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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 75 KB, 678x452, images - 2021-01-03T084833.935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5105584 No.5105584 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody read this?
Does their technique of copying page after page, work for getting better?
I heard that it was based on the authors themselves and that it's a true story.
Did they really not learn fundies and just copy and observe to get their level?

>> No.5105599

of course it works unless you are stupid in which case you really might do need loomis
this is how most artists learned. you can supplement it with looking up things you are having trouble with like anatomy as they arise but that isnt the same as studying an artistic anatomy book front to back and grinding them. you draw some things enough until you notice patterns and it is a much more effective way of memorizing. the only problem is we have so much shit art today that artists copy shit artists, but that is their fault for having shit taste.

>> No.5105615

That’s how artists learned in the renaissance too. It’s called studying the masters

>> No.5105681

can you recommend any good artist?

>> No.5105683

It works, it's just harder and takes longer because you're reinventing the wheel.

>> No.5105691

Nothing wrong in reinventing the wheel.
The wheel of a car is different from an airplane wheel.

>> No.5105697


>> No.5105699

Nice argument, now you can return to dilation.

>> No.5105704

Your English is too poor and you are too stupid to be able to comprehend any elaboration on why you are retarded.
Calling you 'retard' saves time and energy.

>> No.5105710

> Your England is bad
Good, English is the worst language ever created by humanity.
> Calling you 'retard' saves time and energy.
But you are willing to waste your energy to write this.

>> No.5105711

Dumb ESL.

>> No.5105712

I know 3 languages :p
Still, I'm waiting for any good argument.

>> No.5105717

Your English is too poor and you are too stupid to be able to comprehend any elaboration on why you are retarded.

>> No.5105718

What are my mistakes in English?

>> No.5105725

post art

>> No.5105726

>Nothing wrong in reinventing the wheel.
Should be "Nothing wrong with reinventing the wheel."
You also demonstrated that you don't understand the English phrase "reinvent the wheel".

>> No.5105732

To me, reinventing the wheel means doing something that was already done.
Google definition:
> waste a great deal of time or effort in creating something that already exists.

>> No.5105739

Which is inconsistent with your analogy of different types of wheels, bringing us to the "you are too stupid" part of my post.

>> No.5105749

> Which is inconsistent with your analogy of different types of wheels
How so?

>> No.5105756

Reinventing the wheel means to invent the basic concept of a wheel again.
It does NOT mean to create a variation on the design of a wheel.

>> No.5105762

Dude you're an asshole lol.

>> No.5105765

Cry about it.

>> No.5105767

You are mentally ill.

>> No.5105769

devolved thread

>> No.5105771


>> No.5105778


>> No.5105779

>Anybody read this?
Yes. It's OK, but the movie is far better.
>Does their technique of copying page after page, work for getting better?
Yes, that's traditionally how manga artists learn.
>Did they really not learn fundies and just copy and observe to get their level?
Yes. Fundies, for the most part, are methods designed to achieve a traditional realistic western style, mostly used for painting.
If you wanna achieve a traditional manga style then your best bet is to copy mostly manga artwork while occasionally drawing from life.

>> No.5105782

Good one.

>> No.5105784
File: 356 KB, 1148x655, Loomis sensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what /asg/fags actually believe

>> No.5105787

most of the known renaissance masters, particularly with the drawings. the lines let you see the process almost as if it is taking place right before your eyes. if you were to draw from completely smooth, modeled drawings, it might be better to just draw from life and compare your drawing to a work you like.

but it depends on your goals. you can get something out of studying any master, but someone who is more similar in their goal to the master will get much more from it.

a lot of information on art or how to draw are ultimately bad advice for what one eventually specializes in. either because most advice are for beginners who have vague goals or indeed part of a routine for a specialized field that has nothing to do with what one aspires towards (although marketed as fundamentals). fundamentals are not as universal as ic make them out to be.

>> No.5105791

>fundamentals are not as universal as ic make them out to be.
That's completely wrong.

>> No.5105792

you can for sure pick up fundies by copying and observing, but you'd save literal years just learning them properly and then applying them to work you like via copies/studies

its also a matter of what you want to draw, if you dont care about samey poses and faces due to operating purely on muscle memory then copying without fundies is fine, i don't recommend it for comics though and especially animation

>> No.5105835

the way that it is conceptualized, taught, and the things that are important are constantly changing according to the various ends.

>> No.5105848

You have no idea what you are talking about and you can barely string together a coherent thought.

>> No.5105849

also im trans, nsitm

>> No.5105860

What video is this from

>> No.5105876

i'm way past you, which would explain why my words are incoherent to you.

>> No.5105997

Dunning Kruger dumbfuck.

>> No.5106018

That would explain why you think artists don't need strong fundamentals to improve.

>> No.5106258


>> No.5106261

It's literally /asg/ in manga form if they weren't terminally retarded and working with a learning disability.

>> No.5106262

Anyone doing this method of learning? I'd give it a shot but I'm too busy to be consistent.

>> No.5106315

>Yes, that's traditionally how manga artists learn.
No, they learn loomis fundies first.
>Did they really not learn fundies and just copy and observe to get their level?
>Yes. Fundies, for the most part, are methods designed to achieve a traditional realistic western style, mostly used for painting.
No, this is even contradicted in the manga itself. Mashiro spends a lot of time copying to learn paneling and G-pen techniques, not art style. He finds that while it helps him get a little better on some things, it mostly just makes his art look like a copycat of things like dragonball. At one point he also stresses that while Tagaki's stories are getting really good, his fundamentals have been seriously lacking (his editor comments on this as well) and he practices for hours on end to improve them.

Were you even paying attention at all?

>> No.5106362

*waaa waaaa waaa*
*i piss myself*

>> No.5106501

*i come in and take a sip*

>> No.5106848

>this kills the /asg/

>> No.5107200

Loomis Chads we just keep on winning

>> No.5108492

i did do some loomis and vilppu, but i found the most gains from copying art that i like and comparing the differences. a lot of advice from youtubers just slowed me down. if i had to start over i would just learn the basics of perspective and draw from life and art. proportions vary somewhat depending on the teacher, but once you have enough mileage, it all just flows together. anatomy can be learned from drawing ecorche, medical anatomy, etc.

every once in a while some revolutionary method of constructing or looking at art or art education comes along and artists swear by them. loomis was just one of them.

>> No.5108721

>loomis sensai
I kneel

>> No.5108772
File: 307 KB, 778x514, Steve Rude Sketchbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning by copying other artists is an age old tradition. But the best study fundies and their favorite artists.
Here are some pages from Steve Rude's sketchbook where he draws from both Loomis and Jack Kirby.

>> No.5110141

why is asg so allergic to loomis

>> No.5110202

Because they are in denial about their japanese senpais using loomis