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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 19 KB, 220x275, 220px-The_Widow_(Boston_Public_Library).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5089847 No.5089847 [Reply] [Original]

>that one anon who always makes threads with the word "kitsch" in it

>> No.5089849

Lonely and horny fag

>> No.5089928

japanese fuck who shits up the board with low effort mspaint doodles.

>> No.5089932

I was just thinking about that guy too haha! ( ̄▽ ̄)V

>> No.5089937

4 months wasted fag
$600/month polish fag
/trad/ pussy painter fag
/asg/ miku tranny fag
There's probably a couple autists and shitposters that regularly fucks up the board like the coomer/booba posters

>> No.5089941

The based Satanachia poster

>> No.5089947

Schizo tablet poster

>> No.5089950

The schizo that makes anime virgin mary and inflation shit

>> No.5089952

The tomboy art gf that will be my gf poster

>> No.5089953

That guy who makes gif redlines with really stiff linework.

>> No.5089993

/dtg/ schizzo and the 4 months wasted schizo

>> No.5090004

Jimmy, the failed "artist" who painted/copied memes via a grid, and did an absolutely terrible job doing so while acting like a shithead in every thread.

>> No.5090034

So basically I have to act like a schizo to get famous here

>> No.5090038

Yes, if you create early threads and sperg out calling everyone who replies in your thread Chang for 7 months flat, spam your youtube links everywhere like an insane autist and make videos about how to "trace like an artist" or scream 4 MONTHS NO IMPROVEMENT every month for months on end without listening to anyone's advice you will definitely be remembered forever.

>> No.5090043

at last.... i have made it...

>> No.5090047
File: 590 KB, 1920x1080, e63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're based af too, fren

>> No.5090055

That anon who promises book scans then never delivers

>> No.5090071

“commission price depends on hours worked and nothing else” anon

“look at these pin boards of clothes, what do you think of my OC?” anon is same anon as the anon with the revamped tumblrina style

>> No.5090074
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, 1510864283863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so perfect, /ic/?

>> No.5090129

There is one Hanakokunposter i recognize because all his reaction images are labeled "image.png"

>> No.5090165

Goddamn I remember his room. It reminded me of my ex classmates in art school, shitty acrylic paintings cluttered with empty cans and an overfilled ashtray.

>> No.5090166

>/asg/ miku tranny fag
I don't think miku tranny fag posts in /asg/ so you're probably mistaking him with another anon?

>> No.5090171

Literally who? lurking for years and never saw one untill i searched catalog and 1 (one) turns up today, so are we to assumed they hurt you specifically? Tell us OP and vent your pain but I don't think you should let it ruin your week

>> No.5090173

That one anon who keeps calling anyone who posts anime a "pedo."

>> No.5090203

that's whitebox

>> No.5090225

He's not wrong

>> No.5090262

shut up pera

>> No.5090267

well I don't like pera too but we're talking about whitebox here

>> No.5090269
File: 723 KB, 2304x2223, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bird anon

>> No.5090270

That dude who post the furry drawings he did in one day, even some old pieces, in 3 threads at once

>> No.5090275
File: 46 KB, 1328x204, q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5090307

Its been a year but there was this anon who posted a picture of himself and his discord tag, looking for art friends because he was so lonely. I still think about him, and I wonder what would've happened had I friended him. God I'm so lonely.

>> No.5090340

Am I schizing or does this guy also draw and or watch the animes.

>> No.5090423

hi whitebox.

>> No.5090426
File: 108 KB, 511x788, crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire board could be improved hundredfold by banning about 10 people

>> No.5090427

the green yotsuba furry OC anon?

>> No.5090430


>> No.5090441

they can easily bypass via vpn

>> No.5090447

We can be friends, anon ;)

>> No.5090464

vpns are blocked on 4chan because they belong to known ip ranges

>> No.5090479

>The place would be better if you ban everyone I dislike

>> No.5090483

he's right though, there are a handful of people who shit the board up more than anyone else
not that the board doesn't deserve it...

>> No.5090500


>> No.5090507

that one anon who roleplays as a dragon and is an eternal beg retard who hasn't improved in over 6 years and has fairly thin skin when it comes to jokes and is racist

>> No.5090512

some of them were already mentioned but i'll iterate
/dtg/ schizo
4 months schizo
booba/coomjack spammers (one or two people judging by filenames)
antiporn /pol/ and /co/ tourists (3-5 people in total)
schizo that makes like 5-7 threads about the same topic in one week then switches to another subject (currently there are 6 threads about proportions made in last 3 days)

>> No.5090517

These people are small time compared to the namefags we had in the past.

>> No.5090530

and yet happy bitch boy keep coming back after getting permabanned multiple times

>> No.5090531

You forgot 2 MAJOR schizos:
The guy who makes and spams his own thread with wierd stickman/gesture drawings and also screenshots other people's comments calling him insane. Then he draws over them more schizophrenic stuff.

The guy who also makes his own thread and spams it saying he's been practicing for so long and he's just so bad and posts hundreds of photos of his line drawings on paper and shit

They might just be the same guy after all

>> No.5090532

It's not VPNs or proxies anon. Think again at how easy this is to achieve
the first one at least draws so he gets a free pass

>> No.5090535

>Think again at how easy this is to achieve
no I give up. Just tell me

>> No.5090536

Your ISP has a set of IP addresses it owns and whenever you turn off and on your router you get a new one and same with phones.

>> No.5090550

>at least he draws
He wastes space in the catalog with his useless ramblings instead of actually drawing and taking meds

>> No.5090551

>the first one at least draws so he gets a free pass
hi schizo

>> No.5090553

Yeah but at least he doesn't create early threads every few fucking days and pretend to be multiple personalities unlike the actual schizo in the /dtg/ threads.

>> No.5090555

and greysketchtranny/asukafag/brian/happyboi are only annoying because they are major attentionwhores

>> No.5090556

when did schizo posting become recognizeable enough to be a meme?

>> No.5090557

Honestly we need more, imagine if we had 10-20 dedicated coomer/booba posters

>> No.5090559

but in any case, I would say that the guy who spams tonnes and tonnes of drawings they've made in one thread and the nip anon have a serious case of actual autism

>> No.5090562

huh interesting

>> No.5090563

the reason why vpns etc don't work is because they belong to big datacenters

>> No.5090565

How do I become ic famous

>> No.5090566

I've never noticed my ip to change after turning my router off I guess I'll try that next time

>> No.5090567

Do a sadlawn and actually get good out of it and don't give up
It depends on your isp

>> No.5090569

Spam/shitpost on /ic/ and make threads everyday

>> No.5090570

I mean I’m already famous in another place, but I want to be famous on the entire board not just one general. I think I have an idea.

>> No.5090571

Not him, back in the olde days of 4chin you can easily just jump into cmd and just type /flushdns and your ip will change and thus ban evade. I think it really only works if your isp gives a dynamic ip than say a static one.

>> No.5090573

Do what polish $600 fag does and draw with recognizable style and repeat the same goal over and over again
>make $600/month polish drawing porn etc

>> No.5090574

>and nothing else

>> No.5090575

All you literally have to do these days is activate airplane mode on your mobile device. I don’t know if it works for phones for it easily works for any other internet enabled electronic that has it.

>> No.5090576

literally whos?

>> No.5090577

It does work for phones, I do it all the time.

>> No.5090582

flushdns has never worked, I tried that in 2014 and it doesn't work for me. What does work is
1) Phoneposting (simply toggle the mobile data and clear your cookies)
2) If you have a dynamic IP on your router and you're not static and not NAT'd (if you're NAT'd multiple people share the same IP address and this is becoming increasingly common because the internet is running out of IPV4 addresses) then you can get another ip address via router reboot but if you are unlucky or on a shitty ISP with sticky dynamic IPs it might take a week of your router being off to get a new one
Furthermore, none of these methods are foolproof because if you are a major pain they'll block your whole IP range

>> No.5090585

You could also use mobile data and after posting, immediately jump into airplane mode and wait for 1 minute.
If you did hundreds of this eventually the jannies has enough of your shit and range ban a country from the board you’re posting in. Works really well if you’re in a country with buttloads of anons so range banning isn’t an option and risking thousands upon of thousands of anon not being able to post lol.

>> No.5090587

Yeah they’ll range ban you and you’ll have to drive outside of your banned cell tower to post.

>> No.5090588

Rangebanning is done at the ISP level not a country level and also you can get banned from a board rather than just a country. tl;dr you can do it but don't do it like crazy

>> No.5090590

No range bans are triangulated, you can search for cell towers in your area and try to experiment which one has you blocked from posting.

>> No.5090593

>Rangebanning is done at the ISP level not a country level
Huh, the other anon said he shitposted so hard on /tv/ he got his entire country banned from the board for an entire year

>> No.5090596

>the other anon
I’m referring to someone else beside this thread to clear up some confusion

>> No.5090597
File: 209 KB, 485x431, 1589237313471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Some countries might only have one ISP or most people in that country use one ISP
2) A lot of anons don't really understand technology...
Not that anon but you're one of those crazy people with antennas aren't you?

>> No.5090599

>he has to wait a minute

>> No.5090600

please tell me no one's actually autistic enough to wardrive in order to bypass bans...

>> No.5090602

fucking kek

>> No.5090606

You never know, there was one guy who was so obsessed with using other people's private tracker accounts to download things without their consent that he literally went and found literally every unsecured server of that type on the internet and collected their keys to shitpost with on /g/

>> No.5090611

>1) Some countries might only have one ISP or most people in that country use one ISP
>2) A lot of anons don't really understand technology
Thanks for the explanation and correction.
All the information I got are primarily second so I’m not really sure most of the time beside one guy I know who got range banned for mass advertising and shitposting.

>> No.5090612

>Huh, the other anon said he shitposted so hard on /tv/ he got his entire country banned from the board for an entire year
was that part of his plan?

>> No.5090620

I’m not sure, beside him saying that. You gotta be some complete asshole if that’s your end goal.

>> No.5090624

of coursh.

>> No.5090725

Honestly, why do you want that.
I'm so glad this is the only place I can be the real me, and not get labelled.

>> No.5090740

I think it was somewhere around half of this year. Probably fault of the quarantine that gave them enough time to ramble about the same shit over and over, and gave other anons enough time to browse and recognize the regular autists.
Seen the same shit happen on other boards. Some anons even reconized eachother by their posting style alone

>> No.5090743

>people who post art are completely ignored
>autists going HURRR DURRR get replies
>people who posted art leave
>only autists going HURRR DURRR remain
>they are now all the board can offer
>people recognize them from engaging with them every day

>> No.5090745

>people who post art are ignored
Example ?

>> No.5090751

the ramune

>> No.5090755

Drawthreads, they're just quiet dumps with nobody engaging with anyone else until that tradfag idiot posts and completely monopolises the thread because he sockpuppets and gets so much attention. Half this board is retarded drama and twitter posts instead of art, do you really need specific examples?

>> No.5090767

hasnt it been that way for years? at some point it must have reached critical mass

>> No.5090768


He’s an alright guy.

>> No.5090793

do other boards call it schizo though? there have always been recognizeable anons, but i dont remember if it was this bad. took a few years break and all of a sudden ic is just coom, anime, and people calling others schizos.

>> No.5090816

The schizo thing started with the bigger boards and filtered down to the smaller ones. It's just zoomer power users starving for attention.

>> No.5090820

kys Brian

>> No.5090823

fat tracer ch*nk

>> No.5090825

Nah, other boards just call them autists. I'd take another break if I were you, it isnt looking like discussions around here will get better any soon.

>> No.5090839

easily recognizable styles:
>Bimbo Tranny Man
>That giga chad who's writing his own choose your own adventure book and does those amazing black and white background illustrations

>> No.5090842


>> No.5090844

'member Gains Goblin?

>> No.5090850

>That giga chad who's writing his own choose your own adventure book and does those amazing black and white background illustrations

>> No.5090854

He doesn't post very often but usually in Draw threads and his work is very good.

>> No.5090856

Here is the thing I have with board celebrities and the people who hate them. From what I noticed over the years the people who hate them tend to be people who already formed their own cliques and absolutely HATE that individuals have a louder voice than them.

When they're not around, the same group of friends put on display for the rest of the lurkers their devote love for each other. It's only when this bubble is disrupted do they go on a crusade against these individual people. I say fuck the haters and their cliques deserve 100% to be fucked with. Do not be fooled by this mass hate against the small people. I'm namely pointing to the discords /ic/ has here where anons know each other by name.

>> No.5090860

But the problematic people like those in dtg are real issues. I'm talking about people like Whitebox, Greysketch, Peradox, Asukafag, etc.

>> No.5090870

schizo it seems is current on /int/ at least.

>> No.5090877

I wouldn't say those posters are problems. They just regularly post their art. The dog pile of shit posting responses makes the problem.

>> No.5090885

The responses is why I come to 4chan.

>> No.5090907

The guy who keeps saying my shading looks AI generated. SHOW YOURSELF COWARD.

>> No.5090937

Hey that sounds interesting, may I see your shading?

>> No.5090980
File: 10 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5091210

Bored, anorexic, crack whore anon

>> No.5091259

so you DO use Ai

>> No.5091261


>> No.5091314

me and all the other artists without a memorable footprint on here slowly making their gainz

i like you the most

>> No.5091324

Which one?

>> No.5091326

>That one anon who keeps calling anyone who posts anime a "pedo."
Holy Based

>> No.5091351

Come on show us the bits.

>> No.5091355

asukafag, malin, cumfarti, fisher?, gray sketch tranny, the guy that redlines on /asg/, face-kun, /beg/'s schizo poster, boxman?

>> No.5092149

>I'd take another break if I were you
>Take a 2 year break
>Everything is much worse now and everyone just straight up turned this board into /s/ 2.0

>> No.5092175

I thought you guys liked me ;_;

>> No.5092182

Kill yourself, Discord tranny.

>> No.5092361

Fuck off coomer, you killed this board with your libido, you reap what you sow.

>> No.5092366

He's not wrong though.

>> No.5092373

Who the hell are these people

>> No.5092422

>low effort
Is that bad when the stuff looks good?are americans so devoid of taste that they actually evaluate art according to time sunk rather than aesthetic value?

>> No.5092430

thank you anon

>> No.5092454

Tableguy is the only cool ic "famous" guy

>> No.5092455


Funny thing is those dadlosers banned the wrong guy. Now they everything they deserve, no mercy.

>> No.5092715

what happened to tumbr queen?

>> No.5092759

Heeeeh sou desu ka? Omoshiroi uwu

>> No.5092764

heh, omae ha shinitakunai no ka?

>> No.5092766

I love you anon. Unless you're the /dtg/ schizo.

>> No.5092770

Kill yourself, you castrated loser. Normal people don't find sexuality repulsive. Normal people don't think libido is a bad thing.

>> No.5092780


>> No.5092785

this, his work is mostly good and even when i don’t care for it that much sometimes he at least doesn’t ruin it by acting like a retard

>> No.5092786

baka kurombo

>> No.5092788

Dude I'm jacking off to this right now. I'm gonna cum so hard. Fuck. I have 9 different porn vids going while fingering my bitch. She's gonna cum too.

>> No.5092795

you've got an extremely sheltered world view if you think coom art is socially acceptable.

>> No.5092804


>> No.5092811

You will never be a woman, and no one will ever be proud of you for being scared of sex.
If you can't handle sexual imagery, then get off the internet, you pathetic waste of space.

>> No.5092824


you forgot brian

>> No.5092838 [DELETED] 

cope harder pls. I have a healthy sex life, I just don't flaunt it and spread my degenerate fetishes on the internet for everyone to see like an autist. Not a troon either btw.

>> No.5092850
File: 86 KB, 1103x1069, f67tf7ld9s431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell me about /dtg/ schizo?

Im the anon who gave genuine advice to 4 months wasted anon. That drained me and I left /ic/ for a while

>> No.5092857

Guy was based

>> No.5092863


>> No.5092866

I still think “YOU NEED TO MAKE AN HOURLY WAGE” guy was the funniest in a while

>> No.5092869

Multiple people have been telling you that your rates should be based on how long it takes you to make something, but you are so dead set on working for scraps that you have convinced yourself that it's one person who's out to get you.

>> No.5092875

working an hourly wage would be working for scraps unless you take weeks to finish anything

>> No.5092879

How could that possibly be true?

>> No.5092885
File: 3.93 MB, 2400x2400, 1606659727875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, everyone wasted time giving the four month fag advice and he made a new thread today. Again.
The /dtg/ schizo is a /pol/tard that doesn't draw and worships YouTube videos.
At least one of the jannies supports it by deleting all the posts that call it out.
It constantly makes new threads early to shit up the OP.
It calls everyone Chang and details every conversation about tablets made in China When its threads die it samefags and pretends to be someone asking for a tablet.

More creative than the cumfartifag at least.

>> No.5092896
File: 335 KB, 447x548, 1590213767826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Wikipedia age for kitsch and then an article about kitsch, then looked at some kitsch
And I don't get it
Everything looks nice and the descriptions are all good, sincere, pleasant, quaint
But's a pejorative term. Why? What's the problem? Is it only used by pretentious artsy fags?

>> No.5092901

>Is it only used by pretentious artsy fags?
Exactly right.

>> No.5092902

>Is it only used by pretentious artsy fags?
Pretty much. It's also a good word to throw around when you want to influence the attitude towards a certain artist or their pieces in a gallery setting so that collectors lose interest and buy something else. That's definitely a little nefarious though, nobody would do that!

>> No.5092909

So kitsch is just how people who like shitty art refer to good art
Got it

>> No.5092923

Most working artists work incredibly rapidly because they’ve nailed down their workflow. Nothing you’ve seen that you’ve liked has taken nearly as much time as you think. Look at KJG. He finishes a giant page illustration in an hour. If he charged an hourly wage he’d make absolutely nothing

>> No.5092925

Then raise your rate, retard.
But those commission pricing threads are full of crabs and /beg/s telling to people to charge $30 for a commission and then sperging out when people tell them that those prices are unreasonably low.

>> No.5092926
File: 3.42 MB, 1600x861, 1590650185197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything looks nice
Kitsch is supposed to describe something that is overdone. Corny, chintzy, tacky, cliché, visually polluted.
If you see people just calling everything kitsch, of course it will lose meaning, but it's mainly reserved to something that feels out of place. A McMansion is kitsch, a house full of gnomes and flamingos in a sober-looking neighborhood is kitsch. Not because of a single element, but because of the overall aesthetic.

>> No.5093181

Who cares if it's overdone?
>A McMansion is kitsch, a house full of gnomes and flamingos in a sober-looking neighborhood is kitsch
So why is it bad?

>> No.5093183


>> No.5093194

it's tasteless. like a rich person decorating their house with a bunch of dissonant elements purely because of their pricetag.
you might have some sort of brain problem if you find kitschy items pleasing, an inability to be visually stimulated barring the most extreme inputs.

>> No.5094374

twitter schizo who complains /ic/ isnt "inclusive" enough

>> No.5094381

that's true tho, if this place were more inclusive more people would come here, and they wouldn't have to put porn adds to keep this shithole alive

>> No.5094424

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.5094450

I miss the orca posting guy. He was top tier crab and didn't give a fuck.

>> No.5094832

Uhhh based?

>> No.5094835

hey, I like that guy

>> No.5094837
File: 52 KB, 550x767, 5xkejqcosfh51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what he looks like

>> No.5094839

he looks like a dirty crusty coomer

>> No.5095456
File: 165 KB, 1280x1147, IMG_COOM_VIKING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coomerposter here

>> No.5095461

Same. He has been here for years.

>> No.5095569
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1605933158651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bird anon is exactly why i will never give anyone legitimate advice when they feel like shit because of their work.

>> No.5095584
File: 152 KB, 435x276, 2ED7FEA5-4CEE-413D-A575-81B603447035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the people on this site suck ass anyway, they’re dunning Kruger ngmis with massive overblown egos. I’m one of the better people here and I either get memed or seethed at endlessly

>> No.5095595

I drop in on this board every so often and do dish out plenty of tips and sane guidance and whatnot in /beg/ and other threads, but I have yet to come across any of these characters like schizo that you people are talking about. I have only been here this month in 2020 though, probably missed a lot of stupid shit.

>> No.5095622


good move, avoid all the "woe is me" threads

>> No.5095822

Goro poster/ beg schizo

>> No.5096555
File: 525 KB, 1317x1303, E6028E32-CB20-4978-8527-3B3B405B1BFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow coomposters

>> No.5096589

seething faggot

>> No.5096602
File: 258 KB, 1789x1232, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be a woman, and no one will ever be proud of you for being scared of sex.
If you can't handle sexual imagery, then get off the internet, you pathetic waste of space.

>> No.5096622

I can't stop laughing.

>> No.5096778

Seething about what, retard?

You fucked up.

>> No.5096864
File: 8 KB, 272x262, 1606467271340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5096869
File: 252 KB, 405x366, 6544684848448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying you aren't one of those annoying faggots

>> No.5096881

A thomas kinkade painting would be considered kitsch right?

>> No.5096885

>Seething about what, retard?
You deliberately saying kill yourself discord tranny over anything that mention the word “coom”

>> No.5096898

a thomas kinkade painting is the literal definition of kitsch

>> No.5096900

browse /asg/

>> No.5097013

Ok just making sure

>> No.5097018

it's funny because autogynephiliacs are part of the cumbrain demographic but they call others trannies
chances are people who seethe about this shit are trannies themselves

>> No.5097140

The truth about the /dtg/ shizo is it's the OP himself who has created this alter-ego called "Chang" to argue back and forth about chinese products and wacom products. To make it believable that there is this "Chinese shill" out to get the thread for months he phone posts and reports his own posts in hopes that the mods clean it up. When they 50/50 do clean it up he takes screenshots as "evidence" that all the shitposting is done by "chang" but in reality it's just the OP himself.

As for why is he doing it? At one point there probably really was a "chang" user (and /ic/ is known for having chinese promoters over the years shilling tablets) and OP was a proud owner of a Huion tablet. But he noticed some bad things about Huion and became an unhappy buyer. So now he has a crusade against everything chinese--or at least that's not how it was initially. Maybe he's been doing it for so long that he found out that it creates thread activity and can't stop the self-induced board meme he made for himself.

It's a combination of unfortunate truth, buyers remorse, and autism. And really, if you think about it there really isn't some "chang shill" who is on /ic/ for over a year trying to promote tablets while the employee cannot get confirmation on a affiliate sale. It just doesn't make sense. There you have it.

>> No.5097316

I think you just might be a SEETHING CRAB

>> No.5097320


I fucking love that one schizo anon who floods the board with his shit doodle madness

>> No.5097578

What, as opposed to accidentally? Coom is a Discord tranny meme, I don't want discord trannies to be here and don't like them, so: kill yourself.
And you didn't even answer the question.

You are literally spamming a tranny meme. The whole thing comes from jealous trannies that want to erase depictions of attractive women because they will never BE women.
You are either a troon yourself, OR you are an impressionable newfag who latches onto forced memes, which is just as bad.
Either way: kill yourself.

>> No.5099238

Dial 8 and have sex

>> No.5099539

I met an anon from /ic/ at a meetup by mere chance. I recognized their art and they confrimed it

>> No.5099870

this board seems to have consistently more eccentrics than other small time boards. can any other board hold a meta thread with countless identifiable posters like this?

how do you think moderation should handle them? asking for a friend

>> No.5099942

>I'm not tranny, you are!
Okay faggot.

>> No.5100714

that guy who draws shota furry hentai , lambrey or something idk

>> No.5100780

Kitsch is something easily sold to a general audience. Transformers the movie would be kitch.
Where something like "No Country for Old Men" 75% of people hate the ending but 25% love it.
The opposite of Kitsch is making decisions about the art for the art and not for how popular or easily it's sold.