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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5147008 No.5147008[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why isn’t the “five months wasted” schizo banned? Does this board have any moderation?

>> No.5147014 [DELETED] 

He licked jannies wee wee so he will never suffer from anon's plea

>> No.5147021

there is some moderation because I get banned for pointless shit for no reason regularly. quite possibly schizo anon IS the mod for this board

>> No.5147025 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 800x687, 1589405964156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, now they know

>> No.5147038

You're probably a /pol/tard

>> No.5147043

Well one of the first rules of the internet is don't feed the trolls.

In earlier times he would've been shredded then ignored. Stop giving him attention and he'll go away.

>> No.5147096

this. if we do this for half of the board we'll have old ic back.

>> No.5147102

nope not at all. I see people get away with things I get banned for literally all the time. like, literally the exact same things

>> No.5147107

Yeah, because anons won't surely samefag the same post over and over for the sole purpose of getting a (you).
If you try to actual talk about a topic, you get shitposted to death.
Threads get derailed all the time.
Anons would rather bitch and moan and feed their ego than actually draw.
We're not dealing with trolls, we're dealing with legit mentally ill and underage individuals.

This board is lost.

>> No.5147114 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 563x727, 1609555456504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about me? I'm not breaking a single rule so you can go fuck yourself.
The sooner I improve and the sooner you help me and the sooner I leave

>> No.5147119

At least stop shitposting the board. Behave yourself, retard.

>> No.5147121

5 month schizo anon is pretty based

>> No.5147125

>muh /pol/tard
grow some balls, loser

>> No.5147126

spamming is against the rules, so is making extremely low quality posts. Pretty sure bawwing was too but that’s not on reports now for some reason. also there is 0 chance you’re over 18

>> No.5147129 [DELETED] 
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You need to calm down

>> No.5147131

>I’m going to shitpost and ruin it for everyone until you help me

How you have not been banned is beyond me. This place is truly a shithole

>> No.5147133

if no one reports, sages and hides his post, nothing's gonna change.

>> No.5147135

im traumatized so I cant like deal with failure at all
im sorry ok but i need help
how can I improve? people gave me resources but im too scared to try

>> No.5147136

I do literally all three. I would be extremely surprised if he doesn’t get reported constantly

>> No.5147137

If you get regularly beat with a stick then clearly the problem is you.

>> No.5147141

Trolling is also bannable. Come on mods who really thinks this is a serious comment???

>> No.5147143 [DELETED] 
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im really not breaking any rules, your circlejerk is not a rule yknow
why would I troll lol? I dont care enough about others to troll

>> No.5147144

m8 I’m no saint but I don’t have people making threads about me saying “why hasn’t this retard been banned”

>> No.5147149

Alright, what would you like help on? Did you read the sticky? What about the resources threads that we have up with over 2 terabytes of courses?

>> No.5147150

Just stop shitposting and draw. This is why your art is shit. You dont deserve to get good. Get therapy.

>> No.5147151

those things don't give me attention

>> No.5147152

Ah, so you’re trolling noted.

>> No.5147153

I think you’re mixing me up I’m not schizo anon. I and others are saying ban this retard. I get banned for so so much less

>> No.5147156

no shit he’s trolling he literally said two seconds ago that he doesn’t care about attention

>> No.5147157

Does he get reported constantly though?
The fact that he's still here proves that
Reporting doesn't do shit
Mods and jannies don't give a shit about the board because they know this place is filled with miserable crabbing faggots that will try to get you canceled to feel better about themselves
The board has become so low quality that the staff sincerely doesn't give a flying fuck

>> No.5147163

His 5 months thread is gone now so the mods clearly are watching.

>> No.5147168


>> No.5147173

I think threads auto-404 when enough reports are there.
I've got still 108 hidden threads.