessing dangers, which is why our countries are overrun with criminals from countries with far higher murder rates

Pic related, left is associated with far higher suicides, mental illness, depression, less children, less meaning in their lives and so on

>> No.5172904

I don't know how someone can make posts like this on the art/critique board of a taiwanese basket weaving forum, and then walk away thinking 'yes, i am not like the mental cases i talk about nonstop. i am sound minded.'
The 4chan logic loop

>> No.5172910

This is 4chan, the fuck do you expect? Also, you know I'm right

>> No.5172920

>Also, you know I'm right
Maybe you are, but it's really like a retard making fun of an autist. It's like, yeah he's an autist, but
pot and kettle, you know? you think i'm taking the retard seriously in this instance? get some priorities mate

>> No.5172922

Villpu is actually the first person on record to say the word “brony”. Check his twitter

>> No.5172927

You what the wierd thing is?
>we fill the board rooms of fortune 500 companies and manage companies far better than conservashits imao.
Its a known matter of fact that convervatives make for far greater managerial positions. This isnt even a claim am making.

The scientific literature published all throughout scandinavia in the 90s settled it.

in the big 5 personality trais, Conservatives are high in industrusiness, low on openess and high in disgust. Liberal are high in openess, empathy etc.

While liberals/left leaning indivduals make for great artists and people who like novelty, they do not make for good board room leaders.

This is something that effeminate J Peterson has written about allot and talks about all the time too.

>> No.5172928

They have a better work ethic than conservatives unfortunately. Most conservatives just fantasize and pay useless grifters.

>> No.5172929

Well, I find it more retarded not to take an argument for its merit, and instead obsess over where and how it was posted. That is superficial thinking. I wouldn't have to be so outrageous in presentation if this wasn't 4chan, and I wouldn't have started doing this if someone else hadn't already shat up the board

>> No.5172931


>> No.5172933
File: 90 KB, 1024x675, 18EC6D5D-0A3E-4412-9EFF-AB568B936691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old ic is dead. LONG LIVE IC

>> No.5172934

Or as it’s known colloquially, the pooploop

>> No.5172941

>While liberals/left leaning indivduals make for great artists
Judging by the current art climate this is highly debatable

>> No.5172944

>Pic related, left is associated with far higher suicides, mental illness, depression, less children, less meaning in their lives and so on
Honestly this has more to do with industrialization than people being left-leaning. Of course the current state of this fucking planet demands that we switch to some pseudo-communist mindset where everyone but the ruling class is equally miserable, but that's just because the system would collapse otherwise.

>> No.5172948

I would argue to be a great artist you need both the conservative side and the liberal side
The conservative side so that your art hold values instead of being nihilistic, the liberal side so that it's not an instruction manual

>> No.5172950

Who would have thought being well balanced would help a person

>> No.5172954

A short lesson on 'context and timing' for you, anon
Discussing political beliefs in an environment that nurtures such discussions = normal
Discussing political beliefs when prompted, perhaps in an environment not necessarily tailored for such discussion = fine
Whipping out the 'leftoids bad' image macros and writing up paragraphs from your political dissertation on a board for studying art = not normal
I'm not going to read all the bullshit that precedes your post to disertain "who started what" but a sound minded person wouldn't engage either way.

>> No.5172955
File: 19 KB, 850x553, Model-projections-of-mental-health-by-political-ideology-controlling-for-age-and-sex (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true that industrialization has caused a spike in these things, but when one looks at each group individually, conservatives fare better

>> No.5172956

>unaware that their impatience and disinterest in the hobby at it's core will ultimately be their downfall.
ah yes, because artists who don't draw porn will ultimately find success/validation/money/etc.
you talk like drawing degenerate shit hasn't become pretty much the only feasible way to live with art unless you're making friends at CalArts.
>I don't understand the proposed connection between drawing porn and lacking worth ethic.
yeah it's totally not the path of least resistance where you need 1% of the skills to make it
are you one of the retards who think pornshitters are the new Michelangelos, as if they knew anatomy instead of realizing that you simply have no standards?

>> No.5172957

based listen to this guy. Lot of you could learn from him

>> No.5172961

That graph is bullshit. It doesn't address for age. Extremely conservative adults don't have to deal with the shit of the youth. Of course younger people will be further into the liberal spectrum, and because of they shit they have to deal with they're more prone to mental illness.
I'm not defending any position, but people need to learn to take statistics with a little bit of salt.

>> No.5172962

The meaning of liberal has shifted to mean the exact opposite in America. The modern "liberal" mostly refers to authoritarian group think masquerading as someone who cares about openness and empathy. Old school, real liberals make for good artists but this distinction isn't as clear as it used to be. I don't know what a modern American conservative is, sucking corporate cock is all I can think of. Neither are good indicators of an artist anymore.

>> No.5172970

>I don't know what a modern American conservative is
Honestly it just means tradcath larping Trump voters. Americans are all completely retarded from the far left to the far right.

>> No.5172971

Looks like based centrism wins again.

>> No.5172972

Not to be off topic, but I went to school with the artist who made that gif. Pretty neat to see it here

>> No.5172974

I agree actually, I find it out of place as well. If this board hadn't started getting political, I would most certainly have avoided it myself. But it did become political, and if I have something of value to say, I'd like to say it. The image macro was a lil much tho, and I regret picking it

>> No.5172978

Only 100 or so posts of political drivel till we hit the bump limit and the entire conversation disappears forever brooooos let’s GO. time to ramp up those fingers and cut your posts down to five paragraphs. God I love changing literally no ones opinion and feeding my ego :^)

>> No.5172979

OP posted this thread on /adv/ actually so its not gonna end that easy.

>> No.5172980

It's not like actually making art has any more impact on the art community unless it's coom of course.

>> No.5172983
File: 54 KB, 667x470, 59d5b90f7fae4f8b21325278b53cff49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respect isn't won, it's earned. And him dropping you could be one of the most important lessons he gives you.

Double down on all that he's taught you, push to keep learning, and in a year or more check in to see how he's doing, and share your gains. Say you had to reevaluate your values (if you actually did), and just say that you haven't forgotten him and his words weren't wasted.

Similarly, it sounds like you have low self-esteem. That also isn't given, you have to do something worthy of esteem. Try volunteering on weekends while you sort your thoughts out.

>> No.5172985
File: 28 KB, 591x82, Screenshot_2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental health worsens with age, actually

>> No.5172989

Serious question since we're on the subject of coom vs art. I learned how to draw because I wanted to draw porn. No pretext. But after while I realized that I really enjoy drawing and art, and I want to give up coom for good. How much of a bitch move would it be to just nuke my accounts with no warning?

>> No.5172992

hahahaha are you nuts, OP isn’t looking to reassess his values. He just wants to continue being a degenerate and be accepted for it by.. Christians? He’s not had a change of heart and he’s definitely not gonna start volunteering at the homeless shelter. He will draw coom forever then give up drawing

>> No.5172994

it would be pretty chad, desu

>> No.5172995

>How much of a bitch move would it be to just nuke my accounts with no warning?
The bitch move is keeping the accounts you fucking degenerate retard. I bet you don’t stop, because you love the attention. Don’t you? You dirty little Instagram slut

>> No.5173000

Younger people are disproportionately mentally ill compared to boomers. The levels of mental illness we have today didn't exist even 20 years ago.

>> No.5173005

From working as a teacher I can say that almost all teenagers are retarded, and almost all need the most basic things explained. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that he's still young. It is after fuckups where kids know they've fucked up that you can reach them. I'm not surprised or bitter if it's another dumbass online who wants to complain and not change. What you posted isn't any kind of insight.

>> No.5173010
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, C11185DD-6BCA-4A5C-B9F8-B036B25CDC27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we will never know what went wrong. I wonder what dramatic change happened within the last 20 years that changed the way humans function entirely. I suppose we will just have to wonder, internet stranger

>> No.5173015

yes it was the internet and social media, how does that change the fact that younger people today are far more mentally ill than older people, simply because they grew up in a retarded environment?
A better study would have accounted for age and other factors. Just drawing a parallel between mental illness and political spectrum is moronic, a conservative in ultra-liberal California would go insane.

>> No.5173019

He sounds extremely based. Fuck cumbrains.

>> No.5173024
File: 58 KB, 456x740, CAD93A09-EBD8-4DD3-8EB6-28EF0E710F7D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>5172584 #
>>posting this unironically
>>>5172595 #
>lmfao is this comment real

>> No.5173029


why would you show nsfw furry art to a person who you look up to op....that’s like showing porn to your teacher or smthng

>> No.5173030
File: 83 KB, 275x361, 712E1B9C-4B14-4287-A4CF-D9E3B5E2A206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not part of the political conversation mate I’m someone else. Yes it was the internet, yes it changes nothing. There is literally nothing you can do about it. The world is ruined. Well, not necessarily ruined but by most normal peoples perspective yes it’s ruined. There’s no objective right or wrong in the world. Things just are. Things were better before, now they’re different. There’s no going back. Just adapting. All you can do is take the clownpill and try to be balanced in a wonky world

>> No.5173034
File: 47 KB, 480x480, D511C70D-DD27-415D-A2D7-E73899964F27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based naiveposter stay safe

>> No.5173039

This thread has to be bait

>> No.5173040
File: 83 KB, 1125x839, photo_2020-02-12_18-42-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough, you're right. But the study accounts for that as pic related showed >>5172985

Also, when compared with other groups with similar average ages, such as "Alt-Right", the leftist groups maintain a strong lead (picrel)

>> No.5173044

OK but what does that have to do with the fact that the graph doesn't prove that being liberal is directly related to mental illness, and this graph could mean all sorts of things, e.g. that liberals are usually more urban people, and urban people are more neurotic. Do you understand I was talking about the graph here >>5172955 and what you think about the world has no bearing on this specific discussion?

>> No.5173050

Leftists seem to express a lot of disgust towards anything "problematic" though, vehemently so.

>> No.5173057

Imo its not a bitch move, its your art so youre free to do as you please with it. Tho I think it'd be polite to give your viewers a 3 day warning about the nuke, if you're not against others keeping your old coomart saved.

>> No.5173098

>>>5172989 #
>Imo its not a bitch move, its your art so youre free to do as you please with it. Tho I think it'd be polite to give your viewers a 3 day warning about the nuke, if you're not against others keeping your old coomart saved.

do you really want to pander to cumbrains like this guy? People who will get annoyed at you because you took a couple of images YOU PRODUCED from their literally endless porn supply? pull out now

>> No.5173104

Why is most coom art gross? It should be possible to make beautiful coom art, since art can beautify anything, even animalistic sex acts, but why is it so rare? Why do coomers enjoy cooming to gross and ugly images?

>> No.5173115

Because they are not people. They don't share ideals like real people do. They are slaves to their animalistic instincts.

>> No.5173116

Why the fuck is everyone acting like a little bitch today? I just wanted to get some advice on how to handle thing and you guys just bashed me. I went and created another thread on /adv/ to get actual advice and you guys followed me and poisoned the will against me, to the point that even /adv/ is telling to kill myself.


I've been through so much today, I had to take a hour break from 4chan and detox.

and worse my commision for the month is way over due as I could not bear to look at it for entire week.

You can join follow me on twitter to get details for my paid memberships sites.

I really dont share my twitter handle here today though.
Reach me at furtastic219412@protonmail.com

Thank you anon, it really means allot to me that /ic/ is full open minded people like you .
>Respect isn't won, it's earned. And him dropping you could be one of the most important lessons he gives you.
I guess I learn this the hard way today, even if it was not fair to me to have judged like that by him.

>Double down on all that he's taught you, push to keep learning, and in a year or more check in to see how he's doing, and share your gains. Say you had to reevaluate your values (if you actually did), and just say that you haven't forgotten him and his words weren't wasted.
>I wish I had the chance for this but I think the earlier anons, I called him a few hours ago and as brief as he could he said its okay but he wishes to be really left alone.

I know if call him tomorrow or day after he will change his number, because he could have just lied to me and said my mom is sick wih Covid and I will be busy for a few months and I would hace understood and gave him his space. I know, he jus wants to be left alone.

Thank you for your kind words, all the best with your art gains anon :)

>> No.5173119

Good post. Digits of truth confirm your statement.

>> No.5173120

Am so vexed my format and spelling is all ove the place here anon.
>>Double down on all that he's taught you, push to keep learning, and in a year or more check in to see how he's doing, and share your gains. Say you had to reevaluate your values (if you actually did), and just say that you haven't forgotten him and his words weren't wasted.
I wish I had the chance for this but I think the earlier anons, I called him a few hours ago and as brief as he could he said its okay but he wishes to be really left alone.

>> No.5173124

This has to be bait

>> No.5173125

Good riddance.

>> No.5173126

So this post was an ad then? What a fucking faggot sage

>> No.5173136

>because he could have just lied to me and said my mom is sick wih Covid and I will be busy for a few months and I would hace understood and gave him his space
I dont think he wants to lie, you dont see anything wrong with lying thats why you dont understand. He could have lied you to rather than blocking you from his social media account.

He just wants to be left alone. Please accept that and leace the poor kid alone.

>Reach me at furtastic219412@protonmail.com
You are such a lowly hive of scum that it did not subconciously escape you to notch your twitter follower count by +1?

Seriosuly, you se no problem with this potential follower of yours associating this episode with you as a person?
Look, I know your feelings are hurt but please call it a day. Dont do anything stupid. some of these anons are just goading you on.

>> No.5173138

Most people aren't passionate about coom art. For most, its like the college girl you would have never guessed secretly works at the strip club and gets railed by old rich men to pay her tuition. She hates it, she doesn't want to do it, even if it feels kind of good in the moment, when she returns back to normal society she feels disgusted and doesn't tell anyone for fear of judgement. She wants to make that money and move on and do the stuff she really wants to do.

The best coom artists don't give a fuck. They can still be making money off their work, but it wasn't about that when they started. They just do what they want.

>> No.5173144

>Reach me at furtastic219412@protonmail.com
>You can join follow me on twitter to get details
The absolute state of COOMERS.
Are you this poor? +1 makes all the diffrence in the world?

>worse my commision for the month is way over due as I could not bear to look at it for entire week.
I hope that bites you up the arse shitting out beloved /ic/

>> No.5173145

>The best coom artists don't give a fuck.
My man KJG

>> No.5173155
File: 93 KB, 800x800, 51e6482c0a2e7062d8ed0d8ba4e1bcdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I emailed you please reply to me am eager to see your stuff.

>> No.5173156

come on you know that email sounds fake as fuck

>> No.5173158

This dumb OP.
I was able to get his twitter handle through his proton email.

His twitter is littered with Furry and MLP COOM. How is twitter hosting this stuff.

>> No.5173161 [DELETED] 
File: 927 KB, 1159x839, 34030e076b86019f186dbacf22883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5173162

I dont even know if al of this is his, his group or his followers.


>> No.5173165 [DELETED] 

I have your twitter account and email. Am reporting you to twitter as well.

I've reported you to mods on 4chan for doxxing me as well.

>> No.5173168

reporting time share the link bruh

>> No.5173170

How i would enjoy turning you into a soap bar

>> No.5173172

Is this real?
wtf who gets of on this? who?

OP is this spent years labouring and learning for ? why....

>> No.5173177

>I've reported you to mods on 4chan for doxxing me as well.
Why are degenerates so hyperbolic
How did not dox you. you shared your own email here. thats all there is. Your so called art does not have any identifying marks.
Face it, greed played you.

>> No.5173178
File: 145 KB, 269x285, 14AiDiKTso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello darkness my old friend.mp3

>> No.5173181

Hmm I like it OP. good style form and the lighting is on point.

Post your own work faggot.

>> No.5173185

Someone on here told me they regretted teaching me how to draw after posting a lewd. Was that you, little faggot?

>> No.5173190

faggot samefag

>> No.5173193
File: 94 KB, 750x920, niggawhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you see nothing wrong with flashing this in IRL
exactly my thoughts
you have to realize that on here you can be a complete degenerate and nobody will bat an eye but if you try to show someone porn, no matter how mild it is, in real life, they're not going to look at you favorably and they shouldn't
I'd block you immediately as well, just as another anon said
that just not some shit you'd do in real life or in person
on here sure, everyone's a degenerate here, but not IRL
hell, most of us here are probably normal as shit IRL and would still block you lmao

>> No.5173205

>samefagging this hard

>> No.5173211

lol so not only is it gay furry porn op but its gore too? you showed this to a normie catholic and was surprised when he wanted nothing to do with you?

>> No.5173217

I can't tell if the furry retard OP or the "sacred art" fart huffers are more retarded

>> No.5173222
File: 98 KB, 640x942, 1608501570382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this esl samefagging
fake and gay
stay mad and stay poor OP

>> No.5173223

We need Boxman to come and scientifically calculate the retardation index of each party

>> No.5173228

holy fuck owned hahaahahah

>> No.5173229

Was that actually a drawing of OP's or did you just post some rando's degenerate furry porn

>> No.5173230
File: 88 KB, 592x475, 1612016602540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcum brother, you'll fit right in here.

>> No.5173240

preach my nigga

>> No.5173248

blessed post

>> No.5173254


>> No.5173268

share link op, I want to see

>> No.5173269

Ancient oldfag 2009+ here and... all I have to say is well fuck what the hell are you even supposed to say to all this, what can man do against such reckless degeneracy. I know it's my own fault to staying for so long but this has been the most hopeless but this was extremely depressing to read.
It's been a fun run but this thread is the reason I am never coming back here ever again...

>> No.5173277

>FUCK OF!!111

gif of michael jackson (rip) eating popcorn

>> No.5173305

>ancient oldfag 2009+

>> No.5173315

The dualty of 4chan:

1) be militantly against coomer degeneracy, to the extent it mirror's a nazi's views.

2) why are the japanese better at art than us? must be genetics.

>> No.5173324

I want to think it's two spicy baits in one post but I fear your perception of the world around you is genuinely this delusional and fraught with confirmation bias.

>> No.5173338

i haven't shared my perception of "the world."

just pointed out something funny about 4chan.

>> No.5173362


How does it feel to be a prostitute.

>> No.5173374

It's duality of faggots. Not everyone around is like that.

>> No.5173418

I'd cut all ties with you too OP.

>> No.5173433

Being a real prostitute sounds more fun, at least you get some dicks in the ass

>> No.5173444

Just let it go and move on you psycho.

>> No.5173447

fuck off

>> No.5173550

What's with all the larping pol faggots, y'all sound like you just got your penis washed personally by Dr. Peterson

>> No.5173551
File: 287 KB, 629x601, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, but you're white

>> No.5173554

this nigga really identified your race from some text

>> No.5173599
File: 31 KB, 402x604, 1589524437797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I got burned a few times where I helped someone out and it turns out he was just drawing porn, I'm not going to help invaders who care nothing about art and only want to make money and jerk off.

It's so sad how few people on this site are actually passionate about art and have something they want to say with their art instead of just wanting to make porn. Why do coomers dominate this board? And if it's not coom it's some weebshit.

>> No.5173606

yeah we can all tell youre a tepid gay white faggot from how you type

>> No.5173608

What if weebshit is what I'm passionate about and want to say

>> No.5173632

What was in the Coom? It sounds like he thought you where making a pass at him

>> No.5173637

>not obvious enough

>> No.5173648
File: 217 KB, 513x304, 1601959103175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo why people are looking at me like I'm a whore, it was only a handjob at McDonald's!
This is you. Wish <I> had an artistic SFW chad friend to hang out with and do plain air painting.

>> No.5173649

i dont share my knowledge here because i know some faggots going to turn around and use it after crying about the very content i created with that knowledge

>> No.5173657


OP, I was having a pretty shit day, but your thread cheered me right up. Thank you.

>> No.5173660



Based. I'm considering the same.

>> No.5173666

There's big difference between natural nudity and porn you fool. I don't understand why coomers can't get this through their head. Not everyone wants to be surrounded by that kind of stuff 24/7.

>> No.5173697
File: 41 KB, 736x645, just let it go op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something white on the canvas tonight
Not a client to be seen
A kingdom of masturbation
And it looks like I'm the queen
The wind is howling like my furry wolf inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried!
Don't let them in, don't let them see
This furry porn that pays my bills
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know

Well, now they know!
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Get the lube and lock the door!
I don't care
What they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The dick never bothered me anyway!

>> No.5173698

>Why do coomers dominate this board? And if it's not coom it's some weebshit.
Because its 4chan and because most people who come to /ic/ are young (16-22) who just got into art and think the only way to make money with art is through porn because they grew up entirely on the internet. There was a thread not to long ago where a guy couldn't or didn't want to believe that there was other ways to make art for money despite people telling him otherwise. Its a combination of naivety and stupidity that 90% of this board is comprised of coomers.

>> No.5173737

Nah, it wasn't a suicide. Accidentally fell from height whilst in Athens.

>> No.5173749
File: 23 KB, 260x309, 1584973530107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've got to find a better way to spend my time when I'm not bored, because 4chan isn't the fucking answer
You and me both brother.

>> No.5173751
File: 253 KB, 591x562, modulo-nuevo-052014-F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5173768

>There was a thread not to long ago where a guy couldn't or didn't want to believe that there was other ways to make art for money despite people telling him otherwise.
People say otherwise but they don't post their work, and you don't know anything about them. Meanwhile on social media you see who's getting commissioned and who isn't, you can see the job ads from companies, you see the kind of work that gets hired, or the kind of people who get hired, where the support nets are. Social media is very transparent, the numbers are there, the jobs are there, and while it's true that porn isn't the only way, everything else is so absurdly competitive and you are such a disposable asset that it's hardly a job and more of a glorified hobby.
None of the skilled artists I met were getting any income worth calling an income from art, let alone a stable one, but every two-bit trendhopper drawing porn had a steady flow of commissions and cash. And opportunities have been shrinking in general and the further a niche or market is closer to dying the harder it will focus on porn because it's apparently the only thing that people actually want to pay for.

>> No.5173781

pyw and post patreon revenue.

>> No.5173785
File: 1.73 MB, 209x213, Look at this man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not understand that the people trying to get quick cash drawing anime coom art are the ones constantly making "muh asian jeans" threads
What a fucking retard you are.

>> No.5173798

>but every two-bit trendhopper drawing porn had a steady flow of commissions and cash.
Yea, that's bullshit. Most coom artist are either struggling to make ends meet or have it as a side hussle and not their main income. Not anyone's fault that the only success you see is from twitter and tumblr. I don't know who you're talking to, but any artist that is good and has decent people skills are not going to be hurting for jobs. Yes doing art for income is absolutely hard work and very competitive, however, if you have actual skills and can produce at a steady rate, you'll do fine. Drawing porn is much like a woman making an Onlyfans; Its the easy way out and only works long term for a very small handful.

>> No.5173804

>and has decent people skills
you're a woman aren't you

>> No.5173828

>you're a woman aren't you
>Not understanding that networking and making friends with the right people is half the battle to success
I'm more of a man you'll ever be faggot. This is why autist like you resort to porn because you don't understand that you need to be able to sell yourself to other people you'll work with. You won't get a job if you show yourself to be a anti social retard.

>> No.5173839

>I'm a man!!! I also suck people's cock as needed and go through the motions on social media XD
Honorary moid. And what do you draw, le big armed globohomos?

>> No.5173841
File: 443 KB, 480x238, (You).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Socializing and being a kind person is sucking cock
>Your drawing for da jews ekksdee

>> No.5173853

Lying is people skills too.
What do you draw? You didn't even directly answer the woman question.

>> No.5173858

why are you so mad? You're being an argumentative bitch and you're calling me the woman in this exchange?

>> No.5173859

I am not mad, I am being inquisitive because you always have a way of saying things that betrays you.

>> No.5173860

>Why is most coom art gross? It should be possible to make beautiful coom art, since art can beautify anything, even animalistic sex acts, but why is it so rare? Why do coomers enjoy cooming to gross and ugly images?

Becvause the more they coom the more desensitized they get to normal stuff, so they have to seek out more and more disgusting, depraved content.

>> No.5173865
File: 98 KB, 240x240, 1584679299735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the problem your entire motivation for making art is to make money. THATS THE PROBLEM WITH YOU COOMER ARTISTS. YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING PASSION YOU JUST WANT TO MAKE A QUICK BUCK. Why the fuck can't you retards understand that you should draw because you're passionate about art and not because you want to make money? If you want to make money get a better career holy fuck.

>> No.5173874
File: 642 KB, 1280x720, anon says something dumb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, you're being a humongous faggot because you can't except that you need to be able to make friends and be a generally agreeable person to get jobs. You know its true so your lashing out like a some spoiled fat girl that was told to lose weight if she wants a shot at fucking chad.
This exchange all loops around to good artist not wanting to waste their time with mentoring because people like you don't want to put in the effort needed to get to where you want to be.
You're not being inquisitive, you're being combative over a simple fact that any grown person should know. inquisitiveness is not accusing people of being a woman or a being jewish puppet. I know where we are, but you're being a faggot just because you can, then expecting people to take the time out their day to hand hold you over the most basic shit.

>> No.5173907

>but he did not sell his soul for a few coffers.
>He had principles.
Retardation at full display. Drawing NSFW related stuff doesn't equal "no principles".

>> No.5173913

yoo, OP, don't completely sell out as it affects your health mentally. The friendship is permanently over, but you can find new friends who forgive you

>> No.5173914

It does when you're a Catholic, as OP mentioned.

>> No.5173916

Are you autistic friend? It's okay, you can tell the truth, this is a safe space.

>> No.5173936
File: 106 KB, 356x200, 62CD1309-ABA6-4FFD-B8E4-94C4B16E6132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So long retarded thread. We hardly knew ye

>> No.5173953

If that's his art, then in his defense, it's six years old. I doubt that it's him though

>> No.5173983
File: 18 KB, 300x243, 1611824952457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread guys

>> No.5173994

No response to >>5173874 ? I thought you where just asking questions?

>> No.5174059

You don't "climb your balcony to watch the full moon"

>> No.5174080
File: 20 KB, 320x314, 1585398106966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one can critique
>no one can take critique
>there's no passion here
>just a bunch of weebs trying to make porn for a quick buck
>unaware that their impatience and disinterest in the hobby will ultimately be their downfall.
Fucking this.
Quality across all boards has really gone downhill.

Well, see it from the other side, pornfags are shown to make money and get big social media numbers pretty fast, why wouldn't other normies try to get into that game?
All everyone ever cares nowadays is how to get attention and money.
Then you have autistic people who enable these normies, thus you get what we have now.

The only alternative to not playing this game is to either give up any possible future opportunity as an artist or to just draw and hope you win the lottery until the day you die.

Shit's fucking fucked, Anon.

>> No.5174117

You can get plenty of attention with SFW work, even moreso than NSFW.

It's just that your SFW work isn't good, unique, nor creative.

>> No.5174140
File: 5 KB, 200x250, 1571436261810s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmmmm i'll bite

Show me good sfw work.

>> No.5174168
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, hou-china-asset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show me good sfw work.

I have hundreds I've saved for inspiration. Since most of you are weebfags, here's a realistic anime artist who actually know what he's doing and is very successful yet never draws coom.

>> No.5174176

I don't like coomer art but what is wrong with trying to get money? You need to get money to live and selling your soul to pander to social media sounds unfulfilling, but still not as soul crushing as most real jobs.

>> No.5174177
File: 15 KB, 474x474, 1604076819018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kawaii uwu anime grill #645654
>b-b-b-but you weebs
>posts weeb shit
omae na

>> No.5174183

>soulless art
Every time

>> No.5174192

You know animations or 3d art?
People who hate money are either on their parent's wallet or just coping envious romantics. No one cares about "passion", only the final product. If your art looks like shit then nothing matters.

>> No.5174211

There is nothing wrong with making money off your work but art isn't and shouldn't be treated as a
>get rich quick scheme
One guy starts doing it, then others join because
Then only faggots who are in for the money fill up the industry and it becomes a cesspool of sociopathic degenerates who ruin it for everyone else.
>oh ur art is shit because it doesn't make any money haha u shouldn't even bother drawing
The whole thing regresses to
>who can make the most commercial art to get money from autists
And when people don't get it, they turn bitter and start crabbing on others because
>if i can't get it, neither should you
Making art and getting better at it should be your goal, not making money.
You'll only make yourself and everyone around you miserable once you only see art as a product.
>pandering on social media is not as soul crushing as getting a regular job
Hmmm tell that to the shitposters lurking here.
You're just evaluating it by the attention it got which completely misses the point i made and confirms what i've said
>faggots only care about attention and numbers
You're impressed by nothing because you can't do it yourself.

I'm not saying
>money bad
I'm saying that you shouldn't be so autistically fixated on making art for the sake of attention and money. You'll only ruin everything for everyone else.

>> No.5174254

>You're just evaluating it by the attention it got which completely misses the point i made and confirms what i've said
You have no point, you're another hipster who thinks that he's better than everyone for whining about sellouts.
>You're impressed by nothing because you can't do it yourself.
I just pointed out that their work is more popular than NSFW art. There's nothing preventing you from learning new mediums.
>I'm saying that you shouldn't be so autistically fixated on making art for the sake of attention and money. You'll only ruin everything for everyone else.
Like it or not, money and attention are good motivators that encourage you to create and improve art.

"Passion" only makes you unpopular, anti-social, and envious of others. It's just cope for bad artists who make boring uninspired work that other SFW artists in India/China do 1000x better.

>> No.5174264
File: 110 KB, 867x1024, 1610387790230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my problem
it's nothing compared to what pornfags combined get
never said it wasn't
Money and attention shouldn't be your main goal. You're a prime example of that.
Are (you) done? You're just proving my points even more by whining about it.
You're miserable.

>> No.5174305

>not my problem
No one is insecure except for yourself.
>it's nothing compared to what pornfags combined get
You don't get those numbers because you're bad artist who doesn't break the mold.
>Money and attention shouldn't be your main goal.
They should because they greatly motivate people to create art, it also allows others to preserve it. Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and all of the great masters were frequently commissioned by the Catholic church and had their works preserved forever because of the money and attention that they received from it. Do you remember the artists that were passionate at the time? Exactly, you don't. They died with no one knowing their work. Do you want to be that person?

Money and attention gives you access to the big leagues, even if you do furry NSFW art like Nesskain and Tezuka.
>You're a prime example of that.
It's kind of funny that you say that considering that I used to think like you. Life doesn't work like a Hollywood film, you will never succeed on passion nor principles, but you will only succeed if you're willing to do everything it takes to make your art massively popular and money-driven.
>Are (you) done?
You can either continue coping or do the art that earns you attention and money. You will burn out from passion alone.

By the way, if you want to disprove me: A good starter would be not to post several image macro involving SFW IPs (Iron Giant, Spongebob, etc) that were funded with MILLIONS.

>> No.5174312
File: 283 KB, 500x667, 1581744211187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if so please be my girlfriend

>> No.5174320
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 54654415415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this utterly retarded and delusional
Stay in the bucket then.

>> No.5174331
File: 330 KB, 1920x960, hou-china-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>kawaii uwu anime grill #645654
>>b-b-b-but you weebs
>>posts weeb shit
>omae na

There's a difference between generic, flat, animu and a realistic style that takes aspects from anime but gives them depth and believability.

>>soulless art
>Every time

You mean everytime something with actual soul and skill is posted you coomers shit all over it? Everytime I post a highly-skilled pro on this board they get torn apart by psuedo-intellectuals who think porn is the only valuable art form.

>> No.5174341
File: 221 KB, 675x920, cb9666e5d78baac9facad9d7e16e243f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like coomer art but what is wrong with trying to get money? You need to get money to live and selling your soul to pander to social media sounds unfulfilling, but still not as soul crushing as most real jobs.

my guy.

If you want to make money art is not for you. Why the everliving FUCK have you chosen art as your career choice when you have zero passion for it and just want money? Go get a salaried job or something. Fucking hell. If you aren't actually passionate about art then don't make it, it'll be soul crushing despite what you say because you have no passion. Any job is soul crushing if you're only doing it for money.

What I want to understand is why so many retards nowadays have gravitated to art to make money when almost literally anything else they'd stand a greater chance of feeding themselves off of.

Anyway, here's something not weebshit but still good and SFW.

>> No.5174353

Please keep posting art from popular and profitable IPs, you're really owning me there.

>> No.5174354
File: 638 KB, 2000x2786, p10ebh2daf0y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Passion" only makes you unpopular, anti-social, and envious of others. It's just cope for bad artists who make boring uninspired work that other SFW artists in India/China do 1000x better.

Holy shit I'm halfway convinced your some leftist shill who wants to demoralize artists who actually give a damn and help push for the further degeneration of art into nothing but soulless coom.

More good, SFW art.

>> No.5174358

Not everyone who doesn't like your soulless chinese animu drawings is a coomer, some people actually like real art.

>> No.5174362
File: 248 KB, 900x1350, jake-murray-10-20-11-jake-murray-xenogears-elly2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They should because they greatly motivate people to create art, it also allows others to preserve it.

No it motivates soulless artists who just follow trends and draw whatever will get them the most views and money. Look at Sakimichan, her entire shtick is just drawing whatever is popular at the moment and using her pre-existing popularity to ensure she's always at the top of search results for whatever it is she's drawing. FF7 remake comes out and she draws loads of her shitty anatomy pinups and pron and you can't search those characters without seeing her art for the next 2 weeks.

Is that what you want to be? Fucking Sakimichan? Because that's the logical conclusion of your viewpoint.

More sfw good art.

>> No.5174372

The fuck are you saying? Making money isn't the same thing as being rich. Careers are by definition about making money. If you choose art as your "career" choice and you don't make money, you're just retarded. But it also seems like you look down on hobbyism so I don't know what you want. Do you just idealize the starving artist thing? Only women who marry well and trust fund babies can just live their lives without having to worry if they make enough money to make ends meet. Maybe you have a good situation with neetbux or something but it's not available to everyone.

>> No.5174413

>The fuck are you saying? Making money isn't the same thing as being rich. Careers are by definition about making money. If you choose art as your "career" choice and you don't make money, you're just retarded. But it also seems like you look down on hobbyism so I don't know what you want. Do you just idealize the starving artist thing? Only women who marry well and trust fund babies can just live their lives without having to worry if they make enough money to make ends meet. Maybe you have a good situation with neetbux or something but it's not available to everyone.

You must literally be autistic. I'll spell it out for you then: YOUR PRIMARY MOTIVATION FOR MAKING ART SHOULD BE BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A PASSION FOR IT NOT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY,. Does it ever occur to you that some artists don't even care about making money off their art they just love making art and, GASP, have an actual career that pays their bills instead?

>> No.5174421
File: 50 KB, 600x670, 1610269848731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You owned yourself, retard.
Don't try to change the subject.

>> No.5174426


Like this is the entire deal with you kids, you view art as a means to make money. The very idea you could make art simply for the sake of it and not even be paid is something you never even comprehended, to just make art because you love art and not because yo want money. The money should be a bonus for doing something you're already passionately doing for free.

>> No.5174428

If your inspiration are WH40K toys, then don't bother. If you want to make fascist space mahrines, you can just buy a clonetrooper skin from fortnite instead of wasting 1000 hours on something that several people already did better before you.
>soulless artists
They're people who got rewarded for their pragmatism and hard work.
>Is that what you want to be? Fucking Sakimichan? Because that's the logical conclusion of your viewpoint.
I take everything back! You're right.

It's very terrible that she earns more than a doctor while being remembered by everyone globally. Even more horrible that she's able to afford every resource that can improve her art. A six figure income makes it sooooo restricting to get tablets, software, courses, classes, brushes, and plugins! What's worse is that she improves her art since she does it full time!

It's much better to be poor and resentful "passionate" person who struggles to improve their bad work.

>> No.5174429

That's nice and all but what's even nicer is getting paid for doing what you enjoy so you don't have to spend most of your time and energy wageslaving and make do with the little free time you have. You complain about passion but no one wants to be an artist for money if they don't like drawing on some level, or they'd give up pretty quickly at the very least. Even soulless coomer artists probably like drawing. It's not even going into people who make a living with SFW or nice art.

>> No.5174430
File: 35 KB, 300x137, 0541654165416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snib snab im miserable
You're not even human, are you?

>> No.5174432

Passion can't pay your bills nor get attention, but profit and influence can.
Tell me when they created an IP as large as star wars.
>proceeds to post art from another popular IP

>> No.5174435

Honestly, just pyw already.

>> No.5174437
File: 67 KB, 501x585, good goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making money with art is soulless, so be sure to have a normal waveslave job slave away 40+ hours every week like a good goy. don't worry you'll have plenty of time for your little passion projects on the weekends, we promise

>> No.5174442
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1453062121703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no goy u must make art for money just draw porn goy and show everyone else to make porn we need more porn porn is never enough if u dont earn any money with porn blame it on the puritans why would u even draw for fun? u should just draw to get attention and money that how a healthy person does things!

>> No.5174450

What if you made enough money to live through drawing but did it by drawing things you like instead of coom pandering? Or does that just not exist in your mind.

>> No.5174460

You're still going on about that?
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.5174464


You're legitimately fucked in the head or a kike. Let's say money wasn't an issue, would you still draw? Or is the only reason you draw to make money?

>> No.5174536
File: 3.46 MB, 377x372, 1581106237586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if someone does a thing better than you don't bother and just cooomsooom
the absolute state of non-aritst

>> No.5174562

>Let's say money wasn't an issue, would you still draw?
Yes. Who the fuck would only draw because of money, like how would that even happen.

>> No.5174639

You two should just exchange nudes already, before the thread sinks

>> No.5174648

For what it's worth thanks for sharing these, I for one appreciate good art over abstract nostalgia for present indefinable things. But that's probably because I'm ITT because of the /adv/ thread and generally avoid /ic/ like the plague

>> No.5174658

let's say you're not allowed to make money off your work or even share it, would you still draw?

>> No.5174663

They are entirely fucking right though. I will never quit drawing but I quit sharing art years ago. Consumers - I can't call them people anymore - are pieces of shit. They LIKE your shit, they LOVE your shit, but they won't pay a cent for it. But if life gets in the way and you quit they go omggg why did he quit???? and if you say they're dumb apes they call you entitled. This attitude, this weird hands-off convenience of "such is life lol, if you want to make good things you have to starve, I only pay for porn but please keep sharing your art I love it" I just don't understand how are people so fucking vile. Then they complain when they lose things of value. They always complain after. They're so fucking lazy and stupid taking the path of least attrition always. And we live in these times simply because people who try doing anything better simply ran out. They've gone extinct.

>> No.5174678
File: 48 KB, 432x432, 1552545996708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consumer bad
>porn bad
>y they no give me money tho
>entitled bad
>acts entitled
>i agree with the retard saying that making art for the SOLE purpose of money is good
the absolute state of retards holy shit

>> No.5174682

ye, I'd draw even more honesty

>> No.5174687

Then what the fuck are you even on about?

>> No.5174688

play stupid games, win stupid prizes

>> No.5174696

I only wanted to make money with art because I loved art, I wanted to dedicate my whole life to it. MEANWHILE the people who are enabled to do this by CONSUMERS - because sadly when you pursue a CRAFT you need to SELL something - are EXACTLY the people who make art exclusively for money like Sakimichan. And they get paid fucking BOATLOADS of money but people say you're a money grabbing kike "driven entirely by greed" if you want to make LESS THAN MINIMUM FUCKING WAGE
>>5174428 is entirely fucking right and what people tell to passionate artists is nothing but >>5174437, if you want people to stop defaulting to porn THEN FUCKING PAY FOR THE SFW SHIT YOU "LOVE" without expecting the artist to bend himself backwards to "monetize", just buy the fucking art. The truth is that you simply don't value art, just like you don't value nature, or anything really.

>> No.5174709

Read >>5174080 >>5174211
If you want money that bad, get a job or learn to monetize your shit.
Exceptions don't make the rules
>b-b-b-but that person is making so much money Y NOT MEEEEE
Stop acting like an unreasonable child throwing a temper tantrum.

>> No.5174710

>Let's say money wasn't an issue, would you still draw?
Your hypothetical isn't grounded in reality as everyone needs value for their labor. If you're not learning nor obtaining money and attention, then you're wasting time.
You're investing thousands of hours to not say or do anything new, and that's the biggest waste of time out there. By the time you get good, people will be interested in other trends while preferring older work that does it the best.

>> No.5174712
File: 59 KB, 960x882, 16841684965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You played yourself again, retard.

>> No.5174715

>If you want money that bad, get a job or learn to monetize your shit.
You can get a job doing art or whine about others being "soulless" (buzzword for people who do it better than you).

>> No.5174717

Please post more images from popula-excuse me, "soulless" IPs funded with millions.

>> No.5174718

I am saying that the responsibility for this sits exclusively with the consumers. Passionate people are becoming more concerned with money because not being able to pursue your passion as a career often means having no time to pursue it. Money is a big fucking problem for artists and given how much money people pay for porn I'd say the issue isn't that consumers are too poor. Consumers are comfortable shouldering off the responsibility of culture and art and good things in general to those they perceive as passionate idiots.
I'm out of this game because I loathe human beings at this point and I want to give them nothing, but if all the world is getting is marketers and porn peddlers it's the consumers' fault. From me, the world will get the products of my worthless day job. I'm resentful but I hope that one day people will look back and realize the choice was theirs. Sadly it won't happen. People will probably just be happy that all the boring stuff is gone while they first themselves or whatever.

>> No.5174722
File: 40 KB, 567x563, 1610436044620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr i bet u shit because buzwworrds luk @ how smug i am totally not bait
ok, why don't you get a job doing art then instead of whining about it? Why do you even argue?
Yes. But this still doesn't make you right, autist.
Consumers don't care what you want.
The market doesn't bow to your whim.
Wake the fuck up.

>> No.5174731

>Consumers don't care what you want.
>The market doesn't bow to your whim.
>Wake the fuck up.
Yes and as I said I do not share my art anymore. It's only for me. I am saying that if you are concerned with people getting into art to draw porn and make a quick buck then maybe you shouldn't give passionate artists thus talk where they're supposed to cuck themselves day in day out and post paintings for 3 likes while some pornfag's sketch gets 3000 and actual money. What the fuck do people expect? Being passionate doesn't mean that you want to literally waste your life, passion is still tied to a reward but this makes people upset because it means that they'd have to give something back, so THEY call the artists entitled like the textbook narcossists they are.

>> No.5174739

>Really bro? That's disgusting. At least the guy who lost his passion can always rekindle the flame. That's inspiring actually, I often wish for purist oldfags to come back and set the record straight on this shithole. What's inspiring about a prolapsed furry anus, Jesus Christ you idiots are so far down the rabbit hole you can't see the forest from the trees.
Yep, I value action over talking a good talk. Lofty ideals about art are worthless unless they're backed up by a lot of practice. A degenerate furfag who is passionate about drawing and improving his craft is someone who I'd rather draw with than some larping pol faggot who do shitty photo studies of roman busts every once in a blue moon.

>> No.5174743
File: 78 KB, 1080x646, 1570325230601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not even passionate, faggot.
You're envious of others because they get what you want yet you don't want to play their same game and expect the game to change rules to accomodate you.
You're fucking delusional.
>b-b-b-but where muh reward at
Doing the thing you're passionate about IS the reward.
You want to create for the sake of it or else you're gonna turn into a bitter faggot.
>b-b-b-but i dont play anymore because normies are fags
stop complaining then
nothing's gonna change

go draw

>> No.5174755

I've fucked up my health ad life for art.
Fuck you.

>> No.5174758
File: 33 KB, 580x460, 1604390999389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im just 19 an i have no future cuz ppl dont want to give me stuff i want when i want it
stay in the bucket
stay miserable
you eternal nejmeh

>> No.5174769
File: 274 KB, 563x800, 27720785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your hypothetical isn't grounded in reality as everyone needs value for their labor.

>> No.5174770

Remember to put a like on your favorite pornfag's latest fanart. I'm not going to share a single piece of artwork and I won't leave shit behind for anybody. You're only getting my day job from me. Choke on your porn.

>> No.5174774
File: 3.81 MB, 600x450, 1610270107194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares about you

>> No.5174790

BASED, it's nice to see anecdotal situation where a pro even thinks COOM isn't the way to go.

This ain't it chief

>> No.5174811

I don't care. I have no empathy left for people either. I'd save a dog from a building on fire but I won't lift a finger for the people in it. People deserve all the shit and corruption they are getting, they deserve Google, getting fucked by China, cancel culture. This is all a product of their indolence and laziness, and my problems with these things now end where they stop affecting me personally. As far as other people are concerned I'm supremely happy they're getting fucked. I won't open my door to someone screaming for help. I'm going to reserve all the energy I have to myself because I am tired of this retarded lie that doing good should be its own reward, from people who wouldn't do the same and instead demand that you pay to serve THEM off your own pocket, else you're not passionate or some other cope. Enjoy your porn, enjoy the crooks, enjoy your sleazy businesses, enjoy your pollution and cancer, enjoy being exploited and fucked because that's what you will get in the end and it's what you deserve. I hate porn and crookery but I actively encourage people to do so. They all have my blessings, I hope they all accelerate you all into the fucking bleak shit life I want you to be in as soon as possible so I get to enjoy it for as long as possible. I'll get caught in it too but the pleasure of seeing you faggots suffer abd seeing your kids hate you for serving them this shit of a future is far greater than my own trouble.

>> No.5174833
File: 79 KB, 500x461, 1591974302330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tldc, get fucked, retard

>> No.5174859

Why would you ever want to draw with someone else, let alone a furfag you absolute low skilled weak willed little bitch

>> No.5174866

what an awful terrible thread filled with do much ugliness and hate
those who made fun of vilppu itt
you should be ashamed of yourselves, you're all awful souless creatures with no gratitude, wisdom or respect and I sincerely hope you never make it, although anyone who sat here arguing about retarded all this shit instead of drawing never will

>> No.5175589

You literally didn't adress a single point I made.

>> No.5176542


>> No.5176945

Lmao based art buddy knew when to cut losses

>> No.5176957

Wtf is this thread, is op catfishing someone?