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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 428 KB, 640x640, 574q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5154478 No.5154478 [Reply] [Original]

My artfriend doesn't realize how tsukyun they are (to me anyway) but I don't want to use specific verbiage to make it sound like I'm flirting with them even if I like like them.

>> No.5154486

what is tsukum?

>> No.5154495

unknowing CUTE behavior of an individual

>> No.5154498

Stop being a pussy. Tell them you like them, ask them to hang out or whatever.

>> No.5154519

I soft-balled an attempt at something the other day but my plan failed.

>> No.5154520
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>> No.5154521
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I keep making up excuses not to draw. I tell myself I'm too tired, or that I don't have time, or that I need to watch another tutorial video instead of actually drawing.

I spent 2-3h on drawing today and it was fun but the more I draw the more I notice that I'm not really learning much of anything and I don't understand why. I've got two university degrees and art made me realize I am an eternal brainlet.

>> No.5154523


>> No.5154573
File: 69 KB, 660x520, Birthday doodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the times when I could still pass off as an aloof, socially retarded art boy on the internet and soak in the vibes/atmosphere from games like All Of Our Friends Are Dead or Starbound. I remember getting a lot of nice comments and genuine appreciation from my friends before I went paranoid thinking they never really liked me, and entered downward spiral.

Out of all the things I lost, that spark that had me drawing initially is what i'm missing the most. I'm at the skill level that I wanted at the start, but without any of the soul or passion that kept it going for ages.

>> No.5154580

2-3 hours is nothing. Try 6 hours a day everyday and you’ll see results.

>> No.5154592

Last night I dreamt I had sex with a real cow girl. Hairy thighs and all.

>> No.5154599

Yeah as the other guy said 3 hours isn’t shit. Once you get used to it that time goes by quick.

>> No.5154606
File: 38 KB, 720x762, 53h14cfo7oi11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing as a toddler as a 26 year old is extremely soul crushing, it feels impossible to improve and everytime i follow a guide my result is just like a 10 year old drew it.

>> No.5154614

Were her hairy thighs soft or bristly?

>> No.5154617

Think of it this way; if you’ve never drawn a cat before or an airplane or the Incredible Hulk, and you draw it once for the first time in your pathetic life then, hey, ask yourself how many of those things have you’ve drawn so far.

By your 10th cat you’re already better than the guy who only drew 0 or 1 cats since they were born.

>> No.5154656

I used to believe my imagination was my best weapon, but now that I am able to draw my ideas my mind is completely dry. Can't think of anything interesting that I want to work on

>> No.5154672
File: 74 KB, 1017x1024, ED0D0E16-EEC9-4C00-A010-1438662F3272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I btfo a 3 year old

>> No.5154708
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im on the same boat brother. dont worry
just keep posting and talking about other subjects and change your filter tags and it might go away.

>> No.5154717

Let's also not forget the joys of not being able to come up with a nice, solid concept or draw anything for fun because of the contemptous feedback you recieved on earlier drawings you did for fun (not to mention criticism coming from a position you don't fully understand or see reason to care about that still sounds valid and on point.)

>> No.5154719
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>> No.5154724

Learning a language at 26 is the same. You start out speaking literally like a child and anyone who speaks to you has to talk to you like you're a child for you to understand them. Keep at it anon

>> No.5154725


I need to ease myself back into it, don't want to mess up my hand drawing for 6h right off the bat. But even when I was drawing for 6-8h every day I wasn't seeing a lot of improvement because I clearly don't know how to learn art. I'm doing something incorrectly, my best guess is that I'm rushing and not actually paying attention to the material I'm trying to study from.

I also don't really have 6h per day, I wish I was still at uni where I had probably a good 12h every day that I could spend on whatever I wanted.

>> No.5154768

Very soft. And she smelled like strawberries.

I've never smelled anything in dreams before.

>> No.5154830

yeah but with language learning I atleast get a sense of progression. Its not the same with drawing for me.

>> No.5154846

I want to be able to draw, but I don't want to put in the time it would take to learn to draw. I want to draw stuff I want to draw and not stuff I'm already drawing or trying to get better at so I don't feel like I'm wasting my time. I can't help but feel like I'm wasting my time and my life.

I can't help but feel like I've wasted my time and my life. I feel like there's not much worth doing for me outside of studying, studying, studying. I don't want to spend my whole life doing nothing but study, study, study.

>> No.5154989

Don't soft ball it then.

>> No.5154999

>A visit from Hathor
You need to raise a family or become a woman, anon

>> No.5155008

Maybe should I just draw and keep going,maybe mileage actually matter and I will improve over time,that with the fact that I started to use values and colors (looks shitty for now) but the perspective of having to wait in order to know if I'm doing something wrong scares me,even tho "it's ok to be bad when starting everyone went throught that phase"...

>> No.5155009

Are you a girl, underage or a retard?

>> No.5155012

>mileage actually matter
It does with the caveat that you don't have to repeat things automatically. You stop improving when you fall into rote. Art is problem solving, you get better at solving problems by having problems. If you use solutions you already have you won't get better.

>> No.5155017 [DELETED] 

I’m a guy?
My conscious rejects being overtly blunt to them about my love for them.

>> No.5155032

>It does with the caveat that you don't have to repeat things automatically.

not him but it does for me. my hand control is so retarded i need the pure mileage

>> No.5155073

What do you mean by using solutions I already have?

>> No.5155079

>What do you mean by using solutions I already have?
That you just go through the motions and mindlessly repeat things you have done already. If your brain isn't working on a solution to some kind of problem you will not learn no matter the mileage.

>> No.5155236

After years of being a neet I'm finally going back to school
It's an art school
That's it

>> No.5155242

Fucking cringe, who the fuck uses words like that on a regular conversation besides the 3d anime cocksleeves you watch on youtube? Nobody.
Fucking improve yourself.

>> No.5155246 [DELETED] 

It’s just a definition I made up for my boyfrie—friend, jeez.

>> No.5155519

why is /ic/ so insanely bitter and hostile? you guys want to argue about nothing constantly. unless you say some reddit tier retarded meme shit then you get a bunch of (you)s like KEK BASED AF. is this the most underage board on 4chan?

>> No.5155540

Good artists think like children.

>> No.5155616

Maximum cope

>> No.5155647
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my wrists hurts at the end of the day
i locked myself to focus on drawing, 9-10 hours a day actually
no IRL friends, no gf, no social media
i only go to the gym and then return to my room
i can feel the small gains each week, my perception skills are slightly improving gradually
i'm not bragging about gains, there are MUCH more to improve, the path just seem more clear to me, studying various things and applying them really matters
i still have a lot of failures, but i'm working to solidify the knowledge

maybe i'm going to hard on myself but i'm really enjoying this journey, even if it is hard and sometimes i feel the pure loneliness in my dark room

>> No.5155657


>> No.5155660
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>> No.5155667


>> No.5155668
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gonna have to stick with tradtitional until I get my laptop fixed. all my WIPs will have to wait
the real shame is now I can post them here for tips until then

>> No.5155685

I feel burnt out, I just want to get comfy and play vidya games to recharge but I feel like if I take a break for a little bit I'm going to lose the progress I've made in the past couple of months.

>> No.5155700
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I'm willing to put in the hours and I want to try my best to get good at drawing but I can barely even figure out what I want and want to get good at EVERYTHING, I try to priortize but I never feel like I'm being fast enough in my practice, or doing enough and I definetely don't know how to balance studying with personal works or copying etc.
It feels like the hours i put in really don't make that much of a difference to say doing 2
I don't even feel confident that I can improve even though I know I have.
I barely have any good ideas that I can actually excecute for personal drawings either.
I know it's a lack of paitience and I try to keep a good mentality but I hate being beg so badly.
Don't feel like I can consistently practice every fundie as well as imagination etc.
I want to do my best aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
pls help

>> No.5155728

I understand you have insecurities and are afraid of being rejected, but in life everything goes a lot better if you decide to ignore these and put yourself out there anyways. Tell your art friend you like them. If you don't, life might happen and someone else might show up who's actually willing to actively pursue them and your chance will be gone. That's what happened to me and it's my biggest regret because later I learned he actually liked me as well from a mutual friend.

Worst that can happen is you get rejected but if you don't do anything the outcome will be the same.

>> No.5155812
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My art is bad, and people telling me that there is merit or is admirable that I still try hard, draw everyday and try everyday on top of having a job while balancing all of it makes me sick and angry.

If I show you two pieces of art, one good and one mediocre without telling you anything else, the good one always win.

It doesn't matter if the mediocre one picked art way late in life because he never had a choice, has to work on the side to keep himself afloat, learns by himself and put all his effort in improving versus the good one being born from a rich family with both parents being artists and being trained under great masters from 3.

If you have to explain your life circumstances to justify your lackluster art you already lost as an artist.

Doing your best and trying everyday opens the possibility of victory, but in the end there is countless amount of people who despite this never make it, and die anonymously and in solitude with only broken dreams and a failed life. Stories like this are extremely common and incredibly big in number, but is a story no one tells, because there is no one to tell it and no one wants to hear it either.

>> No.5155815

When I don’t get critique, I take it to heart and I hate that. It almost makes me feel like my art is unworthy of any sort of redemption and that I’m a mere failure for even trying

>> No.5155818

>artist (male) with around 10 followers posts work
>other person compliments it and the artist responds in a long conversation about it
>I genuinely like it too even give it a like and share because I think it's that interesting
>leave a reply with some compliments
>kind of hope it leads to a conversation and we can chat more
>artist just likes my reply with no response
I actually felt upset

>> No.5155820
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>also masturbating
>goto work

>> No.5155821

I always die a little inside when people ignore me. There are artists with thousands of followers who will talk to me when I comment on Instagram stories but people with small followings will completely ignore me. (Maybe they think I’m just creeping on them?) But what can we do, it’s life.

>> No.5155822

>person undoubtly has a lower skill then me
>but has more followers and faster too
what am I doing wrong ffs

>> No.5155842

I wonder if Loomis is proud of me...

>> No.5155849

To be honest I do that because I'm not very social and I genuinely don't know how to follow the conversation at all without feeling that I sound like a jackass or something. Or I fear just being not charming and sounding really dry and making people hate me and unfollow me for being so unfunny and stilted.
If it makes you feel any better, that artist probably berates themselves about it and feels really nervous about it too.

>> No.5155851

This. Didnt draw at all today im feeling ngmi. Its over

>> No.5155856

I understand but they had a conversation with someone else, which is why I was motivated to say something, too. Even a simple "thanks, I appreciate that you like my work!" would have been nice
Now I just feel retarded, like maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all

>> No.5155858

He won't it was a larp, he's never held a pencil in his useless life

>> No.5155946

>enjoy drawing
>have fun drawing
>seek constant distractions from drawing, mind wanders like an adhd child
>once I start I want to do anything other than draw
>can't focus on drawing, which I'm enjoying, but I can sit giving my full attention to hearthstone for hours despite not really giving a shit

please help

>> No.5155948

/vent/ threads are populated and made by trannies or Twitter Teenagers

>> No.5155950

Pick an artist you like and set him or her as your peg. Take from their works what you find appealing and constantly push yourself to do more difficult things and always scrutinize your work to see where you could do better.
It’s frustrating and difficult, but trust me, if it was easy then everyone would be an artist. You’re already one step ahead of most but you gotta keep pushing yourself.

>> No.5155966
File: 48 KB, 1192x853, 4b2f0b4ccfad140cd6e4494213a6d8e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to shake off the feeling that i'm lesser than everyone else. I draw for hours a day and never think it looks good and won't show it. I wage slave for weeks and never spend money on myself as a reward. If i do pick something up, i jump out of line at the last second and put it back because i don't deserve it. I let people take advantage of my kindness and go out of my way for someone even though i know they wouldn't do the same for me. I can't even open up to people or make friends because i feel like i'm not interesting enough, or what they would want in a friend. I wonder what made me like this, and why i hate myself so much?

>> No.5155970
File: 67 KB, 768x768, 1611311681610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound exactly like me

>> No.5156000

4chan makes me angry, but I have no friends

>> No.5156003

>Complain about being ignored
>ignores me
I know I can’t blame you. But the irony still stings

>> No.5156027

I pissed in the toilet multiple times and didn't flush
Now it smells like piss.
How do I channel this into my drawings?
Hey :D how's your day?

>> No.5156036

Try his step by step figure drawing demonstrations book.

>> No.5156076

>is this the most underage board on 4chan?
I wish for a parallel internet without everyone born after 1990
but the truth is that it's full of older people who are just autistic or retarded

>> No.5156091

it hurts sitting on the sidelines observing people who are pushing the boundaries. It doesnt even necessarily need to be with art, its just frustrating knowing you are just an observer, while others are living a life of objective value and relevance. What does it feel like being worth something? what's it like having people actually want you

>> No.5156093

>it hurts sitting on the sidelines observing people who are pushing the boundaries.
pushing the boundaries of what? of how much cock you can slurp? nobody's doing anything of worth today

>> No.5156097

its all subjective so its hard to say. I see artists putting out incredible work, not just in terms of technical skill but also things that connect deeply. "pushing the boundaries" was probably the wrong way of putting, I just mean they stand out among all the living artists i know

>> No.5156162

>not just in terms of technical skill but also things that connect deeply
let me guess, anime bitch looking depressed walking in a rain or something like that?

>> No.5156166

well at least you know where the problem is

>> No.5156170
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nope but im not above liking those

>> No.5156172
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>> No.5156197

i thought i could go indefinitely without any friends or interaction but i think im starting to lose it
covid doesnt even have shit to do with it either, it would all be the same

>> No.5156201

So when I study in my room I just go on youtube or play games. I cant keep concentrated for more then 10 minutes. My solution is to go somewhere dedicated to studying. like a library or coffeeshop. So my advice for you is to do the same. Find a place where you dont do anything else but draw. you could even meet cool people that way that are interested in your drawing.

>> No.5156210

I live in a rented room and use my cintiq as my regular monitor

>> No.5156218

how the fuck do you draw for fun if you're just starting out and can't draw anything?

>> No.5156221
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Is there anything I can do to help you?

>> No.5156236

Same, I spent all my highschool eating alone at lunch and being the quiet kid but always thought I was better off feeling a little bit lonely than trying to make friends and being rejected
Now after months without going outside of my room I'm feeling less and less human day after day

>> No.5156428

Today I was pressured by my family about my future plans and I finally told them that my plan is to not be around.
I tried to avoid having this talk for as long as I could. My art will always be ugly no matter how skilled I get. Nobody likes it because it's nothing but pain, death, fear and ugly things, I can't market myself and I have no reason to live other than this stupid idea of making a living selling this ugly stuff.
To be fair I doubt even achieving this would make me happy although it might make it bearable. I am tired of lying and pretending I am just lazy.

>> No.5156452

Wolves are not real. They are only imaginary. Wolves are just an imaginary creature that was created by humans to scare us.

>> No.5156459

so you're two western fags pretending to be "anime" and unironically using meme phrases


>> No.5156465

/ic/ is such a shithole. What are the alternatives?
>no pedothreads
>no furfags
>preferably not a teenage infested anime forum

is reddit actually superior for small artist communities?

>> No.5156534
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Sorry anon I thought you were talking about other artists, not anons on the underage Taiwanese knitting forum. I responded to other anon to clarify what I said, then went to bed
It's weird how lower number artists will ignore replies but higher number artists will reply and sometimes follow back. Maybe that's why they have higher numbers?
It makes me think of another thread when n anon said "People want followers/fans and don't want friends anymore" and that hit home
Also I love you

>> No.5156765

You can leave a contact and hope that someone who feels the same reaches out to you.

>> No.5157194

Vidya addict anon is back! System reset my PC. All those wasted hours, I'm never going to get them back. Bored out of my mind right now, no motivation to draw. I don't want to draw, the time I spent playing vidya has been replaced with 4chan, fapping and staring at the wall.
I'm hopeless.

>> No.5157201

I dont think so. It's one of those internal issues where i have to solve the problem by myself. I just need to learn how to love myself.

>> No.5157210

There are so many reasons why this would happen. No point letting it get under your skin.

>> No.5157226
File: 601 KB, 220x128, C421A6FE-C0E4-4CA4-ADDA-EE37BFEDE8B1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean you’ll contact me or just throw it out there and wait?


>> No.5157247

I don't know. Maybe.

>> No.5157396
File: 28 KB, 310x346, 1568701950744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you even talking about? Why would they want to talk to some random fuck on the internet? Jesus.

>> No.5157399
File: 171 KB, 850x1007, 1608643171847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my first gay commission today, I'm starting to second guess. pic unrelated

>> No.5157420

how much were you paid?

>> No.5157438

200$, 100 for each character

>> No.5157575

I'm getting followed by a lot of trannies and I'm getting scared of them. And all I draw are cute-ish and slightly lewd anime girls. What should I do?

>> No.5157577
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Sometimes, people just don't want to talk.

>> No.5157578
File: 4 KB, 204x247, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man time to draw but gotta do my warm ups first.
>spend too long on warm up
>tired and demotivated after finishing warm up

>> No.5157587

Start applying common sense.
Mentally ill people hate common sense.
Even saying
>water is wet
will get them to unfollow

>> No.5157599

Too risky. isn't there anything they all hate that it's not just edgy jokes against them?

>> No.5157605

draw landscapes and post perspective studies

>> No.5157642
File: 90 KB, 800x450, 1597391859822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably got gaslit, ignored and abused to hell and back by peers and adults during your development
>no matter what you did it was never good enough
>got told to do a thing you've never done or heard before and got yelled at for doing it wrong
>forcefully handed too much responsibility at an early age
>nobody ever explained stuff to you even when asking
>always expected to be there for others but got ignored once you asked for anything
>all these things combined helped you fail at anything you ever did
thus you've developed a mild inferiority complex+insecurity.
Now you might be setting yourself way too high expectations/goals that you can't even see your smallest victories but blow your losses out of proportions.

I might be projecting and assuming a lot because i went through that phase where i despised myself and didn't even bother with anything.
What you might need to do is to compensate with the opposite.
Instead of punishing yourself senselessly, reward yourself when you feel you've got something right, no matter how small.
Stop giving a shit what others want or expect of you. Always focus on what the objective right thing to do is.
If you don't like something, don't submit.
Disassociate and formulate your thoughts.
Make a plan on how to deal with things.
And shake off habits that make you feel bad or guilty after doing them.
And cut people out of your life who don't care about you.

>> No.5157645

For getting followers content(and consistency to an extent) matter much more than drawing skill. People want something that is entertaining or relatable to them, and the ones that deliver that and appeal to the most people, are those that gain more followers. If you really want to know what you're doing wrong, examine your art and theirs trying to view from the perspective of someone who doesnt draw, and has their own particular interests.

>> No.5157670

I feel like vomiting when I grind boxes.

>> No.5157795
File: 106 KB, 826x1197, 12221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aimlessly browsing NSFW account after finishing today's studies
>*superhornybro6969 liked this*
>good art, pretty hot
>follow them
>24 hours later
>wake up to NTR at the very top of my timeline
>unfollow and mute them
>aimlessly browsing through NSFW account once again
>*biguglyretard liked this*
>good art, ungodly amounts of coom energy
>comb through media to make sure its not some fuck shit
>some obvious self insert nerdy fandom ship shit but mostly just hot fanart r34
>3 hours later
>vulgar bed wench raceplay imagery at the top of my time line
>the scenario above happened two more times then one last time from a NTRfag
I'm so tired.

>> No.5157850

stop consuming porn when you're not masturbating

>> No.5157855

What the absolute fuck is wrong with Twitter?

I post a pic, it gets some likes and a retweet or two. But then the DMs start coming. People raging at how a piece of fanart is not 100% series accurate, or it shows a character that is wrong in continuity, or they are supposed to be shipped with someone else and I never drew the ship and they are pissed off. Just about anything I post will attract around 3-5 people who will sperg out in my DMs bitching at me for getting something horribly wrong and how it needs to be delete now.

>> No.5157858
File: 158 KB, 640x360, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perma beg going on 3 years now
>know how to study, just can't do it for some reason
>change subjects every day
>tried to properly render something twice
>only now looking into settings for my digital art program, such as clipping and brush settings
>got stuck drawing a shoe for hours last night
>will probably draw a few awful torsos with balloon heads and mitten hands tonight, followed by hours spent on some random brain dead simple concept that won't change anything
>leave reminders and occasionally words of encouragement on my art to look at the next day
>doesn't change anything
>repeat for the rest of my short life

>> No.5157859


I have had too many people on twitter and instagram instantly lose their shit on me for the weirdest things, or not saying enough to them. Liking without a comment is the safest way to acknowledge them without having an autistic weirdo go fucking nuts in the comments.

>> No.5157865
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Almost 5 months now almost 5 fucking months without improvement

>> No.5157866
File: 854 KB, 3516x2561, 1594354280350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to improve but it's not happening it's not happening it's not happening
even right now I failed at 3 figure drawings AND I DONT know what to do

>> No.5157867
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>> No.5157868
File: 267 KB, 1365x1000, 1608323574059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dO YOu have any fucking idea what it feels like
5 months and I can only do what Ive posted so far
I need more
I need more

>> No.5157872
File: 25 KB, 582x461, 1585999280716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Im not being daring enough, I dont push myself to do what I feel I cant, but I need to do it
Humans arent helping but we dont need them, we dont really need humans only their feedback

>> No.5157986

You pretty much summed it up yeh.

>> No.5157998
File: 70 KB, 750x679, IMG-20210119-WA0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hasn't happened to me yet. Only thing I got only once was an annoyed comment because I put a monster cock on Astolfo

>> No.5158051

Positive venting allowed?

After years and years of struggling with getting gud and being broke and then finally relenting and getting a grown-up job I hate, out of the blue a guy emailed me about a graphic design product I'd posted online three years ago and offered to buy some of it for a product he sells on Etsy. I made almost two day's wages off of it and because it's selling so well he wants to buy more of it, and is talking about commissioning some custom pieces.

I'm still working a deadend job I hate, but now I've got a couple hundred extra bucks in my pocket, a potential to make more, and most importantly some inspiration and momentum and hope. If I make just an extra $200 a month I can afford to move out of my Mom's house before I'm 31.

It just feels really good.

>> No.5158055

I'm starting my neet life today after formally dropped out of Uni (I studied engineering). I'm not sure if I want to enter art school, but I do want to get better at animating.

>> No.5158063

you made it. Don't get complacent with success.

>> No.5158150
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Positive vent as well.

Someone messaged me on twitter asking if I do commissions and I accepted, in the end he liked it very much and wants to buy more comms from me. Used the money of my very first commission to buy a new pillow, bedsheets and a fan. Feels comfy.

>> No.5158169

how much did you charge per commission?

>> No.5158176

Person requested a 4 frame comic and I charged 200 USD. He wants to continue with it and commission more frames. It's coom.

>> No.5158184

Good job anon, making comic is probably harder since you need good ideas. Anyway, he must be loaded if he's willing to pay a single 4 frame comic for 200 bucks.

>> No.5158196
File: 244 KB, 788x1100, 1592863963191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should find something you want to do and work single-mindedly and obsessively at it. Life is more fun that way.

>> No.5158205

I really want to improve and just draw more, I think it's really fun, but my shit brain can't focus on anything, it's either I spend 9 hours drawing with minimal breaks or I remember to eat, and irl stuff makes things worse. I really can't see myself being able to draw at a consistent pace no matter how good I get because of my mental issues.

>> No.5158261
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For like 2 months now Ive been trying to decide what my main project will be
I have this story I want to make but I cant decide if it should be a Graphic Novel, a Visual Novel, or a RPG (By far the hardest one).
Do Graphic Novels and Visual novels even make money besides Patreon supporters?

>> No.5158282

Graphic novels are your best bet. VNs don't make much money and RPGs are insanely hard to make especially if its your first game project. If you can get your graphic novel to a publisher that will take it, you can make some nice cash off of that if sales go well.

>> No.5158289

Im sick of the 5 months guy whining about feelings literally every artist deals with or has dealt with before. I want him to leave and have his midlife crisis meltdown somewhere else.

It's all so tiring.

>> No.5158297

What would be a good place to start? Twitter/Webcomic sites? Build up a fanbase and then try to publish?

>> No.5158356

Make your comic. Go show it to publishers, I think the manga general has a list of manga friendly publishers but a lot of those publish other shit too. Just send it off to every publisher you can find that prints comics. Webtoons is shit unless you can pump out a chapter a week and even then your fans will yell at you for being too slow or not fitting korean comic style, so I would advise against that site specifically. There are other webcomic community sites around, and though they are slower and have less users, they're going to be less entitled and shitty. Maybe you could offer print on demand merch, go to convention artist alleys to do commissions, sell books/prints, etc. Having social media to promote your comic with is a good idea.

Fans will show up, but for them to be fans of your comic, the comic needs to exist.

>> No.5158416
File: 144 KB, 500x500, 156653462362356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hi, do you do commissions?"
>check profile bio
>blm, acab, she/they

>> No.5158436

From my personal experience, anyone with gender pronounce in their bio loves to request redos, its infuriating. One of these days I'll stop communicating with these jerks entirely

>> No.5158439
File: 74 KB, 400x387, 1553791545941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> play skribbl.io on the weekend
> always a good time because people are chill
> usually get a lot of positive comments just for drawing with a pen
> one dude asks where I post
> give him my artstation not expecting anything
> log into artstation today to see that he followed me and left a positive comment
> his account is very new and his latest artwork (some blender rendering) is just hours old.
> he went out of his way to make an account just so I'd know he'd really look at my shitty art
> what an amazing dude. really made my day today :)

>> No.5158443

>One of these days
Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?

>> No.5158512

Don't have a twitter account so rarely ever browse there it, even for artists I like.

See one of my favourite artist post there twitter so I figure what the hell.

Jesus Christ were there some bad takes. To be fair most of his stuff wasn't political which was nice but the shit that was. It also lead me to some other users that just sounded like inane spoilt children. For fuck sake that place seems like a hole.

Fuck it almost makes me want to get a twitter to see how long I can weather the storm of retardation.

>> No.5158513

Apparently, Skeb (or w/e the fuck it's called) works off this very principle.

>> No.5158515

I am eternally jealous anon.

>> No.5158518

Shit, wrong one. FML

You, cunt -- You're who I meant to reply to.

>> No.5158528


>> No.5158531

>artist I like that I started following from here posts something on insta
>decide to comment on how much it reminds me of >insert game<
>>insert game< turned out to be his inspiration for it
>decide to pursue the topic
>leave open ended questions
>discussion branches out
>been over a month now with daily dm'ing

Feels good man.

I just have to stop telling myself that they sound cute when in all actuality they are probably just a neckbeard like myself.

>> No.5158612
File: 23 KB, 473x410, 54629bd8f0bc24c1fc64c278f1dd2050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only way up in life is by drawing more.
>If I draw more I won't have time for anything else.
>There's the chance that all that effort won't matter because it was never meant to be.
>If I don't draw I'll eventually go insane.
>If I draw I'll eventually go insane.

>> No.5158616

The only solution is to draw

>> No.5158647

In the end it dosen't even matter

>> No.5158651


Now I want to listen to some Linkin Park, Disturbed and Korn

>> No.5158655
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But deep down I want to believe that if I'm capable of overcoming this, something amazing will happen. Whatever that means.

>> No.5158723
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If only more experiences on the internet where like this.

>> No.5158786

Yeah huh
Maybe others havee felt it but am i doing ok or am i behind schedule? Thats what no one gets
5 fucking months and no one helps me

>> No.5158810

pyw so I can call you a cunt you retarded faggot

>> No.5158851
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>> No.5158890
File: 256 KB, 1864x3200, tf2 spy viva la france dla taty do druku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why it's so fucking hard to finish work i already done sketch of.

I literally need someone sitting next to me , telling me motivational shit or i just wont do this.

anyone can relate?

>> No.5158912

>motivational shit

motivation is for weak pussies, learn discipline

>> No.5158936 [DELETED] 

kill yourself tranny

>> No.5158938

try studying "drawing with the right side of the brain" it helps with the symbolic drawing stuff. good luck

>> No.5158954

Maybe don’t make fan art for things you aren’t a fan of, trendhopper.

>> No.5159046

watch speedpaints of people who draw so well you feel excited or go to pinterest and see a lot of beautiful and inspiring art. that's what I do. drawing while listening to music helps a lot.

>> No.5159051

I wish my art had more appeal to it.

>> No.5159437

Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep that in mind

>> No.5159439

I did it and I still suck. And I can't stop

>> No.5159444

>no one helps me
I literally helped you in a different thread, idiot, and you shot me down for giving you real advice on how to improve. Go pander for attention somewhere else you lying baby man.

>> No.5159486

Life is at its best when I’m working on a piece, drawing and improving every day. There’s no better feeling in the world than getting in the groove and making your best work yet after years of crushing depression. I got followed on instagram by one of my favourite artists, and no bullshit, a big video game concept artist guy whose online talk I attended took a look at my work said I was going to make it, he gave me some advice on how to display my portfolio better

Life is worth it again. I’m gonna work so hard. I could die right now and die happy, what is this feeling

>> No.5159491

What advice? If you're the one with the Vilppu vids fuck off

>> No.5159633

I have this longing to talk to somebody but it is completely abstract. If the "perfect" person came by and I were to talk to him or her I would have nothing to say. What is even this person? A mentally wrecked bundle of depression like me? I wouldn't show anyone my creepy ugly art. I'm obsessed with being judged over such stupid things and I perceive everyone as hostile.
I need too many safety nets, I can't trust anybody, I don't know how to unlearn being so protective of myself. My chances at life without art are none, and my art is just a regurgitation of all the ugly things in my life. Nobody wants that.

>> No.5159661

>talk to some random fuck on the internet
How else are you supposed to make art friends on the internet? I made a friend in a similar way, they just DMed me one day about a common interest, art, and we kept talking
Similar to school or work, do you not make friends or at least school-friend/work-friends? Just stay in your bubble? Even here, you're talking to other people

>> No.5159740
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I've never felt the need to have "art friends". Also I'm a neet who's been friendless for the better part of a decade now.

>> No.5159743
File: 121 KB, 918x1600, ErHDWC9W4AM6edg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the loneliness really does get easier to bear the longer it drags on. I'm thinking about moving away to a foreign country and holing myself up in the beautiful scenery there

>> No.5159744

Hey wanna talk?

>> No.5159888
File: 9 KB, 208x242, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks great anon. if you drew it you should be proud of yourself.

i know exactly what you mean tho. i used to be really popular in high school and college. gradually lost friends little by little. developed an allergy to alcohol. stopped getting invited to shit real fast. when i started posting things on facebook around 2016 about the media lying, i lost more and more friends. eventually people were calling me straight up nazi and white supremacist so i just shut down my facebook. of the 400 "friends" i used to have, i stayed in touch with 4. one of them had a full blown mental breakdown about 2 years ago and we don't see him anymore. another got married and his wife is a real shitcunt and i can't stand her. he brings her everywhere. third guy just told me he's moving across the country in april. the last guy, to be honest i really don't like, but without him i'm gonna be totally alone. last year i found a group through meetup (dot) come who get together on weekends. i'm a bit of a wallflower but i got a few numbers. thought i made some good impressions. then the pandemic happened. can't meetup anymore. was a language exchange meetup where you sit 2 feet away from a bunch of people packed in tightly, and it was in manhattan, which is now occupied by communists and looters and resembles jumanji.

not that i like anyone at my job but i haven't been to the office since last march. been working from home. get told on a regular basis i should be thankful for how lucky i am.

I used to live in Japan. I did a year abroad in high school and another in college. Fuck I miss it. I'd go back in a heartbeat. I would just sell all my shit, and take an enormous paycut and be a faggy english teacher. but my parents will fucking kill themselves if i leave, and also of course japan has a travel ban. americans not welcome.

>> No.5160184
File: 125 KB, 349x463, 1582808765236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so lonely bros... I wanna get physical

>> No.5160216

Nah, I didn't draw that, but I appreciate you talking to me. Best thing we can fight for is personal freedom.

>> No.5160261

I have no fucking friends to share, and get criticism on, stuff that I draw

>> No.5160270

Im right here anon

>> No.5160291

Australia today ya cunts

>Have a barbie
>throw back a stubby
>have a laugh with ya mates

Easy as.

So why the fuck can't people just accept that it's a day for the country and get over shit that happened generations ago. Fuck. Like the tribes living here never fucked each other over or raped and pillaged their neighbours.

>> No.5160342

Same boat lol. My best bet is to post here and *hope* I get a response in the beg thread

>> No.5160365 [DELETED] 

When I was 12 years old I wanted nothing more than to just be connected to the internet to escape the real world. The norms weren't integrated on the internet because computers were for nerds. Gradually as I got older the more accessible the net has become. The more faster it has become. And the more minimal and centralized it has become. Every worthless "human" being imaginable now has a black rectangle in their pocket and can upload their degeneracy for all to see within seconds and even make a fortune doing so.

And then with the lockdowns it became forced acceleration with everyone getting online being that they have more time on their hands to filthy up comment sections and spaces that were secluded. The internet is no longer a place where I can escape to. It has become IRL 2.0 without barriers. I went from wanting to remain inside to now wanting to go outside knowing everyone is now inside. The global elite has made it so that was wasn't normal behavior for nerds to stay away from the outside world is now encouraged.

I don't want to open my email and read newsletter alerts from the media. I don't want notifications popping up on my devices about whats going on in the world around me. Fuck everything and everyone. Thankfully because everything is now more centralized it's much easier to filter out everything but my hobbies because of desktop apps. I already feel much better living under a rock and staying away from social media; all forms of it. Yes, this is segregation and it's bliss.

If I don't get a POTUS red alert that can't be disabled that washington is under attack then I. Do not. Give. A. fuck. Because more than likely whatever is happening isn't fucking serious enough unless it's that.

>> No.5160454

No ty. I don't want to talk to people who browse this site.

>> No.5160473

Jokes on you. You already did by giving me that (You). Also
>I have a longing for talk
>Wanna talk?
>No I don't like 4chan posters
>Yet here you are posting
How do you expect to met the right person if you never take any chances?

>> No.5160478

ikr all these people in their discords always bitch about 4chan but guess how i found their damned server in the first place.

>> No.5160480

>How do you expect to met the right person if you never take any chances?
1) I already took my chances
2) I already took my chances here specifically
3) This place right now is filled with people I hate
I only vent here because it's anonymous and I don't have to make an account.

>> No.5160496

I bet you’re a fag who didn’t really take any “chances” in the first place. There are people reaching out to you but you don’t care.

>> No.5160506

I walk into this club to use the toilet, it doesn't mean I like the club.

>> No.5160518

I can’t see why you hate from outside of the club when you can’t even get in?

>> No.5160527

I took several chances multiple times and I discarded the bad results and kept the good ones and has proven to be absolutely worthwhile. Its okay, you already failed the litmus test.

>> No.5160529

I don't care what projections you make because I don't want to socialize with pedo weebs.
I would also block anyone I met somewhere else who associates with this site. People who participate to this cloaca are universally garbage and I have learned that the hard way.

>> No.5160631
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But unironically.

>> No.5160761

this is assuming you get any good ones in the first place

>> No.5160824

I actually stood up to my shitty boss today, and treated myself to lunch. Felt good, but i hate having people be upset with me. I guess this is a first step.

>> No.5160842

Oh so you do admit someone gave you videos huh? I thought nooobody helped the poor widdle guy awwww

But no that wasnt me. Get fucked

>> No.5160853
File: 198 KB, 1378x1764, 1582648986177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never loved drawing more than I have now. The feeling is almost indescribable. Like I'm on cloud 9. I just want to keep drawing and drawing and drawing and drawing.

>> No.5160861

already made it. congrats bro

>> No.5160901
File: 553 KB, 3840x2160, 01.26.2021_sufferer-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.hold bro just fucking hold

>> No.5160923

what's the reason for this? did you achieve a certain skill level that let's you enjoy drawing this much?

>> No.5160957

In what way did you learn the hard way exactly? What happened?

>> No.5161051
File: 26 KB, 2427x44, 2021-01-26_130023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I the only one who does this

>> No.5161057

Nice. It's a good feeling. Never stop drawing.

>> No.5161128
File: 744 KB, 1357x991, 1610082462707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish a small doodle in my sketchbook and put it away
>a sudden sadness washes over me out of nowhere
what does this mean

>> No.5161130

It means you need to draw more. Your brain likes to finish drawings and it is sad you stopped.

>> No.5161134

You're probably right, I was getting confused near the end of the drawing since I was doing things without reference. I think I'll let myself think things through a bit before I attempt to finish it, thanks anon.

>> No.5161149

I dont know if I'm the bad guy or not. Do my actions have unintended meaning. Or am I deluded in thinking someone cares.

>> No.5161368

Lmao, look at this obnoxious narcissistic retard. The problem is you

>> No.5161451


>> No.5161461 [DELETED] 

On the slim tiny chance you are who I think you are because "you can't post, haha? but I still read /ic/ but haha I put things in my host files but I find it liberating to not be on 4chan???? but somehow sometimes I can post??haha" I guess I'll just say it before I stop frequenting /ic/ regularly. It has almost nothing to do with you. Almost. Okay well maybe 50% of it has something to do with you.

Some things that bothered(?) me about you is when we talk sometimes you would try to entrap me in saying something as if it's premeditated and then the only response would be a solid confirmation. That is of course unless I'm aware of it (which I picked up on the patterns you say). You did this a couple of times. Probably is what resulted in that one incident a couple of months ago.
2) You become really chatty only when you want something out of me. Again, to lower suspicion of something.
3) You say you're not talkative but you talk a lot on discord. That's a nice way of saying you really don't care about talking to me anymore.
4) Any time I bring up some kind of talking to other friends you get jealous and say whatever I was talking about is meaningless. That I should feel that every person who bothered with me was fleeting.
5) You only try to go out of your way to talk to me if I'm the "hot topic" for a good minute. Then dispose of me when the focus is elsewhere. Like some weird clout chaser.
6) You follow pretty much every /ic/ artist here. Yet you claim to hate them. Whats up with that? Why do you flip flop everything you say and do?

There are much more points I can point out but the worst offender is I would wake up in the morning and too often I would check on you. This became to obsessive. Why? Your account is set to private and only when you unlock it is to just relay some crap from discord. I truly cared about you, I really did. But that was a mistake. It's a stretch to say all art friends are worthless but 1/2

>> No.5161464 [DELETED] 


That isn't a fair thing to say. 4chan is a great place, it's just /ic/ has its fair share of weirdos, myself included. But again, you're 50% of the problem.

The other half is that I'm done with social media as a whole. Too much poison for the soul. And too much of /ic/. I'm done with this board. Other boards are fine though.

>> No.5161482


>> No.5161582
File: 106 KB, 698x658, 1607997058411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get into digital art recently, my older sis bought me an Intuos for my birthday, so even if i'm much more used to traditional it feels wrong to not use something she gave me, especially since i imagine it cost her some good money.

I'm struggling a lot, i know very little of digital art desu, so i don't even know where to start, all i know is that i absolutely despise my lines compared to traditional, and it feels so awkward to draw on a surface, the tablet, and have my lines show up on another, the screen, i can't get the grips with it, it's just so much harder than traditional in every way to me cuz it feels so awkward to do anything that would've been easy and muscle memory on paper.

It also a lot more soulless to me, not saying that digital art is soulless, just saying that to me it's harder to make things look, idk, not sure what word i'm looking for, just know that if i do the same drawing traditional and digital, as in literally trace my traditional drawing, the digital version looks at least 10x worse, and idk what to do, i don't know where to start, and i'm not enjoying any second of it.

>> No.5161608

>hours got cut in 1/2 at work because of kung-flu
>some random company contacted me
>hey anon, want to trace some pics? we'll pay you $5 each
>look over the info, figure if I finish 4 in 1 hour, I can profit
>get in the work, it's all detailed shit that will take at least 1-2 hours each, and the now rate was lowered to $3 instead of the agreed price (lol covid hurt our budget but you already agreed)
>cant back out now
I will refuse if they ask for more though, I'm so fucking dumb

>> No.5161612
File: 46 KB, 274x258, 1597028342422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desu desu desu

It's hard to make things look soulful in digital because you don't have all the little bits of texture and overlap effects with pencils and paint like on a real canvas, which gives traditional its charm.
You should get some texture and custom brushes, even if pixels will always be pixels you can create the illusion of something more authentic
also that is nice from your older sister, you should show her a drawing you're proud of

>> No.5161616

Holy shit anon are you me?

>> No.5161639

INtuos small? Then fuck her, use that shit as a paper weight.

>> No.5161654

Learning is hard, and no one ever really tells you how to learn
2-3 hours are fine
Make a schedule for yourself, be consistent.
Work on different things on different days to ensure your interest is kept up (YMMV).
Do studies, break down the structures of what you're studying into simple shapes or representations
Osaro head, Loomis mannequin are very helpful tools


>> No.5161677
File: 118 KB, 380x370, tumblr_om3e90wGxC1t33d6lo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate doing commissions. I fucking hate them. Most of the time I hate drawing the characters I'm given it fucking sucks. I hate turning this thing im passionate about into a job and chore. My entire family pushes me to take commissions, too, especially if im struggling with money. Like yeah, its nice to have that backup but its bittersweet because I just fucking hate it. Did I mention I hate it?

>> No.5161685

can't believe I got banned for calling op a pathetic weeb

>> No.5161706

I know what you mean. I love making and eating sandwiches, but I was miserable when I had to make them for other people
But it's good you're getting commissions, a lot of people (like me) can't get them and it's nice to be paid because other people like your art abilities so much that they want to pay you for them

>> No.5161714
File: 33 KB, 300x265, 716583f2dfd1e7c8c63641780f9255ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the small one, but it's still a caring gift, so i'm grateful, i'm not frustrated with her, i'm frustrated with myself and my lack of hability to legit love her gift, i feel bad about myself.

I think that's the main difference, the texture of the paper and how that looks when i scan my works in, only having the lines makes it look a lot more bare bones, i need to find a way to replicate that somewhat.

I agree it's a wonderful gift, i really wish i could show her a good piece with it, but everything i do digitally is terrible, which is why i'm frustrated and dissapointed in myself and with drawing with it.

You seem really chill and nice, anon, thank you for your input :3

>> No.5161728

you don't need to do commissions anon
if you want money just get a better paid job. getting into art to make money is just stupid
don't taint your art experience doing things you despise

>> No.5161729

I have a friend asking me for a commission. He wants me to design characters with very specific features and clothing AND in a specific comic book style that they like. It’s annoying as fuck

>> No.5161742

Yeah, I feel a little spoiled venting about this of all things because I know its hard to get commissions and all. I just finished one earlier of a character design I absolutely hated working with and just left it feeling so unsatisfied with myself, I guess.

It is really nice to know that people genuinely like my stuff, though.

My wages are fine, I just need to relax on overspending, lol. I hate people that get into art to make money; when I was 14/15 I had friends get into it solely to make designs to sell or push commissions with 0 actual drawing experience because they saw me doing it semi-successfully. They quit after a few weeks of not knowing what they're doing, but it irked me so bad as someone that was actually passionate about it. I'll prolly only use commissions to fund future projects im passionate about, from here on out.

Drawing by description? Or does he at least have vague references? I hate not having references, even if its just a shitty ms paint thing.

>> No.5161751

Just do a shit job so you get fired. Easy

Though I got a sneaky suspicion that they still won't fire you even if you did that...

>> No.5161754

Actually id quit at the rate being lowered as it was not what I agreed to. Did you sign a contract?

>> No.5161757

You sound like a girl. Please be my art gf

>> No.5161779

Sorry, my friend, but i'm actually a dude.
Still, don't give up, i'm sure you'll be able to find an art gf eventually, just gotta put yourself out there, in environments where art girls go to preferably, and talk to them.
I'll be cheering you on, anon, good luck!

>> No.5161790

Wtf why are you so feminine then? Are you a teenage anime fan?

>> No.5161799


>> No.5161802

I'm 21, so i'm an adult technically, but desu i've never really matured past teenagehood, i'm a teen in an adult's body i guess. You're right about the anime fan part tho.

As for sounding feminine, idk, it's just how i am really, i guess i really do sound too feminine for a dude, but i can't help it for some reason.

>> No.5161806

Yeah I signed one but I can't quit until I finish the batches I agreed to. I don't want to fuck myself over legally too, so I'm just going to rush this shit and submit it

>> No.5161809

Lmao I thought you were a chick too. You write like a girl bro

>> No.5161810

Serves you right.

>> No.5161812

So you signed a contract that stated your pay rate? You have a copy of the contract? Make them at least pay what they owe you.

>> No.5161813

Fucking anime man, it's turning our kids gay. Start watching sports, drinking beer, working out, and taking testosterone.

>> No.5161830

I work 40 hours a week, don't have many chores, so I should have a lot of time to do art, right? Turns out, I never do, or squander it, somehow.

I try, but even when I have free time, I can't seem to get in the zone until the last minute. Friday night is my art night, & sometimes I sit there for hours making weak doodles until I have a small idea of what to draw, when I should be pumping out full sketches & pieces in that time. Also, I always lose interest in what I am drawing due to difficulty or lack of satisfaction with the developing product.

I also think that I may be depressed & suffer from analysis paralysis frequently.

>> No.5161848

This but unironically

>> No.5161886

I've figured it out. The secret lies in the fruit

>> No.5161887

This guy gets it

>> No.5161889


>> No.5162233

Even if I were incredibly skilled and drawing things that were palatable, I would still never get a job anywhere or gain any following because my interpersonal skills are awful. I hate other people. Not even world 99 percentile skills and ideas would get me anywhere if I can't lick a boot.

>> No.5162257

This is just not true you’re just not good. You can be the biggest retard in the world
If you produce. That’s all that matters. If you make money you make friends. It’s hollow but it’s a fact of life

>> No.5162267

I just know I'd be able to get big on social media if I drew porn, my art is decent enough if I tried, but I just cannot bring myself to do it. I've drawn a couple pin ups from popular vidya and I know all I need to do is actually post them on social media, but I feel like I'm going to lose an important part of myself it I do. It feels like there's no going back and like I'll have to commit myself to drawing nothing but sexy stuff

>> No.5162287

"Strong interpersonal skills" is perhaps the most ubiquitous requirement and asset that people put on their resume. You're probably just some pornshitter.

>> No.5162305

Don't do it, trust your gut. You're going to become a whore and you know it. The pornfags here are all coping, they know it themselves.

>> No.5162324

Drawing coom shit on Twitter does not automatically mean you will become a hit overnight. There’s still some marketing and fanart you have to do, and other coomers will still ignore you. Coom art is more OC friendly though

>> No.5162390
File: 1.82 MB, 1628x1252, that fucking foot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idc if you're a coom artist but the fact that anatomy is thrown out the fucking window with this guy irks me
this shit is polished /beg/ anime at best

>> No.5162421

why are you even looking at this trash? how did you fucking save this shit and then reposted it here? do you realize how massive of a faggot you are?

>> No.5162436

I fucking hate you all.

>> No.5162438

What is it with coom artists learning to render so well but neglecting anatomy so hard?

>> No.5162458

the rendering is where the coom comes from.

>> No.5162526
File: 89 KB, 704x400, 2E7DC5A9-651A-43B5-847B-7E82B733685C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rage, while contained, is greater than ever, and rather than wanting to bash in the skull of other humans, I now want to tear their flesh asunder with my jaws and claw out their eyes. I hide it behind a mask of normalcy and dry amusement, but there’s less and less human ‘warmth’ within me with each passing day. I don’t seem to feel as much compassion as before.

My art is improving, not as fast as I’d like it to. Strange that the human emotions which make art are slowly being drained from me. Lust is the only thing I can consistently channel, and even that ebbs and flows with my moodiness.

>> No.5162528

Lmao have sex you melodramatic faggot

>> No.5162530

You offering?

>> No.5162537

No bitch you sound like a terrible time

>> No.5162545

If F i will take you up on it.

>> No.5162552

Are you a girl?

>> No.5162559

thats what i asked you. but no.

>> No.5162564

i hope someone stabs you in the fucking throat

>> No.5162569

you wouldn't be the first person to say so :)

>> No.5162574

Why so mean you big meanie head?

>> No.5162585

the fuck is wrong with u fag?

>> No.5162590

No one "matures". They get jobs, a spouse, kids, a drug habit etc. but they really don't change much. A lot of adults still act like stupid teenagers, especially when in same-gender groups.

>> No.5162603

Get therapy you sound like a literal psychopath

>> No.5162670
File: 21 KB, 640x619, 324fds4rawersfsfas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spends 10 mins sketching the body.
>spends 5 hours sketching the hands, and they look like shit.

>> No.5162889

how does it feel knowing that the people who shaped you no matter the hardship had your best interests in mind and not being scared by abusive people

>> No.5163159

I have no passion for any of my old characters and no inspiration to make new ones

>> No.5163209


Just pay some faggot to chain you up like Light Yagami and youll simmer down.

>> No.5163211

Speak english?

>> No.5163213

Is this a copypasta from deviantart?

>> No.5163229
File: 22 KB, 463x560, 1611429084419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 months anon here
Ive been thinking about finetuning my personality but please answer this, can ANYONE and that includes me and if you've seen my work, my practice, and you know what I complain about (being talentless) do you think it's plausible for me to draw like my heroes (the Alita guy?) with enough practice and grit?
Give me the cold hard truth doc.

>> No.5163242

that's because art is a massive ocean that you can cross in multiple different ways. Its not a linear path, you can get to different islands and be successful in ways different than other artists. This means art is not just a siimple competition where whoever is the fastest /strongest/most creative wins. Or its not just an entrepeneural endeavor where whover gets the most profit wins. It's not just a goal to whoever makes the highest cultural impact or whoever invokes the highest amount of positive contribution to the world. Its not just a whoever expresses his inner thoughts and emotions better. It's all of this combined. There's no proper way to measure progress in general for all this. But you can choose a path , hope its the right path and start from there. Because you can actually measure the distance you have travelled in the linear path you chose.

>> No.5163260

im sick right now because I mixed dairy with soda like a retard. Im supposed to grind anatomy for sculptors today. Now im just shitposting here. I honestly havent posted this much here in a while. Im subconsciously trying to transfer my physical pain by picking fights here to another anon. I havent been this toxic in awhile. This is why I need a proper diet where I eat the same thing every week.
I just wanna do my 6 hr grind but im stuck because my body doesnt feel so good

>> No.5163279

>feel like I've finally settled on a direction to take my work
>see some artwork I really like that's in a totally different style
>think 'shit I want to do that kind of thing instead'
this happens like 3 times a week at this point

>> No.5163282

I used to meet way more older artists (late 20's-30's) online back in 08 and they were cool and wise as shit. I could talk to them once or twice and an immediate friendship would form. Where the fuck did they all go? Everything is overrun with toddlers and adults who act like toddlers. It's legitimately worse than middle school.

>> No.5163295

I can't stop thinking about bot flies. I have been having nightmares about bot flies every night. Since I found out that they exist, I live in constant fear of them.

Help me.

>> No.5163321

immerse yourself into more gore so you won't be disgusted about bot flies anon

>> No.5163325

You've gone 13 whole years without them bothering you anon

>> No.5163424

The state of popular art today has made me lose hope in humanity. I can't deal with people being such fucking pieces of shit. This isn't even a matter of offer and demand, since at this point there are more people drawing porn than people who don't. I can't believe that this shit is all that people are interested in. I feel disgusted every time I take a look at "art", how is it possible that people like this repulsive shit now? I thought that beauty was something incorruptible, this is why we had a whole legacy of it, but no, it's literally just muh brain receptors and we learned to use this shit systematically so that's all there is now. It turns out that people really are just dumb apes. Why should I contribute to this society in any fucking way? Why would I be of service to this filth? I can't imagine saving someone from cancer so he can do what, pollute and jerk himself off for a few more years? Do people only do this because they can post it on social media for good boy points? I'd bunker down with a shotgun if this is the humanity that I have to live with. Fucking filth.

>> No.5163429

>Where the fuck did they all go?
All the cool people I knew on the internet have disappeared from it except for an unmaintained fb page, likely because they were not fucking psychopaths and thus unfit for an art career.

>> No.5163430

>finetuning my personality
Is this in any way related to drawing?

>> No.5163433

Yes Yes give into your desire, join the hand hiding brotherhood

>> No.5163438

People with personality disorders do this kind of shit. I don't get it but its like they think art block means they dont know who they are and need to find themselves before they can make more art.

>> No.5163446

you cant ever control the outcome. keep drawing bro

>> No.5163457
File: 61 KB, 784x522, 1590721435749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haven't played vidya since 2017
>Sis insists I try the MH:Rise demo
>Completely hooked again
I genuinely can't think about anything else now, just weapons and combos and armor skills.
Wasted like 4hr on MHW yesterday. Fuck me

>> No.5163466
File: 132 KB, 301x1114, 1458064295912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to git gud so I can draw comics and my husbando but it's never enough FUCK

>> No.5163478
File: 41 KB, 680x793, 1493090269048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5163483
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>> No.5163539

it sounds like you're drawing for yourself in the first place so why are you worried about sharing?

>> No.5163582
File: 117 KB, 3000x3000, 20210127_134039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never never, after a ruthless war I think I did it.

>> No.5163583

Damn I think you're right. Thanks for the ease of mind.

>> No.5163600

War changes people. Sometimes they see things they can’t unsee. Come home to find home’s not there anymore. It changed. Or maybe they did.

>> No.5163614
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 1602304055870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend a shitload of time trying to make things work in a drawing and I always get stuck to correct things, everything is fucking guesswork specially rendering. It takes me months to finish a piece. Why the fuck am I so bad and talentless despite drawing and practicing so much and actually finishing stuff?! How comes everyone attains a shitload of progress and I'm still stuck at every single step years down the line. Just draw was a lie for me.

>> No.5163648

Sounds like you need to brush up on your fundamentals and whatever is guesswork to you. This shit is why we tell people to do fundies but they never listen.

>> No.5163650

But that's exactly what I do already. I'm pretty much stuck on fundies hell

>> No.5163681

It's hard to say what's wrong without seeing your recent work. Get an art friend so you could get some constructive criticism(hopefully)

>> No.5163694

To draw like them?

Yeah, absolutely.

To write a long-lasting and sustaining manga?

Not anybody can do that. That's like Olympic athlete stuff.

>> No.5163725

Kys cringe weeb

>> No.5163727

>caring about what shipperfag scum thinks

>> No.5163751

Die trendhopper

>> No.5163843
File: 1.67 MB, 2246x2275, 5E564A3C-A066-4F7E-9D4F-49DF6EE7E87D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t draw
I can’t ink
I hate myself
I wanna die

>> No.5163881

Don't make me slap you again.

>> No.5163935

Yeah like your hand fucking up.
This spartan idea ia pretty fucking stupid

>> No.5163945

3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening

>> No.5163975

Yep, ran over a cane toad in celebration.
The whole aboriginal deal is very nuanced. I don't think our generation holds any accountability for what happened then.They did rape and kill each other, but they also were able to sustainably live their way of life for thousands of years with little impact to the environment they hold sacred (aside from the mass extinctions humans have created in all cultures). It's a bit like if we were all forced against our will (starting with our kids) into communism or animism. We value our personal belongings, the idea of being rewarded based on or contribution to society, and other ideologies. If you were forced (violently or not) into adopting a completely new way off life, having your kids abducted and "brainwashed" essentially, you can imagine why people might be a bit pissed off, even years later. Especially when the day that it all began is celebrated. As much as I'd like to say "Focus on today rather than yesterday, adapt and overcome", I can't imagine what it must be like. If we took on the same ideologies as the Chinese government, our country's economy would probably boom, but I reckon we'd all get a whole lot more miserable.

>> No.5164009

I do 8 hr a day and I'm fine, just stretch often you dingus

>> No.5164044

3 hrs is literally just warmup. You know you can take breaks right? 5-6 hrs is pretty normal. I can do 10 when I have higher energy which is atleast once a week. Only time my hand starts to hurt is around 12 hrs.

>> No.5164109
File: 57 KB, 890x503, 53423452908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop playing this game? The emotional bonds, the skill I've acquired. It's the sunken cost fallacy. This game has taken up all my time and energy. So many wasted hours. I'll never get them back. So here I am uninstalling the game for the 3rd time this week. I can't keep doing this; it ain't healthy.

>> No.5164111

damn I usually only draw for an hour or two a day

>> No.5164164

10 hours of floating loomis heads, boxes, and gestures.

>> No.5164176

i want to draw but i keep getting migraines

>> No.5164179

Play a better rhythm game like Bandori Party.

>> No.5164180

Just stop getting migraines.

>> No.5164187

I told my parents that I'm considering applying for art university. I've seen stuff that people from the school produce and some of them are really bad. I probably could get in, but I feel like it might be a waste of money.

>> No.5164191

Your body is telling you that you're doing something wrong.

>> No.5164195

It is a waste of money. Either go for an actual useful degree or if your parents are allowing you to leech then stay home and draw.

>> No.5164198

Ah, I too remember being a 14 years old edge lord.

>> No.5164219
File: 160 KB, 527x728, 1483338297802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you need to know that the world doesn't revolve around you and sometimes just because you have a lot to say doesn't mean it's the right thing to say for anybody.

There are going to be people who just won't click with you and you need to accept that.

>> No.5164282

Is that a drawing of your mom?

>> No.5164377

>He thinks there's only one of us
Delusional. The language of this board is English. Posts with cringe weeb words are poor quality. Lrn 2 English, weeb.

>> No.5164379

No, of your dad.

>> No.5164384

Yikes, at least get addicted to something that has design.

>> No.5164641

I can't understand the thought process of attaching yourself to things like FGO just for more clicks. It sounds soulless as fuck.

>> No.5164885


*whispers in your ear*

>> No.5164901


>> No.5164929

Yeah man don't get me wrong, it must suck and they definitely got fucked over by the colonisation of Australia. I'm also not going to pretend what the average day is like for members of an aboriginal community.

In saying that though I can't see what difference it would make in their lives if the date of Australia day was changed. I feel like there are other things that could be done to improve their lives both personally and as a culture. I'm all for spreading awareness and changing the spirit of the holiday into one of cooperation between all ethnicities that have come to call this land their own.

I can't help but feel that if the date was changed then there would just be something else for people to complain about.

Either way I guess it's not an issue that can really be solved in the span of a few years time. Deeper running problems and all that.

>> No.5164941

I am worried that I'm not hitting some minimum level of work each day to actually improve. I feel like often when I go to reach for a skill I realise that nothing is there and the practice I've done hasn't seemed to stick.

>> No.5165225

>Not drawn anything since college/uni 2-3 years ago
>Suddenly family members are setting up businesses and want me to design logos
>Can't help but feel like all my artwork is horrible and me being incredibly rusty isn't helping
>One family member even mentioned how I should set up my own business making logos
>Her friend does it and she makes £15 per logo
>She sends me a picture of one of her friend's pieces of art
>infinitely better than anything I could have ever made and suddenly what little motivation I have to help my relatives is gone
>Spent the last 4-5 hours lying in bed feeling depressed because all I can think is "Why pay me when they can pay other people and get a much better product"

Always been known as the creative one but I've not been proud of any of my art pieces since highschool. It's been 8 long years of hating every piece of art I've created.
I don't know what to do anymore. I just wanna be happy and help people.

>> No.5165581

On the macro level it's rare for improvement to be that noticeable. Focusing on small things keeps me motivated. I suck ass at drawing hands, I suck ass at drawing hands, so I've just been doing sketch studies everyday. (Got inspired by Marc Brunet's video). When in doubt, do 100.

>> No.5165653
File: 8 KB, 275x369, 1606295976703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.5165667

>Twitter mandatory requires a phone number to make an account now

>> No.5165897

would you like to share an example of some of your original thoughts?

>> No.5165983


If that's your make or break, you're going to be unhappy for the rest of your life. Execution and/or nuance are the real winners.

>> No.5165987

Jesus Christ.

>> No.5166594

I hate being a self-sabotaging non-functional retard.