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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 119 KB, 732x799, 1563635879746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5126049 No.5126049 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here gone full NEET and committed to the meme?
Did it work?

>> No.5126052

If everyone says yes, are you going to actually do it, opie?

>> No.5126056

I need proof

>> No.5126057

literally who?

>> No.5126059
File: 22 KB, 459x442, 1590960607363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, here is my work after a days of going full neet

>> No.5126071

how can anyone show you proof? You're on an anonymous image board, and nobody is logging their hours. Even if they did, they might've faked it.

I don't think you thought this through, silly

>> No.5126322


>> No.5126326

it's impossible even if you are neet, theres too much distractions, you think 16h is a lot so it doesnt hurt browse anyhting else for like 5 min but you check the time and it's already time for dinner and you haven't drawn shit

>> No.5126330

Did this guy actually even say 16 hours?

>> No.5126347

this meme is stupid. should've been something any normal person can do like what saitama actually said.

>> No.5126362

Yes but context matters. He says that their will be times that you have to do upward of 16 hours days in the industry and at this school specific, however he stressed that a typical day for a GMI is 6hours for 6 days a week since most artist averages about 1.5 hours 3 days a week.

>> No.5126394
File: 106 KB, 500x562, tangled_art_character_design_rapunzel_121_glen_keane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real redpill is getting out 8 drawings(not doodles or life drawing studies but actual thought out pieces) per day. Treat you art output like an 9 to 5 job and get those pieces out before the day ends. Whether it be a simple figure(thats still well thought out in composition and has solid structure), illustrating a scene, or a well composed still life, you gotta do 8 of them and get them to a point where you can call it finished.

This is mainly based on what Disney demanded from their traditional animators, where they needed to have 8 frames of animation be complete before the day ends. It would make sense to adopt the same practice if you are aiming to push yourself to be a better artist. If you are gonna be a NEET anyway, treat drawing and art as your "job".

>> No.5126419

This is great advice, probably better than much of what I've seen here. Thanks for posting it.

>> No.5126428

Would you still recommend this to a complete /beg/ ?

>> No.5126431

8 frames of the same thing with variations isn't 8 completely different pieces.

>> No.5126518
File: 288 KB, 500x375, 1595052056887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the level of /beg/. If you legit are starting out just follow youtube tutorials of whatever suits your interest and follow them at your own pace since getting your feet wet is a more crucial step that anons tend to ignore(shit like loomis is fine but people cant just jump into that shit)

If you wanna try to advance yourself then I'd set up a schedule where you have a dedicated text to study from(video course/book/actual master paintings/whatever) and dedictae 2 hours everday to drawing based on it. If you read a chapter from Loomis's book for example, you would dedicate 2 hours of that day studying the subject further and do drawing exercises within the time frame. If you are looking at a painting you spent 2 hours trying to break it down and do studies of it. If it's a personal project you set 2 hours aside doing research(prelimanary sketches, thumbnailing, etc.) for 2 hours. I wouldnt worry about having any work be "finished" since the 2 hours of drawing serve as note taking, not necessarily making a magnum opus.
Have you ever even fucking tried animating you fucking faggot? For those bastards it wasnt just a matter of making slight variations of a drawing, it was making 8 drawings that STAND ON THEIR OWN as well as work within a sequence. Either way, being able to research/ plan out and execute 8 complete drawings is a better regiment to work under then fucking drawing aimlessly for fucking hours on end without actually learning anything.

>> No.5126785

Yeah just doodle all day on the side, it adds up.

>> No.5127067

Well, guess I'm never gmi with my 20+ hours art

>> No.5127168

16 hours no but it’s very possible to do 10 hours per day if you’re neet. I did 10 2 days ago but that’s because I sat my butt in the chair almost all day.

8 hours everyday as a neet or you’re not even trying.

>> No.5127346

I’m sorta doing it
I’m not going into a masters program or taking a full time job until I can get good at art
That or go into therapy
Which ever came first

>> No.5127416

that's easy if you are told what style to draw in and what exactly to draw. That's like making 8 hamburgers

Drawing 8 GOOD drawings is like closing 6 sales with 6 different people.

>> No.5127427

>Treat you art output like an 9 to 5 job
worst advice i could possibly imagine

>> No.5127446

Ironically, I became a lot more productive after escaping neetdom, I guess having a schedule and forced discipline helps. I use an productivity app to log exactly how much time I spend drawing what (broken down into categories like drapery studies, anatomy, gestures etc), and it's been a good way to motivate myself.

>> No.5127532

Complete opposite for me. Neet is her freedom, if youre a bum then it’s not gonna stop you being a bum though. For some people it just allows them to become the slugs they really are inside

>> No.5127537

*pure freedom

>> No.5127550

I was very productive and drew all day when NEETing, but the huge downside was relying 100% on commissions and sales of fanart and other shit I don't like to draw for money. At least with a day job I can focus on what I actually want to do now, even if I have less time in the day

>> No.5128825

Oh fuck, you're right anon. I should just shitpost on /ic/ and pretend that makes me a better artist. Do your reps faggot

>> No.5128828
File: 12 KB, 265x308, 1596698517492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only adults are allowed to post on the board anon. So if you are one you'd have no problem acting like one and plan what you should draw on your own

>> No.5128863

Didn't algenpfleger do this? Or am I misremembering

>> No.5128894

3 years of 12 hours a day or something like that if I remember correctly

>> No.5128945

I did 30-40hrs per week for 4 months and got massive gains, more than the previous 2 years. It does work.

>> No.5128961

stop with your gay ass dreams of grandeur, you are just another delusional retard who wants to become part of the less than 1% and get an easy life/rent with it, fag.

>> No.5129003

Yeah I moved to a 3rd world country to save cash and just drew all day. One thing led to another and I still haven’t made it, had a blast though. A+ would recommend

>> No.5129013

Sounds based dude. What country did you move to?

>> No.5129014


>> No.5129575

stop projecting

>> No.5129584


>> No.5129620

If you are lucky enough to be neet for a bit do not waste it. Put down the games, Netflix, Crunchyroll and shitpost less. All you should be doing is drawing nonstop.

>> No.5130149

Redpill me on FZD and the FZDschool.

>> No.5130187

>just come up with good ideas constantly!! its that easy!!!

>> No.5130250

>16 hours of drawing every day to ended up doing animu coom lewd
nice career choice, mongoloid

>> No.5130273

How’d you even get in

>> No.5130672


>> No.5130926
File: 238 KB, 1700x708, vlx-gheneli-sketches26may-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would an example of a "thought out drawing" in this case? I'm trying this but I'd like to see a visual bar for comparison. Pic Related?

>> No.5130929

these people dont even do 1 hour a day

>> No.5130940

How many drawings if you're not NEET/work full time?

>> No.5131044

It was before covid. If it wasn’t for covid I’d be there right now rather than living the half life we do in the west.

>> No.5131279

can you tell us why you say that we live half lives in the west compared to Vietnam?

>> No.5131378

> the less i draw the better i get
true story

>> No.5131387
File: 425 KB, 1069x1819, rincity2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well when I refer to "thought out" I mean that mainly in terms of having a goal set out with the drawings that you make and accomplishing said goals in your drawings to think critically about what they want to accomplish in your 8 series of drawings as opposed to investing 10+ hours of drawing without any direction on where they want their gains to be.

With that in mind, the way I phrased the advice is that a drawing being "thought out" depends on what the artist wants to accomplish on that day or in that specefic drawing. I'll use my drawing(pic related) as an example.I found an image of a model that I was captivated by and decided to study it. My "goals" were to capture the scene from the image but prioritizing the figure and how the light was hitting it. I had develeoped the drawing as far as I needed to to finish my goals and I called it done.

The drawings isnt necessarily anything to write home about, but I had goals in mind when studying the image and I was finished when I felt the goals were met. In that same way one should prioritize setting out goals with your drawings and getting to a state in the drawing where those goals are met , as opposed to just thoughtlessy drawing for hours on end.

TL;DR Its more about setting up goals for yourself and accomplishing them as opposed to aiming for a specific type of quality standard. I cant give a visual bar cause one's goals in a drawing can range from focusing on line art, rendering, capturing value, composing, etc. The quality doesnt have to be high(not every drawing will be a good one) if that helps, just should be finished.

>> No.5131470
File: 180 KB, 1450x790, nurzhan-bekkaliyev-1-2-a2-16-a1-6-54512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair enough, though I think a goal would be better off as something more material like "character with a prop in color" up to a certain finish like pic related so you're not guessing what "done" means (and can't flake by just defining something done).

Food for thought though anon, I'll be implementing a version of your idea. ty.

>> No.5131482

I hope not, because it's a stupid idea to commit 16hours a day to any one thing, be it working out or drawing, cus you're just going to burn yourself out after a week

3-5 hours a day is a much more realistic way of "getting good"

>> No.5131501

No not accurately.

>> No.5131595
File: 95 KB, 500x310, rolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want her milky breasts on my table

>> No.5131601

Actual great analogy, have a (you)

>> No.5133573

if don't know how you even do this schedule do Olsen's Perspective course and try to finish it in less than 2 weeks