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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5150911 No.5150911 [Reply] [Original]

If you want to get lots of followers fast, just animefy and modernize some famous painting, shit's dumb

>> No.5150912

But I want to draw birds and insects

>> No.5150917

You'll never be famous drawing birds and insects, tell me 1 artist famous for their birds and insects

>> No.5150935

Walton Ford
David Sibley
Roger Tory Peterson
Ernst Haeckel

>> No.5150946


>> No.5150948

literally whomst

>> No.5150956


>> No.5150957

Don't forget to draw hypersexualized fanart of the waifu of the week, no matter how inappropriate. Bonus if it's an "adult" version of a canonically underage character.
"I gave her tits and aged her up, that magically makes her legal in canon, guys!!"

>> No.5150958

>imagine mastering drawing and painting just to exclusively make bird paintings
I don't get it but i don't judge them for accomplishing this either. Just found it very odd.

>> No.5150960

god, it's so easy to spot a roastie

>> No.5150965

It's even easier to spot a virgin neckbeard
Sorry your waifu won't fuck you ;)

>> No.5150967

show tits

>> No.5150968

Yes, just keep drawing

>> No.5150970

it's ok, ur mom already fucks me. <o/

>> No.5150977

I had no idea you were a chubby chaser lmao!

Nice dead meme!

>> No.5150979

Better yet, if you want to get lots of followers draw some low effort shitty meme doodle and then reply to your own drawing with a passive aggressive generalizing political stance to alienate people

>> No.5150981

more cushion for the pushin <o/

>> No.5151087

Glad you guys are only joking. I’d be pretty concerned if someone on here actually didn’t know who Haeckel was

>> No.5151095

I don't

>> No.5151115

also make them a nigger

>> No.5151122

mfg that's cringe

>> No.5151262

In my experience, anytime someone says an action is "just" doing something is usually an indication they have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.5151269

In my experience, just doing it is how you get shit done

>> No.5151270

In my experience, making others do it for me is how I get rich

>> No.5151281

In my experience you're a tranny

>> No.5151364

Why would not you put more into the ear. It is the focal point of the original ffs

>> No.5151490

>I gave her tits and aged her up, that magically makes her legal
If you draw a character of legal age, then this makes her legal, yes.
Are you unironically dumb?

>> No.5151518
File: 22 KB, 604x260, screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you see the current discourse twitter is trying to push is that you gotta change the character completely both in body and personality so it doesn't resemble the character anymore in order to be legal

>> No.5151540

John James Audubon is pretty well known for his bird art. some college kids tried to steal one of his art books from a library and there was a movie about it.

>> No.5151548

b-but this is literally a disney princess style. why bring anime into this?

>> No.5151550

nowadays anime just means big eyes

>> No.5151599
File: 393 KB, 1200x630, haeckel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy seems neat

>> No.5151605

Aging characters up is cowardice
Fuck western porn "artists"

>> No.5151683

As a Dutch person, I gotta say this is just.... wrong

>> No.5151685

Welcome in zoomers, the gas ch... I mean showers are just getting warmed up!

>> No.5151686


>> No.5151687

if this world worked the way it should you would've been stoned to death years ago

>> No.5151724
File: 118 KB, 900x1357, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5152134

based mikey, still a fag though

>> No.5152423

If that's the case, what does that say about men? What are you trying to say, Anon?

>> No.5152425 [DELETED] 


>> No.5152437

And you will never be a woman

>> No.5152441

what a haeck

>> No.5152442 [DELETED] 

neither will you <3

>> No.5152444


>> No.5152462

theyre not joking anon. this board is filled with retards

>> No.5152476

why should i care about a nobody from a unimportant country

>> No.5152481 [DELETED] 

because you're also a nobody from a unimportant country

>> No.5152483

man these are freaking dope. thank you

>> No.5152486

so you saying you should know about me too since im a nobody artists from an unimportant country, fuck off retard

>> No.5152496 [DELETED] 

yes, isn't that what you want? or do you want to remain a nobody?

>> No.5152502
File: 377 KB, 1597x1164, 67A02D1C-0BD5-4047-93E9-66C73EBB29F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you like em. Also check out John Audubon’s watercolors

>> No.5152503

That kind of stuff is so cheesy, fuck. If you know about those paintings you should have better taste already.

>> No.5152507

ill take me keeping my face hidden from you any day creepo, i can still make money without being famous and that's all i need, being famous is poopoo

>> No.5152529

Literally one of the most important biologists and naturalists of the 19th century. Also, Germany was a powerhouse of early physiology and embryology. This is like not knowing who Darwin was, come on.

>> No.5152532

I've been seeing this shit om Twitter for years, pretty sure it's a holdover from tumblr.
What really baffles me is that people feel obligated to engage in this nonsense and not just block/mute where appropriate.

>> No.5152534

lol biologists, they only serve to retard our progress

>> No.5152563

i'm sorry but i've never heard of any of these guys, don't beat me up, anon-kun. i will educate myself.

>> No.5153404

Don't you have a discord to tend to tranny?

>> No.5153429

>Dead meme
Fuck off with your attitude, cunt. When your only problem with things is that men enjoy them you should stop and think for a second to realize you are only making your environment bitter and attacking others just because, if a tranny wants to be a tranny you shouldn't give a fuck, right? So why does a random Artist drawing whatever get you all emotional and resentful? I like girls and I like looking at big tits too, just because I look at some doodle doesn't mean I look at a real girl with no tits as any less of a person.

>> No.5153437

That men don't get offended or feel they lose value when the opposite sex draws something with different traits? Yeah that's it

>> No.5153440

I agree completely, doing fan coom is 10000% more honorable

>> No.5153442

>look it up
>guy got 72000 reddit karma
And I should care... why?

>> No.5154759

Robert Bateman

>> No.5154765

sorry but genuinely who?

>> No.5154777

bats arent birds though