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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5114657 No.5114657 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

>What should I buy?
State your:
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
>Size (in inches)
>Other information
>Previous equipment

If you have any additional questions, ask them.

>Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3 - Best budget tablet.
Intuos Pro M - The best non-display tablet.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite - Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech.
Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" - Best option for a display tablet.
Used Cintiq 22HD - The only worthwhile large display tablet
Galaxy Tab S7+ - Good premium alternative to an iPad Pro


XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand - Poor build quality, lackluster pens, broken tilt, struggles to register light pressure, horrible customer support and the displays are not calibrated. All Chinese brands are basically the same because they're all centralized. Also watch, Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Microsoft Surface Pro - The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.
Lenovo - Bad drawing performance.

Previous: >>5101466

>> No.5114693

Huion and XP Pen are perfectly acceptable.

>> No.5114705

Just report anyone who called you a shinll or Chinese. Keeps the autistic screeching low.

Any fellow Burgers get a tablet with your stimmy? I'm debating if I want to get a newer iPad or not.

>> No.5114714

But you're just a Chinese shill, which is why you can't back that claim up.

>> No.5114743

Redpill me on the s7plus? Looking to replace my ancient cintiq hybrid and with superdisplay it looks like now may be the time.

>> No.5114787

I got a huion kamvas 13

>> No.5114803

It's a great tablet. Not as good as an iPad Pro, but superDisplay is better than the iPad equivalent app.

>> No.5114804

>Recommended: Expensive garbage
>Not recommended: Something affordable that does the same thing as the expensive garbage

>> No.5114812

An Intuos 3 costs $60, idiot.
An S6 Lite costs $300.

Perfectly affordable options for both screenless and display. Both without the garbage pens your chinese rubbish continue to make.

>> No.5114813

No one is going to waste that much money on a micro sized pen tablet.

>> No.5114820

An Intuos 3 is large for a screenless, moron.

As for displays, size only matters if you're going up to 22", in which case an older used Cintiq is by far the best option, which is cheaper than your chinese garbage at that size anyway.

A used iPad Pro 2nd Gen blows all your garbage 15.6" shitblets away with ease despite being similarly priced.

>> No.5114838

Has anyone heard of Veikk? They messaged me and offered a free tablet to review on Amazon. I went through with the offer and the tablet is pretty nice.

>> No.5114840

>They messaged me and offered a free tablet to review on Amazon.
How? Do you have a YouTube or something? How do you get tablet companies to approach you?
Also, which tablet was it?

>> No.5114844

It was a screenless tablet. They don’t care if you have a following, they ask anime spam accounts for a review. You can dm them on Twitter to contact them.

>> No.5114848

They asked for an Amazon review and to show the product on your social media

>> No.5114852
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The tablet

>> No.5114853

How does it work? Do they independently ship the product to you, give you money or a coupon so you buy it off Amazon? Also, do you still have to pay customs?

>> No.5114860

They PayPal you money so you can buy it on Amazon. They also include shipping, but I think you have to pay for handling since I had to pay $3

>> No.5114865

What pros recommend Huion and XP Pen?

>> No.5114870
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This is also true of Huion, almost every 'review' is sponsored and then the artist goes back to Wacom or their iPad. I'm not sure why people are pushing it here, maybe out of spite or just trolling but I hope nobody falls for it and wastes their money.

>> No.5114902

I know someone who uses XP-Pens as his daily drivers even though he's wealthy enough to justify a Cintiq Pro:
In case you don't believe me, here's a video where he stands in front of a camera and rants while we see his room. Not a single Wacom in sight:

>> No.5114916

Does the spen feel okay? I'm worried it may be to small, and I prefer a harder tip. I have the note 10, is it similar in feel to that?

>> No.5114937

> i know someone
... points to a youtuber (already a red flag)

> wealthy enough to justify
but apparently not 'skilled enough to justify' since he's got a ton of vids, none of them of him doing art

it's a guy shilling his daily thoughts channel, not even art

>> No.5114944

so CCP is bumping a different brand to shadow drop their botnet installs since xp pen is bombing so hard?

>> No.5115012

How do you draw on a Cintiq without getting your FUCKING bulbous-ass pen in the way everytime you draw something that is small in detail? It's infuriating not being able to see a part of the image I'm drawing because the girth of the pen :(

>> No.5115016

Marc Burnet, and some instagramers like Adamtots and Miyuliart.

Most people don't name their tablets openly unless they're asked.

>> No.5115025
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>Marc Burnet

>> No.5115026

Is Intuos 3 supposed to be slippery, or is mine just old?

>> No.5115040
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Spend ten times more than the average artist and I'm sure your drawing skill will improve.

>> No.5115046
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Troll elsewhere, crab.

>> No.5115049

Shizuka Yamaguchi, a japanese mangaka

>> No.5115058

>it's a guy shilling his daily thoughts channel, not even art
He's one of, if not the most well known Dragon Ball fan animator. Creator of Anime War, Goku vs Saitama, more stuff. While most of his animations make heavy use of tracing, he can still draw if you look at his most recent speedpaints.

>> No.5115074

Probably a little bit of both, the Intuos3's surface isn't artificially toothed. I think the 4 was the first in their line to use a toothed surface (to meet client demand). But monkey-paw, people started noticing their nibs would wear out faster because of rougher surface.

Ultimately, the solution came from the community, tape paper over the surface. You get a toothy surface (what better way to imitate a paper surface than use paper) and it doesn't wear out the nib.

>> No.5115080

Just bought Wacom intuos Small, instead of 3 as you recomended, what am I in for?

also Free Hongkong to block the shills

>> No.5115097

>report shills

It's small, basic, the pen doesn't have an eraser, texture isn't too bad, wireless is a meme, carpal tunnel in your future.


>> No.5115106
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Carpal tunnel can suck my dick

>> No.5115112

I Got the VEIKK A30, it feels pretty good and it's a decent size but I never used it much mostly because I wanted a screen tablet

>> No.5115135

Then you're fine. The only cons are that it's small and has no eraser.
NTA but Burnet uses his Artisst 24 and his Cintiq 16 in collaboration. He's stated it and even done it for a couple videos. He's a big fan of that one even though I feel his review of the smaller one was more positive.

Most impartial reviewer has to be MTR's Lisa.

>> No.5115272

>NTA but Burnet uses his Artisst 24
Nice try you dumbfuck shill. He made it abundantly clear in his Artist 24 review that it won't replace his main tablet, which is a Cintiq 27QHD.

>> No.5115310

Yes. That is what I said. Thank you for repeating me.

Hows the Capitol, Wacommie?

>> No.5115384

I think it feels fine; I don't really have anything to compare it too. this is my first drawing tablet with a monitor

>> No.5115470
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People who form part of their identity in brands need to routed and killed.
Fuck off, /g/ autists.

No laws, no gods, only tools.
typo? I got a Kamvas 16 (same pen as Kamvas 13) and it's a very good pen.
Light, ergonomic shape, no charging needed.
Huion nibs don't wear out nearly as fast as Wacom, I can keep mine in for 1yr+

>> No.5115484

>Huion nibs don't wear out nearly as fast as Wacom, I can keep mine in for 1yr+
Are you comparing Huion nib when using in screen tablet vs Wacom in the same situation, or screenless? Otherwise, it's unfair because according to Aaron Rutten display tablets wear nibs slower.

>> No.5115492

I had an Intuos Small, Huion screenless (idk the name), and now the Kamvas.
The wacom nub weared very fast, within months, kinda annoying.
Never owned a Cintiq tho.

>> No.5115502

Old or new (2021) models?

>> No.5115506

xp pen screen tablet work with linux?

>> No.5115617

Can someone redpill me on the Cintiq or iPad Pro? I use an Intuos Pro L right now and idk if drawing on a screen makes much of a difference. I've got pretty good hand eye coordination so using the tablet normally wasn't that much of an issue. I don't plan on switching anytime soon but I'm wondering if I should eventually

>> No.5115635

If you're productive on the Intuos Pro, you have no reason to ever buy a Cintiq. If anything, it will just raise your electricity bill and give you bad posture.

An iPad Pro could prove a worthwhile investment because it's portable. A lot of artists find themselves surprised by how much they enjoy it simply due to being able to take it anywhere and draw. It also has some exclusive drawing apps like Procreate and ArtStudio Pro, which in many ways are significantly better than anything available on a desktop.
If you ever decide to pick one up, the value option is a used 2nd gen iPad Pro 12.9" on ebay. Plenty in supply and a lot of good deals.

Also, in case he's lurking here, make sure to avoid the chinese shill if he encourages you to buy an XP Pen or a Huion. Absolute waste of money and stupid investment.

>> No.5115661

Thanks for the info, man

>> No.5115669

maybe im cucked but i've had virtually no issues with huion. might try out wacom later though to see if it feels any better or if screenless tablets being better than other screenless tablets is a meme

>> No.5115672

>maybe im cucked but i've had virtually no issues with huion
Same here, my Kamvas Pro 16 works good, only very minor complaints.

>> No.5115703

I think the only major annoying issue I had was buying a 950p second hand, working fine for a long time, and then deciding to stop detecting buttons. I got in contact with my seller and she gave me her amazon purchase code so I could send it to huion support; long story short, I was able to get a replacement and only paid shipping. The day before it came in, the buttons started working again and have stayed that way ever since. I have a tablet just laying around now. Pretty cool.

>> No.5116048

Should I buy Huion H640p? I don't wanna spend more than 40-50 bucks.

>> No.5116173

Which of the three tablets would you go for?

1. WACOM Intuos Draw White

2. WACOM Intuos S Black Bluetooth

3.WACOM Intuos S Black

Sorry for the non-english websites I am currently residing in IK OOK land.

>> No.5116293

overpriced garbage

>> No.5116333

What's a better alternative below 100 euros?

>> No.5116366

Get a 950p, don't cuck yourself with a smaller tablet. It's really worth it to get a medium sized tablet. There's some on ebay within your price range. Don't get carpal tunnel sempai

>> No.5116500

Looking into getting a preowned Ipad Pro 12.9in 2nd gen, but had some questions about acceptable levels of wear and tear- e.g. are small scratches okay? Can I just throw on a screen protector and not worry about it distrubing the drawing process to much? Some things to look out for would be useful- I know stuff like dead pixels are pretty much a no go etc., so physical imperfections are what I'm more curious about.

>> No.5116516
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>> No.5116543


A great, great many tablets. This isnt 2013 anymore, much to wacoms displeasure.

>> No.5116559
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>sponsored review btw

>> No.5116566

then why do most people advise against Huion? even OP says to avoid it

>> No.5116568

Because OP hasn't been paid to say Huion is good.

>> No.5116572

Because they're garbage, so is XP Pen.

If you're on a budget, get an Intuos 3 off Ebay.

>> No.5116581


Has it occurred to you that he hasnt the faintest notion of what he's talking about? Many artists use huion/xp gear.Its also true that many big artists use wacom equipment, since if you can afford it, the cintiq pros are comfortably the best. Other artists also use old, durable wacom tablets because they got them while they started and they last for ages. But so does any tablet if you treat it properly, and wacom were the only option back then.

You could get a second hand one intuos 3 or whatever, but they havent been manufactured in years and their numbers are thinning with each year. You will also have zero support and no warranty.

>> No.5116582

Pretty much the description not any wacom product. Sizes that should be considered standard will run you up to $400 at which point you're just better off buying a game console or putting it toward a computer upgrade.

>> No.5116585

>Many artists use huion/xp gear
Like who?
Name me one industry professional artist who uses chinese crap as their main tablet.

Intuos 3s are built to last. Your chinese garbage is not, it's frail garbage from the start, and still can't draw straight lines properly.

>> No.5116605
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>Name me one
Myself, actually. I use the Kamvas 22 plus at work and a Cintiq 24 pro at home. The cintiq is better, but dollar for dollar the kamvas blows it clean out of the water.

And no, you're not worth me doxxing myself so dont bother. You're lucky I even give you a (you)

>> No.5116617

>Myself, actually
Bahahahahahahaha, how embarrassing Zhang.

>> No.5116736

Pro medium.

>> No.5116745

>buy used cintiq
>breaks within 2 months
>repair is more expensive than what I paid for the whole thing

>> No.5116757

You fell for OP's schizo ramblings, didn't you?
Sell it for scrap metal.
>most people
It's schizo OP samefagging.

>> No.5116767

Pro medium is like 350 euros

>> No.5116795

I have a Gaomon pd1560, the construction is quite cheap and overall, not impressed with the whole package. I recently bought a pen replacement after dropping my old pen a few too many times. I was surprised how good the pen felt! It had a very similar feel to my 7yo intuos 3, both pen response and line quality (with heavy stabilizers on the Gaomon). But, after about a month of use, the pen has severely degraded, back to feeling mushy. I guess all those people who get a review copy of these cheap tablets use it for a little bit where the pen actually doesn't feel that bad and never actually experience just how awful it gets after repeated use.

>> No.5116805

>I have a Gaomon pd1560
When did you get it? Gaomon is so 2017. Get another pen, sell it used to some sucker and use the money plus a bit more for an XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro or Kamvas Pro 16.

>> No.5116845

I just got a galaxy s6 and I'm tung to use krita like i do on the pc but it won't open kra files after I save them

Are there any good android tablet alternatives to krita?

>> No.5116966

Got an S7+ bros should I get a screen protector or will it mess with the drawing experience?

>> No.5116990

You don't need one, the rubber nib provides enough resistance for drawing.

>> No.5117216

>tablet arrives
>single dead pixel
>right at the bottom so it's not on the drawing space in CSP
Do I return it? It's such a fucking hassle.

>> No.5117223

get a glass one if you're worried about scratches
otherwise no

>> No.5117228

What tablet?

>> No.5117256

Huion pens haven't degraded for me. Maybe try that for your next tablet?

>> No.5117277


>> No.5117526
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Reminder: Only losers identify themselves with a brand.
Something OP has been doing for multiple threads

>> No.5117605

Has anyone tried gaming (esp. fast paced FPS like CS:GO) on a tablet? How was it?

>> No.5117618

don't call yourself a loser, xp-shill. it must be boring having to shill your crap on 4chan 14 hours a day.

>> No.5117620

He's recommending tablets from three different brands though (good ones at that).
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.5117696

Rent free. Imagine your shitty workstation is NEEDED for a botnet when they have backbone network equipment all over the world running god know what firmware.
From looks of it, dial is a POS, although accidental touch would be less likely.
A metric shit ton of paired buttons feels good.
10 by 6 working area is alright.
The europoor anon mentioned about 100 Euros top margin for a purchase.
Wacom in this range is simply not viable, not even used ones off eBay.

>> No.5117699

is Intuos Pro L too large ?

>> No.5117710

No, as long as you have the desk space for it. If it's too big for you, you can always limit the active size in the wacom tablet settings.

>> No.5117736

>Wacom in this range is simply not viable, not even used ones off eBay.
Wrong. Old Intuos 3s still outperform all your chinese garbage in drawing performance.

>> No.5117739

That's only because they also outperform all other screenless wacom tablets

>> No.5117839

Krita is unusable anyway. Not that it doesnt work, but the interface reallynisnt meant for the mobile.

Infinite Painter and CSP are based.

>> No.5117936

The app is still usable provided you use a keyboard.
If you try to use it like Procreate with gestures, you won't be productive. If you have all your shortcuts mapped to the keyboard, it's fine, at least for drawing.

>> No.5118160
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Manga Studio 5

>> No.5118227

He's recommending reliable, industry standard tablets while you post memes and shill aliexpress garbage.

>> No.5118230

A 20 years old used intuos 3 is the definition of garbage memes. And its not even good.

>> No.5118231

OP chimps out when someone recommends any desktop drawing tablet that isn't Wacom.

>> No.5118242

how long do s-pen tips last?

>> No.5118284

Mine is still fine it has a tiny little rubbery felt tip and realistically youre working on slick glass additionally lubricated with skin oils so i would give it a couple months.

Inb4 gross wipe your tablet.
I seriously think the Samsung engineers designed it to work best with skin oil on it.

Also the pen itselt is stupidly stiff, crank the pressure curve in csp up. It feels like trying to press hard enough for 100% would either destroy the tip or break the pen in two

>> No.5118346

Huion Kamvas 13 or used Wacom Cintiq 13HD off eBay? They have similar prices.

>> No.5118350

Huion is gonna be better.

>> No.5118381

> From looks of it, dial is a POS, although accidental touch would be less likely.
A metric shit ton of paired buttons feels good.
10 by 6 working area is alright.

I can’t even program the dial, but it’s not like I use buttons anyway. I had a small Wacom draw before and the Veikk tablet feels more like paper and is easier to draw on in general because of the bigger surface.

>> No.5118397

Is 2450 LPI enough?
I only draw on paper and want to buy my first drawing tablet, so I know nothing about them.
Currently I'm looking at a Wacom CTL4100.
I looked at the Intuos 3, but there's a review of it on youtube that's from 11 years ago. I mean, I wouldn't buy a decade old phone or PC, how can it still be "The best budget tablet"?

>> No.5118399

>As for displays, size only matters if you're going up to 22"
Fucking what? By that reasoning I'd be fine doing all my drawing on my Note 8. I do a bunch of drawing on it when I go places because it fits in my pocket, but the Tab S7+ is a way better experience because it's bigger. While I find the S7+ about optimal because I still want it to be portable, more screen space by just about any amount will be a bit more comfy for drawing.

For portability it feels about right, though since it's about sketchbook size.

The S6 Lite seems pretty good, and I'd have considered it more if the S7+ didn't have the bigger screen. The 10 inch screen may not be a deal breaker for folks, and you can certainly make good art on it, but pretending it's not a downside compared to larger screens before the arbitrary point of 22 inches is goofy as fuck.

>> No.5118410

>looking at a Wacom CTL4100
Avoid like plague.

Its a budget pleb tablet designed to suckm not to cannibalize the premium line.
You should get a real intuos 3/4/pro or a Huion

>> No.5118417

Thanks mate. I think I'm gonna go up a little and buy an H1060p for 70 bucks then.

>> No.5118438

Hello! I’m a shit tier artist who has purchased his first tablet, a Goaman 10 pro (no screen). Though the issue im running into is coordinating looking at my laptop screen and moving my hand the way I want to. Any helpful tips I can do to help practice or break the habit of looking at my hand/tablet?

>> No.5118457

Do everyday tasks with your tablet instead of mouse like browsing and stuff to build coordination.

>> No.5118466

Is there any significant difference between the Intuos3 PTZ430/630/930 other than the size?
I don't think i would mind the smallest one, but I have no experience using any tablet.

>> No.5118468

Any other model man.
I know my huions I used and recommended them.

H610 and H1060 are two rehashes of older models. they have a new pen and all new internals BUT they inherited an old plastic enclosure from 10 years ago. They have problems with the plastic quality.

1 HUGE DEAL BREAKR - micro USB. the chinese micros are not to be trusted, my model would regularly disconnect while drawing and that required Photoshop restart every time.
ONLY EVER BUY USB C. especially from China. usb C is designed so well even the cheap chinese ones are reliable, but the chinese misro usb are a plague.

2 the overall quality is meh, the enclosure is flixing and creeking, the buttons are super mushy. they feel like the buttons on a shitty ancient calculators, you can get it pushed it sideways.

Virtually any of the Huions or Xp-Pens is good if they have a Usb-C, that indicates a newer higher quality design.
Consider these.
>Xp-Pen Deco 01v2
>Xp-Pen Deco Pro
>Huion HS611

Either of those is a valid choice, just for the love of dog don't buy micro usb.

>> No.5118484

Don't have a Goaman, but use a screenless tablet.

First off, go the mapping in the settings and make sure it isn't stretching the aspect ratio to fit your screen.

Second, in my opinion, you should try writing sentences and drawing lines with it. Get coordinated to it similar to how people don't draw have to get coordinated to draw a straight line or ellipse.

Also, I orient my tablet so drawing a downward line is straight on the display. A lot of people say to line it up with your screen or desk, but I disagree because you're not drawing on the screen. You're drawing on the tablet. So the goal should be to orient the tablet naturally to your body similar to tilting a piece of paper when writing on it.

And yes, you're supposed to be drawing with your shoulder and elbow. But the fact is that you draw with your wrist a lot more on a screenless tablet so orient it accordingly.

It just comes down to using it a lot. Like I said, write sentences with it, draw lines, try to intersect multiple lines at the same point. Pay attention to where the cursor is. It's not that big of a hurdle, and you'll find there are some things you'll prefer the tablet for.

>> No.5118489

No. I'd get the 630, but I'd really try to find a wide aspect ratio model since most displays are widescreen now. Look up the 631W

>> No.5118510

Why are you comparing it to a phone? Phones and PCs have changed significantly over the past 11 years, Wacom tablets have not.

Either one will be fine unless you play on using tilt. That's only on the Pro.

>> No.5118533

The Intuos3 has tilt. Intuos was the original 'pro' line. The original non-pro line was Graphire.
Sometime after the Intuos5, Wacom decided to get rid of the Graphire name, replace it with Intuos, and add Pro to the original Intuos line.

In short, Intuos1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are 'Pro'.

>> No.5118568

Except that's bullshit, because 3 different brands are recommended in the OP. You're fucking retarded.

>> No.5118581

Yeah, I meant that. The 3 is going to have tilt while the standard Intuos does not.

>> No.5118632

be careful, that's the small one. most artists have a difficult time on a small tablet since using it for long periods of time will promote cramping. Fyi, the physical size is not the same as the sensor size (noob mistake). The sensor size on a small tablet is 6 x 3.5 inches. Before buying that size, I'd recommend cutting out a piece of paper that's 6x3.5 inches and see how you feel about drawing an area that size repeatedly over a long period of time.

The medium is generally considered the best first tablet size. It is much more generous in active area (8.5 x 5.3 inch) while still being portable and relatively affordable.

LPI doesn't really matter, those are just selling points. Some veterans are even saying that tablets are actually too sensitive compared to tablets from 10 years ago, having to spend more time calibrating stylus and/or causing un-necessary hand strain or some.

>> No.5118641

Op is a piece of political shit with 80 iq.

>buy wacom buy wacom fuck china
>dude its still made in china
> oh shit buy used buy usedonly buy used wacom or ipad 2 because they dont profit from resale (he actually said that)

Im not even gonna argue that resalability inflates the initial price because he's a literal 80iq retard but if you pay attention he recommends ONLY buying used OR Samsung made in Vietnam.

>> No.5118643

Just ordered a galaxy tab s7+
Can anybody please recommend me some good cases to protect it?

>> No.5118651

don't get the 430, it's not worth it. The sensor size is tiny and you lose a whole side of express keys. The 630 is the smallest anyone should go.

Fyi, the express keys on the medium and large tablets work independent of each other so the left bank keys can do something different from the right.

Another pro-tip, the touch strips can be set to stylus-only. I though that feature was stupid at first and totally forgot about it. I spent a year getting frustrated because I would accidentally hitting the slides with my pinky whenever I would hit certain express keys.

>> No.5118683

I use the Samsung magnetic book cover. It sexy, slips on and is actually stiff enough to hold it for drawing like an easel.

It was expensive but its solid and has none of the cheap silicone jank, probably holds up stiffer than an aliexpress case too

>> No.5118694

> shit tier
have you taken life/live drawing classes yet?

I've noticed artists who have taken at least a course or two in life-drawing attune to a graphic tablet much easier. Aside from the general skill/confidence to draw the same subject in a room full of artists, part of the exercise encourages drawing without looking at the paper/canvas. When you are forming outlines initially, experienced artists will be looking at the subject not their pads because they are trying to capture as much of the current pose as possible before the subject switches to a new pose (details are filled in later).

>> No.5118738

>fuck china
Worked a good time in an electronics firm that had chinese suppliers, unless the company is based somewhere else and cares about their china branch it all turns to shit.
Shitty material, sloppy craftsmanship, treat workers like dogs...and the chinese managers there try to cheat you out of every penny.
Fuck those people

>> No.5118845

spigen rugged/tough armor
poetic revolution

>> No.5118853

XP-PEN Deco 01 V2 then, thanks, you saved me 20 bucks

>> No.5118857

Maybe this is a dumb but are there any American or non-asian graphics tablet companies? Ideally ones who dont have their factories in china but that's impossible. I don't want to support the CCP in any way and will always buy from elsewhere if I can.

>> No.5118887

buy a used wacom tablet, CCP gets no money and you don't have to worry about chinko backdoors being installed in your firmware updates

> inb4 xp-shill starts spergging out

>> No.5118932
File: 526 KB, 1302x1076, SmartSelect_20210108-174842_Firefox Nightly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got this, and it's pretty good. Nothing fancy, but it can close over the screen, prop it up while open, and it's got protection on all 4 corners.

>> No.5119236 [DELETED] 

hey /dtg/ where the fuck do I get drivers for Wacom PTH860?
the link https://www.wacom.com/services/wacom/get-download-url.aspx?plat=win&dver=6.3.20-2&dt=drivers&redirect=true%C2%A0 is dead

>> No.5119315


>> No.5119654

That's how I'd set it

Pair one: cycle between brushes
Pair two: cycle between layers
Pair three: Rotate canvas left/right
Pair four: Brush size bigger/smaller
Pair five: Brush opacity up/down
Pair six: undo/redo
Leave dial for scroll.
Grind it Peter Han's way, or buy a screen one. Either way you'll have to grind it.
So far only you acting like a sperging out shill.
A good tip, I might give it a go.

>> No.5119761

I haven't heard that word in along time, now I remember using them during y2k era at work.

>> No.5119791

Any review is "sponsored" if the tablet was sent by the company. Not that it fucking matters. The dude could (and did) outright claim he isnt getting compensation and the schizo would say he's lying. Not because he believes he's lying or not, but because he has to, otherwise his position falls apart. Similar to >>5116585
Where he asks for a list of pros who use chink tablets, it does not matter who you list, because you're submitting names to a No True Scotsman filter who will say if theyre using chink tablets, they arent pros.

>> No.5119795

Any tool I can calibrate my monitor and drawing display so they show the same shit?
My drawing displays colors feels kinda off and different from my monitor
I try to play around it fixed it a bit but still has a different look to it.

>> No.5119811

sorry, no tools i've heard of, most people just eye-ball it ... but the dirty little secret in the tablet community is that display tablets are inherently inaccurate anway. especially with the cheap tablets where you're basically left to hoping that the manufacturer made settings like temperature available in the on-screen menu.

>> No.5119818
File: 90 KB, 1120x572, Datacolor_SpyderX_Box_Elite_WithProduct-Compressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a spyderx elite. It sits on your monitor and physically detects the colour output and calibrates it. The elite model comes with an option in the software for studio match, so after you calibrate your main display, it saves the profile and then it will fiddle with your other displays to get them to match it as closely as possible

>> No.5119832

I remember buying a spyder express then torrenting the elite software version so I can use it for multiple monitors and it worked, but that was more than a decade ago. I doubt the process will work for the new versions today.

>> No.5120415

Thanks guy.
I think I'm currently somewhere between picking the spigen rugged and infiland. The spigen doesn't have many reviews on amazon, but looks closer to what I had in mind.
Was also kinda looking at poetic and braecn, but I'm not sure about silicone cases.
My main goal is to keep the tablet safe in case any accidents happen, second would be other functionality such as propping it up, and third would be looks, the poetic case for example seems kinda ugly, but if it's super protective I'd deal with it. Bonus if they also protect the pen.

>> No.5120416


>> No.5120429

Picked up a Wacom 16, it’s arriving soon and I’m excited. Been using an IPad Pro for years now, which I absolutely love but I was looking to have a professional desktop workspace

I haven’t bought photoshop for quite a few years- is the £10 per month photography bundle including all of the features a pro artist needs or is it a gimped version?

>> No.5120471

Art gloves- a meme or handy?
I’m super autistic about getting sweat marks on my screen and it’s taken a long time for me to just relax and accept it’s going to happen

>> No.5120496

For a screen, they might be more useful, especially if they help keep it cleaner, but for the most part I don't use mine with my screen-less tablet. My hands don't really get sweaty though, unless I'm drawing for several nonstop hours at a time. I would say it depends on how sweaty your hands get.

>> No.5120544

CSP is better bang for your buck and used professionally, but Liquify is a crutch for many so PS is still viable to them.
It's more for actual autists who have issues with the sensation of dragging their hand across the screen and hearing the noise that makes. Not required, not really a meme but comfy.

>> No.5120607

>paying for software
>in 2021
Put on your eyepatch.

>> No.5120642

I use gloves with my screen tablet because it's easier and more comfortable to slide my hand, plus they look sexy.

>> No.5120896

The tablets and their coatings are designed to work with sking grease on it.

If you wipe it with alcohol it feels worse to draw on until you touch it sufficiently for proper lubrication/

>> No.5120930

the photo bundle is the full version of photoshop and lightroom, its just part of their cloud service. If you can afford it, its actually pretty sweet. But if you have to ask, i’m not sure if you’re really going to understand all the features.
Affinity photo is a good non-subscription photo editor. I’ve been using them for about 3 years now. Bit of a learning curve but not really an issue for me. Gimp is also a viable solution, it’s free and they recently went through a major re-haul. I still dont feel its enough to completely replace a paid software in a irl working environment BUT its also free and does have some neat features and worth a look for hobbyists.

CSP isnt a photo editor, PS and CSP are two different tools designed to do different things. There isnt an equivalency for comparison.

>> No.5120939

unless you come from a painting background and have the muscle and posture for using a brush while elevated (hand not on paper/canvas) a glove is a necessity. otherwise you’ll be dragging and catching your palm, or trying to hoverhand which will cause fatigue in your fore-arms.

>> No.5121090

anyone know what kind of gpu and cpu is effective for digital art? I already have my intuos pro drawing tablet, I'm trying to upgrade pc hardware or get a prebuilt desktop to effectively run CSP and other art applications.

>> No.5121098

Drawing programs aren't very intensive, a decent (quad-core at least) i3 and integrated graphics/entry-tier GPU like an RX 470 along with 8GB of RAM (I recommend 16).
I noticed no increase in performance in Photoshop when I upgraded from an Athlon x4 860k and 16GB-DDR3 to R5 3600 and 32GB-DDR4 yesterday.

>> No.5121105

For CSP youll need high single core frequencies, its a singlethreaded software. Even then its still going to lag hard with large brushes on a moderately large canvas.

>> No.5121108

it depends on what programs you'll be using but i5 and 15gb of ram is the modern baseline. if you are doing 3d like zbrush and blender you'll want to take a look at their min reqs when it comes to video cards which will probably add ~$300-500 to your budget.

>> No.5121141

this >>5121105
CSP doesn't make use of the GPU since hardware rendering hasn't been implemented yet

>> No.5121188

my specs are like this:
i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz w/ 8gb ram
I saw on YT in a artist spotlight, of which their hardware ran like 3.5 ghz or something for cpu. i'm not a tech guy.
when I want to use CSP i can't really work on large canvases or use large brushes that have detail or it will lag or freeze, or even "wait to respond". relatively a large canvas for me is like 3000px~ or anything with 600dpi in the 1080px~ range.

>> No.5121207

i have used everything from cintiq 21ux to lenovo 2in1 with an i7 and 16 gigs of ram to a cintiq pro 16 to a cintiq one to an intuos 3 4 5 also newest intuos pro small with bluetooth. the pc i used the tablets with is a 2018 macbook pro.

i have looked so hard to find the best art device. when i owned the 21ux back in 2008 i was so ashamed of how expensive it was and i was worried someone was going to steal it. it had tons of flaws. too big and heavy. terrible screen. too many connectors. art people dont have steady places to live and hook this monster up just to work on art. then i went back to intuos for a long time. they are bullet proof. they have a great feel. but not looking at your hand as you draw is retarded. i can paint well like this if I have a great screen but i almost never had a great screen. also the older versions were too big to put in your bag and carry with a laptop. they are too heavy and you are never able to draw correctly with these things. they always have the wrong connector, then i got the intuos small with blue tooth and i thought it was the perfect art device. it is a great digitizer. it works well with the mbp because it has usb c so no extra cables. it is also very small so it fits on a starbucks table with your laptop perfectly. between intuos variations i tried different cintiqs and 2 in ones as the technology changed. the 2in1s have shit digitizers and even the i7s lag in photoshop. they always have terrible screens. they are unusable. the cintiqs have shitty dim screens and you can see what you are doing because rotating and zooming is hard. then i got an ipad pro with a usb c port and all is right with the world. i haven't touched my macbook or intuos or photoshop since. i bought a google one account with 200 gigs of storage and all is right with the world. after using it forever i hate photoshop. it is a piece of shit. it is like a messy room. stuff is hiding everywhere. procreate gets rid of all the shit. it is perfect.

>> No.5121213

not true. i have owned 2 different 2 in ones with 16 gigs of ram. one had i7 the other had an i5 and they both were unusable with photoshop. they lagged mercilessly and the pen tool never worked correctly.

>> No.5121225

>i bought a google one account

>> No.5121227

god using that cintiq is going to suck after using procreate for so long. the screen is utter crap. it is too dim. not being able to see your work accurately is a stop error. also not being able to pinch and zoom as you draw is going to suck. save your receipt.

>> No.5121235

why dat retarded? being able to upload my work to da cloud and download to my ipad is coo. prove me wrong. the only thing i hate is some of my psd files have too many layers and i cant open them in procreate without flattening them.

>> No.5121238

You're paying google for storage, you're a fucking moron.
Anyone with half a brain knows how to set up their own network storage.

>> No.5121240

Slight off topic:
I have Dualshock 4 kicking around, and I want to give it a go as a poor man's tabmate.
What's the software to setup the bindings?

>> No.5121241

nigger im homeless. can you show me how to set it up at starbux in the attic?

>> No.5121245

afaik OneDrive offers more for less. Actual office suite, Skype calling and couple terabytes for 10CAD/months sounds like a better deal than Google One bs

>> No.5121253

it is only for a month. i have all my shit on external ssds and it is far more practical. I am gonna go through and flatten copies of my shit to use with procreate. angerie nerd has convinced me. fuck google.

>> No.5121268

They probably had shitty low-power laptop versions (likely U-appended) that were nothing like real desktop i5s and i7s.

>> No.5121269

> 2-in-1
> photoshop

lemme guess, you tried drawing something on a 40000x60000 px canvas because you saw your favorite artist do it on youtube -_-

he's a beg, he doesn't need a l33t gaming rig to draw shitty circles for 6 months. and by the time he's good enough, he should be getting paid and can upgrade in 2 years when you can get the equivalent pc for $500.

>> No.5121282

Since you've used a lot of wacoms, have you ever used any chinese tablet brands?

>> No.5121283

i use joy2key

>> No.5121291

>i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz w/ 8gb ram
Avoid any U brand CPU like the plague.
If you're buying a laptop, buy a gaming one, those are tuned for power instead of saving.

>> No.5121294

12 by 12 at 350 dpi. the main downside is how shit the pen tech ms uses is. they all of their slates are unusable. show me some of your drawing work nigger or stfu.

>> No.5121303

yep, knew you'd try to shill, zhang.

>> No.5121308

nah i stuck with wacom. from what i read all the knockoff brands have jittery pen lines.

>> No.5121824
File: 95 KB, 466x420, 1609973068057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I buy, /ic/?
>the max I'm willing to spend is ~$300
>I live in the U.S, not stating anywhere specific since that doesn't really matter
>has to be a display tablet. The one I own now is garbage chugoku shit that doesn't have a screen and can't stay plugged in for more than 5 minutes (Huion H420)
>anything around 14 × 11 or slightly bigger/smaller would be great
>I'd also like a screen that isn't too glassy/slippery, but also doesn't feel like drawing on sandpaper

>> No.5121858

Used iPad Pro 1st/2nd gen off Ebay.
Put a matte screen protector on it.

>> No.5121964
File: 35 KB, 1000x666, 51hdwVr7ZCL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the best arm to buy for the 24" pro? Could I get a link?

>> No.5121975

i dont know what is wrong with XP-Pen but im using the star03 v2 which s a budget tablet and i've had no problems at all after more than a year of use. are you guys shilling for wacom and their overpriced shit? Huion is also good

>> No.5121996

omg i tried to cancel a year of google one and they wont refund me for the 11 months i didnt use. how is it even legal?

>> No.5121999

Call up and complain.


>> No.5122002

get a used ipad. even the regular ipad is better than 99 percent of cintiqs and cintiq knockoffs.

>> No.5122004

lol sploosh

>> No.5122020
File: 90 KB, 900x1600, arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ergotron LX holds it fine. Ive heard the amazon basics arm works as well

They work fine. Far better value for money than wacoms screenless. 10% performance increase is not worth being 7 times the price.

>> No.5122141

Is there a reason to why people do not pirate CSP? genuinely dont understand why people list “expensive” as a con for CSP

>> No.5122188

I pirated it for years then bought it when I could.

>> No.5122214 [DELETED] 

There's a cross-border from /g/ who keeps getting banned for spam and ban evasion who started these threads. But he monitors them so he can come and scream about how Wacoms the best, even when us Wacom users know it's not for everyone.
He'll post a web as "proof" but he's never drawn and no.one believes he even owns a tablet. He's just some poor American shill who never got that government check.

>> No.5122224

beta male

>> No.5122291
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>> No.5122301

Got myself that one cheap Huion tablet that goes for like 30 bucks on sale (Inspiroy?), aka the Mayflash stick of tablets. I'll get me a Wacom or something fancier only when I actually improve with this shit.

>> No.5122329

>I bought this kids bike with training wheels and I'll only upgrade to a big one once I get good
I quit drawing for years because I got a tiny ass bamboo tablet

>> No.5122351

Second part wrong, that would require y chromosome.

>> No.5122357

>I quit drawing for years because I got a tiny ass bamboo tablet

I bought a 60$ H610p when it was the best Huion had to offer, learned to draw, got paid, and decided to keep it because i'm good.

Although there are people stupid enough to buy small and got burned. I hope this guy >>5122301 isn't that

>> No.5122362

Wanting to buy my first tablet
I'd hate to settle on something and then be like meh
I was in the previous thread talking about an XP Penn 22 in, you guys talked me out of it, and now I'm eyeballing the XP Pen 15.6 Artist Pro.
I have like $500.00 & Amazon Prime
either that or fucking buy crypto
I'd really rather be drawing though
it gives me more peace.
get the 15.6 artist pro?
pls help

>> No.5122363

>most people
You are not fooling anyone

>> No.5122366

> samefagging
also I like the size of the 22-in because I'm a big dude
tall not fat

>> No.5122374

I think 15.6 is the right size to put it right in your face, 22 is still 1080p so you would be staring up close at bigger pixels.

>> No.5122408

loonix drivers okay?
I have an XP Pen drawing pad (no screen and I forget the model number) that I got for like $50.00 from amazon, but drawing onto the actual drawing is important to me

>> No.5122453

On loonix you'd need to set up Digimend, tweak xinput transformation matrix, and hook it up to the wacom utility.

If you're ok with that it's gonna work like a dream, if you're not then what the fuck are you doing with linux?

The Xp-Pen driver technically exists but it's not really functional, it only runs as long as the window is open and it can't collapse into the tray.

>> No.5122528

you'll never be a woman

>> No.5122536

all i have to do for the drawpad is run this driver before I start the drawing program
its all fine

>> No.5122542

>Huion is also good
Yeah. My dad likes the HS611 I bought for him.
Artist 15.6 Pro should be good, even though it has reported initial activation issues (more initial force than expected) since it'll be your first tablet it won't be much of a bother than if you were coming up from a Wacom.
I like the 15.6 size factor, my Kamvas Pro 16 fits nicely on my desk next to my main monitor and looks nice when off but it's still very comfortable size to draw on.

>> No.5122576

AFAIK the driver doesn't even support tilt.
And IMO needing to keep the window open just feels super fucking jank.

I prefer when shit just runs in the background all the time.

>> No.5122686


>> No.5122709

Pressure sensativity?

>> No.5122712

Might want correct the doctor that delivered me then.

>> No.5122713


It doesn't detect tilt and there's no pressure variability, but it detects 100% pressure when i press or 0 when i don't.

>> No.5122764

>Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Where's the link to this webm?
I want to upgrade to a screen tablet, but not sure about the big ones. I worry about making a huge purchase and not getting much out of it. I currently use the smallest wacom bamboo available.
Is that wacom 16in one of an acceptable build quality? What's the difference in use between a 16in and the 22in?

>> No.5122775

>Avoid Lenovo - Bad drawing performance.
Is that really true?

>> No.5122779

is WACOM One (Medium) any good for beginner?

>> No.5122781

Also, any screen tablet users with heavy use of keyboard shortcuts? Is it awkward to use your computer keyboard to flip canvas, swap brush transparency, etc. while drawing? Thoughts about those aspects of workflow?

>> No.5122784


>> No.5122794

damn so a nigga really gots to get that Intuos 3 shit used then huh?

>> No.5122798

> drawpad
> XP Pen Star03_B
> .Pentablet_Driver V 1.2.11
(pic related)
> the driver doesn't even support tilt.
I PREFER to use Linux, but I can dual boot to Windows if I want to.
I have 2 separate physical drives, both SSDs
I just prefer Linux
> still very comfortable size to draw on.
do you use it on your lap at all?

>> No.5122813

>do you use it on your lap at all?
No. Even if it fit comfortably I would still be too paranoid about dropping it to try.

>> No.5122815

Again, no. Just because the OP recommends it doesnt mean its true. Thats why he desperately tries to host the thread each time, so he gets a false image of authority. If you do a lick of research youll find the chink alternatives offer far more value.

>> No.5122816

I just got one and decent, havent had any problems, finally upgraded from my intuos 3.

>> No.5122827

>damn so a nigga really gots to get that Intuos 3 shit used then huh?

Look dude the new ((((intuos)))) and One line isn't the real intuos, it's a rebrand of bamboo as opposed to Intuos Pro.
And Bamboo is a shitty children's toy carefully designed to suck huge dicks and not compete with their expensive professional offerings.

You can get any of the real intuos tablets, old one or a new Pro or you might get a Huion / Xp-Pen just avoid the budget Wacoms.

>> No.5122828

It's one of the worst display tablets you can get.

If your bugedt is before 500 get something from XP or Huion, if it's over Get a Cintiq.
The one is also kinda small but there are women hiding on this board so I figure some of them might be considering it.

>> No.5122834

I think he's talking about the rebranded bamboos that wacom is selling as One

>> No.5122841

Got it, i think i will get a used Wacom Intuos 3 (broke nigga budget) as most of the people I have seen that seem trustworthy recommend it for a budget option.
Whenever I look up the Chinese stuff all I get is people with sketchy reviews (Im sure most of you have seen this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twy5Wo8m284)) and product owners who are complaining. (Check out any of the chinese tablets review pages). And frankly I dont want to deal with that, I just want something reliable and simple.

>> No.5122842

Any idea if this is true?
The one I plan on buying has:
>Processor: Intel Core i5-9300HF
>RAM: 16 GB
>Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
Does the problem lays somewhere else?

>> No.5122846

cool, be sure to remove the pubes and the cum stains of the previous owner before using it

>> No.5122849

>implying you arent in contact with shit like that on the daily
I never wash my hands just for people like you

>> No.5122853

The webm he posts is always the same with cherrypicked examples with pens that got damaged during shipping. While the chink tablets do have a little bit of jitter, it's easily smashed by like 5% of smoothing in Photoshop.
>Is it awkward to use your computer keyboard to flip canvas, swap brush transparency, etc. while drawing
For me, yes. I mapped the vast majority of shortcuts to the express keys on my tablet, but there are a few that I had to exclude because I didn't have enough of them. If you're getting a tablet without keys you can still pick up an XP-Pen shortcut remote which sells for $35, much more affordable than Wacom's.
You usually cum and rub your balls on your tablet?

>> No.5122857

>I PREFER to use Linux, but I can dual boot to Windows if I want to.
>I have 2 separate physical drives, both SSDs
>I just prefer Linux

You will have a better time if you set up DIGIMEND rather than using theirs pentablet drivers

>> No.5122858

>express keys
This sounds the most convenient, what are the most rec'd tablets with them

>> No.5122868


It's poor in the sense that the pen sucks dick. It's not good for drawing.

>> No.5122872

Oh no, I will be using it as a normal laptop with a plugged in tablet.
Is it okay in that regard?

>> No.5122873

I hate that, cause that one's not awful since it's screenless.

>> No.5122874

Your loss and your money, go for it. Dont bitch if you get shitty drivers and support. Rutten (whos opinion largely should be disregarded out of principle considering his shill levels) only addressed their shitty business tactics regarding tablet reviewers, not the raw capability of the tablets. When he does review non wacom shit, you can literally feel the petty bias as he picks on stupid bullshit like >"it doesnt "feel" high quality

>> No.5122879
File: 78 KB, 804x845, Screenshot_2021-01-10_13-32-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not in my repos
> MXLinux - Debian
link pls
Digimend doesn't seem to support it (pic related) and https://digimend.github.io/tablets/XP-Pen_Artist_15.6_Pro/

>> No.5122887
File: 127 KB, 1050x758, Screenshot_2021-01-10_13-37-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> samefagging again
These guys seem to be saying two different things here
in article and in the comments
article says no tilt available, while in the comments (pic related) it says tilt is available via github

>> No.5122894

>Digimend doesn't seem to support it
Probably didn't update the list correctly or something.
>Github? link pls
Why can't you google it yourself?

Here's a video on how to set up

>> No.5122896

It's what I did a couple months ago and I couldn't be happier with it. Got it after my Huion Kamvas Pro 13 shit the bed and the support was non existent.

>> No.5122902

That's good to know anon, sometimes it's hard to browse this thread due to the amount of gaslighting going on, a lot of the things I read here about Chinese stuff contradicts what product owners say in the review websites, which is similar to what you're describing.

>> No.5122913

I did
$ make
$ sudo make install

on the tilt
and the master
for the artist pro
I mean,
its good to have these driver links in here for others anyway

>> No.5122916
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> ______________
wtf why not?

>> No.5122920

I have PTSD from losing 3 phones that way.
XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro or Huion Kamvas Pro 16 if like me you couldn't get the XP-Pen at a reasonable price. If for some reason you can get neither the Veikk VK1560 Pro is selling for almost $400 on eBay by the official user, although you're losing some features like tilt and lamination (but the parallax doesn't look noticeable in reviews)
Yes, as long as you buy a Lenovo without integrated drawing hardware so you don't waste your money there. But if you're getting a laptop for drawing, get a gaming one so it has good hardware to handle drawing programs.
>a lot of the things I read here about Chinese stuff contradicts what product owners say in the review websites
My Kamvas Pro 16 works good, although it arrived a week ago so I'll see how it holds up over time.

>> No.5122923

it's fine
how much does it cost tho? it's possible you're able to get a 10th gen i5 or a ryzen 4600h legion 5 for the same price

>> No.5122927

>get a gaming one so it has good hardware to handle drawing programs.
Yeah it's advertised as a gaming laptop
It's going to cost me around 900 euros, not sure if overpaying.

>> No.5122928

> I have PTSD from losing 3 phones that way.
like a galaxy note 3? lel

>> No.5122931

No, regular smartphones from dropping them at various places.

>> No.5123016

>get the book cover case for my s7+ a few weeks ago
>move it to get comfy in the livingroom the other day
>fucking thing slides right off the magnet back and the edge of my tablet just had to slam right into the corner of my thick ass table
>now there are multiple cracks on one side of my sceen.
God im so fucking pissed.
It wasnt even a long drop and I wasnt whipping the thing around or anything damn thing just slid off.
Cases that soley rely on magnets are dumb.
I just hope my warrenty with amazon covers fixing the screen.
Im also kinda worried they are gonna fuck something else up with it if I give it to them to repair, anyone here have any experience with amazons warrenty's/ repair policy?

>> No.5123025

> want_to_but_the_xp-pen_15.6_Artist_Pro_and_I_run_linux_fag here
should I just get the fucking thing and get off the fence about this?
actually unsure

>> No.5123057

We just had a conversation about digimend and linux like 10 posts ago, just scroll up.

>> No.5123061

Works for me, but I'm careful with the thing.

i like being able to pop it off when i need to.

>> No.5123069

Are there any notable drawing differences between a S7+ and a used ipad pro besides the apps?

>> No.5123085

yes I know I was part of it

>> No.5123092

I have an integrated lenovo with the active pen 2 and it's been working fine for me.
Why is the pen bad compared to other pens?

>> No.5123102

jumpy pressure and jagged diagonal lines.

>> No.5123142
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, chinesetabs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where's the link to this webm?
Right here bro.

Zhang has already tried to damage control by insisting all 3 of these models suffered "shipping damage", but I trust you're smart enough to see through that laughable bs.

Chinese tablets are ass.

>> No.5123146

It's fine, although a used iPad is better.
Pay no attention to Zhang here: >>5122828
He's just desperate to sell you Huions or XP Pens.

>> No.5123160

thats the 22-inch, right?
I'm going to get the 15.6

>> No.5123165

What makes you think display size matters? They use the same digitizer, the same garbage pen.
All of Huion, XP-Pen, Gaomon and every other chinese tablet use the same cheap pen digitizer with the same line wobble and pressure issues.

>> No.5123185

Those are cherry picked samples. I own a 22 inch kamvas and a cintiq 24 pro >>5116605
And the kamvas just feels like it has a slight stabilizer built into the pen. Its a difference but its minor, it definitely wont alter your productivity. The schizo has been posting that tired webm for months now. Wanna know why
Is packed to the brim of technical complaints despite wacom being all about quality and reliability? Because tech is inherently unreliable, thats why.

>> No.5123277

>Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite - Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech.
what software do you use on the S6 lite? I am using krita for android because that's what i use on desktop, but the input is kinda janky. the s pen button only works when the pen is on the screen and krita doesn't detect the pen moving unless the pen is on the screen. it's definitely a less than good experience.

i'm not super upset with it since this is a passable portable drawing tablet for like sketching ideas, but i would never use this if i had the choice of my desktop.

>> No.5123284

Infinite painter and CSP are the two best programs on android.

CSP is subscription though, but hey, it's really good.
Infinite painter has a trial and costs 15$ or so to unlock all of the features permanently.

>> No.5123287

That's not the normal performance anyway, the reviewer fucked up or is just terrible.

>> No.5123292

>CSP is subscription though, but hey, it's really good.
even if you purchased CSP for desktop?

>> No.5123295


>> No.5123310

>i like being able to pop it off when i need to.

What are you doing with your tablet that needs you to easly remove the case? Its not like there is anything you can do on the back besides hold the pen and that already has an opening on the case anyway.

>> No.5123321

>if you have the money you should get a Cintiq

i thought Cintiqs were by Wacom?
Well, shit. No Cintiqs then.

>> No.5123328

We should really have a rule of posting either your work or your actual tablet if you plan on responding to an anon asking for help. Because Mr. Ruttens dick sucker has been spamming them so frequently with no resume of art to show he even knows what he's talking about.

>> No.5123381
File: 25 KB, 150x150, mai-hed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the XP Pen 22-in and 15.6-in Artist Pro really do have different pens.
srsly. :|

>> No.5123422

The chinks all have multiple generations of refreshes, there's artist 22, 22E and 22R the R is the latest, and the only one worth getting now.

With 16s the latest one is Artist 15.6 Pro.

>> No.5123598

The 22 is the old model so it should have the rechargeable pen. The 15's is more recent.

Honestly loved the hexpen they had for a minute. Super fucking comfy and the damn buttons didn't just out the side to accidentally press.

Wacom makes a pen that works pressure wise with an XP, I'd be set for life, honestly.

>> No.5123723

Nope, it's the same crap. The 24Pro(in the webm) is a more recent and expensive tablet, same shitty drawing performance.

>> No.5123753

> XP-Pen 15.6 Artist Pro
fuck it then
Not ordering the fucking tablet
I'll just fucking save my money for a rifle and forget about being creative.
I was serious about getting a drawing tablet, but not anymore.
I just wanted to know if it was any good and worth the $400.00 that I WAS going to spend on it, seeing that it would have been my first real drawing tablet.

>> No.5123756

You don't need a screen tablet to be your first drawing tablet.
Just get an Intuos 3 off Ebay for $50. There are plenty of amazing artists who still use one, because it's extremely reliable.

>> No.5123758

Fuck it.
I'm out

>> No.5123760

How do I get drawn naked by a cute art girl /ic/?

>> No.5123788

Don't let the schizo discourage from expressing yourself digitally with cherrypicked clips in a webm, at least buy a Kamvas Pro 16.
Check out all the reviews, even if they're sponsored, they can't change the laws of physics.

>> No.5123887

>Check out all the reviews
Yes, check out all the paid shill reviews, that'll convince you!

>> No.5123899

Look John, your clips are from reviews. As I stated in my post, even if they're shill, they can't twist the laws of physics to make the tablets look better than they actually are.

>> No.5123987

Is there any screen tablet besides Wacom's ones that has touch gestures?

This is my main gripe why I don't try chink ones so far

>> No.5124048

Get a used iPad Pro.

>> No.5124056

>Used Cintiq 22HD - The only worthwhile large display tablet
Can we update this for people who aren't hopelessly poor? The 24 is better in every single way and while ~$3K is a lot of money, it's not that hard to save up for

>> No.5124069

Bosto 16HDT, S7, ipad.
Please read the thread, we have a paid Wacom shill who makes the OP. You want real suggestions, lrn2google.

No one's allowed to give impartial suggestions without being called Asian

>> No.5124193

>we have a paid Wacom shill who makes the OP.
Yes, I'm sure Wacom are paying him to shill used tablets they don't make any money from. retard

>> No.5124288

Question, does cintiq 22hd use pro pen 2?

>> No.5124301

But let me guess. Nono, let me guess.

If someone here recommended used chink tablets, theyd still be a shill, right?

Thought so.

>> No.5124316

cintiq 22hd comes with the grip pen. pro pen 2 won't work with it. Airbrush, Art Pen, Classic Pen, Pro Pen 1 are compatible tho.

>> No.5124335

>skiing grease

That's why you see skiers wipe their skis on their noses before competition

>> No.5124336

Gimp is great. It has all the main features that other software has, it just gets them with a 35 year delay. But "it's much better than photoshop / CSP because it's FREE and it's IMPROVING"

>> No.5124339

> a glove is a necessity. otherwise you’ll be dragging and catching your palm
What's wrong with you man? I've drawn without a glove on tablets and screens for decades and never had any issues.

>> No.5124341

Why can't apple users type or format their text?

>> No.5124342

>pirate CSP?
It's $25 you creepo

>> No.5124344

>Second part wrong, that would require y chromosome.
Wow, "intelligent" one-liner american woman detected

>> No.5124345

chinese shill clearly doesn't even draw, the shit you're writing

>> No.5124347

Imagine having a grandfather whose only life skill ever was to avoid typing difficult words like 'recommended'... oh wait, that's not going to even happen so not relevant

>> No.5124349

Magnets are horrible, I'd never trust one to hold even the pen on a device.

I have a surface pro and I'm going to definitely go for the S7+ as my next device for the better digitiser, however I will sorely miss the physical stand that the surface pro has. I can't even imagine how much worse it will be to have to prop the tablet up with some kind of horrible magnet case thing that probably doesn't even allow the angle to be adjusted freely.

Are there cases that physically latch onto the S7+ and have a really firm folding prop that you can use at any angle?

>> No.5124350

>got damaged during shipping.
You a mind reader or what? How do you know they got damaged during shipping instead of dropping to the floor or being otherwise damaged?

>> No.5124472
File: 313 KB, 500x550, 1609784362250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about picking up an intuos3 6x8" for 30 jewroos.
Is the aspect ratio a problem?
Do you usually map the whole screen to the drawing tablet?

>> No.5124503

There's a setting to map the tablet to your monitors aspect ratio. "Force Proportions" If you don't enable it, when you draw a circle it will come out warped. You end up losing some of the tablets drawing surface tho. FZD and other digital artists recommend forcing the proportions.

>> No.5124506


>> No.5124527

kek not him but ive never seen anyone recommended used chink tablets, or at least they would be a small minority, its always new
and why would they? these tablets are dirt cheap (for a reason)
imagine how shit these used tablets must be.
I used to ridicule people who claim others are shills because in my mind: why would anyone shill on this shitty low traffic board? turns out I was the idiot all along, people pushing for Chinese shit without even pointing out negatives cant not be shills.

>> No.5124532


>> No.5124537

Yeah, I'm just wondering if everyone is mapping the full display to the tablet (meaning you lose a fair bit of work area on the 4:3 tablet) or if anyone is using it in another way, mapping only some of the screen to the tablet.

>> No.5124557

Your initial thought was correct, no ones a shill here. Thats why we call him a schizo etc, its all imaginary. Plenty of negatives have been listed in these threads, primarily faulty shitty USB connectors.

If youre going for a screenless, you have two options (IF you view this from a political perspective), chinese or non chinese (but still made there). The non chinese aka wacom ones cost an absolute fortune, relative to competition, and the reason is brand value, not product value. Wacoms built its entire company on premium pricing from their monopoly days, so they cant just pursue cost leadership. They HAVE to go down the brand value route.

So yes, if you want to give genuine advice to people (assuming that saving money is a good metric of a rational purchase), you have to endorse chinese tablets, because those are the only other options. That doesnt make you a shill.

>> No.5124609

third party cases with strong magnets for sleep/wake function might damage some parts of the screen where the magnets always are in contact with, long term use. the damaged area won't respond to the pen and will require screen replacement. at least thats what I have read with older samsung tablets/phones with pens.
I already bought a 3rd party case with cover that I didn't know had sleep wake function until I read on this and plan to remove the magnets with a cutter but I currently use another a lighter silicon case without cover most of the time.

>> No.5124615

Are you sure?

>> No.5124619

Lost another sale, eh Zhang?

>> No.5124622
File: 245 KB, 1129x906, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you "need" more

>> No.5124625

New thread:



>> No.5124636

nah I'm just joking ;)

>> No.5124656

where are the magnets specifically located? both cover and back? you can hover the spen to detect them.

>> No.5124659

Ok, the laptop I currently use is the only one at my disposal at this time, since uni (5 years ago), its an ultrabook-type.
I plan to upgrade to a laptop or desktop, and I will definitely avoid U brand for sure. I like using CSP EX, and I thought about getting an iPad but I wouldn't want to pay a fee for CSP if I own the complete version already. Thanks for the heads up on the U brand.

>> No.5124662

>It's $25 you creepo
And? $25 that would be better off spending on pizza, ice cream, or something you can't pirate.

>> No.5124711

got my first tablet a few days ago
is it a bad idea to form a reliance on stroke smoothing? this tablet was very cheap and it's kind of slick and hard to keep lines straight

>> No.5124984

yeah, shame he didn't buy the wacom

>> No.5125410

drawing tablet? more like drawing manlet lol

>> No.5125911

I just cut my wrist and smear the blood with my hands on the screen to make artwork.

>> No.5126902

Ok, I REALLY don't get why Huion is getting shit. I've never had an Intuos, but I 'd bet there's no fucking difference in terms of performance.