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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5137733 No.5137733[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

has being on this board actually made any of you better artists?

>> No.5137737


>> No.5137738


>> No.5137744

This board got me steered in the right direction with study and developing drawing habits and now drawing is all I do and I have improved a bunch since I started.
Before then I was a useless, depressed r9ker. Now I don't spent 90% of my time in bed and draw whenever I can.
Thanks, ic, even if I'm only still here due to internet addiction.

>> No.5137750

It kinda helped me find the definitions of the skills I need to learn but otherwise this place doesn't help much. It's showed me outside sources to get art advice but /ic/ itself has not provided me any art tips I remember

>> No.5137753

Yes. I learned about cgpeers through this shit hole before they locked it up. Its saved me hundreds of dollars and the resources have been greatly helpful to learning for me.

>> No.5137756

Yep I went from absolute trash to okay

>> No.5137758

Yes this board hardened my round brush

>> No.5137789
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Yes, in the sense that it's shown me what not to do. This board is full of inefficient learning techniques and misinformation regarding career opportunities for artists.

>> No.5137795

Didn't help with actual drawing but more with learning how to navigate software and use all the different tools

>> No.5137818

People here helped me decide which tablet to get and steered me in the right direction when it came to starting my studies. I think when it comes to critiquing specific pieces ic can be a little less helpful but for study resources it has been a blessing for me

>> No.5137826

Underrated post.

/IC/ Helped me with resource gathering and introducing myself to other artists.

>> No.5137835

Keep it up

>> No.5137840

Yeah, it helps motivate me to draw. This is one of the few forums where people actually give critique and not tip-toe around other people's ego, which is kinda inspiring. Even if critique itself is trash.

>> No.5138302

no i just hoard art books and dont read them. but reading half the retard comments makes me sad also.

>> No.5138305

It motivates me to draw a lot more. Seeing people here with such good tips as well as artistic skill makes me want to keep drawing as much as I can and enjoy it even more

>> No.5138342

Yeah. Some faggot told me to get better forms so I practiced form for a week and now I’m much better

>> No.5138356
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i don't post my work that often but seeing the gigabegs works scares the shit out of me making me grind like crazy for a few hours then i need to cringe again to keep the ball rolling,every day.

thanks ic

>> No.5138437

/ic/ is good for motivation and breaking down the ego
Not so much for improving skill as most people are also amateurs and cant give good advice

>> No.5138563

yep, being on /ic/ helped a lot. I'm still mediocre but the guides and critiques posted here help move me forward

>> No.5138731


/ic/ has taught me to accept harsh critics, bullies, trolls. It has revealed that I suffered from dunning kreuger. It has allowed me to engage in conversation with other artists whom shared common goals.

Idc what people say. /ic/ is comfy.

>> No.5138773

before pol starting shitting up the place

>> No.5138912

No and i stopped coming here when I did git gud. Now I only come back occasionally to laugh on high from my ivory tower

>> No.5138924

What world do you live on, fag? The only time I see anything /pol/ related is the /RWG/ and if you don't click on it you don't have to deal with it.

>> No.5138937
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No, when I do post something people rarely respond with any advice or feedback.
I think it's because I'm above beginner but not good enough to really get much attention.
The plus side is some of the resources shared here and coming to the board simply being steeped in art motivates me to draw.

>> No.5139265

Nope, i'm just here to watch porn until i go to one of the porn boards where i watch porn till i get tired of it and do something else for a while before i repeat

>> No.5139267

No but it has made me hate myself a lot more

>> No.5139277
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I come here to grab resources, get quick inspiration from other artists that actually draw and see how much random trolls can stoop in levels of absolute retardation or scumbaggery

>> No.5139296


>> No.5140538

/beg/ threads never did shit for me
but the video threads are an excellent resource

>> No.5140563

Not really, I still draw the same way I did 15 years ago, /ic/ never helps me with anything and only gives me the same generic answers instead of what i am asking, I still don't understand how humans can memorize so much images.

>> No.5140566
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I’m here for the buffet

>> No.5140570

>the sticky

>the threads
They’ve actually made me worse since I’ve returned

>> No.5140582

I dont know

>> No.5140589

/ic/ destroyed my hope in humanity

>> No.5140599

Humans can memorise ridiculously long chains of random characters but the average person can barely remember 8 in a row if they try to. It’s just a matter of method

>> No.5140626

>I still don't understand how humans can memorize so much images.
they don't
just remember the right questions you need to ask yourself, and keep the resources handy

>> No.5140784

Sort of. The time I spend here combined with the lockdown situation has provided me with ample time to follow through on experimenting and developing my drawing skill without having to concern myself with going to work the next day.

>> No.5140788

Oh I assumed he was talking about a persons visual library

>> No.5140793
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It's good for resources but after a certain point it's only good for shitposting or to mindlessly browse

>> No.5140800

Taught me that only artists with asian jeans can make it. Hell the only 2 good artists to come out of /asg/ were asian

>> No.5140899

can you repeat the question?

>> No.5140947

I’ve improved while posting here. How do I tell if because of this board or in spite of it?

>> No.5140964

I am, how can I be sure something is right if I have no proof of it?

>> No.5140979

we must perform a randomized study. All begs must either come here or not come here and then post their improvement after 1 year.

>> No.5140985

has being in any board actually made you better at anityng?

>> No.5141004


All I learned is anime gets likes and realism doesn't. Fucking weebs.

>> No.5141085

harsh criticism from here really encourages me to do better
I learned that "kys" is simply a shorthand for "you have to try again"

>> No.5141090

This board supplied me with the resources necessary to grow and the knowledge that I am shit and need to grow.
It didn't do much besides that, though.
Threads are terrible.

>> No.5141124

I cant say I've really received a lot of critique the few times I have posted, however I think just being here has made me aware of art fundamentals and shit thats pretty much never discussed on any other social media, at least like this.
so yeah thanks ic

>> No.5141905
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My wife left me because I use /ic/. She wouldn’t let me call our baby loomis. I called her a fucking crab and told her she’s ngmi. I don’t even care she’s a fucking begshitter anyway. She kept telling me I had to go to work so I’d just hit her back with a pyw. That really makes her seethe. She just calls me a terrible dad but fuck her ive got a streak of over 300 days. She’s fucked up my life, she gave my kid 0 Asian genes. Obviously the day he was born the first thing I checked was his ligameme. Literally no ligameme, I was heartbroken. I had hoped because he was a boy it would be a high testwomb but I was wrong the little bitch does nothing but cry. He doesn’t take crit well at all. What should I do?