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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 984 KB, 992x1403, mona (genshin impact) drawn by zeradok - 7134178e17a23723a146c00f8e9e0e10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5107570 No.5107570 [Reply] [Original]

How do you learn to draw anime? I'd ask /asg/ but there isn't any competent artists or advice to be found there.

>> No.5107578

Stop copying anime.

>> No.5107630

You cannot 'draw anime' because
1. Anime refers specifically to animation, so unless you are drawing frames for an animation, it isn't anime.
2. Anime refers exclusively to animation made in Japan, so if you aren't Japanese, nothing you make will ever be anime.

If you want to make anime inspired art, then just learn your fundamentals then study a lot of anime/manga and other anime/manga inspired artists. If you like anime/manga and art inspired by it, and consume a lot of images like that, you will naturally gravitate toward an anime inspired art style.

>> No.5107639

What is the word for cartoons in Japanese? I’ll wait.

>> No.5107643

What's the word for sword, retard?

>> No.5107646

Anime is japanese dtyle cartoon

>> No.5107648


Now what is the word for cartoons in Japanese?

>> No.5107649


>> No.5107651
File: 346 KB, 1267x2253, AE2440BE-C5A6-4D55-A5BA-01B65E68FC9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5107652

Manga exactly. Cartoon is a loan word and seldom used.

>> No.5107657


>> No.5107661


>> No.5107664

it’s a loanword in english too, what’s your point?

>> No.5107682


All cartoons is cartoons in Japan.

>> No.5107707

Anime style is an animation style.
I wish people stopped saying they want to draw 'anime' when what they want to achieve is to make an illustration, and not make anything move

>> No.5107745

What's the word for retarded in Japanese?

>> No.5107749

No way, did you know all water is water in Japan too?

>> No.5107811
File: 914 KB, 1300x1350, 1608844323220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to synthesize realistic characters in a realistic way instead of in a cartoonish way. that's literally it.

>> No.5107831


>> No.5108005

be japanese

>> No.5108015


>> No.5108025

>Stop copying x
>When learning art is basically copying everyone else

>> No.5108154

>everyone in this thread arguing literal semantics

have fun not making it retards

>> No.5108166

Anime is 20% Anime head 80% Realism

>> No.5108169

if you are just drawing as a hobby then read A LOT of well drawn manga, at least be following a few ongoing stories at a time and imitate what you see.
then apply fundamentals to your process over time to maximize your speed and efficiency; for that true "authentic" look you have to stylize/copy first and THEN learn the rules.

>> No.5108825

I don't fucking get the state of society these days. I stumble across a thread like this and I roll my eyes and just fucking close it 90% of the time. Is this a result of the internet generation growing up with it?

>> No.5108867

Just copy, bro. No one will care.

>> No.5108874

they're probably impounded redditors

>> No.5108892

Nothing is more cringey than a zoomer talking about "the state of society these days".

>> No.5108912

ignore fundies, acquire youtube and patreon tutorials. trace your favourite anime girls and try to draw through them, so you can get the basic figure/proportions/shapes used. it's all mostly symbols. and if you encounter a problem along your journey, just type it into google and find a tutorial. and do what it says. having no soul helps. glhf

>> No.5108916

Unironically this.

>> No.5109038

hmm today i will coom to mona

>> No.5109121

today, im gonna coom

>> No.5109122

fuck off, shes mine

>> No.5109139

Cant believe no one said this before. all ngmi.

>> No.5109156

Bros I just masturbated to that anime drawing

>> No.5109184

> You cannot 'draw anime' because
> 1.
> 2.

He posted an example picture of what he wants to learn to draw and you still didn't understand? Let me guess, you're a round-bellied, aristocratically dry-voiced, penguin-walking beady-eyed virgin dude with a stupid little chin beard who loves to point out people's grammar mistakes?

Or then I mistook you for someone I knew.

>> No.5109190

Faggot janny doesn’t delete 1000 posts of idiots arguing semantics.

>> No.5109199
File: 121 KB, 714x1861, 7CF9EF27-1311-468B-8535-8DDAD36F3C51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn form and anatomy and copy anime faces and loomis heads, rendering can come later

>> No.5109213

>tiny feet and hands on the first drawing

>> No.5109246


>> No.5109303

>study real life
>study stylized art you want to emulate
>do these in tandem for years

>> No.5109376

>Acktually, you can't draw "anime" because anime refers to animated cartoons
You neckbeards never fail to make me cringe.

>> No.5109388


>> No.5109389

>semantics are cringe
i bet you use literally in a figurative sense

>> No.5109420

the amount of autism is astounding

>> No.5109422

learn GESTURE, and copy the anatomy of a artist that you like

>> No.5109460

Wew lad, that is some projection.
Not a single one of those wild accusations is accurate.

And you Japanophile losers never fail to make me cringe.

Why are you so fixated on anime inspired art? Why do you try so hard to emulate a culture you have no connection to? Kill yourself, you wapanese faggot.

>> No.5109495

my country has no artistical culture, what's wrong with liking japanese things?

>> No.5109507

Lol looks like I hit a nerve. Neckbeards are sensitive people, I guess.

Im not fixated on shit and I'm not trying to emulate anything I just noticed your comment was dumb and replied to it. Thanks for the entertainment.

>Kill yourself
No that's illegal here

>> No.5109511
File: 125 KB, 1064x720, 094FA8AF-A3B7-422B-A438-A5F844587CCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that armpit

>> No.5109513

You're trying too hard.

>> No.5109525

At least I'm not a retard.

>> No.5109532

Ladies, ladies, you’re both ugly and will never be as hot as >>5107570.

>> No.5109537

Whatever you say, Sasuke.

>> No.5109686

You realize how retarded this shit sounds? Well I guess non europeans shouldn't try to "copy" any european art because they are not European, right?

>> No.5109688

You unironically sound like true sperg.

>> No.5109690

>Reddit spacing

>> No.5109698
File: 244 KB, 1500x1500, FTyxMBN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5109725

who drew this?

>> No.5109730

Your reading comprehension is awful.

Don't parrot memes if you don't know what they mean.

>> No.5109731
File: 178 KB, 638x550, 1F6BA178-5449-4A4D-A6F6-A3F03428F834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn form and anatomy

>> No.5109738

I love when /beg/s try to fix drawings they don't understand.

>> No.5109741

>Don't parrot memes if you don't know what they mean
Ok redditor.

>> No.5109745

>Your reading comprehension is awful.
You indirectly stated that you fucking faggot. Why he shouldn't copy styles from other cultures dumbass? But muh connection. Kys sperg.

>> No.5109802

That isn't Reddit spacing, lurk more newfag.

>You indirectly stated that
No, no I did not. You interpreted that post that way, but that is not what was written at all. You misinterpreted the post because you have poor reading comprehension.

>Why he shouldn't copy styles from other cultures dumbass?
I never suggested anything of the sort.

>But muh connection.
The fuck are you talking about?

>Kys sperg.
0 self-awareness lmao

>> No.5109948

why do you fags always sperg out when when someone says they wanna draw anime? you know what he means, i know what he means, every fucking one knows what he means.

>> No.5109953

Why are you not replying to the post you're refering to? Is it because you're a passive aggressive little bitch?

>> No.5109955

i would probably get fucked by the jannies if i replied to everyone in the thread, faggot

>> No.5109960

You mean the collective styles of Japanese artists?
Or more specifically, the collective styles of Japanese artists that lean towards cutesy moeshit?

>> No.5109961

would you consider the pic he posted moe

>> No.5110049
File: 351 KB, 1536x2048, Mori_RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only is your redline retarded and actually shows you do not, in fact, know form and anatomy, but the point of learning actual anatomy is so that it's easier to change it up and have it still look good.

Meanwhile, if you're like the retards at /asg/ spending their entire time copying other artist styles without knowing how those artists learned from the ground up (hint, they studied from life first), you'll end up frustrated and wondering why your shit doesn't look good and end up like graysketch tranny posting the same shit for years, or 4months anon complaining about no improvement and talent.

We all want to just draw cute anime girls, but there is no shortcut, and it always looks deceptively simple. posting my work because crabs like to auto-respond with that. I've been starting to feel the form more and more and drawing's actually getting fun now.

>> No.5110053
File: 2.32 MB, 4032x2965, 20210102_152934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5110058
File: 2.19 MB, 3920x2940, 20210102_205659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recently. Going to continue with gesture practice mainly for the upper torso before moving on to week 3 of Steve Huston's human anatomy for beginners course. I really recommend it.

>> No.5110059

Asian genes are the only thing necessary to draw anime.

>> No.5110071 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 553x680, 2B47E041-E292-432F-8242-BAF7576183D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However valid your opinion may be, it’s discredited by the fact that you’re a jigger who uses gay pronouns and follows tranny politics because he wants to be an anime girl

>> No.5110077

bruh you seem unironically triggered by me, that's what the /vent/ board is for

>> No.5110102
File: 20 KB, 415x553, 20201121_102859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also you might be confused because of my twitter profile. We're all here to make it and get popular and end up doing commissions and drawing good, right? Unfortunately you do have to play the game and blend in with what everyone else is doing if you want success on social media. The difference between someone that's GMI and NGMI also has to do with how much autism they have when it comes to sperging out about opinions that most people outside of places like /pol/ would riot to cancel your shit.

If you want to die on the tranny and jigger hill, that's fine, but then don't get confused and rage when you get blocked on places online that are actually moderated where you can't be fully anonymous. Not saying that's the only reason I set my profile up like that, since I genuinely don't really get the hate for pronoun stuff if it's just the trifecta of she/he/they. It's just easy to see what someone prefers to be called without having to go through the effort of asking them or accidentally fucking up (which would be bad if your end goal is to make it in art communities on social media). Sperging out about someone's politics when they haven't even tried to argue with you about it is peak NGMI because that rent-free real estate should be going to art instead.

>> No.5110107

Very much so. I mean, its much more painterly and well done than the average cel-shaded girl or boy but her face is literally just a rendered moeblob on top of a sexy body. The shading is the only implication of a nose but the way they shaded it makes it lore more like she has a little snout if you look closely. Its higher quality moe but still moe. Theres nothing wrong with that as long as you give the face some depth. Even I struggle not to put sticker eyes on my girls because I draw them more stereotypically "moe" and stylized than dudes.

>> No.5110111


>> No.5110120

based and the only correct answer in this thread

>> No.5110124 [DELETED] 
File: 362 KB, 1272x1272, 75472076_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this so i can find the relevant post of mine on warosu

>> No.5110132
File: 422 KB, 1826x997, Screen Shot 2021-01-04 at 3.23.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5110146

do you know what a skull looks like, or do you just redline shapes where you think they would go?

>> No.5110437

Stop learning from western cucks, all they do is draw david's penis. Asian genes do exist, learn from them.

>> No.5110545
File: 62 KB, 592x592, photo_1956@02-12-2018_15-17-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but there isn't any competent artists or advice to be found there.

and you came to /ic for that?

>> No.5110549

this is embarassing

>> No.5110554
File: 124 KB, 680x680, ackchyually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5110566

You faggots keep crying about that post, but you failed to notice that it answered the OPs question right away.
Keep seething, weebs.

>> No.5110574

Anime just means animated cartoon. When the corporate shmucks like viz media, 4kids, seban, toonamk, anime network started licensing anime in the west they needed a cool, hip name to distinguish from western cartoons. Japanimation was a word but then was quickly thrown away because it had jap in the word, a racist label. Anime. It’s easier to call it that for more dvd sales.

>> No.5110586

>Anime just means animated cartoon.
That's wrong. Anime means "animation that originates in Japan".

>b-but in Japanese it just means animation in general!
We aren't speaking Japanese, we are speaking English.

>> No.5110592


You’re part of the problem why the powers that be can force definitions on other cultures when it literally just means what it means in your native language. I bet you’re in favor of words like Latinx, too.

>> No.5110595

What the fuck are you on about now? The English usage of the word "anime" means "japanese animation".
It's not some fucking conspiracy to change the meaning of the word in Japan, it's just what the word means in English.

>> No.5110597


What do Japanese call spongebob?

>> No.5110648

Can you read?

>> No.5110655

Okay, I’m going to come clean. I’m hitting on you. So, wanna kiss?

>> No.5110663


You should have copied his posting style, like so.

>> No.5110672

No no I really am the same anon I’m so lonely and kinda horny but mostly lonely.

>> No.5111004

nice trace

>> No.5111016

Just try and find the original piece that was traced faggot.

>> No.5111025
File: 368 KB, 565x643, 1608102414644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5111050

>muh fundies
>looks like typical deviantart fetish art
Only /beg/s grind fundies and you are no exception. Once you grow out of a /beg/ you can learn how to do studies.

>> No.5111055

He's not wrong you know.

>> No.5111091

It's all about proportions and correct symbol drawing. But if you want to make it look correct, then you also need to understand the underlying fundamentals, which are common to all illustration.

>> No.5111099

aren't fundies and stundies the same shit

>> No.5111105

Why isn't /asg/ called anime fundies general then?

>> No.5111112

Additionally, begs like >>5110049 really need to learn to copy as well. Copying lets you practice your hand-eye coordination and your ability to see and draw things properly. If you can't even replicate a 2d image faithfully you have no chance of drawing from life.

>> No.5111118

Please post your work, not a copied piece but something that you did on your own without copy, without reference, and purely from your imagination that you have refined from the copies you've done.

>> No.5111119

cuz afg sounds retarded

>> No.5111122

that DXM shit cannot be serious.

for reference though I'm on addies for about a year now, and admittedly my anime art is still shit, so maybe he's just fucking right I don't know.

>> No.5111125

I don't need to provide any proof that this method works, you can learn from Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw

>> No.5111126
File: 225 KB, 730x657, 1411785025430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't need to provide any proof that this method works

>> No.5111129

>Me: don't trust me, trust this guy who knows what they are doing

Yeah you're a fucking retard. Kys.

>> No.5111131

Stop talking out of your ass, put up or shut up.

>> No.5111132

this seems pretty useful. thanks

>> No.5111140

I don't see why any evidence provided by me would be more persuasive than Krenz. I'm just paraphrasing what he says. He gets paid to teach art to /beg/s. You're just trying to bait me into posting my work and then shitting on it. Nothing I post will satisfy you anyway. If this isn't what you are trying to do, then you can post you work and if you do, I'll post mine.

>> No.5111144

>I don't see why any evidence provided by me
Thank you for reiterating not to read the rest of your crap.

>> No.5111148

Copying 2D images is the worst way to learn.
When you are first starting, you can train observational accuracy through copying an image with a grid system, but past that point it becomes completely useless on its own because you are not learning anything or using any critical thinking.

>> No.5111150

If you want to stay as a /beg/shitter that's all fine by me.

>> No.5111153

>Copying 2D images is the worst way to learn.
That's how all the japs learn but you know better so whatever.

>> No.5111154

Is that why all their shit rooks the same?

>> No.5111157
File: 356 KB, 1148x655, Loomis sensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times do you have to be BTFO?

>> No.5111162
File: 134 KB, 313x291, 1551403211194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based

>> No.5111164

>samefagging this hard
I'm glad shitters like you will never, ever make it. Keep crying.

>> No.5111175

Anyways I offered to post my work but all you want to do is to shit on me, so if you're so keen on shitting on me, then it's only fair if you go first. If you think you actually have an argument, then you can post your stuff first and I'll be happy to post mine.

>> No.5111177
File: 9 KB, 451x114, your next line will be ''i-inspect element''.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5111182

Then why didn't the IP count go up when you posted twice faggot?

>> No.5111184

Because one or both posters have already posted in this thread, retard. Your critical thinking skills are abysmal.

>> No.5111186

Yeah because it was you twice :) and for the record, anyone with a braincell can edit a screenshot so if you think your screenshot is some kind of proof then you're the one who has no critical thinking skills.

>> No.5111189
File: 744 KB, 1571x834, CLEAN IT UP JANNIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my work you little retard. Feel free to mass report me now but it will just go to show how booty blasted you are right now. Stay shit.

>> No.5111198

>anyone with a braincell can edit a screenshot





>> No.5111203

You have already been BTFO into oblivion, just quit trying.

>> No.5111204
File: 164 KB, 500x500, 1578162376682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5111217
File: 752 KB, 1720x1644, 1606245709471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is getting sad.

>> No.5111226

What's worse is that they honestly believe the shit they spew out especially on /asg/ but no matter how hard you try to spoonfeed them they will never listen and insist on copying off their weeaboo shit when all they have to do is be immersed in whatever weebshit the want to replicate and the rest is through learning how to find the figure within basic forms such as a box form. They'll learn a lot more from drawing boxes than whatever the flavor of the month is from a holo live vtuber.

>> No.5111243

>when all they have to do is be immersed in whatever weebshit the want to replicate and the rest is through learning how to find the figure within basic forms
This is what really gets me.
After some basic, guided study, these retards could just watch anime and read manga and draw whatever they want and they'd be where they want. But instead they spend countless hours trying to learn how to draw through fucking osmosis.

>> No.5111256

And if they want to copy off anything they should be copying those blook faces. Yes, those 1950 funny faces from fun with a pencil like the one that gets posted around as a meme when somebody tells them to post their work. That same one at least shows overlapping forms and has a sense of foreshortening and form unlike their flat floating cookie cutter animu heads

>> No.5111348

You aren't even good enough for be mikufag. Disappointed.

>> No.5111515
File: 116 KB, 630x631, 7ea0d3f4b4cb819cf5695ad664517a4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open threads
>most of It Is people talking about semantics and insulting each other instead of properly giving advice

What the fuck Is wrong with you all holy shit. OP was just asking for how to draw in a specific comic style and instead 70% of this thread Is shitposting. Please stop arguing over nothing and go draw for fucks sake

>> No.5111520

new to /ic/?

>> No.5111670

Oh boy

>> No.5111774

No one here can draw but they all know how to shitpost.

For the record: you can't learn to draw anime, not without asian genes.

>> No.5111940

Maybe we are neighbors :)

Do you live in an apartment complex too? :) Frieeeeeendddd

>> No.5111947

The first post that brings up semantics also gives advice explaining precisely how to achieve this type of style.

>specific comic style
Wrong, faggot. There are numerous different anime inspired art styles, which makes the question nonsensical from the get-go.

>> No.5111948


>> No.5112009

waghghghg gonna coooom

>> No.5112085

No nigga is 50% realistic anatomy and 50% aesthetic/appeal

>> No.5112204

let me know when you found the answer!

>> No.5112207


>> No.5113217
File: 856 KB, 1700x609, hjhjh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


original poster here

yeah dude it is when im on dxm i understand japanese or some shit its weird or at least gain the confidence i understand japanese

pic related is my shit (in progress)

>> No.5113453

are you the russian poster?
Were you on DXM or ketamine while you were making this? Or have you trained your brained to be able to do it without using drugs anymore?

>> No.5113860

actually one of the worst advice for learning anime. ngmi

>> No.5113875

Why are there so many pedantic faggots on /ic/?

>> No.5113904

Shut up varg

>> No.5113907


>> No.5115693
File: 961 KB, 1672x1200, Tsugumomo - Vol.26 Ch.133.1 - Offering Thief (Lewd edit) - 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reference manga and anime till your hands bleed, probably
Personally I'd recommend reading Tsugumomo. The author makes every other chapter coom but sometimes you get a full spread like in pic related. Maybe I should just embrace coom to improve, he says drawing coom motivates him to draw well

>> No.5115804

based sucrose lover

>> No.5116104
File: 380 KB, 755x329, Screen Shot 2021-01-07 at 10.11.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am the russian poster, I alternate drawing on dxm and off ( so yes i have trained my brain to not rely on it) but i swear to you it has had a positive effect on my anime studies.

this is a tutorial I made that I am translating into japanese at the moment on how to draw an anime eye from nothing but a circle (because it turns out, from posting my original tutorial in english on pixiv, that there are japs who can't draw and want to learn)


>> No.5116113

Fascinating i'll admit, but I'd rather not OD on cough syrup and horse tranquilizers so I can copy anime.

>> No.5116130
File: 136 KB, 1024x1035, anime_warhol_by_blondiemustdie_dbx6m3j-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a perfectly sane thing to do IMO.

despite making me better at drawing at anime, it has ruined many relationships in my drug addiction and gotten me sent to rehab, had the police called on me, and been to sent to the psych ward.

I'll go ahead and dump my cough syrup anime musings which may or may not be interesting to you.

>> No.5116131
File: 128 KB, 1024x1404, the_treachery_of_anime_images_by_blondiemustdie_dbx6ltz-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5116132
File: 438 KB, 1548x2064, 77206854_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cough syrup tan

>> No.5116135
File: 819 KB, 3795x3072, 82377360_p0-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5116136
File: 489 KB, 1024x1326, fini_luentelle_mona_lisa_by_blondiemustdie_dc8rfjn-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5116137
File: 176 KB, 1024x1326, ____by_blondiemustdie_dbztx62-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5116148

Anime is animation in French, dumb fucking faggot.

>> No.5116151

Ok, two reasons why I'm starting to doubt your claims...
1. You went from digital to traditional paintings
2. The WIP you post in >>5113217 that you claim is yours is so drastically different in terms of quality compared to >>5116132 that they had to have been drawn my completely diff people.

Stop wasting my time with this psychotic nonsense.

>> No.5116153

Studying is a specific subject that you are interested in like hard edge objects, anime style, animation etc. Fundies are fundamentals of art like perspective. shape language, anatomy. composition. values and color theory.

>> No.5116162
File: 1.01 MB, 2150x2800, EqUHGqjVoAEJOIw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tutorial is retarded. Draw an ellipse, add arbitrary eyelids. Wow. You don't need fifteen million steps or guides for this lol, if you do - you're literally a toddler.

>> No.5116214

Yes, and?
What part of my post made you think I didn't know the etymology of the term?

>> No.5117472

gotta learn anatomy and perspective. life drawing, practice with gestures and manipulate proportions for your own sake. I've seen twitter artists who draw anime stuff, similar to your pic related practicing anatomy on streams. there is a process to it all, do your research independently, coming here on /ic/ is a waste of your valuable time. believe me. what i say is pretty universal and bland. I'm sure if you even tweet a twitter anime artist they would tell you the same thing. but still /ic/ is just another containment thread.

>> No.5118172


NTA but anime isn't animation in French. We use the word anime for japanese animation specifically, and "dessin-animé" for animated shows in general. We also used "japanime" in the 90's but like mentioned earlier in the thread, it was seen a racist.

The word dessin-animé just translates to "moving drawing" or "animated drawing".

Ultimately this discussion is fucking retarded

>> No.5119753

haha yeah this guy is retarded...what a dumbass
but uh, just for the sake of showing him what's wrong, anyone mind redlining to show what the actual head construction would look like?

>> No.5119755

the guy who posted that is a notorious schizo who has posted his "progress" here and he fucking sucks shit after like 10 years of trying

>> No.5121770

Learn proportions and gesture as well as good shape design. profit. good values and colour aesthetic will also take you a long way, no better linework wont necessarily help you either. some people have crap linework but a good understanding of these others things.

>> No.5122288

https://discord.gg/3bwdfRk ask here

>> No.5122339

>Find one (only one) artist that you REALLY like and make a folder full of their art
>Try to create your own original work in their style, make it as finished as you possibly can, as if you were planning on putting it in your portfolio
>When you're done compare what you drew to their art, make notes of what you did wrong and areas that you think you can improve on
>Work on those shortcomings and make notes of how you fixed them
>Go back to step 2 and repeat for several months straight
I'm just parroting what Naoki Saito said