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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 715 KB, 1061x1500, 1610984327092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5146016 No.5146016 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>5128190

What is /SALT/?
If you're looking for a place to post all sexual works, from pinups with exaggerated proportions to pornography, then this is the right general for you. Both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully here.
>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others.
(2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 before posting.
(3) Share your knowledge and
(4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as lolicon, shotacon, furry pornography, furry and bestiality are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except /b and /trash.

Most importantly I encourage you to keep discussion at a civil level, but you're more than welcome to share your opinions.

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>> No.5146018

Motherfucking cowgirls are everywhere

>> No.5146020

Isn't it great?

>> No.5146021


>> No.5146024

Gong Xi Fa Chai motherfucker, it's the year of the titty

>> No.5146025

Anyone know where is a good place to start selling seedy commissions? Any general tips to making a bit if side cash?

>> No.5146027
File: 309 KB, 582x888, cow-thicc-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25usd commission

>> No.5146029

Why didn't you charge more, retardo?

>> No.5146031
File: 148 KB, 546x827, twlkclr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a lot of sexual stuff lately.

>> No.5146033
File: 233 KB, 1000x1000, brwl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5146034
File: 222 KB, 959x896, slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5146038
File: 151 KB, 752x911, slprycm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5146041
File: 217 KB, 882x907, mimgrun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was supposed to be based on a specific ref but I didn't follow it 1-for-1. Anything looking incorrect so far?

>> No.5146056

it is hard to find whales.

>> No.5146498
File: 596 KB, 1455x2000, trap shorts blonde orange chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished version

>> No.5146500
File: 408 KB, 1474x2500, trap shorts pre colour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the original I posted in the old thread for advice.

I'm not really happy with the chest but I just need to move on. I'm not happy with the pants colour. I feel like it's okay in places but shit in others.

And for the love of god I should have flipped the canvas at some point but there you go.

>> No.5146512 [DELETED] 
File: 441 KB, 1440x2025, fang fuck n' fill 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5146515

Because you can charge as much as people are willing to pay for your art. Economics 101.

>> No.5146556
File: 264 KB, 675x719, 1599118119069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5146575

imo if you can't find somebody that'll give you a fair price, you shouldn't do the work at all. I won't sit my smelly ass in my chair for less then 90 GBP, and I'm still massively undercharging.

Up your prices. People usually don't mind paying more if they're confident that they're paying for hardwork and good quality.

>> No.5146578
File: 475 KB, 818x1000, Zoppy fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip posting this

>> No.5146579

dob't listen to this shit stain, if you're not popular and struggle to get work as it is, don't inflate your prices. if you're feeling confident, raise them gradually over time and observe the response. don't follow idealistic bullshit, it doesn't work in the real life.

>> No.5146581

Ever heard about there being different living standards and wages in different countries?

>> No.5146583

>Up your prices. People usually don't mind paying more if they're confident that they're paying for hardwork and good quality
>good quality
And here lies that anon's problem.

Also, art quality alone doesn't guarantee you will make bank. You also need to be a renown artist. Marketing yourself well is even more important than being good at art.

>> No.5146586


>> No.5146590
File: 110 KB, 960x872, Crab-body-7f9ae78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hey anon, you're massively undercharging for your work. You need to have more confidence in yourself. People will usually pay what they think something is worth, so if you charge less, people will think it's worth less, uwu".


>> No.5146594

Nope. Overcharging will render you jobless. The idiot who suggests raising his price doesn't realize how it is down there when you're a nameless nobody with a /beg/ skill level. I'm actually giving good advice that helps staying paid, which is the opposite of crabbing.

>> No.5146597
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 1840556b0b4feca0c9cf1da1bc1177c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a queue of 9 commissions with another ongoing atm. I am not popular, nor am I renowned, and there's lots of things I refuse to draw.

I've said it before, I'll say it again—people will pay you what they think your art is worth. If you undersell your art, people will think it's worth less.

It's a hard thing I know, but you all seriously need to have more confidence in your work.

>> No.5146601

Thing is though >>5146027 clearly isn't beg. Sure, there's room for improvement, there always is no matter what your skill level, but I'm not suggesting they overcharge, I'm suggesting they raise their prices to a fair level. Right now, what they've received for that work, was an objectively unfair exchange.

>> No.5146603

They won't. A got a buddy who draws sick landscapes, but pretty meh characters. Yet they charge premium for their character commissions because "they take a lot of time to draw and it is fair based on the dollar/hour ratio". They charge more than some big names that I know who actually deserve it. Guess whos not getting any character commissions and is bitching about the only thing they are being paid to draw being landscapes (for which in my opinion they are ironically undercharging).

tl/dr: your art worth is based on a lot of factors, very few of them being your personal opinion of it's worth. raising it solely based on it will most likely render you without commissions. bonus tip: the main driving force to look out for when adjusting a price is demand. if you have low demand at a low price, raising it will most likely kill it entirely.

>> No.5146608

You must post your work somewhere for people to know that you are open for commissions and for people to know your prices. Either is that, or your art is very good. Pyw.

>> No.5146609

Nah, they are just a strong beg. There is no objectivity when it comes to deciding on a price in a freelance art selling market. There are artist that halfass their drawings but sell them like hot pancakes for premium dollar because they are a big name and their art is more like a brand, and there are really good artist who sell their art pretty cheap and even struggle, because otherwise they not gonna be selling at all. It is very important to assess you price based on practical values like ongoing demand and popularity, rather than on idealistic like "I am at this level of skill therefore I deserve X usd per commission". This is not how it works, unfortunately.

>> No.5146612

I love how you completely disregarded this post >>5146581 kek

>> No.5146614


>> No.5146615

>the main driving force to look out for when adjusting a price is demand. if you have low demand at a low price, raising it will most likely kill it entirely.
This anon knows. gg

>> No.5146618

A'ight I can't argue with your objective experiences then, and I'll confess that I haven't been doing commissions for long enough that I can claim to be an authority on them. I just don't like seeing people not get fairly compensated for their work, and I do know that low confidence is something that blights a lot of NSFW artists.

They think they need to compete with the furry inflation diaper fetishists that are pumping out coloured flats for $10 a pop and they undervalue themselves as a result. It's just depressing.

I'm very firmly average. People think I'm better than I am because I trick them with bright colours and clean lineart.

>> No.5146621

I'm very firmly average. People think I'm better than I am because I trick them with bright colours and clean lineart.


>> No.5146622

Didn't disregard it, I just don't have anything to add to it. I live in a Western country so me trying to offer up some commentary on global exchange rates would just be me talking out of my arse. I know that Incase is reportedly quite wealthy though because he's making an amount monthly that would be considered well-off in any country, but the exchange rate in Poland is so strong that the dude's probably living like a king.

>> No.5146623
File: 189 KB, 900x805, 091FAB31-72E0-4897-A710-35447B9E9134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice

>> No.5146625

Don't bully >>5143298

>> No.5146637

I agree that this environment sucks, but it is unfortunately the environment we live in, and to survive we must play by its rules.

That's weird, because you're not competing with furry diaper fetishists unless you're drawing furry diaper fetish.

>> No.5146646

*bullies anyway*

>> No.5146647
File: 121 KB, 991x1024, ogor ortamawtribes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5146651


>> No.5146652

There you go. Your art is way above just average. You have tons of appeal, and that's a very valuable asset in the commissions marketplace.
Also, you probably have recurring clients, right? That's something a lot of "smaller" artists have going on at the beginning, before they blow up.

>> No.5146661

>There are artist that halfass their drawings but sell them like hot pancakes for premium dollar because they are a big name
Furry art in a nutshell. Hey anon, sold any commissions for 3.2k USD lately?

>> No.5146662

>your art is way above just average
Maybe. I'm probably the worst person to argue on this because my confidence in my art isn't good. I just don't want to see other artists suffering from the same low-confidence errors that are constantly tripping me up.

Anyway, I think this thread has been pretty thoroughly derailed. Back to futas and gaping assholes.

>> No.5146693


>> No.5146806
File: 269 KB, 1000x1481, marilyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? She's from a fighting game so I wanted to keep that ambience.

>> No.5146832

Beginner trash. You should learn your fundamentals by drawing still lives and interiors, before you move to complex stuff like figures. This is really really bad.

>> No.5146841

head and torso construction looks weird desu

>> No.5146851

Redline pls?

>> No.5146874
File: 378 KB, 987x915, mimgrun2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not happy with Mim's face but I can't spend too long on this.

>> No.5146877

There is so much wrong in the picture that it is just pointless to show the specific mistakes. Go through an anatomy course like Vilppu, Proko or Hampton.

>> No.5146885

Draw a juicy dick sprouting from underneath her bush.

>> No.5146886

just remove that background and shadow altogether IMO
this mouth shape doesn't really work here, should be smaller as well as the eyes, forehead should be longer. Left shoulder (left from character's pov) should be lower and the arm itself should be drawn back a little and foreshortened

i think this sucks to hear since you made the entire thing and obviously put some time and effort into it but almost everything should be remade. i would advise posting lineart version here for tips before rendering next time

>> No.5146891

kill yourself /beg/shitter

>> No.5146941

This is great, but I definitely feel like the composition is strongest when it's flipped, like in your first post.

>> No.5146964

No way I'm going to redline that. You are too beg to be able to ever get anything out of it. Also a redline of one of your artworks, won't make you a better artist. It will just fix that one artwork. You need to learn how to draw, not how to fix that illustration.

>> No.5146972

This is good stuff. It has appeal and good facial expressions. Just clean the lineart more and you'll be good. Super correct anatomy isn't really that important.

>> No.5146978

>i would advise learning basics of drawing before posting here next time
Fixed that for you. Please don't enable begs to draw advanced stuff like porn.

>> No.5147035

>advanced stuff like porn
top bait, mate

>> No.5147079

Oh, I'm sorry. I meant to say quality porn, my bad.

>> No.5147082

Are you the same guy that got BTFOd in the previous thread by BBC Chan? You sound the exact same kind of asshole crab.

>> No.5147084

I kind of want to post my lineart so you'll bully me

>> No.5147098
File: 254 KB, 801x1000, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bully me moites

>> No.5147139

I want her to bully me.

>> No.5147164

asscheek is deformed/too big.
Really stands out and doesn't do anything to appeal.
Rest looks alright.

>> No.5147167

Do mediocre artists actually get any work on the /aco/ discord without charging $15 or something?

>> No.5147172

Mind elaborating on how it is deformed, because I'm not sure how to fix it.

What's an /aco/ discord? Regardless, you can see my art above, and I charge more than $15 (not by much doe), although, I'm not sure if I'm mediocre or beg by your standards.

>> No.5147213
File: 395 KB, 2048x1152, A7BA2EBD-7D65-47CA-8C30-775983648E28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s a discord where people spam their commission sheets, presumably getting commissions, but since there are no public replies, I have no idea if they’re actually achieving anything
there’s always upwards of 1k people online, though
and yeah, thereabouts is what I meant, stuff that’s not quite there, but quite like pic related either

>> No.5147218
File: 135 KB, 638x401, 1611157152721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine her standing up how big her ass would look. It really looks detached from the body, like she has botox injections.
Just push the half-circle a little inside and make it attach to the body.
pic related is somewhat an example of how i would fix it

>> No.5147224
File: 599 KB, 2035x2048, IMG_20210119_195539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted on the last thread but it immediately died. I'm feeling stuck because I have so many things I need to work on.

Also I deeply regret taking on commissions without shading because I need the practice badly and obviously the work needs it. Dunno what I was thinking.

>> No.5147225
File: 259 KB, 1510x1050, stock-photo-fat-woman-623707853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not them and this is a really lazy quick fix, but if you look at images of irl thicc women occupying similar positions, you can see that the fat of the buttocks not only conforms its contours dependant on what's pressing into it, (in this instance, it's the foot), it also flattens slightly as it's compressed. Your butt isn't flattening or compressing, it's just kind of spherically attached. Makes her look like Mewtwo.

What's unusual about your piece as well is that although we can see the lower thigh overlaps the calf, her foot seems to be resting on an entirely different plane separate to the butt and gives the appears that she's floating. This can be easily remedied by bringing the calf forward in a splayed position, and showing the heel of her foot overlapping the butt to illustrate that it's located in the foreground..

>> No.5147228

>NOT quite pic related
also, I think I see some regulars there, so I figured I’d ask
A lot of the sheets have weird prices like $7 and $13

>> No.5147234

thats an even better fix than mine

>> No.5147243

It really looks like a clusteruck, honestly.
Hard to tell whats going on.
>Dunno what I was thinking.
Take a break from commissioning and don't rush getting into the business.
This is an advice for anyone who wants to make money off art.

>> No.5147261

Yeah, I have 3 coms left in my backlog to clear out, then I'm closing them off completely until I'm better.

>> No.5147288

This advice only works if you are not in financial distress.

>> No.5147294

go flib burgers then
making money with art commissions is a luxury, not a career choice.

>> No.5147297

Yes somehow I pulled through without flipping burgers. Your ideology is not really relevant when it comes to surviving and improving.

>> No.5147299

thats for an aco req isn't it? im scrapping my attempt, cheers my son's crying now, nice one

>> No.5147300
File: 374 KB, 2035x2048, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so, might get some disagreement on this one, but the problem that's leaping out at me and getting right up in my face is that there's a complete absence of harmony amongst the colouring. I can't tell what the dominant tone is supposed to be. Is it blue? Is it this fluorescent green that's appearing in places? Is it these muted beige tones? The purple hair? What's going on? What should I be looking at?

It's such a busy piece, and that's great, and it's ambitious, and I respect it, but everything has its own colour, everything looks like it belongs in its own world. It's chaos.

Another point I'll make is that when you have a piece this busy, you want to try and make the background as simple as possible to not draw attention from the focal point. I can see you've already done that with the block blue background, but the problem is that the value of the shade you've used is too close to the values of the subject, and as a result your eyes kind of don't know where to look. With something like this, make the background contrast to what you want the eyes to focus on. In this case, pure white, pure black, or when the subject is muted in tones, something wild like a vibrant fluorescent tone can work as a surprising contrast.

>> No.5147303
File: 1.28 MB, 1889x2369, artflow_202101162152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still /beg/ and got 2 so far, had none come through since so I just do some requests on draw threads for attention and followers (and more comms, hopefully)
gotta work on my appeal. and construction. everything, really

>> No.5147304

Thanks anon, I appreciate the critique. I was locked into quite a few of the color choices by the commissioners references, and they asked for the bright blue background (even though we agreed it clashed). With that said though, I'm not trying to make excuses. I could have done better with harmonizing colors even while staying true to the refs. My color theory is weak and your points are well taken as something ill keep working on

>> No.5147305
File: 347 KB, 1062x966, godraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, guess we all need to quit our jobs now and risk it all to get random internet people to give us money for drawing.

gtfo my board, kid

>> No.5147316
File: 211 KB, 801x1000, eternal salesman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5147319

I never told anybody to quit their job. But if you're able to sell your art while improving - do it, don't stop doing it because "you're not good enough yet". You will never be good enough, even top tier artists constantly find faults in their work, it's not gonna change. If you achieved the state at which people are willing to pay you - take advantage of it.

>> No.5147321


>> No.5147329

Anon, if you're desperate for money, you get a job, which will guarantee you money to pay your bills.
the whole meme
>pls commission me because i need money
Is what kids do when they dont get money from their parents to buy the new game they want.

If you're an adult and need money that desperately, you get a job.

>> No.5147332

Ah, if that's the case then I wholly sympathise. I have a commission atm where the client has asked for a series of features that either clash hideously, or like, aren't physically possible? But I have to follow through on it because I want those furry bucks.

It's fucking maddening trying to go through the creative process and you're been hamstringed by the demands of somebody who doesn't really understand anything about art lol

>> No.5147333

what’s the difference between “random people giving you money for drawing” and any other job
is carpentry not a real job because you’re just hoping random people will pay you to do it?
>hurr durr get a real job instead of risking it all to get random people to give you money for goods and services

>> No.5147335

lmao, where that assumption came from. I never once in my life begged for a commission, I worked my ass off until started contacting me for commission off their own accord. you're telling a guy who is getting paid art work to stop accepting paid art work, are you retarded?

>> No.5147339

You're seriously still trying to question the
>secure job
>commission drawing
In a case where you're in """desperate""" need for money?
This is either bait or i'm seriously surrounded by braindead retards.
>drawing is now comparable to carpentry
>exception make rules
>yeeeeh duuud just do commissions cuz money n shit there is totally no risk
the absolute fucking retarded state of this underage normie board
holy shit

>> No.5147343

>This is either bait or i'm seriously surrounded by braindead retards.
Not mutually exclusive

>> No.5147346

>It's fucking maddening trying to go through the creative process and you're been hamstringed by the demands of somebody who doesn't really understand anything about art lol

Oh man yeah i understand this haha. Comes with the territory though. I've had to make a lot of changes that I didn't personally think worked but it made the client happy so gotta do it.

>> No.5147355

You never said anything about it not being a secure job, you said it is not a real job, period.
Now either answer the question or fuck off. How is getting paid to draw different from getting paid to do anything else?

>> No.5147356

ah, all insults, no argumens. classic 4chan.

>> No.5147359

Totally agree in any other circumstance but for 25usd? With that rate it should be done in like an hour or so. If it's a hobby fine, then you can spend a few extra hours on it, and it would be more a nice thing as some pocket change. But if you are a professional then working for anything less than 30-40USD and hour is just slave labour. Might as well just get a normal job.

>> No.5147370

Why would you want to work on a normal job if you can draw for money?

>> No.5147372

>"i am autistic, don't know how the real world work and an also illiterate and i'm right."
the absolute state
behave like a retard, get called a retard.

>> No.5147376

yes, you are right, you're acting like a complete retard.

>> No.5147377

Yeah, focus on the fundies. I see that you really like doing it and already having a payment structure is a great start. But find specific thing to focus on, like what makes you different from all the other people doing commissions. It can be that you do specific fanart or like doing a certain fetish/kink really well.

>> No.5147379

>n-n-n-no u
Just pyw already or gtfo my board

>> No.5147381

Because if drawing doesn't pay anything then what is the point. Sure you can draw for fun then. But if you want to live of of it then you will need to make a decent amount of money. See it like having an engine, you need to fuel it to keep going. So you need to make money to keep making art and not be bothered and having to other things to make ends meat.

>> No.5147389

>acts like a retard
>gets called a retard
>pikachu face

I post here all the time.

>> No.5147395

>hurr durr
still no work posted

>> No.5147414

>several pieces in this very threat
>no work

where is your work, pal?

>> No.5147422

In ur moms bedroom

>> No.5147435

>i am autistic, don't know how the real world work and an also illiterate

>> No.5147442

>dude my work is here just trust me
lemme just activate my psychic hacker powers then
>taking the fucking bait

>> No.5147462

do it faggot

>> No.5147466

stop wasting your time with this crap and go draw something else, you have tons of things to learn regarding anatomy.

>> No.5147481

that's so unappealing I can't even express myself.
Don't think it's the subject matter, it's just displeasing.
Legs and arms aren't bad. Torso is awful.
worst penis drawing I've ever seen.

>> No.5147483

I just started a nsfw Twitter. Any tips on how to connect with other nsfw artists? I know to engage more but a lot of artists will ignore comments and replies. Do I just ignore and just try to keep posting regularly?

>> No.5147507

post regularly, not sure whens best but some say late on Tuesday for some reason, interact with at least 3 pieces a day, such on the dick of the flavour of the month and pretend you love everyone's oc, maybe even draw some fanart of the people with more followers
or just be really fuckin good

>> No.5147531

Thanks! I noticed that OCs seem to be more accepted in nsfw art, so that's good

>> No.5147571

thank you anon, my biggest struggle right now is finding a niche or even just a small project to work on, grinding fundies does take it out of me when I don't have some kind of goal

>> No.5147658
File: 407 KB, 800x1000, Happy Moooo Year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dark mammy is gonna bully your dark mammy.

>> No.5147674

It triggers me that gravity is rotated and the milk is falling at an angle

>> No.5147684

It was orientated straight originally but I thought rotating it would be more D Y N A M I C.

>> No.5147689

no problem man, what worked for me was looking at what other people do project size wise. And then making something yourself in that same scope.

Hope it helps. Good Luck!

>> No.5147691

I like the rotation of the figure, but maybe make the milk fall vertically? Just a personal preference do as you please

>> No.5147699

It might actually be better... yeah... then it can run down the centre of her chest instead.

Thanks for the suggestion anon, I'll go with that.

>> No.5147713

Oh you and your girl bullying a futa fetish :P

>> No.5147738

It's the only way to live.

>> No.5147741

>no dick

>> No.5147748
File: 679 KB, 525x1000, Boggy 1 fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also just finished this.

>> No.5147759

do males really?

>> No.5147763

I can tell you have anatomy knowledge and your colors are average, but you cant feel the form. also, your lines arent wrong but somehow you manage to make them ugly as possible and it makes your work look worst than it should.

>> No.5147777

Do males really what?

>> No.5147785

You shouldn’t have

>> No.5147801
File: 93 KB, 735x955, ganyu44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished, open for critique tho

>> No.5147813

Where's the background and why is she floating in space?

>> No.5147822

Lmao, he's not enabling people to do shit, just like you're not preventing them from doing shit by your spergy attempts at gatekeeping. Get help for those delusions of grandeur, buddy.

>> No.5147834

I should've, got paid to do it.

>> No.5147843

nice spastic hands

>> No.5147855

Aw, my line work is probably the only thing I'm really proud of lol

>> No.5147867

>I was merely pretending
kys retard

>> No.5147880

Looks really nice, especially the nipples and hair
Would have liked to see more shine on the cowbell and tights. The tights especially could have used some fabric(?) texture unless they're those super thick kind

>> No.5147958
File: 569 KB, 3210x3179, orc INK fin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5147973

Based tables bro, fuck the thread police

>> No.5147980


>> No.5148034

They will just hinder their improvement if they go YOLO on drawing. But okay, whatever rocks your paranoid boat.

>> No.5148043

>uneven orc teef

>> No.5148161
File: 448 KB, 1023x1500, hex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the thread for egregiously large tits, right?

>> No.5148164

Yes! Welcome :3

>> No.5148247

Very nice lines anon. Blog?

>> No.5148265
File: 785 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210120-231149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to find ref for titfuckin hands
>no luck, all awkward poses
>browse around, find this
>hey wait a sec
200 iq

>> No.5148331

so where are the hands?

>> No.5148352
File: 72 KB, 592x475, EB273F06-38D7-41FB-BDCC-35872D24CE30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? What hands? Oh, oh yeah the drawing

>> No.5148354

Thank you anon!

>> No.5148363

i-im working on em!

>> No.5148444

>God forbid someone in my vicinity has fun while enjoying their hobby
>Why can't everyone else be a sad and bitter insecure fag like me?
Okay, doomer

>> No.5148490
File: 215 KB, 600x700, holstaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to jump on the milkers train while it's hot, i have no idea what im doing

>> No.5148497

looking like a good start already, some line variation would be nice to see especially to imply weight and mass on the milkers, thighs, sharpness other horns etc. id also reconsider the face cause it looks a little flat, like stickers on a balloon. I'd have her looking down cause right now her line of sight takes the viewers like of sight off the canvas. and if her right shoulder is raised her pelvis should be tilted upwards on her left to compensate

>> No.5148530

So I see you guys are totally straight and like dicks a lot, but how do you feel about furry gals?

>> No.5148556

I'm mirin' the stuff on your blog haya. You use CSP right? Which brushes do you use for that linework? Yea that's the most basic question but I want to know

>> No.5148560

Good job cucking all other artists who do commissions lmao

You just drove the market down a little based on this, well played =]

>> No.5148576
File: 59 KB, 630x633, mats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's Mitsuri. I should probably expose boobs/ nipples more.

>> No.5148579

>you cant feel the form
you can't SEE the form holy shit

not the poster but you are retarded

>> No.5148584

People need to make ends meet.. One way or another.

>> No.5148590

Holy quads!! Oh my gosh!

>> No.5148592

you don't know what dutch angles are. stop commentating on art and get back to drawing noob

>> No.5148620

yup, I use CSP. For linework, it really depends on how I'm feeling. Sometimes I'll just be lazy and sculpt lines I made with the default colored pencil tool & the default hard eraser.
When I'm in the mood for actual linework I like to use the grease pencil from this guy

>> No.5148719
File: 460 KB, 1445x2025, c00m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the tip. the grease pencil you linked is exactly what I was looking for!

>> No.5148732

Oh sweet. I downloaded it too, that looks really nice.

>> No.5148744
File: 309 KB, 828x1280, B7843B85-68D6-4DFC-B54B-87695BBEB510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I always feel like I’m fighting inking?

>> No.5148775
File: 320 KB, 752x911, slpryclr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made her a redhead now all I see is Jessica Rabbit

>> No.5148969

>25usd for traced art

>> No.5149169

Spoken like a true retard that has no idea what the porn commissions market looks like. Grats.

>> No.5149171

>Keeps moving the goalposts

>> No.5149186 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 794x1024, batoriamilking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this look?

>> No.5149207

2 dimensional
try learning 3d drawing

>> No.5149213

shit advice

>> No.5149214 [DELETED] 

what does that mean and how do i learn it?

>> No.5149218

practice describing form through value. look up still life value geometry and paint some muhfuggin cones n shit
read loomis, hampton and bridgman

>> No.5149243

Sketching is loose by its nature, and allows the brain to wander over shape and form and meaning more freely when examining it. Inking locks those things into place. There is no room for alternative interpretation.

Regardless, this is great. Do you have a blog? Also, are you fan of Chris Sanders?

>> No.5149289

I need diversity in my coom. Trying to hit up all the demographics.

>> No.5149320

shit advice evaluation

>> No.5149610

You should probably learn how to place nipples properly first.

>> No.5149710
File: 340 KB, 900x1229, 2B wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work in progress,
critiques are more than welcome.

>> No.5149738

kys, ngmi beg

>> No.5149743


>> No.5149756


>> No.5149761

pay what you want

>> No.5149764

Fuck you piece of rotten shit. Literally pyw or shut the fuck up for eternity.

>> No.5149768

You too :3

>> No.5149794

>Also, are you fan of Chris Sanders?
Hadn’t heard of him, but looking him up it makes sense. People called me “Disneyfag” around her for a while, and it’s definitely been an influence on my style.

>> No.5150159

Looks pretty good. No major issues to call out at those stage. Finish the sword and maybe have a POD in the background and it'll look more interesting. You working from reference?

>> No.5150239

can u help me? I got problem with intimate parts.
Need a book or smth.

>> No.5150267

Study from laifu.

>> No.5150358

Not familiar with his courses. Link?

>> No.5150363

Oh mate, you haven't realised it yet, but I'm fucking howling.

>> No.5150371

mostly working from my head, i have an image of 2B on my desktop and some ass pics but thats it

>> No.5150389

Laifu isn't an artist anon. Laifu is the borrowed term for life in Japanese. I'm telling you to study from life lol

>> No.5150398

I think you mean Waifu, in Japanese L, R, W are the same sounds

>> No.5150406
File: 71 KB, 588x1396, correction ask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something seems to be wrong with the breasts. Can somebody make a redline?

>> No.5150411


>> No.5150437

Ripcage can be slanted more, it's too straight IMO. Same goes for hips.
Pecs should warp around bicep, following it's form.
Breast tissues starts under the pecs not above.

>> No.5150442

>I studied japanese in highschool. I've studied for about 3 years.
based and weebpilled

>> No.5150559

Not good enough to redline--sorry--but her center of gravity seems off. I think like the other anon said, her back and rib cage ought to be curved more.
I do like the hands though. Those are nice hands.

>> No.5150594
File: 88 KB, 850x850, idranel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you won't get rid of me

>> No.5150662

Right girls calf and foot are twisted the wrong way on the raised leg.

>> No.5150696 [DELETED] 
File: 434 KB, 960x1200, Happy Moooo Year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5150705
File: 437 KB, 960x1200, Happy Moooo Year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5150708

why didju delet it the first taime

>> No.5150714
File: 55 KB, 900x1229, 65754547436423745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ass too flat.

>> No.5150717

Forgot to draw in my siggy.

>> No.5150758

your saggy

>> No.5150788

Yes. I thought it looked a bit flat too.
Well done.

>> No.5150913

Is it me or her flexor muscles on her right forearm looks really weird. I know there's some sort for tightening from the tendon from bicep but the flexor muscles doesn't look like it originates from the medial epicondyle

>> No.5150916

Where's her ribcage?

>> No.5150924

Errrrr, probably. I need to brush up on my anatomy if I'm honest.

Shadow realm.

>> No.5151044
File: 405 KB, 611x896, Blanda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5151128
File: 329 KB, 802x853, mngoflfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks King.

Had this image in my head all day, had to draw it

>> No.5151477
File: 264 KB, 700x700, 220121_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good references for the vampy milf? I'm ready to start pumping fanarts of her.

>> No.5151492

How do I learn to do attractive faces?

>> No.5151529

by studying enough attractive faces from reference while also taking what you learn from that into a drawing from imagination, So you solidify your understanding.

>> No.5151557
File: 171 KB, 828x1280, E8027E42-FDDE-4DBA-8E60-B62D8523D360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5151559

Study what you see in the mirror.

>> No.5151570

Oh, you.

>> No.5151603

High coomer energy radiating from this post

>> No.5151607

No, not me. You, study yourself.

>> No.5151610
File: 202 KB, 828x1280, 6E262F58-B63D-48A2-919D-04EA83DBD39C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some fixes going to bed if I don’t get any feedback by the morning I’m never ever posting to this board ever again ever

>> No.5151919

did zis tred just died or something

>> No.5152010

Fanart panderers are so fucking cringe.

>> No.5152065

Fine then fuck you guys and fuck this board I can go shout at a wall somewhere else!

>> No.5152098

Your socials?

>> No.5152200

Just kys. If your art isn't even good enough to diss, you're surely ngmi

>> No.5152346

guess i'll have to jerk off to the next one...

>> No.5152362
File: 99 KB, 702x946, Screenshot 2021-01-20 161012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm overworking this after fucking up something important.

>> No.5152369

Stomach probably too big and round (if you were aiming for a 'vore belly' or preg it just doesn't look like that, just looks... flat but round), otherwise pretty neat

>> No.5152380

Nah, I was going for more of a leaning back thing(that's good idea for later, though).

>> No.5152440

anatomy and perspective is kind of bad but linework is pretty great

>> No.5152487

>anatomy and perspective is kind of bad
Sure thing, pal, yet you all simp to your fellow crabs like >>5150705, >>5148744 and >>5148490, whose anatomy is even worse. At least this guy knows people (and monster-people by extension) have bones. Just take note, >>5152362, this shithole thread is probably the worst place you could go for critique, so take everything these circlejerkers say to you with a huge grain of SALT (pun intended).

>> No.5152546
File: 18 KB, 428x424, 1608254355014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the compliment for my linework!

>> No.5152605

>huge grain of SALT
The irony.

>> No.5152632
File: 281 KB, 620x877, BBNW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5152636
File: 206 KB, 1026x1000, spreader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on this WiP?
The first seedy drawing I've ever done.

Left leg looks a bit fucked up anyone got any advice there?

>> No.5152645

Hard to see what's going on just from this really rough sketch

>> No.5152647

This is great stuff. Just check your proportions a bit. Her head seems way too big compared to her torso. In general the torso seems too short. Her pelvis and boobs are too high.

Other than that, this is really nice. Super appealing. GMI.

>> No.5152648

stylized vs unintentional

>> No.5152651

>just my style, mate... but my style>>>>yours xd
Cool excuse

>> No.5152729

Stop being so fucking satly because no one cares about your sub par art. Jfc, GTFO this board and that's it.

>> No.5152739

Thanks for the tips. I don't really have anyone to discuss art with so this advice is invaluable to me, anon.

>> No.5152792

I don't think you understand what a crab is. I've never crabbed anybody on this board.

>> No.5152867

Still more excuses and projecting, how predictable

>> No.5152938
File: 221 KB, 800x1120, 2B wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks a lot better now, thank you guys for the advice

>> No.5153029

Only actually praised that anon itt
but keep shitposting
maybe you'll draw someday
you're welcome

>> No.5153041
File: 312 KB, 1275x1334, 20210122_211348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5153053

Her right boob definitely needs more mass. Volume? Definition. Whatever.

>> No.5153073

her boobs are growing from a really awkward place, i reccomend using reference

>> No.5153149

>asscheek is deformed/too big

>> No.5153180
File: 381 KB, 882x1464, Screenshot_20210122-221229_ArtFlow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I made it worse so hopefully someone can redline my redline

>> No.5153185

>bigger, better boobs

>> No.5153188

brest it's ok now, but the hips are weird.

>> No.5153192

absolute unit

>> No.5153194

Low t

>> No.5153245

This looks exactly like Vadass/Orutoro's art style. Defo looks like it could be traced or copied.

>> No.5153334
File: 1.18 MB, 2816x1120, b665brp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the foreshortening is all over the place, her ribcage is viewd from velow but her head starting from the neck is in front view same with her thights also the arm is fucking huge im not sure if you tried to foreshortening there, but if you did then her ass should be even bigger because of that since is closer to the vieewr point of view but it isnt making it look like a tranny hand lmao

>> No.5153355

hey, if I dig the design is it really pandering tho

>> No.5153462
File: 643 KB, 1002x1400, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5153507

thanks for the advice, ill try fixing it

>> No.5153521
File: 546 KB, 1000x1198, zelda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get followers with this style?

>> No.5153530
File: 229 KB, 721x632, screenshot.1611363534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fucked does this look anatomy-wise? pls help

>> No.5153532

Just draw. Post daily and only draw fanart.

>> No.5153547

getting followers is the easies shit idk how do you retards keep asking the same question

draw frequently

that's it

>> No.5153573

she cuter than just booba. great thumbnail.

>> No.5153646
File: 648 KB, 1600x2240, 2B boota wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck this works so much better, thank you for helping me out anon GMI

>> No.5153651

it rakes in the likes and the follows though.

>> No.5153812
File: 66 KB, 602x792, moomoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip moomoo

>> No.5153827

Shit advice evaluation evaluation

>> No.5153952

posting it on reddit boards and discord channels is your best bet. i feel like anons are being disingenuous when they say you only need to draw. i agree with trendhooping though.

>> No.5153955

any good twitch streams that do lewd art?

>> No.5154032

Not really, but you know you draw fanart because you need to pander to get recognition.

>> No.5154035

Shame it falls apart as soon as you zoom in.

>> No.5154037

sure, but it doesn't make it any less cringe.

>> No.5154073

When the fear and panic takes a hold - you must take control.

>> No.5154101

i don't like the nose, why do you draw it like that?

>> No.5154150
File: 355 KB, 1536x2048, 1610642067490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to get better at drawing plump or muscle girls for fun, but I'm having trouble breaking down the body and figuring out how the forms work. Think someone with experience here could give me an example of how to do that?

>> No.5154152


>> No.5154161

The bottom of absdomen wouldn't have two tiny-weeny abs, it would have two long-ass abs.

>> No.5154168

She has no neck!!

>> No.5154175

I also just noticed that abomination between her bicep and her shoulder muscles. What is that?

>> No.5154197

Also her tits seem to be of the different length.

>> No.5154215 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1518x2151, 24_001 low res 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5154223

isnt there a furry art general for you degenerate faggots

>> No.5154254
File: 116 KB, 441x522, moo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that because of my shitty lineart or flat tummy?

>> No.5154264

Bros I need help. I told someone I work witht that I draw but I only draw porn. What sfw thing should I draw instead?

>> No.5154269

monochrome morgan freeman portrait

>> No.5154417

Connection between shoulders and torso seems kinda off and maybe her right knee too. But it's great, I dunno how to help you though.

>> No.5154463
File: 1.25 MB, 2500x3125, mo com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5154493

>they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.5155060
File: 1.11 MB, 894x894, cimmission015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5155122
File: 1.37 MB, 2500x4000, cowgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't find a good ref for this camera perspective & pose, any tips for improvement? I can tweak things still, otherwise ill finish shading & start coloring

>> No.5155130

we need to bring it back

>> No.5155179

go ahead and finish this thing because from your lingo I know you're gonna get defensive about any crit of your precious waifu but please then do some gesture drawing and basic figure studies

>> No.5155350
File: 38 KB, 775x1000, D1opGOHWsAA38vO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming up to 2 years since I first joined and posted this to Twitter. Thought it might be fun to do a redo.

>> No.5155351
File: 307 KB, 1200x891, Police Officer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a wip, obviously. I'm not really sure what's going on desu. Something, something, zombies, but she's getting ideas about how being mating pressed by zombies might not be so bad? Maybe I should make this a before and do an after.

>> No.5155359

their dog

>> No.5155376

that's looking interesting and shapely as ever, not sure the hyper perspective-distorted gun works in this context though, and she looks a little off balance atm maybe bc we can't see her leg so it implies it's directly behind her and she's falling to her right

>> No.5155388
File: 178 KB, 500x485, 1531795689614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to get inspiration for dynamic poses?

I can't fucking see anything with my mind. Pretty surte I have Aphantasia or some shit. And when I "just draw", everything ends up stiff as fuck.

My fundies are good and well, I just can't seem to make it dynamic.

Could heavily referencing other artists' poses fuck me up down the road?

>> No.5155413
File: 1.16 MB, 968x1000, Boggy 2 fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tis done

>> No.5155424

Thank you. I' actually changed the perspective of the gun late-stage and I've just realise I didn't realign the bullet so that might be what's causing the problem. Her legs went through a couple of poses, but she's supposed to be kneeling, and ofc I've forgotten to draw the leg behind her so thank you for reminding me!

Oh god, I'm not the only one drawing weird shit today then. Is this a commission? Looks like it was fun to draw. I need to reply to you on the Bird still sorry—I took a 2-day break from social media.

>> No.5155428
File: 195 KB, 1660x1992, 9A45ECFA-4BC5-4017-B31F-EB10AEEF87C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this for an art jam recently. Thoughts?

>> No.5155432

Yes. That images definitely inspires some thoughts.

>> No.5155435

Yes, surprisingly, this is a commission. I never thot I would get paid to draw eldritch abomination for money. Yes. very fun and challenging due to how different it is from my usual stuff.

Oh good to know you took a break and didn't just get creeped out by me xD

>> No.5155494
File: 21 KB, 768x576, 1581482889815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ah, you were at my side, all along"

>> No.5155981
File: 859 KB, 944x1459, bowsette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5156062

My true mentor...

>> No.5156082

Boobs way too high, mark where the pecs are and compare. There's a gap between the tops and the clavicle.

>> No.5156238
File: 221 KB, 1400x1400, Slippery_art 7 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn these look really good

>> No.5156292
File: 561 KB, 1838x1919, Lumii_20210124_002651441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5156299

i redid the face like 5 times and I still dont like it
i want to be able to draw that fine point between anime and realism and it is not working at all

>> No.5156448

>that fucking Mickey Mouse glove hand

>> No.5156457

So does yours... Or at least could look with a little more polishing. Though tits are sorta silicone desu

>> No.5156535
File: 685 KB, 1200x720, UNSHAVEN_lr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any crits would help

>> No.5156547

push values on the bed and her cast shadow, it looks like she's hovering over a cloud. are you using any ref? the foreshortening on the legs looks a little off, the left leg is muddled in with the tail and is hard to read. not that I know about this stuff from experience but shouldn't the tail come off the tailbone? rn it looks like it's coming off the small of her back. the wing placement looks awkward, and also the way it's attaching.
rendering is OK but looks a little plastic, get some highlights in there and play with some undertones like red blue and yellow so she's not so monochrome. you'll need some bounce light coming off the bed too
her face looks very qt, good job on the hands too

>> No.5156552

Looks a bit like she only has one wing, even though judging by the shadows on her back she has two. Perhaps better not to have wings so glued together. And the visible arm could be a tad more angular so you could see it bends at the elbow joint as opposed to being a curve made of jelly, otherwise pretty good. Don't sign it 'ngmi' please, you're already better than most of this thread.

>> No.5156573

her right hand doesn't look planted, and her ass and thighs aren't making contact with the table or even getting pushed forward. for the realistic look get the smudge tool and lose the hard edges, especially on the face. you need stronger and bigger shadow shapes it looks a little flat right now, and it's not clear where the lights coming from. get some ref and it should help fix a lot of problems

>> No.5156577

I'm not an art expert, just a passing coomer, but looks like you've managed to actually become worse in 2 years, imo. I get that your style has evolved and you wanted distorted proportions in the second pic, but they're not distorted in any appealing way, they just look weird and confusing, and also clash with rhe odd bits of realism left like the muscle definition on her abs. To be honest, this muscle definition looks out of place for more than one reason. From the first pic I get an impression it's supposed to be a feminine character, but on the second pic we get this roided abs while the rest of the figure looks even more frail and waifish. Who is going to fap to that? Muscle girl fans won't, she's still too frail, and those who want fem girls will be turned off by the mannish elements. About the only thing that seemes better on the second pic is the face, it's definitely more expressive.

>> No.5156606

I think this is probably a bad example because my redo is more me fucking about with goofy, eroticised story art that I'm creating for a bit of fun, not to make people cum. Normally my art looks like >>5150705

I've definitely gotten better though because >>5155350 was traced from a DesignDoll figure and it took me like 3 days to draw it. I can actually draw things in perspective without the use of grids and with a lot more movement and energy in them, and I'm trying to experiment with environments, scenes and objects now as opposed to "cute girl standing in cute pose wiv boobs gib Patreon bux".

>> No.5156617
File: 756 KB, 611x896, anotherone4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5156625

Shit man, you too. I like your colours.

>> No.5156638

Most soulful coom, I hope I reach this level one day

>> No.5156752
File: 260 KB, 1050x752, elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried drawing an elf but then my tablet stopped working so i give up

>> No.5156946

Based and soulful, though sketch looked better to me: I liked the bold shading, the smile and the eyelashes

>> No.5156974

Asking in general: How do you render african skin while still making it readable. Once the chick is sufficiently dark it seems like there aren't really any midtones or much value structure its all just diffused reflections off of the skin. People seem to get upset that you don't make them black enough but if you do make them dark then all you can see is a dark shape reflecting the environment which may be a light color then they say you're whitewashing because they look lighter on the reflection parts.

>> No.5156978
File: 411 KB, 887x900, 1584048919832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5157023
File: 691 KB, 804x1000, Tall Lady fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5157027


>> No.5157046

Yes, I was waiting pretty long for a trend that I would like enough to hop on. Most recent trends are meh.

>> No.5157188
File: 308 KB, 1005x755, super hero 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything look wrong?

>> No.5157246

Thanks for the compliment, Anon.
Yeah, i strayed from the sketch because the finished version looked hideous to me and couldn't make it really work
The shading on the sketch was just temporary and on the finished one i've just turned the opacity way down.

>> No.5157273
File: 108 KB, 1002x754, asfdsfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perspective of.... Asian girl whose name I forgot... it was a little off. Quick fix, but you probs get the point.

>> No.5157343

Legs on middle girls are way too long.
The whole picture doesn't have such an extreme perspective that you need to warp the anatomy like that.

>> No.5157351
File: 435 KB, 512x665, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is 7 head tall

>> No.5157400
File: 432 KB, 719x653, anonr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you need to fix the upper body to keep it proportinate to the character

>> No.5157474
File: 87 KB, 483x475, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about foreshortened?

>> No.5157476

It's interesting that you said that your early art was a DesignDoll tracing. Looking back through your twitter it seems like you enjoyed a distinct jump in skill in the six months between March and September 2019.

What was going on there?

>> No.5157494
File: 221 KB, 1002x738, Screenshot_20210124-232713_ArtFlow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the perspective ain't that extreme

>> No.5157589
File: 413 KB, 1238x1584, goblin_tribals_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some crit and what to focus on? I know the boob and feet anatomy are off, right goblin came out a bit stiff and I need to work on backgrounds. Starting to expirement a lot now

>> No.5157604

why are they doing the smooth criminal?

>> No.5157620
File: 492 KB, 540x663, 1529270975844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, now I see it

>> No.5157627

i say study perspective first because without that knowledge is a dead giveaway

>> No.5157631

Will do, thanks

>> No.5157632

and learn to flip the canvas

>> No.5157641


You have Google, literally look up dark skinned people and color pick until you understand you whiny brainlet. Its not that hard and you learn nothing when you expect everyone to spoonfeed you.

>> No.5157649

start with a dark tone and go with a lighter value

>> No.5157832

why would you want to draw black people?