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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5101466 No.5101466 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

>What should I buy?
State your:
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
>Size (in inches)
>Other information
>Previous equipment

If you have any additional questions, ask them.

>Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3 - Best budget tablet.
Intuos Pro M - The best non-display tablet.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite - Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech.
Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" - Best option for a display tablet.
Used Cintiq 22HD - The only worthwhile large display tablet
Galaxy Tab S7+ - Good premium alternative to an iPad Pro


XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand - Poor build quality, lackluster pens, bad tilt, struggles to register light pressure, horrible customer support and the displays are not calibrated. All Chinese brands are basically the same because they're all centralized. Also watch, Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Microsoft Surface Pro - The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.
Lenovo - Bad drawing performance.

Previous: >>5088847

>> No.5101520

From previous thread:

Got an opportunity to pick up an IPad Pro 12.9'' 64gb 2nd gen with a Pencil for 400. Good deal or should I hold out?

>> No.5101528


I'm using my first tablet - intuos pro M. I get there's a learning curve but wondering if there's anything I can do to make it feel more natural.

I notice it can be tough to draw straight lines with it in my lap, since the orientation changes slightly, I guess it's best to use it on a tabletop only?

Looking for any other setup tips--what do you find most handy to put in the hotkeys, for general painting?

>> No.5101533

Not bad. 50-100 below what I usually see on ebay.

>> No.5101555

You just practice. Spend a week drawing with it and your brain will adjust.

Hotkeys are worthless, use a keyboard with your non-pen hand.

>> No.5101558

yes put it on a tabletop directly aligned with your monitor
generally i think the essential hotkeys are pen/brush, eraser, (i dont like using the pen), space (pan), ctrl+space (zoom), r (rotate). if theres a slider or scroll wheel, set it to brush size
im not familiar with intuos M though. hotkeys on the top instead of the side sounds very annoying to use. is it multi-touch or something? if thats the case you could switch the last 3 with whatever drawing tools

>> No.5101565

>Hotkeys are worthless
couldn't be any more wrong
anything to speed up your workflow is worthwhile

>> No.5101567

Except it doesn't speed up workflow, that's why they're worthless.
A keyboard does the exact same thing, except you have more buttons to press.

>> No.5101574

to each their own. ill switch between my keyboard and my tablet buttons. can't quickly change brush size on my keyboard like i can with my scroll wheel.
also my keyboard hotkeys are kind of all over the place since so many are already standardized

>> No.5101588

Yep, multitouch with hotkeys on the side, though I'm still just noodling around.

>> No.5101606

The retarded buttons down the side of tablets are legitimately worthless and I have all of the buttons on my intuos disabled. If you don't learn the standardised keyboard shortcuts and instead use crutches, everytime you switch a program you'll be forced to reconfigure hundreds of shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts are also easier to slam than pressing down on physical buttons

>> No.5101638

I'm seeing some old Huions like the GT-191 selling for under $200 used and good condition - should I go for it?

>> No.5101662

Used tablets are a horrible idea, honestly

>> No.5101666

beginner here is a wacom ctl 472 a good tablet for a newbie

>> No.5101667

yeah i agree with you, i could only thing in buttons if my workspace is too tigh tand there isn't much space on the desk, but in that case a small keyboard should do the trick.
if you use just a few shortcuts then that's valid too, but with the time people usually start to use more shortcuts.
I do these >>5101574, i find more fast the wheel system of some tablets for brush size, is really more fast and easy, but with a small keyboard in the right place is the same, that's why is more a thing of space work than anything

>> No.5101674

there's your problem. intuos has retarded button placement.
>switching programs
also dumb. most people will stick to one or two and any modern driver lets you configure per program
yeah. i use a laptop, monitor and a large tablet, so using the keyboard can be kinda cumbersome and i have to reach around the tablet

>> No.5101689

my friend gifted me his old large Intuos Pro (2013) that is very very used. The surface is worn down smooth and shiny in the common areas, and it's missing rubber feet so it slightly slides and rockers. still in nice working order and feels nice drawing on it. is there something else about used tablets to look out for that im missing?

>> No.5101694
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Can someone test a Wacom EMR pen on a Samsung Tab? Apparently they work as well as the S-Pen

>> No.5101868
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I've got a pro pen 2 but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get it to work. In theory it should work but it's not working. Is there a setup you have to do?

>> No.5101878

You need to enable "Allow multiple S Pens" in S Pen settings.

>> No.5101883

Still not working. Further googling suggests that it's not compatible, but that yellow and black staedtler stylus should be

>> No.5101887

yeah dont draw with it on your lap. that’s some terrible ergonomics

>> No.5101898

Damaged ports and no warranty and furthermore no driver updates.

>> No.5101901

that’s because the staedtler pen is a re-wrapped s-pen. samsung/wacom made the pro pen and s-pen lines have separate registries to prevent co-mingling (what you’re trying to do). the only intuos stylus i’ve heard that works on _some_ samsung display tablets are very specific ancient intuos 1 from like the 90s.

>> No.5101913

Is a cintiq screen protector worth it? Anyone here use one?

>> No.5102018

Willing to spend $300 (approximating Wacom PTH660 as the upper limit)
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
>Size (in inches)
Medium size, current tablet is 10.8 x 8.8.
>Other information
Looking for a good quality tablet that doesn't have a slim pen. Current pen is a big issue due to hand problems I've developed after a surgery and the newer pens aren't compatible with my current tablet.
>Previous equipment
Wacom CTH680

>> No.5102086

No unless you happen to be a caveman grinding the pen on to your pen display.

>> No.5102211
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I messaged Parka blogs and apparently the new Wacom One pen works on it.

>> No.5102215

i got a 2018 ipad pro and it is the best digital art device ever made. the screen is 10/10. the digitizer and pencil are 10/10. there is zero parallax. it is as powerful as my i7 macbook amd the battery lasts 3 times as long. procreate is perfectly optimized for touch - unlike photoshop. this is the future of making art with a computer. i you buy a screen tablet you are a decade behind.

>> No.5102221

that is a great deal on a device that will improve ur art. ipads are the closest thing to natural media i have used. only down side is no usb c - so charging is slow as shit and you cant use a cheap power bank. if you mostly use it at home plugged in - get it.

>> No.5102225

Personal experience, really disliked my iPad Pro (1st Gen). Pen was good but VERY uncomfortable for long sessions.
iPad just doesn't werk, it's hard to upload videos on it, view videos/webms, browse and manage PDFs, Files app just doesn't work sometimes, downloads constantly failed...

Drawing was very nice in CSP though, very nice. Still 100% preferred sitting at my desk with my Huion screen tablet though.

>> No.5102235

Anything other than the latest Apple iPad Pro 12.9 is worthless.
This thread is pointless.

>> No.5102287

>is there something else about used tablets to look out for that im missing?
Nope, used tablets are fine and represent good value.

Zhang replying to you want you to buy brand new so the chinese companies profit.

>> No.5102335

>will improve ur art
I don't know about that, I think it might improve their drawing experience though.

>> No.5102355
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>Can someone test a Wacom EMR pen on a Samsung Tab? Apparently they work as well as the S-Pen

Dude that's like saying the tractor tracks should fit on a car just because they both roll.

>> No.5102357

So i went from traditional to a screenless tablet. It feels quite awkward to draw like this, almost like trying to draw with my left hand. Does this problem go away with practice? does it take long?

>> No.5102365

I'm getting back into digital art, and currently have an iPad Pro. It's great, but I'm a creature of habit who learned to draw digitally with a classic non-display tablet, and sometimes I miss it. I've considered buying a cheap tablet to play with, but I feel kind of retarded when I have this nice, expensive display tablet to use. I also worry that my art is gonna look like shit with one since I've gotten so used to drawing on my iPad. Thoughts?

>> No.5102406

>iPad just doesn't werk, it's hard to upload videos on it, view videos/webms, browse and manage PDFs, Files app just doesn't work sometimes, downloads constantly failed..
Welcome to Apple jail, if it doesn't have a jailbreak and a godly jailbreak file manager like filza or you're not opening webms in other apps like vlc or you don't own a server the device is basically worthless. The ipad even needs a fucking jailbreak for a torrent client or emulators. These things are worthless without a jailbreak unless you're happy autistically resigning apps every week.

The only good thing about Apple is the battery life until you've hit the designated battery cycle limit upon which it's time to watch huge chunks of battery in minutes, but of course you can buy a new battery for the cost of nearly 200 bucks from Apple if you don't mind getting your device back with small gouge marks along the sides and additional scuffing along the sides and a few extra screen scratches which is what I got the last time I sent my device in for servicing.

>> No.5102426

it does, no idea how long for you.

I got a screen tablet after years with a screnless and have the same issue for the last couple days.

>> No.5102427
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>buy a nearly decade old tablet which hasn't received driver updates and crucial bugfixes because it was made in the stone age
Pick one inevitable outcome
>Drawing program updates and it shits itself completely because hurr dur your drivers are from the stone age
>Wangblows 10 updates and your drivers no longer work because Windows decides its Wacom's responsibility to fix their own shit
Meanwhile the larping schizo, who has never read a single driver page, thinks that Wacom is good because it runs on magical Waconium instead of something called 'driver updates'. Unless you have more grey matter than the literal pea that the schizo possesses and use linux as your main system and can build your own drivers from the community created ones and update them yourself, don't buy a nearly decade old tablet unless you are a collector of antiques.

>> No.5102464

I got a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite for Christmas, thanks to a recommendation from here. What carrying cases and ergonomic stands do you guys recommend for the device?

>> No.5102506

There are exceptions to every rule, and old Wacoms seem to be indestructible.

>> No.5102694

My Intuos3 (bought at release) outlived my later Wacom models. Don't know if the newer models are just as solid. Still probably better than Huyong Chang XP tablet and their drivers

>> No.5102704

Just pick the best reviewed case that you like from Amazon. If the two tab s7 cases I got are anything to go by, it's not hard to get something high quality for cheap when it's not an iPad. There's far less shovelware for non apple products

>> No.5102744

Yes, about two weeks if you draw daily. Take a little extra time with your regular exercise routines can help speed up transition.

>> No.5102761

> should

that would be nice if it’s true. the s-pen sticks on the notes are terrible.

>> No.5102797

don’t think I bought mine at launch, I think it was 2007 or 08? A buddy of mine got a medium 3, I tried it and instantly fell in love with the new stylus design. Sold my trusty old intuos1 the next week. The best thing about the intuos3 line (aside from longevity) is their wide range of tablet sizes, which are freakin’ cheap on ebay now. I’ve collected/hoarded over the years a 9x12, 12x12, and a 6x11 to go along with my 6x8 limited edition.
Admitted, I don’t use most of them too often but being able to bring out Big Bertha on an easel and do some shoulder/broad-stroke exercises feels great. Well worth the $40 I paid for her a few years back.

>> No.5102808
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finally upgraded from this literal piece of trash
got the xp pen artist 15.6 pro
i can finally draw from my shoulder + elbow and not my wrist. holy fuck. its legitimately been life-changing

>> No.5102811

You're welcome

>> No.5102815
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yo bros. i have an old intuos 4 and thinking about upgrading to an intuos pro because its smaller and more sleek also i want to switch from m size to s for space reasons.

but all this "second generation" "first generation" is kinda confusing. what is to know when upgrading intuos?

>> No.5102819

First generation Intuos Pro is actually better because it has a nicer drawing surface. Also consider an Intuos 5 if you can find one.

Smalls are generally not recommended because you have less space to work with, and it can cause hand cramps. Medium is what most people go with.

>> No.5102820

never do this

>> No.5102849

i limited my m projection alreadyto s size for a while now and iam more comfortable with this.

>> No.5102907

im this guy >>5102808
and i honestly cant really comprehend wanting to go down to such a tiny size. seems absurd to me
my tablet was 5"and felt extremely limiting
had to zoom in to ridiculous levels to do any real detail work, could hardly draw a continuous line etc. basically had to sacrifice my lineart quality to actually get anything done. what kind of art do you do?
but yeah i guess if youre really fine with it then you should just downgrade in size

>> No.5102913

That's a straight up downgrade

Intuos pro is the rehash of the old Intuos 4 and 5 with minor difference, arguably worse. And the small size is just fucking tiny you're gonna hate it.

>> No.5102940

You don't know what he's going to "fucking hate", Zhang. You still haven't learned that different people adapt to different work environments.

>> No.5102946

/beg/ here, thoughts on drawing laptops? What to look out for?

>> No.5102969

Some people are either wrong or stupid.
If he likes the small size instead of medium means he's drawing with his fingertips and never learned to use shoulder.

That's not a choice that's a disability, I bet my ass he couldn't pull a long accurate line for the life of his and chicken-scratches like a retard then spends an eternity fixing it up with an eraser.

There aren't different workflows, there are wrong workflows.

>> No.5102986

you're the one crying about me.
Keep crying about me while i'm selling the Xp-Pens and helping people to draw right.

>> No.5102990

Thanks, I'll stick with it then. It feels awful, hopefully i get good with it soon

>> No.5103000

Wacom ducks dick

>> No.5103057


Nice try, Chang.

>> No.5103125

Does any artist worth a shit use "hundreds" of shortcut keys?

>> No.5103131

Go practice your linework.
Maybe you wouldn't need a stabilizer if you did.

Oh, wait-you don't draw, your opinion is useless.

>> No.5103135

>your most used brush or two
>eraser ( unless you use your pen/pen button)
>brush size (wheel if you have it)
>flip, maybe
anything else you shouldn't really be needing in the first place

>> No.5103141

You don't even draw, the fuck do you know about anyone's workflow?

>> No.5103144
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help a nigga out please

>> No.5103148

use your phone

>> No.5103150

There are no good drawing laptops, they all come with rather shitty pens.

if you want an all in one device get a tablet, only Samsung or Apple.

>> No.5103168

dont. like other anon said. if you want an all in one, you have to get a galaxy tablet or ipad. otherwise get a laptop + drawing tablet

>> No.5103179

I see, any other reason than shitty pens? Can't I buy a separate pen anyway? (idk if that's dumb but im entirely too /beg/ for digital)
Reason why Im asking is that my school is offering 50% off laptops so I thought about buying one with drawing screen

>> No.5103185

im no expert on the pen side, i know some laptops come with "wacom tech" pens
but i do know you're probably getting a gimped laptop in all other aspects. not worth sacrificing getting a good laptop for school when youre just a beg anyways

>> No.5103209

Get a normal laptop with the best screen you can, no 1333*768 bullshit and get a drawing tablet separately.

>> No.5103231

Yeah I am looking into it right now, basically im gonna do what anon said >>5103209
another /beg/ question: screen or no screen? any features I should look out for if I were to get either?

>> No.5103256

if I were a beg i wouldn't throw money at a display tablet until i had something to show for it
consensus seems to be the deco pro or a used intuos are the best deals for a screenless tablet. just make sure you get something with a not so tiny working area

>> No.5103260

Got it, thanks for the help mate

>> No.5103401
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Not him, but damn, they're really that bad? I need to replace my craptop stat before I fling it out the window, and this Lenovo Yoga C740 is looking really good right now. The hardware:price ratio fits my budget nicely, and it seems to be rated well for daily usage. I don't mind buying a proper tablet since my current one needs replacing too, but is it that bad for sketching in Sai? Is it a lag issue, wobble/jitter issue like the Surface Pro, how exactly are they bad?

Its too bad iPad Pros are so expensive and also run iOS. Having something you can whip out whenever and get to work looks so nice.

>> No.5103435

to the best of my knowledge the pens are really crappy.

There are videos by the paid shills praising them but you can see the fuck-ups in the video itself
>the pressure is great
>you can literally see the spikes in his strokes
>no jitter
>jitter so bad you see it from a distance

The Yoga technology is shit.

>> No.5103485
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you could get a galaxy book flex + bigger spen from the tab s7/s7+

>> No.5103805

>Check out the webm to understand how bad they ar


>> No.5103844

I just ordered this
damn you
if I get even more serious, I'll get a Wacom

>> No.5103846
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fucking forgot the pic

>> No.5103858

>3 year old xp pen model
hahaha, what an idiot

>> No.5103878

Ok, so is there a better large one like that available for $400.00?
I'll be using GIMP and Krita anyway

>> No.5103979

wait why do you say fuck? did you misread my post?
im not sure the difference between 22e and what I have. seems just slightly more expensive with no scroll wheel. 22" is huge though

>> No.5104019

kek, I've used that in early 2000s for graphic design work and scratched the sheet to the point that it felt like potholes. taped the pen since it had cracks from frequent drops due to sleepless deadlines and overnights.

>> No.5104093

just get the cintiq 16

>> No.5104127

I said fuck because I was sitting on the fence for the longest time about getting it and now I made my decision to get one.
only $400, on sale, 21.5"

>> No.5104134

enjoy it bro
im having a blast

>> No.5104141

>budget: $3K max
>location: canada
>previous equipment: small wacom tablet (former), random unknown brand tablet monitor (current)

Basically I am getting tired of my current tablet monitor's negatives. The gookware drivers haven't been updated since 2017 and conflict with random software. (It actually caused bugs in Starcraft running in the background) It's also super dim even on max brightness. It's around 20" in size.

I looked at the Cintiq 22, which years ago was out of my budget, but now it's only $1200 for some reason? I also see a Cintiq 24 which is twice the price, I'm wondering what the difference is between them and if anyone would recommend one or the other? thanks

>> No.5104170

>I was sitting on the fence for the longest time about getting it
All that time and you didn't Google around to see if it's was even the latest model you could get for that price range? You cucked yourself into rechargeable pen territory.

>> No.5104183

It’s crazy to me that people draw on tablets without screens. I don’t do digital art at all though maybe screenless tablets are more intuitive than they seem

>> No.5104189

i used an intuos for a decade. i was convinced it was better than all screen tablets. then i forced myself to use an ipad pro and learn procreate. it is the best thing i ever did for my art. it is the closest thing to natural media i have ever used and i have used them all.

>> No.5104195

I like the new intuos pros (I have a medium and a large one) but honestly you really don't wanna go smaller than a medium or your art will suffer for it.

>> No.5104205

man i have owned every cintiq and intuos pro. the mobile studio pro is is the perfect xample of what is wrong with wacom. it costs a fortune. it weighs a ton. u need a bluetooth keyboard to use it with photoshop. the screen is too dim. the colors are bad. the screen is too skinny - so that it has half the usable real estate as a device with a normal screen ratio. it runs way too hot. it has like a one hour battery life. in all the ways that count it isn't mobile at all.

the ipad pro is light. it has a more powerful processor. it has a better screen in every way. it has procreate. procreate lets u pinch to zoom and rotate your canvas with a finger. this is absolutely irreplaceable. it makes drawing and painting - even on a small screen - fast and accurate. it makes the ipad function like a 11 inch sheet of paper in a sketch pad. you just cant use photoshop and jump around with 15 different tools with hot keys on a keyboard to draw and paint after using procreate. procreate also does away with all the shit in photoshop u never use and makes the important shit easy to find. i once thought procreate was flawed because it doesnt have a pen tool. then i realized the digitizer is so good that you can actually draw smooth lines by hand and that stupid bezier cope isnt necessary anymore.

and im comparing the ipad to the best wacom tech - not some chinese knockoff with a shaky pen line and a crappy screen.

>> No.5104209

the intuos small is hands down the best tablet wacom ever made. it has an amazing battery. it has usbc for charging so no stupid dongles. it has the best surface feel and and pen wacom ever made. it is also the perfect sixr. but since getting a 2018 ipad pro i have never touched it.

>> No.5104213

the digitizers on the 3 in qs are garbage. also both of the 3 in 1s had - lagged like hell when using photoshop. and the both had i7 with 16 gigs of ram. they also both had shitty color and brightness.

>> No.5104215

a 2018 ipad pro is faster and cheaper than this yoga.

>> No.5104227

the problem with the 22ux is that it is 2008 technology. the screen is terrible. it has retarded connectors and too many cables. the drawing is good tho - but the parallax is crap. it is too big and heavy and it is hot and the surface is bad for drawing.

>> No.5104228
File: 192 KB, 970x300, 81b617ae-7837-42a3-9f03-166d93e7c280.__CR0,0,970,300_PT0_SX970_V1___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> rechargeable pen
it comes with two of them. okay?
One can be charging while I use the other one

>> No.5104286

sceenless is just basically like having a bigger mousepad. but instead, by using a pen and a working surface that can be mapped in size according to the users rqmt.

>> No.5104513

Eat my ass wacom cuck sucker

>> No.5104536

Yeah man you fucked up big time can you still cancel or return?

1 rechargeable pens only live one year, either the recharging port will die, or the battery will
2 no pen tilt
3 old an shitty non-laminated screen

You need to do your research with the chinks.
The recommended models are Artist 15.6 Pro and Kamvas 22 Plus. Artist 22e is hugely obsolete.

>> No.5104669

What are the most important things to pay attention to when buying a laptop with the purpose of drawing? GPU power?

>> No.5104702

Nope, drawing programs barely use GPU.
RAM and a decent CPU is all you need for drawing.
8GB minimum (for smooth operation on W10) but 16GB is really nice to have

>> No.5104711

Dude that's not a 15.6 pro lmao. If you ordered it on amazon just return it the second you get it. 24"pro or 15.6" pro are actually good. Some people like the 22R but the resolution is low and that model is old. 22E is even older holy shit haha it's so bad

>> No.5104787

Good to know, thanks anon.

>> No.5104823

just cancelled
> 2 no pen tilt
> 3 old an shitty non-laminated screen
did not know that.
no pen tilt is the killer for me
will order the 15.6 Artist Pro as soon as I get refunded back to my account
Thanks Guize

>> No.5104895

You're welcome.

>> No.5104925

What about cintiq 16? Size seems fine, the lack of buttons is pretty sucky but I can deal with it I guess.
The most important thing for me is input lag. How bad is it? I am afraid that this shit will piss me off after being used to traditional drawing.

>> No.5104944
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>will order the 15.6 Artist Pro as soon as I get refunded back to my account
and then realize the tilt doesn't work properly.


>> No.5104951

do cintiqs have these problems too?

>> No.5104953



>> No.5104959

Thank you. I thought Cintiqs were overpriced because of the branding and was going to buy a chinese tablet, but if cintiqs are genuinely better then that changes things.

>> No.5104965

They are, but Chang will arrive soon and try to tell you the opposite.
iPad Pros are also top of the line tablets that offer all the functionality artists expect.

If you're on a budget, you're better off just buying one of the high quality tablets used or refurbished at a discount. Makes more sense than a chinese tablet that still can't get tilt functionality right.

>> No.5104978

Thanks. What do you think about size? The video you linked shows the Cintiq 16, is that big enough for most artists, or it makes sense to go for a bigger display? I'd imagine it's big enough since a lot of pros use an iPad Pro, which is 12.9, but I'm not sure.

>> No.5104981
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This is actually a problem with the reviewer though.
Here's how it works for me, because I can actually draw.

>> No.5104986
File: 2.53 MB, 1200x720, 2020-09-21_12-45-39.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5104994

It's all a matter of personal preference, same goes with non-display tablets.
Some people can't draw on anything but a large display tablet, others prefer to work with a small non-display.

For me, the 15.6"-16" form factor is a meme, because it's still not big enough to efficiently draw with your shoulder with. In terms of size, there's not much of a difference between working with 12.9" and 16", but the iPad also offers portability, and some amazing apps like Procreate and Artstudio Pro, which are like dreams come true for artists. Used iPad Pro 2nd Gens are fantastic value on Ebay, and in high supply so there are plenty of good deals.

As usual, you can discard Chang's shilling again here: >>5104981 >>5104986
He likes posting his screen recordings, but not the actual tablet itself from the outside. He's just desperate to sell chinese tablets.

>> No.5104996

okay, so you are saying that the guy used the tablet wrong? what did he do wrong? under which circumstances is what happens in this webm: >>5104944 supposed to happen?

>> No.5104997
File: 404 KB, 3000x3000, 444444444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW some actual OC content from a user rather than whoever OP is.

OP is either a /pol schizo or that failed youtuber himself coming to cry after his channel died, but he hever posted his own work, or his own brushstroke.

The iPad might actually be good, probably, but i bet my ass OP can't freehand a line like this on whatever his device is.

>> No.5104999

>OC content
>some picture of line squiggles
You are such an idiot it's funny.
Always desperate to make those sales, eh Zhang?

>> No.5105014

>okay, so you are saying that the guy used the tablet wrong?

The fulltime youtube reviewers can't draw for shit, they are mostly webcomic shitters or complete beginners.
>under which circumstances is what happens in this webm:
1 jerked his hand while leading the curve, gotta get good.
2 failed to keep the pressure while turning his hand around
3 shaky hand, you can very much see the end of the pen moving around.

He basically can't hold the pen for shit.

>> No.5105026

>Used iPad Pro 2nd Gens are fantastic value on Ebay, and in high supply so there are plenty of good deals.
Didn't know that, i thought i was going to have to spend 1-2k on an ipad on Amazon. Thanks man
You may be right, but wouldn't it still be a knock on the XP Pen if that happens, but it doesn't happen on the Cintiq? Maybe it's not important though. It sucks trying to buy expensive things when you don't know how to appraise them.

>> No.5105027

And you always never posted your work.

>> No.5105033

>but wouldn't it still be a knock on the XP Pen if that happens, but it doesn't happen on the Cintiq?
It doesn't actually happen for me either.

Aaron Rutten had a drama with them and got personal. He had a crying video "Abloo bloo Xp Won't send me free shit anymore" and on the next video he bashed their tablet for a stand lol.

The Cintiq have a lot to critique too.
If you're not talking the real deal Cintiq Pro which are actually unmatched (and cost 3000$) the budget Cintiqs have some really shitty unlaminated displays with low color space

OP won't let anyone discuss shit, but there are pros and cons to both. Comparing XP and Cintiq you actually get a much better screen with laminated glass for less money.

>> No.5105039

>Aaron Rutten
The broken tilt portion of this webm >>5104944 is Teoh Yi Chie

Sorry shill, you just don't get it. Even the budget Cintiqs don't have outright broken tilt or wobbly diagonal lines.

Keep accusing everyone who points out flaws in your precious XP Pens of being "shit artists", while pretending your worthless line squiggles here >>5104997 count as "real art".

>> No.5105046

another thread sponsored by wacom fag, he even refer to the same webm (that he post in every single thread) in the op description.

yeah almost all the people know that the guys isn't a valid reviewer, is very biased.

the same guy also review almost all the new models and talk about how good they are compared to old models, and that they are a competent device that match well know brands, he compared the devices with well detailed descriptions regarding the quality of the pens, so anyone who wants a decent review, that guy is a good alternative beyond the anons here with a biased opinion.

>> No.5105070

>the same guy also review almost all the new models and talk about how good they are compared to old models
Which makes it all the more telling when it exposes just how bad and broken the tilt is.

>> No.5105076

If someone is testing for line wobble they should use a ruler with all stabilizers off and check for these weird uniform wobbles in the line. Different angles and speeds is a plus. This is the only thing I feel colbow does well in his reviews, he can fuck off about the rest of his shit though.

Wacom has stabilizers built into the drivers which is why they're so smooth as well as why they can fuck up so terribly at times. Honestly, having a little bit of wobble is fine, just turn on a tiny bit of stabilizer and it goes away. You want to stay away from anything with surface pro diagonal line wobble levels of fucked up though.

>> No.5105081

Broken tilt is fixed by tuning the pen. Literally 5 minutes and a glasses repair kit screwdriver can fix it and you're obsessing over it. I had this problem, popped open the pen button, turned the screw w red ring around it, and problem solved. Their shit just gets out of whack if dropped or during shipping sometimes.

>> No.5105090

>If someone is testing for line wobble they should use a ruler with all stabilizers off

In this video >>5104981 I did the first couple of lines with a ruler but the end of the pen kept getting caught on it rather awkwardly and the ruler had a beat up edge too.

After that I just freehanded the rest of the lines like a normal person and they looked even better than that.

>> No.5105093

No you didn't, Zhang.
You did a screen recording, you can't prove you did anything. No reason to trust you either because you're very obviously a shill.

>> No.5105100

>No reason to trust you either because you're very obviously a shill.

Unlike the fulltime career reviewers who get free 3000$ gifted by Wacom? They are definitely unbiased.

>> No.5105104

>Its too bad iPad Pros are so expensive

Thats true, but something to keep in mind is that if you sell your ipad in like 4/5 years you'll get a lot more money back than an android tablet or whatever because it holds it value better than other tech products. I think thats good to keep in mind to when buying something.

>> No.5105105

yeah i agree with you, most reviews toke that line test but in reality is a very tiny aspect of the whole, and of course the stabilizer take a major part, other brands don't have that built-in stabilizer, you could even said that wacom is cheating for using that haha.
So you just put a little more stabilizer in the program and that's it, perfect lines in all the modern tablet brands, you can have perfect lines even in a old galaxy note 3

>> No.5105126

>procreate lets u pinch to zoom and rotate your canvas with a finger. this is absolutely irreplaceable.
Photoshop also has this.

>> No.5105220

Imagine not being intelligent enough to use the hoykeys to navigate.
Thats our OP who thinks he can samefag while knowing only 10 words.

>> No.5105262

You can try a plastic ruler, might be better. It's preferable to actually film your hand going along with the ruler and then show the results on the screen or even along with a screen recording with these things. No matter what you do OP will never be satisfied though.

>most reviews toke that line test but in reality is a very tiny aspect of the whole
Yep. As long as it's not awful even with a stabilizer on, it's seriously not a problem. It's also an issue that comes with the tablet being extremely sensitive and the way that nibs sit in the pen and wobble around, and can even be caused by drivers sometimes. Most of the time it's a non-issue. People need to be more concerned with things like frame rate, lag, contrast levels, proper resolution to screen size ratio (for pixel density), driver stability, and backlight brightness (a dim light will only get dimmer over time and become useless, so it is better to get one with a bright light that you keep at a low setting than a dim one at 100%).

>other brands don't have that built-in stabilizer, you could even said that wacom is cheating for using that haha.
No rules only tools. Most programs have built in stabilizers now, and even if you've got an old version of PS you can use LazyNezumi or something.

>So you just put a little more stabilizer in the program and that's it, perfect lines in all the modern tablet brands, you can have perfect lines even in a old galaxy note 3

>> No.5105289

ive only had my 15.6 pro for a week and ive had none of these issues except the parallax which isnt really an issue for me

>> No.5105306

>OP will never be satisfied though.
My point is not to convince OP but to convince everybody else that OP is full of shit.

That makes him even angrier and he deserves it.

>> No.5105307

The tilt has been explained to you numerous times, because you've never drawn with these tablets yourself, you have no understanding of it.

The 3rd party tablets have tilt RECOGNITION, meaning they can work with some titled brushes. They do not have tilt ROTATION which works with drivers and the emr to recognize which way you want the tilt to go in program.

The webm you ALWAYS post because you have no self made evidence, shows what happened when you use a pen that has RECOGNITION of tilt rather than that and tilt ROTATION.
Only Apple and Wacom have rotation.

>source: anyone who has ever used a tablet

>> No.5105313

>They do not have tilt ROTATION which works with drivers and the emr to recognize which way you want the tilt to go in program.

This is retarded. see here 30 seconds in.

The Chinese tablets detect both the degree and direction of tilt. They don't have barrel rotation though, but that's a whole different feature.

>> No.5105331

What should I get as a complete beginner? I like to doodle a lot and feel like it's a waste of paper. Ideally it should be under the $100 mark and can last me for a long time without being painful to use.

>> No.5105333
File: 65 KB, 1080x248, Screenshot_20210102-142736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teoh Yi Chie
isn't he literally the most worthless "artist" on YouTube? i don't trust anything he says and his reviews are shit
seriously how are these god awful comic shitters so popular?

>> No.5105335

Yeah, sure, blame the artist for a clear case of the tilt function snapping incorrectly.
Jesus christ you're an idiot, lol.

He's also one of the biggest shills for chinese crap, but I guess as soon as he points out a flaw in your garbage tablet, he must be total shit.

>> No.5105355

no. he's just shit.
my tilt works fine above 30 degrees

>> No.5105358

>my tilt works fine above 30 degrees
You say that, but you're just a worthless shill.

>> No.5105359

cope lol.
keep shilling your youtube channel though, its clearly working, you already broke 200k subs

>> No.5105365

Teoh is not a great artist at all but I appreciate that he tries tablets on pc and mac, and goes over the technical stuff well. He tests every feature he can even if he doesn't use them (instead of avoiding showing or testing tilt because "I don't use it"), he's pretty honest about it.

>He's also one of the biggest shills for chinese crap
He has complained about so much chinese crap and told people to stay away from the awful ones. Do you even actually watch or read his reviews?

>> No.5105379
File: 2.91 MB, 480x360, VID_20210102_144625_010.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait whats going on in that schizo webm anyways? how come i can't recreate it?
please forgive me if my webm quality is shit

>> No.5105391

>i don't trust anything he says and his reviews are shit
His voice is calming and his reviews are very through and more "raw" than most other reviewer's.

>> No.5105576

You don't even need to use hotkeys for canvas rotation and zooming, though.

If your display has multi-touch, you can pinch and rotate with 2 fingers literally the same as on an iPad.

>> No.5105613

iPad bros, how do you have it set it up? Do you have some holder? If so, recommend me one please. I think I'll kill my back if I just keep it laid down on the table flat.

>> No.5105684

Im trying to learn how to draw and i got a gaomon, can I still learn decently before i get something better

>> No.5105708

>Im trying to learn how to draw
You're supposed to learn on paper you utter retard.

>> No.5105721

Not him, but digital is way more convenient.
>can undo, redo
>no supplies to keep track of, no ink, different pencils, paper
>easier to organize, less clutter

>> No.5105728

You are a colossal idiot.
Who gives a fuck about those things when you're learning to draw? Learning the fundamentals entails learning how to draw confident lines, something you will never understand if you're constantly redoing.

Holy shit you're stupid.

>> No.5105736

are you implying you cant learn the fundamentals unless it's on paper?
are you retarded?

>> No.5105804

I'm saying you're supposed to learn on paper you colossal dumbfuck. You're very clearly a non-artist, or at the very most a garbage artist.

>> No.5105805

Based performance, also shows good reaction to light pressure.

>> No.5105809

who hurt you?

>> No.5105821

pyw lol.
trad crabs are my favourite kind.
>noooo you have to learn the way i did, i-its the only way

>> No.5105890

>You don't even need to use hotkeys for canvas rotation and zooming,

Touch is AWFUL. I just got a Samsung S7 and what do you fucking think, the thing i miss the most is a keyboard, because with a keyboard you barely need to move either hand.
>use krita
>shift + pen stroke resizes brush
>space + stroke moves
>shift+space rotates
>ctrl+space zooms

Figured out yet? All the hotkeys are in same place, right next to the color picker and undo, no need to move either hand, no need to lift the pen. Your left hand is always there you navigate before you thought about it.

Compare that to the touch idiocy.
>lift the pen
>reach yoth your left
>do some awwkward gesture like tripple tap
>place right hand back
>continue drawing
Its incredibly interruptive and just really fucking slow, pressing the hotkeys when your left was already resting on them takes a split second.

But i suppose the zoomers raised by ipads insteadof parents dont know how to use the fucking keyboard.

>> No.5105892

I hurt him!
Ive been hurting op every day for months now, he grows more and more twwisted every day but never leaves, lets see if i can make him kill himself

>> No.5105893

You're doing it again, Zhang. You're trying to project your own workflow standards onto others and insisting people accept them. You're also getting way too agitated with all this childish swearing.

No matter how much it pains you, everyone will always have their own way of working on art, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.5105899

You think you are special, but in truth you are just retarded.

>> No.5106017
File: 88 KB, 417x498, 1608885380476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>Get artist 15.6 pro for Christmas
>Am excited
>Go to finally get it set up and draw
>It's not working
>Try scribbleing on it
>It works but the display isn't working
>Found out I plugged the HDMI into my mother board and it needs to be in my graphics card
>Mfw my graphics card doesn't have an HDMI port
>Mfw I had to order an HDMI to DVI converter off Amazon that won't be here for weeks

It's a minor inconvenience I know, buy I'm thinking throwing myself off a bridge is the only option for me at this point, I've been pushed to the edge.

>> No.5106020

Who let you out of reddit?

>> No.5106029

If your motherboard has an HDMI slot you probably have an integrated GPU too. Unless it's Ryzen, so try using that.

>> No.5106037

>>Mfw I had to order an HDMI to DVI converter off Amazon that won't be here for weeks
Can't you buy it from your local electronics store specializing on computer stuff? It was a bit hard to find but I did get an HDMI to DisplayPort adapter.

>> No.5106097

just switch to your onboard graphics?

>> No.5106125

what kind of ancient gpu doesn't have a fucking hdmi?
PCs disable igpus if they detect a dedicated gpu
can't have both running at the same time
he would have to unplug the dedicated gpu

>> No.5106170

Okay, based on that info and the stuff I have read elsewhere it sounds like the Cintiq 24 is a better idea. My current display has all the problems you listed and more, so ideally I want to upgrade from that shit. One negative I have seen is apparently the 24 doesn't have an adjustable stand, which my current one does. Is it difficult to get used to? Fuck buying the $500 ergo arm thing.

>> No.5106180

>that inconsistent pressure clip
oh jesus my cheap gook display does this all the time, I fucking need a new display so badly

>> No.5106186

>my graphics card doesn't have an HDMI port
Fucking how? How old is your bloody gpu?

>> No.5106192

Is 1080p sufficient for a large size like 20, 22 inches, or will it look too pixelated?

>> No.5106202

You can buy some of the Huion tablets and you are gonna be ok, if they have in your country, or you can buy and old model of the wacom screenless tablets, and have a litlle more quality, if you draw with a lot of... "energy".
It depends of your country mostly, but in some you can buy the new models of wacom under the $100 mark
In my country for example the small version of the latest wacom model, Intuos Creative Small, cost like... $104 dollars, and the same model with bluetooth cost like $154 dollars, but our currency is in good health so is not that hard get that amount of money, but instead a Huion HS64 cost $90 dollars. So it really depends of your country.
I would recommend try to get those new models of wacom, and if they cost too much, then go to huion.

>> No.5106220

and the surface of the wacoms screenless tablets can last a lot of years even with marks and all, they still feel smooth when you move the pen, i have an old wacom bamboo and still can draw well after 10 years.
I think that a huion or xp-pen model can last fine at least 5 years without any problem in the surface, i got also a Deco 03 and been drawing with that for almost 2 years i think... non stop, it has scratchs, but they are only cosmetic, no alteration is felt when passing the pen, it is still just as smooth. But unless Wacom this models haven't been on the market that long, so no one can say how long they can last for obvious reasons.

>> No.5106290
File: 2.04 MB, 368x656, Multitouch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touch is AWFUL. I just got a Samsung S7 and what do you fucking think, the thing i miss the most is a keyboard

Then get a keyboard, dumbass. It's compatible. I use hotkeys on a 8bitdo Zero 2, but a keyboard also works. Touch for zooming and rotating is just comfy.

>>lift the pen
>>reach yoth your left
No. Ew. You don't even know how people who use touch use it. Why would I move my left hand to the canvas is my right is already there? Webm related.

>> No.5106298

It will look bad on anything over 16". When you go above a 16" screen, you want to look for 2k+ resolution. Your best options are going to be wacom cintiq pro line or xp pen 24 pro. Huion might have one as well with a 2k screen but I havent used it.

>> No.5106301

Non-adjustable stands are cancer. See if you can find a table easel that can support it and put rubber strips along it for grip, or try to find a tablet stand similar to the parblo/artisul ones but for bigger tablets.

>> No.5106305

Teoh and MobileTechReviews Lisa are the best I've found. At least Lisa can do landscape paintings, even if she can't draw people for shit.

>> No.5106472

Teoh is a good artist, I like watching his trad vids. He's got a wife and kids to support so I don't feel bad about subbing him but you know, don't be a dumbass. Take the obvious shill vids with a grain of salt.

>> No.5106474

how do you have a difficult time keeping track of a pencil and paper?

>> No.5106577

>Take the obvious shill vids with a grain of salt.
I take every review with a grain of salt, but Teoh seems to be one of the more honest of the bunch, he always demonstrates what he says and isn't afraid to point out flaws like the Bosto 16HD's terrible color gamut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Sh2zboRsHE

>> No.5106585

Should've just bought a cheapass GT card

>> No.5106675

display tablet is worthwhile just for the ability to draw in your lap
max comfy

>> No.5107009
File: 3.93 MB, 2400x2400, 1599188772376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ho ho ho, the schizo is trying to pretend to be an artist now. Its so cute watching you flip flop around different tactics when we all know its bullshit. We can always also tell its you whos samefagging, every single fucking time because you have the vocabulary of a 12 year old.

Mysteriously, he ignores this one.

Just get a cheap medium sized non display, if you dont want to use pen and paper.

>> No.5107052

I have a question. I can spend around 1000$ for a laptop. I need something portable and I was wondering if laptops with touch screen are a thing for a drawing and if yes will it be still affortable for me? I have normal computer with screen tablet, but as I said, I need something portable. Would someone like to recommend something for me?

>> No.5107226

samsung galaxy book flex is probably the only non-shit drawing laptop out there

>> No.5107230

What is the best body-to-tablet position (screenless tablet)?

>> No.5107231

Most of the pens are shit, samsung might be the sole exception. but even then the "pen" is more like a toothpick or you will have to get a pen from Tab S7 which is also thin.

I think that for portability you really are best off with an Ipad or an S7+

>> No.5107254

was that the 22-inch in webm-related?
> tilt
I'm basically a beginner
will it really matter if I order the XP-Pen 15.6 Artist Pro over the Cintiq-16?
I'm not a professional
I watched the review

>> No.5107260 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 645x400, SchizoKn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. For the love of god watch reviews from literally anywhere other than aaron fucking rutten. Mediocre artist, biased reviewer and just comes across as a salty petty retard. He's a remnant of the boomers who grew up with wacom dominating the market, and while some have moved on, he doubled down instead on insisting that wacom are still the best and that beginners like yourself should spend x4 times the money on a very average tablet because its wacom. Dont get me wrong, the pro cintiq line are excellent, if you can afford them. But for non displays or cheaper displays, wacom offer fucking shit value for money and youd be better off getting something from xp, huion or etc.

If its the schizos webm putting you off, thats a cherry picked example. Check

For actual hands-on evidence. Schizo sama will reply to this saying im a shill etc, but nevermind that, he calls everyone a shill so no ones a shill.

>> No.5107261

Tips on not drawing wobbly on ipad?

>> No.5107270

Draw quick and use your shoulder

A lot of people especially on small screen less tablets got by with only moving their wrist nd zooming out when they needed a straight long line but that's lame and gay, you gotta get rid of that

>> No.5107315

no no no
I'm pretty set at this point on getting that XP-15.6 artist pro at this point.
as much as that guy points out the negative stuff, I'm not swayed by him to get a Wacom.
I need a decent budget tablet and that XP-Pen is the way to go for me.
like I said in
I'm going to wait until the refund is back in my account
Its Sunday, so it won't be back in until tomorrow at the earliest, after the banks are back open.

>> No.5107321 [DELETED] 

Look at how desperate you're getting again, Chang.
Are you still trying to deny you're a chinese shill?

>> No.5107359
File: 5 KB, 201x250, ausnig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me bros
>pic related is me when i get a (You)

>> No.5107367

>What is the best body-to-tablet position (screenless tablet)?
>tablet shifted to the right but strictly parallel to the monitor
>your chair raised all the way to keep your elbow above the desk
>recliner locked vertically
>keep your back straight faggot

Makes shoulder drawing a million times more comfortable, and helps to concentrate and proper posture helps you concentrate.

>> No.5107374

>tablet shifted to the right but strictly parallel to the monitor
Basically side by side with the monitor? I have never seen anyone draw like this, or am I misunderstanding?

>> No.5107392
File: 138 KB, 3840x2160, asscock4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basically side by side with the monitor?

I do it like this, but I have a really big monitor.
The point is it's really comfy to move your tablet towards your right hand, and move the keyboard towards your left, especially since the hotkeys are all mostly in the bottom left corner.

>> No.5107395

got it, thanks bro

>> No.5108073

is nibwear really that bad on current intues pro?

i hear from intuos 3 and 4 users that they havent changed nibs in 5+ years.

>> No.5108076

Yes, but it can be mitigated by putting smooth paper over the drawing surface.

>> No.5108083

nice 1 point perspective

>> No.5108186

do wacom intuos styluses work with ever version? like can i use an intuos 4 stylus on a intuos 3 tablet?

>> No.5108315

outside of MacOS, which os is best for artists?

>> No.5108372


>> No.5108404

Is the newer Huion Kamvas 13 (2020) better than the Pro, which is 2018?

>> No.5108497

Windows for major desktop creative software.

IPad OS and Android both come in ahead of desktop Linux for the majority of artists looking to draw and paint.

t. /g/entooman

>> No.5108529

You can use Krita and linux surprisingly well. As long as you can dodge/supplement the adobe crap youre actually good.

CSP runs faster on Android than it does on windows due to optimisation.

>> No.5108610

Yeah, if you happen to love Krista, Linux is fine. Windows just has a wider variety of quality creative software.

>> No.5108668

Krita is much better and powerful than it gets credit for. If you think it doesn't have something 9 times out of 10 it actually does you just didn't know.

I like how the watercolor brushes work in CSP I'm gonna replicate them in Krita and name it "Chang brushpack"

>> No.5108706

Yeah, I'm not shitting on Krita. It's great based on everything I've seen. I'm already comfortable with Photoshop, though, having used it for like 15 years, so I haven't really messed with Krita much, and likely won'twhen on PC. I got a Tab S7+, though so I'll probably use it more when the android version gets more stable (I currently get a lot of graphical bugs, which is a shame because the painting is good). CSP is good on android, but the trial will run out in a few months and then it's a recurring subscription fee, so I'll be interested in how Krita's doing by then.

I mostly use Artflow because the UI is super comfy and it feels the most responsive while doing 99% of what I need, but Krista and CSP both have better brush engines. (Honorable mention for Infinite Painter for being kind of an in-between)

>> No.5108725

Yeah the Android Krita release is impressive as far as tech demos go, the interface is unusable but the engine performance is there.

Also a tip for using the CSP on S7+
>Sets tab
>Set preferences
>Enable the pen settings and general preferences there
No idea why did they hide it so deep but its all there, the actual main settings.
It's especially important because the default pressure curve on S Pen is stupidly safe, you're going to obliterate the tip if you try and squeeze 100% pressure out of it.

>> No.5108942

Tab S6 Lite or xp-pen Artist 13.3 Pro Drawing Display? Want a cheapish screen tablet, been using a screenless xp-pen for a while and it's been good but I hate the disconnect between screen and pen. Issue with going Tab S6 is that I wouldn't be able to use it with my computer, right?

>> No.5108949

S6 Lite, and it's a no brainier.
Aside from having a better pen with better drawing performance, you actually can use it with your computer with an app called superDisplay.

It's the best value tablet on the market by an absolute mile.

>> No.5108950

I’ve been using a Gaomon for like 3 years now and I’ve never had any problems with it?

>> No.5108951

>Issue with going Tab S6 is that I wouldn't be able to use it with my computer, right?

Nope. SuperDisplay is an app that let's you use an android tablet as a pen display. You'll get a bit more latency than a standard pen display, but its not really noticeable without side by side comparison.

So really the biggest downside to the S6 Lite is the screen size, but I'd say it's still the way to go.

>> No.5108957

Not on every version but some are cross compatible, yes. There's a chart of compatible styluses between tablet models but idk where to find it anymore. I do know my intuos 4 and 5 styluses worked on each other though.

Yes. If you have a choice between the two, 2020 is the way to go.

Cool. OP is a fag with a fetish for yelling at people about tablet brands. just ignore him.

>> No.5108961

Never ever get a laptop with a touch screen for drawing, if the laptop overheats it will kill the touchscreen and make it spaz out. Maybe a 2 in 1 tablet/laptop would be better for what you're wanting out of a laptop. Just make sure it has wacom EMR or similar.

>> No.5108983
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Got a drawing table as a Christmas gift. What now? Will I learn how to draw using a tablet or a good old pencil and paper would be better? I'm interested (after brief research) in academic art, so I'd like to learn basic rules. I'm not interested in drawing furries and twitter-core art. Thanks in advance!

>> No.5108994

>Got a drawing table as a Christmas gift
Which one?
>Will I learn how to draw using a tablet or a good old pencil and paper would be better?
Learn with the tablet, it's way more convenient, although try to avoid abusing the undo function early on.

>> No.5108995

I think pencil and paper are better since the techniques transfer over to digital but it doesn't work the other way around. Do what you want though. Ctrl+paint free videos are nice for learning digital techniques, but it's preferable to have a good foundation in drawing before you start painting.

>> No.5109031

Go to your local pc shop you idiot.

>> No.5109098
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Are the differences between the S6 and S7 enough to warrant the price increase? Is the S7 and significant enough upgrade over the S7+? Looking for input on the which one to pick.

>> No.5109103


Super display just doesn't work for my pc, it hates AMD gpus.

>> No.5109195

That sucks. Good to know, though. My desktop and laptop are both nvidia, so I wasn't aware. Hopefully it'll improve for AMD.

>> No.5109600
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my god when i read all the problems about intuos pro and display tablets...

i just love my trusty old intuos4 m

>> No.5109994 [DELETED] 

Op is not a artist and has autism so ignore him and he will kys soon.

>> No.5110123 [DELETED] 

>and he will kys soon.
Of course a Chinese idiot like yourself continues to fail at basic english.

>> No.5110133

It's hard to get everyone to ignore him. Newfags will always inevitably stumble in here and argue with him or fall for his bullshit.

S7/S7+ is worth it if you don't have one yet. Pen is kinda cheap trash, so keep that in mind. You'll want to get a different S-pen.

>> No.5110148

Shut up and report.

>> No.5110163
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thinking of buying tab7 or 7+ are there any other tablets I should look at or do you guys think this is enough?

>> No.5110165 [DELETED] 

At least they learned two languages what have you accomplished autism-kun?

>> No.5110224

That's more than enough. Will cover all of your needs, and the Android ecosystem is drastically improving.
superDisplay let's you use it as a tablet for desktop too.

>> No.5110267

>Pen is kinda cheap trash, so keep that in mind. You'll want to get a different S-pen

I think the S-pen is fine, but I'm curious what alternative you'd recommend cause I know there are a few. I've got a Cintiq, so I'm familiar with Wacom's pen and find it quite comfy, but the S-Pen for the S7+ feels roughly like a normal pen, and I like that alright.

If you're looking for a portable tablet, the S7+ is great. I have and use it. Unless you're staunchly against Apple products or really want Android, you should at least check out the iPad side of things.

I went with the S7+ myself, but you do miss out on a lot of creative software by not going with iPad, so it's worth keeping in mind (Procreate, Art Studio Pro, Affinity Photo/Design, Photoshop, Fresco)

on the other side the only worthwhile art software you miss out on by not going with Android is Artflow (which I love and do 99% of my work in, but for more advanced features you'll need something else). If Krita gets out of beta and becomes stable on Android, though, it's brush engine is outstanding and that won't be available for iPad.

Android also has better multitasking than ipad, so you can have refferences in a small window floating over the corner of your drawing app rather than taking up a more sizable rectangle of screen with any of the iPadOS multitasking options. >>5110165 is correct and Superdisplay is based in my experience, but note that >>5109103 says it works poorly with AMD GPUs (this is the first I've heard that so I'd be interested in broader data)

>> No.5110271

>>>5110165is correct
Oops, I meant >>5110224

>> No.5110320
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>> No.5110367

S7+ is pretty good i like mine

>> No.5110429

I bought an intuos s a year ago and I think I need something bigger, should I just get an intuos m. I want a screenless tablet and I live in australia

>> No.5110452

Intuos m is considered the perfect size for many people.
If you're on a budget, you can also get an Intuos 3 off eBay for $60 aud.

Don't waste your money on something crap like an XP pen, they still can't draw straight lines without wobble.

>> No.5110458

No pen can. That's why stabilizers exist.

Wacom just has the best pens.

>> No.5110460

Is it worth spending an extra ~$200 for the intuos pro or is the intuos regular enough

>> No.5110475

My Huion Kamvas Pro 16 finally arrived today. Independent review:
I had no trouble setting up drivers nor the tablet. Everything went smoothly except that my HDMI to DP adapter was defective.
The pen feels okay to hold. Not great, but not bad either. I can get used to it. The glove felt a little tight on my hand and I stopped feeling it as the hours passed by, but it sure does look sexy.
Pressure felt a little jumpy and I highly suspect this is due to how the nib moves, as I can feel it.
Note that this is my first tablet ever because I'm an idiot, so I have nothing to compare it to.
I tested both Krita and Photoshop 2021 on Windows, both worked fine.

>> No.5110552

any worthwhile display tablets in the $200-$300 USD range?

>> No.5110838

If you must have a Wacom, always get the pros.
Anything less is a waste.

>> No.5110927

whats actually keeping these chinese brands behind wacom?
i get that wacom is the industry standard but pen displays have been around for quite long

>> No.5110940
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Okay just got my first tablet and trying to set it up
When setting up the monitors it set the tablet up as the primary monitor, worked perfectly
But when I put the primary screen back to my real monitor, the tablet went out of sync from pen input
I put the dark pink circles with the mouse, then using the tablet tapping on those circles those blue dots are the tablet
Whats wrong with it?

>> No.5110972
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Okay so its a CSP problem, it works perfectly fine in paint, how do I fix that?

>> No.5110979

they are both behind an ipad pro with procreate. nothing is better for your art than being able to lay on your stomach and draw for hours every day in your bed.

>> No.5110983

get an old ipad pro and use procreate for about 2 months. it will change your life.

>> No.5110993

drawing with a screenless tablet is a waste of time. 20 years ago you had no choice but to but to buy a screenless tablet. i have recently got an old ipad pro and i feel like i am pricking up where i left off when i quit natural media. the smudge tools and the different brush tools make sense now - like they dd before i left pencil and paper.

>> No.5111000

i had two different i7 2 in 1 lenovos with win10 and they both had incredibly bad screens. they both lagged horrendously in photoshop. all of the work i did while trying to use them professionally killed my business. machave two big things going for them. they have amazing screens that are highres and color accurate. this is very important for doing art. two their hardware is limited to just a few different devices so that photoshop runs very smoothly and predictably on them.

>> No.5111005

It's not an inability as much as it is a lack of consistency in production.

>> No.5111012

it because the people making them dont understand art and what a painter needs from a screen tablet. what most artists dont realize is that the cintiq style cupless screen tablet is kill. apples ipad digitizer is actually as good or better than wacoms most expensive machines. when they make a 20 inch ipad on a stand it will be game over for wacom - unless they start making giant android tablets. androids mobile studio pro is dog shit and it shows they probably wont be able to switch over unless they make some drastic changes. the days of charging 3500 for a meh monitor for doing art are over.

>> No.5111048

Turns out I'm an ever bigger idiot than I envisioned. After some witchcraft I managed to get the adapter to work.
Also, some areas of the tablet (left and top) feel rougher than others, but it's not noticeable unless I'm looking for it.

>> No.5111196

>when they make a 20 inch ipad on a stand it will be game over for wacom
They'll never do that. Apple and Samsung both license Wacom's EMR tech for their pens, that's why they're so good. If they start cutting into Wacom's market like that they'll just pull the license.
I am fairly confident that there's an implicit agreement between Wacom and the mobile manufacturers that they can use the tech as long as they stay in their lane. You don't see them lending it to Huion, XP-Pen, or other direct competitors, do you?

>> No.5111303
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>can finally afford a cintiq
>wacom living off their name now
>new tablet gens are all shit, even intuos
>"bro just get a used 22HD without any warranty whatsoever lol"
I'd get an iPad if it wasn't locked to macshit
fuck this meta

>> No.5111337

Samsung S-Pen is Wacom EMR. Apple Pencil is not. That's why you can't draw with it when the battery is dead. It doesn't work the same.

>> No.5111444

Do you get used to the slippyness of the ipad after a while? its hard to make steady lines or be accurate

>> No.5111455

late-stage capitalism sucks ):

>> No.5111474

think about it from wacom's point of view, they have no real competition so as long as they can maintain a slightly higher quality than chink shit why would they waste money on R&D? also gives them the right to set absurd prices for products that are essentially just a bundle of dated hardware because they're "industry standard"

>> No.5111481


>> No.5111485

Mostly because they got all those ridiculous patents on generalized concepts and common sense applications of public domain technology that allowed them to sue any potential western competition into oblivion.

>> No.5111518

Consider the s7 or wait till CES, apparently wacom may be refreshing some of the cintiq line.

>> No.5111525

S7+ has cool soft on it there's CSP and infinite painter.

>> No.5111570


>> No.5111778

They actually lost a lot of those, I think all they have left (as of last time I looked it up) is barrel rotation detection, tablet shell design, placement of the coil close to pen tip, and a bunch of patents about E-ink technology which is what they're focused on now, according to their brochures for investors.

>> No.5111781

Turn off windows ink and calibrate your tablet if it is a screen tablet.

>> No.5111787

You do understand that Wacom just puts stabilizers in their driver that you can't turn off and that it causes issues with Photoshop because wacom programs their drivers like shit, right?

>> No.5111794

>I think the S-pen is fine, but I'm curious what alternative you'd recommend cause I know there are a few.
It works fine but build quality is trash. People have been having their styluses just fall apart on them. I'd just get an S-pen from a previous generation tablet since all S-pens are compatible with each other. Or if there's a different stylus you like that uses S-pen tech but most of the ones I know of are discontinued.

>> No.5111813

get a screen protector with texture. they cost like 8 dollars.

>> No.5111819

My tablet is brand new, I used it for a while and it already has a few scratches. Is this normal or did I fuck up?

>> No.5111890

but it makes everything ugy as fuck

>> No.5111894

Then get a svreen protector without texture, matte antiglare should give you some texture since it's plastic instead of glass.

>> No.5111899

1. Change your nibs more often you monster.
2. What tablet do you have? Some come with preinstalled screen protectors that you can change out.

>> No.5112308

My s-pen feels fine, and the issues with them breaking don't seem terribly widespread from what I've seen, so I'm not gonna worry about it unless it does break.
Thanks for the response.

>> No.5113154



>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
non-display dont really care about portability

>Size (in inches)
10 by 6.24 inches

>Other information
dont care about tilt, since it will mainly be used for 3d stuff

>Previous equipment
NEW 1060 PLUS size was nice, but the driver sucked and the battery pen died

>> No.5113255

Are you allergic to Huion? If not, Huion HS611.

>> No.5113359

Deco 01v2

>> No.5113436

Don't waste anymore money on chinese crap these zhangs are recommending: >>5113255 >>5113359

Grab a used Intuos 3 off Ebay. They're still reliable as ever.

>> No.5113455

Lmao almost got trolled.

>> No.5113467

Oh shit, he found us out. Our plot to sell Chinese tablets in a general at a Mongolian basket weaving imageboard is ruined.

>> No.5113474

what shortcuts have you set your buttons to?
all i have set is an undo button and using the touch wheel to change the brush size.
don't know what to do with the rest

>> No.5113480

Hand, rotation, brush tool, undo, Alt, and I have the touch bar either zooming or changing brush size.

>> No.5113610

Looking at Wacom One but finding no love for it and it only seems to have one button across the whole device (is that where the name is from?)
Starting to think I should stick to traditional.

>> No.5113639

Buttons don't matter, use a keyboard.
Wacom One is fine as a budget option, but a used iPad Pro 2nd gen or a Galaxy S6 Lite represents better value for money.

>> No.5113640

I don't know if this belongs in the general, but what is the best free software for digital?

>> No.5113641


>> No.5113644

>Wacom One is fine as a budget option
No, it's not. Wacom One is BTFO even by the shittiest chink tablets. And you can get them cheaper than the One. It's almost like you've never used it yet you are recommending it.

>> No.5113657

>Wacom One is BTFO even by the shittiest chink tablets.
Keep telling yourself that, Zhang. It doesn't change the fact that your chink garbage still can't do tilt properly, still has hard tapers and still has fragile pens.

Wacom One's pen blows all chinese pens out of the water.

>> No.5113672

Truth. Professionals in the industry are still using the Intuos3 today.

>> No.5113674

The Huion Kamvas 13 destroys the Wacom One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP_-kE0b8WE

>> No.5113704

and the iPad Pro 2nd Gen destroys your garbage Huion.

>> No.5113751

so im curious, are there any reports of people with these devices having lasted a few years? reviews never really go over the longevity of them

>> No.5113774

"huion are better cos theyre not as terrible as they were" is my takeaway from that video...

>> No.5113994

Just got my s6 lite, what are some good apps?

>> No.5114226

>compares a computer to a calculator.

Obviously nothing beats the iPads, retard. Even Wacom can't make an all-in-one that good.

>> No.5114292

Wacom One is designed to be shit, wacom cant cannibalise their Cintiq Pro lineup

>> No.5114419

Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Huion has really stepped up their game in recent years.
Alternative brands have only started to get really good after 2018, so no.

>> No.5114548

who else waiting for the full $2000 stimmy to buy a sexy new tablet

>> No.5114558

I think the newest tablet they dare to use is intuos 4. Didn't all the manga artists in japan snag a shit ton of those things when they were going to stop making them?

>> No.5114592

I think the point of the One was to corner the budget tablet market. It didn't work well because they made it too shitty.

Bro if all you can praise about it is the basic pen that comes with the bamboo line, that's pretty sad.

>> No.5114658

New thread:


>> No.5114660

>Bro if all you can praise about it is the basic pen that comes with the bamboo line, that's pretty sad.
That basic pen is still light years ahead of the garbage pens you chinese keep making.

>> No.5114663

that’s probably the intuos 5, it addressed issues users had with the 4 (faulty oleds and too-toothy surface). The 5 is still toothier than the 3 but can easily be remedied. the intuos3 is still considered the best generation ever built but since the stylus’ are getting harder and harder to come by artists have become very protective of theirs and turning to the 5 as a backup.

>> No.5114736

Yes, improvement is a good thing. What seems wrong with that idea to you?

If the Huion is better than the brand's track record by enough to be good, and the Wacom is worse than the brand's track record, why would the Huion not be better?

Colbow has been pretty clear about finding Huion pens to be wobbly and inaccurate in his reviews, so when he says this one isn't and shows it, I believe it.

>> No.5114814
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Brad Colbow also said everything Aaron Rutten said about Chinese companies dodgy marketing practice is 100% true.

>> No.5115504

Yeah, and the pattern is shady, but Brad consistently called out the wobbly pens despite it. You think they just successfully pressured him into denying it this time? He's shown that he'll say negative things about product even if it means he won't be sent more to review before.

>> No.5116012

>anything else you shouldn't really be needing in the first place
Oh how little imagination and cleverness you have...

>> No.5116016

I have a surface and you literally never know if the next day an un-rollbackeable windows update will brick it forever. Thousands of artists were hit by the "pen only pans, doesn't draw" update and had to buy new machines for their art. It was fixed like a year later. Just recently my pen got all the tilt parallax bugs from many years ago back with an update and seems to be pretty unusable now.

>> No.5116025

What are you so worked up about? I for one use both touch and keyboard shortcuts freely depending on the situation. In general panning with keyboard+pen, rotating with pen hand fingers, zooming with either. You must be American to get so hung up thinking this topic is cause for one of your stale black and white "One Thing You're Doing Wrong - Everyone Else Is Already Doing It" lectures.

>> No.5116032

I like Krita, but its hellish brush panel (eye straining gimp-like garbage with all the near-identical icons, can't have brush names in multiple columns, can't float it and open it as needed with a hotkey or it will go to hell merging with the top bar every second - and no way am I going to waste screen space for a postage stamp sized docked brush panel that you have to scroll with that irritating non-standard scrolling behaviour) and the irredeemable false division of brushes into different engines (meaning that you can't have a blend brush with flow control independent of the blend strength) unfortunately kill it for me.

I also don't like the typical FOSS attitude. "The brush panel used to be floatable but we disabled that so that we wouldn't have to answer support questions about it" my ass.

I'm happy to pay for CSP to get real professional software instead of kiddy hacks.