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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 31 KB, 800x450, reddit-combo-1920-800x450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5096116 No.5096116 [Reply] [Original]

>post work on /r/eddit
>100s - 1000s of upvotes
>redditgold or whatever
>people are literally PAYING (the site) to give me praise
>have links to social media in posts
>get like 1 new follower
Is this the worst "art" community on the internet?

>> No.5096143

>post on x social media with link to y social media
>wtf why aren’t they following me on y social media???

>> No.5096182

>also get 0 followers on x social media
>because nobody fucking follows anybody on it
nice "website"

>> No.5096186

Yes, thanks to morons like you

>> No.5096393
File: 21 KB, 480x360, koneko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dubs but go backto using reddi t.

>> No.5096402

I got a shitload of upvotes but 2 followers and no comm offers so I stopped posting too. Twitter for all its shit has been more useful.

>> No.5096415

Where do i post my work on the website? I was planning on expanding out my network from ic and twitter next year.

Any recommended strategies?

I’ve spent a total of maybe 20 min on reddit...

>> No.5096418

dont. it's good for immediate gratification asspats and watching your karma score go up, but there's no mechanism for actually following individual posters

>> No.5096436

Make a subreddit for your art and advertise THAT, you dummy. Reddit has a userbase that prides itself on being above social media...despite being on social media. Play their game. Make a subreddit, thank them for the gold and updoots, and do a pinned thread with commission/shop info.

>> No.5096439

As far as i can tell you can only have one image for each new thread in the OP, so how do i post more drawings? Do i make new threads in my own sub for my own art? Or do i spam relevant drawings in fanart threads?

>> No.5096450

>As far as i can tell you can only have one image for each new thread in the OP, so how do i post more drawings?
It's one image that shows up, but you can upload multiple images either using Reddit's image uploader or an imgur album (both are supported well).

>Do i make new threads in my own sub for my own art?
Yes, that is exactly how you should be using that. There is a setting in there for only you to be allowed to submit threads but others can comment. Treat it as you would any other gallery based site.

>Or do i spam relevant drawings in fanart threads?
I'm assuming you meant fanart subreddits in which case, also yes. Also don't just stick to fanart focused subreddits. Look at any game/anime subreddit and it's all full of user created content. People love that shit.

Reddit is underrated for art. The users tend to be older and the collector types who are actually going to buy whatever merchandise you have in your online shop. Another point, merch >>>> commissions by a long shot. It's dirt cheap to make and you can sell it infinitely for an insane markup whereas commissions are a one time thing (and annoying most of the time). Go to /cgl/'s Artist Alley general. Read the OP post and lurk threads before posting or they'll murder you for more info on that.

I used to sell at conventions. Obviously 2020 fucked that one up, but Reddit has been so much more lucrative for me than other social media sites. Instagram and Twitter are easy to get followers on, but Instagram your followers tend to be underaged and broke (great for cons since they have mommy and daddy money but shit for online sales). Twitter they're just broke adults with no excuse, but retweets are nice.

>> No.5096452

the site is a trap. its really not worth it. they bait you with karma and gold but its all for nothing as nobody will follow you
if youre good or big enough to make a successful subreddit, youre better off just using twitter

>> No.5096454

I gotten 8k upvotes
35 awards
2 commissions

But when i post in /ic/ they i belong in /beg/

>> No.5096460

ok faggot but how many followers did you gain on leddit? they have their own follow system so there’s no reason for them to go to an external site.

>> No.5096465

nobody fucking uses that shit

>> No.5096467
File: 54 KB, 225x284, 1589601243037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's posts like this that make /ic/ worth browsing. Shine on brother.

>> No.5096469

I get maybe 5-10 followers every time someone asks me for my blog on reddit. It’s not a whole lot, but a lot of redditors don’t seem to like using social media or try to keep their social media separate from their reddit accounts.

>> No.5097027

You can follow users now

>> No.5097042

fun fact: every additional click loses you like 60% of conversions (viewer > customer)

>> No.5097045

oh and that's on shopping sites
that's how braindead people are, every click is too much of an effort to go on for 60% of people who will browse products to buy
now imagine what the rate is on reddit

>> No.5097049

Depends on the fandom, I got 19 followers last time I posted art on rebblit

>> No.5097059

have you tried posting in the "kill yourself weeb" fandom?

>> No.5097065
File: 24 KB, 640x559, 1578249680425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad that you can't get followers

>> No.5097071

I'll take it as a no, you should post there you will get lots of updoots

>> No.5097077

You should consider killing yourself, ripping out your eyeballs, pouring ants down your throat, drinking bleach and having red hot knives shoved down into your belly, having your intestines ripped out and hung out on a pike to attract flies.

>> No.5097078

haha holy fuck u mad

>> No.5097082

*you will die in your sleep tonight

>> No.5097086

as long as I get to make you seethe I'm good

>> No.5097089

I don't seethe anon, I love sharp objects

>> No.5097092

in your ass?

>> No.5097095

Up yours up to your mouth

>> No.5097097
File: 50 KB, 449x642, free-shrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get 70-100 followers every time i post there
i don't think there are others ways of shilling yourself with this much value per effort

>> No.5097099

Consider killing yourself

>> No.5097101


>> No.5097102

Ignore the schizo

>> No.5097106

based and gmi

>> No.5097107

literally how the fuck? what subreddits?
post your work

>> No.5097108

Or better yet, don't post your work thanks to all the autists in this thread

>> No.5097117
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, cleo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gacha games subs, mostly FGO
i don't do anything fancy, just post a picture and drop links to my twitter and pixiv in comments

>> No.5097119
File: 201 KB, 470x595, 1600817920736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED weeb coomer

>> No.5097123

I can't take threats seriously from a KHV chinlet weeb redditor desu

>> No.5097124

Stop engaging the schizo you retarded SJW

>> No.5097126

hahahaha I knew you were a weeb faggot

>> No.5097128

i tried that though (linking in comments on gacha game sub) getting 400+ upboats and 0 followers

>> No.5097129

>nooooo not my pornerino not my anime gatcha gamerino!!
you're a disgrace

>> No.5097130

Based weebs making tumblrites seethe.

>> No.5097134

you should see how much weebs seethe when I say to their face that adults watching cartoons are pathetic

>> No.5097138
File: 156 KB, 644x635, 1598114898809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad and triggered that anime gets paying customers while you crawl about in the dirt crying
Enjoy your "arts degree"

>> No.5097145

>le paying customers
LEL you should go back to work my boy, those cock ain't gonna suck themselves
gobble gobble you cock gobbler

>> No.5097147

>still replying
Holy kek! Seethe more, tranny, your tears sustain me.

>> No.5097155

gobble gobble goo
weebshit weebaroo
gobble gobbles the cock gobbler
calls me a tranny while dilating
says I'm seething while he's seething
love me a reddit switcherooooo

>> No.5097158
File: 7 KB, 206x214, 1588346611869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying like a patient from an asylum
Yep, I'm thinking I literally broke his mind.

>> No.5097164

all that you broke in your life is the world record for most cocks sucked

>> No.5097167

Says the mental inmate.

>> No.5097173

and yet I'm taking a fat shit on you and all you can do is seethe

>> No.5097175

Being unable to control your shit is a sign of mental instability so I'm glad you are trying to regain control over your bowels.

>> No.5097177


>> No.5097178


>> No.5097182

>Being unable to control your shit is a sign of mental instability
I am perfectly in control of you, little shit. I'm owning your stupid weeb ass right now. You are the one who's throwing tranny around and bumbling like a moron, most likely because you're tranny yourself and you're brain damaged from weebshit. Bet you have a dress somewhere and you stick shit in your ass while watching animay, right oniichan?

>> No.5097185

>an entire paragraph explaining that you are in control of your shits
lol, didn't read

>> No.5097186

well I'm done for the day, thanks for the (you)s
take care of your anime figurines and your assplugs I guess and wash your teeth between clients
bye weeb

>> No.5097187

>an entire paragraph explaining the fact why he had a shitting problem he needed to visit a mental asylum for
Lol, didn't read this either

>> No.5097188

(and remember the meds for that ADD)

>> No.5097190

>an entire sentence explaining why he has ADHD because he forgot to turn off his autocorrect
lol, did you know you could read? because I didn't either

>> No.5097192

>absolutely ass ruptured weeb goes full sperg after I called him out on his dress
I really gotta go now
maybe stop multitasking e.g. sucking cock while reading and you'll manage a few comebacks next time

>> No.5097197
File: 21 KB, 291x302, 1599782785988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so angry and embarassed he comes back to make one final post
Hope that the next time you come back from your impromptu visit to the shitting clinic you make some major changes to your attitude before you shit all over your boss after cross dressing in front of him.

>> No.5097748

I blame every retard that produces free content for those websites without getting anything in return.

>> No.5097995

can the two schizos please exit my thread?

>> No.5098006

is that you happyboy? its because your traced garbage fucking sucks. do us a favor and stay on reddit since you post there constantly

>> No.5098115

Making 11k/month by tracing

>> No.5098146

This is the most based /ic/ thread I’ve been in for a while, ever since that thread of the Ethan kid who symbol drew Spider-Man like crazy.

>> No.5099463

So you do fanart and post on a much more active fandom? *takes notes*

>> No.5099688

sometimes reddit will give pity upvotes and if the timing is right and your submission title is good you will get propelled to the front page and get a lot of upvotes even if the content itself is mediocre