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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 30 KB, 400x400, IMG_20210115_091046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5134583 No.5134583 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5134585
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>> No.5134589
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>> No.5134593
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>> No.5134601

didn't know their work, but it's always sad to see an artist die before their time


>> No.5134606


>> No.5134608

>weebshit artist #23498123952391483912834
and literally nothing of value was lost

>> No.5134613

I loved his work..

>> No.5134624

reminder to not reply to degenerate beg subhumans. >>5134608

>> No.5134634

Imagine having a stick so far up your own ass that you feel the need to advertise your death to a bunch of strangers. Something that should be kept to family and friends instead loses value by letting the entire world know just how much of an attention whore you are and not long after forget who you are. It will be just like that artist girl who had cancer or some shit and died young, but felt the need to advertise it. It's the same deal with making retarded confessions online like noah bradley. Get the fuck off social media. And you honestly deserve death if you feel the need to share your own suicide or passing.

>> No.5134651

is there some translation?

>> No.5134668

just think, every time u troll on 4chan ur contributing even less than this guy's family when they advertise his death

>> No.5134673
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>> No.5134678
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>> No.5134681
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>> No.5134685

unfortunate, i wonder what happened to him

>> No.5134686

kys so that guy can show to the world you died simping

>> No.5134690
File: 36 KB, 477x356, 513618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this chink?

>> No.5134702

>accident at work
what did he do for work?

>> No.5134709

I hope you're drawing every day anon.
You never know when you might fall down some stairs and die.
What work will you be remembered for after you pass?

>> No.5134712

Let me explain to you a situation. If I had a child of mine say to the world that she has cancer and is about to pass away. The only thing I'll remember is the random strangers that sobbed that day, why? Because the amount of attraction it brings. People want theatrics, a quick buzz for the day. This is why it should be kept personal, because it will lose value. I won't be remembering any nice personal moments, I would be remembering the whole situation with social media instead.

>> No.5134724

>making retarded confessions online like noah bradley
What did he confess? I'm curious, I just know him as this really mediocre artist pushing his "art school" who has no place teaching anything at his skill level.

>> No.5134732

i guess that's why the parents waited 7 months to do so

>> No.5134756

You know dead people can't advertise anything, right?

>> No.5134759


>> No.5134763

People with cancer can, they're basically dead people walking.

>> No.5134765

westernchads win again

>> No.5134769
File: 1.12 MB, 978x2048, 73024750_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes me sad I loved this guy's work, rest in peace

>> No.5134782

No thank you. Every time a post starts with this word it's likely followed by something gay and retarded.

>> No.5134809

>he passed away in an accident
>he returned to work the day after the accident
>he’s advertising his death

>> No.5134832

shhh, let people believe, don't crush their reality, twitter is a place of truths only

>> No.5134847

he probably had internal damage/bleeding that led to death after being released from the hospital

>> No.5134865

Didn't know who he was but I'm following him on Twitter so I've obviously admired his art at some point. How sad, what a loss.

>> No.5134912

I liked his art

>> No.5134923

good lineart style but the use of traced 3d models/photos is obvious and annoying

>> No.5134932


>> No.5134935

the spirit of resentment just keeps gaining in power. I wonder where it will all end.
anyway, F

>> No.5134939

Imagine being as autistic as you. Oh wait, you can't imagine shit, cause you are autistic.

>> No.5135026

never change /ic/

>> No.5135032
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 1610404994614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dying before I get to accomplish my goals is legitimately such a terrifying fucking idea

>> No.5135043

Another sad news, make sure to be safe at all time. Death from Car accident happen more than illness. Also make sure to have atleast two yearly medical check up for cancer. You'll never know.

No (you) for you, retard.

>> No.5135058

Boohoohoo, another literally who one bites the dust. Life goes on, stop trying to put gloom and doom on other people's day fuck off.

>> No.5135061

based based based

>> No.5135088
File: 28 KB, 526x429, 1596562315711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advertise your own death
Wait, what?

Even if extreme, i feel the same.
Now the parents of that guy are gonna rake in mad dosh from the stupid emotional normies.

All is marketing, nothing is sacred anymore.
Just consume and stop questioning.

>> No.5135101

where do you see marketing anywhere in that message? are you retarded?

>> No.5135115

>normie is unable to contextualize
Aren't you feeling sad?
go buy their artwork, paypig

>> No.5135120

i don't know who that guy was, but RIP i guess.

>> No.5135125

oh, so you're just a jealous beg. could've just said so, anon!

>> No.5135139
File: 99 KB, 1000x1000, 1610666104234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, i envy the dead because they don't have to share this planet with faggots like you

>> No.5135150
File: 71 KB, 552x524, gewjv1ko4a721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then join them

>> No.5135159

I wish you schizos would actually die.

>> No.5135192
File: 153 KB, 360x310, guterzembe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be able to comprehend things beyond your 3D plane

>> No.5135272

incredible that ic manages to even crab about a mans death

RIP to any artist taken before their time

>> No.5135293
File: 112 KB, 984x894, 1453336957866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to realize that there's a lot of fraud and underhanded attempts at gaining any form of notoriety and faking a death is not an excluded factor of attaining petty subscribers and upboats, likes, and faves. No rules, just tools right guys?

>> No.5135320
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 5681354161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop questioning
caused emotions are absolute

>> No.5135373
File: 123 KB, 1200x918, image0 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know this guy has already made it and doesnt need to pull shit like that, right?

>> No.5135377

The guy really was drawing good stuff, thinking about how his stuff will never be in anything again feels strange.

>> No.5135385

Yes, let me just *checks notes* go inactive for 7 months and consequently lose followers and money to fake my death even though i could just draw coomer shit if i was that desperate for traction.

>> No.5135390

It is a status update saying there won't be more art basically.

>> No.5135396

>dead guy
>last post 8h ago
really activates your almonds, doesn't it?
>losing followers because he died
you are just one naive boy.
It does the opposite.

Asians pull this shit all the time.
Probably got bored as shit and "killed" his online persona.

>> No.5135397
File: 70 KB, 688x472, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no go fund me link, and his death took place almost half a year before this tweet. There's a picture of his ash flowing up in sky so no one is asking for funeral fund. There is nothing to gain from it other than to inform about his long hiatus.

You idiots act all high and mighty like you have the audacity to believe you're right.
I dare you faggots make the same post on their twitter with your public account, but I know you wouldn't, coward.

>> No.5135420

>there is a photgraph of his ashes going up in the sky
Nigger, you're completely delusional.
>hurr durr do the same
Nobody has thousand of braindead underage weebs to suck their dead dicks.
>unironically believing anything on the internet
Psyduck suits you
since you are retarded as fuck

>> No.5135432
File: 1.18 MB, 209x180, QZyXU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same old insult
Yawn you gotta try harder sweaty.
sigh here I though I was going to get a big one, but it's another smaller angry incel.

>> No.5135439
File: 2.31 MB, 363x298, 1606582812577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oooh i was just baiting
>oooh is not a big one
>try harder sweaty incel
>haha luk how smug i am
>n-n-n-no im not doing this because i got called out for the absolute faggot i am
who needs to jerk off when you got faggots like these doing all the work for you

>> No.5135448
File: 1.61 MB, 400x400, 1580505110395.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's copying what I did
>multiple green texts
lmao he's mad.
here's a (you) for you hun see ya next time~ >>5135439

>> No.5135455
File: 542 KB, 2844x1600, Anime-image-anime-36152066-2844-1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5135458


>> No.5135470
File: 77 KB, 227x257, 1598912846320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha rules for thee but not for me
>u mad because i say
>here a (you(
>all these samefaggin
(you)s have no value to me

>> No.5135508

I would if I had a twatter account, help me make one

>> No.5135530


>> No.5137259

Oh ffs i liked his work

>> No.5137261

>his last artiwork on pixiv is named canDie

>> No.5137273
File: 152 KB, 821x960, 10781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's not dead you absolute brainlets. he just did the same marketing trick like MF DOOM did few weeks ago, to boost his revenue, sho he can buy more LINK

>> No.5137275

>all (you)s have no value

>> No.5139156


>> No.5139675

it looks good but he's very obviously photobashing and even tracing 3d models in some of his pieces so nothing of value lost.

>> No.5139677

literally everything in this is traced 3d

>> No.5139680

holy crab

>> No.5139682

I dont wanna die bros I dont wanna cease to exist

>> No.5139685

Not him but that is true. Only crabs can't see it.

>> No.5139689

>obviously traced 3d
>uncanny anime girl with a side mouth

>> No.5139695

It's blatantly traced, you moron. The artist literally just took a screenshot of the place he built in Sketchup from the free assets it has and then traced over it. You are too much of a crab to notice it.

>> No.5139696
File: 3.67 MB, 2894x4093, ER2arYXUEAEtRDx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image being so bitter you have to crab on a guy not even berried yet

>> No.5139712

post your portfolio