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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 137 KB, 960x640, Wacom Cintiq g3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5124621 No.5124621 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

>What should I buy?
State your:
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
>Size (in inches)
>Other information
>Previous equipment

If you have any additional questions, ask them.

>Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3 - Best budget tablet.
Intuos Pro M - The best non-display tablet.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite - Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech.
Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" - Best option for a display tablet.
Used Cintiq 22HD - The only worthwhile large display tablet
Galaxy Tab S7+ - Good premium alternative to an iPad Pro


XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand - Poor build quality, lackluster pens, broken tilt, struggles to register light pressure, horrible customer support and the displays are not calibrated. All Chinese brands are basically the same because they're all centralized. Also watch, Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Microsoft Surface Pro - The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.
Lenovo - Bad drawing performance.

Previous: >>5114657

>> No.5124628
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>intuos 3

>> No.5124652
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Guess I'll carry over my question then..
6x8" tablet, y/n? Is it big enough when using it with a widescreen monitor?

>> No.5124667
File: 356 KB, 826x994, artflow_202101071759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! I wanted to post a review of anyone is indecisive. I bought the galaxy tab s6 lite after you guys spoke so highly of it and I highly recommend it. It's cheaper on amazon than it is on the samsung website. This is my first tablet but I already see my art shooting forward in quality. This was one of the first sketches I made. It may not be fantastic by ic standards but this is one of the best portrait sketches I've made. 10/10 super smooth and portable. Thank you guys for this great recommendation

>> No.5124686

I'm using a Gaomon tablet, would not agree with you. It works fine for its price

>> No.5124692

Using Huion.
OP is a schizo.

>> No.5124716

got my first tablet a few days ago
is it a bad idea to form a reliance on stroke smoothing? this tablet was very cheap and it's kind of slick and hard to keep lines straight

>> No.5124970
File: 50 KB, 800x504, HuionHS610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you all think of the Huion HS610? $70, 8k sensitivity, up to 60* angle support...

Certainly beats the process of taking pictures of artwork with my phone and sending it to my laptop.

Your tastes are garbage.

>> No.5125015

Outdated. Get the HS611. Not the direct user, but I can tell that it's good.

>> No.5125041

My galaxy tab arrived to day, much faster than I expected.

>> No.5125049

Ah fuck, I would get S7+ right away if only csp was a one time purchase

>> No.5125061

It should be just fine. the only difference between HS610 and HS611 is a physical ring vs a touch slider but everything else should be very much identical.

>> No.5125067

frankly CSP on it is so good I'm actually gonna pay the fucking subscription. the fact I get paid for my art once in a while makes it OK

>> No.5125097

how better is S7 plus compared to S6 lite actually? I've been thinking if saving up for almost triple the price tag is worth the purchase

>> No.5125125

I compared the tow in the store and it's not like i had the S6- for a long time, but i got a feeling that S7+ is the one really worth having.

S6- looked small, dim and didn't seem to respond all that quick.

S7+ is the minimal size I would consider workable, seriously the tablet itself is a little smaller than an A4 sheet, and the screen is even smaller than that, the display is top stuff, sometimes i just open some random HDR shit from youtube to bask in it's glory, high resolution is also great, tiny tiny little scrathes with a thin pen in csp really feel like making tiny little hatching IRL, the pen is good, the felt-rubbery tip creates just the right amount of friction on the glass after you sufficently touch it with your sweaty hands, no joking, it feel perfect after you rub your skin on the glass, and the performance leaves nothing to complain about, CSP on windows is an unoptimised singletreaded POS but on android it draws better, runs better and even applis the cage transform better than it does on my overclocked Ryzen 2700X

Frankly it's good, i don't really draw at PC anymore. using touch only for controls is inconvenient, but drawing with a good pen on a GOOD screen feels special, sometimes i really feel like i'm drawing with a real fine-liner for real.

>> No.5125251

Is blue light something I should be concerned about? Should I get a screen protector that blocks/filters it, or don't bother?

>> No.5125255

is there a good paper texture for that?

>> No.5125262

if you block blue light you're going to fuck up all color correction

>> No.5125263

Don't bother. It's a total meme. More of a marketing thing than anything else.

>> No.5125320

Alrighty, thanks.

>> No.5125481

>>Recommended tablets:
>Intuos 3 - Best budget tablet.
>Box is from 1993
>4x6" drawing space
How many people have actually cucked themselves by buying a 3?

If you need a modern Wacom the screenless One is small and cheap. You don't need a big dick Wacom unless your school/ job requires it.

>All these people who somehow found 4chan, but can't google "tablet review" and make their own decisions.

>> No.5125483
File: 214 KB, 404x411, 1601041453088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he trusts sponsored youtuber reviews

>> No.5125503

What's wrong with the 3 and how is the One superior? Please do indulge us.

>> No.5125522

>doesn't know how to read a pattern and make decisions for himself
in 3 videos you can tell if a tablet has wobble, driver, or color issues consistently.
Also, try to watch more than one review from more than one person? Coming here and listening to OP about nearly Obsolete pen tech helping you "make it" when he himself doesn't draw, seems to also be "listening to sponsored reviewers."
It's not ancient? I'd reccomend something in the same price range that's good from Wacom, but there's isn't. They're budget level isn't worth investing in if you're serious and broke. Wacom is only worth it at the pro level and not a single 3rd world or Amerifag in this thread can afford.
There's no use in fighting with older drivers and a smaller drawing space just to have this Wacom Clout.

>> No.5125527
File: 1.03 MB, 1085x1123, fursona5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, you "need" more than a 15yo tablet with 1024 levels
nice try, Zheng , but all the japanese mangaka are still hoarding these

>> No.5125554

So I should get the One even though it isn't good, because old = bad? Or I should get a chink tablet over the 3 because old = bad?
I'm getting confused here.

>> No.5125563

My screen has scratches on it. Will toothpaste polish it smooth again?

>> No.5125564

yes and yes

>> No.5125582

No. Unless your teeth are ground down to stumps.

>> No.5125600

>>Box is from 1993
>box has Win2000, Vista and XP listed as compatible
Oh, now I know why Wacom is so good. They are time travelers!

>> No.5125634

Has anyone used an iPad and like... A kamvas or something. I absolutely detest how the iPad feels. I like my intuos a lot, but wanted to try a screenless tablet other than an iPad

>> No.5125714

Ask me how I know you dont use drawing tablets

Its simple, for screenless go huion xp pen, for budget display go huion xp, for portable display go ipad and for top notch display go wacom cintiq pro

>> No.5125721
File: 258 KB, 1500x1303, 1595710235260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of getting the BenQ PD2700Q 1440P monitor, good choice? I'm open to other 1440p monitor recommendations, I will be working purely digital, no printing or other physical color dependent work.

>> No.5125727

With the kamvas, the screen feels... softer? With the ipad its very clearly a stick against a hard surface, and I'm constantly afraid of scratching the screen or snapping the pencil. The kamvas feels really nice to draw on, and is probably similar to how the intuos feels. feels like a plastic nib on a plastic surface.

>> No.5125736

>Its simple, for screenless go huion xp pen
Are they actually better than a similarly sized Intuos 3 though? The only major advantage of the newer tablets I see is work area vs physical size of the device.

>> No.5125748

>buy display tablet
>put it on table in front of monitor
>now i have a screenless tablet
tell me why this isnt the best solution?
i just use my display tablet normally but have it in front of a second monitor so i get two views

>> No.5125766

Better USB connectors (important), driver and warranty support and yeah, bigger size and still cheaper

>> No.5125771

Whats the point? A large screenless is still cheaper than most display tablets

>> No.5125776

best of both worlds
easier lineart
can switch if my arm is tired or i need to refresh my brain

>> No.5125785

New to non display tablets, is the Intuos M good enough size or should I get the Intuos L? Does the drawing surface have to closely match monitor size?

>> No.5125797

you want it to be close enough to have some degree of accuracy and let you do longer strokes

>> No.5125801

>Better USB connectors (important)
What do you mean? Easy to fix if it should break and you aren't retarded. Fair enough if it is a problem, but it wouldn't be for me.
People shit on the older micro usb huions as well.
People always talk shit about chink drivers though (more so huion than xp-pen, it seems). The Intuos 3 works for now (on Windows, at least). Who knows about the future, and that goes for chink tablets as well.
>still cheaper
A chink tablet would be 2-3 times as expensive for me.

>> No.5125859

then buy it dude, just make sure to remove all the mold, cum stains and pubes from the previous owner

>> No.5125874

You're wasting your time asking Zhang these questions. As soon as he's backed into a corner, he'll just try to belittle you, as seen here: >>5125859
It's the chinese way.

>> No.5125879

Cool. I will. I'll make sure to lick it clean when it arrives.

>> No.5125880

>using touch only for controls is inconvenient

Get a bluetooth keyboard, num pad, or gamepad to use for shortcuts.
I use a 8bitdo Zero 2, and it works great. Even better if you're willing adjust the layout with a key mapper.

>> No.5125905

>tell me why this isnt the best solution?
I don't know, whatever works best for you. I prefer drawing on my tablet, but I'm not fanatic about methods or tools.

>> No.5125910

You'd know, wouldnt you.You're used to being belittled I imagine.

The intuos 3 will do its job if you get it, as will 99% of screenless tablets. Its just a dumb thing to recommend when all modern display tablets are cheaper, more capable and have actual driver/warranty support. This is less important for you but theyre finite in number so its a stupid thing to recommend to everyone.

>> No.5125912

screenless tablets*

>> No.5125967

Why repeat the same points I addressed here without elaborating? >>5125801
It's not like they're super scarce, but perhaps enough to not be recommended broadly.

>> No.5125981


>> No.5125990 [DELETED] 

We all know you have a vested interest in Chinese rubbish, Chang.

>> No.5126006

what apps you tested? Artflow is really nice for some sketching and basic painting, is very capable with only the free options.
How is the heat? and the battery? the pencil is already perfect so there is no question about it.
Usually the drawing apps dont consume too much of the battery so you should drawing a lot of hours, even more if you don't use other apps at the same time and low the brightness when yoo do sketching

>> No.5126017

Im not delving into why you should spend 30 or 60 dollars or whatever it is. Cheap "shitty" screenless tablets work fine for actual drawing, which is what the whole point is, not a tech circlejerk infused with brand loyalty. The only reason I visit these threads is to make sure beginners dont throw money down the toilet by buying intuos pros when they could get the exact same functionality for a 7th (seventh) of the price.

I personally have used a wacom bamboo pen touch, a huion h610, a huion h610 V2, an xp pen deco pro, an xp pen artist 15.6 pro, a huion kamvas 22 plus and a wacom cintiq 24 pro. And I havent experienced driver, tech, stability or quality issues with any of them. At all. And I could produce the same work with all of them, even though I sent the xp 15.6 pro back because i didnt like the colours/contrast ratio.
Ive heard stories of shitty chink tablets fucking up and Ive heard stories of wacom tablets fucking up. Ive heard of shitty drivers and support from all of these companies. So given that, why the fuck should someone spend half a grand on a non display tablet with a wacom sticker on it.

>> No.5126018

you can take care if you read a lot or use a lot of normie apps, in windows you can use the night mode wich distord the color and brightness to stress less the eyes. Is really cool for that purpose i've been using that for some months and the difference is noticeable when you turn off the night mode, is good for the previous hours to sleep. But if you're drawing of course is not worth.

>> No.5126023

Its just you. You've always been alone.

>> No.5126045

>wacom bamboo pen touch, a huion h610, a huion h610 V2, an xp pen deco pro
Why go through all these if they all just werk?

>> No.5126051

thanks for the confirmation bias. the ipad doubles as a great second screen for reference, but fuck I hate drawing on it.

>> No.5126070

maybe he ran out of nibs / lost them like I did

>> No.5126074

>why the fuck should someone spend half a grand on a non display tablet with a wacom sticker on it.
Because otherwise the schizo will call you a Chinese shill

>> No.5126076

drivers are ok with the models of recent years. Those were problems of the past. Now almost all the models have numerous updates the first year, and later they update for the major general updates like new GUI or things like that. For example with my deco 03 they update the shit almost every month i think back in the day, fixing every minor thing for 2 years now last month they update the GUI i dont even know why, i think they put more customization for the quick buttons of the tablet and the buttons of the pencil, and improved the option of multiple profiles to have different pressure levels in different programs.

is because the kamvas and xp-pen models have some textured film i think, Ipads are still tablets so they have the same glossy screen that feels plastic, the same way with the Samsung tablets. That's why people tend to use texture protectors films on those

>> No.5126088

I moved on from my bamboo to get something medium sized, I didnt like to use stabilizer to account for the cramped wristflick/elbow space. Then I got the H610, which worked fine but this was in 2016 and I had to charge the pen. Not the biggest issue though since the battery life was 50 hours or something. I got a new one because I was careless and scratched it up. Got the H610 V2, used that for ages until I scratched it up again, got the xp deco pro to try out the wheel. It worked great but I personally didnt like the surface texture feeling since it was too rough for my strokes, so I went back to the V2. Then I wanted to see how far displays had come in tech so I got the 15.6 pro, it felt great to use but I returned it within my amazon window because the colours couldnt match my main display, went back to the V2. Then I actually did some research and saw the 22 plus which had 100% adobe rgb and a 1200:1 contrast ratio, so I got that. Very cool screen, very impressive for the 500 price. Then I got a new concept art job so I moved my kamvas to work and treated myself to a 24 pro at my home studio, partly as a curiosity to see if wacom pro tablets really are all that, and yeah, its awesome. Feels bullet proof and has a great 4k screen, but I DID have to pay 2 grand for it.

hope you liked my blog

>> No.5126104

Did you fuck up the chink tablets by just using them or doing something dumb?

>> No.5126111

not him but I scratched the shit out of my bamboo and old xp-pen deco because I didn't have nibs to replace the busted ones I was using

>> No.5126113

Doing the dumb, my dude

Id shove it in my backpack, raw and unprotected alongside my laptop, laptop charger etc, throw in my jacket when it was too hot (zippers)
Didnt take long to get little scratches here and there, which was enough to trigger my autism and lead me to buy a new one. When theyre 50 euros, I found it hard to treat them like super valuable tech. I made back the cost 3 times over with my first coom commission I did with it

>> No.5126128

I see. Thanks for all the input. Didn't know the deco pro texture was much different from the rest of the pack.
Appreciate the input as well fren.

>> No.5126144
File: 33 KB, 607x408, dispset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do ya'lls Chinese tablets usually come with inaccurate colors? My Kamvas Pro 16 was a bit too "solarized" compared to my main monitor but I got it practically undistinguishable with driver settings.

>> No.5126155

>Color temp: 10k

>> No.5126157

>bought Deco Pro
>plug it in, doesn't recognize the pen as stylus
>install driver
>still doesn't but the wheel and other buttons work, also if I press the pen it actually detects pressure
>uninstall driver, install another, nothing
>uninstall the other driver and install the first one
>works and feels pretty good to use
>reboot laptop, stops working again
>have to do that shit with the drivers everytime to get it to work
Maybe I should've listened to the schizo...

>> No.5126160

works on my machine

>> No.5126171

doesn't recognize the pen as a cursor*

God I wish that were me
I still have to check if it works properly on my PC (where I'd normally use it the most), hope it works there.

>> No.5126187

I'm using the beta driver v3.0.4, but I only found v3.0.2 and v3.0.5 in the web archive

>> No.5126222

Just tested it on my PC, got the same issue but even worse because after I mess with the drivers just like I did on my laptop it momentarily works but like dogshit and stops again.

I'm gonna give this one a try, thanks anon.

>> No.5126242

Nevermind, unless I'm being retarded the downloads don't really work. I'll try to look for some other download of the older versions though, or just try contacting the support already.

>> No.5126250

the first one (new ui beta driver) is working

>> No.5126253

Only bad thing about that monitor is the input lag. If aren't planning on playing games on it it's great.

>> No.5126260

I tried downloading it but it just gets me a 1MB zip file that when I try to open just says that it's not readable and I could try a password if I wanted

>> No.5126262

uhh nevermind then

>> No.5126285

Yeah, the display is too solarized out of the box, maxing that out fixed it

>> No.5126287

That's okay, thanks for trying to help regardless. I'll give the support a shot right now.

>> No.5126384

>Used Cintiq 22HD - The only worthwhile large display tablet

>> No.5126386

>25 bucks a year
I hope you don't starve anon. LMAO.

>> No.5126432

ive only used artflow so far. Any other recommendations? As for the heat i purchased a super thick case so i honestly couldnt notice if its there or not. The battery lasts a super long time, ive only been interrupted once so far to charge and thats because i was staying up later than normal.

>> No.5126493

yup, like the other guy said, any monitor you're buying for color performance is going to suffer in screen performance which is really only noticeable in fast action situations like video games.

>> No.5126501

i'm envious of how clean his sensor surface looks, you can tell he doesn't push hard on the nib.

>> No.5126502

happy to hear you're enjoying your s6, nice rendering of the hair btw. now get out of hear and draw!

>> No.5126505

you might want to pick up the 6x11 instead if you're going wide screen, bro.

>> No.5126756

What's an acceptable amount of physical wear and tear on a pre-owned 2nd gen Ipad Pro? e.g. Light scratches on the screen, or blemishes on the body, etc.

Been browsing ebay looking to swoop one up and want to know things to look out for.

>> No.5126776

Reminder that if you bought a Samsung Tablet, you should get superDisplay. Absolutely essential app for art and utility.

>> No.5126814

Nah, if you go portable you should go full portable and disconnect from the PC.

You will get the benefits of that new low input lag and the software is actually optimised to run on multiple cores etc.

CSP runs like shit on any PC.

>> No.5126817

Clean uninstall the driver, restart laptop

Remove any other tablet drivers

Install the deco pro driver

Restart laptop

Plug in the tablet

Ive never had driver issues with xp, if that doesnt work then I guarantee youre fucking with something or just on a mac. Youre not on a mac are you?

>> No.5126825

- Uninstall everything (including your previous Wacom drivers, Super Display, anything to do with pen input)
-Disconnect the tablet
-Install just one driver
-Connect the tablet.

>> No.5126976

Who cares about CSP? superDisplay lets you use SAI on the tablet.
It's also great to be able to use it as a second monitor if you need to, without even drawing at all. It's a great utility app.

>> No.5127052

Sai is autism, opinion discarded.

>> No.5127064

I would if I could find one at a reasonable price. Oh well, just found a seller who has an unused ptz-630 for €30. I'll get that if he will ship it to me.

>> No.5127183

Is tab 7 pen even good?
Is ‘still expensive’ iPad pro/air the only good mobile drawing tablet to have?

>> No.5127331

Pen 7 is great

>> No.5127338

any signs of new tablets at CES 2021?

>> No.5127450
File: 82 KB, 2048x1365, AdobeStock_166152994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any sites to get replacement protectors for my kamvas 16 cheaper than the huion site? I went full retard and pulled off the matte protector with the other film that it came with out the box and while the glass isnt that much of a deal breaker, I really don't want to spend 40 dollars on a replacement

I noticed that they sell some on amazon and theres a model for last years kamvas, but im unsure if it will fit

>> No.5127608

What made you do this you ape

>> No.5127643
File: 14 KB, 236x236, 44778abbabf663abc0de465e6e5b0da7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its apparently extremely easy to take both of them off with no resistance and I didnt notice until it was too late

I should've paid more attention though, Im just a fucking dumbass

>> No.5127650

I recall Brad Cowboy pulling off the matte screen protector on one of the newer Kamvas series, so it's something with how they pack them these days.
It should only affect new models, however. I had no trouble with my Kamvas Pro 16

>> No.5127662

That'll do it i suppose...

I guess I'll have to suck it up and order from the huion store when i get the chance, The glass isn't that slippery thank fuck so at least I'm able to use it comfortably

>> No.5127725

Did you order it from amazon? Return it

>> No.5128007

First time drawing so I tried that upside down guy in the general, ples rate.
But anyways I picked up this Intuos Pro M after it collecting dust for the past 2 years. a bit weird looking at the monitor while drawing but its something you just get used to I suppose.
Should I learn to draw starting off with pen and paper or go with the tablet since I already have it?

>> No.5128113

Spend a few days with pen and paper then use the tablet so you don't have to learn the very very fundamentals while also trying to deal with the disconnect of a pen tablet.

>> No.5128115

lol this is the power of superior huion design

>> No.5128161

Well you're a good sport about being called an ape.

I just ordered a kamvas pro 16.

Would anyone want to see an unboxing/use?

>> No.5128168

>Would anyone want to see an unboxing/use?
Just line and pressure tests. Use MS Paint for the line straightness test so the schizo can't accuse you of using smoothing.

>> No.5128226

Shit, I remembered to uninstall my Wacom driver but completely forgot about Super Display. Uninstalling it as well solved the problem on both my PC and laptop and it's working well, even if I reboot (though on my laptop I lose my configs everytime I reboot which is kinda annoying but tolerable). Thanks a lot! Shame about having to uninstall Super Display tho, it was comfy to use.
And to the anon who asked yeah I'm on Windows, but probably doesn't matter now since the problem was solved

>> No.5128254

Anything announced or that will be announced at ces2021 thats worth waiting for? I heard rumors wacom would refresh some cintiq stuff but it seems they aren't at ces this year

>> No.5128359

are there any paper texture type screen protector for 16" Cintiq?

>> No.5128368

Same screen size, you can probably order one for a Kamvas 16 from Huion.

>> No.5128458

>chinese screen protectors
Guaranteed wobbly lines, uneven pressure, no tilt
Ignore Zheng here trying to sell you inferior garbage and buy an original wacom screen protector or two ipad ones and make them fit

>> No.5128482

>it seems they aren't at ces this year
Wacom is on the list for exhibitors at CES this year.

>> No.5128510

>or two ipad ones and make them fit
>a crease is better

>> No.5129246

Huion is garbage.

>> No.5129269

how is a coarsw piece of plastic gonna fuck with tilt? you couldve made an argument their QA is less exacting so itll wear on your nibs more because of too rough a grain but instead you just post retarded shit

>> No.5129295

uggh I just want a good portable tablet than also runs windows, is it too much to ask for?

>> No.5129307

Is it worth upgrading from a iPad Pro 12.9-inch (2nd Generation) to the latest iPad Pro? I love this thing so much, I have take it everywhere for the last few years, some people said I should upgrade but I don't know if it's really worth another £900 including a new apple pencil just for some extra fancy features

>> No.5129354
File: 1.06 MB, 1039x2137, 20210112_125855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this screen protector for my samsung s7 tab, bit i read that it scratches the spen if you draw a lot.
Should i sell it and buy another screen protector?

>> No.5129370

>Would anyone want to see an unboxing
Go hang yourself you human plague

>> No.5129372

S pen is meant to work on smooth glass, no paper textures or shit. I think it would really mess up the rubbery tip

>> No.5129380

then why would they invent this?
I'm kinda pissed.
I spent 30 aud on it.

>> No.5129386

>Used Cintiq 22HD - The only worthwhile large display tablet
>9 year old used garbage
why is this still in the op

>> No.5129418


>> No.5129514

What would you prefer? Not having any chinese crap in there, that's for sure.

>> No.5129529

>he thinks starting the thread gives him authority

everytime lmao

its not up to you what people buy, in fact people here quickly pick up on why not to listen to the OP

If its not too much effort, sure. Line tests would be good, video would be excellent.

wacom might announce something either today or tomorrow, but its highly unlikely that itll be a portable tablet. Itll probably be about their VR pen tech or some shit

>> No.5129539

>in fact people here quickly pick up on why not to listen to the OP
Keep deluding yourself, Chang.

>> No.5129648

What's the most ergonomic setup for a screen tablet? What tilt should the screen be? Should my elbow be on the desk? Should the screen be close to me so I don't slouch?
What's your setup? Thanks in advance, I ordered my first one recently and I don't wanna keep breaking my back.

>> No.5129769
File: 273 KB, 1456x940, replace-tip-your-s-pen-why-you-should.w1456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy replacement spen tips and use the harder plastic ones

>> No.5129786

wait so i should use the screen protector?
I was just thinking of buying another one

>> No.5129834

Phonefag here
I'm sick of using Medibang and Artflow

any alternatives i can look on?

>> No.5129922
File: 509 KB, 1350x1350, 135907121_3703189853063095_8383296715221596722_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am planning to buy a Samsung galaxy tab a 8.0 S pen version for sketching. Its really cheap but looks solid. Any experience with painting and drawing with this particular tablet?

>> No.5129985

Sure thing

based as fuck honestly.

>> No.5129993

No. But i have a 6 years old galaxy note model. They are really fine. But you maybe could don't like the plastic feel that the screen has, is the same with all tablets, ipads too, since the market target is normies and general consume. So you maybe like to have a screen protector with texture, normally that is all you need, with those protectors you are gonna feel a nice friction, which will feel more natural.

I turn down the brightness too because for sketching you dont really need high light in the screen, and is comfortable to use especially if your eyes get very tired over time. Probably the new tablets include some kind of night mode or things like that.

>> No.5129998
File: 52 KB, 600x338, Psycho-Mantis-Metal-Gear-Solid-600x338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am using only wacom pens for 10 years now. Can you do a quick comparison with S pen? Is pressure sensitivity in the level of wacom pens?

>> No.5130014

those are the best, there is sketckbook, and infinite painter too. Infinite painter need a more modern mid tier phone, could be laggy in low tier phones. If you are using normal phone and not samsung, and you are using your finger or a capacitive stylus then dont waste your time and save money to buy a decent device, and draw with paper.

>> No.5130017
File: 268 KB, 1080x1081, 136683776_3177350349036223_6981463013471740246_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind, I found it
>4,096 levels
So I guess I am going for it. The price is really good. Not sure about the tablet performance though since I am used to work in 10000x5000 pix in 300dpi. Is there eve any app that allows me to work in such high res?

>> No.5130024

Artflow is my personal go-to for most work, but there are a few other things worth at least checking out.

Infinite Painter has an interface that's almost as comfy as Artflow (some find it comfier) and a much more powerful brush engine with blending options.

Clip Studio Paint has just about the best brush engine, and is incredibly powerful. It works with bigger canvases (artflow caps out at 6k, and I can work in CSP at 20k). The biggest downside is that it's a subscription, but you get 6 months free to try it, and then it's only like $25 a year.

Krita is in beta, and the UI can bug out pretty bad sometimes, but development is continuing pretty well so it's worth keeping an eye on. It's brush engine is at least as good as the one in CSP, but Krita is completely free. Once the bugs are worked out I expect it to be one of the most used artistic apps on Android.

I'd use CSP and Krita for everything if they didn't have desktop user interfaces that feel kinda clunky on a tablet.

>> No.5130027

or you could buy a glass screen protector and keep using the softer, rubbery tip
it's up to you

>> No.5130030

I don't know how the Tab A will handle it, but CSP let's me work in 20k by 20k just fine on a Tab S7+

>> No.5130034

Yes, Is equal.
Those galaxy models have an association with Wacom, they include a special layer in the screen, that's why they have an active stylus that don't need batteries (some new models need recharge, but that is for some specific gadgets of the stylus, like a mini camera i think that they have in some phones models, but they still work normally without those functions if you don't recharge the battery).
Old models like mine (galaxy note 2014) has 1024 pressure levels, and is fine for sketching, i prefer more, but is fine for the basic thing. New models have more than 4000 i think, 4096, like any modern stylus, i don't know if they use tilt but i never used that option anyway, is not really necessary.

>> No.5130037

will wacom stylus work with samsung tablet?

>> No.5130072

i don't know if wacom stylus of wacom models work on galaxy, but some wacom pens for android tablets work, but you should check compatibility.
Yeah the samsung stylus is a little short i know that, in my case i just get used, is not that hard to use, but maybe if you have bigger hands could be a little uncomfortable

>> No.5130073

Since we're not allowed to have affordable tablets. Explain what makes Wacom so much better.

>> No.5130074

>clip studio is a subscription
Since when? I've had it for years and never had to pay more for it.

>> No.5130081

it's one time payment on PC but subscribe plans on mobile devices

>> No.5130092
File: 234 KB, 1546x467, pol-shill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since we're not allowed to have affordable tablets. Explain what makes Wacom so much better.

Op is here to fight the CCP, it's far more important than you and your shitty tablet, just shut up and buy his old Intuos 3, he really needs thosee 50$ buy it from his please.

>> No.5130113

>Is pressure sensitivity in the level of Wacom pens?

The S-pen feels closer to a bamboo or graphire, but better without the nib wobble and with really good tilt and rotation.
This isn't a springloaded traveling nib like on intuos, but stiff and static there's no inwards travel.

The pressure curve isn't super good, but it stays consistent no matter how you tilt, you'll be comfortable holding it sideways like an actual pencil and the positioning is super laser accurate, the cursor stays exactly under the tip of the nib even if you're hovering horizontally an inch above the tablet.

Another con is that the pressure sensor if super stiff, if you try and press hard enough to get 100% pressure out of it you will break the pen, or the nib, it literally flexes from so much pressure so i use a very steep pressure curve in the software.

Generally the pen is good an I like it, it's different from what and Intuos user would expect, but not bad at all. the accuracy is insredible and the glass is so thin you're going to reely feel like you're drawing on those pixels, there's zero disconnect.

>> No.5130116

Slightly more responsive pens. Youll notice tiny bits of waggle when using very light pressure on chinese pens, but youd never notice it if you werent actively looking for it. If you were actually drawing or painting you wouldnt notice the difference between the pens and youd accustom to either after a few minutes.

>> No.5130126
File: 58 KB, 1003x725, Screenshot_20210113-212713_Clip Studio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the sensible pressure curve for an S pen and even so it's a bit stiff.

>> No.5130165

Paint tool sai

>> No.5130276

>if you try and press hard enough to get 100% pressure out of it you will break the pen, or the nib

This is not true in my experience. I've had a Note 4, a Note 8, and a Tab S7+ and I've never had trouble getting full pressure. So far I haven't needed to replace a nib either, though the S7+ I've only had for a bit over a month.

>Paint tool sai
What about it? It's not on Android, and I was responding to a question about what to use on a Tab S6 Lite.

If they've got a good PC for Sai, they can use it with SuperDisplay, but you can't go fully mobile with it without bringing a PC around. Super display is pretty lit if you're home with your PC, though.

>> No.5130288
File: 101 KB, 191x311, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I draw with this thing?

>> No.5130293

> a bit stiff

... you understand that you're complaining about an adjustable pressure curve right?

>> No.5130308

The pen nib tolerance. If you draw, having the nib wiggle because the nib is too long and the fit isn't right is the difference between a professional tool and a cheap product designed to milk begs who don't know what they're getting into.

>> No.5130315

Sure, get a capacitive stylus. Or are you asking about a pressure sensitive one? If it didn't come with one, then NO.

The cheaper tabs lack the internal hardware to support a pressure-sensitive stylus. The stylus is only one component of a two-part system.

>> No.5130335

Its the exact opposite. You couldnt have spouted more pure irony. Begs who want to get into drawing buy overpriced wacom bullshit because idiots such as yourself shill for them, then they give up on drawing because no gains and put the tablets on ebay. Thats why there are so many of them there.

>> No.5130338

>... you understand that you're complaining about an adjustable pressure curve right?

Well that leaves me with only 2000 pressure levels to work with.
In other hand that's probably why there were so many in the first place.

>> No.5130355

CSP has a master pen pressure curve Alt+F+J

>> No.5130450

That's part of the reason why high pressure levels don't really matter. You can see artists like joel jurion's vids that he's adjusting pressure levels not just between applications but between brushes (also the reason I like seeing artists showing their process not just their canvas).

This is why it's futile to try and copy someone else's curves and brushes, they are doing it by feel, their work-scale and situation. You need to find what works for you and draw, copying another artist's settings doesn't mean its going to work for you. Studying the entire value range of a picasso doesn't mean you can paint like him.

>> No.5130589

Has anyone ever had a tablet screen look "blotchy"? It only seem to be visibly on dark greys, but it seems like there's a pattern of slightly lighter and darker areas.

>> No.5130598

I didn't even realise it was supposed to have a matte screen protector until now. I didn't notice taking it off.

>> No.5130603

>This is not true in my experience.
yeah is not really true. Also, in many competent drawing programs like artflow or infinite painter, you can adjust the pressure curve, so is even less possible unless you are a real gorilla using the pencil and smash the shit against the screen

>> No.5130925

are you talking about light bleed? that's pretty common with cheap screens in general.

>> No.5130954

I don't know what you're talking about, but Brad Cowboy says color noise is a characteristic of screens with matte screen protectors.

>> No.5130968

Not at that level. This one is sort of mottled at a pretty small scale, if I view a full grey screen it's sort of like the surface of water in areas that are darker and lighter.

What does color noise look like?

>> No.5131030

>What does color noise look like?
It manifests itself in the display looking a bit grainy, although it's only really noticeable with big patches of solid color and when you're peeking close and looking for it.

>> No.5131045

I got an s7 tab today, what's the best android drawing app?

>> No.5131051

I like the one called read the fucking thread.

>> No.5131061

There's 170 posts I'm not gonna read every single one

>> No.5131065

Search it then. Or search the archive. Whatever.

>> No.5131101

That might be there as well, but these are like an inch across. It would help if I didn't have pretty bad vision with lots of visual snow and floaters getting in the way.

>> No.5131111


>> No.5131120

>finally have the money to buy the tab s7
>amazon's promo ended
fuck me
but also fuck samshit for not selling the 8gb ram model in EU

>> No.5131123

Cry some more, Zhang. Come back when your Chinese crap can function better than an Intuos 3.

>> No.5131127

Pressure levels are a meme. Many pros still use an Intuos 3 with 1024 levels.
Pressure response matters more.

>> No.5131132

Infinite Painter
Ibis Painter
ClipStudio (Samsung Store)
Autodesk Sketchbook

Also, make sure to get superDisplay. It lets you use the tablet with your desktop PC. Extremely useful utility.

>> No.5131356

welp, no new tablets from them.

>> No.5131380

> function better

That's too high a bar. I'd settle for them to stop being a CCP spy op pretending to be a tablet maker. Why would a driver update trying to root an os? Oh, known issue, ok. Just take down my anti-v? Sure, doesn't sound shady at all.

>> No.5131654
File: 159 KB, 910x910, EpT5VUFXUAAaUaH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are general thoughts about VEIKK tablets? I've been contacted if i would like to try one for free testing. Reviews seem okay and while i know the rule of this thread is "Avoid Chinese brands" hey, it's free stuff.

I already have an ipad i'm very happy with, and spare old tablet, so i don't really need their stuff, but on the other hand i wouldn't mind getting it free to for example give it away to a friend after testing, if it's any good.
Do you think it's a good idea? I'm kind of paranoic about giving out my address so it might be safer to decline since tablet is cheap anyway so i'm not really losing much by turning down the offer.

Pic unrelated

>> No.5131667

Has anyone tried Monoprice's tablets? It seems that they take generic chinkblets and put their label on it; at least that's my impression as a few of them look suspiciously similar to Huion's old products.
Free shit is free shit. Go for it, and I doubt VEIKK, a tablet company, would care to dox you.
Also, what's your general social media situation that led to them contacting you? I too would like a free tablet even though I've already got a Kamvas Pro 16.

>> No.5131730

You think anyone is going to tell you that's a good idea? Do it if you want but trading a poorly manufacturing 'free' tablet so your pc acts funny at some time in the future isn't really a big brain move

> but I uninstalled it
so ... you setup a sandbox environment and scrubbed the registry?
> wut
yeah, i thought so.

>> No.5131789

I'm not very popular, and when i asked for details they asked if i used a drawing tablet before despite my media being full of digital art.
Good sir you are giving my paranoia a true feast here, but i think you might be right. I have a tablet anyway, and i wouldn't know what to do with another one, especially when there are weird risks tied to it

>> No.5131796

You guys really arent aware how poor your rationale is. If youre paranoid about winnie the pooh, you're already up to your knees because you've bought any electronics. Apple and wacom tablets are manufactured there as well, and guess what they have to agree to to be able to manufacture there. Thats right, the CPP can request literally any information they want from the manufacturers and they have to spill it by law.
You think. But big tech doesnt give a shit, because its cheaper and increases their profit margins. I hate China as much as any sensible person, but you're a naive hypocrite if you spend 7 times the money on a tablet that was also built there because "the business isnt a chinese one lmao"

>> No.5131809
File: 72 KB, 982x522, gdsgds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do I map just a portion of my monitor so that when I draw with the intuos and make a 3cm stroke it makes a 3cm stroke on the screen???

This is extremely importance for drawing properly, but nobody seems to know how.

>> No.5131818

if you're dissuaded from getting a free tablet because of some sinophobic asshole spouting FUD about hostile pc takeovers, you're an actual idiot. literally everything you plug into your computer is manufactured in china, you'd be fucked already if that was the case.

>> No.5131819
File: 239 KB, 768x960, 1609931911725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that important. you just get used to it in 1-3 days.

>> No.5131826



>> No.5131839
File: 38 KB, 549x645, Tab_Mapping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Wacom Tablet Properties, select your pen from the Tool list and then select the Mapping tab.
From Mode, select Pen.
By default, the active area of the device maps to your entire monitor. If you are using more than one monitor, the device maps to all monitors.
CAUTION: If you change the display properties in your computer's display menu, you are also changing the mapping on this tab.

From Screen Area, select which part of your monitor you want the device to map to.
Select Full if you want to map to the entire area of the monitors connected to your computer.
Select Portion if you want to define a section of your monitor to map to. Select the section in any of the following ways:
Under Drag Handles, drag the corners of the red border to define the screen area that you want to map to.
Select Click to Define and use your cursor to select the screen area that you want to map to.
Enter Coordinates in pixels.
Select a Monitor if you want to map to the entire area of a single monitor.
From Tablet Area, select which part of your device that you want mapped to the Screen Area you selected.
The options are similar to the Screen Area options.
Select Force Proportions if you want the vertical and horizontal proportions to be the same on your device as on your monitors.
If you select Force Proportions , when you draw a circle on the device, you see a circle on the display screen, but a portion of the device active area that was previously usable may no longer be usable.
If you do not select Force Proportions, when you draw a circle on the device, you may see an ellipse on the display screen.
Tip: To help you decide which setting to select, watch the red borders of the image on this tab while selecting and unselecting Force Proportions to see how it affects mapping

>> No.5131848


thanks! works better now

>> No.5131858
File: 88 KB, 998x987, this summer a man and his cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you srs? I didn't even read it. Just googled and copypasted in a few seconds. Is this your first time you dealing with wacom product?

>> No.5131871
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x1822, gerald-parel-red-sonja-2-b-color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I work for magic the gathering so yeah been drawing for years and never noticed this problem until today, force proportions option fixes some issues but still if I draw a 3 cm line on my intuos I want a 3cm line on my screen, and wacom doesnt say shit about how to do that, so i guess Ill just wait until Nesskain releases the tutorial to do that, because otherwise drawing feels like shit compared to traditional drawing, you lose gesture and proportions

>> No.5131988

> make a 3cm stroke on the tablet, it makes a 3cm stroke on screen

that’s what mouse mode is for. Instead of mapping a region of the sensor area to your screen (which can lead to ratio discrepancy), your cursor will track based on the amount of space your stylus travels in the real world. Keep in mind, how the cursor behaves when you lift the stylus is different between mouse and pen mode. Pen mode hops because it is mapping your desktop area. In mouse mode, the cursor will just stop at the last known location of the sensor. It takes a little getting used to but i find it invaluable when drawing faces. I switch so often that i map the toggle between mouse and pen modes to one of my shortcut keys.

>> No.5132004

I forgot to mention, if you have cursor acceleration turned on in your operating system settings, it may effect the cursor when you’re in mouse mode on the tablet. I have have my acceleration turned off.

>> No.5132154

Oh gee I don't know, maybe the plethora of 100x better pen displays even Wacom has? I never said anything about chinese tablets. Why are you shilling ancient technology so hard?

>> No.5132167 [DELETED] 

Is this what 80 IQ posting looks like?
Use a fucking ruler and trial and error.

>> No.5132252 [DELETED] 

Cry some more, Zhang. Constantly hurling abuse at people for no reason gets you nowhere.

>> No.5132280


>avoid XP-pen

Can confirm, bought XP-pen 24 pro. Making a return later today. Literally runs like shit in several drawing softwares, even though I have tried EVERY SINGLE THING POSSIBLE to correct the issue. Gonna just buy a fucking Wacom pro and call it a day. Goodbye 2600 dollars.

>> No.5132309

Literally just click the windows ink tickbox lmao retrd.

>> No.5132345


>get a load of this guy

Literally did that but lag doesn't go away. It's issue with the drivers so I'm just going to return it. Literally tried everything short of reinstalling windows. Old drivers, new ones, potential conflicts with windows in/Wacom drivers. Noth works. Tried other software as well. Pen pressure works but lag is so bad I'm not willing to wait for a driver update. Literally up to 1 minutes freezing for no reason. Not my PC specs ether, I work in 3D and game as well, I don't think my CPU or GPU are a problem, 2080 with a 3950x and 32gig ram, editing 4k files in photoshop should be butter smooth.

>> No.5132361


Actually pretty important if you work professionally though, ngl. But not the biggest issue there are other work around but you sacrifice time. When you're paid hourly every minute matters.

>> No.5132503 [DELETED] 

Ok schizo, stop samefagging. Your manufactured consent is pitiful.

>> No.5132562

500 USD or less
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
Would prefer a display tablet, don't care if it's portable.
>Size (in inches)
Looking for something medium sized that will fit within a 19 x 15 area table.
>Other information
>Previous equipment
Used a Huion P608N 6x8 small tablet for years, tired of it due to how limited the space is for drawing.

>> No.5132573
File: 3.64 MB, 4032x3024, 20210114_113811_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ill post pics for proof, glad you didnt have any trouble, i did though.

>> No.5132580

Why did you fall for the XP-Pen meme? You were warned.

>> No.5132581

Artist Pro 15.6 and Deco pro are the two everyone's darlings that fit your budget.

There also is Kamvas 22 Plus (specifically the plus) that offers a great display for 500$

>> No.5132588

Don't fall for this idiot's shilling: >>5132581

Or you will end up like this guy: >>5132280 >>5132573

Just get a Cinitiq 16 or an iPad Pro 2nd gen.

>> No.5132589

Kamvas Pro 16. As you can see, XP-Pen has defective drivers.
The build quality is also superior (elegant plastic and metal back)
Return it and get a Kamvas Pro 24.

>> No.5132608


cos i thought it was worth a try, now i see the light.

>> No.5132658

Yeah ok Zhang. First you accuse the guy of lying about XP Pen being shit, then when he backs up his purchase, you resort to shilling Huion, who use the exact same technology as XP-Pen. You're pathetic.

>> No.5132709

Sounds like you got a faulty unit.


Oh you sweet, sweet summer child.


Tech is shit. You can get defective units even if the retard delivery guy drops the box in the warehouse.

Also, dont buy wacoms arms or cintiq stands, just buy a vesa adapter and get a third party arm. Same thing, quarter of the price.

>> No.5132718

Several of the jap porn artists I follow use huion, so I thought that mean it twas good

>> No.5132844

Wait a minute. I want to buy my first tablet and I decided on the Wacom Intuos Pro M
But I see a PTH-660 model and a Paper Edition PPH-660P and honestly, I'm confused what's the difference and which one is better.
Very similar price range too

>> No.5132861

sorry for your pain, bro but thanks for putting the time to share. Hopefully others can learn from your experience and not waste art time on junk products.

>> No.5132866


The unit works, the drivers are shit. Should I wait 3-6 months to get an update? How am I supposed work and earn money? Also yeah Wacom has issues too, I bough 3 and so far not a single issue that isn't easily fixed though. Anyway it's cool other people have this shit work for them. I bought it to support competition against Wacom, unfortunately I expected it to at least function. My problem was unique, nobody else was having this specific issue so I was screwed. Ultimately it's my personal experience. Still though, I'll stick with what's best for now.

>> No.5132873

>can't decide between deco 01 v2 or the hs611
>say fuck it and pull the trigger on the huion cus of the zoom bar
>realize i'm left handed and will have to shut off the thing anyways cus of where my wrist sits

whatever, ill see how it feels, maybe i'll grab the xp pen and switch between the two to see which i like better and return the one i don't like- will drivers be a pain to get around?

researched a bit more about tablets for lefties and saw the inspiroy q11k, q620m, and h320m were the usual go-tos, anybody have experience with these?

>> No.5132888

Paper edition is a stupid gimmick so get the regular one

>> No.5132890

the 660P is just useless extra stuff that is a waste of space, don't get the paper edition unless you're going to get it for a decent discount over the the PTH660. If it sounds cool, it isn't. You're going to run out of ink in the pen pretty quickly and getting refills will be expensive relative to buying a regular pen. Then you'll realize you can just draw with a regular pen and paper for cheaper, take a picture of your drawing with your phone, and then trace it over with the your tablet.

Btw, the draw-picture-trace workflow is a pretty effective transition workflow for people new to tablets.

>> No.5132891

How dyou know its a driver issue though? If it was you could just backtrack until you get a successful one, yeah you shouldnt have to ofc and it sucks youre getting the problem but driver fuckups should be widespread, not a unique issue on your end. That would suggest a faulty unit or something on your pc fucking with it

>> No.5132892

it is, the thread is ran by a /pol shill

>> No.5132898

I bought my dad an HS611 and he had no trouble with drivers.

>> No.5132929


>> hi guys, my huion is broken/defective

> it's because of internet boogiemen

... take a second to realize how dumb you sound. Maybe you need a minute, how about an hour?

>> No.5133410

I use a Huion screenless tablet and it works great. Maybe the display tablets have issues, but the screenless ones work like a charm.

>> No.5133578

>>hi guys, my huion/xp-pen works well
>>maybe you should buy one
That's what happens every day.
My display Huion also works great.

>> No.5133583

>my huion is broken/defective

If you aren't intelligent enough to use a computer it's nobody else's fault, get an pad i guess, they make the mouses with one button just for you.

>> No.5133598

i used an intuos pro my entire career and recently got an ipad pro. i wasted so many years trying to draw with that thing. when i got the ipad it was like picking up natural media again. do whatever it takes to get a tablet with a processor and a screen.

>> No.5133605


>> No.5133666

Sorry, I'd like to remain unbanned. Even if I wasn't beg, I can't violate GR15.

>> No.5133717

satan is that you?

>> No.5133782
File: 198 KB, 1400x1050, image__2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting a Redmi Note 9 Pro
Any recommended styluses i can get for drawing?

>> No.5133875

draw with your finger, same shit

>> No.5133889

Hell no, i been drawin with a stylus for years and drawing with just a finger feels like crap.

>> No.5133932
File: 91 KB, 1080x1080, 1609529714921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What laptop do you guys use ? I need something affordable rn

>> No.5133948
File: 1.09 MB, 828x828, re.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5133952

Shove the pen up your ass as punishment for buying a tablet a battery stylus.

>> No.5133965

this shit sucks bro I have it filled with vinegar and it's still jammed in this bitch. I hate being a poorfag with a monoprice tab

>> No.5134012

thin tough wire then make the edge shaped J or L?

>> No.5134153
File: 57 KB, 481x442, 1517362985140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured it out but it was a real bitch. I filled it with vinegar and baking powder, let it fizzle to eat the green stuff, tried that shit for like an hour and it didn't come loose. Then I tried yanking at the positive terminal facing up with pliers which snapped it off. I got a screw and screwed it right into the exposed AAA battery, which finally popped out after I pried it out with the back of a hammer. It works, but it took me 3 fucking hours and it doesn't turn off. I guess it's better than buying new shit probably?

>> No.5134226

used thinkpad

>> No.5134241
File: 103 KB, 720x960, 135813412_3326559970788281_3414301161381261426_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy pic related or try SonarPen - Pressure Sensitive Smart Stylus Pen with Palm Rejection and Shortcut Button. I don't know of any other stylus with pressure sensitivity compatible with Redmi. If you know any, post it.

>> No.5134260

>tfw poor neet and considering selling my baby amount of ETH for a Samsung Galaxy S7+

Tell me no...

>> No.5134315

do it. ETH is not going up until summer

>> No.5134687

what is the pic related in question

>> No.5134898
File: 18 KB, 500x371, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 10 years, I Still use my Bamboo.
Any others? FeelsGoodMan

>> No.5134908

I'm the anon that posted the sketch originally. Hello! I actually found an app that allows me to connect my tablet to my computer as a moniter and it allows me to use photoshop on my tablet! It's called super display and it's super useful. But I still enjoy using it on the go so I think I'm going to look into krita as that seems to be the one I'm most interested in based on your recommendations.

>> No.5135152

Whats a good way of wearing down the intuos pros surface on purpose to smoothen it out? Fuck paying for new nibs every week

>> No.5135406

Alright, got an ipad tablet. What stand should i get for it?

>> No.5135437
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Is Samsung S pen reliable as Wacom's grip pen? Will it be able to function properly at least a year of 8 hours of drawing every day?

>> No.5135464
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>> No.5135488

which one, the cat construction concept?

>> No.5135490

I use a Huion stylus with a gaomon Mk10 2018 lmao. Works perfectly, they use the same driver apparently. Its great because the gaomon tablet is better than the huions and the huion pen is way better than the gaomon one

>> No.5135493

just get a transparency sheet or paper and tape it over the sensor area, depends on what kind of work surface you prefer. Either way, no more nibs dissolving.

>> No.5135501

Would a transparency sheet not have too much of a drag against the pen? I want it to feel smooth like on the intuos 3 and chink tablets, not just for the nib but for the swift gliding feeling

>> No.5135503

samsung has a close partnership with wacom, s-pens are wacom tech so they're as reliable as the grip pen ...

... comfortability is a different question all together. I'd probably recommend buying those foamy pencil grips everyone used to have in primary school.

>> No.5135514

all the new models works fine. The shit you see here is just the ocasional post of any person that just buy a defective product. That happens in any product, of any brand, of any country. Even in food there are products that comes with failure checking and have shit inside the package. IPad have cases of defective tablets, Wacom too, is normal, that's why exists warranty.
You will always see people who show how bad the products are because they obviously received a defective model, and they take photos and videos to show it on their favorite social networks or pages associated with the product to release their frustration, usually because they buy it in places where it's a nuisance to apply the right of guarantee, for example in some countries when you buy it online, since the time waste to return the product and have another send to you would frustrate anyone. That's why there are also so many people who draw perfectly with all the models of the brands, because they just have a product that works as it should, and if they bought it in a real physical store, they simply go and change it in one day if it was defective.

As many of people already know, the only differences in this brands are the cosmetic aspect, the quality of the build, a thing that don't really matters if you take the proper care of your devices. And the tech aspect that is mostly differences in the pen tech quality and the display tech that a brand use, but, at this point of the time, the quality of all brands had reach a average decent level in all the products.
Some years ago you could easy tell that wacom have all the market and that was the only way to digital drawing, now that's simply not true, you can work perfectly with Apple, Huion or XP-pen without problems.

>> No.5135517

Parblo are rebranded Ugee tablets, Xp-pen and Huion are owned by them.
Dunno about gaomon, but it seems like they use Ugee components too.

>> No.5135524

huion and xp were the low quality and cheap alternatives few years ago, now they raised the quality and is decent, like if you buy a mid tier phone, perfectly fine for the task. The now low tiers are those rebrands tablets like Ugee or Gaomon, or Genius.

>> No.5135538

yeah, a transparency sheet is the easiest and cheapest way and easiest to get method for that no-friction feel if that's what you are looking for.

>> No.5135755 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 1270x842, pulling hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just got a cintiq pro. Does anyone else experience this weird interference when they put the pen close to the tablet? It's like a weird flickering in an isolated area whenever the pen is gets. It's driving me insane. I'm not sure if this is a driver issue or what the hell it is. I've returned one already thinking it was a faulty screen but its happening on my replacement too. All my drivers are up to date, connected through display port using a GTX 3080. Using most current version of windows 10. Plugged into it's own outlet

>> No.5135759
File: 197 KB, 1270x842, pulling hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just got a cintiq pro. Does anyone else experience this weird interference when they put the pen close to the tablet? It's like a weird flickering in an isolated area whenever the pen gets near the screen. It's driving me insane. I'm not sure if this is a driver issue or what the hell it is. I've returned one already thinking it was a faulty screen but its happening on my replacement too. All my drivers are up to date, connected through display port using a GTX 3080. Using most current version of windows 10. Plugged into it's own outlet

>> No.5135798

Let me guess, you got the 16 inches model

>> No.5135882

Nah, the 24".

>> No.5135917

>I've returned one already thinking it was a faulty screen but its happening on my replacement too
Did you also get a replacement pen?

>> No.5135930

I asked in iPad general and I guess I'll ask here too.
What am I missing out on if I buy an iPad 8 and first gen pencil instead of an Air 4 with gen 2 pencil?
The first option saves $285 dollars.

>> No.5135931

Yeah. I ordered it from amazon so I returned it and got a complete replacement.

>> No.5135963

Try it on another computer.

>> No.5135980

Yah, currently trying to get ahold of one. Will update with results.

>> No.5136029

Seem to be getting the same issue plugged into another computer. I don't understand what this is. Is it normal to have some sort of interference present on these things? Last one I had was like 12 inches lol back in 2010 but sold it cuz it was too small. That never had this issue. Ipads don't have this issue either...

>> No.5136052

If you try a different cable and it persists then it's 100% the tablet.
Or maybe it's a driver feature, try digging deep into Wacom settings.

>> No.5136060

I have similar computer specs and was thinking of getting a XP-Pen, appreciate the heads up on the issues.

>> No.5136104

Unfortunately, I have tried every cable available. In the middle of fiddling with settings as we speak, so far no change. Any way to downgrade drivers and see if that fixes anything? What are the odds of getting two tablets with identical issues like this.

>> No.5136368

Still around?

>> No.5136438
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I think I'm getting RSI in my thumb because of how heavy my stylus is.

>> No.5136462

I want to get a tablet with a screen for about $300, I saw the galaxy s6 is recommended in the OP, is it indeed the best tablet for that price range? im guessing it would have its own unique software and doesnt use the same stuff you can use for a computer, right?

>> No.5136465

oh yeah for some context im using a huion chink tablet, while its not bad when it works and has a lot of shortcut buttons which is nice the hand/eye disconnect feels a bit limiting to me and when the tablet gives me issues its infuriating.

>> No.5136471

If you value portability then yeah it is. You can also get a Kamvas 13 for $264 with stand.
What kind of issues is your current tablet giving you?

>> No.5136480

aside from the problems with being screenless, it does this thing sometimes where if i try to move my mouse it snaps to the top left corner of the screen over and over, this is made worse by the fact that if i try to use the pen at the extremes of the screen, say the very top, it jumps around a lot and clicks automatically, making it almost impossible to use, forcing me to rely on the mouse, giving me the issue from before. also, it sometimes just doesnt work when i plug it in, and i have to keep unplugging and replugging it until it does. portability is nice but not terribly important, id value convenience over that personally, i have a big desk so space really isnt an issue.

>> No.5136507

Go with the Tab s6 Lite and get the superdisplay app, it'll allow you to use it with your pc. Build quality is good and it's portable too.

>> No.5136525

magnets? j/k

There are some spec differences but is it worth $285, probably not. Just like with a lot of tech, real-world performance difference is minimal. If you've had a chance to go into the store and you like the 8th gen ipad then go for it.

What's worse is the time wasted on indecision when you could be drawing. If you don't like it, you can always return in after a week.

>> No.5136537

Hmm, cursor fighting and inconsistent connectivity... I'd ask support for experimental drivers if I were you.

>> No.5136566

Spen doesnt require charging.
The battery in it is for the remote gimmick and gesture but it can draw forever without being charged

>> No.5136570

Ha ha gweilo buy an xp pen next time.

>> No.5136613
File: 408 KB, 1179x1335, penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I deal with the disconnect between pen and screen

>> No.5136632

Did you calibrate while holding your pen in the way you usually do while drawing?
What tablet is that?

>> No.5136643

>Did you calibrate while holding your pen in the way you usually do while drawing?
I didn't know this was a thing but I just tried and it was the same result.
XP-PEN Artist15.6 Pro

>> No.5136651

thank you

>> No.5136656

is super display worth the purchase?
Can't i just pirate it?

>> No.5136669

Then this is as good as its going to get.
Try and focus on the brush rather than the pen tip.

>> No.5136748

Hey samsungbros they announced the S-pen pro with two buttons on it as well as third party pen support in the future.

>> No.5136775

for android just websearch 'paid, mod, pro' apk

>> No.5136806

>XP-PEN Artist15.6 Pro
Hahaha, enjoy your cheap knockoffs with huge parallax.

>> No.5136851

>0 (zero) clue of what he's on about

There are no tablets with "huge" parallax nowadays. The last one I tried which had noticable parallax was the cintiq 27 QHD, and even that was managable. The 15.6 pro had the same parallax as my current cintiq 24 pro.

>> No.5136855

Per the argument above, i am currently comparing the Wacom One and the Huion Inspiroy HS611 for below 100 tablets.
Are there any more known contenders to add to my list to do further research on?

>> No.5136876

Intuos Pleb and deco Pro

>> No.5136899

thanks for the suggestions anon, just to make sure the Pleb is the 3 right? Dont know the terminology around here, a /g/ fag looking to get into art

>> No.5136902

>>XP-PEN Artist15.6 Pro
I had this same model. It has the parallax this anon posted
It's incomparable to the absence of parallax that an iPad pro or Cintiq pro have. I own both.

Please STFU.

>> No.5136903

You meant the One by wacom right?
Youre going to have a very boring task ahead of you desu. Ive tried many already and theyre virtually all the exact same in feeling and performance. The surface texture and pens physical feeling will be the only real things youll end up comparing, mostly

>> No.5136904

>The 15.6 pro had the same parallax as my current cintiq 24 pro.
I owned the same cheap knockoff and I own the cintiq 24 pro.
What you are saying is absolute utter bullshit.
Have your eyes checked.

>> No.5136906

yeah assumed it was a situation where people argue over minute differences. Might as well do it though, better than not

>> No.5136912
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>It has the parallax this anon posted
Yes. But thats standard, and very little parallax. Its the same on the cintiq pro 24, pic related. I dont think you've used any old displays like the 27 QHD or older

>> No.5136918

Nope. Try again.


You wouldnt accept that statement if it was aimed at the xp pen poster, so Im not going to accept it from you.

>> No.5136935
File: 1.12 MB, 2304x4096, signal-2021-01-16-125359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I even calibrated it for you. The last pic was generous because the curser was offset slightly to the right of the nib, making the parallax look smaller.

>> No.5137002

NOOOOO YOU CANT DEBUNK THE WACOM MYTH! Not like that! You stupid chink idiot!

>> No.5137013

If you take the photo from the side, like you did, then it's obvious the parallax will show more, but please, don't believe the BS this anon is saying
This is simply not true.

>> No.5137018

Stop taking pics from the side, you absolute moron.

There is always a slight parallax, that increses the more you get to the borders of the tablet. However the Cintiq Pro have much less of it because of the thinner glass and better technology.
There is absolutely NO FUCKING comparison between the XP Pen and the Cintiq Pro.
Whoever says that is an idiot.

>> No.5137028

New thread:





>> No.5137039

Wtf are you talking about? There is parallax, theres a picture of it right fucking there.

Fuck off, schizofreak. I already know youre a fucking retard, you dont need to keep reminding me. This guy >>5136613
Also took it from the same angle, maximizing the parallax. But let me guess, with him its pure xp pen being shit, and nothing to do with the angle, right? Yeah thought so. So shut the fuck up.

>> No.5137365

its not a knockoff if it doesnt imitate an existing brand. it doesnt inherently mean low-grade

>> No.5137856

Does anyone know of a good Ergotron arm for an Artist Pro 24? Someone gifted me a tablet last year, but I haven't seen anything online about mounting one of these tablets to an arm. I saw one post complaining about arms over-weighted dipping forward and all the Youtube videos just us the Cintiq Pro 24 and its overly expensive Wacom Flex(?) arms. I heard about the Ergotron LX, but all I could find for a decent price was the Ergotron HX series. Anyone in these threads have any experiece with drawing tablets being mounted to arms? Also, I believe the Xp-Pen Pro 24 is about 16 pounds, if that matters.

>> No.5138768

>ran off
for shame

>> No.5139023
File: 272 KB, 1302x732, BenQ-EW3270U-fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot about monitors, let me help you out here, if you dont ask or I dont check back you wont get an explanation
>Benq EW3270U
also buy a displayport cable and use that from day one. This monitor has a great size but thats not the only reason I recommend this over anything else. It has a VA Panel with far superior blacks and color richness, a very wide and accurate color gamut/volume and the contrast is about 3x as good as the very best IPS display.
Delta e is something like 1.4 which is almost perfect and good enough for cinema
Never press the HDR button its a marketing gimmick, monitor is HDR without you touching anything because of brightness, contrast and color volume without any fucking gimmicks enabled.
Enjoy or just buy something uninformed using the marketing terms amazon pumps into you. Also its 4k
Should cost ~400 bucks

If you want to learn what makes a monitor good without looking to the manufacturer to tell you its a "art monitaur" check https://www.tftcentral.co.uk/ and read a few full reviews, google what you dont know about the benchmarking terms or just read it all

>> No.5139177
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>Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
This is why you don't buy chinese tablets.

>> No.5139223
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(You) >>5134241
>ran off
nah I am just not here 24/7 anymore like most of you
its Samsung Galaxy Note 9
the key here is S Pen - 4,096 levels of pressure sensitivity and a 0.7mm tip for those yearning for the exact numbers. Thats more than enough for smooth workflow

>> No.5139235
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1606143470224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why literally no professionals ever thought to use those. Hell, even TN can do 100% of sRGB so it's perfectly fine for anything that goes on the internet? Right?