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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 82 KB, 675x1200, xKVo5rAB5CFEctcO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5165109 No.5165109 [Reply] [Original]

Pls god just let me win the lottery...
I just wanna quit wageslaving and make comics and music full-time is that too much to fucking ask

>> No.5165113

you cant be a good artist if you're rich

>> No.5165118

None of the renaissance masters came from deprived backgrounds

>> No.5165120

I assure you that you are better off in every possible aspect of life by having more money than you currently have. There is a reason rich people don’t just stop making money. You literally can buy love, happiness and health

>> No.5165122

and most important buy money

>> No.5165124

lottery is a tax on the poor

>> No.5165127

>buy love

>> No.5165128

What does any of that have to do with art? kek
Love would probably disttract you from drawing, happiness in life means you settle for less and get complacent but health i guess is the 1 point? although most people that dont live in shit holes have decent health already

>> No.5165135

You got it all wrong bro, find someone to marry that has high earning potential and get them to wage slave while you draw animu tiddies all day

>> No.5165141

hahaha everyone here is a virgin, maybe have sex before even motioning the idea of a wife.

>> No.5165159

great another asshole making beats that cant tell pitches apart.

>> No.5165169

People do better in better environments and if you disagree I pity you. Cope third worlder

>> No.5165172

Music AND comics? Who do you think you are, Coheed and Cambria?!

>> No.5165176
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>although most people that dont live in shit holes have decent health already

>> No.5165184
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>Doesn't refute anything stated
>Well if you don't agree with me Y-YOU'RE WRONG!

Name me one current artist that was a millionaire before getting good, ill wait

>> No.5165188


>> No.5165194
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why would a millionaire waste time on becoming an artist? Self expression is a cope for poor people

>> No.5165241

To even extend that further, no good artist ever came from deprived backgrounds.

>> No.5165242

>you cant be a good artist if you're rich
all successful artists came from wealthy dude

a lot might have ended up poor, but they all started off with wealth and even support

>> No.5165244

>Love would probably disttract you from drawing
don't draw to replace something anon
thats how you end up as a mentally unstable twitter/discord artist

>> No.5165245
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Kim Jung Gi's son

>> No.5165251

>why would a millionaire waste time on becoming an artist? Self expression is a cope for poor people
you're exactly right

they do it because they're good at it. because they had the time, resources, and environment to get better and they're so stuck in their own worlds that they just assume everyone had this
"self expression" was never a requirement to be an artist and you're a loser if you do
in fact, its what's stopping you from being good

the truth about art is its for the rich

>> No.5165253

>mfw married but never had sex

>> No.5165254

good artists fake emotion, they study bringing out emotions like psychology because its not important to them to know how its like to go through what they draw
the only thing that matters to artists is being better than you

>> No.5165257

I inherited a lot of money. It's basically when I started drawing, learning music, writing and all the creative stuff I've always wanted to do. It's unfair but money equals freedom.

>> No.5165258

this is all you could come up with?

>> No.5165262

honestly at least if you don't make dogshit its worth it
make shit despite having every advantage in the world

>> No.5165267

every 14 year old who's a good artist
every person who goes to art school
any person working in the industry

you'll have a harder time finding someone who comes from nothing who "makes it"

>> No.5165268

Shit as in shit pay, or shit as in shit work?

>> No.5165271

shit in their work
cartoons these days suck because everyone in the industry are spoiled people
concept art is more soulless than ever because its all chinks who come from rich families

>> No.5165290

Why do you people keep bringing up "coming from nothing"? OP said winning the lottery so i was talking about being uber rich and nothing less. obviously you cant fucking learn how to draw in a shithole. but, being a millionaire will completely ruin your incentive to actually pursue anything seriously.

>every 14 year old whos a good artist

completely baseless claim of cope. they just started earlier

>every person who goes to art school

wait, so now art school isnt a meme?

>Any person working in the industry

I am in the industry and no one was personally a millionaire before making it rofl

>> No.5165295

>I am in the industry and no one was personally a millionaire before making it rofl
not a millionaire, but defiantly upper middle class
if you don't view that as rich you really don't know how shit most people have it

>> No.5165300

>but, being a millionaire will completely ruin your incentive to actually pursue anything seriously.

>> No.5165309

lol yes
who wants to marry a fucking loser

>> No.5165312

Yeah, chuck those goalposts

>> No.5165329

different anon

>> No.5165486


>> No.5165658


Don't you have another thread to go gaslight in?
Fuck off

>> No.5165677

Not that anon but nobody is taking "millionaire" at face value. Every one understands rich as well-off middle class. You think hyperbole is moving goalposts?

>> No.5165735
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most people, for sure but I was blessed with not being ugly so it’s never been a problem for me. I’m a successful neet it’s rad

>> No.5166138

The western comics industry is collapsing unless you make Dog Man or Manga with a popular Anime then you are fucked.

>> No.5166145
File: 158 KB, 1500x1000, Coheed-And-Cambria_Hevy-Fest-2015_SLB_2591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who do you think you are, Coheed and Cambria?!
Kek. Shame the music turned to shit and the comics/story was always kinda meh.

>> No.5166366

rich people spend their energy on shit that doesn't really make them happy, same as everyone else

>> No.5166381
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This thread reeks of NGMI

>> No.5166382

>need money to buy distractions from the misery is life
>having more money for some reason doesn’t mean you can buy more distractions
>the rich people are no happier than a mcCuck working 60 hours a week

If that doesn’t make sense
>one man fucked an 11/10 every day for the past 10 years and drove his Lamborghini to his private office
>one man is an incel and drove his 20 year old rustbucket to mcdonalds where he has to apologise to his boss for not being 20 minutes early...and be grateful for the opportunity

I’m not even in a bad position in life at all, but acting like rich people are just as miserable as you is absolute cope

>> No.5166395

money makes you happier but only up to a certain point, rich peole are keeping up with with the jones' but on a higher level

>> No.5166396

I’m working on a comic about a man who fights boobas and dumpers. It’s called COOMFACE and it’s gonna be a hit

>> No.5166482

I'm talking about webcomics dude.
Specifically own.
Who gives a fuk about DC and Marvel shit.

>> No.5166545
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Get good at coomer art. That's my plan anyway. Set up a patreon or an exclusive blog or something. Draw provocative coomer art but not nudes, then lock the nudes behind a paywall.
You don't need to become rich, just get enough to cover your expenses so you don't have to wageslave. Then pursue your true creative ambitions.

>> No.5166576

you people need to stay in your containment threads

>> No.5166648

Also I want to add this.
So many people view the pursuit of creative work as the salvation from their nihilistic wage slave lives. And they are right, creation is the only salvation. But a camel cannot create. You view creative expression as your ticket out. IF you can create the popular comic or movie, then you can free yourself from your wage slavery. But it won't free you from your chains. You'll be a slave to your audience, because without them you fall. You care more about what pleases them, what get's you popular than what pleases yourself and what is your self expression.
Coomer art will set you free from this. It's simple and easy to make and get's way more attention than anything else. And people have always been willing to pay to coom.
This truly frees you to create your own work in dependent of outcome. To create for the sake of it.

>> No.5166832

>IF you can create the popular comic or movie, then you can free yourself from your wage slavery. But it won't free you from your chains. You'll be a slave to your audience, because without them you fall.
Is this not the same for coomer art?

>> No.5166888

In a way yeah. If you don't want to draw coomer art but your force yourself to draw it from the money, you are still enslaving yourself in a way. But at least you benefit from the work directly, instead of working for your wageslave boss to benefit him. And the skills you grind are beneficial when you pursue your true creative works. It's kind of a pick your poison situation, Do you wageslave, compromise you passionate work to please the masses, or draw coomer art?
It's really down to what option allows you the most freedom to create. And I think the best option is coomer art.

>> No.5166895

let's be 100% honest here. you cash in on coomer art because you're a coomer. it's tolerable because it satiates your own habits.

>> No.5167002

But isn't everyone to some extent? That's why it's so lucrative.
Visual attraction to the female form is a natural part of masculine identity. It's only because we are taught to be shameful of our masculine identity by a feminized society that it's a taboo.

>> No.5167011

Or maybe because a large chunk of coomer art is just paraphilia shit

>> No.5167025
File: 12 KB, 215x211, smug elephant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Imagine NOT gaming the system for sweet ass bennies while your doodle and create all day
> Imagine NOT having supporting parents that love you
Daaaayum son. You got one life and you're gonna waste it living up to others expectations doing what THEY want?
*Crunches a packet of biscuits and gulps down warm milk*
I'd rather read all day and do art bro, but you do you!

>> No.5167276

You sound and type like a fat retard.
What is even the point of your post lol

>> No.5167793

In a communist society we wont need this many artists since your field is over saturated with people that want to draw all day. We have considered your skills and have determined your skills are best suited for engineering and would benefit our society, if you decline you will be executed by the state. Have a good day.

>> No.5167804

Cool. Except I don't live in a communist society.
I live in a cyber punk dystopia without the kickass technology and all the neo feudalism ogliarchy where Big Tech companies and Fast Food chains hold more power than most countries and they say that my life is only worth how much money I can make them.

>> No.5167871

you're thinking the wrong way
use all your free time to make comics and music, the rest will fall in your hands

>> No.5167898

I have no free time you idiot.
And as I'm typing this, in getting dressed to go work another 12.

The only way you can make it is by escaping wageslavery. And you can't escape wageslavery unless you get rich.

>> No.5167911

There's hundreds of millionaires who don't give a shit about anyone and just live their secluded, sheltered life in peace. Not everyone with money is some Patric Bateman or wolf of wall street psycho asshole. Most millionaires are land owners living off rent from multinational companies, office buildings and shit.

>> No.5167917

>have determined your skills are best suited for engineering
im-fucking-plying, 9 out of 10 of you would be janitors and the luck number 10 would be a butcher or sign maker.

>> No.5167986

More like they would be working at a govt owned laundromat after being lobotomized by the state and being deemed a threat to national security.

>> No.5168008

>sign maker.
Sounds pretty based really. Paint and craft signs. No slicing the skin off dead carcasses. Fuck to be honest the janitor job doesn’t sound too bad. Mop floors go home

>> No.5168224
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>> No.5168261

so fuckin weird I don’t understand tiktok at all

>> No.5168268

god I'm so glad I didn't have a camera and internet growing up

>> No.5168269

youre supposed to jack off to them

>> No.5168476

You mean to tell me that titcow in the OP is the same cringe lord in this webm

>> No.5168656

how the hell can you even jack off to that?
Porn dialogue is less cringy than that

>> No.5168747
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A mere RP nigger. First time on this board looking for new PePes

>> No.5168758

All female behavior is a response to what attracts a mate. So... basically she's all of our faults.

>> No.5168772

I want to quit wageslaving so I can make my dream game.

You have a sweet virginal elf maiden fiancee and you harbor a secret fantasy of watching her take BIG ORC COCK

So far what I have is that your elf fiancee is a virgin and thinks orcs are disgusting, though she would never say that out loud for fear of being racist...

You haven't had sex with her yet, saving it for marriage, so you go to seedy Orc Sex shows, where orcs fuck women for peoples entertainment, there you meet an Orc Cock Slut who can tell you want your wife to "Get Greened" she tells you to bring her to an event in a few days

it's an "Orc Lives Matter" rally, wife is crazy nervous and you have to convince her it's okay, then to not look racist she has to give one of the orcs a blowjob (Orc cum can have an effect on women, make them addicted to it)

and then you slowly explore the world of the Orc Cuck lifestyle, eventually getting your wife to go all the way

things get hardcore and she has an orc baby for you

>> No.5168795
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>> No.5169418
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It probably makes sense why you fit the mold of the wagecuck, in order to develop discipline you must learn to control yourself, that means finding a healthier fetish in your case my friend

>> No.5169437

You have to prepare for transition bro, just like if you want to switch job. When starting you're going to be without income for months or years potentially.

Trust me, you don't want to be broke while making art, especially when you started.

>> No.5169451

I think most people would prefer having shit load of money to being piss poor any day. Don't impose your shitty moralfag attitude on everyone else.

>> No.5170779

>dream game is porn
You deserve to wageslave like the disappointment you are

>> No.5171505
File: 34 KB, 734x413, iu[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do this, just another 4 hrs to go....