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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 165 KB, 727x900, 74f60c9a25c20ba371042bc104b4d64e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5163747 No.5163747 [Reply] [Original]


How the fuck did Otomo draw these images?
I've been studying perspective for years yet the thought of drawing 1000 comic book pages with extreme perspectives and a shitton of elements in them makes my brain hurt.
How do

>> No.5163750

Asian jeans

>> No.5163752

stupid question

>> No.5163754

He didn't

>> No.5163757

then who did???

>> No.5163759

what exactly is extreme about pic rel? if you break it down to simple shapes its not hard. the only taxing part is all the texture

>> No.5163764

>picture plane not perpendicular to ground plane
>this is considered extreme perspective
I’m assuming you picked a bad example

>> No.5163768

I can't say for sure about the particular image you posted but I know for a fact that he used assistants for the background art in Akira. It was a little disappointing to learn somehow.

>> No.5163774

if only there were books, but /ic/ is full of kids unable to sit down and study

>> No.5163777

hmm, the more you know

>> No.5163780

holy beg

>> No.5163784

>t. beg

>> No.5163787


Satoshi Kon helped him draw Akira.

>> No.5163789

Never post again on a perspective thread, thanks

>> No.5163790

nothing beg about it, the perspective is simplified from 3p to 2p, what’s extreme about a box above the horizon line?

>> No.5163796

Someone still drew that, how is it "disappointing"
Among his assistants included Satoshi Kon

>> No.5163818

Isn't it isometric? Where are the vanishing points?

>> No.5163820


pretty fucking far appart thats for sure

>> No.5163822

OP picture is rather simple but I have no idea why weebs look at a team effort (not one penciler, one inker, one colorist, a straight up team of like a dozen people) and credit one artist thinking it was some kind of godly one man achievement. Of course you believe in this asian jeans stupidity. Just like every other mangaka of a certain caliber, Otomo had assistants. And chances are you'll take offense from this, as if explaining why these manga looked so good by telling that they were made by a whole fucking team of people meant that Otomo or Shirow or any other mangaka who did in fact use assistants was some kind of hack fraud and didn't know how to draw or the manga in question were shit. All you can fault Asian for is that they are exploiting dumb Westerners' adoring worship and lying for clout. It's not that hard to be a team of chinks and say you're one person. Do you think it's impossible?
I cannot believe that Americans who used to go on so much about making your own destiny and rolling up your sleeves have become these lazy blobs of self-hatred.

>> No.5163831

you know isometric is not a real perspective right

>> No.5163835

This is like the racists who love cuck porn. Projecting their insecurities onto others, and making up a narrative about why a group of people are more or less advantaged, then hating them for it.

>> No.5163838

Technically linear perspective in general isn't "real" perspective anyway

>> No.5163839

are there any videos of artists drawing backgrounds?

>> No.5163841
File: 1008 KB, 856x1266, F829C2C7-22AA-40C1-993A-E51CFF63B5F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even remotely

>> No.5163848

are you blind?

>> No.5163852


How do you draw that amount of detail? Photo ref? How do you not fuck up??

>> No.5163854


>> No.5163860

are you? the sides are not even remotely parallel, on the left side especially

>> No.5163864

Otomo is masochist, his scenery drawing is so detailed that just looking at it makes me cry, and that's not even one of his most impressive pages. The question shouldn't be "how he draws it" but "why he draws it?" because once you have a reason to draw like that you just have to fucking study and practice.

>> No.5163866

Dude its just porn, I'm black and I just fap to it to self insert

>> No.5163869


my sides are not even remotely parallel after reading your stupid post

>> No.5163871

please, please, please fuck my wife

>> No.5163873

do you even know what isometric perspective is, retard?

>> No.5163875

It's not isometric, tried it using the rulers, lines aren't parallel at all

>> No.5163952

I could crank something like that out in just a few hours. I might do it just to prove my fucking point.

Because of POV, the background can have its own vanishing points. You just need to make sure that things look smaller because vision/brain thinks "smaller = further away". Make it a darker gray to intensify the effect. Your brain will ignore any problems with perspective, because it doesn't have cues for scale, positioning, etc.

In other words, if we asked, "If we zoomed out, would it make sense?", then I think the answer would be no.

As for the density, it's just cylinders and cubes. Probably the easiest things to draw. The grime doesn't require decision making because you're just randomly blotting the surface of things.

>> No.5163956

>I could crank something like that out in just a few hours. I might do it just to prove my fucking point.
Yep, pyw

>> No.5163967

let's see it, bud

>> No.5163987

What's the point of those lines? They coincide with nothing in the picture.

>> No.5163992

You seriously mistook the diagonal pipes at the top to be the same as the lines receding into the perspective? I mean, that's humiliating even for /ic/ standards...

>> No.5164001

A maximum of two of you will have the mental processing power for this, but the picture is neither in perspective nor isometric projection, but orthographic.

>> No.5164006

The thing is that porn, like every other part of internet culture has bled into reality. People who spend way too long on Twitter over-dramatize reality. Kids who watch too much Youtube don’t understand social dynamics because the majority of their interactions are one-way with fake personalities. People who watch more porn than have sex or browse hot instagram thots instead of talking to others(which is probably everone in the developed world) have warped perceptions of sexuality and bodies. The crabs on this board who genuinely or subconsciouly believe drawing ability is tied to genetic factors, despite the fact that there are masters from all over the world is another example of how the internet is fucking with our perception of reality.
“Culture” is just the collective fantasy.

>> No.5164008

They would coincide if it was isometric but, as the Anon you replied to said, "not even remotely"

>> No.5164034

its a stupid question, go to stupid question thread

>> No.5164057

lmao the lines follow the planes of the elevator, retard
back to floating loomis heads with you

>> No.5164068


>> No.5164073
File: 126 KB, 727x900, 76136C59-EC0E-4874-88B4-A9DD4ECACBD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Details are an illusion, boyo.
1.The function.
Draw primitives in correct perspective using industrial shape/form design.

2. The genre.
Add smaller forms using reference (a tractor engine or old train)

3. The story.
Add surface imperfections to tell the story.
Feng Zhu explains it pretty well in his videos.

>> No.5164089

mangaka have assistants

>> No.5164096
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>> No.5164101

also, I forgot to call you stupid fucking niggers and tell you to read the sticky

>> No.5164116

go study your perspective

>> No.5164304
File: 109 KB, 1400x1400, 1608098683441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5164309

The absolute state of /ic/

>> No.5164316

What about the ramp thingy, how did you get that?

>> No.5164346

you connect the dots

>> No.5164356

Where did you learn to think like that? You made it look so easy

>> No.5164358
File: 188 KB, 540x960, akira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said a few hours, and a little more than that has passed. I took a break for lunch.

It's harder than it looks, I will admit! The work ethic required to crank out a lot of these panels is impressive. I have a lot of respect for those who do it, and do it interestingly.

But the main components are there. From here it's adding details, correcting mistakes, refining things, etc. I tried not to look at the original image, and did most of it from memory. If I'd had a train and some other machinery for reference, I could have done a lot more interesting geometry. They would have used references and maybe even had a workflow figured out. There were some moments when I'd wished I'd approached it a different way.

Someone who does this often could absolutely crank these boys out, though. That I'm absolutely certain of, and this wasn't hard, just time consuming and repetitious.

>> No.5164361


>> No.5164418
File: 21 KB, 280x282, 1607313208663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lrn2 perspective and coposition

>> No.5164540
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>> No.5164550

>why weebs look at a team effort (not one penciler, one inker, one colorist, a straight up team of like a dozen people) and credit one artist thinking it was some kind of godly one man achievement.
Yeah, because historically that never happened in the west... oh wait. All the great masters since the beginning of painting had assistants and teams.

>> No.5164555

The bigger manga have teams of 12+ people working on them.

>> No.5164592
File: 151 KB, 800x533, 800px-Portugal_-_Algarve_-_quarry_machinery_%2825817738465%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not be a retarded weeb who knows nothing about how the outside world works
>have a reference library of books, photos, magazines
>find heavy industrial machinery ref like a quarry and combine with a funicular
>xerox that bitch, crank the contrast and blow it up
>photobash and trace the reference as a base
>draw basic perspective grid for the scene
>have your assistants add random details, especially pipes that make no sense over and over again to impress idiots who think more detail equals gooder

>> No.5164618
File: 41 KB, 491x360, C37A44DF-2F22-4AED-95DD-695BE09BE990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s just an industrial incline lift and the place is giant freezer kept at minus infinity or something, hence the pipes

>> No.5164661 [DELETED] 
File: 607 KB, 1500x2250, Page 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something isn't right here. I'm making a comic but the art is just... Boring? Tell me what's wrong with it bros, I can't quite put my finger on it.

>> No.5164666 [DELETED] 

fuck i thought i was making a thread

>> No.5164738

Based Dunning Kruger anon

>> No.5164808

>How the fuck did Otomo draw these images?
There's really no good answer for that.
Videos of him drawing are rare and they're in poor quality.
One thing for sure is that his technical skill is insane.

>> No.5164957

With Akira, like a lot of big manga, Otomo had assistants that would largely do the background and environmental work, though Otomo could absolutely draw this technically. A lot of OG Japanese artists went to school for engineering and architecture, hence their galaxy-brains when it came to perspective drawing.

Like any complex subject though, it all starts with good references and breaking things down from larger shapes.

>> No.5165473
File: 784 KB, 1756x1317, 1920-120176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. He had assistants like Satoshi Takabatake >>5164068 do backgrounds and eventually Satoshi Kon (who probably drew some foreground near the end of the book), but Otomo himself went to engineering college and occasionally drew full-detail backgrounds himself. I think pic rel is all him, at least, I've read somewhere, with that black orb being completely cross-hatched in.