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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.98 MB, 500x280, hpj5Xj0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5103199 No.5103199 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>5094656
Lazy copy n paste from the previous thread:
>Animation Thread Discord

>51 exercises to try

>2D Animation Tutorial Youtubers

>Books basic program tutorials, etc.


>Ideas for the Animated Short

>Play YT videos frame-by-frame
or just pause the video and use the , and . keys (This doesn't always work but worth a try)

>Kinovea video file frame-by-frame analysis

(repost because I forgot the title)

>> No.5103203
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x720, 1592339796763.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I will keep this thread alive until it hits bump limit, as a personal conviction. I will not let 2d animation die!)

>> No.5103328
File: 81 KB, 1024x364, 866adad6d425077f92ba5817a79f918f-2-1024x364[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for the kind anon to deliver.

>> No.5103348
File: 171 KB, 1481x900, animation_practice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5103351

ah shit, that's cool.

>> No.5103419

Does anyone here have Oney's blender 2D tutorial?

>> No.5103432
File: 204 KB, 1365x785, JQyy1eB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly working on adding lines for shading. Goddamn, no one told me animation took this fucking long. Why did I choose to do something so complex for a first attempt

>> No.5103439

thanks anon

>> No.5103691
File: 63 KB, 809x597, Animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried doing the whole anime process for CSP.
it's fun but damn it takes a lot of time to clean shit up.

>> No.5104498

>Japanese Anime Pipeline (Tutorial, Podcasts, Time Lapse)

>Sakuga Extended: Add ons to play video on sakugabooru frame-by-frame
Mozilla Firefox:
Chromium based browsers:

>Reference (artbook, settei of actual anime production, color designs):

>> No.5104509
File: 489 KB, 500x281, 1597946890737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry. my first time making this general

thank you

>> No.5104512

No problem, I've never made OP too. I was just adding my personal favorite resources which I only posted in last thread.

>> No.5104514

This is technically skilled animation but the actual action is like star wars prequel lightsaber fights where nothing interesting is actually happening and your brain just turns off.

>> No.5104564

I wouldn't call it skill... Literally anyone with a decent grasp in drawing can do those fight scenes. You see it done so much by animators on twitter that you kinda just think meh. Its incredibly forgiving for animation because so much information is being fed to you that you go what did I even watch? When you look at it frame by frame you can see how actually shit it is.

>> No.5104577

thats kinda encouraging, even though my gut feeling disagrees with you. Just looks super impressive to my /beg/ eyes, probably

>> No.5104589

You're just looking at it from the surface level, just look at it frame by frame if you're curious enough to. Understand where frames are easing in and where its a linear motion path or just straight snapping into the next key frame. 2 key frames can imply a fast and deadly punch, adding a key in the middle will cushion the punch.

>> No.5104995

Figured this out the other day so I want to share it if anyone else is having the same problem.
If CSP is lagging on playback for you, zoom in all the way on the timeline when working. The more I zoom out the laggier the playback gets. I don't know why or how.
Hitting tab to hide the timeline and fullscreen the canvas also works.

>> No.5105125

I don't even know how that shits done. Way ahead of me there.

>> No.5105329

Is 4 hours of animation a day enough to progress quickly? Or should I dedicate more time? (My schedule is tight)

>> No.5105339

At least 12 hours every single day. Anything less and you're not going to make it.

>> No.5105501
File: 2.75 MB, 960x720, CationicNoSound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with sound: >>>/wsg/3740205

>> No.5105513


>> No.5105524

cope harder

>> No.5105534

Simple, but kept my attention (especially the version with sound). You should think about fully coloring, give it some nice lines, etc. Good job!

>> No.5105741
File: 534 KB, 800x600, Bury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the one that usually makes the pixel art general and the animation general. Haven't improved on drawing in 2 years though, I have made minimal progress animating. Most of my other stuff is fetish shit, so I'm hesitant to post it.

>> No.5105748

Have you done all your keys and in betweens already? Clean up and shadows and all that should come last

>> No.5105832
File: 41 KB, 1481x148, mspaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any mspaint-like animation programs where instead of using excessive smoothing to get good lines, you can just use a circle tool and line bending to emulate it?

>> No.5105843

How much fundies are required to start animation?

>> No.5105880

about 3.50

>> No.5106126

2 tablespoons

>> No.5106188
File: 73 KB, 1920x1080, 20210102 - 1 - v2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2021! A new year, a new me! Gonna learn animation for real now. Come join me in my journey!

This bouncing ball literally took me 40 minutes to animate. Is that considered slow or fast?

>> No.5106194
File: 804 KB, 655x828, 1346234652346346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>archived at 10 posts

>> No.5106320
File: 214 KB, 671x600, 1599465276242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well we're at 31 posts. 32 now. Suck my balls.

>> No.5106341

Any idea where this pic is from (manga/doujin/etc.)?

>> No.5106430

>unironically using a timeline to animate and playback and not an xsheet

>> No.5106487

hisasi lesson H
How do you use the xsheets, I've just been putting down keyframes where I want on the timeline then inbetweening them with my spacing charts

>> No.5106563

No, enjoy csp and enjoy the timeline :)

>> No.5107137


Masaaki Iwane (Pokemon's animator) live stream

>> No.5107172

I have them, still a bit busy so can't scan them atm. The books are actually a parapara manga, they print genga on both sides so you can flip them and see them move. The problem is, they're so big that not easy to flip them (maybe I'm just bad at it lol). At the beginning of each scene, Inoue writes a commentary about what he thinks important to draw. So, it's not really a tutorial book per se.

>> No.5107249

Can you at least upload the pdf and the videos?

>> No.5107259
File: 49 KB, 540x720, m72581923487_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be a link to the website.
I've only found ones for the walk book and sayoasa genga.

>> No.5107262

Yeah, actually there are links on the back of the books,

But it's written that sharing the link is prohibited, so use it for your personal use. Well, I don't know why they do this. They basically shared the book for free. Once again, just as a precaution, it's probably best not to share the link to public. Maybe they will take down the videos or link if they see any suspicious increase in traffics or something like that.

Anyway, I make this pastebin which contains the links that are written on the page of the book. It will expire in 1 day, the password is sakugapower.

Use it wisely.

>> No.5107268

Also, if you find it useful and want to support Inoue, buy the book. It costs me around 100 bucks for three books including shipping. Honestly, I'm glad I grabbed the book because I know second hand books will be sold at insane price when they're out of stock. Just like Inoue's Uchouten Kazoku gengashuu, resellers sell it at 60 bucks per book, probaly two or three times of the original price.

>> No.5107276

very cool, tyy

>> No.5107312

Thank you.

>> No.5107601

what did he mean by this

>> No.5107972

pyw you sorry faggot

>> No.5108346
File: 39 KB, 960x540, ball stuff2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This bouncing ball literally took me 40 minutes to animate. Is that considered slow or fast?
Tremendously slow. Ball bounces like the one that you animated should take you 10-15 minutes at most. Especially since it's only a single bounce. Remember that animation isn't about drawing correctly, it's about drawing quickly. It isn't like any general illustration where you're gonna spend hours perfecting a single image. You're working with FRAMES, not ILLUSTRATIONS. In order to improve your understanding of animation, you need to find that proper balance between illustrating, and confidently throwing down your lines with little preparation. Understand that you prioritize the fundamentals of animation before you even think about your pretty drawings. Nobody's gonna care if a single drawing that's be exposed for 1/24th-1/12th of a second is perfect. Only once you properly understand the fundamentals of animation and motion, then you can apply your knowledge of anatomy and illustrating. The "artist mentality" of "everything needs to be perfect" can be left behind for animation, and be brought back later when you know how to apply it.

What is with this thread and it's obsession with looping a SINGLE bounce? A single bounce doesn't have enough information to properly understand the mechanics of motion, let alone the actual fundamentals that are needed to eventually have the ball come to a stop. Skip ahead to a full bouncing ball sequence, and try it out with balls that have different mass and material.

>> No.5108360

thanks, but I've already given up animation. It's just not worth the effort.

>> No.5108362

It's slow, but you'll be faster the more times you do it. Never give up.

>> No.5108414

aaagggghhh I love animationnn even just animating a bouncing ball is so exhilarating. But i have to get good at other stuff and theres no work for 2d animation. I'll lurk this thread but I don't think I can animate anymore.

>> No.5108452
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, Lustful Demon Final 8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit dude neither do I, but I'm slowly managing

Yeah, they're all set.

Played with timing a little bit to give a bit more oomph. As a note on my process, it was ALL SORTS of fucked up. Basically ignored "keyframes", and just kept filling with tweens until it looked "done". Like, looking back, this animation shouldn't have been salvageable with all the wonky shit I used to put it together, but here we are.

The area around the stomach/pelvis was probably the hardest, I just have to finish up the legs, breasts, and minor shading on the sweater. Head and face I'll do last, but thankfully it doesn't have too much actual motion to it.

Animation is fun as hell, but holy hell I did not realize how arduous it is if you go about it wrong.

>> No.5108458

I don't know your personal situation but 'Gonna learn animation for real now.' followed by 'I give up' makes it seem like you have weak resolve.

>> No.5108476

So, is there a career in this stuff or not?

>> No.5108517

Definitely, it just takes a lot of hard work and networking.

>> No.5108546

Does it come with a cd or digital copy of the practice materials? Will you be uploading it?

>> No.5108551

There's no cd, just those links which are basically the scan of the book and the timesheet.

>> No.5108568

Sorry my bad I didn't see the pastebin link. Thanks dude

>> No.5108572

ah, sorry, there's a correction, it's not all the content of the book, but maybe around half. The genga are printed on both sides, so you can flip the book from both sides, and the videos are the scan around half of the book. But you get the idea, the book is more or less like that. One page of explanation for each scene, the rest are just genga. It's not a step-by-step tutorial book, if you're looking for that kind of animation book (for effects), I suggest reading Toru Yoshida's book which is on exhentai.
Or this book by Kazunori Ozawa:

>> No.5108761

Do you have a blog?

>> No.5108854


>> No.5108982
File: 274 KB, 1920x1357, image00207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ozawa's book doesn't have much explanation either.

>> No.5109449

show walk cycle
just post it
it doesn't stretch when going down

>> No.5110183
File: 1.34 MB, 960x540, testLR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acquired a copy of Anime Studio Pro 11 yesterday to try out rigging 2D illustrations and animating them - after following a russian tutorial on rigging Happiness and Cyanide type characters this is my go it alone walk cycle using a random drawing off google.

>> No.5110196

I want to shit.

>> No.5110889

the knees are locking and the center of balance of your character is going backwards instead of forwards, but it is a nice attempt!

>> No.5110910
File: 975 KB, 2480x3508, 2B26E5C7-064C-443C-8D6E-5E4B6B32A06C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most recent quick animation for a thread.

>> No.5111060
File: 799 KB, 450x540, skadi frozen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my productivity has tanked since I graduated and started working, and my quality is slipping too. being an adult sucks ass

>> No.5111097
File: 91 KB, 1218x980, stand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5111431

Did you figure out that cell shading on your own? Or is there a video or book you used to help you learn cell shading? Looks really good.

>> No.5111456
File: 289 KB, 560x315, Lustful Demon Final 9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually do illustrations with soft shading, so cell is really weird to me. I basically just found as many illustrations/animations of "Hentai Missionary" and tried to learn how they did their shadows. I looked a bunch at Sakugabooru's Genga section.

The hardest part is doing 20 frames of drawing, only to look at the final animation and go "Yeah that doesn't look right in the slightest" and having to make 20 frames of edits. The cell shades part is probably the hardest part I've encountered working on this thing, just because of how varied shadows can be

Lower body is done, gonna try to finish upper body/clothes tonight, depending on if I can get in a groove again.

>> No.5111568


>> No.5111828
File: 599 KB, 1923x1080, smoked-salmon-blowjob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your cell shading is impeccable regardless. I'm not touching cell shading yet with my animations. I'm just using simple flat colors but using them like in the old classic looney tunes to project movement. There are essentially two modes of animating. There's the straight on method which is what you're doing. It allows for more freedom in what direction you take the animation but the problem is what you're facing - you can become lost and end up having to reedit some things later. The other method is what others here have suggested is using keyframes to figure out point A and B in your movement. You'll have a more clear direction but you less freedom in how you move between those two points. This is an animation I posted in /aco/ I've recently finished that I used keyframes for. I know the lines are really jagged and that's something I'm trying to clean up since moving to procreate.

>> No.5112074
File: 2.01 MB, 1280x720, Lustful Demon Final 10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all comin together

>> No.5112503

Good shit.

>> No.5114245


>> No.5115085
File: 38 KB, 1024x576, 20210106 - 1 - v1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right. I'm back.

I made the ball stretch this time, but does it really have to be that way? My impression was that squash and stretch wasn't really that important.

>> No.5115117

You are a stupid faggot that doesn't know anything about animation. You probably pause at a smear frame and think " hur dur this looks like shit the artist cant even draw properly". If it is so easy to craft then why don't you pyw here, fucking crab faggot.

>> No.5115170
File: 480 KB, 1280x720, ss11(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started working on a fan animation project that is going to cover the sword of the hill chapters where Guts confronts Griffith after he takes a visit.

>> No.5115236

The swords handle moves waaaaay too fast. Gut's weapon is heavy as fuck. Him quickly grasping it would move it a minor amount

>> No.5115246

We are talking about Guts. He can swing a 200 lbs hunk of iron like it's a normal sword with only one arm. Not to mention Dragonslayer is resting on his body in this context, so that would make it easier to move the handle.

>> No.5115652

It still needs to convey weight you retard imbecil. Fucking smartass.

>> No.5115663

You don't always need to stretch, especially if you're trying to show a harder object. It's good to practice with it though because even for a stiff object putting a single frame of squash/stretch on the impact frame is going to be felt.
A related concept is smear, which for a bouncing ball looks very similar to stretch except that when stretched the ball's volume remains constant, but when smeared it's just the 2D shape on the page you're blending so you lose volume control.

>> No.5115896

ahh, you blew my mind. I forgot about smears.

>> No.5115923

Please don't do smears, they all look like shit no matter what.

>> No.5115925

oh, okay, lol

>> No.5116121

I don't even think you know the principles of animation, absolute buffoon. What he did is called overlapping action.

>> No.5116471

I got a free copy of flash from Ukinojoe

>> No.5117305

Flash is already free. You can go find licenses for Flash MX 2004 on Adobe's website

>> No.5117529

I actually kind of agree with this anon. After Guts shifted it, there shouldn't have been so much bounce backwards. A minor thrum of motion would have been better, maybe with a bit of focus on the tension increase in his arm would make it better imho

>> No.5117551

are you able to make charts in tvpaint?

>> No.5117557

What do you mean? Usually when I need charts I just make a new layer, draw them in a different color, and hide them when I'm done.

>> No.5118016

don't listen to that dipshit, they look perfectly fine if you know how to use them appropriately

>> No.5118292

This is amazing, anon.

>> No.5118588
File: 22 KB, 130x331, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when people talk about maintaining volume in a falling circle, why is that they never make the supposed sphere's radius expand as it flattens to the ground?

>> No.5118602
File: 57 KB, 562x247, bouncing_ball_action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they do have it expand actually

>> No.5118624

Maybe I just expect more when you take away the idea of a sphere and flatten it.

>> No.5118672

how long do you think it should take a single person to animate a second of something of a shitty anime tier quality? like the average hentai animation levels of bad

>> No.5119228

Post an example of what you are thinking about because shitty hentai quality can be variable within an episode.

>> No.5119343

A second of animation fully cleaned and coloured? That's only about 12 drawings, if you know what you're doing and you're working at it 8 hours a day it should be doable within a week.

>> No.5119358
File: 135 KB, 570x656, supers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone make me an animation on motorpen .com, I want to see what can be done with that shit site

>> No.5119363
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, bubsy1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough test of a short scene for a collaboration. I am not experienced with animation and when I go to inbetween I end up making a mess. Any feedback is appreciated.

>> No.5119368

it took a few viewings to realize the right guy moved his head into the left because my eyes were only sitting on the left sized trying to read wtf was going on

>> No.5119374


how is this? https://motorpen.com/a/5A8SY

>> No.5119377 [DELETED] 

What software did you use?

>> No.5119387

What software did you use?

>> No.5119394


>> No.5119403
File: 51 KB, 823x568, wtf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bravo! bravo!

>> No.5119640

Where do people usually find these books? sakuga & such

>> No.5119664

Here's a basic principal of animation for you: Momentum.

>> No.5119669

doesn't work with tablets. fix your shit.

>> No.5119681


>> No.5119724
File: 2.22 MB, 600x600, shitfetishtohave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I don't know what motivation to find outside of this fetish as it other leaksit's way into my other ideas.

What do you guys do or watch for motivation?

>> No.5120156
File: 312 KB, 1880x1056, gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it works for me. I have an old Wacom Bamboo

>> No.5120255


The most barebones animation program I've used.

>> No.5120276


I like the draw blink, what is he lifting?

>> No.5120347

a pencil, i wanted it to loop better but the site is retarded

>> No.5120407

I made something, but the "Share This" button is greyed out so I can't show you.

>> No.5120413

Oh wait, it needs a minimum of 5 frames.
Weirdly enough it loops fine in the preview but once published it gets stuck on the last frame for a bit.

>> No.5120481
File: 43 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fixed. I'll add an option to pause on last frame, sometimes desired. Cool snail!

>> No.5120522

assuming you can draw reasonably well, how long should it take to learn to do mediocre animations?

>> No.5120543

a day

>> No.5120628

>how long is a piece of string.
it depends hugely on the complexity and the length of the animation

>> No.5120749
File: 1.84 MB, 1600x1200, going to kms.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before I do any linework is there any mistakes i should worry about?

>> No.5121103

I meant screen display tablets

>> No.5121127

Looks good. I wanna see you line/color it :)

>> No.5121176
File: 157 KB, 495x306, animagif2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this small animation the other day

>> No.5121183

Isn't that cucky

>> No.5121203

wwooowww its... eyes

>> No.5121204

You mean Simpy? No, thats another character

>> No.5121248

a fix was put in

>> No.5121276

for real. i lose my mind every time someone posts their 3-framed anime eyes blinking animation. so lame

>> No.5121285

add an eraser at least bro

>> No.5121293
File: 49 KB, 399x399, ZKwu6Wkc_400x40022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pen button

>> No.5121324
File: 842 KB, 2000x2000, 190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5121335

haha. I like your loop

But I don't get the nipple thing though

>> No.5121411

I want to animate so bad... how many hours do you guys animate a day? I'm afraid I have no time. This shit seems so time-consuming

>> No.5121415
File: 53 KB, 633x786, fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the journey is the joy

>> No.5121420

looks the vagina is shifting upwards. you should keep that in model.

>> No.5121472

there is currently no vagene on the model yet. thats just the bulge where the dick is inserted. but i will make sure to make sure the vagina doesnt move around on the model

>> No.5121485

also the head and neck look a bit stiff. the head should go up and down from the strokes. it looks like the neck just stays static.

>> No.5121488

oh shit thanks dude. ill fix that

>> No.5121542

Give it a serious shot of learning. Don't worry about the cost. Decide after that serious shot.

>> No.5121672

anybody have that webm from that one animator that was digitally made, but looked like 90s anime? It had the grain and everything, it was some dude standing by a telephone pole I think and it had lights flashing over him

>> No.5121695

bright side of this is that now easier animations will be WAY faster(plus you're learning a shitton as well)

>> No.5121716

breast movement is way too exaggerated

>> No.5121729
File: 1.93 MB, 786x649, You are now banned from the computer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count?

>> No.5121742

it's a technique animators should learn how to do easily and quickly, so sure

>> No.5121974
File: 650 KB, 1133x1056, weeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many hours do you guys animate a day?
probably about 10-18 hours, but that's only because it's my job.

here's a sekrit piece of advice that you don't hear that often: animation is NOT drawing. do not ever treat it like you're working on an illustration. you'll never have to spend 6 hours tweaking the shading on a single fucking hand, so never jump into animation with the thought that you ever will. the entire backbone of animation itself is the economy of efficiency, and knowing exactly how much you need to draw. it's all about the motion. you only have to worry about your pretty drawings once you're finished with the nitty gritty of animating first. the time that you waste perfecting a single frame is time that could be spent actually working out the entire animation itself.
animation and drawing are hand-in-hand, but the difference is the way at which you approach your individual drawings.

>> No.5122038
File: 1.66 MB, 2496x3858, 219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was out of ideas, so a friend asked me to lewd his cat

>> No.5122306

beautiful animation, fren

>> No.5122427

Heres my shitty attempt at a cannonball drop with a mouse. https://motorpen.com/a/WIFHY

That site needs to be able to onion skin frames both in front and behind or else you can't use pose to pose animation and have to use straight ahead only.
I had to clone frames to get a ghetto onion skin showing frame 1 and 3 while inbetweening frame 2 for example.

>> No.5122442

that's a fine drop, 6 fps? your ball seems to shrink btw

>> No.5123261
File: 560 KB, 220x220, 1601421775694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw know the principles of animation both in 2D and 3D
>and tried it too with stock shit
>can't properly draw at all to actually make something original

>> No.5124128

i wish there was something like flipnote studio on pc
clip note is too confusing in comparison

>> No.5124216

this is my magnum opus. I call it "Autumnal Sonata Reprise: Azure"

>> No.5124289

The text at the end really brings it all together.

>> No.5124366
File: 85 KB, 308x232, Kami san is broken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make animation for a video game, what are the best programs around these days?

>> No.5124518

10 to 18 per day is way too much, don't die anon

>> No.5124551

I'm graduating soon that shit worries me
Is it common? how long have you had that problem

>> No.5124561

Yup, that'll happen to you. Turns out, suddenly working 8-10 hours a day, your battery doesn't often have energy left for the art grind, and you get way less practice time.

The key is to get a work from home job, and be efficient at it enough to spend your free time on the job doing art

>> No.5124616

> the entire backbone of animation itself is the economy of efficiency
American mindset
good animation is about making every frame a picture in and of itself

>> No.5124798

thank you fren
there's fuckall to do where I live, so might as well just grind out animation 24/7 lmao
>American mindset
actually the general animators' mindset. Animation quality should NOT be measured in how many pretty drawings are shoved into every second, but by the actual animation required to make it move. If you're pausing an animation to judge it, you're fucking doing it wrong.

>> No.5124838
File: 16 KB, 528x256, asdf33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eww he swallows his own chunk

>> No.5124887

Thanks for the tip, our workload gave everyone in my class some form of art burnout so we just assumed working normal hours at a normal job would be ezpz

>> No.5124958

>want to learn how to animate
>step one: get incredibly good at drawing
I know it's obvious but FUCK

>> No.5124964

you could animate a sack of flour and give it an incredible amount of characterization without being a great draftsman

>> No.5125399

Then you'll be limited to animating flour sacks.

>> No.5125422

>Then you'll be limited to animating flour sacks.
my mans has no idea what hes even talkin about lol

>> No.5125438


>> No.5125448

Eventually you'll have to learn how to draw unless you're content with just animating stick figures, bouncing balls and flour sacks.

>> No.5125457

But you can at least start the learning process in animation with a limited drawing ability. If you keep waiting until your draughtsmanship is "good enough" you'll never end up animating anything.

>> No.5125459
File: 749 KB, 1280x720, pmateyeeee2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of animation is using stick figures, bouncing balls, and flour sacks to your advantage. The understanding of art gets thrown under the fucking bus the moment you start using the onion skin and flipping.

>> No.5125659

OK this is my new magnum opus. A follow up to Autumnal Sonata whatever the fuck.

>> No.5125864

Try krita!
Also there used to be pencil2d, but I think something happened to it.
Also, there's krita!

>> No.5125876

Is that a Jojo reference?

>> No.5125900


Try /PAG/ the pixel art general the OP has many animation programs for pixel art. Use Tiled or Ogmo for tiles and Blender or Maya for 3d modelling, then your set.

>> No.5125908

Oops, I meant >>5125461

>> No.5125926
File: 694 KB, 367x498, Peacock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pixel art
No. Oversaturated market, 90% of Indie stuff is that and it all blends together, I wanna do drawn with flats at a low frames motion, it will be hard but its my goal
Tried blender and while I was getting the hang of it, there was constant hurdles I couldnt comprehend how to fix such as how to make actually good Topology, but 2d I at least know

>> No.5126103

>drawn with flats
isn't that fashion industry drawing?

>> No.5126453
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, kero kero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang, I missed

Can you share links one more time, anon

>> No.5126454

creative man. is that with mouse or tablet?

>> No.5126595

Tablet. I do these instead of actually practicing drawing like I should.

>> No.5126848
File: 77 KB, 800x450, ball.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just practicing basic shit

>> No.5126932


>> No.5127785

it's not working for me

>> No.5128270

this guy gets it, if you can draw a simple character you can animate, there is no need to learn how to draw before animating

>> No.5128378
File: 26 KB, 280x380, yosemite-2323-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> onion skin frames both in front and behind
you can!

>> No.5128524
File: 665 KB, 600x400, tw_scld_vp8_.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point out flaws in my animation & I very thankful!
Point out flaws in my fetish & I pretend to laugh at you while secretly crying.
Thank u

>> No.5128555

around the 5s mark there is a weird line flicker by her ankle. You're TRASH!!

>> No.5128560

The trips don't lie!!! sorry anon plz forgive! I will try harder next time!

>> No.5128581


>> No.5128597

what happens when he blows back up inside her?

>> No.5128640


>> No.5128672


>> No.5128680
File: 13 KB, 321x362, ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really gave up on the last frame

>> No.5128684

Holy fuck I'm in awe of the subject matter but on a serious note you should check her neck around the 9 second mark and fix that up.

>> No.5128799

>Glen Keane has Aphantasia
I call bullshit.

>> No.5128848

well, not that I know shit about animation but the tits should be moving from the inertia of push tho, no? It seems that they are moving backwards too quick.

Other then that, amazing work, anon!

>> No.5128866

Yeah, I made a lot of mistakes in the actual motion back when I started it, I could only sorta correct stuff. Secondary motions are hard. Stuff I've learned for next time lol

>> No.5129005

>"I don't think it's possible to be a top notch animatior without being an excellent draftsman. You have to try for the whole thing, you know, got to know the figure. Know the figure well enough so that you can concentrate on the particular person - on the *difference* - why this person is different from somebody else. The ability to draw will be able to turn things and the ability, the *knowledge* that enables you to caricature and to exaggerate in the right direction and emphasize the difference between things is what you're doing all the time. Any time you're doing a strong drawing of anything well, your drawing is strong because you're depicting why this is *different* from something else. You need that figure-drawing background in order to sharpen. Every animator should have this background and unfortunately they don't! You just can't know too much. If you're going to lampoon something, or do a satire - you have to understand the straight way. It gives you a jumping-off point. It gives you a contrast. You just do it and do it... and do it!"

>> No.5129045

Your fucking retarded. Animation whether in Japan or America or France or England or wherever else in the world is about communicating motion. Even those Indonesian puppet theaters understood that.

>> No.5129047

Will post critique once I finish fapping

>> No.5129756

what a gay quote, if you can draw a circle you can animate a circle, if you can put two dots and a line inside the circle you can animate a face. Sure if you want to draw complex or more realistic characters you need some more drawing knowledge.
Richard Williams is good but gives shitty takes like "don't listen to music while animating" people follow that book like a religious text

>> No.5130016

>Sure if you want to draw complex or more realistic characters you need some more drawing knowledge.
That’s what >>5125448 was basically saying though, which is why I replied to the two anons with the quote. I agree: snippets of it are a little gay; but the core of it makes sense (which, again, is all the other anon was saying).

>> No.5130419

This is so awesome. My favourite part is the begginning with all of the crazy takes of the anatomy of the walk cycle. Keep it up man

>> No.5130425

Character development

>> No.5130448

Wow, that was good. I completely missed it cause it looked like basic walk practice... -///-

>> No.5130515

He's back in

>> No.5130807 [DELETED] 

I gave up again.

>> No.5130849
File: 223 KB, 317x560, Animationsdf34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyoen recommend a good course to pirate for an absolute beginner?

>> No.5130943
File: 535 KB, 2163x2560, 91BvUAxQ6FL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go.

>> No.5131220
File: 66 KB, 1029x1194, 1565703361840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what passes as animation nowadays
not saying it's not alright, person surely spent time on it but holy fuck, I can literally count the number of frames it actually had. there's a shit ton of this stuff getting released which is exactly the same "animated" shit, that includes all those story time animation youtuber channels as well.

>> No.5131278


>> No.5131328


>> No.5131390

Mentally ill retard
, so

>> No.5131393
File: 22 KB, 455x406, as3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5131608

Kek, why even bother when this kind of shit is what gets popular despite the animation in it being next to none?

>> No.5131609

Thats not an animation

>> No.5131612

That's what I'm saying, but it's still advertised as such and some people have absolutely no problem with it.

>> No.5131688


>> No.5131693 [DELETED] 

Define ‘animation’

>> No.5131724


>> No.5132096
File: 630 KB, 1920x1080, Export Test 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to experiment with some soft edges (See the buttcheek), but I have no idea what a good method to get consistency is, I keep getting wildly shifting/flickering colors. Any suggestions? (Clip Studio).

I'm trying my best to study what Kamuo does, but I cant seem to figure it out (Other than the fact that they have way less tweened frames than me)


>> No.5132102

Looks like he paints them frame by frame as well. If you look carefully you can see the inconsistencies and flickering in there. It's not enough to be noticeable by anyone not looking for it, yours isn't that bad either and you will get more consistent with time.
The other two ways to do it besides painting it on is using an airbrush with a mask or using a filter.
OLM has a really good one.

>> No.5132106

I forgot to add
I am a big fan of handholding and missionary. great work! The accordion is a nice touch.

>> No.5132115


>> No.5132137
File: 1.11 MB, 1302x651, OLMBlur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, I forgot to actually link the site.
You want to go to the three down on the right, It is called OLM Blur
OLM is the animation studio that does pokemon; This is the website of their R&D team. They put different tools they develop publicly for free.

>> No.5132142

Three down to the left

>> No.5132145

Thanks a bunch! Time to play around and learn AE I guess (I need to do it eventually, this is some good motivation to do so)

>> No.5132164


>> No.5132199

because the shading is incredibly narrow, the softer it is, the less flickering.

>> No.5132336
File: 746 KB, 900x792, cbc0dc657b84f23fba7c910ae3d89a4e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>begs try to be smug without knowing shit about anything
this is why i hate this board.

>> No.5132354

you are fucking stupid. without having a good understanding of form, anatomy and perspective you wont be able to animate well unless you are a 3d subhuman "animator".

>> No.5132463

what software does one use to animate. AE?

>> No.5132476

AE isn't that good for animating. Use Krita or if you can pirate Toonboom Harmony, Flash or clip studio paints go for them instead.

>> No.5132481


>> No.5132492

thanks brehs

>> No.5132682


>> No.5132735

Absolutely degenerate and based

>> No.5132763
File: 495 KB, 871x729, vibin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use TVPaint and Adobe Animate for all my professional work, and play around with other versions of Flash, CACANi, Blender, Pivot, OpenToonz, and CSP.
I highly recommend TVPaint 11, even if the price and the anti-piracy dongle is a bit of dookie. It genuinely pays itself off really well, and would 100% be worth every penny. Probably the best hand-drawn animation software I've ever used, followed closely by Adobe Animate.

>> No.5132815


TVP is great. but its is a bitch if you want to do any camera moves

>> No.5132880

>actually using the TVPaint camera
animate on a 4k canvas with your boards timed out underneath, export your animation to a png sequence, throw that into your editing software with the file's resolution at 1080p, and then you can zoom up to 2x and pan around without any losses in video resolution.

>> No.5132984
File: 1.86 MB, 498x206, a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midwit learns about a concept without fully understanding it and uses it to excuse their terrible animation

>> No.5133315

so.... what makes TVPaint so great?

>> No.5133332

it's basically different features related to CSP, Paint Tool SAI, and Flash all mashed together, but it performs REALLY well. drawing in it feels fucking great

>> No.5133372
File: 144 KB, 403x385, chrome_2021-01-15_00-44-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that you can pretty much just cut corners when it comes to drawing for animation, nobody's gonna notice a few offset proportions or skewed perspectives if it's for short frames.

>> No.5133468

Pencil2d on PC and RoughAnimator on iPad.

>> No.5133477

i animate in photoshop, say what then bitch?

>> No.5133496

>says the sub iq mongrel that doesn't even know anything about animation
pyw faggot

>> No.5133533

Yet you noticed that.

>> No.5133536

because i went out of my way to look for it. pause animations every few frames to see how they went about doing it, but normally you don't notice this shit while it's fast in motion

>> No.5133590

needs bigger cock

>> No.5133799

I use CSP, used to use Adobe Animate but I wanted something more raster.
AE is fantastic for animating if you're using shape layers and imported illustrator graphics. The keyframe velocity takes all the guesswork out of spacing charts and you can precomp things to layer up multiple motions. It's definitely terrible for the type of animation we normally do in this thread though.

>> No.5134157

It's greyed out if you include white frames unfortuantely

>> No.5134168

Please post again

>> No.5134262

>n-no you
We're done here.

>> No.5134632

i already did and it isn't even my best work. i was just experimenting with guts for a small fan project. yet you are the one here being a dumb d/ic/k without any prior experience in the field or knowledge in the medium. i am done replying to a low iq shitposter.

>> No.5134654
File: 12 KB, 512x512, KIT73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey that's not bad, you do straight lines with middle button (for the desk part)

>> No.5134815
File: 630 KB, 1920x1080, Export Test 7.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a method that worked. Its not perfect, but it was quickly repeatable across every frame with some auto actions. Basically took the cell shaded layer, made 5 copies of it, and made each copy have a specifically progressing gaussian blur, then the last layer had a small one, I shrunk it a bit, and applied it only to places where deeper shadows would be (That took a few hours of manual cell shading again)

Tomorrow night gonna do the shading for the sweater, then I have to decide on whether I wanna deal with hair or face first. Prolly hair, because face needs to have a good amount of care put into it, and I wanna make sure the process is down pat first. At the same time, I just don't like how lazily I did the hair, and its entire movement still bothers me. I might just go back and manually tween the side strands (I was mostly lazy with them and just did mesh transforms and shit)

>> No.5134848

OP I jut wanted to tell you that I appreciate what you are doing and to thank you for getting me inspired to try animation again

>> No.5134916

Dumb question: does this still hold up? Or is it outdated?

>> No.5134966
File: 255 KB, 961x1362, 1576823463457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this is considered a really controversial opinion, in the west but I see it as outdated.
Early western animators didn't have the tools at the time to properly judge certain elements, and others are clouded by limitation of the time.
One example is squash and stretch. They didn't have high speed cameras, so they tried to explain a phenomena, and did it badly.
Stretch says that objects get longer and thinner as they become faster. The illusion that they become longer comes from their speed, (smear) and they don't get slimmer, they stay the same size. Squash is also not quite the way they describe it, weight behave differently than what they originally described. Exaggeration is another one of them, it is a carryover from early cinema and theater. One of the most beautiful things in animation is subtlety, and taking something too far can often give it a comedic effect where it isn't appropriate.
I am self taught, with the rest supplemented from eastern teachings, I wouldn't be able to tell you what book to read, but in my opinion you should either read those stuff and take them very loosely or try and reach out to eastern resources.

>> No.5134976

Don't listen to the other guy. It holds up.

>> No.5134996

It's great, the tools and techniques he uses are in no way outdated. He breaks down and explains the animation process in a way that's easy to understand and easy to experiment with freely. It really is a "survival kit" in that it shows you how to tackle very common animation problems and how to approach challenging, unique shots/scenes. It's an incredible resource through and through

>> No.5135017

Told you its controversial, you won't even get a discussion if you'd bring up the things that have been far since scientifically pointed out as wrong.
Either way you should always read those teachings loosely, because you want to make sure something given to you checks out instead of taking things in surface value.

>> No.5135035

that mostly relies on trends but yea 2 frames count as animation even if you don't like it

>> No.5135049

principles in eastern animation are the same. the rest you talked about like subtlety are just stylistic choices

>> No.5135052

it`s called follow through in animation
wtf is going on with the exaggeration example

>> No.5135054

Your drawings and compositing really look good in general. But as far as the animation goes it looks really flat. The body movement lacks good timing and the way her limbs move is a bit rigid. As a whole it doesn't look very fluid at all. Maybe work in timing first and draw the body as a whole rather than animating the parts individually then cleaning them up.

>> No.5135057

>things that have been far since scientifically pointed out as wrong.
Like what?

>> No.5135059

cool effect

>> No.5135067

subtlety is alright but if all your animation is subtle what is the point in animating it? just film actual actor

>> No.5135075

>subtlety is a stylistic choice
I gave three examples in total, can you really not figure out which one I was talking about?

You know, if you just say "no ur wrong" to somebody you are only strengthening the accusation that what you have is a belief. I'm not writing things to be a devil's advocate or anti west, I would learn from anyone, but saying no u is not gonna make people understand your view better, just hate it.

>> No.5135094

Timing and spacing are crucial. A lot of anime look like shit because they don't have the basics down. The studios that do quality work like KyoAni are the ones that employ the same principles as Western animation.

>> No.5135114

a lot of anime look like shit because it is made by overworked, miserable, less than minimal wage japs and on tight deadlines

>> No.5135119

This is right. Ignore that dumb weeb that doesn't even understand the principles. There is a thing called animation style.

>> No.5135123


>> No.5135149

>A lot of anime look shit
Even a lot of the lesser anime look better than what is considered high tier in the west, you are not making a good case here.
>they don't have the basics down
Ignoring the existence of Japanese resources just because you cannot look for them in english is immeasurably stupid
>timing and spacing
Was I talking about timing and spacing? This is literally one of those base factors, there is no animation without timing or spacing, its just a picture otherwise.
>The studios I like worship my teachers as gods
>still hasn't talked about anything I brought up
You could have saved me a lot of time by saying you have no interest in conversing. I can't tell if you gave me a politician answer or you are too stupid to notice what you are doing.
>Yeah, the people who are right are the majority. the guy who suggest that something I believe is wrong and gives points is just a dumb weeb.

If what I am saying is so unfathomably stupid, it won't be hard to just point it out. You realize that by evading discussing anything I brought up you look more like a fanatic than somebody who knows their stuff. art isn't a religion, we examine what we know to check if it is right. even Einstein said he could be proven wrong one day. A man who thinks he is above being proven wrong is a fool.

>> No.5135153

>I gave three examples in total
You're saying squash and stretch has been... disproved by science?

>> No.5135170

why do you need me to say things twice? can you not read what I wrote?

>> No.5135171

Where have i ever said i wouldn't be proven wrong, dumb faggot? I also never evaded anything from you since i didn't even replied to you at all. I was just agreeing with that other anon about how stupid you sounded. Sakuga animation often use fundamental principles of animation. You would know that if you actually weren't a gullible moron that is claiming to be the law in anime industry. Principles that are used the most in good anime are;
>overlapping action
>ease in/ease out
>secondary action

>> No.5135177

this guy came into the thread looking to fight lol

>> No.5135199

>throws in namecalling just to be tasteful
>I wasn't talking to you, I was talking with another anon about how stupid you were
>somehow I have drawn myself as someone who claims to be the law for anime, even though I'm disagreeing in the most open and "willing to listen" way possible
>my teachers are gods and any anime that is worth its value uses these
>claims to be open for discussion, but still avoids talking about ANYTHING that I brought up to back up my claim saying it is dated

Not only are you being childish, you are making your own side sound worse.
If what I am saying sounds so stupid, can you not take one of my examples and show that it is not correct?
This is childish, this is getting quite annoying.
anybody wants to actually discuss these and not just saying "no you"?

>> No.5135201

Dude, stop talking. You're making a fool of yourself.

>> No.5135210

>anybody wants to actually discuss these and not just saying "no you"?
I don't even know what you're trying to discuss or what your points are. You think the Animator's Survival Kit is bad because it talks about squash and stretch and exaggeration?

>> No.5135214

I have not been saying much fighting words.
I used I see instead of claiming facts in order to establish it as my point of view, I talked about how my point of view is subject to change and how I'm interested in talking about it. So far however just saying that I think something the old animation legends might be false garnered me name calls and spite.
The whole Idea of 4chan is that we can't hide someone else's opinion and we are here to discuss things, yet people have been youing me with ur stupid like it is some downvote.
Maybe I don't notice a mean side to myself, you tell me, I think I've been saying rational things and haven't been petty.

>> No.5135224

>Maybe I don't notice a mean side to myself, you tell me, I think I've been saying rational things and haven't been petty.
Yeah man, you've been taking people disagreeing with you really personally and saying a bunch of very strange things. Overall just bringing down the quality of the thread, for shame!

>> No.5135243

You say that you don't know, but you just wrote it. I also wrote an explanation as to why I think those are flawed in western teachings, like how S&S is a misinterpretation of what the animators saw, and objects don't stretch that way and that exaggeration is a carryover from old cinema and theater, where exaggerating motion from life was a given.
I am seriously not being smug. I am curious about having this discussion.
objects do not stretch as their speed up, so why are so many people defeinding it? am I missing something?
Some of the best examples of animation that I have seen were ones were subtle motion was what sold everything, and some of the worse where a motion was too extreme for what it was meant to be, this is why I think exaggeration is merely tradition, if that is so wrong to say, wouldn't it be easy to disprove me?

>> No.5135267

what have I been saying that is strange?
Where have I been taking things personally?
Am I really expecting too much asking to talk about the validity of western animation theory? Am I not justified getting annoyed that not a single one of my point has been actually confronted?
I seriously just came here to talk about animation, all I have been getting so far is nonsense.

>> No.5135286
File: 362 KB, 500x281, tumblr_nl3908HlJ71ryqzjgo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheesh shut the fuck up idiots, im tired of this east vs west gay fights.
post animation or gtfo

>> No.5135313
File: 95 KB, 300x285, dancer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of this dancing guy? I was thinking about making a bunch of them

>> No.5135335


>> No.5135374

Fucking kek

>> No.5135379

Based. Also that is some kickass animation. Source?

>> No.5135394

You weebs are mentally ill. I like anime more than western animation but you have to be deluded to think that the fundamental principles aren't being used in anime. That is why people are calling you stupid in this thread. Not to mention you are a tripfag as well which makes you look even more stupid.

>> No.5135419
File: 1.99 MB, 400x268, tumblr_njokvoLXuS1rc3pqko1_400_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really cute, i would add some subtle stretch and squash to the hands
no idea, i save all good gifs i see on a big folder

>> No.5135884
File: 500 KB, 1600x1200, punky_at_desk_.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warning: pic related is shrink fetish shit
good, but strikes me as a bit too slow.
u r being too articulate about other peoples flaws. This isn't the 'methods of discourse' general, it's the 'animation' general. Just keep saying things about animation not about the character of people who insult you & maybe u will catch less insults.
I agree with what you say about exaggeration, but I think it is pointing in the direction of managing audience focus, which applies to all visual art, but especially when story elements need to be conveyed. If someone is looking at the wrong place & misses a detail it can ruin stuff. So you gotta make sure. Make sure they see. See what you are trying to make them see.

I think gif loops are a new kind of medium. Like with a still image, the eye can circulate the thing multiple times, but like in animation, there is a flow to elements on the screen...

Anyone got hot resources on managing focus?

>> No.5135900

Just a tourist in this thread, but ta-kun is good people. They're just trying to be helpful and they tend to have good takes (I've seen them post in another thread that I actually frequent).

If you're not looking for critique or anything then just make that clear instead. It's rare enough for people to offer actual insight and debatable opinions on /ic/ rather than pure crab and shitposting, and the last thing we should be doing is actively discouraging thoughtful / detailed input.

>> No.5135911

Why does ta-kun have an identity that can be remembered?!? what is this, book-face!?!?!

>> No.5135987

Yep, I'm fully aware. This is a "Finish it so mistakes can be made note of and avoided next time" animation. This is my first attempt at animation, so I'm learning a lot of shit as I go along.

>> No.5136257
File: 425 KB, 560x420, 5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I copied this scene from Last Dance and took me 8 hours. I didn't save it so I redrawed it.

>> No.5136714
File: 296 KB, 1920x1080, ClimbTest3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand animating camera moves is tricky.

>> No.5136810

Bahaha, that's not even a difficult camera move! Lol, jk, maybe try a bit of the old ease in ease out, eh?

>> No.5136939

I hear it's easier to just draw the full thing in something like 4K then just use a 1080p resolution and you can pan through the image way easier then.

>> No.5136979

on the pan up the critter's trail slides up along the camera instead of staying locked where it is relative to the tower, which breaks the effect of the pan.

>> No.5137533
File: 150 KB, 540x443, parry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5137989
File: 175 KB, 800x600, untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whew lads this shit is hard, gonna keep at it.

>> No.5138152
File: 458 KB, 1000x800, Dog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5138223
File: 39 KB, 450x216, lizardbutts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made in Krita at 24 fps

>> No.5138998
File: 712 KB, 800x600, square up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5139019

Too fluid.

>> No.5139082

ur fluid

>> No.5139196
