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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 826 KB, 1621x1984, edward-delandre-balrog-cdc-low-ass-quality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5147544 No.5147544 [Reply] [Original]

What paint should I choose for the big buck market? Acrylic or oil? Mind you, I never painted traditionally.

>> No.5147558

oil on canvas is the epitome of art in normalfag eyes for some reason
that said
>big buck

>> No.5147560

because oil gives a nice texture to your painting and is able to last more than synthetic shit. i don't know why you have a problem with that.

>> No.5147568
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>big buck market
>pic related?

nobody is going to buy your concept art, buy some fucking fruit and put it next to a basket like the rest of us

>> No.5147572

What are you wheezing about? I'm not him, but even okay oil painters can often make thousands per large painting and they all started from zero. It might take a long time to make a name, find a niche and develop skill, but if you do, you'll be set for life. Unlike the gamble which is doing digital stuff online.

Speaking as a successful Patreon artist who is looking to eventually switch to oil.

>> No.5147601

You're the only fruit in this thread, sissy.

>> No.5147603
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I don’t have a problem with it, I just disagree with everything you said.
Watercolor is the pinnacle of art, and anyone who disagrees is, for want of a better word, a nigger
gouache is also an acceptable answer

I think you’re overestimating the market, or maybe our locales are just different, but what I see from the local galleries is pretty bleak. Sure, people manage to sell individual paintings for good money, but then they go 3 months without selling anything, though I think that’s in large part due to most tradfags being “artistic” (ie up their own ass) and painting nonsensical paintings that don’t resonate with anyone. Like who the fuck is going to pay decent money for a portrait of some random person, some “expressive” semi figural painting or the painting some random nondescript building nobody gives a fuck about?

>> No.5147607
File: 1.15 MB, 1015x1329, more like broko amirite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you what you shouldn’t choose

>> No.5147611

I don't hate watercolor but it's not as versatile as oil paint. I also agree that water color takes more skill because you can't do mistakes with it. Oil paint is the best one though that is why it has been the trademark paint of the artists for centuries.

>> No.5147629

>who’s going to give a fuck about portraits, landscapes, nudes, or still lifes
Fucking everyone. Get out of your anime concept art coomer echo chamber. In the real world people actually give a fuck about supporting artists who take the job seriously and aren’t just zoomers looking to be famous.

>> No.5147638

>the big buck market
If you want money get a real job.
If you want to make art, make art with whatever you want.
Selling paintings is probably the least effective way to make a living with art.

>> No.5147641

Goddamn all-or-nothing /ic/ poster mentality

>> No.5147650

I sell paintings for a living, it’s cozy as fuck and it’s all I do, don’t listen to this crab

>> No.5147651


>> No.5147652

not of literallywhos, retard
architecture isn’t landscape
>still life
never mentioned it
>ur a coomer

>> No.5147653

>Selling paintings is probably the least effective way to make a living with art.
Absolutely delusional.

>> No.5147655

don’t bother, it’s brian

>> No.5147662

What's the most basic materials I should buy to start dipping my toes in oil painting?

>> No.5147669

There's nothing all or nothing about it, brainlet. The OP asked how to make "big bucks", and if you want to make big bucks, then art isn't a good career choice, and selling paintings is an especially bad choice.
Acquire reading comprehension.

Cozy is not the same as making big bucks. I don't care how you live you life, but OP asked specifically about making money.

>> No.5147680

It isn't delusional, you moron. Every other art career is more lucrative than selling paintings.
>b-but what about those fart sniffing fine artists that sell paintings for hundreds of thousands of dollars!
Has nothing to do with the paintings and everything to do with your connections. If you had those kinds of connections, you wouldn't be asking on fucking 4chan how to make money.

>> No.5147697

I don't know where you live, but making the equivalent of $2k a month is big bucks for me

>> No.5147705

Best art related career for making money is to be an architect and an entrepreneur at the same time. If someone's sole goal in art is to make money then basically don't do paintings and shit. It's retarded if you don't enjoy it.

>> No.5147712

>a jar
there you go

>> No.5147720

>$2k a month is big bucks for me
That's not even middle class income. Are you a 3rd worlder or just a NEET that doesn't know any better?

>> No.5147721

Acrylic paint is completely module and it's properties can be customized as much as you like, you can get it nearly identical in performance to oil. Also you'd be shocked how good acrylics are in terms of longevity, I'd argue better than oil. The only issue is it's tough convincing people that because it's a relatively new medium and a large amount of the extensive research is in part hypothetical and simulated conditions. You should seriously check out Golden's blog, you'd be amazed how extensive the research they do is.

>> No.5147725

That's what I was saying.

>> No.5147727

Acrylic looks sloppy as fuck bro. It doesn't have good texture.

>> No.5147733


>> No.5147755

Don't judge

>> No.5147768


>> No.5147791

>That's not even middle class income. Are you a 3rd worlder or just a NEET that doesn't know any better?
Are you? Middle class is lawyers, doctors, etc, not Jim Bob earning 70k a year, it’s the class between the ruling class and working class, why would you say “not even” as if going beyond it is even possible with art?

>> No.5147803

This. The top artists can make $100,000 a year, but good luck getting past that threshold. And no, making video games, animations, or movies isn’t an “artist”. None of your anime scribbles will land you a job directing a movie.

>> No.5147807

I bet your ass couldn't tell the difference, no professional uses acrylic right out the tube, the whole point is you have complete control over it using mediums and additives. As it's water based and fundimentally super simple, you can do literally anything with it and not get turbo cancer.

>> No.5147814

Acrylic is used for experimentation because it's easier to work with, oil is for masters and finished works.

>> No.5147816

>you won’t get cancer
Imagine being this much of a pussy

>> No.5147830

Right? I bet he doesn't even smoke like a real artist should

>> No.5147846

I hear this time and time again and why won't this retarded stigma go away. I blame people's only impression of acrylic paints being shitty Chinese kid sets, because if you open up a professional tube from Holbein, Old Holland, or Lascaux your cock will explode.

>> No.5147857

Yep, they're potentially superior since they have no yellowing problems and flexibility/elasticity is one of the main long-term factors in art, and acrylics excel there. Pigment loads used to be inferior to oil but that's improved a lot over the years. Alkyds are also superior to oil alone for the same reasons but people have been skeptical of them due to being "newer".
Personally I find alkyd medium with oil paint to hit the sweet spot of dry time-to-workability but that's mainly because I tried (slow dry!) acrylics after learning watercolor and still kept killing brushes with dried paint, so the acrylics are relegated to smaller projects where they won't dry before it's finished.

>> No.5147883
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>oh I smoke bro purple snazzberry bro I just got that heisenberg blue menthol bro it’s the ish

>> No.5147885

I thought so too until I saw actually good artists using it

>> No.5147909

Most art is sold for a "name", or to go well with a couch. And, good landscape painters do very well, especially outside their locale. You have a very naive view on art, and art markets.

Also, nobody expects to sell a painting every month, and the good artists can sell one panel that will pay the bills for the months they don't sell. But considering your lack of any real knowledge of how millions of artists sell exactly the things you're sneering at, and make enough to live comfortably, it's not surprising you don't get the reality of an income stream of an artist.

>> No.5147914

Easy to spot, if he's not yelling at people, he's bragging about his part time fast food income level. Besides, I think the only sales he gets, if any, are from his parents, so he doesn't break their stuff in his fits of rage when he sobers up.

>> No.5147920

>sell one panel that will pay the bills for the months they don't sell
It’s easy to pay bills for months with one painting when you live in a dump in shitville, nowhere
cite actual numbers

>> No.5147921

>you can get it nearly identical in performance to oil.
No, you can't.

>> No.5147926

Texture has nothing to do with skill or talent, you idiot.

>> No.5147927

Shove those goalposts! I've had my say, I have no interest in an autistic slap fight with you.

>> No.5147946

It doesn't look "sloppy" as you claimed when applied properly though.

>> No.5147957

>nobody expects to sell a painting every month, and the good artists can sell one panel that will pay the bills for the months they don't sell
Let’s say you want to earn $50k, and “live comfortably” because you already own a house, don’t have a wife or kids, and are perfectly happy not having particularly nice things. You can’t sell a painting each month. Let’s say you sell one every two months on average. That’s $8300 per painting. To have an average income.
You’re retarded if you think the average painter sells $4k worth of paintings per month, and that’s not even going into kids, savings, etc.

>> No.5147966

you’re the one moving goalposts
trad artists don’t earn enough for a comfortable life with their art, and you know it, which is exactly why you’re afraid to provide any actual numbers
hell, you’re probably brian and think 20k a year before taxes and middlemen is a good income

>> No.5147990

Can you post some names for me to research. I’ve says though oil pigments look richer but I’m willing to change my mind.

>> No.5148001

Jesper Ejsing is someone that comes to mind from the top of my head, as far as I know he uses acrylics exclusively for his illustrations.

>> No.5148062

Jesus Christ dude ,this is breathtaking

>> No.5148080
File: 1.66 MB, 2500x1869, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks dope

>> No.5148091

>That’s $8300 per painting
what nobody painter is selling a painting for $8000??? If a painter is capable of selling a painting for $8000 why wouldn't they be able to sell more than one a month? Wouldn't they just crank out as many paintings as they can if they're going for thousands of dollars each?

>> No.5148137

>Middle class is lawyers, doctors, etc,
The shit you dumbfucks say, I swear to God.
Middle class in the US is defined as making between $41,000 - $120,400 per year, per household.

The mean salary of a doctor in the US is $313,000, and the median salary for lawyers is $122,960. Only the lowest paid lawyers even qualify as upper middle class, and that is only if they are the sole provider for their family.

>why would you say “not even” as if going beyond it is even possible with art?
I never said anything of the sort, you illiterate faggot. This thread is about "making big bucks". I told OP if he wants to "make big bucks", then he should get a real career. Stop making shit up and stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.5148151
File: 567 KB, 1706x1837, beksinski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but this is acrylic. Other Beksinski works from this period are classified as acrylic, though I admit he used to use layers of acrylic and oils.

>> No.5148156

>$122k just for arguing all day

>> No.5148165 [DELETED] 

No, he’s right, middle class does not mean what you think it means, and even in the context of the US there is no actual definition and every study defines it individually within the study because otherwise the term would mean nothing.
The american “middle class” is just a euphemism for the working class to make the average ameritard feel like he isn’t poor and it’s usage is considered a running joke in the field.

>> No.5148167

No, he’s right, middle class does not mean what you think it means, and even in the context of the US there is no actual definition and every study defines it individually within the study because otherwise the term would mean nothing.
The american “middle class” is just a euphemism for the working class to make the average ameritard feel like he isn’t poor and its usage is considered a running joke in the field.

>> No.5148171

No, he isn't right.
Literally look up "upper class".

>> No.5148174

>Middle class in the US is defined as making between $41,000 - $120,400 per year, per household.
>10 mexicans earning 4000 a year is a middle class household
>one man earning 40999 a year is impoverished
>this is your brain on burgers

>> No.5148183

Lower class doesn't mean poverty, retard.

>> No.5148187

>The contemporary division used by Gilbert divides the lower class into the working poor and underclass. Service and low-rung manual laborers are commonly identified as being among the working poor. Those who do not participate in the labor force and rely on public assistance as their main source of income are commonly identified as members of the underclass
You’re literally impoverished, Brian.

>> No.5148191

man, the jews really ran a train you retards
yeah, nobody’s poor in the land of the free, every retard waiting tables is actually middle class after tips and the lower class is uhhhhhhhhh comfy! yeah, comfy

>> No.5148192

>In 2020, in the United States, the poverty threshold for a single person under 65 was an annual income of US$12,760; the threshold for a family group of four, including two children, was US$26,200.
Can't wait to see your next backpedal.
And for the record, Brian is very likely close to the poverty line, despite his lies and exaggerations.

>> No.5148199

>words don't have to have meaning, I can change them to suit my needs!
Who is the Jew here?

>> No.5148211
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This is the living wage where I live, I earn that about every 5 months

>> No.5148212
File: 108 KB, 1256x376, EBB48BA3-EFEF-468C-B854-4FA39EE3570C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally gave you the definition of “lower class”, retard. You’re the one backpedaling.
BTW, “poverty” is not the state of being poor. No wonder you mutts have trouble understanding classes with your muttified understanding of English. Hold on, I’ll try to find a black rapper to put it into words you can understand.

>> No.5148219
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>a thread about art and art supplies derails into fiscal matters and semantics once again
it's all so tiresome

>> No.5148226

>a thread about earning big bucks turns into a thread about big bucks
really sets the melons ablaze

>> No.5148231

Lower class is not poverty. They are two different classifications, as I just demonstrated.

This thread is ABOUT money.

>> No.5148243
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This board is full of morons.

You're saying that "every other art career is more lucrative than selling paintings.", which is just totally absurd. I am 100% certain that you have no idea what your average gallery circuit entails. You can make an absolutely solid career selling your paintings, quite easily in the $1000-$10,000/mo range through galleries, conventions, online stores, etc. - it's far from "the least effective way to make a living with art".

>b-but what about those fart sniffing fine artists that sell paintings for hundreds of thousands of dollars!
Weak strawman. I never said that and wasn't going to. Good job.

More retardation from people who clearly have no idea what they're talking about. Like the other anon who doesn't understand your average gallery artist, I'm 100% certain you have no idea what an architect does. It is not an "art related career", especially when you're claiming that the best art career is to be "architect and an entrepreneur at the same time" - which is just a retarded thing to say and doesn't make any sense.

>> No.5148253
File: 109 KB, 1272x331, D345557D-C18E-4EAC-A64B-23123A743097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lower class isn’t poor
>it literally is
>ummmm but the poverty line
>poverty =/= poor
>well exactly, as I just successfully argued
Let’s try this again, poverty does not mean the same thing as poor and impoverished. The lower class is by definition poor. You are poor.Being above the poverty line (if you are, and I’m starting to doubt you can earn any money with that cerebral level of development) does not mean you are not poor nor impoverished, it means you are not destitute.
Let me try to bridge the cultural gap here, you know how a “pimp” is superior to a “playa” but they’re kinda the same? Like the “pimp” is a bigger “playa” than the “playa”? Well being in poverty is more poor than being poor. Are you getting it? Are we deadass down with it? We lit?

>> No.5148260

>Being above the poverty line does not mean you are not poor
Real wealth comes from inner peace, this anon gets it

>> No.5148280

>$1000-$10,000/mo range
That is a huge fucking difference.

>it's far from "the least effective way to make a living with art".
Then I would love to hear what you think IS.

>Weak strawman.
It isn't a strawman you paranoid faggot. I didn't accuse you of saying or believing that. I pre-empted that argument because that argument gets made a lot on this dumbass board.

How did you get to be this stupid?
Lower class is below $41,000.
Poverty is below $26,200.
They are two different tiers. Just because the lower class makes less money than the middle class does not mean they are impoverished.
They are different categories with different definitions.

You cannot dispute this and you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5148291

OP here. I just said big bucks in passing. What I really care about are the paints.

>> No.5148299

Try both. I think you’ll quickly hit up against the limits of acrylics even if you’re a total beginner. The only people who seriously use the medium are illustrators with deadlines, and need the ability to do quick revisions. Oils are for fun people who enjoy having fun.

>> No.5148302

What do you mean what paint should you choose? What paint should you choose for what purpose? What paint interests you more? How much are you willing to spend on supplies? What attributes and characteristics do you want your paint to have?

>> No.5148306

>They are two different tiers
Yes, as already stated.
>The contemporary division used by Gilbert divides the lower class into the working poor and underclass. Service and low-rung manual laborers are commonly identified as being among the working poor. Those who do not participate in the labor force and rely on public assistance as their main source of income are commonly identified as members of the underclass
Two subdivisions. Both are poor. Like your reading comprehension.
Kindly cease with responding, I am growing dreadfully disinterested with your circular mental stumbling.

>> No.5148312

Just kill yourself already, you disingenuous, goalpost moving tool.

>> No.5148326

stay poor, muttoid

>> No.5148335

Kill yourself.

>> No.5148337

after you buy a house

>> No.5148429

Americans don't need to buy houses, they can just keep living rent free in your head.

>> No.5148847

Awesome thread

>> No.5148867

Why is /ic/ like this?

>> No.5150018

OP here. Just bought some basic colors and brushes. See you at the Met!

>> No.5150038

You can't really tell the difference from pictures. Once you see it in real life the difference is uncanny.

>> No.5150042
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It's a self-fulfilling loop of arrogance and ignorance. A lot of people (especially that anon) genuinely think that they know more about THe iNduStrY than everyone else, and try and tell it like it is to others on /ic/. They spread misinformation, and then /ic/ eats it up, regurgitates the false info like it's fact (since they don't know any better), and the cycle continues.

It's this cycle that feeds the many delusions of your average d/ic/khead, such as how so many think that fantasy / sci-fi / concept art, furry art, porn Patreons and social media commissions are the ONLY way to make a living with art.

>> No.5150043

I am a fucking architect, you moron. I have been working at a firm for 4 years so far. I am just here because i still draw as a hobby. Architecture is related to fine arts which is why i said that.

>> No.5150066

uh hello bob ross

>> No.5150122

thank fuck most channers are morally reprehensible by the standards of literally every other platform, otherwise this absolute shit advice would proliferate all throughout the web, echoes of incompetence and insecure anger.

>> No.5150143

>all that projection
>so oblivious that he thinks the other guy was the only one being crticized

>> No.5150145

YOu really need to spend more time on twitter trending topics if you think they’re “informed”