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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 456 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_٢٠٢١٠١١٨_٠٠٢٤٢٥.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5140428 No.5140428 [Reply] [Original]

This artist draw a wonderful pieces I know the face looks weird but what are the fundamentals to be able to draw like these? I've seen a lot of Korea artist draw whith similar style what is the secret?

>> No.5140431
File: 579 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_٢٠٢١٠١١٨_٠٠٢٤٥٥.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5140433
File: 477 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_٢٠٢١٠١١٨_٠٠٢٥٠١.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5140437
File: 196 KB, 1344x2047, IMG_٢٠٢١٠١١٨_٠٠٢٨١٥.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5140440
File: 465 KB, 474x711, IMG_٢٠٢١٠١١٨_٠٠٢٨١٠.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He referenced this

>> No.5140441
File: 292 KB, 720x1098, IMG_٢٠٢١٠١١٨_٠٠٢٩١٩.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of their art

>> No.5140442
File: 485 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_٢٠٢١٠١١٨_٠٠٢٩٠٣.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5140620

top right is my favorite. does that mean i'm ngmi? Who can I study to learn pencil/digital pencil like that?

>> No.5140631

>whats is it secret?

>> No.5140661

Yeah right just watch Vilppu's ramblings or draw some blooks and you'll be able to do this >>5140428 in no time

>> No.5140667 [DELETED] 

gosh darn it i want a gf so much bros
shut up retard

>> No.5140685

>I know the face looks weird
No, the face is wonderfull you fucking faggot

>> No.5140688 [DELETED] 

he's just trying to blend in with the crabs because he doesn't want to be bullied

>> No.5140703

I'll explain to you the process that you inevitably will follow.
You will begin by learning ANATOMY, learning the face, maybe down to the torso a bit. Then you realize you want to color it in, but you'll STOP right there. You will learn VALUE and FORM next. So you pick up a couple of books and try to figure out how to shade in a face nicely. You practice this for along time THEN you move onto COLOR.

>> No.5140720
File: 1.32 MB, 1420x1080, imagem_2021-01-17_205733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-m-muh fundies... y-you must learn... le fundes;;;

>> No.5140726

Slow night for you huh? Don't worry we've all been there

>> No.5140727


>> No.5140730 [DELETED] 

it's not night here
hahahahaha pathetic

>> No.5140736

You didn’t even mention the right person when you mocked them saying “PYW”. Use that deficient brain and go draw with it

>> No.5140745 [DELETED] 

damn i messed up sorry

>> No.5140809


>> No.5140828

so fucking cute it's not fair bros

>> No.5140885

most girls aren't worth it.
live in your fantasy, it's very likely to be better than reality.

>> No.5140922

>This artist draw a wonderful pieces I know the face looks weird but what are the fundamentals to be able to draw like these? I've seen a lot of Korea artist draw whith similar style what is the secret?
all of them

>> No.5140925

>You will begin by learning ANATOMY

>> No.5141165

Where did you find all these pics by this guy anon?

>> No.5142564
File: 212 KB, 720x1018, IMG_٢٠٢١٠١١٨_٠٠٣٠١١.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@BM94199241 on twitter

>> No.5142580

It's so weird how Korean artists draw fantasy characters with contemporary plastic surgery.

>> No.5142592

>people look at this and think its cute
her face is literally half way down her head and she looks like an ayy lmao

>> No.5142602

and yet people still think it’s cute.
Proper proportions don’t mean shit.

>> No.5142635
File: 353 KB, 1352x2048, IMG_٢٠٢١٠١١٨_٠٠٢٨٤٨.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's culture thing they have a very stric beauty standards
I think the face well look better if they add more details on the noise
enjoy your eyes with this

>> No.5143018

All the women have that samey plastic surgery face all the korean women get.

>> No.5143046

One of the biggest tells for where stylised pretty girl artwork comes from is what beauty standards it conforms to. So western artists all draw button nosed e-girls, nips draw girls like they have a permanent snow filter on and koreans draw plastic surgery monsters.

>> No.5143065

Why does he add so much shit? Is he drawing a portrait or running a particle simulation?

>> No.5143926

It's the usual asian trick, fill the picture with noise when you can't draw any meaningful background, can't draw natural looking poses, can only do faces directly looking at the camera, and need to hide the fact that the face and hair are a mass of random highlights with no value grouping and no concept of emphasizing some parts more than others.

It's a "bag of walnuts" rendering where every part is equally important and every part has the same highlights and shadows. It would look like trash unless it was covered in even more noise and flying lime slices.

>> No.5143931

the smell of plastic permeates everything korean, including their art. so artificial and soulless

>> No.5143988

If it were soulless, then BTS wouldn't be the number 1 music in the US. It is because Koreans still have souls, feelings, emotions, love, that they can succeed. Whites on the other hand, have lost their souls by committing crimes against humanity year in year out.

This is why those with mental illness in native communities and African communities have friendly voices speak to them, and whites have insane, negative voices. Your ghost like race are haunted by ghosts. Your people have skeletons in the closet. You have lost all contact with primal, innocent, natural, hunter gatherer emotions, inured in the industrial and capitalist world of your forefathers as you are.

>> No.5143991

>then BTS wouldn't be the number 1 music in the US
Sales=/=Quality, rap is also very famous, so it is reggaeton in Latin America but that doesn't say shit about their quality. On the other hand Jazz and Math rock are very unpopular genres right now but have, objectively, more musical quality than Kpop.

>> No.5143994

>Objectively more musical quality
What are the objective metrics here
G'on, boy, fetch

>> No.5144000


>> No.5144003

>What are the objective metrics here
Potential complexity. Every genre has some ceiling on their potential complexity, you could even measure this by how many progressions, chords, instruments, etc are used in every genre. There's also always some technical complexity attached to every genre. Also, the "Art is subjective" meme is false in almost every situation because if we take the Partita in G minor from Bach and the latest song from Kanye West we both know which one is the better composition and there's no discuss. You obviously can like whatever you prefer and that's okay, but saying shit like "Kpop is soul" is just very retarded, specially considering how fucking cruel that industry is.

>> No.5144011

i don't give a shit about complexity, that's just a metric of how much the artists like the smell of their own farts.
musical quality is entirely subjective and if you think there's any one metric that can be objectively measured as "good" you need to shut up and go to berkeley

>> No.5144016

>Also, the "Art is subjective" meme is false in almost every situation because if we take the Partita in G minor from Bach and the latest song from Kanye West we both know which one is the better composition and there's no discuss.
>we both know which one is the better composition and there's no discussion

Sounds subjective to me, pal.

>Technical complexity

You can draw as technically complex a piece of hyper-realist gunk as you can. All that complexity would not give your printer job an eight of an ounce of soul.

>> No.5144041

Kek keep coping, I never said that technical complexity=Quality but there's a big, big difference between doing something simple because artistic purpose and doing something simple because you cannot do anything else. Plus, I listen to almost every musical genre (obviously without taking the trillion of sub-genres into account) and I can tell, like you can too what's better despite my feelings about the work; because, oh surprise, you can like and dislike something despite their objective quality.

>> No.5144044

He plays fetch ball well, but he never stops barking. Maybe we should neuter him?

The argument, dogg, is that you keep using the words "objective" and "subjective" as if you know what they mean, and as if, unlike a woman, you are not using them for effect.

>> No.5144051

Why it is so hard for you to admit that you can like or dislike something and at the same time know objectively by knowledge if that something is better than another thing? I mean, I don't like Pink Floyd, I find them boring, but I know that they're objectively a good band. Is this too hard for your brain to process?

>Sounds subjective to me, pal.
If you ask someone which one is objectively the better composition only hypocrites trying to prove their points would answer the song from Kanye West.

>> No.5144053

Nice straw man, faggot dog.

My argument is that you keep saying "objective" while using subjective arguments like, "We both know this is true...", "I can like something and you can like something else", and "I listen to every genre of music... and my feelings" (/iamverysmart). It is a blatant contradiction. A blatant contradiction means you're wrong, bud.

>Only hypocrites trying to prove their points would answer the song from Kanye West

Bud, I cannot even begin to fathom the depths of your confusion.

Allow me to clarify to you what you just emitted from your muzzle, boy.

"Only hypocrites would answer the song from Kanye West" in first order sentential logic is equivalent to "If one answers the song from Kanye West, then one is a hypocrite." Or, retard, someone likes Kanye West. Me personally? Idgaf about either Bach or West

>> No.5144058

Lol, keep coping, truth is, art quality isn't subjective.

>> No.5144061

Blood on the Leaves is unironically better than Partita in G minor

>> No.5144063


In case you didn't get the point, kid, let me drill it in even deeper again.

>know objectively by knowledge if that something is better than another thing

You can know things a priori or a posteriori, according to Kant. We know whether something has more or less quality than something else according to empirical judgment. If that empirical judgment can be reproduced in another person by logic, as in "2+2=4" according to the times table, it is objective. If it is subjective, then it cannot be reproduced in a general case. What you have failed to understand, friend, is everything. You have literally claimed your opinion is objective.

Moreover, because I am capable of parsing the utter sadness and confusion that is your thought, I will reiterate. The argument that has been made is, you are confusing subjective and objective.

No one is barking about the subjectivity of quality like you are, retard fag dog. In fact, quality is a composite of subjective and objective evaluation.

Lesson learned, bud?

>> No.5144068

To conclude, little retard, because artistic quality is a composition of subjective and objective measures, a truth you have dimly gleaned by your innate intuition, as clouded as your intuition is, you have somehow, in your plodding and animalistic fashion, confused objective and subjective over and over again.

And for the inbred dog that you are, experience is not even the teacher of a fool.

>> No.5144071

>You have literally claimed your opinion is objective.
Lol no, like I said here>>5144003 there are some metrics that can be measured objectively, and the keyword there was "potential", "potential complexity", because like I said, I don't think complexity=quality but there's a difference between doing something simple by choice than doing it because you can't do anything else. That's why Jazz will always be better than reggaeton, because if you measure, for example, how many different progression, chords and scales uses the average artist per album in both genres, Jazz will always use more shit, thus having more "potential complexity".

>> No.5144076

Also, you uses many personal attacks, like one every three words, I think you are touched personally by this topic. It seems like you're really trying to cope about this.

>> No.5144080

>That's why Jazz will always be better than reggaeton, because if you measure, for example, how many different progression, chords and scales uses the average artist per album in both genres, Jazz will always use more shit, thus having more "potential complexity".

If you want to continue to play this game of pretending your feelings are facts, let's see these measurements of progressions, chords, and scales.

>> No.5144082

I am personally touched by the stupidity of your dog brain. I literally cannot cope with people who cannot learn, e.g., yourself. Hence, I turn to the study of logic and truth, philosophy.

>> No.5144090

You're very ignorant if you think that reggaeton could possibly use more elements than Jazz.
Man, that's really pretentious, also, no one who actually reads philosophy would act like some enraged 8 years old kid in this way. Go back to the greeks man, reading Kant doesn't give you the absolute truth.

>> No.5144092

Sigh... another strawman. Nobody except you is barking about reggaeton and Jazz.

I asked for the so called "objective measurement of progressions, chords, and scales," and this is what you give me. Typical disappointment, you are.

>> Go back to the greeks man, reading Kant doesn't give you the absolute truth.

I have, in fact, used Socrates and Plato's argumentative techniques to dissect and eviscerate your straw man arguments, appeals to emotions, and conflations of terms.

I'm going to bed now, disappointed in you.

>> No.5144093

Next you'll say that James Joyce isn't objectively better writer than JK. Rowling because uhrr duhr "I read philosophy".

>> No.5144096

Kek, if you really wanna study the logic and truth read a mathematics book, because philosophy is full of subjective point of views and you're delusional if you think otherwise.

>> No.5144098

As I said in >>5144063, what it means for something to be subjective better is that "I," "You," or "We" can think it, but not everyone will think it to be the case. Clearly, some people think Rowling is better, though I personally don't. That is subjective. Let me spell it out for you, pal.


If your definition of objective is that a committee of English professors agree that James Joyce has contributed more to the English language than has JK Rowling, and that this contribution, among other aspects of his writing, is what makes him "objectively better," then you are free to use that private definition of "objectively better" that you yourself, and not everyone, possesses.

Good night, foolish faggot.

>> No.5144102
File: 19 KB, 500x208, 500px-Principia_Mathematica_54-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even knowing that Peano and Dedekind's quest to reduce the Rationals to the Naturals lead to Frege, Russell, and Whitehead's quest to reduce the Naturals into Logic.

Philosophy distinguishes what is objective and subjective, known and unknown, epistemically or metaphysically or otherwise. Imagine being this delusional and ignorant.

You are so ignorant you are ignorant of your own ignorance, fool. Good night, neutered dog.

>> No.5144104

Look at them (him?) seething, absolute kek.

>> No.5144105

>>Appeal to emotion
KYS faggo

>> No.5144108

Got nothing to say. You lose

>> No.5144110

You're the type of guy who says shit like "T-that's an at vericundium fallacy" in the middle of a debate kek.

>> No.5144111

Based. Another "I fucking love science" fag annihilated.

>> No.5144113

How am I losing if I see you seething over and over and over. It's very entertaining from my point of view.

>> No.5144118

As a man of true emotion and passion, unlike the dog you are, I always display the full range of my emotions everywhere and anywhere.

As someone who studies philosophy and aspires to art, putting an aspie insect like you in its place is all in a day's work. Tomorrow, I will unleash my logic and destroy more retarded people and arguments, like I have destroyed you and yours

>> No.5144119


>> No.5144122


>> No.5144125

Kek, and you keep seething, your insults show nothing but insecurity lol

>> No.5144128

Bark bark

>> No.5144132

Nothing can save you.

>> No.5144137

But I don't seek salvation anon.

>> No.5144143

K fren. Continue to wallow in the cave of your own ignorance. If you ever decide to come out, we are all waiting

>> No.5144151

Nah, I'm fine, don't worry. You should worry about your own cave though, wasting so much energy in insults and shit isn't healthy.

>> No.5144159

10 hrs of sleep a day, whole foods, 10 hrs of reading, and the 100/100/100/10 workout gives me the energy.

Glad to hear no one needs to worry about you, tho. Friend, keep on barking.

>> No.5144165

>10 hrs of sleep a day, whole foods, 10 hrs of reading, and the 100/100/100/10 workout gives me the energy.
Ironically, that should make you very calmly, I wonder if you have anger management problems if you get some triggered at some random anonymous guy on the internet.

>> No.5144167

>Mistaking passion for anger
If only you weren't larping as a music conoisseur, and a student of art

>> No.5144171

what are you two faggots even mad about
abloobloo a stranger on the internet insulted my intelligence, i will not stand for this!

>> No.5144174

>>Mistaking passion for anger
You're mistaking anger with passion, I have felt literally orgasm playing the drums but when someone attack my point of view I never get angry at your level. A very passionate person usually talks very loud because he can't control his ímpetu but man, getting angry just because isn't passion, is just poor emotional management.

>> No.5144179
File: 260 KB, 500x280, kaiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rough sketch is already 10000x better than my finished drawings
I give up

>> No.5144183

No u

>> No.5144190

That's ok

>> No.5144202
File: 236 KB, 609x770, ٢٠٢١٠١١٩_١٣١٤٥٦.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys!! op here please stop talking about your mental illness you're all off topic I don't even get what are you guys even arguing about

>> No.5144605

Maybe actually use your brain in learning fundies instead of wanting to mimic a style.

>> No.5145918

There's no secret, it's cultural. They still believe in beauty, so they create beauty. The west doesn't believe in or hates beauty, so they can't create it.

>> No.5146062

I love you op.

>> No.5146347
File: 260 KB, 1627x2048, IMG_٢٠٢١٠١١٨_٠٠٣١٠٦.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm.. i love you to
Well I understand that I'm not interest in the way they draw faces I think they are hit or miss

>> No.5146527

> "The more notes in the chords the better the music"
You losers didn't mention a single style of music that has any merit whatsoever, aside from being either pseudo-drug garbage for consumber zombies on the one hand, or the literal embodiment of "intellectual" anti-music and social engineering ("Look I'm so superior, I understand jazz") on the other.

>> No.5146528

>the smell of plastic permeates everything korean, including their art. so artificial and soulless
Well put.

>> No.5146610
File: 455 KB, 640x480, 1604116755834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, disgusting One-Piece-looking robot with no sparkle in its eye; if anything it's a worsened version of the original picture.

Uncanny mouth.

>rough sketch
You should kill yourself for calling it that.

Also I swear I'm not crabbing, overall this is a pretty good artist, really pretty wooshy stuff.

>> No.5146631

Are you actually retarded? Who cares if you listen to music? You sound like a pretentious faggot that's never played an instrument in their life, much less studied even basic composition or harmony or theory, and yet here you are pontificating about rubbish.

>> No.5146653

>be me
>in lockdown
>have brother who is the "artist of the family"
>i love him but he's a halfwit
>think to myself that art is not as complicated as people make it out to be
>"lol i suck at math" - that dumb co-worker or classmate
>"lol i suck at drawing" - ditto
>willful ignorance
>that's all it is
>decide to take up art to pass the time
>start learning glossary terms
>hey that was fun, and now i can understand what i read rather than...
>"lol i don't know what that word means. better give up."
>learned the term "perspective" so start researching it
>oh that's neat
>look for photographs online and draw overlays to figure out which one it contains
>begin to develop a deeper intuition for it
>use this technique with other terms i learn
>always give yourself some practice lessons
>begin to skim-read a lot of books that the internet recommends to create a basic mental catalog of their contents
>jot down page numbers that look particularly interesting and i want to return to immediately
>start practicing a bit each day
>end with a a short reading session
>don't get discouraged at progress
>it was the tortoise that won the race, after all
>don't just spend all my time grinding fundies
>create projects that force me to use what i've learned in the "real world"
>take moments to be creative
>"i wonder what would happen if..."
>don't worry about current skill set
>finish my concepts no matter what
>look at thousands upon thousands of art images online to get an idea for what's out there
>get feedback on my work and push myself every single day
>few months later i have surpassed my brother in skill
>he hates me now
i think some of you are just stupid

>> No.5146703

pyw and your brothers work

>> No.5146707

is this the new crab general

>> No.5146724

what drives a man to larp this hard

>> No.5147185

I really hope you didn't unironically type this all out thinking anyone would believe you.

>> No.5147330

Who is this artist

>> No.5147724

i lold. ty anon

>> No.5149268


1. construction
2. values
3. color
4. post production
5. TONS of grinding and analyzing your errors

It's literally just that.

>> No.5149422

isekai is popular too but it is soulless as fuck