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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 106 KB, 690x465, 356464j4djd45jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5137056 No.5137056 [Reply] [Original]

ok can we get a good thread where anons share some of the secrets they found over the years, either through obscure blog posts, ching sites, patreon/gumroad videos, or just stuff they stumbled upon on ic

>> No.5137059
File: 784 KB, 1100x772, screen-shot-2019-01-28-at-5-00-56-pm_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5137061
File: 1.96 MB, 2315x1573, 1602998351501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5137064
File: 62 KB, 564x674, 639864f5173576c203aab1e00b490a29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5137091
File: 45 KB, 474x613, 1609047849371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thing I discovered, great for simple styles like cartoon and anime, /ic/ likes to meme it, I don't care, I got out from /beg/ in just 2 months after I started going through it, so suck it

>> No.5137099

????? How do you apply this

>> No.5137102

Do you have a major in physics?

>> No.5137111
File: 221 KB, 987x718, kegler-armature_1_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something to keep in mind/reference if you feel lost in complex composition

>> No.5137113
File: 602 KB, 504x711, THE ARMATURE OF THE RECTANGLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5137114 [DELETED] 

i have a major in raping your mom

>> No.5137118
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aint tryna figure out the equation to human notion I WANNA GETTA BETTER A DRAW

>> No.5137124
File: 321 KB, 970x1200, DcoCyyAW4AESuAg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the sense that although this is as legitimate as anything else it's also just an over-complicated iteration of a very basic compositional concept which is: "triangle shapes = cool + power". I know that this armature shit isn't strictly triangles but you can simplify the core visual as such and it's probably going to be a lot more reasonable and applicable to the anons on this board.

Honestly as long as an image can be abstracted and simplified into a coherent and visually pleasing composition of simplified shapes then it doesn't really matter whatever bullshit concept you use to intellectualize it, it just works. Don't know if I would call it a "secret".

>> No.5137153
File: 357 KB, 2438x1649, advanced reilly method.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5137158
File: 399 KB, 1102x1242, 10A6A993-3675-4529-A2F8-C0256BFFDB4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5137160
File: 243 KB, 1000x645, 968C5A59-086F-492C-9CD4-C16405BC60EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this... is the power

>> No.5137161
File: 131 KB, 700x465, E6CD201B-3E09-4723-84FA-33ABDDDF1BB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of sacred geometry

>> No.5137194

most anime artists on pixiv have some sort of template blur effect they apply to every single fucking piece and it took me a while to learn what was actually going on.
usually they clip 2 layers onto their original piece, have some sort of guassian blur on both with different values, merge the clips and then merge into the original, then (some) create a duplicate layer of the original and place it above the original then turn that layer into soft light and lower opacity.
some people slap on abberation high pass and shit at this point.
unironically post processing their piece for like 20 minutes real-time.
if you aren't doing this you will never make it look like they do.

>> No.5137204

That's common knowledge actually. But I'm glad that you learned something anon.

>> No.5137214
File: 284 KB, 690x1687, 3585875787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good info

I will now share a secret

>> No.5137216
File: 181 KB, 1283x868, 0135364536435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahem gentleman

>> No.5137217
File: 73 KB, 837x853, 59929495-ED11-43C5-8B26-F8BBB16C931B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you apply blur as layer? or do you mean duplicate the layers and then blur them?if it’s the latter, duplicating will effectively just delete the lower layer

>> No.5137222

*merging will effectively just delete the lower blur layer

>> No.5137223
File: 416 KB, 717x589, D4OwxcSUIAAR_fi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone once had tutorials from this guy

>> No.5137224
File: 793 KB, 500x1932, EmOPRxSVcAAWtIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy posts processes for almost every image
this guy has twitch channel, check his vods

>> No.5137230

>dat live3d anime face

>> No.5137263

Its just the rule of thirds with more lines.

>> No.5137266

Nah mate the little mermaid isn’t white

>> No.5137278


I use to hate lineart since I would always edit-undo, draw a curve, and try again until I got the perfect line. Then I just watched some other artist process and found out they just etched their lines in. Others simply use the sketch which works too but both methods are a lot better than what I used to do previously.

>> No.5137301

the reily method for bodies is i feel very interesting but also completely useless when it comes to actually applying it to a finished piece

>> No.5137303
File: 955 KB, 800x1154, 1511145322248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these sort of compositional rules are horseshit, you can draw a bunch of lines on an image at random and see it line up with just as much stuff

>> No.5137304

Woh this is not bad.

>> No.5137305


>> No.5137309

all that work on the colors and the values but the face still looks potat

>> No.5137312

Is there a higher res version of this?

>> No.5137358

never have seen this before damn where is this from?

>> No.5137368

You don't. Compositional rules of thumb are descriptive, not prescriptive.
You can take any image, slap an armature on top and claim it plays some major role in the composition. The rule of thirds is somewhat useful for making images that are readable but not centered, but the armature shit is retarded.

>> No.5137369
File: 1.84 MB, 641x2934, B14415D1-9CC0-46D7-9720-785EAB635C13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5137373

>focal points are at the vertices!
>but also maybe parts of the image just follow the lines
>but also it's major shapes contained between the lines
>also ignore every part of the image that doesn't line up with the armature
Hate this meme.

>> No.5137376

Got any examples, I'm too dumb to imagine what it looks like.

>> No.5137378
File: 59 KB, 500x639, 1584066075557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5137379 [DELETED] 

do i look like im chinese you fucking weeb

>> No.5137381
File: 367 KB, 960x891, 1585435847914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5137385
File: 480 KB, 775x1200, 1582710443627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5137387
File: 984 KB, 1000x4826, 1608956712271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5137389
File: 604 KB, 847x809, 1599904378047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5137392
File: 525 KB, 1200x714, 1582412554369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is all I managed to recover from my old drive the rest is probably there but it's too much of a pain to search.

>> No.5137395


>> No.5137406
File: 131 KB, 736x688, 8dab7b50c6ff144de75dbe5ddfb0e630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5137411 [DELETED] 

imagine the smell

>> No.5137432

watts atelier

>> No.5137484

krenz has tons of shit but I don't have any of the newer stuff

>> No.5137488

>bing bing WAHOOOOO

post better secrets and you'll get better in return

>> No.5137497
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, coloring v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5137562
File: 1.28 MB, 1536x952, grids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, golden spiral + rule of thirds + generic harmonic armature + dynamic symmetry all laid on top of each other so that no matter the picture, you can always claim it was made according to the magical rules of composition.

>> No.5137568

Where to find the krenz stuff? They are one of the few useful ones.

>> No.5137579

I can't tell if this is legit useful or trolling

how tf do you even go about placing it lol

>> No.5137594
File: 386 KB, 894x894, 8786118F-FD5B-4477-8BB8-39298869ECFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works, thanks

>> No.5137621


>> No.5137622

its not enough because sacred geometry can take pace within each internal, golden rectangle. you have compositions within compositions, the whole canvas should just be black with lines.

>> No.5137627
File: 1.06 MB, 974x1602, fb3kum20xkk51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody likes to talk about color zones
but they're needed for good rendering. applies to the whole body not just face.
it's always my first and or last step

>> No.5137628

What is this trying to tell me? That he colour picks from photos? I don't get it.

>> No.5137632

These grids are always derived from old masterworks, but there is no magic inherent to these compositional rules. The old masters aligned their subjects to these grids because it's easier to measure proportions and enlarge sketches this way. It's a freeform grid.

>> No.5137649

>It's a freeform grid
no its not, they are based on mathematics and infinitely reoccurring square or rectangular ratios. you're not even supposed to use half of the most common grids if your initial canvas isn't the right dimensions. Its a whole bunch of arcane, autistic bullshit that can completely derail you if you take it seriously, its not freeform at all.

>> No.5137722

>it's just poormans symbols of actual knowledge
Just learn the fucking bones and stop looking for shortcuts

>> No.5137739


>> No.5137742


>> No.5137763

>autistic bullshit that can completely derail you if you take it seriously
Well, that's my point. All of the theory about things like compositional grids and golden ratios are modern interpretations. The old masters never wrote in those terms. Triangle-based grids make proportions easier to transfer. Golden ratios make things more stack-able and easier to cut. These are pragmatic solutions, not esoteric or mystical things that instruction books make them out to be. This is the result of largely non-artists reverse engineering art, and missing practical execution and methods.

>> No.5137778

Pyw, give us your demonstration. No crabbing i swear.

>> No.5137807

why tho
just go on pixiv and look at any of the top ranking art
they all make use of it, even if its subtle

>> No.5137813

There have always been painters that took this type of thinking too far, its just a personality type that has a compulsive desire for universal "solutions". I would say on average they were more prevalent throughout history, there are almost no practitioners of dynamic symmetry among contemporary artists and students.

>> No.5137824

What? I never heard about this, is there anywhere I can read about this?

>> No.5137852
File: 130 KB, 1500x740, Krenz fold references.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5137920
File: 947 KB, 2500x1211, Krenz painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5137930

not much of a secret but Using desaturated colours makes the others look more saturated in comparison. Ruan does that a lot, as do some of the other asian artists. What looks like gorgeous blues in their paintings is often just grey.

>> No.5137940

Adding another black mark on this for good measure. It's fine if it works for you but it's a poor way to think about composition and far from being the best or only way

>> No.5137998

I think it's about combining the lighting from the top references with the colors from the side references.
Seems like that's an approach he uses for homework often, there's one that I can't find right now with a dude from castlevania where he combines a pose from a pic and colors from another pic.

>> No.5138014 [DELETED] 

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????a fucking LETTUCE

>> No.5138017

>tfw too pleb to comprehend sacred rei scriptures

>> No.5138041

this is wrong, it's almost right but that's not how you make dynamic symmetry

>> No.5138057

but that's just a bunch of studies, I thought it was some secret tech.

>> No.5138063

Using lettuce to reference nice folds... krenz sama, i kneel

>> No.5138099


>> No.5138372


>> No.5138419


>> No.5139480

um hello begman

>> No.5139483

>core shadows
does he mean the terminator or

>> No.5139507

No nigger he means the core shadows

>> No.5139556


>> No.5139565

best thread on /ic/ atm

>> No.5139576

Actual retard

>> No.5139583

he means cast shadows

>> No.5139592

The cast shadows are already in place with the "Base Shadow" step, and so are the terminators. Anon doesn't know the difference between the terminator and core shadows.

>> No.5139623


>> No.5139656

Not sure how secret this is, but if you're using Photoshop to draw anime, don't. Photoshop is great for painting, but it's not built for drawing. Yes, they did add line smoothing, but the quality of your lines both in the sketching and inking/linework stage are still a lot worse than in something like CSP.

I memed myself into using Photoshop up until late 2019 and after I swapped I want to beat my younger self up for trying to do anime in PS.

Also, if you are still adamant about sticking with PS, at the very least add this to your PSUserConfig.txt:
# Use WinTab
UseSystemStylus 0
# Use Legacy Healing Brush
LegacyHealingBrush 1
# Disable Scratch Compression for fast HDD
VMCompressionPages 0
# Use Overscrolling
OverscrollingAlways 2

And also disable Animated Zoom and Flicking. Now at least your brush will be a lot more responsive and it feels less ass to draw in.

>> No.5139843


>> No.5139846

>The cast shadows are already in place with the "Base Shadow" step, and so are the terminators. Anon doesn't know the difference between the terminator and core shadows.
They're actually called lambertian shadows, look it up.

>> No.5140062

It doesn't really make sense to use terms invented for computers when artists been painting that shit for centuries.

>> No.5140481

holy shit, thanks anon

>> No.5140501

wtf is this

>> No.5140550


>> No.5140645

yes we know you are

>> No.5140654

what's his pixiv

>> No.5140676


>> No.5140694

that's actually wrong since there are quite a few top tier japanese illustrators and mangaka using ps only.
It's fantastic for lineart but you just gotta know how to use it and maybe try a few good brushes. No line stabilizer or some shit ofc

>> No.5140708

># Use Legacy Healing Brush
>LegacyHealingBrush 1
># Disable Scratch Compression for fast HDD
>VMCompressionPages 0
what do these do

>> No.5141003

NGMI samefag

>> No.5141098

>I got out from /beg/
You haven't and you never will

>> No.5141210

There's people who draw with their mouth, you clearly will never be good if you don't draw with your mouth.

Fucking retard, ps is shit for linework that's why Adobe themselves made Illustrator, Flash and now Fresco with actually useful line drawing tools. The fact that dinosaurs refuse to adapt is not relevant.

>> No.5141339

things get new names with the change of the ages?

>> No.5141539
File: 25 KB, 600x492, untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an anatomy guideline that uses a box instead of the usual egg for the torso?

>> No.5141648

This is literally taught on like week 3 of any beginner art class. TL:DR diagonal lines good. Thirds good. Golden ratio good.

>> No.5141878

yes we know you are retard

>> No.5141885

Um you could just stop being beg and blaming stuff like software for your shortcomings, when various top nip pros proved PS superiority already dozens of times, but that's for actual art ofc. Ahem retard

>> No.5141903
File: 299 KB, 1000x830, perfect_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy fuck, it's true!

>> No.5142066


>> No.5142203


>> No.5142989

what makes you think that the people you mentioned are good "because of" ps and not "in spite of" ps?

>> No.5143188

I have learned many secrets throughout the years, these apply for painting mostly but you can also use it in other ways, inb4 reddit spacing:
- Love art; if you don't like what you're drawing then there is no point in continuing. You must embrace it, let it drive you and become obsessed with it. Let it consume you as you see hours and days go by as you keep creating art.
- Learn to distinguish between art and an illustration; sometimes the deviantartlet who gave it his all in his mspaint picture will appeal to you more than the art graduate's "study of the same old fucking pose #32"
- Let yourself be your highest critic; many times you know it but you just think "this looks good enough" so you post it anyways. You don't have to be a perfectionist, but know how much time you should take in a picture.
- Cut your losses; if a picture is not going the way you want it to go, start over, don't mind if you spent hours or days onit
- Learn how to sculpt; even if just amateur and beginner level this will impact the way you see shapes
- Every realist painter ends up drawing cute anime girls; people get bored with their own comfort zone so they try to explore, once you actually are able to draw realistic stuff then you'll get bored and look for shortcuts to cut time, eventually leading to the path of symbol drawing
- Tools dont make the artist; I've done bigger things with a 10 dollar mouse than people with 2k cintiqs, and if you don't believe me then look at what some autistic japs do with that. You can always pick a pencil and a piece of paper, no excuses. However, whatever tool you're using make sure it's the best you can get for the work, and for fucks sake calibrate your settings, you'll be using this a lot so be comfortable with it, and get yourself a good monitor and chair

>> No.5143190

- If you're an artist make art, if you're a businessman sell yourself; learn how to market your skills and what rates to give, you have to be cold and cunning, when dealing with clients make sure that you know your worth but don't be an asshole, show the client you actually care about the damn project.
- Someone who works doing art will never get better than someone who plays by making art; if you gotta "force" yourself to draw rather than doing so as a way of relaxing, see the first point.
- If you want to get into the industry, you gotta look for connections. There is no way around it. Get a good portfolio and make sure to get noticed, you don't have to wine and dine people just make sure they know you can do a job.

Now for actual painting tips:
- LEARN THE POWER OF CYAN MAGENTA AND YELLOW. Start with a yellow undertone painting (Kames Gurney did a video on this), highlight with these colors, add random splotches in your picture, cmyk exists for a reason.
- Learn your damn colors and how they interact with values, how blue can be used as a shadow or a highlight
- Paint in the traditional way, even when doing lineart paint the lineart. Mistakes make the art have that "look" rather than a fully digitalized ctrl+z perfect looking render, unless you're going for a way more "clean looking" style like your favorite chinese cartoons
- Fucking hell stop using multiply and overlay layer for colors, learn how to saturate them instead
- Unironically practice how to paint or draw chains in stencils, have them not only be straight but also play with the perspective, how the light would bounce with only black and white. This is a great exercise to help you with negative space, shapes, line action and more.

Good luck, we're all going to make it.

>> No.5143264

Thanks for your effortpost, based anon. I have some questions about painting, if you wish to answer them.
1. How do I reach the stage where I paint portraits with funky nonhuman colors? (see Sinix). I don't think I can understand colors beyond complements and lowering saturation and brightness. How do you understand color so well that you paint whatever it is you imagine?

>> No.5143317

Seeing his art at a glance just tells me he's using complementary colors, red and green mostly when painting humans. Dont lower your saturation or it will end up very gray, look to push the colors. Try to make a portrait with the same value but distinct colors so you understand what I mean. I don't paint whatever I imagine, you realize most of the time you're winging in stuff until you get to the cleanup stage, have fun while painting and add colors that you may feel are off in small spots to try and see how it looks, like a very saturated yellow or pink.




>> No.5143909

Thank you for the wonderful advice.

>Get a good portfolio and make sure to get noticed
Would you elaborate on this, dear sir?

>> No.5143958


>> No.5143980
File: 1.53 MB, 5748x2472, 1534435365753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone looking for that one weird trick that'll make artists hate him
>one ebin secret that'll btfo everyone
>its just mileage and fundies

>> No.5144230

no one said they are good because of PS, but you already know that

>> No.5144233

>Every realist painter ends up drawing cute anime girls
>Tools dont make the artist; I've done bigger things with a 10 dollar mouse than people with 2k cintiqs

haha some anon almost fell for it

>> No.5144247

okay, then what do you mean by photoshop's superiority?

>> No.5144260

Oh my god, in one short post you spilled the SECRETS of EVERY artist out there!! The art industry will Never Be The Same!!!

You are an true God, Chad and "Chill, edgy"!,

Now I can finally draw... wait for it... Exactly like Shirow! Exactly like Sargent! Exactly like Frazetta!!,

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the whopping Eleven Step Process that was Michelangelo's secret! But no more limited to him!

Anon has just dropped a million, no a BOUILLION dollars worth of info in one post! A bouillion dollar value if you act now!

Act now - before the image gets deleted! Everyone else is Already Doing It!

>> No.5144288

>draw the triangles
>draw the rest of the fucking foot
I think "just draw a lot from reference" would be a better advice than this whole image. Doesn't teach proper construction, focuses on quirks instead, which a beginner would realize if he drew from references - including his own feet.

>> No.5144294

Do people really need guides for laying two flat colors on top of each other?

>applying five o'clock shadows to girls
I mean this is good observation in regards to some of the old masters, but come on, it's literally
>cheeks and nose can flush red
>five o'clock shadow
>forehead doesn't have either of these so it's normal skin

This is funny because the left one would work after only slight tweaks, so you can consider this a useful tutorial for people with rich enough imagination. Most people don't have that, though.

>> No.5144836

the picture literally explains why it applies to girls too
and most people will disregard all of that except for applying a very centralized blush on the cheeks, despite the whole midsection being more flush generally

>> No.5144859
File: 334 KB, 1200x874, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5144862
File: 367 KB, 1200x874, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5144865
File: 185 KB, 901x1593, 1606671399308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145049

you just went full retard and cringe
pic has nothing to do with what I said

>> No.5145080

I agree with you anon, it seems forced and many parts of the 'totally lined up' aren't related at all.

>> No.5145136

>you just went full retard and cringe
well... you made me!

>> No.5145419

This one is really good

>> No.5145756
File: 1.11 MB, 657x2641, 9wn76mr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145764
File: 413 KB, 659x2181, BlobSketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145772
File: 236 KB, 663x1188, buttplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145786
File: 292 KB, 681x1782, clitoralconnection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the coomers

>> No.5145803
File: 429 KB, 669x2160, crotchconnection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145819
File: 426 KB, 1459x1459, dbayi6u-2656fb93-cd8c-4857-833d-7818f01ceb98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145825
File: 277 KB, 679x1627, doxynotesglassprop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145828
File: 1.14 MB, 684x3089, gYBK9Qd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145836
File: 376 KB, 691x2114, hipmons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145850

could you show an example perhabs? But yeah even some porn artist recommend adding bluring or the old chromatic abberation to make your image softer

>> No.5145883
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x2760, LuDMlg8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145888
File: 591 KB, 872x3557, oK6FaRZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145890
File: 225 KB, 1200x1697, EmNi3rLXMAAcreU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a chromatic aberation tutorial involving blur. https://www.deviantart.com/jbaulmont/journal/Chromatic-Aberration-Tutorial-584057888
I guess you can do the same thing but instead of aberation, change the levels of the image and play around with hit. If you do it subtly enough it looks decent instead of eye cancer inducing.
Pic related is a post processing effect I've been trying to figure out. If you see the artist's work before it looks much more dull and sterile all due to lack of post processing effects.

>> No.5145893
File: 208 KB, 668x2193, qeW5M0n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145926
File: 1.04 MB, 700x3636, r3C17Od.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145936
File: 403 KB, 681x2257, S0SdLaE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5146291

No, look up golden ratio in art, and read about Salvador Dali.

>> No.5146303

Anon, this is really helpful. I have my study schedule for 2021 now, thanks.

>> No.5146304

I don't want to make connections with anyone, I fucking hate hamanity, the human race blows.

>> No.5146310
File: 122 KB, 403x400, 1603248090871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will hunt you down and hug you UwU

>> No.5146356

>No, look up golden ratio in art, and read about Salvador Dali.
No one needs to do that. The golden ratio is just one of hundreds of ways to compose a picture. It is not a guarantee that a picture will look good. It doesn't work on everything. And using it too often will very quickly make your art look stiff and contrived.

>> No.5146360

>I don't want to make connections with anyone, I fucking hate hamanity, the human race blows.
That's just because you're in America.

>> No.5146435

THAT's the picture you aspire to?

>> No.5146455

No I just think the effect is interesting. It adds a lot to a digital and sterile drawing without hurting the eyes like ca.

>> No.5146700
File: 1.16 MB, 921x2664, tg7qOIK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5146705
File: 383 KB, 670x2075, toots5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5146712
File: 229 KB, 661x1453, tutorial_heel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5146715
File: 881 KB, 872x4829, xwfdVRF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5146718
File: 612 KB, 685x1368, WXYdgfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5146929

Yo wtf

>> No.5147122

How can I bulk download all images in this thread? I found a chrome extension for it but it doesn’t work

>> No.5147421
File: 283 KB, 1000x908, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5147424


>> No.5147513

this doesn't make any sense
why follow those specific lines?
the points make sense but wtf is this shape and why follow it?

>> No.5147821

Nice one

>> No.5147892


>they have no way to support themselves

They have fibrous connective tissue which helps shape and support the breast. The shape of the breast isnt determined entirely by its weight or its fat distribution. There are breasts where the fat is distributed entirely on top or the bottom, or some where its completely even. This doesnt even get into when the development (or lack of development) in the pectoral can cause the breasts to drift apart on the ribcage, causing a noticeable gap between the two.
I could go on. But. There is a real danger in relying on these sorts of things. They give a smattering of knowledge on SOME expansive topics, but to call the a secret*** implies that they hit upon an essential core of understanding on the matter. They dont. And sometimes theyre outright wrong, like this one.
These Cliff's Notes.
Absolutely double-check these things and take them with a grain of salt, or you could end up replicating some person's faulty understanding of things. Bad understanding makes bad art.

>> No.5147942

What are you talking about? People actually use the line smoothing shit?

>> No.5147945

see you in Pixar

>> No.5147955

Well yea, because in this age of the internet money grubbing fucking shills really will withhold the most basic information from you.

>> No.5147965

Great thread, Almost everything here is pretty useful.

>> No.5148300

>the picture literally explains why it applies to girls too
I don't know what kind of girls you and the author of that image were meeting with, but I think they've been lying to you.

>> No.5148419

anyone have some arms chart about biceps/triceps/forearms and shit? an anon posted a few days ago but i forgot to save

>> No.5148475

I... don't get it

>> No.5148509

>Do people really need guides for laying two flat colors on top of each other?
the key info is multiply layer, honestly. that shit's easy to miss if you aren't clued in.

>> No.5148541

retardGOD can't even read
it's basically just to add a subtle blur to smooth out values while keeping the original image intact
looks better than just a Gaussian blur

>> No.5149142

Wait, you don't know what template blur and clips are?

>> No.5149150

I... don't think so? I do some finishing touches involving Gaussian blur with my paintings, but it's just for contrast using Soft Light

>> No.5150028

>putting green to muddy up a woman’s face
>thinks deoxygenated blood is blue (it’s not)
First time actually reading this one and just find out it’s partially bullshit. Hmm.

>> No.5150169

pyw retard

>> No.5151795

ok so you know the nose triangle starts from the mid of the eye.. but how do you know correct eye spacing in the first place, is there a trick to it as well?

>> No.5151797

well he did it before you so

>> No.5151804

it's subjective, the tools are great but have a higher learning and customization curve which throws off kids who just want to doodle some lines with stabilizers

>> No.5151815


>> No.5151844

>1 2 5 6 9 10
>3 4 7 8 11

goddamn who the fuck made this image

>> No.5151891

the original was split into 3 images, 4 frames each, whoever merged them all together was too lazy to rearrange frames

>> No.5151910

>biceps/triceps/forearms and shit?
Just google it.
cow dung

>> No.5151911

>ok so you know the nose triangle starts from the mid of the eye.. but how do you know correct eye spacing in the first place, is there a trick to it as well?
Of course there is a trick. Pro's use Nuke and Houdini to do it.

>> No.5152219

Here is the truth I have discovered:
the bigger dick you have the better art you produce.

>> No.5152405

Thanks for nothing, anon

>> No.5153083
File: 36 KB, 479x492, Star Fingered'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CTRL + F "Flip..."
>0 results
For the love of god flip your fucking canvas! Often!

>> No.5153095

I would stick my dick in every single of those bodies just as they are

>> No.5153098

You can also flip it vertically to check if the composition is balanced. It really does help.

>> No.5153376

Suck my dick you three

Original image with local colours:

I say it's "local colour", but as luck would have it, already at this stage there are very clear-cut shade tones... it's just that, when the picture is taken as a whole, they still haven't been laid onto the ambient/environmental tones.

Below, I demonstrate several styles of fading colours.

Method I
Layer definitions:

Responsible for cold hues

Responsible for the strengthening of the old-fashioned warm shadows

Responsible for the "old-fashioned" (?) + intensification of hue, the entire white balance leaning towards warmer hues

Tonal requirements:


Cold tones
old-fashioned style (skin colour is warm)
rather pronounced, intense colours


The effect of overlaying dark tones:
>电脑作画时大家取色习惯偏 “用浅色多于暗色” ,一
When painting on a computer, everyone's habit of picking colours leans into the following: "use light colours more than dark ones".
This is all because our eyes cannot make out [tonal] differences when painting dark, whereas depicting tonal details is [much] easier when painting light. And so, the most commonly noticed issue with (hard? wtf) paintings is that the contrast is insufficiently high.


>> No.5153380

Overlaying dark tones onto the (image) layer can, in general, have an effect of bringing up the contrast between light and dark shades without ruining the original relation between them.
Originally faint colour transitions will also become more pronounced. I recommend that you start managing that layer before you refine and add detail [to the picture proper], and only then continue refining. Do not depend on blending colours after having finished painting... (otherwise the colours will be overexposed, problems will appear in relation to the sketch and so on.The probability of running into difficulties is much higher.
Method II
Layer definitions:

Responsible for cold hues

>(crossed out) 负责复古
>(crossed out) 暗部暖色加强
(crossed out) Responsible for the strengthening of old-fashioned warm shadows

>(crossed out) 负责复古+色彩加厚
>(crossed out) 整体白平衡偏暖光
(crossed out) Responsible for the "old-fashioned" (?) + intensification of hue, the entire white balance leaning towards warmer hues

Tonal requirements:

Cold tones
(all local tones strongly influenced by ambient lighting)
rather faint colours

>> No.5153383


The effect of not overlaying dark tones:

The tones of the uppermost layer immediately emerge and the unity of tones across the painting is strengthened. Here, ambient light is the most prominent. There are good and bad things about that. Suitable for when ambient light is to be stressed in a painting, such as for CG-style, or when it's a scene with a strong light source or ambient light.

If you reasonably and gradually fade the image layer, the [mood. May also refer to the natural fading of colours with distance from the viewer] will be strengthened.
When the tones are highly unified, the picture will also seem neater and tidier.

Method III
Layer definitions:

>(crossed out) 负责冷色调
(crossed out) Responsible for cold hues

Responsible for the strengthening of old-fashioned, warm bright and dark tones

>(crossed out) 负责复古+色彩加厚
>(crossed out) 整体白平衡偏暖光
(crossed out) Responsible for the "old-fashioned" (?) + intensification of hue, the entire white balance leaning towards warmer hues

Tonal requirements:

Slightly cold colours — local colours that have some cold hue in them
(where you can see that the colour's cold when you check the settings, but it doesn't quite look like it in reality)
old-fashioned style (skin colour is warm)
rather faint colours

>> No.5153392
File: 412 KB, 1080x2641, a01b979862fba264978cd8be421cdd9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



The effect of overlaying cold local colours + warm shadows:
The typical method to paint cold light using warm hues. Suitable for painting in set styles or for multi-style works (such as manga or serial work). For example, the first serial work might be all warm colours, but then suddenly you are required to cool the tones down [for the subsequent piece]. Painting according to the second method [now] will seem extremely discordant. And so, here you might want to use the warm overlay layer to preserve the consistence of tones.

Naturally, if you want to fade tones to make it pretty, first and foremost you still must [start with] a painting with a spotless relationship between colours and light/dark areas.

Also, here is a higher resolution image. I was unable to read the characters in >>5137214, too pixelated.

Please make it into a translated infographic if you find it valuable. I'm not about to do that, I don't even draw.

>> No.5153396

thank you, based moonrunes expert

>> No.5153427

The only potential major error I've noticed is in method III:

>The effect of overlaying cold local colours + warm shadows:
might be
>The effect of [having] cold local colours + a warm shadows overlay layer
but I don't understand the subject matter and can't guess the correct translation from the ambiguity.

>> No.5153498
File: 2.97 MB, 1080x2950, translation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did my best. if anyone can identify the blend modes (the tiny purple text in the layer screenshot) i'll update it with those. i'm thinking overlay, overlay and multiply in order, but i don't know shit about chinese so i can't check

>> No.5153517

Sorry, I haven't noticed the tiny text. Do you know the name of the program?

>> No.5153539

Nevermind, it was Sai Painter. Anyway, you were correct:



The text above (图层)means "layer".

>> No.5153578

base chad daddy. thats an ancient reference lol.

>> No.5153775

the golden ratio is horshit my man, read gurneys stuff on it https://gurneyjourney.blogspot.com/2013/01/mythbusting-golden-mean-part-1.html rule of thirds is horshit too https://photographylife.com/the-myth-of-the-rule-of-thirdshttps://photographylife.com/the-myth-of-the-rule-of-thirds

>> No.5153780
File: 61 KB, 543x565, 13CF87E1-6B15-4A02-B1D0-5D633677C9E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5153785
File: 2.96 MB, 1080x2950, translation2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, here's the updated one. kept the black names of the layers themselves because it wasn't too important

>> No.5153803

I kneel

>> No.5154283

the color boomerang.
can't believe i leaked it.
the end is near.

>> No.5154418
File: 37 KB, 500x374, 13657843564776758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok how the flying fuck does she and other such artists deal with lineart, like how does she embedd it into the form after she is done with coloring? smudge? layer mode? layer adjustment tricks?

NONE OF THESE THREADS ARE USEFUL and the ones who do respond are usually sharing owl techniques and pseudo related western gibberish

>> No.5154423

>Suck my dick you three
stop being gay faggot

at least something good came from the thread

>> No.5154429
File: 460 KB, 1699x1159, ass feet namaniku_atk_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm willing to share some upper echelon secrets

I need the fanbox gifs from this guy

>> No.5154467

I think your question is so rarted people don't know what to answer. If I understood what you're after then lock the line art layer and color it with a soft brush, then there's something called overpainting, which is done after merging all your masks, here is an opportunity to blend all kinds of shit and fix other stuff.

>> No.5154635

from what I can tell the color overlays go above everything. maybe she also colors the lineart and puts it on overlay or multiply itself or lowers its opacity so it "blends in"

>> No.5154965

you might be retarded

>> No.5155857


>> No.5155860


>> No.5156147
File: 816 KB, 1000x1060, 1353535467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get how she get's the gradients nor the lines, but at least on the arm it seems like it's changed to reddish

>> No.5156215

There's three people here who actually understand the golden ratio and its significance: you, me and gurney. It's only the beginners who think that there's something special about that ratio.

>> No.5157585

ok wise man then what's composition to you

>> No.5157588

horse shit
learn how to paint instead

>> No.5157595

The eyes look less shit on the first one
Just ad a simple eye shadow or something ffs

>> No.5157597

beg fag

>> No.5157600


>> No.5157601

you first obv

>> No.5157678

i just read that conan story

>> No.5157720
File: 40 KB, 346x543, 1603604326598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5158452

what has this beg drawing to do with rei

>> No.5158696

Pay me and I'll put 12 hours into it, otherwise be happy with 30 minutes, go back to read some book instead of looking for some magic trick on how to render

>> No.5159064

They all draw with CSP everyone moved away from Photoshop

>> No.5159076

When PS changed to subscription model and they wouldn't stop fucking up their own program in favor of bloatware, everyone flocked to CSP. The only people that use PS anymore are photographers, and artists that don't want to learn a new program.

Fuck Adobe, I hope they get royally fucked over by their bad choices.

>> No.5159140


>> No.5159153

I used the chat box on the Adobe site to negotiate with one of their employees to have six months subtracted from my running one year membership period. He didn't want to, but I told him that I don't use the program any longer and that I tried ending my subscription right before the yearly renewal and it didn't work (both true). In the end he agreed to set my subscription to end in April instead of October. All of this happened a few months ago. I was supposed to keep paying the monthly cost until April, but I stopped paying, got four reminders and was then told that my subscription has ended.

Serves Adobe right. Fuck them for making things so difficult. I truly tried everything I could to cancel my subscription in time, but I always got some fake error message.

The last version of PS was actually the first one in three years that actually worked on my computer without crashing at startup with their memory bug. I've been drawing in CSP for all that time and using PS only for typography.

>> No.5159168
File: 229 KB, 400x370, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 CPS 2.0 gets liquidify, dual brushes and improved speed but changes to subscription only in the desktop as well

>> No.5159182

that would be based

>> No.5159347

you're probably retarded and replying to the wrong anon but no one asked for some westerner beg drawing, especially not for feedback by some highhorsed semi-beg

>> No.5159355

You must be new to art, at least to the japanese art scene

sure, that one was free >>5154429

>> No.5159380

Do better in half an hour with your multiple layered work, if you knew how to paint just a single brush can do any image you see on any chink website

>> No.5159733

I think the best part is seemingly most of the picture still misses the composition lines.

>> No.5160008
File: 120 KB, 736x862, 82181df6330fcb3655a2e40c6c43287a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's way oversimplified. Holding tight to that will make all your subjects look like they have a blush

>> No.5160100

good artists don't draw beg coom and then boast about it though

>> No.5160169

still waiting for ur work, oh wait, u wont u cant do shit, u dont even know how to paint a sphere and expect to understand how a painting even works, keep searching for ur magic trick on yt, patreon, gumroad, u'll find it never give up anon! *thumbs up*

>> No.5160221

What book is this from?

>> No.5160227


>> No.5160284

It's not a book, I don't think. There's just a bunch of tutorials online by this Yooroong guy. It doesn't seem like the domain exists anymore and most of this shit is on pinterest now, though.

>> No.5160324

maybe because 90% of the artists aren't teachers and just guess that beginners know the absolute basics like flipping canvas and locking transparent pixels.
I don't know why there are /beg/s whining nowadays, /ic/ archive is 3tb in size, with only the best drawing books and video courses for free
When I started off, the only shit you could get easily on the internet was chritopher hart shit and compressed scans of loomis books.

>> No.5160462

Shut the fuck up, crab.

>> No.5160471

bottom is my ex in full "girls night out" makeup

>> No.5160519

>21st century AD
>still thinking we have blue blood
lmao, its just the fat absorbing the red spectrum leaving the blue of the veins showing through. Blood is red nigga, jesus

>> No.5160748

Nice try Masons, I'm not adding your satanic cabbalahs to my art.

>> No.5161062
File: 3 KB, 283x105, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5161100

is this talking about masks?

>> No.5161153

>proving points to a delusional low beg
you're not worthy to request work from good artists anon, keep obnoxiously replying to random anons by seeking validation for your lack of skill, but do it in the beg thread where maybe someone will (You) your ass

>> No.5161175

i'm worthy enough to have a job as an artist but keep projecting you poor bastard

>> No.5161189

Let that dude struggle with drawing for years if he doesn't want to just learn art fundamentals, it's his time being wasted and not yours so let him be

>> No.5161221

given how many begs are "professionals" your statement doesn't really do you any favors you coping retard

both of you schizo faggots are literally replying to random people in this thread but keep sucking his dick though

>> No.5161703


>> No.5161847

I doubt they're going to change to subscription for desktop since they make money off of the clip asset store, but even if they do, I don't care. Unless they neuter their program and start acting as shitty as Adobe I'll just stick with them.

Yeah cancelling subscriptions is absolute hell with Adobe, it wouldn't cancel for me either so I just had my bank block payments to them in case it didnt work

>> No.5161862

Did she piss her pants?

>> No.5162013
File: 588 KB, 900x2357, 1448512024538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5162352

Honestly this is one of the most pathetic boards because of bottomfeeders like this. They really do go out of their way to sabotage everyone else's progress because of their incredibly fragile ego.

>> No.5162368

Thank you

>> No.5162374
File: 670 KB, 1077x782, AC982060-CE50-4B41-A09B-C5CD571A683C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5163477

I feel like some of those Yeses should be made into Nos

>> No.5163481

*There's always exception

>> No.5163693

>>inb4 CPS 2.0 gets liquidify, dual brushes and improved speed but changes to subscription only in the desktop as well
Good points. In complete honesty, if CSP gets dual brush and improved performance, then I'll pay 10$ a month (which is what I paid for PS) for it if they so decide. CSP's brush engine and interface work so much better for me. And I make a living on it.

Of course ideally we would get some more brush features from Krita or Paintstorm or Rebelle. One can dream.

As a funny anecdote, I used liquify to fix every single picture I made in my first two years of digital painting. Now I haven't even touched it in the past three years or more. Drawing skills made it unnecessary. But of course having liquify wouldn't hurt CSP.

What I do use dozens of times a day is CSP's multilayer transform. Now that is a godsend.

>> No.5163721

>multilayer transform
Hooooly shit how the fuck have I not known about this all this time?

>> No.5163749

You guys must be masochists lmao
I bet you don't know that you can remove zoom steps and make zooming with mousewheel bearable too.

>> No.5164482

this, i feel like people only really use this to avoid the blank page. but for that any scribble will do.

>> No.5164508

>golden spiral + rule of thirds + generic harmonic armature + dynamic symmetry

are those the art equivalent to astrology?

>> No.5164525

Sacred geometry is an ancient science which draws composition from proper alignment of the chakras. If you insult it again I will place a pox upon you

>> No.5164534

That's a pretty apt comparison, yeah.

>> No.5164539

holy fucking kek

>> No.5164551

I bet there's some demon's sigil coded in this thing that makes you more retarded the longer you look at it

>> No.5164613


>> No.5165137

>knows deep down theres no secret or shortcut to good art, just easier ways of understanding fundies
>goes out of way to hoard everything in these threads anyway
I'm a fucking sicko

>> No.5165158

This looks like some sacred geometry schizo shit you'd find on /x/

>> No.5165234

tranny art style