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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5093008 No.5093008 [Reply] [Original]

Confess, /ic/

>> No.5093016

i confess i drew everyday for 7 years until a Foid threw me off the path. trying to get back on it now.

>> No.5093017

im gay

>> No.5093018

OMG. Me too ಠಿヮಠ

>> No.5093022

I pretend I only draw porn for the money, but I secretly love people getting off to my work.

>> No.5093025

I hate digital art and animefags, they are like npcs.

>> No.5093047

i use myself as reference for my coom drawings

>> No.5093048

I browse /ic/ instead of drawing

>> No.5093052


>> No.5093074

I draw coom of someone I work with.

>> No.5093079

Why? I don't lie on 4chan, so there's nothing to come clean about.

>> No.5093080

We know, you fucking faggot, you keep spamming it all over the board.
Kill yourself.

>> No.5093082

me too

>> No.5093095

I love digital art and animechads because they can keep making d/ic/kheads seething on a mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.5093270

I own an intuos pro large and I've used it maybe 10 times

>> No.5093279

I redline people who are better than me.

>> No.5093283


Goddammit, I just keep buying new trad supplies. I cant go outside, 'cause of my shit immune system, so im online window shopping pretty much 24/7.
I've got new stuff coming in in 2 more days.
I've gotten some good deals, but I'm trying to figure out how to stop.
Anyone know some good art challenges? I've already completed the 100 faces thing. I need something to exhaust my materials.

>> No.5093284

I don't like drawing anymore.

>> No.5093290

Can you post one of said coom drawings?

>> No.5093405

I deliberately pretend to be a benevolent person towards a community only to remove suspicion.

>> No.5093413

I draw fat fetish

>> No.5093427

Low standards.

>> No.5093456

what do you do, stomp dogs or something?

>> No.5093473

i tell people to loomis when i dont do looomis

>> No.5093494 [DELETED] 

I want to git gud so people will draw coom of my characters for me.

>> No.5093499

I want to get good enough so that when I start on my webcomic it becomes popular.

Popular enough that people will willingly go out of their way to draw me free coom of my characters.

>> No.5093507

I'm 33yo and I'm trying to take seriously drawing waifus

>> No.5093535

there is no shame in such a noble cause

>> No.5093546

I didn't draw this year.

>> No.5093553

I get angry at people that openly discuss porn artists on my sfw timeline and then fap to those same artists soon afterwards on my nsfw timeline.
I guess I'm a hypocrite.

>> No.5093579

I'm so high level of procrastination that I procrastinate drawing because I feel that "I have to" draw

>> No.5093591

High levels of seethe.

>> No.5093626

i really want to fuck your mom anon

>> No.5093655

i want to beat up women and use them as reference

>> No.5093773

My big moneymaker is male pinups and I force my 6'3" bf into embarrassing cosplay/poses so I can take photos for reference. He doesn't even watch anime.

>> No.5093778

I chew on my wacom nib.

>> No.5093824

Whenever I see fat bitches when looking for reference on Pinterest, I report the images for self harm/eating disorders
I just wanna beat women desu

>> No.5093829


>> No.5093837

That's a manlet. He would get mogged by my 6'5 chadliness

>> No.5093838

I know a really good art challenge, it's called learning to draw well.

>> No.5093844

ok. come here and take pics in a bunnysuit for me if you're so big and bulky

>> No.5093859


I've been drawing about 20+ years. :/ but thanks, anyway.

>> No.5093915

I hate kim jung gi and his chaotic fucking drawings

>> No.5094397

When I chat with my art friends (and any online friend) I like to imagine that they're qt twinks.

One actually has a very qt way of chatting.

I have to constantly remind myself that he is not a qt twink.

>> No.5094527

I only draw to have sex with artsy womxn

>> No.5094540

I'm reading manga instead of drawing

>> No.5094542

Dos it work?

>> No.5094555

Literally just sit beside them and start doodling and they’ll start talking to you. It helps to be good but unnecessary because normies consider the ugliest soulless art good

>> No.5094557

and it works on all women not just artsy ones but artsies are so hot

>> No.5094591

i act like i dont want one but i really want an art gf

>> No.5094606

i'm procrastinating on commissions and drawing self indulgent sketches for the comic i want to make

>> No.5094681
File: 1.76 MB, 1620x2160, 7D631DFE-7E5F-438C-9E93-8BF7FDEA7F9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want tons of weed but I have conflicting emotions, I even drew this pic.

>> No.5094735

i became pro in just 4 months, but still pretend im a /beg/

>> No.5094746

I fucking hate the Twitter art community and popular porn artists, they are hacks that got lucky for drawing soulless coomshit. I hope they all get cancelled like John Bob did.

>> No.5095144

I want to draw/design hard surface shit like vehicles and environments, but the perspective grind is really sucking the soul out of me

I mean, it's fine to draw what you want to draw, right?

>> No.5095162
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I regularly go through the social media thread on /ic/ and report any accounts with content that is even remotely racist, anti-Semitic, or generally bigoted. I've gotten several people banned this way.

>> No.5095254

Bitter faggot.

>> No.5095255

Maybe you should stop taking commissions and make the comic, man.

>> No.5095332

I don't draw

>> No.5095363

Why are you not guarding the gate Meiling?

>> No.5095373

I get this weird catharsis from looking at bad art. I frequent sjw art threads on kiwi farms, random comics on tapas, and anything "oc" related on deviant, furaffinity, even 4chan. Its gotten to the point I have been fighting the urge to write an entire thesis on the principles of "generic" art. I have no idea what it is about tasteless/gaudy, amateurish, bland, misshapen, soulless dreck that fascinates me.

>> No.5095495

people are disposable and I treat them as such

>> No.5095506

Many people on this board are so retarded it is unbelivable. I wrote a long vent post but decided to just leave it at that.

>> No.5095548

I feel shitty about my art because I'm not good at digital yet,as if traditionnal mediums were only usefull if you want to be a comic/fine artist.
I'm always ashamed of my inspirations because I feel the need of emulate them,but at the same time I don't want to be a carbon copy.

>> No.5095552

Everyone here sucks imo

>> No.5095554

Because you stopped feeding me again.

>> No.5095557

How many years did it take to feel it?

>> No.5096379

You know how your "eye" develops and what constitutes poor quality or a mistake moves forward in a way? Well around 2 years ago I noticed what I can only describe as an uncanny valley between "bad" and "good". For some reason work in this void, things that are "almost good" became the most repulsive thing to me. I can find charm in masterfully done pieces and crude scribbles but those things that are in the middle make me want to punch the creator in the face.

>> No.5096405

Let me add that I know it sounds like I'm describing the term "mediocre". But in my autismo brain mediocre can apply to solid but not technically impressive work like Hannah Barbara designs. The best way I can describe my bullshit is tumblr redraw rage threads.

>> No.5096438

I'm not living up to my potential.

I could do better but my self esteem causes me to find it scary to show my work to others. I'm not a good artist by this boards standards but I know I'm not a beginner by normie standards.

>> No.5096461

i don't usually take commissions but i opened them for christmas money. christmas is over but i still have a few to finish that i'm putting off until new years is over lol

i have so much free time to make the comic i don't even know why i haven't started it yet

>> No.5096463

I've been j___ d______ instead of studying anything properly for the last month :^)

>> No.5096558

i usually trace over 3d models if im doing tough poses
its not noticeable
i also photograph myself for reference, specifically for feet/hands

>> No.5096616


>> No.5096623
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i haven't done a study in years and i've legitimately forgotten how to do them
i also rush through sketching and always get stuck with mistakes when i'm too far down the process

>> No.5096628

What are you 12?

>> No.5096666
File: 59 KB, 486x480, 70D988D4-613D-449B-89CC-6BCF3581CAD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ex is the one who got me into drawing and while I have surpassed her in drawing, I did practically all of my growth while still in a relationship with this woman. Even though she stabbed me in the back in the end, and I want to cut this woman out of my life in every possible way, I can’t help but feel like thinking about her every time I pick up that pen.

>> No.5096667

I raped and killed someone

>> No.5096692
File: 21 KB, 720x405, 1559847079803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have not made a single dollar off art. Meanwhile Delphine is making over 1 million a month by showing ass and tits.

>> No.5096699

What makes you ask?

>> No.5096704
File: 8 KB, 241x209, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5096706

>anon is surprised a celebrity doing porn makes more money than some rando's scribbles
This is a confession thread, not a rant thread

>> No.5096720

Draw tits n ass

>> No.5096775

There are thousands of people making millions more than you because they were born into some rich new cult, that’s how the world works

>> No.5096777

Draw inspite of her, like hate draw

>> No.5096779

i hate art

>> No.5096793

Just make a crappy puzzle game with sexy characters like that Helltaker guy did. Much easier.

>> No.5096797

I'm falling into the anime waifu rabbit hole

>> No.5096800

I am so sick of these disgusting brazzers ads featuring used up slags that I'm seriously considering leaving this board.

I know we're technically a red board but I don't think we should be lumped in with all the porn boards. It seriously annoys me.

>> No.5096816

But my characters aren't sexy though

>> No.5096837

Then why do you want porn of them.

>> No.5097319

Because most encompass a fetish I have in some form. The other two are an idealised self insert and a more honest to life self insert.

>> No.5097327

I love my bf.

>> No.5097359

That's what adblockers are for.

>> No.5097361

Those trips, I can't ignore it. You're right I will hate-draw the shit out of my art until I feel better. Thanks, anon.

>> No.5097371

I'm a 24yo khv and my dream is just 600$/mo

>> No.5097560

Asukafag, please stop spamming this. $600/mo is less than half the minimum wage, that's living in squalor.

>> No.5097562

Don't tell him, let the technologically illiterate prudes suffer.

>> No.5097606

It's pathetic but I'm a terrible artist when in a relationship but when I broke up with my boyfriend I began drawing in lengthy sessions and making a lot of progress. But there's issues with it because now I'm lonely and sort of jump to every guy that gives me attention and it is genuinely a waste of my time.

>> No.5097617

I only need money for video games

>> No.5097633

That's fine, but you can get way more than that. You can literally work part time in fast food and make that much money.

>> No.5099061
File: 40 KB, 370x320, 1601781834556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time it seems like this site may be shut down I come to realize how much I actually like you faggots, even though we argue a lot as a dysfunctional family. The thought of never getting to shitpost with you all again breaks my heart and never really got to thank you for the laughs and the dumbassery that makes memorable moments and of course for the help on learning how to draw.

Would really really miss you all if we never get to post here again at least now I can say I've never been able to tell you all this. You're all still gigantic faggots though.

>> No.5099156


>> No.5099170

I hide hands

>> No.5099174

That's literally all non-anonymous communication.

>> No.5099176

I wish I never knew this.

>> No.5099215

He wants to make money drawing anime girls in every week. And if he can shit out drawings in 4 hours top it’s good money for the amount of effort you can get away with.

>> No.5099354


>> No.5099372

I've drawn exactly six (6) times this year.

All of them shitty low effort practice sketches.

>> No.5099381

I was doing practice every day and making good progress in my early college days. Then I met my gf and same thing happened to me.
Only instead of becoming single again I shacked up and eventually married her and had a kid. My drawing skills have advanced at a glacial pace and I'm ngmi

>> No.5099382

You can draw 6 more times by the end of this year :)

>> No.5099390

Thanks that's kinda motivating actually :)

>> No.5099421

I want to give up

>> No.5099485

I was engaged to my bf and we were going to get married soon after 7 years but lot of bad stuff happened this year and we ended it a few months ago. I'm more motivated now so I can chase my goals but also find someone who is more fitting for my desires because I want kids so badly.

>> No.5099490

Marry me rn and let's make babies, but first, post a picture of your wrists.

>> No.5099511

I made fan art for a streamers dnd game just to get praise.

>> No.5099514

are you the goose faggot

>> No.5099524

What's your dating resume look like

>> No.5099529
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sometimes, I'll play an anime opening that I like and imagine if it were with my OCs and story.
done this since I was a kid, but never told anyone caused it felt too autistic

>> No.5099636
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Don't draw out of hatred, it will poison your work. Some concepts you draw in this mindset will be forever poisoned because they exist solely to spite someone rather than accomplish something. You will not feel catharsis from drawing this way, especially if it is mindless spite rather than any kind of reflection and internalized conversation about the past, and will simply associate art with the act of directing spite at phantoms.
Realize that sometimes even the most despicable of villains in your life can give you gifts that fuel you forever and move on with that. A person doesn't have to be wholly evil, and thus all their contributions and actions fundamentally evil, for you to justifiably spite them. Take the gifts you are given, be thankful that you have them, and then pass on goodwill towards those who will do so in kind rather than waste the effort on someone who will be utterly unaffected by your spite.

>> No.5099671

those retards deserve it

>> No.5099857

im stalking a girl I like

>> No.5099929

If you're near an art school, yes. Bonus points if there are bars nearby.

>> No.5100041

Thanks man. I feel the same way.

Suck a dick.

>> No.5100044

This is what happens when you overthink a piece of wood with lead in it and a sheet of thin wood

>> No.5100050

I only visit /ic/ to stroke my ego

>> No.5100051

honest question: does the bible say anything about weed?

>> No.5100054


>> No.5100055

This is my 3rd year of drawing and I didn't draw much. All I do is sketch about 5% of my drawings I decide to paint because line art is too long and I usually cba.

I'm ngmi

>> No.5100114

Weed lowers your intelligence.

>> No.5100191

I‘m more content with my skills than I should be

>> No.5100196

only in adolescents

>> No.5100207

There’s a lot of wisdom in those words and yes, you’re correct. Thanks anon.

>> No.5100277



>> No.5100298

The holocaust didn't happen but I wish it did

>> No.5100389

I've been reading beginner tutorial books and threads for months and still haven't put pen(cil) to paper

>> No.5100415

I've making two different versions of my drawings for a while. One with a traditionally attractive man and the other with a chubby guy. I do this because, for some reason, I like to see chubby guys in weird situations, but I'm also aware that most people don't want to self-insert as a fat character.
It sounds like the perfect

>> No.5100419

I still can't draw hands nor feet

>> No.5100431

don't pressure yourself
its okay to take your time or just swim around in knowledge sometimes

>> No.5100447
File: 96 KB, 1200x1200, daz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I depend too much on DAZ Studio. I always use those renders as reference pics and I've never traced anything, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be as good as I am without that program.

>> No.5100448

Bad advice

You won't make any progress by not practicing. You are not learning how to draw by just reading tutorials. If you don't actually want to learn how to draw - that's fine. But if you do, you should just get started.

>> No.5103137

I trace clipart

>> No.5103873

i enjoy the process of drawing but i hate the result every time

>> No.5103903

Get professional help. Stalking is fucked up. Go to /adv/ and not here ever again. This board is for art and critique.

>> No.5103918


>> No.5103925

I made it, and I love coming here to redpill begs. Feels good.

>> No.5104000


>> No.5104038

Almost a five star post. Until
>Realize that sometimes even the most despicable of villains in your life can give you gifts that fuel you forever
This is not true whatsoever, but it will only devolve into a meta chicken or the egg discussion. No "evil" influence is additive, by nature. Maybe only by examining the "good" counterpart of an evil action can it be made clear that all of the side effects amount to an unjustifiable lie, that serves only to further create evil.
>A person doesn't have to be wholly evil, and thus all their contributions and actions fundamentally evil, for you to justifiably spite them.
Im not sure what point you're trying to make, but "a person doesn't have to be wholly evil," is meaningless to say in the face of those who choose to be(rare), or choose to be to an individual(common).
And lastly,
>accept evil gifts
Is something only someone wholly unacquainted with suffering would say. Some people will spend their entire wretched lives trying to rebuild some semblance of a coherent worldview because of the actions of just one person.
The rest of your post though, is gold.

>> No.5104045

i dont think im ever going to be happy with my life, even if i make it.

>> No.5104047

I sometimes take the critic from here seriously even when people usually only care about coom art or lolis and have a surface-level of understanding about design

>> No.5104332
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>No "evil" influence is additive
An evil person can do a thing with positive outcomes. Anon hates his ex because she did something bad, and we can probably conclude then that she might have done other bad things, but this one action of getting anon into art had an ultimately good outcome. She is not absolved of her wrongdoing but to whatever degree she is a horrible person she managed to produce one act with good results and so instead of taking that thing which is good which has been given to you by an evil person and using it to do bad or just worthless things it would be better then to do more good
>Im not sure what point you're trying to make
The point I was trying to make is that getting anon into art was a good thing and that anon or other people shouldn't let their hatred of a person blind them from identifying things a person does that can have/has had good outcomes.
>Is something only someone wholly unacquainted with suffering would say.
I was ritually abused by my parents, grew up poor, watched my father almost kill my mother, was witness to a near-successful suicide attempt, was intentionally almost permanently maimed once, and my mother attempted to suffocate my sister once as well. Presumption is an unhealthy habit.
>Some people will spend their entire wretched lives trying to rebuild some semblance of a coherent worldview because of the actions of just one person
Nothing in my post is a denial of that. The point of my post is that sometimes shitty people unintentionally do things that you can use to get ahead and stop being in a bad place. The shitty people are still shitty, the bad things they did are still bad, and you can hate them forever, but it is not only good but necessary to take and run with every single advantage you got from those people before you escaped them. In this scenario: Would you rather have been betrayed and then spend your live wallowing in hatred or would you rather have been betrayed but ultimately recover from it?

>> No.5104373

i was literally murdered to death and i say you're full of shit

>> No.5104415

1. I'm a fucking retard. I failed calculus and it scared me enough to put pursuing my worthless bachelor's degree on an indefinite hiatus. Too bad I realized it's pretty worthless too late.
2. Parents are unstable idiots and I live in a shitty household. I just want to move out but I lack the financial means or career to do so. All I've worked is shitty retail jobs.
3. I think so much about drawing and making good art infinitely more than I practice. Once in a blue moon I'll crack out my tablet and do some shitty sketches. The only good ones are the ones that I trace, and I can't post them anywhere because I traced them.

>> No.5104461
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>set the bar at "you must have experienced sufficient trauma to talk about this issue"
>if you've experienced more trauma than that then you're lying and wrong
>If you've experienced less trauma than that then you just don't get it
Setting up catch-22 scenarios just to dismiss opinions you disagree with is certainly one way to live your life, especially when doing so during conversations you aren't part of.

>> No.5104476
File: 139 KB, 689x664, C2aJhKxUoAAMVX9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just pick one exercise and only do that exercise, every single day, for the indefinite future. Several hours a day. Like a chore or a workout.

Here's a suggestion for an exercise:
>Draw Motorcycles.
Drawing 100-200 motorcycles a day for the next year will improve your art tremendously. Follow your curiosity and start studying more and more stuff. Study helicopters next, or different rifles, or piping in a factory, or the undersides of cars. Get into animals, humans, clothing, buildings, plants, crystals, jewelry. Don't bother with theory, you're here to explore the world. Build your skills and become an immensely powerful person.

>> No.5104504

no im saying any idiot online can manufacture a sad background to make their argument more believable
nice mental gymnastics though, im sure you think youve won an argument

>> No.5104510

>boohoo i had a hard life so im always automatically correct

>> No.5104529
File: 22 KB, 326x229, 1562700738555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no im saying any idiot online can manufacture a sad background to make their argument more believable
"Nothing ever happened, nobody ever experienced anything ever"
The post I replied to claimed that part of or all of my post is wrong because they felt I haven't experienced hardship, all the while misunderstanding the entirety of my post. This is in itself a fallacy but I played into it and said what I went through. If you don't give a damn about what I have or haven't been through then why not focus on what I actually said rather than focus on that one specific angle? If you're so focused on intellectual rigor then why validate the person putting forth a fallacious gate by further enforcing it? I'm not saying "I had it rough so I know everything, believe me or die" but "You can't exclude me from talking about the issue because I don't fail your silly shit-test"

I made an argument, was told my argument was automatically invalid because I didn't have the right experience, and then when I clarify I do have that experience my argument is again automatically invalid because I could be bullshitting. At that point just focus on the fucking logical points I made instead of being a blockhead. You're intentionally getting in your own way of seeing the actual point of the posts by getting caught up in what my qualifications are.
You specifically are illiterate as well.

>> No.5106346

I'm not interested in drawing figures but I found the pose books and coomed

>> No.5106349

I see you've found your calling then.

>> No.5106783

Some people have made careers out of tracing you retard. Just keep tracing until you're good at it and people can't find the source. It worked for Illya, shoko, and a handful of other retards exposed here that I forget.

>> No.5107125

I love art, but I hate the artists. Especially the ones on instagram. I wish people just posted art and nothing else.

>> No.5107308

I tell people I want to draw porn for the money but in reality I want to draw elegant vanilla porn because I feel like there is not a lot of it on the internet. I will be the change I want to see in the world.

>> No.5107335

I've bought several Daz3d models and trace the bodies. I have about 6k followers and I dread the day someone calls me out.

>> No.5107350

I feel the same. I can't separate the artist from their work.

>> No.5107484

80% of my most recent work involves half naked figures

>> No.5108938

I'm saying nigger a lot under my actual artist name in video games and it's only the matter of time until someone recognizes me.

>> No.5110157

study drapery then, brother

>> No.5111053

i told myself i would keep struggling to draw until im decent enough to enjoy it, but knowing how shitty i am keeps dissuading me from putting my heart into it

>> No.5111064

im on the other end. i stagnated and stop practicing for years to help my girlfriend improve so i can feel loosely productive, and now that its over, i have nothing to show for it but a fucking stash of how-tos

>> No.5111070

Haven't drawn since last year haha

>> No.5111572

im one of the more identifiable posters here but im also one of the biggest shitposters and womanhate posters because im quickly getting more and more jaded with everyone and everything

>> No.5111675

Whenever I think about having to color and render and all that shit done outside of linework, I want to kill myself. The lineart always looks better than the finished drawing in my case

>> No.5111682


>> No.5111944

at first i thought it said ford and you got hit by a car. but i guess you're just a lazy incel

>> No.5113164
File: 96 KB, 749x694, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I jacked off to beast rimming hentai again.

>> No.5113195
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link, so I know what pages not to open?

>> No.5113215

Im the opposite, I hate linework

>> No.5113262

I get most of my stuff from the straight beast thread on /trash/

Go there.

>> No.5115460
File: 132 KB, 1720x993, si2hqo4eh7t41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fap to hyper fat furries

>> No.5115480

lol, been doing that for almost a decade as well

>> No.5115700

Too bad the RL stuff is band, right guys?

>> No.5115704

Fuck off back to r*ddit and then kill yourself.

>> No.5115759

I hate the schizo posters so much

>> No.5115785

Does personafaggot still have daily mental breakdowns

>> No.5115791

struck a nerve?

>> No.5115831
File: 837 KB, 500x376, 1606843970715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even come to /ic/ for critiques. I full-well know what I'm doing wrong.
I'm just posting here for a bit of attention. And I'm also a bit disappointed if I don't get it.

>> No.5116216

They hated him because he spoke the truth.

>> No.5116280
File: 138 KB, 1080x1015, 1542392737359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cock fuckers


>> No.5116305
File: 41 KB, 324x322, 1414299116935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't drawn since NY. Haven't even done quick gesture practice or anything. I don't want to.

>> No.5116793
File: 998 KB, 780x2900, drawing_the_head__pt_1_by_tobediff-d5svx75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always to draw but after high school ended I only pick up drawing for a few days at a time a few times a year when depressed so I haven't made any progress in 15 years.

Here's a random reference from 2014 when I last lurked here seriously.

>> No.5116945

I sometimes use a reference and copy the entire pose but change small things so people won't find out. I am ashamed

>> No.5117044

I can't really hate them all since some of them produce good stuff but i agree about most of them being obnoxious retards.

>> No.5117052

These days I only draw when I'm horny so I can insert myself having sex or cuddling with anime characters/OCs. Seems like I learned to make art for nothing

>> No.5117071
File: 55 KB, 1024x937, 1603563208123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 3 hrs in an internet argument on another board instead of drawing.

Not sure if I won.

>> No.5117080

link it and ill decide

>> No.5117132

I secretly loving lavender towne's work

>> No.5117143

I almost exclusively draw original content. Fanart or real life drawings are boring.

I hate nearly everyone on social media with more active followers than me, all just because they find being a social butterfly(or at least lying) easy. I just don't have much to say outside of my own work because I'm a total sperglord with the autistic curse of hyper-fixation leaving me uninterested in almost everything outside of it.

I'll stop following/ignore an artist if they're coomers, or if I find out they're some weird fag or tranny, even if their art is good.

>> No.5117186


Drawing is good and good for me but I have difficulty keeping my long term goals in mind/work, meanwhile my short term brain is all over the place

>> No.5117215
File: 51 KB, 289x328, disdain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to win arguments
You already lost at life.

>> No.5117273

"dude weed lmao" also checked

>> No.5117287


I also refresh the thread I posted in every 10 seconds to see if I got any (you)s

>> No.5117503
File: 1.28 MB, 1475x897, 1610071374481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent months drawing naked ladies near exclusively for hours hours a day without studying any perspective or lighting. I never have drawn a background for any of them, and usually did not draw their hands, feet, or face. Worst I'm done so far.

>> No.5117522
File: 383 KB, 800x889, 5df256383b632012a67e1ae0fb83a4ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like to draw taurs.

>> No.5117571

ouch, it hurt to read this. hope you use it more man

>> No.5117786

Yes, he makes threads too and ban evades

>> No.5117950

Yiff in hell, furtaurfag.

>> No.5117963
File: 962 KB, 1600x932, rodney_matthews_alice-in-wonderland_alice-in-wonderland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized now that Flash gordon was a proto-isekai

Come to think of it, even Alice in wonderland got some isekai traits...

>> No.5118171 [DELETED] 

Not the guy you replied to, but I might give it a shot. Been in a bit of a rut lately and some object studies are pretty long overdue.
You sure about 100 a day, though?

>> No.5120453

I only draw for around an hour a day and I don't know how to make myself draw more than that. I'm never gonna make it at this rate.

>> No.5120490

now's a good time to learn and use it anon
we're here to help

>> No.5120495

limit your screen time; block shopping sites using apps
prepare moodboards for the next 30 days and draw art based on those moodboards
use your tools until there's nothing left, and i do mean nothing
buy supplies once you're out dry or better yet, go digital. you won't be constantly buying supplies if you already have all you need

>> No.5120752

I've been drawing all my life, but despite this and the fact that I've lurked here since 2003, I've only sketched two mildly sexual things in my life.
Once at ten, once at about twenty. It feels strange.
And I just did it again, because I read about an incredible character. They're a scholar from ancient times.

>> No.5120782

Good mindset anon

>> No.5121100
File: 526 KB, 1920x792, wlop-4se.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only draw 2d to get better at 3d art. All you plebs suck and ngmi.

>> No.5121714

you need to go back.

>> No.5121727
File: 1.01 MB, 2316x1388, Illustration37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 22 and can't teach myself to paint, I'm stuck as a lineartlet forever

>> No.5121733

based linechad

>> No.5121990

I'm 31 and literally learning from scratch because I have to paint for commission projects. I know fuck all about it and don't really have time to do lessons or courses.

So hey, we're in the same boat.

>> No.5122011

Heh friendo we got the same problem
This can sometimes go on for months

>> No.5122014

I made it in 3d. Quit 3d to draw anime/ Never been happier.

>> No.5122206

Since I picked up drawing again, I've been getting more into taurs, even if I despised them before. One of my goals is to study enough anatomy to draw them well.

Another thing I've noticed of my art is I almost exclusively draw women and animals. No men. Does it means something?

>> No.5122233

that's hot, femanon

>> No.5122273

I think drawing is boring.

>> No.5122295

I keep recommending art books for people but I've never read a single one in my life

>> No.5122311

It's a new year, time to start reading, fren

>> No.5122895

Same, fourth search result of my artist name shows that I’m part of a faction called mad niggers and have a blackface Minecraft skin. Only a matter of time now.

>> No.5122899

I don't like working with RJ Palmer, he's kind of insufferable and has BO. He also acts like he's hot shit when all his fame came from making realistic looking pokemon on deviantart, I wish he would shut up. I also hate that hes one of those people who gate keeps the art industry while also defending dogshit artists.

>> No.5123038

I dont like my friend's art but tell him I do

>> No.5123181

Im actually a hack and wasted 4 years of opportunities to make it. Now i have to fucking claw my way back into getting the chance to prove im an artist. Sigh

>> No.5123656
File: 49 KB, 590x720, 4986cdfa-51f3-4b69-a772-daf1ba0d7304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love drawing anthropomorphic animals and have since I was a kid. Makes me sad that furries are horny weirdos that make it impossible to just enjoy it without someone thinking you want to fuck a dog.

Wtf bros, I just want to draw badass werecreatures and cute catgirls. I still draw them anyway but no matter how innocent the art is, there is always some retard with an ugly blue dog icon leaving unwanted lewd comments or an outside observer asking if I am a furry.

Even when I was like 13 this was an issue.

I still draw anthros but I just don't post it anymore =\. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but it's too much senpai

>> No.5123660

I feel this way too f.am