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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5172043 No.5172043 [Reply] [Original]

What are you learning today, anon? Are you still drawing those boxes and gestures?

>> No.5172049

i played videogames

>> No.5172055

I coom I seeth I can’t draw

>> No.5172066

i drew some furry porn and played some Doom Eternal.

>> No.5172080


>> No.5172133

Too busy cooming

>> No.5172172

I'm going to practice coming up with a bug. Unless other shit gets in the way.

>> No.5172175

Learning notan vs chiaroscuro, composition, and how to do value keying.

>> No.5172181
File: 189 KB, 768x926, delavier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I'm just getting /fit/ so I can use myself as reference

>> No.5172189

Get skinny fit instead, its easier.

>> No.5172237

>how to do value keying
Any resource you're using for that?

>> No.5172325

I slept 11 hours and watched anime

>> No.5172337

Meh I tried drawing but gave up after 10 mins.
Just don't enjoy it anymore.

>> No.5172342

>easy way out


>> No.5172345

Me too!

>> No.5172376

spent an hour drawing something for a shitpost on another board and then played video games

>> No.5172413

i learn best by doing, failing, going to a book to figure out why i failed, starting over, and trying again

i've found some pretty deep corners to the software i'm using -- things i would have never found by learning theory and not applying it to anything

just draw

>> No.5172416

Bill Perkins NMA course Composition for Visual Artists. If someone has the class pdfs uploaded you could use those, they're more useful than the videos.

>> No.5172623
File: 749 KB, 1570x1570, wasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5172849
File: 281 KB, 3227x788, process steps3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna know how to render my stuff like this, but I can't seem to get the process down right. Do I even bother with sketching, or do I jump straight into using shapes?

>> No.5172853

Imagine being a digital pleb

>> No.5172856

if you can't do it with a sketch its going to be near impossible without.

>> No.5172866

I've been trying to learn something similar but I can't even get the third step to look ok.
Agreed on using a sketch first.

>> No.5172872

you're probably just overthinking things

>> No.5172891
File: 144 KB, 1141x881, Summary Execution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my recent attempt at rendering, but it's not quite "skrumpgoblin"-tier.

>> No.5172894

I'm simply giving up on vilppu. He might be a great teacher, but his methods just don't click with me. I'm giving loomis a try now.

>> No.5172905

Its really simple but you have to be aware what problem each step is trying to solve.
1. sketch >> solving form, design and perspective
2. block value >> locking the shape so you can use fat brushes
3. direct light >> figuring out light direction / brightness and sub forms. Make sure to have nice shapes!
4. Edge correction >> figuring out light quality ( how diffuse?) in this example its just how round is the form
6. large gradients >> Tying the whole thing together, adding atmosphere subtly directing focus.

if you're stuck on any stage it's because you need to practice the fundamentals associated with that problem.

>> No.5172911

I didn't mean to say SSAO that's a computer graphics term, its just ambient occlusion.

>> No.5172913

everything else I'm sure I could get down pat, let me see what I can do.

>> No.5172914

the cracks and crevices that block light,

>> No.5172917

That's fine. Artists made it for centuries without vilppu.

>> No.5173021

>3. direct light >> figuring out light direction / brightness and sub forms. Make sure to have nice shapes!
Well yes but how do I practice that?

>> No.5173022

what would the layers and layer modes look like?

>> No.5173031

>download blender and greek sculpture models
>add lights and move them around to see how it affects the shading

>> No.5173071

This is just fucking based mentality

>> No.5173123

light direction has to do with knowing what type of light interacts well with your subject matter, knowing how best to emphasise certain features, overall form, showcase a satisfying range of colour and do it all while communicating an overall mood. You have rules in portrait photography like direct, bounce and rim light that are quick cheats to push form but it is completely free and open to preference, you learn what you like as you study other artists or films and think about what you like, you cant emphasise form if you don't know how to draw form properly.

Quality of light is related to value control, I learnt a bunch from Scott Robertson and 50 other random videos and books, this is why people recommend Loomis and books like the great artists course because they give you a base and introduce you to all these elements, you can branch off from there. Having nice shapes is design, this is the worst taught topic and most personal, that guy likes cute, puffy forms so his shapes are simple and circular, this is his personal choice, you have to analyse and find your own rules. truly understanding compositional rules like hierarchy and balance will help you to block shapes and create flow within them.

you don't know how to study because you haven't read any books that cover all the basics, all the information is there you just have to go into the artbook thread and download some shit. I can't tell you exactly what to do because there is too much to say, past the basics you just have to self analyse and come up with your own rules.

Its nothing complex just a bunch of standard layers, everything after the second step is a clipping mask, only the last two would maybe make use of something like multiply or soft light or just a normal layer with low opacity for gradients.

>> No.5173128

Holy shit that's genius

>> No.5173148

I'm going to keep autistically rendering what I've spend the last week autistically rendering. God help me

>> No.5173152

big brain strats

>> No.5173179
File: 14 KB, 375x500, howgirlsgetwhenishowthemmybible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm learning to make drawing a habit by dedicating a specific amount of time to drawing rather than doing it when I feel motivated.
I've created a little office for myself in my basement where I force myself to be at the chair by a specific time.
I'm harsh in that front but I am lenient on my results.
I believe that if you make drawing a habit then everything else will follow.

>> No.5173191

the "masters" (can't think of a better term and this is what most would say) would move a candle around a table to do studies of spheres, cubes, cylinders, whatever

another reason art history is important

>> No.5173309

>1 value light, 1 value dark
>darken both values
>1 value light, 4 (four) values dark
>added not just AO, but darkened the shadows without bounce light, then added tones lighter than the bounce light in the shadow
>shit gradients across the whole thing, brightening the center mass, darkened the shadows again
what in the actual fuck is this “process”

>> No.5173353

this post is peak autism, needs to understand all the pointless minutiae and has to conform to all common rules or else he rejects the larger lesson. He keeps darkening the values and or shadows because he's adjusting and deciding how bright he wants the flame to feel

>> No.5173401

I haven't drawn in like a week