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5118176 No.5118176 [Reply] [Original]

Did Twitter just die as an art platform? Shueisha is DMC-ing every use of shonen property ever, they even striked their own authors . Thoughts?

>> No.5118180

It's already dead since Tumblr porn ban.

>> No.5118186

Why now after all this time? I thought Japs don't care about this stuff. Are they getting infiltrated?

>> No.5118191

its probably related to a new anti-piracy law recently passed in Japan. although if its dmca they could have done so earlier so maybe its just the mentalities has changed.

>> No.5118194

Wait what is happening exactly? Is fanart getting DMCA'd too? for what franchises particularly?

>> No.5118199

an artist that does official arts for dragon ball got DMCAed and had his twitter suspended.

>> No.5118248

yes, that's why it's concerning. Every usage ever of their IP is getting striked, no exceptions. They are probably using bots to do this, seeing as to how official authors are getting suspended too . Rip twitter for art i guess? Time for pixiv/instagram

>> No.5118254

eh, I drawn a shit ton of naruto porn, and I haven't gotten a strike yet.

>> No.5118256

Japan passed a new law on 01/01 that formally criminalizes manga piracy. This gives Shueisha and Kodansha the power to take down any form of *official* scans posted illegally. This is meant to target manga hosting sites and spoiler pics + scanlations, but instead of having people vet the content, Shueisha seems to have deployed a horde of bots to do the job and those bots are indiscriminately targeting anything vaguely resembling official artwork, including fanart, which isn't actually infringing anything.
This will likely be resolved in the next few days but for now it's been quite a shitshow.

>> No.5118266

did they say they will adress the issue on fanart?

>> No.5118268


probably not that "official" then

>> No.5118271

nope. Official authors are getting the strike too, due to bots doing this. Kubo ,togashi and some other guy got suspended lmao

>> No.5118279

>including fanart, which isn't actually infringing anything

technically they can dmca you for using or portraying any of their content, doesn't matter if it's transformative you're still using their licensed source as base. Nintendo did that years ago with fan content they didn't like.

Now that nippon is getting rid of the respectable free media status thanks to the influence of the western netflix faggotry, doujinshi and fan art are pretty much a comikmarket only thing

going to pixiv is stupid since it's a japanese company closely tied to these print and publishing companies

>> No.5118299

Meh if it's bots going haywire then it's a false alarm and the accounts will be unbanned.

>> No.5118309

They haven't addressed fanart yet, but fanart is in a gray area where publishers know that fan devotion is basically free advertisement and keeps interest in properties alive. It's also a little tricky with art because technically, the publishers share a copyright with artists where publishers own the depictions and artists own the actual piece. While courts will likely side with publishers in case of disputes, that's extremely unlikely.
Also manga publishers like Shueisha are covered by separate laws from game publishers like Nintendo, so it's not so easily comparable.

>> No.5118315

>that's extremely unlikely to happen with small creators, they're not worth the hassle.

>> No.5118316

What? Japanese have always been the number one butthurt regarding IP.

>> No.5118320


>> No.5118323

Most commissions are private dumbass

>> No.5118332

How are people gonna commission you if your account is striked over and over, for having fanart

>> No.5118340

Capitalism devours itself

>> No.5118342

Was bound to happen, props to all the leechers who farmed before they closed the hole

>> No.5118345

It was always going to reach this point. All artist should invest in themselves by using their imagination to create new worlds instead of regurgitating someone's else's shit for likes.

>> No.5118351

You'll be shocked to learn how many artists don't have any imagination at all

>> No.5118352

You don't make oc characters or anime version of artists self insert

>> No.5118355

there is very little demand for new things

>> No.5118356

How does that boot taste faggot?

>> No.5118357

You should be hanged. Right next to peterson

>> No.5118360

Drawing art for a show you love isn't "leeching" you autistic faggot. Imagine not enjoying things because of a shit law designed to protect the 1%. You bootickers should fucking kill yourselves immediately.

>> No.5118363

i cant believe shueisha would pick a fight with black people

>> No.5118368

>Imagine not enjoying things because of a shit law designed to protect the 1%
Thats pretty much how it all works these days sadly

>> No.5118382

Am sorry that you have to copy and can't make your own shit kys

>> No.5118384

You make something then get stolen come back and tell us how that makes you feel eat a black dick

>> No.5118386 [DELETED] 

Hang yourself in your parents attic corporate bootlicker. You’re not a future mangaka

>> No.5118388

Oh look the artist that needs to steal make themselves feel important go fuck your dad faggot.

>> No.5118392

Not op but make your own shit bitch also check my Twitter cyberunique

>> No.5118396

When all of our civil liberties are gone because they got in the way of a gazillionaire’s profits and half of the worlds population is homeless I really hope you are satisfied because at least you were original, whatever that even means to you.

>> No.5118398
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>> No.5118402

Here's a link that gives a bit more clarification into everything. It really just seems like a bad bot.

>> No.5118406

What ever art stealer well since all laws are stupid can I fuck your kids?

>> No.5118407
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>> No.5118413

Most countries have some form of copyrights some stonger then usa like mortal rights aka Japan

>> No.5118461
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The fact that they'd willingly misuse their new powers like that so easily should be enough legal resource to strip it away again.

But this isn't a fair world, is it?

>> No.5118476

I bet the doctors are really proud of themselves for saving him. Narcissistic cunts.

>> No.5118479

>Time for pixiv/instagram
Are you retarded? Instagram is Twitter 2.0 and Pixiv is Japanese-owned.
You're trading twelve for a dozen. Nigger.

>> No.5118486

Because artists endlessly cater themselves to modern social media. The algorithm demands that creators behave exactly how they want, they comply for internet high-fives, and now they cry because they're stuck with a crowd well-trained consumers who don't want anything else but what the algorithm deems acceptable. There should've been pushback long ago but it's too late now

>> No.5118488

>The fact that they'd willingly misuse
The current conversation is that Shueisha isn't the one coordinating the effort, it's likely a rogue bot sent out by a contracted third party that's messing everything up. Nothing more than a widespread blunder.

>> No.5118500
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>Oh it wasn't me, a third party company decided to nuke that city on our behalf.
The Japanese believe in taking responsibility not only for your actions, but for things done by your underlings.
If no one is at least resigning then the West won.

>> No.5118504

what do they win from this?

>> No.5118517

nah it's because people can follow only limited amount of fandoms/topics/interests at once
before the age of internet they had to choose only from things that were locally available to them (in shops/library/radio/tv etc) but now they can pick literally anything available in the world
offer has increased tremendously but demand stayed roughly the same, so only tastiest looking cherries on the very top get picked
and nobody will care about your cherry if it doesn't look at least as half as good

>> No.5118636

Hope shit settles down. This could mean the death of anime/manga art exposure as a whole.

>> No.5118706

Kazenshuu is compiling emails and personal accounts from artists and content creators affected by this illegal use of DMCA.
If you were hit, send them your story.
I think they're trying to sue Shueisha.

>> No.5118711

where did all the "japan is superior" anons go?

>> No.5118776

same place where all the "thin blue line" retards went after that dumb bitch got shot in the neck

>> No.5119804

not sure what you're even trying to say, you're talking about in-house artists while the rest of the thread is about bots flagging every IP content by Shueisha etc including fan art.

>the publishers share a copyright with artists where publishers own the depictions and artists own the actual piece.
factually wrong since most publishers own the whole franchise the depicted piece/character is from, especially in Japan where it's all about owning small businesses and people, publishers won't even talk to you if you're not willing to sell your rights so they can take you under their wing. You gotta be a really well known artist to be able to haggle with deals since more companies interested in you.

>> No.5119807

this is kinda true
especially when 95% of it are silly coomer drawings not contributing to the source material in any way

>there is very little demand for new things
>begs actually believe this

>> No.5119836

The problem isn't artists not wanting to create new worlds, it's that it's many, many, many times harder to get people to give a flying fuck about these new worlds. ESPECIALLY if everyone else is also trying to do just that.

>> No.5119840

Already tried, no one cared.

>> No.5119992

Twitter as shit as it is is still the best art platform.

Instagram is shittier and has ties with Facebook.

>> No.5119998

Can someone provide a story behind this? What the heck? How long did he manage to live after that??

>> No.5120004

You have no idea what you're talking about, shut the fuck up.

>> No.5120014

I don't understand these responses

>> No.5120031

>unga bunga twitter and google good facebook bad

>> No.5120054

My name is Jeremy. One day I was walking down the street in my hometown when all of a sudden I hear a faint buzzing sound. I swatted around my ears, but the sound didn't disappear. I just shrugged and kept walking. Over a few minutes I realized the buzzing had become this weird hum. I looked around to see where it was coming from, but it never seemed to change directions when I turned my head. Or rather, it seemed to come from everywhere at once.
At this point I was beginning to get a little annoyed by the sound. It wasn't loud, but it didn't stop. I picked up the pace. The noise grew louder as I went, so I thought I might be walking toward it and changed directions, but it continued to grow louder the more I walked. It got loud enough that I was starting to get a headache, so I decided to cut my walk short and head home.

By the time I stepped through the door it was less of a hum and more of a roar. It was deafening! My head was pounding, I had no idea what was happening but I wondered if I was having some kind of weird stroke or something. I passed out on my bed, and as I lay there trying to go to sleep, in the hopes that it would go away, it suddenly stopped. My eyes were closed, but I instantly got the feeling that there was something in the room with me. I shot up out of bed and met face to face with a sexy succubus. She said "ay humie get back on that bayd" and shoved me so hard I flew back onto the bed. The wind was completely knocked out of me, but I would have been speechless anyway as she tore my pants off, shoes and all, took my cock into her mouth and started at it like a vacuum.

I could not adequately describe the feeling in words, just imagine the best drugs you ever took concentrated in your cock. As I quickly splooged, the sucking grew stronger and stronger. I looked down at her and saw that her mouth was engulfing my entire crotch. She looked me in the eyes and I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in the hospital, as you see me.

>> No.5120072

You did all that and for what?

>> No.5120097

>i cant plagiarize existing characters, twitter is dead for art!!

>> No.5120205
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i know fine artists are a meme here but plenty of them who do portraits, landscapes, and other non-fandom related work and they still manage to get followers. they essentially create their own content. this idea that you need to draw nsfw fanart to get seen online is completely untrue and needs to die because it's holding back a lot of artists. we can't complain about how everything is the same and nobody wants different things if we keep contributing to the problem.

>> No.5120218 [DELETED] 
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Even Marmalade_Mum is banned.

Twitter went full 1984.

>> No.5120396

>especially when 95% of it are silly coomer drawings not contributing to the source material in any way
Rent free.

>> No.5120399

>Twitter as shit as it is is still the best art platform.
Bullshit. It's the best platform to ADVERTISE your art and nothing else. Use other sites to host your gallery.

>> No.5120402

Are you retarded?

>> No.5120426

Does this mean all those free manga sites are going to get cucked?

>> No.5120428

but how many followers does the artist in the pic related have? Some followers vs a huge ammount of them is not even the same ball game if you are living off commissions

>> No.5120430

Only the ones that are hosted in Japan.

>> No.5120434

So basically the world jews want to keep me a neet?
Not even give me a chance to earn some income?

Are all non-wagie jobs gonna be banned?

>> No.5120444

The good news is that it's just a bot going crazy, so it will prob be fixed. If not....sorry anon

>> No.5120458

no, cope more coomer faggot.

>> No.5120460

you will be happy

>> No.5120462

it's true though

>> No.5120473

probably, I mean some already get taken down when nobody cared about copyright. These publishers are now into the new digital print market like JUMP as example, they want your subscription or a few bucks and you can read pretty much anything on their own site/app.

But localization etc is another thing, stuff will get officially translated later and only if it's a successful series.. therefore it would be much better for them to hire all the various fan translators as freelancers, let them do their thing how they always did and just review the final edit. After all the great majority of them are literally doing it for free as a hobby

>> No.5120487

hm, what do you think fandom is and if it "contribute to source material"?

>> No.5120497

Feels good to be an oc artist who gets popular off their own characters

>> No.5120502

congrats, that's amazing. do you get a lot of comments and people discussing your characters?

>> No.5120634

As I understand it, Shueisha did this because of a leak of some new Dragonball thing they really wanted to keep under wraps. To me, the situation reflects more of a problem with the structure of social media, which presents Shueisha with only two choices: do nothing or the nuclear option. Precision strikes aren't feasible. Bots don't understand context.
There is also a lack of understanding on Shueisha's part on the consequences of DMCA. It could get accounts shut down, which they probably wouldn't have wanted on such a massive scale. It can also be countered, and both fair use and trivial usage are legitimate arguments. If everyone actually bothered to go through the entire process, most IP holders wouldn't physically or financially be able to handle it all.

>> No.5120658

If you didn't already find it:

>> No.5121060
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>> No.5121302
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tfw main audience on twitter
>growing audience slowly but steadily, decent stuff and sustainable
>be drawing light lewd stuff
>twitter notices me
>get search banned permanently
>no longer appear in hashtags, mentions and normal replies
>bye bye all growth
Twitter is cancer

>> No.5121304

*Slightly related to the topic at hand
SISEA is being reintroduced
It got completely ignored by all congressman so now they're reintroducing it in a new bill thats slightly reworded in hopes it will be voted into legislation

>> No.5121310

>Japan passed a new law on 01/01 that formally criminalizes manga piracy.
About fucking time. Piracy is legit killing the industry.

>> No.5121314

I hope you starve to death, whore

>> No.5121351

Call me cynical or a crab but I just don't believe it anymore. First of all this guy is a youtuber and while I haven't looked at his videos that already tells me he's not selling artwork but some kind of pseudo-entertainment a-la Bob Ross. Second, having a few outliers doesn't mean it's possible to make a living. At this point I don't even know what the fuck these people do to rise above in the ocean of random people doing the same marketing moves and I doubt there is anything organic in getting this kind of following these days.
Second, it's a lot different for people who aren't wildly popular, or don't want to be. If the only way to make a living is getting 1000 followers for every one that pays you anything, it's over for anybody who doesn't do porn or fanart or anime girls and other normie shit.

>> No.5121355

fucking based

>> No.5121444

seeing every single newbie lose their shit about being shadowbanned is funny because they dont understand the platform at all. If you were shadowbanned you wouldnt get *any* notifications. you dont appear in peoples feeds, they dont see when you reply to them, you are literally invisible. i have seen actual shadowbans.

being removed from public search is not a shadowban, its just a nsfw filter for corporate bullshit to keep advertisers happy, it'd be like 4chans chanvschannel split as shadowbanning nsfw boards.

>> No.5121447

This is why you should have two twitter accounts when you aren't well known already. One for SFW and another for NSFW.

>> No.5121455
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He only recently started his youtube channel, just over a year ago and has only a fraction of the followers there vs on instagram. I heard about him from a friend of a friend who knows him personally. He makes most of his money from teaching art classes in the NYC area and from gallery shows. I suspect that's also where he got his follower base.

>> No.5121536

if you think fanart is stealing i dont know what to tell you

>> No.5121547

a subscription to shonen jump is literaly 2 dollars a month. Granted they don't have every series, but there's a ton on there still.

>> No.5121553

>Drawing art for a show you love
God don't you feel disgusted being this much of a liar? You're literally leeching off something that is popular or you wouldn't draw a thing, that anon is right. I have talked to people like you, you love nothing.

>> No.5121860

>You'll be shocked to learn how many artists don't have any imagination at all
This. Particularly Asians and Americans.

>> No.5121864
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OH praise us with your holy magic imaginative magical majesty eurotrash

>> No.5121933

Go back to gobbling cocks stupid e-whore faggot

>> No.5122429

Well I mean he's not wrong. Having a massive imagination is super easy if youre European. Ive never understood the dreaded "blank canvas" fear many americans have. Ive always got an idea or 5 I can put to paper without any issues. Hell my dream journal alone could keep me saturated with ideas for the next 3 years straight. My problem is just im so damn lazy. If I had the work ethic of, say, an asian id be putting out stuff every day. Its like when I was born I had to choose two between drawing ability, imagination, and work ethic and the third one just got completely dumpstered and thrown into fires of hell

>> No.5122640

trying too hard with this bait anon

>> No.5122688

Wearing masks in submission to the government, people are more cattle than human now.

>> No.5122835

It's all a fucking hoax. Shueisha did not send any copyright strikes out, it's most likely the work of some stalker who decided to cover his stalking with some elaborate plot that wound up going out of control.
Here's the full info, long but informative read:
I've seen people who have ties to the actual Shueisha report on this, so it seems credible.

>> No.5122941

The pedros, mings and josés still aren't buying simply due the fact that manga distribution is pretty shit, it has definitely been getting better at least, they're already much cheaper than burger capeshit and shopping libraries have more mainstream stuff

>> No.5122999

what the fuck

>> No.5123979

>incels causing a ruckus
Hoo boy, we're still going to be dealing with them even though it's 2021. I was hoping they would just be a fad.