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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5166913 No.5166913 [Reply] [Original]

To be brief, I am an indepedent ''filmaker'' ,mostly work with small time musicians to create animated music videos for their singles.

I use the foundrys tools such as Nuke, Modo and Katana. At first I was just a broke student but now I am starting to make a name for myself, things are... getting heated to say the least.
This is the single most aggresive company out there, they have an entire internal deparment of license reinforcement team in London.

They even have an annoymous tip of hotline/page that many disgruntled VFX sweat shop workers can use to mess with their former bosses who may be using stolen software.

The subsribtion model is apparently here to stay, let us convene and discuss methods to stay annonymous and throw of the Adobe/Foundry Jew.
>Why not just pay for the indie versions of the their tools faggot?
They require you to make less than $80k for it....

>Why not use blender?
Fuck of. There is no hope for you if you think this is a legitimate tool.

>> No.5166922

>>Why not use blender?
>Fuck of. There is no hope for you if you think this is a legitimate tool.

>> No.5166931
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>Foundry, including the ability to locally cache such information
Just curious, why did you highlight that bit with red?

>> No.5166943

you have to be willfully out of your mind to think blender (a tool that is not even primarilly for compositing) can be scaled up to the extent of nuke on a project by proect basis.

Not to even mention Katana.

>> No.5166947

it means that if you go with the always offline method (only connecting your machine once or twice a year fo os maintanance) it cache all of its spying data and uploads it when its internet is recconnected.

if its on a HDD, it will also do this when the drive is connected to another PC.

>> No.5166956

>They even have an annoymous tip of hotline/page that many disgruntled VFX sweat shop workers can use to mess with their former bosses who may be using stolen software

Imao, how do you even know this? How is this even a thing. Please post green arrow stories of this

>> No.5166957

>The subsribtion model is apparently here to stay
>image shows you can just buy the licence
nigger, you make >80k, just buy it once

>> No.5166975

can't you get a second pc that is always offline and transfer files back and forth through hdd or dvd without transferring any of the programs files responsible for sending your data

>> No.5166979

Is it possible to block all incoming and outgoing traffic from them on your firewall?

>> No.5166982

use offline virtual machine, get product made, take it out of vm, use it

>> No.5166992
File: 162 KB, 600x600, sakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, Blender is just a tool. What matters is how you use it.
As long as you know what you're doing you can make some great stuff on it.

>> No.5167022

Why are blendlets this retarded...
If we are to believe the OP. That means he is soo good at what he does, he has marketed himself out of the tax brackets required to be eligible for the “indie” versions of his tools.

That means he was certain professional requirements for workflows/pipeline needs and he cant just drop a tool that has 20 plus years of professional track record just so he can RnD from scratch for blender.

A tool that is not even known for what this nuke thingy does

I guarantee you, this nigger will left in the dust by the thousands of other niggers just dying to take his clients.

>> No.5167075
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>Oi you loicsense there m8?
This is a UK company based in London. and they bassically admited to having built a full blown trojan horse spying tool right in their softwares..
WTF is wrong with the UK. Even Adobe in their arrogance would not addmit to spying like this in broad day light but a small company like this in the UK can. its as if the Brits think their 1984 book was a manual.

Even then, EU Law dictates privacy is a human right and that it is not legally possible for citizens to just sign it away at their consent. so what happened there?

>> No.5167076

And what does Nuke do?

>> No.5167101
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Use operating system virtualization tools like VMware. It'll create an isolated system within your system, its so isolated you could even safely play around with insane viruses

But frankly you should just limit internet access for PC within your office. It reduces risk like this and also increases productivity; studies shows that social media took 1-2 hour of an employee workhours everyday

>> No.5167104

>nuke thingy
why are you even here
also, if he can’t be bothered to buy a (one off, despite what he implies in his post) license, he has no business being picky with his software

>> No.5167108

>Imao, how do you even know this? How is this even a thing. Please post green arrow stories of this
Sorry anon, i would rather not. too close to home.

I cant be bothered to find their [anon] phone lines right now but here is their tip of page, for the foundry insidious ''license compliance'' team

Dont fall for
>You do not have to give your own details
if you read on further
>The information you provide to The Foundry will be used by certain trusted third parties for the purpose of investigation and seeking remedies on behalf of The Foundry and others.
which is exactly what they did to a friend of mine, they exposed his name if only to bury his former boss in court, poor guy.

>> No.5167144
File: 131 KB, 789x1597, tfNDyY9Q92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew you shills would show up.
>Just buy it anon...

I would have bought it two times over the past year if it meant me and foundry shake hands one time then part ways.

The pic in OP is just the pricing for the entry tiers of nuke. The one I use is called Nuke Studio and its going for

>£8,778 (Before tax)
Okay fine.... but read further down
You are expected to pay a yearly sum of
for ((maintance)) and ((updates))

You tell me how this is feasable as a small one man team...

In london before tax is a pittance.

And what does Nuke do?
Allot of things. I have tried many times to move over to other tools. Nuke is very well integrated with their other tools (Katana etc) which makes it even harder to move on.

I did adopt black magic fusion for a few months
>its node based just like nuke
> has some python api support
> etc

but its ability to match 2d animations with 3D geometry its a joke and forget about tracking live footage to place 2d charecters in.

>> No.5167147

>as a small one man team...
Just put all your pirated stuff in one highly encrypted laptop and set it to self-detonate if the feds kicks your front door

>> No.5167149

nuke file extension is a properietry file. So you dont really know where your project files start/end and the logging/cache start/end. I am not that versed in it at all either.

Also I've been using the online method for a while now and it is not full proof and its very, very imractical in practice.

internet via a browser while foundry tools are running is a must for

>live documentation
>searching forums
>google, duckduckgo searching
>keeping up with Q&A threads posted for help just like this one.

>> No.5167152

>Is it possible to block all incoming and outgoing traffic from them on your firewall?
This is really not what people think it is. it is easily circumnavigated and you will never know.

its how windows itself can easily undo users changes to windows and force updates on you even though you explicitly created rules against it.

Theoretically its possible to do it the router/modem level but even that by itself is not full proof

>> No.5167170
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This is the most intresting one to me so far.
but what are the implcations here though?
if one is running on soft virtualization does that mean that the virtual os is no directly interfacing with the hardware and therefore there will be a loss in hardware performance?
it would not make sense to have thousands in CPU/GPU just to get cucked.

You seem to be knowledable, if i may ask.
what about just before I run said spying software
>disable main network card
> start a virtual netword card
>faux ip address in use
> faux getaway adress in use etc etc
that way target software will just record the faux details from the virtual card. I can get a batch script to do it so I never forget it or mess it up. but I dont know credible it is. someone shared it with me.


>> No.5167173

>but its ability to match 2d animations with 3D geometry its a joke and forget about tracking live footage to place 2d charecters in.
This sounds really interesting and is where I see myself going. Post work fag

I have 8 year networking experience and can easily suggest many full proof solutions to your problem.

>> No.5167179

Also how the hell are there charging £9k for one software and then still expect me to pay £2k yearly? And thats before VAT. Do people actually pay for this?

>> No.5167181

Atleast that is more credible than telling him to buy blender. You blenderbros can be so sour when people turn down your tools.

>> No.5167182

>I am entitled to use an expensive product even though I apparently can’t afford it
so use fusion or something, you utter unbearable retard
or you know, keep hiding from foundry niggers looking to break your knees

>> No.5167184


Not him, but isnt blender free? Did they change something?

>> No.5167191

Because the field makes bank. Remember when PS cost like $800 and also charged you every time you wanted to upgrade? Sure makes you wonder what made it so cheap oh wait no it doesn’t the industry is a fucking joke now.

>> No.5167198

The amount of interactions between the virtual OS and your real hardware really depends on you; you can manually set the amount of CPU and RAM percentage it uses, which hardware it got access and even how large the harddisk space it could use.
Be mindful that this method will take a lot of ram (since you got 2 OS on top of one another), but I'm thinking this won't be a problem for you since video artist often packed their rigs with tons of ram already

You could also run that network script inside the virtual OS, the nuke software won't suspect a thing

>> No.5167217
File: 234 KB, 460x1130, CXx828DitU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont even know what nuke is but blander users are sooo bitchy.

I just did a quick google search of what is nuke first link lead to youtube...
I maybe understand it now but low and behold blender faggots are in the comment section like Jehova witness looking to convert.

the funny thing is even as people who use this nuke tool try to explain to him the diffrences, he gets more angry.

>> No.5167219

Anon please post a sample of your work. Not even published stuff.

I really want to see how you combine 2D with 3D

>> No.5167224

>but low and behold
this is your brain on nuke

>> No.5167243

>This sounds really interesting and is where I see myself going. Post work fag
>Anon please post a sample of your work. Not even published stuff
After all I shared with this company, you guys think this is a good idea?
No way famillia.
My work looks like this, although the animations are more fluid than Hewletts stuff. His designs are way better though.

>so use fusion or something, you utter unbearable retard, or you know, keep hiding from foundry niggers looking to break your knees
Look man, I accept that its only by them that I could scale things up and get a better turn around on projects. (before 3D, I was drowning trying to paint backgrounds)

Also optaining their software legally does not mean they stop spying on you. you take no issue with this?
I will abosulely not accept this trend of being forced to see software as the new human''labourer'' that I have to give yearly wages to.

No way.

>> No.5167248

>I will abosulely not accept this trend of being forced to see software as the new human''labourer'' that I have to give yearly wages to
You will when the software labourer is the pseudo-ai that replaced you and whose “earnings” (taxes) pay for your UBI. Shit’s inevitable.

>> No.5167249

it is free, maybe that anon is confused.
but its not even relevant. This is like saying blender is a viable replacement to microsoft word. Sure its script editor panel can type but that is just lying.

I really dont want this thread to turn to another blender vs every other software thread! stop it.

>> No.5167257
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>whining about da JeWs

>> No.5167264

Have you considered moving away from your corporate-ridden nanny state shithole you currently live in, if you have made that much money?

>> No.5167272
File: 393 KB, 494x446, btMQUtUPWH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oi! you got a loicshence there mate?!
kek /pol/ memes are reall.
This software would not see light of dutch society with such arrogance in their terms of agreement

>> No.5167289

oh fuck of with your normie stock faceberg giffs (yes is said berg) and learn that people dont always state things litterally. you got sand in your pussy.

Many, Many times believe me. this does not even scratch the surface of what is messed up with england.
I need to stay for the sake my work.

When marriage is on the cards I will ditch this shithole.

Sadly so.

>> No.5167298

Okay anon fair is fair. I like jamie Hewletts work so I will stick to my promise.

First, how the heck are you talking python API and scripting and yet know so little about proxy services and personal proxy relay routers? Are bongs this fucking retarded.

Search proxy services.
Its a monthly service that you pay for. Dont cut corners and be cheap like with this nuke thing here, if you want peace of mind.
Make sure you check their data logging policy and their local laws with regards to being forced to turn over data, even by foreign countries.

Also, learn about router/modem lever networking and setting up your own proxy server. Use these in pairs with a dead man switch in place should one falter.
There, your welcome faggot.

>> No.5167344
File: 218 KB, 881x1098, sgA7T9S3HU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ama about to end this mans whole career

>> No.5167374

you literally have a screenshot of some dutch nigger defending it posted itt

>> No.5167378

what are you talking about you inbred britbong?
speak english before replying to my post.

>> No.5167391

I know you niggers do your best to live in a hole in the ground, but do try to keep up >>5167217

>> No.5167440

the open source alternative is natron and it could work but it doesn't.

>> No.5167479

oh shit I missed that part. sorry :D
seriously though, dutch are known for their privacy laws. no way the foundry would get away with that here.

I would bet you a good sum of my capital that foundrys terms of agreement for my country and for yours are very diffrent.

just accept it. bongs are cucked

>> No.5168282

get the fuck of my board.
i loath what you inbreeds have turned into my beloved board.

kill yourself!

>> No.5168342

>And what does Nuke do?
>Allot of things. I have tried many times to move over to other tools. Nuke is very well integrated with their other tools (Katana etc) which makes it even harder to move on.
You can't even fucking describe what it does? "aa umm nuke does 'allot' of things and IT IS VERY WELL INTEGRATED WITH *KATANA* (fist pump) WOOT WOOOOT)"

>> No.5168353

>can manually set the amount of CPU and RAM percentage it uses, which hardware it got access and even how large the harddisk space it could use.

Hard disk space is by far the most trivial out of those three, so why on earth did you use the word 'even'?

>> No.5168369

>My work looks like this, although the animations are more fluid than Hewletts stuff. His designs are way better though.
>https://youtu.be/04mfKJWDSzI [Open]
You spend your life doing meaningless trash like that (and with way worse designs)? Ok

>> No.5168375

>Many, Many times believe me. this does not even scratch the surface of what is messed up with england.
>I need to stay for the sake my work.
Where will you go? I'm asking honestly because I'm in the same position.

>> No.5168390

Dude its just a compositingprogram lol.... Just pick up another alternative..

>> No.5168398

Hes a retard, its a simple compositing program and blender does the same job just as fine, any 3d program can incld after effects. ..

>> No.5168405

You faggots seriously arguing about data theft? You are using THEIR internet. Do you understand? They own your data. You connect to them. Not the other way around. This is why i support piracy. They are already collecting your data to make profit off from ads and the data itself. So the least i can is get some free shit to watch and play online while you steal my data. And we continue this cyclical cycle. Till the day the people in power, who finally wakes up and regulate big tech by giving us a dividend of the years of stolen data to each individual. I wont be paying for netflix, google, movies and games that is released on digital platforms. Those greedy and sneaky motherfuckers use the data to sell us shit we dont even know we like. Nig tech is a god that only takes and takes, even when they give, they tend to charge you a fee for it. When the internet is free, truly free. I will pay for my fair share.

>> No.5168504

True all. Unfortunately the tech companies ARE the ones in power, as shown by their arbitrary censorship and opinion manipulation that is increasing alarmingly fast.

But I believe people will eventually abandon them. Every loss Google and big tech take is a win for humanity and the planet.

>> No.5168681

>Black Magic Fusion
I am not questioning your story but what the fuck is up with these names? They're one step from being written in leetspeak

>> No.5168683

the reason why these data harvesting models exist is because niggers like you don't want to pay for anything

>> No.5169918

>I am not questioning your story but what the fuck is up with these names? They're one step from being written in leetspeak

>> No.5171839

its a result of being offered pennies and being given tightest deadlines. Its not where I see myself.

But there are some projectes whose music I was reallu passionate about its ends results pleasing.

Okaa...I can assure you will not get far with such repulsion to learning and discovery.

>> No.5171843

I am legitimately confused here. I thought /ic/ was ahead of the curve when it came to software and the edge it can give a production.

Nuke is a non linear, node based compositing program. its used towards the end of a production or projects life. Its where all the pieces of files (2d cells, 3d mesh, live footage)that were created in many others softwares are brought together and merged down, doing any tracking needed, painting out elements applying motion blur etc etc and much more.

It does through a complete non linear, procedural and non distructive way. With entire python/c++ apis.
everything in it can be said to be a script, every pieace of information in it.
Because of its 20+ years of history, all sorts of tools, methods of integrations are in place and I am not required to reinvent the wheel at all.

Katana is a looke dev/lighting solutiuon with extremly accelerated reiteration solutions.

Hes a retard, its a simple compositing program and blender does the same job just as fine, any 3d program can incld after effects. ..
>This is just silly and demonstrably false.
If blender was even half as viable in the field nuke is applied it would take Black Magic Fusion position. No contractor is hiring someone with blender as their tool of choice.

Here is s simple excercise.
Check that google dock. A simple Ctrl+f returns
> Maya 1200
>Blender 120
My friend who compiled that is a modeller, even then Nuke returns
> Nuke 250
You try to get contracts secured because you have blender as tool of choice for comping. idiot.

>> No.5171859

I dont know man, why is that even neccesary? Two of those names are products offered the same company am asking about.
>>Black Magic Fusion
I agree this one sounds but its the only viable alternative and therefore was relevant for me to bring up.

Make a point to make no point at all

>You faggots seriously arguing about data theft? You are using THEIR internet. Do you understand? They own your data
Wtf? did just post without reading the thread?
I am loosing brain cells here. This isnt about windows 10 levels of telemetry and spying. wtf//..

Here is a thread full of hundreds of people complaining about being harrased by one Beth Castle.

Just search the internet you will find hundreds of examples of being contact by Beth and her lawyers.
> Who is Beth Castle?
You ask her. Here are her public detials.
Beth Castle
Licence Compliance Investigator
The Foundry
5 Golden Square
Direct Tel: +44 (0) 2074794359
UK Office Tel: +44(0) 2074794350
Web: www.thefoundry.co.uk2

>> No.5171865
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I've been searching around, idealy somewhere with lax familly laws and where men are not treated like disposable wallets.

So far for me
> Brazil
If it goes independent lol
All have growing VFX/Animations markets or are established.

Always check the laws and the culture.

>> No.5171874

This pic related cannot be real.

>> No.5171889

you sound like you're in a bad marriage

>> No.5171918

Here is s simple excercise.
Check that google dock. A simple Ctrl+f returns
> Maya 1200
>Blender 120
My friend who compiled that is a modeller, even then Nuke returns
> Nuke 250

That is the single classiest put down I've witnessed this year Imao.

But that doc OP, Wtf... it even has remote jobs that I could not publicly find in my city. How the hell do you have something like that.

What else do you have OP? please share links!!

>> No.5171925

>> Who is Beth Castle?
>You ask her. Here are her public detials.

Who is she? I would rather hear from you. From a quick search. Allot of forums posts seem scared for their lives because she wrote them an email...I did not know such pussies existed.