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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 777558E7-200A-4D44-983A-619851474CB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5119693 No.5119693 [Reply] [Original]

Is Parler good for art?

>> No.5119699

sure anon, maybe trump will notice your art there

>> No.5119711

drawing a lot is good for art.

>> No.5119721

What the hell is that

>> No.5119751

you know what? probably.
qoomers are gullible as shit and have tons of disposable income. come up with some kind of kitschy patriotpaints brand that does jesus art or schizo faux revolutionary garbage and they'll be all over it

>> No.5119783

The fuck is parler?

>> No.5119800

do they allow porn?

>> No.5119838


>> No.5119842

It's where conservatives go after they get banned from everywhere else.

>> No.5119857

Maybe, there are less competition now, it will get harder in the future tho.

>> No.5119880

You have /pol/, so stop doing your bait threads here.

>> No.5120531
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210109-114657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about vero?

>> No.5120534

No. Read their ToS. They are even worse than twitter.

No. Anything remotely spicy gets you banned.

>> No.5120849

Would Minds be any good for art? they seem to allow porn as long as you tag it so there is that

>> No.5120863

Imagine making politics your art.

>> No.5120873

So it's twitter right-leaning counterpart.

>> No.5120880

As much as 2chan is reddit's

>> No.5120886

>Mostly extremist political faggots and shitters with a few normies sprinkled in-between.

>> No.5120902

didn't it get removed on the app store?

>> No.5120927 [DELETED] 

that feels downright evil

>> No.5121149

>No. Anything remotely spicy gets you banned.
BuT mUh FrEe SpEeCh
seriously though, if I can't post as a porn luxury communist, it renders them the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

>> No.5121151

Libs are the only right wing people that support art. Not gonna get shit off of parler.

>> No.5121160
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>Libs are the only right wing people

>> No.5121163
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>> No.5121169

imagine being a commie in the 21st century.

>> No.5121175

What's going on with this site? What's this about? Could Trump moving his account and the recent twitter cull mean a new opportunity for artists who are low follower count?

>> No.5121220


>> No.5121313


I'm commie trash. I would use Nazi social media if it was actually free speech and I could post my art there. But for some reason, it's never free! They always restrict content.

>> No.5121329

Great, now you can get cancelled on BOTH sides of the political spectrum.
Fuck off with your social media crap.

>> No.5121334

it's definitely worth a try. The earlier you get in, the more likely it is someone searches for art there and notices you among not too many others.

>> No.5121343
File: 110 KB, 1099x751, nsfw IS allowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try. Won't won't fall for your tricks, goyim.
Just no loli it seems.

>> No.5121362

you mean 2ch

>> No.5121375

>Libs are the only right wing people that support art.
unironically yes, bougie libs are the rightwingers with expendable income willing to spend it on webcomics & coom.
There are plenty of bougie MAGA who own Papa John franchises and shit like that, but they're more likely to be on Parler to buy their Q Shaman cosplay while still going on Twitter to follow their favorite NSFW artists.

>> No.5121401

I don't even care about the politics, the twatter zombies just fucking stink.

>> No.5121416

>Nice try. Won't won't fall for your tricks, goyim.
Try it, bitch. Post something juicy and let's see how long your ass stays on the platform.

>> No.5121663

>Just no loli it seems.
then what's the point of free speech?

>> No.5122077
File: 42 KB, 541x498, 1539903815059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Libs are people

>> No.5122080

I think he meant libertarian.

>> No.5122087

that changes my opinion only slightly.

>> No.5122094
File: 64 KB, 300x250, ConfusedMarx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he meant liberal. Originally Marxists were distinct from liberals (like Adam Smith), as liberals advocated capitalism while Marxists advocated worker ownership of the economy. Historically, Marxists have always viewed liberals as rightwingers.
But current American politics is a postmodern phenomenon—historically ignorant and ideologically incoherent. Bourgeois woke capitalists are seen as 'left' while much of the working class and petit bourgois are seen as 'right.' Marx himself would be confused by the whole thing.

>> No.5122097

Yeah, in Europe “liberal” is still more or less centre-right. That’s why Yuropoors unfamiliar with American politics are very confused by the word “liberal” too.

>> No.5122102

I think you're slightly confused on what freedom of speech is.

>> No.5122121


>> No.5122148

>Yeah, in Europe “liberal” is still more or less centre-right.
>in Europe
That depends heavily on the country in question.

>> No.5122152

Freedom of expression covers art. They are one and the same.

>> No.5122182

I’m in Western Europe. Progressives are simply called “leftists” in general and that’s it.

>> No.5122253

Don't bother making an account
Amazon is terminating their hosting contract. The site will be dead soon.

>> No.5122303

I have...here my link

>> No.5122320

I remember that Gab also had that same system of showing how many people viewed your posts. I had close to 60+ views but 0 likes, and fuck that was discouraging.

>> No.5122321

>Hosting on fucking amazon
Neonazis are unironically retarded
>Banning loli
So it's shit, got it

>> No.5122323

right wing boomers hate art as much as sjw's so no

>> No.5122348

>Be a right wing boomer
>Raise your children to believe the only valid career choice is a trade job or military
>Cry about censorship in media and tech companies being run by da libs

>> No.5122356

>The site will be dead soon.
There are other places to host them.

>> No.5122494

look who owns it and laugh. then kys

>> No.5122498

are they ironic nazies?

>> No.5122545

they're zionist boomer jews, so I guess?...

>> No.5122552

Ooh, you are talking about mercers, not bezos. derp.

>> No.5122637

unironically yes
just say you are a counterculture revolutionary that paints what the evil other side hates and just make generic ass paintings of white dudes with weird captions or sell photo studies of greek statues

>> No.5122705

No. The founding fathers, who were christian didn’t create the constitution with sexualized children’s drawings in mind. Just draw your disgusting fantasies, no need to lie others and yourself to justify your actions.

>> No.5122728

I suppose, but we are talking about Parler conception of free speech here, not first amendment.

>> No.5122736

Twitter has that too if you click the analytics if your post.

>> No.5122825

It's not just conservatives anymore lol
Twatter is getting reeeeeal ban happy ever since they baleeted the Orange Man

>> No.5122942

I honestly can't believe how a noble concept such as workers owning the factories turned into "muh people have been oppressed by your people I deserve free shit".
Normies truly ruin fucking everything they touch.

>> No.5122993

Replacing class interests with race interests wasn't thought up by the normie masses.

>> No.5123024

But they're responsible for spreading such bullshit in the first place.

>> No.5123216

>It's not just conservatives anymore
I haven't heard of any Liberals being banned recently.

>> No.5123271

This is something I don't get about twitter.
They say they ban any threats of violence, but you can see with a simple search multiple users making death threats against certain political targets and groups and yet twitter refuses to do anything about it.

>> No.5123290

>This is something I don't get about twitter.
Because they're biased. If they came out and said "look, we are leftists, and this is our private business so we can ban whoever we don't like" then they wouldn't be hypocritical. But they ban people who have political views that don't conform with their bias for doing things that leftists can do without repercusion, and then claim that they got banned because they infringed their "rules". The people that run twitter have no honesty or integrity.

>> No.5123333

>If they came out and said "look, we are leftists, and this is our private business so we can ban whoever we don't like" then they wouldn't be hypocritical.
If they did that then they would lose most of their userbase and they know it. Normies don't wanna be associated with radical politics.

>> No.5123336

Cuckservatives are too low iq to appreciate art, if they ever actually have an opinion other than muh renaissance and modern art bad, it’s because they’re being so contrarian they double back into good taste.

>> No.5123359

And libshits ban the art they disapprove of.

>> No.5123369

Not just a lack of appreciation, they really hate it and would happily see art institutions defunded or even shut down.
Conservatism is incompatible with art because most artists are progressive by nature.

>> No.5123377

>Cuckservatives are too low iq to appreciate art
But the soviets banned modern art too for soviet realism. In fact it was the CIA who saved modern art.

>> No.5123387

oh yes, history shows that right wingers never would ban art they disapprove of and consider "degenerate" either
it doesn't get much more ignorant than this

>> No.5123392

>history shows that right wingers never would ban art they disapprove of and consider "degenerate" either
I never implied that right-wingers don't ban art, you dumb shit.
Just that leftists also ban art too.

>> No.5123394

>, who were christian
they were deists at best. If they were true Christians they'd have made america a true christian nation, not a secular one.

>> No.5123397

Anybody who isn't an artist can't really appreciate art in its fullest anyways.

>> No.5123412

Are there actually any good right wing artists? Stone toss is bad and not really an artist and gprime is mediocre but seems to be the be the only one with some fundie training.

>> No.5123425

>good right wing artists?
Like modern ones or right wing in their time period?

>> No.5123432

>right wing in their time period?

>> No.5123442

you have a point. left wing and right wing a post french revolution inventions.

>> No.5123449

Even further, in contemporary America the terms left and right have been bastardized beyond belief. Rightwingers have been calling billionaire capitalists like Jack Dorsey and Jeff Bezos "far left." Marx would have laughed his ass off.

>> No.5123491

>Libs are right wing
>Conservatives don't like art
Do commies really? Unironically the "anything right of stalin" thing that rightoids bring up is looking a lot less like a strawman.

>> No.5123573

Capitol art pieces are still there. BLM and antics would have destroyed them like they did with many statues during their riots

>> No.5123586
File: 144 KB, 741x977, Dave Sim_Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there actually any good right wing artists?
The only two I can think of are oldies:
>Dave Sim. Creator of Cerebus. Was an indie star before he began printing rants about how women are "voids" without intellect. Created his own religion based off of the Bible and the Qur'an. Not conventionally "rightwing" but someone with eclectic reactionary beliefs.
>Jim Steranko. Great Marvel artist from the 70s, now typical Trump supporting boomer. Not sure what his political beliefs were in his heyday.
These two are great craftsmen. Not sure about online, there's so much bad craft, and artists falling into simplistic political hiveminds (hell, even this thread is trying to channel people into a political hivemind).

>> No.5123613

The reason why many right wingers call some millionaires far left is because they post dumb extremist shit on twitter for publicity, like calls for antifa violence and extreme views on gender and race.
In practice they're just retards with a megaphone who never do anything political with their money.

>> No.5123626

Dave Sim is not a conservative.
He's just a drug addict who has some very dumb ways to transmit his ideas.

>> No.5123635

BLM would’ve got shot at the steps

>> No.5123761

>Dave Sim is not a conservative.
I did point out that he's not conventionally rightwing. But really, would his views on women be out of place among any current incel/MRA hive ranting about "roasties"?

>> No.5123776

So far blm were allowed to burn loot and murder all they ever wanted, fiery but mostly peaceful protests duh. They would have set the capitol on fire.

The trumpets broke in and waved their american flag, just one dude got hit in the head and died later while blm left piles of bodies anywhere they went, that's the most peaceful protest we've seen this far.

Oh look a grandma is waving her little American flag, this is insurrection, this is terrorism.

>> No.5123781

>doesn’t remember that there were BLM protests in DC

>> No.5123787


>> No.5123791

blah blah whataboutism blah blah

>> No.5123796

>doesn’t remember that there were BLM protests in DC

Are you talking when they assaulted the senators in the streets and were allowed to walk free? Yeah i remember that.

The BLMs actions very well deserve getting lit up with live ammunition, but they keep getting a pat on the back from the political establishment instead.

>> No.5123799

No but this is https://discord.gg/Jmv9jeRacc

>> No.5123804

>Oh look a grandma is waving her little American flag, this is insurrection, this is terrorism.
I don't consider a bunch of Duck Dynasty rejects taking selfies terrorists, but you better believe the government does—which is why they're useful idiots for the defense department.
Just like the Bush admin used a few Saudi Arabians hijacking a plane to impose all kinds of draconian measures against Americans, you better believe Neocon Joe, Silicon Valley & Defense inc. will do the same because of Q Shaman & co. wanted to cosplay for a day.
So I say, way to go, morons. Winning!

>> No.5123809

Can I ask, why are you niggers so annoying? I’m not white and I shouldn’t have fuck all to say from the standpoint of others, but you retards act even more retarded than women.

I was all about that “peace and love shit” up until I reached high school and saw you retards acting like degenerate, drug dealing gangbanging cunts, then seeing you burn down cities when one of you gets popped while on PCP and waving a gun around.

Then in college I have to hear even more of your shit with all the dyed hair sluts screeching about BBC’s getting killed by pigs (fuck the police btw). And more looting and rioting.

Numerous encounters with you bitches where I can’t do fuck all because you violent retards just shout others down whenever they do anything you don’t like and threaten extreme violence, half of which you can’t back up unless you have a flock of chimps with you because all the “WORLDSTAR” videos show the way you retards fight by charging up your fruity punches from across the map. Not to mention when your bitches start aping on me when I was working retail because I can’t do fuck all about it and they’re sadistic little monkeys, but of course no one’s allowed to complain because “Taniqualina is an empowered black woman who won’t stand for racist crackas”

Fuck you all the other races hate you two, go jog elsehwere

>> No.5123821

Well, not exactly.
If you read his comics you'll realize that his views of women are the result of his divorce, but not in the way you would think.
Canadian law disproportionately favors women over men (shocker, I know) which forced Sim into financial difficulties after his divorce. When he tried to look for support he was told to shut up and deal with it, which drove him into LSD and made him resent women. He was also getting into weird theology shit, that's where he got his views of women as voids based on backward philosophical views.

Dave eventually said that he regrets portraying women the way he did and that he got over his resentment to an extent. Still people label him as a misogynist based on his previous drug-fueled rants without realizing what he went through.

Also, he's probably a LSD-enabled schizo by now.

>> No.5123824

The government doesn't exactly "consider" that either. But they would use any convenient excuse, they would fabricate one if they needed to.

If George Floyd didn't die on camera they would find anybody else to fabricate the scandal about.

If the trumpers didn't go to party in the big house, they would find any other excuse.

These are politicians, they dont have feelings emotions or beliefs, only plots.

>> No.5123843

>These are politicians, they dont have feelings emotions or beliefs, only plots.
These Qtards attacked the politicians in their own workplace, some calling for Mike Pence's head. What did they expect the consequences to be? How fucking retarded and internet poisoned do you have to be to think this was a good idea? lmao

>> No.5123846
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>> No.5123847


>> No.5123851

>That blogpost
Are you ok buddy

>> No.5123861
File: 71 KB, 559x808, 1414210832496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're funny as fuck though when they're not being a dindu

>> No.5123867

doug tenNapel, but he's a preachy attention whore just like the average leftie artist.

>> No.5123911
File: 404 KB, 1280x1992, glamourpuss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you read his comics you'll realize that his views of women are the result of his divorce, but not in the way you would think.
>Canadian law disproportionately favors women over men (shocker, I know) which forced Sim into financial difficulties after his divorce.
Sooo his experience is like 90% of posters on MRA forums—getting screwed by one bitch condemn 50% of the population. Got it.
In any case, he's (craft-wise) a great artist, and some of his works, like Glamourpuss (the good parts about comic history), introduced me to some classic artists like Stan Drake. So thanks for that, Dave.

>> No.5123938

>Sooo his experience is like 90% of posters on MRA forums—getting screwed by one bitch condemn 50% of the population. Got it.
The criticism is against the system in place.
When MRAs shit on females is when women come out to defend the system and saying how women are the actual victims of ''everything''.

>> No.5123970

Wait, wasn't the woman who got shot actually an antifa spy?

>> No.5123976


>> No.5124059

>waaaa, a black guy was mean to aaahhh I hate niggers, reeeee
Take your hurt feelings somewhere else you fucking faggot.

>> No.5124068

Actually some were damaged/looted.

>> No.5124365
File: 170 KB, 420x426, 1597933479188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redpilled by high school
Lmao pathetic

>> No.5124402

Apart from a picture of the Dalai Lama and a Chinese scroll, all seems to be fine.
The only potentially valuable thing is the Chinese scroll but then it’s probably a random diplomatic gift that is not old. Not saying it’s not valuable since it could be by the hands of any CCP chairman (reminder all of communist China’s leaders were known for their calligraphy skills except... Xi) but it’s not like it’s some piece of ancient chinese history.

>> No.5124405

unironically wanna start a furry porn account on parler now

>> No.5124429
File: 36 KB, 659x609, 39778DFE-295C-4E99-9011-C16363017774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw literally everyone in the future is mixed race whether you like it or not

>> No.5124528
File: 13 KB, 680x253, 4c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a dissertation.

>> No.5124542

This is "Heather Heyer actually died of a heart attack" level of delusion.

>> No.5124545

Should we really use Marx as a yard stick for what is and isn't left wing? After all, he did call out jewish people and advocate america's invasion of mexico.

>> No.5124547

Holy based.

>> No.5124554

>left piles of bodies
hu ? 13 deaths maybe linked to BLM protests over more than 9000 different demonstrations. All of them being demonstrators and none being law enforcement.

This was a catastrophe, even compared to BLM riots.

>> No.5124577

Let them rationalize and cope, it's genuinely entertaining to see the spin machine at full power.

>> No.5124608

Marx’s “On the Jewish Question” probably has the highest ratio of people discussing it to people actually reading it of any of his work

>> No.5124676

>none being law enforcement.
What is David Dorn?

>> No.5124684

Don't forget, "Liberals get the bullet too".

>> No.5124694
File: 13 KB, 1204x176, ohnononono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5124735

>muh whataboutism
The point is that Dems don't care about politically motivated violence and destruction, they just know how to play politics effectively. They downplay and dismiss their own bad apples and actions while exaggerating and expelling the bad apples and actions of their political opposition.
Everyone gives death threats to politicians, celebrities, and powerful figures all the time lol, especially in protests. Two years ago, left-wing protesters did the same in the Kavanaugh hearings. And several in the BLM riots last year.

Want to know why they exaggerated ONE riot that killed five, with nearly all of victims being Trump supporters? It's because you're they know that you're useful idiots who will grant them additional wealth and power to corporations and the government while reducing yours because of le cheeto Hitler.

If you legitimately buy their pretext of banning "politicians who incite violence", then you need to think more. Have you ever asked yourself why they haven't banned the politicians who incite war and the destabilization of governments through lies and propaganda? Anyway, it's too late because people in America are too dumb, I wouldn't be surprised if it's weaponized against anti-war or populist politicians.

>> No.5124745

Daaaaaamn, I really dodged a bullet lol

>> No.5127121

>The point is that Dems don't care about politically motivated violence and destruction
no shit
>It's because you're they know that you're useful idiots
my point is that the Qtard protestors are useful idiots because they gave the government an easy excuse to impose Patriot Act 2 on the rest of us. And for what? They accomplished jack shit.
>If you legitimately buy their pretext of banning "politicians who incite violence", then you need to think more.
fuck man, it's like you're arguing with a voice in your head. I don't agree anyone should be banned. I don't buy their pretext.
>Have you ever asked yourself why they haven't banned the politicians who incite war and the destabilization of governments through lies and propaganda?
Uh yeah, I've long agreed with people like Glenn Greenwald and Noam Chomsky who've been critical of those politicians (on both sides of the aisle) for decades.
Have you? Or is it just now a hot button topic for you? lol

>> No.5127123

>who were christian
fuck you, history revising nigger

>> No.5127525

It's only noble if they pay for it and no, having worked in it all their lives doesn't count. Taking a loan does.

mfw there might be no future for humans

case and point
'Security researchers' find holes in working systems and help to patch them up. Not scraping data and distributing it. This was malicious hacking.
Just because half of users were garbage(presumably***) humans doesn't make it right that you leak the other half's data.
People responsible for leaking should be ruined.

>dodged a bullet
So did I, but we didn't dodge is crushing of an alt-tech platform and establishing new standard that doxing and publishing non-public communication is more than ok.
There is no respect for privacy left, no respect for freedom of speech. Just wait, other rights will fall off like dead leaves.

>Crush Override
are you fucking with me? is it really got something to do with anit-GG

>> No.5127787

just doing the bare minimum to not be off-topic, thanks mods

>> No.5127888

imagine lumping in conservatives and republicans with qoomers, right wing terrorist retards, and neonazis
ignore the fact that prominent conservatives and rightwing figures still have there accounts up

>> No.5128110

is ron paul a terrorist?

>> No.5128189
File: 356 KB, 602x885, Luigi parlor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are a big artist and you want to get cancelled by some random tweeter then go ahead.
Luigi Lucarelli who is an art director is getting his job threatened by twitter mobs and recently deleted some of his social medias to calm things down.

>> No.5128205
File: 243 KB, 602x885, Luigi parlor 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stating if you are Christian or "following Jesus" is risky too I suppose.

>> No.5128228
File: 115 KB, 601x425, Luigi parlor 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not that active on Twitter but it is interesting how people try to read things. What do you guys think about this? I checked the thread. Parlor is consider a far right, conservative website by Google and Luigi was using it to promote his art but that broke the camel's back after being too obvious about his political views and religion on Twitter.

>> No.5128258

>How did ya'll miss that.
Am I supposed to be on my twitter everyday? And just so I can be up to date on the new drama? Since when did wanting to be in the artist mean acting like a teenage girl?

>> No.5128266

lol I thought he got on Parler after the Capitol thing, but reading the tweet he did so like a year ago. So, if you join a site that later on gets in the spotlight due to it being used for an undesirable movement, somebody who hates you can just say you're a supporter for it because you have an account on the same site, even though you made that account a year before the event happened. lol

>> No.5128281

These people live and breathe on Twitter. To her she can't fathom how you can miss out on the latest and hottest drama

>> No.5128500

I'll assume that by "liberals" you mean the left. There have been leftist bans, but none of them high profile. Not only from Twitter, but Parler was banning leftists too.

>> No.5128589

Whats up with art fags on twitter and being cringe?

No other site would this be risky, but on twitter you could actually have people hate you for being Christian.

I think that its because twitter is the only platform where people can become influential in the "art" community without actually posting art, but I can't be sure.

>> No.5128594
File: 15 KB, 400x400, lulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a tip: What about staying the fuck away from twitter?
Sure, it may be 'mainstream' and shit, but it's also the prime breeding ground for power-hungry narcissists and political activists.

Just make a blog or something.

>> No.5128602

Why is twitter okay with leftist fascism? They say they remove any harassment but left this shit intact?

>> No.5128807

>my point is that the Qtard protestors are useful idiots because they gave the government an easy excuse to impose Patriot Act 2 on the rest of us. And for what? They accomplished jack shit.
It's nothing more than a pretext. They could have implemented those rules at any time, but they found an unpopular group to enforce it on so that every wine aunt and sports simp would cheer it on just because it's associated with Cheeto Hitler. You already know this, but they previously reduced our rights with Muslims as the scapegoat, propagandizing us with the most sensationalized media out there.

I'm anticipating the several documentaries about deradicalized Qtards lol
>Have you? Or is it just now a hot button topic for you? lol
I've always been staunchly against foreign intervention and regime change as their policies have been completely disastrous. Anyone who supports those forces aren't good people at all.

It's really hilarious to see people defend it under the pretext that they're "protecting democracy". Our "democracy" is nothing more than a glorified prostitution ring for big business, foreign governments, and the military industrial complex. And it shouldn't be exported elsewhere.
Imagine buying that lie, they consider everyone who isn't them to be a terrorist and you'll see that coming into play.

>> No.5128813

>So did I, but we didn't dodge is crushing of an alt-tech platform and establishing new standard that doxing and publishing non-public communication is more than ok.
Feds already have the technology to do that, they're just psyoping stupid people into ratting out everyone around them. Those stupid people can't get you if you don't trust them with your information.
1. Register with different usernames
2. Use a VPN
3. Use throwaway email bought with untraceable cryptocurrency
4. Use a prepaid/throwaway number from Walmart bought with cash
5. Don't post personal info.
Pleeeeeeeeease stop calling it fascism, they're not right wing. Call it totalitarianism instead.

>> No.5128821

>Use a prepaid/throwaway number from Walmart bought with cash
Does that even work anymore? Last I heard, you need to register it with a real name, thanks to the Patriot Act.

>> No.5128834
File: 480 KB, 1536x2048, walcam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walmart and other big box stores also have cameras at checkout, so even if you pay cash they still can see your face and track your transaction that way

>> No.5128836

Nothing preventing you from putting a fake name and a dorm address of a university.

>> No.5128845

To my genuine surprise you’re right, it looks like they’re trying to “cancel” this guy for basically no reason. I figured he’d called someone the n word or something

>> No.5128870

>Pleeeeeeeeease stop calling it fascism, they're not right wing. Call it totalitarianism instead.
Wanting to control other's speech for political reasons is fascism.
Stop this "fascism is right wing" bullshit. This mentality is what gives leftoids justification to act the way they do.

>> No.5129492
File: 3.71 MB, 2400x5064, Luigi Parler Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I did some digging and found contradicting twitter posts. I am confused as of who is the real Luigi and who is a fake account.
There are two accounts that keep popping up that are framing our Luigi. @Hello_Luigi and @Hello_Luigi_ are the two impostors we see throughout the thread. I couldn't see any negatives with @LuigiL1985 and that account had already pointed out the fake accounts tweeting controversies and sensitive topics making the real Luigi look bad in front of everybody.
The fake accounts seems to have been subtle and slowly polarized on purpose or made aggressive tweets over time to make his framing look organic, kind of like the situation with Gootecks who people claim lost his mind over time.

I tried to find more evidence but a lot of it is gone since all of the account are suspended. The only evidence I have is screenshots and people who have threads about Luigi's drama.

I am not going to say for sure but something looks really weird here. I am late to this and I didn't see the drama when it went down, I am only seeing this now. I am concerned that if someone like Luigi gets bullied like this then who else will be the target of the mob?

Maybe Luigi removed his account for different reasons, maybe his account being suspended isn't related to it but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Let me know what you guys think.

P.S. apologies for the big file but you need to open it and read it on another tab.

>> No.5129495
File: 345 KB, 1887x888, Luigi Twitter Account Evidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is Artstation links to @LuigiL1985
You can also look up Luigi on Google images and hover over the twitter link and find the all of the popular images is linked to the same account.
That account is older than the impostor accounts, so that should be very hard evidence for Luigi's case.

>> No.5129518

You actually have to think about who would benefit from slandering his name and making the guy lose his position.
All these esjaydablew witchhunts are inorganic and retarded as fuck, every time
just for 5 minutes of internet fame.
Which is the most retarded and obtuse thing a person can do.

Also, who was this Luigi guy? What did he do? Who did he employ? Who did he fire? What's the company he runs? What does he produce? Investors? Competitors?
No one that runs a company would deliberately say things he got accused of and risk their livelihoods and those of their employees.
When you don't know, always follow the money.

>> No.5129551

I am more concerned about the fake accounts who did this. What was their motive? Why did they do it? Did someone have a problem with Luigi or was it just plain mischief?

>> No.5129674

That's what i said.

>> No.5129679

really freaky situation, I feel bad for the guy

>> No.5129736

That Luigi dude is always weird to me because I genuinely thought he was a teen because his “art style”.

Learning that he’s a middle aged man with kids is strange. Now learning that he’s right winged just makes me think PEDO! in my brain.

>> No.5129795

Why do you think that? You could have the same thought with many artists today working in animation and comic books.

>> No.5129823

Most of them probably are pedos lol.

Art is like a window to your soul. Just like how most gay artist subconsciously draw attractive men.

And most straight male artist can’t get rid of their male gaze drawing women.

Pedo artist can’t get rid of their child fetish in their art either.

>> No.5129861

What's male gaze?

>> No.5129920
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>> No.5129931

oh gosh. sweaty, check your privilege

>> No.5129934

holy booba post moar googlie mooglies

>> No.5130211

So, are the Black women trying to frame Luigi or do they not recognize that the accounts are different?

>> No.5130215


>> No.5130217

trannies and leftards fuck off

>> No.5130289

Black women just want clout since they can't get attention with their own work.

>> No.5130305
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>> No.5130510

Thanks for giving me an idea for a new hustle anon lol

>> No.5130693
File: 91 KB, 329x340, sdfgdfgsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw in the future everyone has nigger admixture yet no one is allowed to say the word still

>> No.5130948

>thinking any corp is "leftist"

>> No.5130988

If you want your real identity to be public for everyone to see
And your personal info to be hacked
With qoomers, rightwing terrorists and neo nazis getting mad because you make degenerate artwork
They're might just ban porn like gab

>> No.5131053

Something tells me this kind of measures wouldn't even constitute a problem for surveillance apparatus, but maybe would keep regular psychos away. Unless some info "leaks".

Thanks for investigating.
So if previous 2 accounts were fake so the Parler one was a fake too.

Too bad. Creating accounts on rightwing platforms and triggering prudes for jesus, while promoting your work sounds like a gay old time.

>> No.5131202
File: 31 KB, 500x500, woody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, sweaty, it's the 21st century. Literally is already mixed race at this point.
Remember that dumb black chick who thought she was 'pure african ebony' until she did an ethnicity test and cried on-camera because she had white euro genes on her?
That was hilarious.

>> No.5131207

*Literally everyone

>> No.5131261

It literally seems like someone that just has an axe to grind against him for whatever reason. You underestimate how many mentally ill people exist on the internet who get off on the idea that they're causing trouble for people.

>> No.5131351

It never was a strawman argument anon

>> No.5131359

Brb gonna make a furry porn account on parler

>> No.5133407

Pathetic truly pathetic

>> No.5133412


>> No.5133416

Do first worlders really

>> No.5133420

>rightwing terrorists and neo nazis
Remove these 2 and you have parler

>> No.5133428

No because it’s going to be banned everywhere LOL

>> No.5135572

Imagine believing in that pretext lol, every social media site has those people.

It's just weaponized to displatform their political opposition.

>> No.5137313
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Sadly based