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File: 31 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5104538 No.5104538 [Reply] [Original]

Does he suffer from Aphantasia? Is his level attainable with pure skill and effort and zero talent?

>> No.5104542

He doesn't suffer from anything beside having multiple personality disorder (MPD) and obsession with style.
and I think he's also a coomer

>> No.5104546

he also suffers from "can't be bothered to internalize perspective" and "I don't want to copy other artists because then my art won't be me anymore", so yes, his level and then some is perfectly attainable to anyone who is reasonably intelligent.

>> No.5104554

Who the fuck are you talking about, and who the fuck cares? Unless you're trying to motivate people to use skill and effort in a good way, stop caring about how what other voodoo secrets some artist has and look at more practical solutions.

>> No.5104592

aphantasia is retarded and meaningless. just draw

>> No.5104610
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>> No.5104612
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What do you mean? His drawings look good to me.

>> No.5104627
File: 72 KB, 408x548, 1582510538590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to watch his podcast
>3 minutes in, absolutely nothing of substance has been said, just rambling about why he's bad at podcasting

wew lad

>> No.5104630

3 minutes. What did you expect?

>> No.5104631

What is she blushing at? Mysterious. (。ヘ°)

>> No.5104635

those 3 minutes felt like an hour though.

>> No.5104638

well he's not lying then

>> No.5105133


>> No.5105191

He himself admit he can't visualize.

>> No.5105192
File: 196 KB, 1307x610, 1599433796165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you draw this without being able to visualize? He might just not realize that he's doing it.

>> No.5105195

you can still feel out forms, poses and proportions even without actively visualizing

>> No.5105198

what use is visualization then

>> No.5105208

it's the difference between solving an equation by following the steps you know are correct and with a vague intuition that you're on the right track, and being able to see the shape of the entire process in crystal-clear detail and with all its logical necessity.

>> No.5105209

>being able to see the shape of the entire process in crystal-clear detail
that's called photographic memory lmao
noone has that

>> No.5105216
File: 110 KB, 620x520, 1552024061552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to be the one who has to tell you this, but you might be an idiot

>> No.5105219
File: 130 KB, 908x658, 1.-Dunning-Kruger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's still on the middle of the dunning kruger curve. He has a good knowledge of fundies but is not confident in his skills, That's why his whole art suffers as a reason

>> No.5105221

>literally being able to see the shape of what you're thinking of

OK then genius, why can't you draw something as simple as a realistic apple without a lot of effort?
Just project it on the paper and trace lmao

>> No.5105224

looks confident to me

>> No.5105244

Why do you think I made the thread, in one of his videos I heard him claim he couldn't picutre what he was drawing and I thought it was an insane claim to make with his level of 'from imagination' art.

>> No.5105245

I'm saying you're mixing up basic concepts. the shape of the process isn't the same as the shape of the result. you still have to solve the equation to get to that, the result doesn't just flash before your eyes automatically.

>> No.5105250

it might just be a very bad question. What is meant by "picture what you are drawing" is something that is understood differently from person to person.
What does the shape of the process of drawing an apple look like? Half an apple?

>> No.5105251
File: 2 KB, 244x226, 1348764844816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not buying this

>> No.5105253

Or maybe you have no idea what you're talking about, so you're just gonna stop responding. Smart move.

>> No.5105322

Wait he really have a personality disorder?

>> No.5105325

he talked about it a lot in his Pointy Chins series

>> No.5105336

Is that guy the animu and depressed version of sinix?

>> No.5105342

check out the secret sketchbook video. it's actually really interesting, or so I thought at least.

>> No.5105468

Am I the only one here who likes Sycra's work?

>> No.5105597

but I wish he'd keep working on projects instead of getting discouraged every time he gets stuck somewhere along the process

>> No.5106294

I mean he has been grinding art seriously for over 12 years bro

>> No.5106423

same. I love him so much.

>> No.5106958

If I had half the skill I would have made it in my mind, but if it was at the cost of his mental illness I would not take the devil's deal.

>> No.5107555
File: 140 KB, 1000x1200, artflow_202007282253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, >>5105195 >>5105208 is correct. It's not about seeing stuff in your head, it's about feeling and knowing the form.
Do you have to vividly picture a box or other simple form in 4K ultra HD to be able to draw it? No, you don't. Once you learn how you can just draw simple forms like boxes by feeling, you know where the lines need to go to capture that volume of space. No visualisation required. Now apply that to a figure, or anything else. THAT is what Sycra does.
Even though I can visualize, oftentimes when I'm sketching I simply don't do it much or at all. I'm imagining directly onto the canvas. Granted, it makes the brainstorming process much easier, but you don't need to be able to see images in your mind at all to be able to draw well. Your visual library is not a gallery of photographs, it is a library of 3D forms, and like a 3D graphics program you render that knowledge into an image upon a 2D plane.

>> No.5107610


>> No.5107628
File: 230 KB, 1444x1179, 2414214125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it if I scribble very lightly on the paper and then look at the scribble and see within it the figure that I want to draw kind of invisibly hovering over the scribble? Is that visualizing? I don't see it in my head, like if you took away the paper then I couldn't see it anymore. I'm literally seeing the finished drawing in the scribble like when you look at clouds and see a penguin or zeus or whatever. Then it's just drawing over the lines so that other people can see what I'm seeing.

>> No.5110070

hes just stagnating

>> No.5112161

Stagnating as his level is more than 99 percent of this board will achieve. He is low master, high expert level. If that was my limit I would be happy, I fear it is much lower.