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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 73 KB, 1214x1561, 2021 01 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5150085 No.5150085 [Reply] [Original]

Commission Price Check thread!
Think you are ready to sell your art? Have no idea what to begin to price it?
Look no further! Post here and get prices on what /ic/anons think others would pay for it.

Start with telling me how much my work (pic related) is worth please.

>> No.5150092

>lets ask a bunch of unproductive, neurotic, salty, crabby people who happen to be your competition what you should price your work at

>> No.5150097

Reminder that you can't price somebody's work solely by looking at it's quality.
The notoriety of an artist is much more important in that regard.

>> No.5150103
File: 2.72 MB, 1863x2400, firefly2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me next!

>> No.5150105

probably include how long this took you or it's hard to judge.

>> No.5150109


>> No.5150111

>Start with telling me how much my work (pic related) is worth please.

>> No.5150119

that guy gets an alert on his phone whenever these threads get created, he's on his way as we speak

>> No.5150120

>Reminder that you can't price somebody's work solely by looking at it's quality.
Sure you can! Just watch:
Int level, but kinda meh style. Furries are good customers, but it's not porn. And portraits are useful if you were doing avatars - there are potential clients in here. I'd say 20-30$ if you're lucky and they like your style.

Traditional gives +20 to appeal. Subject is a bit questionable - nudes are great, but if they're too explicit, people start wondering will they be able to show them off without coming off as creeps. More saturated colors and less shading with black would bump price more. As it is 80-100$.

Don't be silly. Your clients don't give a fuck about how long it took you.

>> No.5150130

market decides price, not a retarded thread on /ic/.

>> No.5150132

Retarded threads on /ic/ are market polling.

>> No.5150157

Oh boy, another masturbatory Brian thread full of people that have no idea how pricing commissions works.

>> No.5150158

yep, i'm getting into furry porn

>> No.5150170

Imagine being this butthurt about common advice.
I bet you think everyone that says "Loomis " is one person, too.

>> No.5150184

15$ get rid of the blur
850$ based trad coomer

>> No.5150185

The sad thing is, you might really believe that.

>> No.5150195

>Sure you can! Just watch:
All I see is BS from a nobody.

I'll repeat. You can't price someone's work only by looking at the quality of the art. If that was a thing, then there wouldn't be crappy commission artists that charge more than more skilled ones.

>> No.5150201


>> No.5150212
File: 1.26 MB, 1162x1785, Untitled276_20210120131703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5150223

Don't bother, these threads are nothing but amateurs crabbing each other into charging pennies, and even non-artists legitimately trying to keep artists down.
Let them rot in their own waste.

>> No.5150252

>All I see is BS from a nobody.
Funny, I see the exact same thing while look at your post.

>> No.5150253

This is not really a worthwhile endeavor. Your art is worth what you will settle for, and just because someone ITT wouldn't pay for it at a certain price point doesn't mean you won't command that price.

What matters more is how many people are seeing your work and contacting you. If you have 500 people requesting commissions even if no one on /ic/ thinks it's worth money, then they're clearly wrong. No one here is paying you, so their idea of value means nothing.

Set your own rate, ask for as much as you can, and then work to justify that price. Fuck what anyone here tells you.

t. Someone who sucks but still gets paid

>> No.5150259

I see the exact same thing looking at yours

>> No.5150265

It looks so messy and unfinished with that sketch showing through. 15$

>> No.5150270

>no u

>> No.5150282

Good point. I just feel bad for all the beginners that waste their time and learn nothing.

>> No.5150284

Your art is shit furart.

>> No.5150307

begone cumfarti

>> No.5150321

who your customer is matters a lot. if you draw niche fetish porn you can get paid a much higher amount even if the quality sucks since few people draw that type of thing.

>> No.5150359
File: 3.94 MB, 1700x2202, ddjh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5150366


>> No.5150373

hahah thanks bro

>> No.5150397
File: 40 KB, 953x540, ctrl paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get rid of the blur
I dunno. Doesn't it make it extra artistic and painterly?

>> No.5150414
File: 15 KB, 296x1020, 1609740047297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think anons? I don't like coloring.

>> No.5150421

>Doesn't it make it extra artistic and painterly?
In a way. But I promise you to 99/100 people, it just looks unfinished.

>> No.5150422
File: 83 KB, 402x621, militarychan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a trad I did a few months ago. I'd draw more if I could get paid for it. I'm always afraid of wasting my time with things that don't get me income.

>> No.5150424

Should work on color theory. 50-70 usd I think.

>> No.5150425

Fair enough, thank you.

>> No.5150449

>I'm always afraid of wasting my time with things that don't get me income.
then why are you drawing western anime in pencils?

If you want to make money with traditional you need to paint and draw traditional subject matter. Anything else is pointless, illustration jobs have absolutely no traditional art in their pipeline, it's all digital at this point.

Unless a working illustrator wants to chime in and let me know if there's still any pencil on paper work done, but I was under the impression everything was digital now from concept to completion.

>> No.5150454

Don't paint with vertical strokes on a round surface, leg looks flat.

>> No.5150456

I wouldn’t take this if you’d pay me

>> No.5150466

wanna bet?

>> No.5150519

well heck. I thought as much.
>why are you drawing anime with graphite?
I only got into drawing because I was a bored and lonely child. I've mostly only used pencil and paper because I'm not really artistically creative.

>> No.5150523
File: 621 KB, 1507x2517, martini 8 finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5150609
File: 1.76 MB, 5371x4933, captainmarvel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I charged 15 for this

>> No.5150631

Your marketing skills are impressive.

>> No.5150645

What is the "standard" for 3 dollar porncommisions? I have no sample at the moment but I want to cash into brain-dead commers with low standards of any kind, no matter how cringe it is. I just want some extra cash.

>> No.5150657

>3 dollar
Jesus Christ dude.

>> No.5150663

I'm not willing to spend more than a couple of hours on a drawing and I don't think at my current level of skill anyone's gonna pay more. Then again >>5150609 makes me think I could actually start with 10$

>> No.5150677

> Think you are ready to sell your art?
> Have no idea what to begin to price it?
Living in a shitty third world country where $4/hour means you have well made it in life means that if I can do an artwork in 3 hours and charge $12 for it, then I'm set.
If I ever get good in a couple years, I'm gonna price out all you murican suckers

>> No.5150688

>$3 after a couple of hours of work

>> No.5150692

>I know, I'll subject myself to slave labor! That'll show those mean old first worlders!

>> No.5150693

Yeah. I was like that couple years ago (I mean the part on considering time wasted without making income). Now I only spend as much at work as absolutely needed to pay for my necessities and a little saving.

>> No.5150694

I was insecure but I think I should start loving myself some more, thanks anon I'm going to start with 7$

>> No.5150704

Not even close, dude.

>> No.5150712
File: 51 KB, 789x960, 158867553835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you charge for a drawing?
Post work

>> No.5150718
File: 1.42 MB, 967x804, 1610837373017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you have some serious self esteem problems, not even a cleaning lady would accept 7$ for HOURS of work, it's not about loving yourself it's about decency

I get you are feeling weak because you charge for shit but you should never start this low, it means you value your art like it's nothing and that's a very COFF pardon the meme word toxic way of thinking, you also risk basically insulting the commissioner because you charge so little he will expect a fucking stick man with a doodled penis

believe in u

>> No.5150735
File: 841 KB, 2227x2018, carlee 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5150738
File: 30 KB, 200x300, persimg21192[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5150754

You could try charging more than minimum wage, for a start.

>> No.5150755

I'm going to start with 15$ and see where it goes from there then. I was thinking of "name your price" schemes too but I'm not sure if that's a good idea. If no one bites then I guess I will just keep practicing.
thanks fren

>> No.5150765
File: 282 KB, 1400x1893, graphic-artists-guild-handbook-of-pricing-ethical-guidelines-15th-edition-9781507206683_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider investing in a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better aid you in answering these sorts of questions. I'd suggest that you get yourself a recent copy of "The Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines" as it contains information all graphic artists and their clients need to buy and sell work in a professional manner.

While print media is a bit pricey, it's well worth the investment, but I would also suggest you check out a copy from your library, or ask any pros you know of if the handbook is aligned with what your goals. However, if you've found you'd like to read his book, but find money is an issue for you, you should be able to find past editions copies through torrent sites.


>> No.5150771

Speech increased to 100

>> No.5150776



>> No.5150794

based coomer

>> No.5150796
File: 405 KB, 677x949, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5150814
File: 96 KB, 960x1200, 20210121_230610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd happily pay £150 (GBP)+ for that.

I have no idea what my skill level is worth. I like my lineart, but my colouring is subpar imo.

>> No.5150820

This gets mentioned every thread, but the people here never learn.
Any kind of advice here is met with hostility and denial.

>> No.5150837


>> No.5150839

60+$ easily

>> No.5150843


>> No.5150862

Brother, you wound me.

>> No.5150866
File: 525 KB, 1317x1303, EC9E8C52-6309-441A-BCEA-A890E4B9FCA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5150880

ortamommy I think your lines are phenomenal and maybe you could look into artists that render a little better and especially those that push their value range to make your stuff pop. seriously I love how supple and soft your forms look
I'd pay 70 squids m8
very cute, work on more appealing proportions and focus on hands and neck/torso construction. the fabric for her top looks great it just needs some variation. Great colour choices
£15 as it needs a more polished look and more appeal
Nice confident lines, her expression looks like she got distracted by a unicorn off in the distance though. maybe work on some shading and value studies as right now the only thing that pops is her eye. £25
cba to do more. keep improving and ask yourself and others after every finished piece how you can improve so you don't stagnate. if you're not making finished pieces fix that first, you're never not good enough to make them, and they are invaluable for a clear assessment to what you need

>> No.5150882

i mean i think this looks good for what it is, i just don't know what someone would pay for it.

I'd pay nothing because I wouldn't buy it in the first place, but that's not helpful for you.

I guess just going by similar things I see in that skill level I'd say that'd go for like $200?

>> No.5150895

well post something that isnt just a drawing from the thigh up. besides that theres a ton of anatomical errors that stick out too much for me and muscles/fat combination that dont really work. that straight neck really stood out to me.

>> No.5150942

I'll take £70 squids. Thanks son.

>$200 dollarydoos
You can be my other son.

Well, you're not wrong.

>> No.5150952

>This gets mentioned every thread, but the people here never learn.
That's because it looks like a book about contracts and prices specific for graphic designers from USA. I don't think it will be worth buying if I'm drawing furry porn from Europe.

>> No.5151139

I am third worlder i can eat a month with that

>> No.5151156

/ic/ is not meant for real-world, professional advice like this, but rather tips on finding lowly private commissions from social media or building up a Patreon.

I have this book sitting next to me right now actually - it's one of the best things I've ever bought. Though I wouldn't bother trying to give real, actual career advice. I stopped trying to help people here in yhat regard years ago because it's just pointless. The only viable opportunities to /ic/ are porn patreons, concept art, sci fi or fantasy illos, furry art or "OC" commissions. Everything else is unviable, doesn't exist, or is branded as "graphic design". Case in point >>5150952

>> No.5151253

$80 at least, and that's cheap af, maybe $120 as a good stable price
People in this board have no idea how much people will pay for a commission and then they throw stupid lowballs like the ones on this thread, value yourselves

>> No.5151257
File: 241 KB, 708x689, 95D78550-F672-4705-9D23-529B6965920F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acrylic on canvas 16 x 24”

>> No.5151279
File: 878 KB, 2227x2018, carlee 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh i keep the value just a shade because i could end polishing a turd

>> No.5151309

Thanks bröther, that's quite a confidence boost.

>> No.5151321
File: 525 KB, 1500x1500, B95400DE-5C81-4C5D-89D3-A7FD57B76AB9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should you charge for sketches

>> No.5151322

>teehee my skill is so lowly, I just have no idea!! uwu
>on a board where everyone sucks your dick daily

Fuck off

>> No.5151331

I started charging 60$ and it works

>> No.5151340

>it looks like a book about contracts and prices specific for graphic designers from USA
> it looks like
>a book
>looks like
Gee, if only there were some well known phrase pertaining to the content of books that applied to situations like these.

>> No.5151349
File: 929 KB, 1250x1738, 1610234413927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5151375
File: 45 KB, 720x720, received_1108316502932457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog comissions.. how much would this be worth? A4, colored pencils.

>> No.5151379


>> No.5151399
File: 1.16 MB, 2450x1379, FE22BD4C-823E-4E75-AE72-BB1E57AF469A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped doing commissions. Now, I just want to selfishly draw my own weird brain worms. Do you think anyone would pay for prints or books of bizarre drawings? Or maybe a digital adult coloring book of ink drawings? How much for a set of 30 drawings like pic rel?

I do not think i have a critical mass of followers interested in my content.

>> No.5151405
File: 831 KB, 1320x1560, 35949582-5691-4FC0-8CE5-F635D8C70133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should I charge for basic coloured sketches? Most people do sketches, line art and fully finished pieces but my line art is not worth it imo so I’d do these instead

>> No.5151419

cool drawings

>> No.5151424

Prints are very different from commissions.
The price depends largely on how many you expect to sell. If you think you'll sell a lot, you can charge just slightly over the cost of the printing/distribution. If you only expect to sell a few, then you'll want at least a 50% profit.
If you're assembling and mailing it out yourself, make sure you factor in the time it takes to do each order.

>> No.5151446

Agreed. It's really getting out of hand

>> No.5151479
File: 463 KB, 2000x2000, ErhDu7EXAAIjeEv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about offering 1 or 2 of these kind of monochrome/sketchy commissions but I've never sold my work in any professional capacity except to trade for non-money things like a website invite or gaia gold a few years ago. My coloring is trash and clean line-art is a rarity because of my goldfish attention-span. I also do nsfw but pretty vanilla range stuff.

>> No.5151523

Left leg is low poly lol. Follow the shape with your strokes anon

>> No.5151593

your art would probably fit in at hot topic.
I think that if you used a textured brush to mimic a crayon or something with more noise, it would match the sketch lines better and you could sell it for more.

>> No.5151631

Looks like a benis and balls. Somone had to say that.

>> No.5151641

i love you furart

>> No.5151677

Not really a trad mate, but good anatomy. 50$
You need to improve.
200$+ Very good quality. Painting fairies would bump it up at least double.
Skin pigment and contours are distasteful. Wouldnt pay.
5-10$ if you do standardized prints. For a whole book of them you could bump it up to 35-45$.
30$ if commissioned
I would work on colouring if I were you, because you know perspective and anatomy. Make a finished product, post on sm and you'll get commissions. If it was coloured it'd be worth at least 65$.

>> No.5151684

I feel both of you didn't got a fair appraisal.

>> No.5151751
File: 3.53 MB, 2423x3425, illust_86009953_20210121_234907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this worth?

>> No.5151758

40-60, render the armpit more and you’re looking over 100.

>> No.5151798

I want to point out that you people are getting monetary advice from a mass replying fucktard that doesn't even know how to format an amount of money in text.

>> No.5151822
File: 667 KB, 1200x900, ddkxnsq-4e8cdcf6-819b-4dbc-8b9f-5fc4d56720f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight

>> No.5151826

These threads are always like
>portfolio tier concept art
>I'd give you a solid 100 dollaronis for this
>really?!!?! I have 5 followers
>/beg/ posts diaper furries fucking a helicopter
>Eugh! 250$ at best!
>I sold it for 12 thousand dollars

>> No.5151834

You are the fucktard in question.

>> No.5151871

Sorry I never see any money

>> No.5151968


>> No.5151987

>200$+ Very good quality. Painting fairies would bump it up at least double.

The absolute state of /ic/ crabs.

>> No.5151989

this post is proof that >>5150097 is true.

>> No.5152004


>> No.5152009

Are most ic user literally living in the streets of Calcutta or some latin american shanty town?

>> No.5152013

You forget to mention the commie blocks in the slavic countries, but yes

>> No.5152032
File: 189 KB, 800x1160, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most artists you can commission on the internet live in south america or the poor part of Asia. the rates on commissions are too low to make a living in first world countries. most of them charge around 40$ and get maybe a dozen a month, if that was the only thing they did and they lived in the first world, they'd starve even before taxes kicked in.

That's why everyone has some sort of webcomic or project to justify a Patreon these days

>> No.5152067

confusing forms in the neck and upper chest areas. fix it and it's an easy 150$+.

>> No.5152069

really fucking good actually. If it was full body or atleast properly framed portrait it would EASILY be 300$+.

>> No.5152108

$80 easily, but you could get as much as $150, depends on how many points you have in Luck

>> No.5152420

According to this thread, I should ditch drawing booba girls in PS and start drawing dogs with colored pencils

>> No.5152421

I mean... yeah. If you want to make money. It’s not an industry secret that drawings of dogs sell

>> No.5152543

I don't doubt that.

>> No.5152548


There is more skill in the latter.

>> No.5152553

No, just the retards that participate in these garbage fire threads.
We have even had someone in these
threads admit to literally not even being an artist and just wanting to drive down the cost of commission.
These threads are the epitome of crabbing.

>> No.5152555

>I should ditch drawing booba girls in PS and start drawing dogs with colored pencils
you FOOL, you should COMBINE them

>> No.5152556
File: 2.59 MB, 2381x2789, vampire girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be honest

>> No.5152557

>be honest
You're in the wrong thread for that.

>> No.5152656


I don't think your skill is really at a level yet to sell work seriously, sorry anon. Get better. I would pay $20 tops.

>> No.5152658


Go back to your containment thread

>> No.5152720
File: 234 KB, 1280x718, 3E6EB627-DC8A-4806-BA1C-407A99F672D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks - kek i didn’t even think hot topic was still in business. I havent been to a mall in like a decade

Is red bubble any good? Is there a cross comparison between all the different custom print houses? I guess i would do like merch or something, but I’d probably need to do digital instead. I dont want to be sitting on a stock pile of prints / books desperately waiting to sell them.

>> No.5152777

very crisp.

ugly dog tho

>> No.5153179

Wow I never thought of that. What a waste of time.

>> No.5153204

I think if you worked on presentation...

Skill-wise if you did a full image to this detail you could sell it in the range of $250-$400 but there's real diminished returns on working this intensely on single pieces.

Like doing a fully illustrated piece with a background would probably only sell for $50-$100 ($500) more than if it was just the dog on a flat background, and the increased price might make it sit around a lot longer than a few quicker pieces at lower prices.

Unfortunately that's the reality of business on the internet, it's a lot of small sales on less detailed work, things that pop out as thumbnails, very few people are going to be willing to shell out big bucks over a computer screen.

You have the skills to make it work though, if you wanted to do those bigger pieces and ask for more, I just question whether you'd find a buyer.

>> No.5153377

That's cool I'm not selling art yet anyway. What would you say was wrong with this out of curiosity

>> No.5153717

You can make a baseline price given art quality from a consumer's perspective. You can make a baseline price from a time spent standpoint from an artist's perspective. Notoriety or name branding is a luxury tax that you can add once you have either a brand or notoriety. Everybody's gotta start somewhere.

>> No.5153723

With this quality, you should be able to squeeze 80$ out of it easy

>> No.5153732

Get a scanner and learn how to touch up digitally. Learn digital painting eventually. Easy fix.

>> No.5153822

I have purchased quite a lot of art. I’m mostly here for the artbook share threads but here’s an opinion from a frequent art buyer.

If you do nsfw you could easily get 80$ for something like this. If you had any kind of following you could get 150-200$. Easy. I wouldn’t buy it cuz I’m not a furry, but my friends would.
I’ve paid Thai teenagers 4$ American for stuff like this.
My boss would easily pay a couple grand if this is trad. If digital I’d say like 100$
I have paid Korean teenagers 15$ American for things if this quality.
This is a wikihow image. I would pay 25-50 cents American which is the going rate for wikihow images.
Depends entirely on your Twitter popularity desu. The art itself is bad in the way only somebody who is better at drawing realism drawing porn for money is bad. 35$
You’re pretty bad but you’re bad in the way nips who don’t know what they’re doing are. 100$ easily. Keep studying you’ll be Twitter famous in 4-6 years.
Depends on your following. You draw like a 20 something girl who dropped out of art school because they wouldn’t let her draw anime though. So.. 30$
You could charge 25-40$ an hour. This is easily the most marketable thing in this thread.
Don’t take commissions, you’d be wasting time you could be spending growing your brand. draw more original shit and open up a mercy shop. You are by far the most talented person in this thread.
100-150$ base, it’s nothing special but you are leagues above most Twitter artists
30$. If you get better at making the colors not boring as fuck 60$
I have a friend who posts his work exclusively to Facebook and has about 100 followers which are mostly just friends of his like me who want to support him and see him get better. I’d buy you a beer, that’s about it.

>> No.5153899
File: 1.55 MB, 1500x1138, hbn1-commission-Jan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I update my commission sheet every 30 days to do testing. So let me know what to change next. Do i need to up/down the degenerate/fetish taxes, do i need add more details? Do i need to add more fees etc.

>> No.5153906

$350. If you do thid in 3 -4 hours. If you spend more than 6 hours. $400.

>> No.5153927 [DELETED] 

Are you that Davisfag?

>> No.5153929

Kill yourself, you dumb third worlder. You don't even know the difference between buying art and commisioning art.

>> No.5153957
File: 93 KB, 735x955, 1611173996080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wondering.
I'm too busy with grinding fundies to do commissions right now.

>> No.5153960
File: 1.90 MB, 2224x1668, E9B93224-FEB0-48AD-9035-B0399A75AAB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first formal comm
Charged 200 dlls for this and one more like this (7 draws total) plus editing process to adjust them for banners for social media.
The girl in most of these pics is my client.
Took me quite a time everything since im working as a medic and doing night shift quite often, but in the end she like it everything

>> No.5153969

$45 or higher

>> No.5153974

Lol, you're so butthurt

>> No.5153976

Already made it, tighten up your anatomy and rendering skills and expect $2000 a month drawing coom every week

>> No.5153978

I want to live where you live if I my entire savings of 40K are enough to support me for my entire live

>> No.5154009

You either have great money management for food/ get to eat free from other resources
Eat like shit

>> No.5154054

This is proof that art quality doesn't make the price.
For instance I wouldn't pay shit for this kind of crappy amateurish shit.

>> No.5154057

Well, 3rd world countries don't really sport high cousine for their middle/lower class lol.
Some countries have minimal wages that are around 10-20 bucks.

>> No.5154060

Cuba/Dominican Republic are heavens on earth for that kind of shit. It's hard to get a visa tho.

>> No.5154061

About what, retard?

>> No.5154071

>For instance I wouldn't pay shit for this kind of crappy amateurish shit.
I guess when you're a twitchthot drowning in simp money it's easier to splurge

>> No.5154076

No you fucking don't. Third worlders come here and cope with their shitty situation by pretending they just get cheaper things, but they have cheap things because everything they have is literal garbage. If you want to live like a 3rd worlder in America, then you can just eat nothing but rice and live in a shack with no heating or air. Same experience, only the air and water don't kill you.

>> No.5154081

Uh, anon do you trace? The line work looks like you dont understand the form you're drawing at all

>> No.5154084

He does, and then he comes here and makes threads bragging about it, inexplicably.

>> No.5154111


>> No.5154219

>you’re pretty bad but you’re bad in the way nips who don’t know what they’re doing are. 100$ easily. Keep studying you’ll be Twitter famous in 4-6 years.

I feel like I just got slapped across the face and then kissed on the forehead.

>> No.5154472
File: 7 KB, 222x227, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you buy art from teenagers so often? You an ephebo groomer or smth?

>> No.5154480

Don't listen to crabs, you're already better than 50% artists who take comms. Go to >>>/aco/4886846 and see for yourself.

>> No.5154483 [DELETED] 

Such an obvious troll and larper it's not even funny. Def one of the most obnoxious local crabs. Kys.

>> No.5154489

Such an obvious troll and larper it's not even funny. Def of the most obnoxious local crabs. Kys.

>> No.5154494

jesus christ everything under the 100$ mark, why they even bother with commission

>> No.5154497

Nice cope, M*rican. No school shootings or nigga riots today?

>> No.5154499

Reminder that you don't need a few Ks followers, you just need the right people that will happily spend money for your art because you're the only one doing a certain type of art style/genre

>> No.5154509

Buy a cheap used Surface or similar Windows tablet with pressure sensitive pen which can also run SAI or the like and get into digital. Getting used might take a month or two, but it's worth it. Then take coommissions. Don't ever take pricing advice from /ic/ crabs most of whom are your competitors, go to the commission thread on /aco/, commission discords, etc, and set price slightly lower than people with similar skill at first. But only slightly. Raise your prices after you do more comms and gather a large portfolio. Starting some social media and promoting yourself there is also a good idea.

>> No.5154512

Not everyone is ready to get into furryscat or shotaguro, hun

>> No.5154584

>He doesn't think the Loomis demon is real.

>> No.5154816
File: 3.74 MB, 2698x3000, face change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only do shit for free atm because it's good practice and I'm still a beginner but do you think I could get like 12€ for something like this? Of course I would polish it more.

>> No.5154879

>no u

>> No.5154889

I'd put it at 30. Ask for 30 and keep on practicing/posting your works, when you have a following then you'll easily get 30 even with your art style. All that matters is you have a following.

>> No.5154925


>> No.5154926

pyw, crab

>> No.5154937


>> No.5154942

Can someone post what is was? I want to see the retard's drawing

>> No.5154946
File: 1.11 MB, 894x894, 1598013384084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5154951
File: 202 KB, 800x437, 1594795569546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone erase my eyes

>> No.5155000
File: 205 KB, 857x1000, 2B wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$500 easily
my turn

>> No.5155014

What's interesting about this is the background isn't' even that bad.

>> No.5155019

Wow, two same numbers along with three same numbers!

>> No.5155026

She looks so... deflated

>> No.5155054
File: 64 KB, 700x652, 3104518_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guise, I think we've all just fell victims of a master ruseman

>> No.5155056

Looks like simple line art+flat colors
If it were more “finished” double that easily but right now it looks kind of boring and generic

>> No.5155422
File: 471 KB, 1280x905, 56E823E0-82DD-4DAC-8E65-E6A85575AF1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heya! I know my content doesn’t have a huge market but yeah how much could I ask?

>> No.5155485

Be honest.
But if I don't get the biggest number I'll be sad

>> No.5155510
File: 1.05 MB, 1224x1632, 158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much do you think I can get for these pencil portraits? They take about 6 minutes

>> No.5155518

spend more time then

>> No.5155562

I’m American... Lmao. Also, I didn’t think the word I used mattered that much desu. I apologize for my “commissioning” fauxpas
Sometimes I spend way too much on Gacha games so I go light on my art spending for the month.

>> No.5155598

any good pages to recibe money?

>> No.5155835

>I'm an American, I promise! I just swam over last week!

>> No.5156006
File: 496 KB, 1400x963, Jan23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get anything for this?

>> No.5156014

You can get slapped by your father

>> No.5156017
File: 453 KB, 1000x1000, eldrich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this tonight. not sure what somebody might pay for creature art like this lol

>> No.5156019

Tips on how to draw as gestural as you? Has so much style and confidence

>> No.5156020

So much coom

>> No.5156054

It only sucks if you're actually a citizen. If you live in a third world country but have first world savings (or better yet, first world income) it's pretty based, so long as you can afford to travel back if you need to (like for medical shit) and so long as you actually like the country/people/culture.
>t. lived in a developing island nation for about a year and lived like a relative king for about a quarter of my normal expenses
There's a reason expats flock to these kinda places at retirement, and it's not just for ladyboys.

>> No.5156134

They said they liked their linework, which is nice but the coloring is indeed weak and bare bones, at least on that image.

>> No.5156143


Nothing, everything you make is shit

>> No.5156181
File: 131 KB, 900x900, IMG_20200714_211327_176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really nice. shit I dunno, $50-60?

>> No.5156198

I could also get cheaper rent if I wanted to live in the ghetto.
Crime rates, mortality rates, government corruption, lack of human rights, etc.
You get what you pay for.

>> No.5156469

Get hired by a gayem studio, do monster concept art... and draw monsterrape coommissions on the side

>> No.5157067

looks unfinished. 30$

>> No.5157072

who would pay for that?

>> No.5157285

Why do you keep samefagging with different amounts?

>> No.5157471
File: 1.81 MB, 1562x1885, Untitled278-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay thanks, this time i tried to erase as much of the sketch and used a different style

>> No.5157674

>You need to improve.
but how

>> No.5157706

dang. Guess I better grind more then

>> No.5157712


>> No.5157714


>> No.5157876

not even for free

>> No.5157878

yeah I got a ways to go

>> No.5157919
File: 261 KB, 602x930, 4e4e4e4 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no ref point for work like yours or mine. That's why I'm here

>> No.5158630

thank you anon i'm trying very hard to improve

>> No.5158633

Keep grinding anon I admire your ambition with such a challenging pose

>> No.5158901

you've got good colors, it doesn't look flat actually, and you show int-level skill in some aspects of your work
the only thing that's holding you back is appeal. find a better anatomy and proportions that look prettier/cuter, because the cartoonish face and the realistic way the head connects to the neck and the wide shoulders are jarring

>> No.5159240
File: 1.80 MB, 1699x883, Screenshot_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5159318
File: 57 KB, 636x720, 1605412370026 1589151878948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing finished yet but I want to know before I fully commit
Is there a market for figurines / sculptures?
Would I always have to recast the brittle polymer clay figurine into resin?
Would people be interested in unpainted figurines, or figurines in flat colors?
What about unassembled figurines?
Would it be a good idea to make single figurines for a single client at a higher price, or to make manny of the same and sell those?
What is the coomer / furry potential?
What shipping and payment options do I have (if even available) if I want to maintain some anonymity?

>> No.5159323
File: 125 KB, 480x953, 097BAFBE-7163-43E0-A7DB-9CC242366AE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5159550
File: 1.43 MB, 2469x2869, 507BAAEC-4768-41AE-965B-F113416AB777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5159773
File: 528 KB, 811x1038, D5E75866-627F-421B-BD0D-596031A84AB9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest, im thinking 20

>> No.5159904

>Is there a market for figurines / sculptures?
I'd say there's definitely a market, depending on what you'd be offering! I know of a couple of artists that do custom sculptures/dolls of ocs/sonas/pets/etc (Rivalmit/Creature-Cave/PantheraSculptures), and I've also seen artists offer premade resin casts (MissMonster)

>Would I always have to recast the brittle polymer clay figurine into resin?
Couldn't say for sure, but I don't think so? Clay seems to be able to hold up well so long as it's reinforced properly, iirc some of the custom sculptures I've seen have mainly used sculpey/etc (sometimes epoxy/resin too)

>Would people be interested in unpainted figurines, or figurines in flat colors? What about unassembled figurines?
I've seen the resin ones offered in blanks or pre-painted and un-assembled figures are a thing in miniature painting for sure

>Would it be a good idea to make single figurines for a single client at a higher price, or to make many of the same and sell those?
Probably depends on what you'd prefer to do; individually sculpt a client's character/sona/pet/etc to their specifications each time or design your own thing once and just recast it? As you said, the former can be offered at a higher price but the latter has the convenience of making it once and then casting batches of it for sale

>What is the coomer / furry potential?
Dunno about coom but there's definitely a furry market! Rivalmit has a good few examples of dragon sonas in their gallery and Creature-Cave has done custom dolls of sonas too
There's also a market for fanart sculpts, someone on dA used to be on the front page a lot with MLP sculptures that seemed to sell quickly (looked up "MLP sculptures" and the one I'm referring too is VIIstar, but there are several other makers too from the looks of it)

>> No.5159966

20 is really shooting too low, you can easily do $50+

>> No.5160036

what's a sm? not joking really, I'm new here

>> No.5160052

Not under $100. Love the creativity.

>> No.5160054

thanks a bunch anon. I'll definitely work that that!

>> No.5160055

im thinking 3rd worlder

>> No.5160397

I'll keep moving towards that direction. I just hope there is a good non-anthro market. I know that anyone anting to live-off this will have to, at some point, satisfy the yiff, but as a not-furry myself I would only make those for the money

>> No.5160548

$35; looks pleasing to the eye but to use this as a sample would be a wrong move; try one with clothes or maybe if it's gotta be naked put it in a more interesting pose and better lighting.

$150-250; these styles have a very small demographic imo, usually in the form of portraits for xmas presents or people who would want a traditional physical painting

$15-20; good skill but unfinished sketches go for far lower value

$35; coloring and lineart are great. custom characters would bring up value in skill.

$15-20; cute but the art seems stiff. a more dynamic pose and even a simple background would do wonders for the value of your art

$300-350+ easily; i would pay you to create character concept art for a game. like the other anon said, you have enough skill to charge by the hour, as well.

$40-65; your style looks very cute, fun, and finished. more complicated character commissions should be charged more relative to your effort.

$60-100; depending on your detail in the piece.


$10-15 per print?; i am sure i wouldn't commission you for a character because i would much rather enjoy your style more as a physical print because of the linework in it.

>> No.5161142
File: 1.63 MB, 2388x1668, 23F29900-581B-4E13-B032-230E6B7081B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks m8,

>> No.5162068

200 to 300 would be the standard.

>> No.5162094

probably around 600$+

>> No.5162106

>this dumb crab thread is still alive
>retards are still posting their art to get "priced" by crabs

>> No.5162588

There's definitely a non-anthro market! A lot of people are into dragons/non-anthro characters. Most of my commissions are for furries but it's usually dragons and sfw, so it's possible to make a business of it without being a furry yourself and without having to do yiff

>> No.5162624

Petra is that you?

>> No.5162669
File: 1.04 MB, 824x785, Screenshot_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5163272
File: 326 KB, 1512x1008, IMG_8631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm thinking $500 per magnet-attached horse dick

>> No.5163281

$100. Biggest issue I see is values, work on that. Also anatomy

>> No.5163301

fuuuck i want a cute school boy to kill me now

>> No.5163776


>> No.5163827
File: 127 KB, 887x1123, 3FAD9642-B03C-4ED8-9A9C-4DD7CF63B22E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5164406

old human tranny face/10

>> No.5164410

Are you the same anon sperging about trannies under every thread?

>> No.5164454
File: 351 KB, 1000x1000, sketch 386 1k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5164455

Are you the same anon sperging about the word "tranny" in every thread?

>> No.5164459

not him but I also think she looks like a man in drag, the jaw and chin are way too strong

>> No.5164819

by same you mean a large majority of sane individuals?

>> No.5164846

i wish i had a tranny gf

>> No.5165255
File: 175 KB, 562x1000, konoss1212ffss papelf1 byn3 pe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5165326

Can I get away with high prices if I have more followers? Have 20k and thinking of selling simple chibi commissions for like $30-40

>> No.5165336

No matter what, people don't like price hikes. But with that many followers who gives if some of them leave.

>> No.5166111

$120 - $150

>> No.5166222
File: 1.59 MB, 1836x2600, Illustration8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imo you could sell art like that for a ton. I'd estimate $50 per character with an additional fee for background.

Picrel was a commission I charged $90 for, but the guy insisted on giving me an extra tip of $50 (both in USD.) For five hours of drawing time it's an insanely good hourly rate, but I hate my drawing with every last fiber of my being. Should I not charge as much til I'm happier with my art, or just charge what people will pay?

>> No.5167764

I feel you had a very generous client, no offence.

>> No.5168854 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 1100x804, dekutree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A potential client is asking for a painting similar to something I've made previously. I've yet to do commissions, so I have no clue what I could charge for something like this.

>> No.5168868
File: 412 KB, 1100x804, dekutree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A potential client is asking me for a painting similar to something I made previously. I have no experience doing commissions, so I've got no clue how much I could charge for something like this

>> No.5168889


Jesus christ, I'd say...

>> No.5168927

10 dollars, easy. Nightmare fuel for kids and aspiring digital whack jobs.
17 dollars, barely enough to cover the frame and the nails I'll use to put this crap up over, you guessed it, my toilet.
$7.50, and that's being generous. Nice Pirahna teeth.
Yeah, don't waste your time. Stop riding coat tails.
...for them to burn it?
Nothing like pouring out milk curds to mask the smell of this crap. 5 bucks, take it or leave it.
I'll pay you what you paid for the canvas, and I'll give you an extra 60 bucks on top of that. Noice. :)
One dollar. Spot tracing your garbage.
You got lazy on the background and what the hell is it standing on? 7 bucks.
>I stopped doing commissions.
Thank you.
You got lazy on the feathers. 5 bucks.
Paying me to unclick that. You owe me 30 dollars.
Nice dubs. Pretty good, I'd pay 60 to 90 bucks for your time.
15 bucks, and only because you used watercolors.
2, 4, 6, respectively. Anyone paying your prices deserves to have buyer's remorse the day after.
Keep grinding, I'll only pay you 10 bucks for this.
Your mom doesn't count as your first formal commission and you still owe her for the rent that month.
Stop trying to copy Frank Cho...you know what, keep at it. That inflated ego will shit down your neck if he ever catches wind of you trying to "mimic" his style.
Don't rip off Maridia from Super Metroid, and maybe you can get 10 bucks. Maybe.
Went down in value. 4 bucks.

No but seriously, aside from you traditional painters, you'd have to pay me to take any of your art off your hands. hahaha

>> No.5169168

I'd not jack up prices just for the sake of it, but if you have a large pool of followers and your work is in demand then I assume it's something they'd be willing to pay $30-$40 for. If you're unsure and if simple chibis don't take you long (eg, $30-40 is worth min wage or more for the time they take you) then you could try opening a few slots for $30 and if there's high demand, you can increase the price for the next batch.

How long did the one you made previously take you? If you can make an estimate then you can use min.wage per hour as a starting point - emphasis on "starting point", higher quality = higher price!

Art is a luxury so make sure the effort is at least worth both your times

>> No.5169890



>> No.5169984

Why would you want a reply from such a dumb crab?

>> No.5170029

you can reply as well senpai

>> No.5172250

god i hate this disgusting style
it straight up repulses me