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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 101 KB, 720x1392, Snapchat-577361854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5135519 No.5135519 [Reply] [Original]

I know you're not supposed to shit on new artists but if you post something like this on an "artist trying to make a living" page I just can't help myself.
Let's start a thread for art that is so bad, it's good

>> No.5135529

still better than everyone in /beg/

>> No.5135548

did the lady that re-painted the jesus portrait start teaching online?

>> No.5135567

>so bad, it's good
so reddit

>> No.5135636

just direct them to the right resources
you don't need to say anything

>> No.5135658

s..shut up, crab
I'm making it

>> No.5135662

fucking images fail half the time these days I swear

>> No.5135686

like you may not know this, but a lot of people are just ignorant and you shouldn't expect them to get it or shame people for not understanding things on their own
Tell me what you don't know and I could direct you to people who'll make you feel like a retard.

There was a time when reading was considered something only a select few could do and reading in your head was some kind of magic

but the knowledge was spread and now nearly everyone could do it

>> No.5135718

Artists are such shit people
You want to get /fit/, people will tell you all kinds of dieting tricks and exercise regiments
You want to learn how to build computers, it's almost overwhelming how much a geek is excited to tell you
You want to learn a new language, hey let's practice together!

Do you want to learn how to draw? Well, you should have come in already knowing shit that took hundreds of years for man to understand on their own before asking and have a complete library of books that aren't even sold in your general book store.

>> No.5135745

The person has internet access and chose putting it on a “look at me” site in a page about profiting from their work. I get what you’re saying but come now. They could have at least googled how to draw or gone on YouTube and searched it. Proper resources are great but believe it or not the approved ic list of teachers aren’t a requirement. You can literally learn to draw decently from retard level literallywho you tubers or even dollar store how to draw books

>> No.5135767

good post
I'd add musicians too. Hey let's play together, doesn't matter if you get stuck, I'll help.

>> No.5135770

>but come now
No you come on. Do you understand how ignorance even works? Are you a perfect person who's succeeded in everything they've done? If so lucky you to be ignorant to failure
A person's life can change with a single phrase if they hear it once, its very possible that someone has never been told the right information from the right people.
Hell dude you should be a lot more understanding of this shit as well if you really consider yourself as an artist. You know how fucked up modern artists has changed the perception of what art even looks like

> You can literally learn to draw decently from retard level literallywho you tubers or even dollar store how to draw books
If everyone could learn so easily from those kinds of resources we wouldn't have tutors.

>> No.5135775

all of these fields have both welcoming people and elitist pricks, eg richard schmid says repeatedly that anyone can learn the techniques of painting if they try hard enough

>> No.5135777

post your work, arrogant crab

>> No.5135782

Not as much as artists

And if you think it's that easy how come you're not a millionaire off art yet

>> No.5135784

Maybe I’m just not a brainlet. I’m not ignorant to failure but I don’t fail because when I do I figure out why I failed and improve till I don’t. I don’t just say fuck it and try to monetise my failure. I have no sympathy for people who are too stupid to see their own error. The world owes me nothing and I owe nothing to it. feigning empathy for idiots won’t make you a better artist

>> No.5135785

There's plenty of people who will help you learn how to draw, 4chan is just filled with contrarian assholes.
And most normies view art and drawing as a talent not a skillset. They have never put in the effort to draw enough to see any real improvement, so they just think what they have and can do now is how they draw/paint. And we tell everyone they are special, so they feel entitled to sell their beg tier paintings.
This is why people don't improve for years, this is a beg trap. It's where the "it's just my style" meme comes from.

>> No.5135789

Post yours ngmi brainlet, if you really have doubt I’m better than OP painting give up now, you should be better than this without any experience at all

>> No.5135809

>There's plenty of people who will help you learn how to draw, 4chan is just filled with contrarian assholes.
>And most normies view art and drawing as a talent not a skillset
so which is it
> They have never put in the effort to draw enough to see any real improvement, so they just think what they have and can do now is how they draw/paint.
You're still not getting how ignorance works dude
> And we tell everyone they are special, so they feel entitled to sell their beg tier paintings.
Is that their fault they were born in such a culture? You're still not understanding ignorance Mr. Perfect.

>> No.5135811

what are you basing that on? your experience on 4chan? I knew plenty of elitist geeks as an EECS major in undergrad, and plenty of musicians who don't want to waste their time holding your retard /beg/ hand if you're not at a certain level yet

>And if you think it's that easy how come you're not a millionaire off art yet
never said it was easy, just that it's feasible to train most people's minds to understand drawing, edges, values, and color. also
>implying technical facility alone will make you a millionaire artist

>> No.5135817

You're on a sinking ship and refuse to do anything about it because its not your job to fix it

>> No.5135819

this is such fucking cope man, you’re not bad because you lack the resources m8

>> No.5135822

>never said it was easy, just that it's feasible to train most people's minds to understand drawing, edges, values, and color. also
Okay its feasible, but how? Do you even have an answer or direction?

>> No.5135827

How do retard artists that lack the ability to google shit have any effect on my life whatsoever? So much so that “I’m on a sinking ship”. I don’t suffer negative impacts because you’re retarded man, that’s your life

>> No.5135830

There it is.
This isn't about me dude.

>> No.5135831

Literally 2 terabytes of paid resources, on ic, right now. Has been for months. Stop being a dumbass

>> No.5135832

All this useless arguing when you both could simply PYW and end it all

>> No.5135836

We do we still have fat people dude

>> No.5135838

what the fuck are you talking about? Take your meds retard. I assume you fall into the retarded unreachable category seeing as you’re defending it so vehemently. Obviously strikes a nerve with you

>> No.5135842

kek throw them overboard fuck them

>> No.5135845

Oh i'm taking advantage, but not everyone is me are they. Not everyone is in my position
What's so hard to understand?

>> No.5135847
File: 1.19 MB, 3000x2250, IMG_20201031_192947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems you've never gone to a /beg/ thread or lurked /ic/ at all. just having resources available doesn't mean people can just will becoming good overnight
for some reason almost every other activity gets this, yet 'artists' don't

>> No.5135858

Yeah obviously it's ignorance that causes this. Ignorance of art and drawing being a skillset that can be learned and mastered, and not some talent level you are born with. With objectivity has left the art world, all art is seen as "valid", even if it's your ass cheeks printed on a canvas. But that's a whole other subject. And you're right it's not the fault of those people who were raised in a culture with that mindset.
I'm just trying to explain to you why stuff like this happens.
Oh and drawing isn't some ancient secret, there's drawing classes offered at most highschools and community colleges.

>> No.5135881


OP here, I'm actually an art teacher and help people as my career. That being said you guys need to get off 4chan if your feefees are going to be hurt about someone roasting. like look at the babies arm kek and they posted on a groupe for people who are "trying to make a living"
if a student handed this to me I wouldn't think twice and gladly give them feedback, however if someone wants to try and sell this to me and call themselves a professional, then I'm going to think it's pretty funny

>> No.5135891

>I'm just trying to explain to you why stuff like this happens.
Wow don't you feel smart. Want me to pet your dick? I learned this shit years ago and it sounds like you just figured it out retard. Also your understanding of this still sucks

>Oh and drawing isn't some ancient secret, there's drawing classes offered at most highschools and community colleges.
I'm sure every high school has a well-funded art program with great teachers who haven't been mystified by the modern art movement. lets not get started on community college either

You don't sound like a very good one to me. So tell them to sign up for your class. Hell, you can make a free consultation to get them to sign up.

>> No.5135894

Also, why are you a teacher and not a millionaire yet

>> No.5135916

jesus anon, no need to be a white knight for beginner artist. What I'm making fun of is that this person who painted this portrait probably has only picked up the brush once or twice and thinks they can make a living off of painting now... do you get it?

>> No.5135918

So show them the light. Are you a teacher or a failed artist who can only work as a teacher

>> No.5135920

>why am I not a millionaire yet?
how is this relevant to anything?

>> No.5135923

Answer the question. Everyone is capable of getting to this point aren't they.

>> No.5135936

I chose to teach out of loving art class in highschool and wanting to be a highschool art teacher. Look anon, I help people with progressing in their art all the time and enjoy it, regardless, this painting made me laugh when I saw it posted on that group because I find the way it looks hilarious. You can't tell me, when you look at the photo, then over at the painting, you don't at least crack a smile at the shape of the baby's face and arm. You can even hear the sound the painted baby makes.

>> No.5135942


>> No.5135945

You know people think you're a failed artist right

>> No.5135951

idc, I'm 24, a teacher and do commission work on the side. Life is good

>> No.5135952

mate the under18s are in maximum cope mode. The shit is funny but it’s triggering them because they relate significantly more to the bad artist than you. They’re beg brainlets who are mad it’s not being wrapped up and handed to them on a platter even though it pretty much literally is. They’re pissed you can’t do it FOR them kek. Just leave them to cry

>> No.5135953

big PYW copeyboi

>> No.5135959

hey man i'm just being part of the art community. We laugh at people who are ignorant

>> No.5135962

You can’t change the fact that there are incompetent retards in the world mate I’m free to laugh at them just as great artists might find my work laughable

>> No.5135965

kek this gave me and the wife a good laugh.

>> No.5135966

>You can't tell me, when you look at the photo, then over at the painting, you don't at least crack a smile at the shape of the baby's face and arm. You can even hear the sound the painted baby makes.
I don’t feel it, honestly. When I see bad art like that I usually don’t think about it that much besides “oh well I hope they figure things out.”

Not saying you *can’t* find it funny, but I’ve seen so many people just like this I just don’t even consider it worth attention most of the time. There’s so much bad art and too many dunning-krugers out there, the effect just wears off after a while.

>> No.5135971
File: 49 KB, 800x450, B870415A-AF54-4AD1-8240-A87A51BAA80B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funniest stuff is the truth

don’t think you understand who’s the butt of the joke here pal

>> No.5135973

What a wet guy. No f*nny pictures allowed

>> No.5135975

get better material

>> No.5135978
File: 115 KB, 593x647, 10DF3F40-E7A0-47F7-8117-048BE611EE8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you get it.

>> No.5135982

>You want to get /fit/, people will tell you all kinds of dieting tricks and exercise regiments
kek, try asking /fit/ for help, 9 times out of 10 they'll just tell you to fuck off and read the sticky

No one likes holding the hand of a complete beginner who hasn't provided any evidence of dedication to ensure a more experienced person that their guidance will be valued and worth their time. There is so much information you can learn for yourself, it doesn't make sense to come in cold and ask complete strangers to teach you from the ground up. You need to be specific about what you want from someone, both to make it less effort for them to help you, and to reassure them that you not only want advice (rather than just fishing for a pep talk) but you actually have a shot at being able to implement it.

>shit that took hundreds of years for man to understand on their own
We're standing on the shoulders of giants, we don't need to carve up our own cadavers anymore, this information is extremely accessible for anyone who actually wants it.

>books that aren't even sold in your general book store.
>buying books

>> No.5135983

Fuck dude, what is your problem?
Everyone is capable of becoming a skilled artist, they have that potential yes. That doesn't mean it's easy. It's something you have to dedicate your time to and practice at every day for years to start to become good. If someone is incapable of putting in the effort to find basic resources, they are incapable of putting in the effort it takes to get anywhere. And just because you get good, doesn't mean you're going to make any money, you also have to be able to successfully monetize your skills and make yourself valuable.
And if was easy, it wouldn't be worth the effort. If everyone could easily do it, it wouldn't be valuable

>> No.5135994

This. Of course 4chan is full of people being assholes, that's what it's for. IRL I go out of my way to be as helpful and nonjudgemental as possible, but the reason I can do that and not feel exhausted or frustrated is because I can feed my jungian shadow on here where it's socially appropriate to do so.
The OP isn't even that mean lol, it's just a little chuckle at a goofy painting. You think parents never have to stifle laughter at the weird shit their kids come up with? Doesn't mean they have animosity towards them. Sometimes shit is just funny and you need an outlet to express that in an environment where it won't hurt the person's feelings.

>> No.5135997

>Are you a perfect person who's succeeded in everything they've done?
Not that anon, but when I fail, I learn, and often laugh.
You sound extremely joyless and sensitive, you're not gonna get through life that way.

>> No.5136000

>Fuck dude, what is your problem?
I have no problem. its a simple question really
To answer why you aren't a millionaire is for you to reflect on your own life and the situations and things you would have needed to have gotten to that level
If your thoughts end at "well I didn't work hard enough to be a millionaire" then you need to start thinking more.

Now consider that for literally everything else in your life.
What opportunities were you given in life that others weren't? Did everyone have as many good people around them as you might have?
What if someone didn't have those basic resources, what if they had other priorities and problems in life they were forced to take. Would it be their fault they aren't good yet?

> And just because you get good, doesn't mean you're going to make any money, you also have to be able to successfully monetize your skills and make yourself valuable.
>And if was easy, it wouldn't be worth the effort. If everyone could easily do it, it wouldn't be valuable
Tell me in 10 years why you won't be a millionaire then. Tell me why other people aren't millionares

>> No.5136006

maybe your sense of joy sucks

>> No.5136015

are you projecting because your art looks just as bad as OP's?

>> No.5136020

why even have schools if people can just figure things out themselves

>> No.5136036

Lol. I'm not having that discussion with you, this is a fucking art and drawing board.
If you continue to blame all your failures on everyone but yourself, or the "hardships you experinced" you're never going to make it. You're not going to be able to get good a drawing. Because the only one you have to blame for your shitty skill level is yourself. There are like 14 year olds that draw way better than the middle age woman in OPs post. Failure in drawing is not something you can blame on others. It's not something you can blame on your race or gender. It's all you and your refusal to put in effort.
And if you want to know why so many people aren't millionaires, it's because they share your mindset and blame everyone else for their own failures and problems.

>> No.5136041

My anime drawings won't pay for any of my bills that's for sure

>> No.5136044

why are those 14-year-olds better than the other 14-year-olds around them

>> No.5136046

Because they draw more and put in more effort. And maybe some people learn faster than others, but that doesn't mean your handicaps can't be overcome.

>> No.5136051

Now that's a fine specimen of outsider art

>> No.5136076

Because humans are social creatures.
Also, I didn't say you have to learn everything yourself, just that people will be more inclined to help you once you've demonstrated some level of dedication and ability to implement their help.

>> No.5136086

well maybe people just only interact with thoughtless people their whole life that is of no help towards development. no matter how much you try.
Thats okay, humans are flawed creatures, you gotta forgive people. They just might be ignorant themselves
not everyone is a teacher, and some people may never meet someone who can teach

>> No.5136098

I see a lot of words but no point.

>> No.5136103

nothing man, life sucks then you die

>> No.5136131

actually my point is that if you get to do art, don't make dog shit because you're lucky that you can even do it
i see a lot of people in good positions of life release garbage (look. at the animation industry)
then they'll tell you "this was hard work don't be a jerk!" and tell you how you should live your life
yeah its hardworking being so spoiled in life to still only to be a disappointment for the people who worked so hard for you to turn out right

>> No.5136147

that baby got smashed in the face kek

>> No.5136450

>you want to know why so many people aren't millionaires, it's because they share your mindset and blame everyone else for their own failures and problems
>Because they draw more and put in more effort. And maybe some people learn faster than others, but that doesn't mean your handicaps can't be overcome.
Not that anon, but that's a very childish way to look at life
We're not all born equal with equal baseline abilities
We're not all born in the same circumstances
We're not all guaranteed perfect health, financial stability, basic needs met, etc for the entirety of our lives
There a millions of people who will die poor for reasons beyond their control and no amount of motivational bullshit will change that.

>> No.5136536

>that's a very childish way to look at life
Not those anons, but ditto to you.
Yes, most people who become millionaires, even those born into poverty, were at the right place at the right time, but they also took full advantage of that fact to get where they were. Opportunities are everywhere, some people are lucky enough to have them fall into their laps without thinking, and most are too passively resigned to letting life happen to them to seize onto anything. But if you really want it, you can recognise your own opportunities.
There's never just one person born in the right place at the right time, there are just a few among the clutch who saw the opportunity and took it, while the rest of them become "that sap who left the Beatles."
Deciding you're going to be a millionaire has no guarantee of leading to anything, but deciding you never will be guarantees it'll never happen.

>> No.5136554

God im glad art skills cant be given away like wellfare to people like you

>> No.5136561
File: 817 KB, 724x1023, __nishikino_maki_love_live_and_1_more_drawn_by_nagareboshi__61a0db85dbf386a6a9a0e187aecb0ad9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since not a single person posted what op's requested i'll be postung booba

>> No.5136590

you never worked a day in your life lol

>> No.5136596

industry artists want you to give your money to trannies and embrace communism but will tell you that they deserved to be at the place they are because only they worked hard

>> No.5136599

doesn't need to be given away buut we actually need to make sure people can have access to the resources
its sad only thievery lead to equaliity

>> No.5136605

>Deciding you're going to be a millionaire has no guarantee of leading to anything, but deciding you never will be guarantees it'll never happen.
thats honestly the best thing said in this thread

>> No.5136622

That one old guy with the drawn buff ladies has weirdly photorealistic shading on the muscles.

>> No.5136635

anyone that's spent any amount of time on deviantart or even this site is surely used to seeing bad art. at this point, i've gone beyond seeing it as bad art but just art. after all, most art is "bad" art. only difference is what the artist decides to present.

>> No.5136641

Kek absolutely based. this dude is like a crackhead on welfare. Even if he had the skills he’d just utterly waste them drawing uninspired trash, like welfare money burning away in the form of crack. Then complain saying
>it’s not fair why did I have to be addicted to crack

>> No.5136661

what do you do to get people off and not do crack anon?

>> No.5136673

A fucking redditor who cries for fee fees has infiltrated our thread. He thinks we owe shit to begtards who proudly display polished turds on facebook groups.
>Oh no, the humanity, you mustn't laugh at someone, you only have to help or else you're a failure begtard. B-b-but I-I'm not gonna do it! I'm not gonna ask OP about the name of the woman so I can help her draw bettah! I'm just gonna argue with you to feel so EMPATHETIC and EMPOWERED
Someone report this fucking sœyfaggot and let's recommence the thread with some quality begfaggotry

>> No.5136680

you’ve lost me, what?

>> No.5136684

the answer is education

>> No.5136701

m8 no one is even sure what the question was

>> No.5136709
File: 37 KB, 660x644, 1606886823021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another thread of crabs pinching each other for no real reason
holy shit go practice your art

>> No.5136848

Yeah, but most of the shitty artists complain that they don't improve but refuse to put in the grind. It's the same as fat people that 'can't lose weight'.

>> No.5136871

mainly because she actually finished a piece

>> No.5136878 [DELETED] 
File: 3.18 MB, 1286x1274, asuka oil painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was posted on /ic/ a couple months ago. I think it's supposed to be Asuka from Evangelion, but no one ever acknowledged that. Instead, it looks like a wife who is weary from birthing 20 children to a husband who beats her.

that's not bad at all, what do you see wrong with it?

>> No.5136891 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 1200x800, Steven-Universe-Season.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5136892
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>> No.5136893
File: 654 KB, 1400x1785, crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5135519 (OP)

>> No.5137138

Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.5137176

cope more faggot, he already made it

>> No.5137315

if you want less shit in the world take responsibility

>> No.5137360
File: 1.48 MB, 307x298, 4549A60B-663F-4208-8535-CC0CDDB08BD2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t even browse pol. clown pepe was fitting. There is nothing weaker than crying about people posting frog pictures on a Chinese friend simulator

>> No.5137367

That’s not a question but don’t you see the hypocrisy here?
>the world will only be better if people take responsibility for others actions
If we all took responsibility for our own actions no one would depend on others to do so. No one can stop you being an incompetent brainlet slug. Anyone with the ability to do so can and will expend that energy on themselves and they’re right to do so. You could learn something from them.

>> No.5137390

ic isnt representative of the art community at large. go to twitter and the pool is open all the time

>> No.5137398
File: 37 KB, 462x373, 1538655914944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to get fit, ask /fit/

you have never fucking visited fit, have you

>> No.5137403

you're missing the point, it's not just that the portrait is bad, it's that the OP posted the art as someone who is trying to make a living off of their shitty realism attempt. The OP of this thread even circled the group title for you in the pic, and you still don't understand

>> No.5137542
File: 1.49 MB, 300x300, 1586237520394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, going on deviantart will expose you to begs commissioning artwork. its extremely common at this point, especially for porn of niche fetishes.

>> No.5137549

Anon, there are countless other examples of that type of person OP posted. It’s really nothing special.

>> No.5137590

fun fact, people are allowed to have a different sense of humor than you.

>> No.5137604

why should anyone care about yours tho

>> No.5137671
File: 66 KB, 960x794, FB_IMG_1587389842448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly people do because whiny little babies like yourself are on here policing people's sense of humor. if you don't care then keep scrolling

>> No.5137686

the exact opposite. i dont care about what you find funny. maybe you should talk to people that do instead of trying to justify your sense of humor to me.

>> No.5137698

>comments on OP's thread about why his post isn't funny

>> No.5137703
File: 35 KB, 680x680, 88E3DC6A-96B0-4F01-86A8-6A3A717AA051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honk honky honk honk

>> No.5137718

how so, is he bringing in money?

>> No.5137720

looks decent though? other than the generic anime face

>> No.5139910

>look at this fat person trying to get fit, let's laugh at him guys!