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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 106 KB, 750x1000, Disdain intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5094994 No.5094994 [Reply] [Original]

>How can I improve?
Post your work
>My drawings look bad
Post your work
>You should do this
Post your work
>My drawings look better yet they are ignored
Post your work
>Just draw
Post your work
>I feel lonely and horny
Post your work
Post your work
>4 months
(Don't) Post your work
>Draw everyday an no improvement
Post your work
>I'm famous and don't want to risk my integrity
Post your work
>Hogarth is bard for you
Post your work
>You don't need to study art, just have fun
Post your work
>The only skill you need is hand control
Post your work
>I feel awkward posting my works
Post your work
>Don't waste your time with Brent Eviston
Post your work
>You need to spend 12+ hours a day drawing or else
Post your work

Post your work
Post your work
Post your work, you motherfucker, you swine. Post it, I dare you, post it now. Retard.

>> No.5094995


>> No.5095008

>makes thread about post your work
>doesn't post his work
Get out

>> No.5095015

>Post your work
Post your work

>> No.5095018

Best one

>> No.5095020
File: 127 KB, 750x1000, honk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my case since I'm not interested in feedback from coomers and I am literally only here to shitpost and tell weebs to kill themselves, but:
Have you ever thought that the average user on this board may have simply stopped considering posting their work worth the feedback candle? What I am saying is, what is this board doing that makes it worthwhile to post new work or post something you have worked on seriously that you haven't posted somewhere else or give away your social media account?
>hurrrr nothing will happen to you
What if someone simply wants to stay anonymous because he wants to stay anonymous? Have you ever considered that this board is simply too shit to bother?

>> No.5095036

>not my case since I’m doing literally what op is referring to

>> No.5095057

Post your work

>> No.5095158
File: 16 KB, 564x647, 11.1.2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5095261

Where is
>kill yourself you fucking faggot coomer weeb, stop wasting my oxygen
in OP's case list? Do you see it, stupid fucking faggot idiot weeb coomer?
KYS btw

>> No.5095276

post work, begtard

>> No.5095388
File: 151 KB, 590x578, fro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure! Now post yours.

>What if someone simply wants to stay anonymous because he wants to stay anonymous?
Pro tip: make a single painting just for the sake of posting it whenever someone asks you to pyw. It's that simple.

>> No.5095398
File: 729 KB, 782x1000, Drawing 12_18th lr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, mr OP, would you mind posting yours?

>> No.5095400

Oh, hey, I remember saving your art the other day. Do you have a blog? Link?

>> No.5095403

Sure thing.

i hate hentai foundry for not enabling name change
whole website feels outdated
pixiv is really good tho

>> No.5095405

>Pro tip: make a single painting just for the sake of posting it whenever someone asks you to pyw. It's that simple.
Good idea anon, I recommend this to those who give a shit about posting their work here for /beg/ cumbrains to enjoy

>> No.5095408

kill yourself

>> No.5095411


>> No.5095418

Thanks! :D

>> No.5095426

hope an army of horny niggers rapes you to death, you samefagging whore

>> No.5095427

Yikes and cringe.

>> No.5095434


Eh, posting occasionally can be helpful and help get some good feedback, but I see where you’re coming from

>> No.5095438

If I am gaining haters, does that mean I am becoming succesful?

>> No.5095441


>> No.5095501
File: 2.50 MB, 400x332, FUCK YOUUUUU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the board is shit
>so i will actively lower the quality of it
there is no system in place, no ruler or higher power in this board, there is noone controlling things from above to make them be the way they are, the community is shit because it chooses to stay shit, and you are part of the issue

>> No.5095545

post your fucking work

>> No.5096034

You first.

>> No.5096301

I don't want to post my work on a board that only cares about shitting all over it and a bunch of people who's sole function is to bring people down to their level.

Art is hard enough tempering your own inner critic, why would I want to voluntarily subject myself to critique from people who aren't remotely constructive? You can get good crit on this board but you can also get people just berating you for the sake of it and as much as people might be able to shirk it off it eventually takes a tole on you.

For example, I know my art sucks but I don't need to be told over and over in a shitposting manner' haha your art sucks give up' or some sort of variation a million times. I'd rather just be self critical and save myself the effort.

>> No.5096825

Then you come here to shit on others? Grow a thick skin my friend, success is only worth if you suffer first. Real world will shit on you anyway.

>> No.5096876

i have and no one says anything

>> No.5096890
File: 3.98 MB, 5605x2405, eyes_12-29-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5096894

>How can I improve?
That's a big question, it'd be best if the person who asks this shows their work so people can identify their weak points.
>My drawings look bad
You need an outside to best gauge where your artwork is at.
>You should do this
Well, if you are going to lecture people on something it would be nice to show you have an understanding of the concept.
>My drawings look better yet they are ignored
You need an outside view, it might a lack of self awareness that is the issue and in fact the work is not better, or maybe it is but the work is boring, uninteresting or generic.
Their input can help you determine why it is you are being ignored.

What exactly are you complaining about? Posting your work will help with all these issues.

>> No.5096901


>> No.5096906

I don’t agree with this entirely.

The board can be mean but I’ve posted artwork here before and have gotten good responses. I never asked for crits directly but the work was on the theme of the threads at the time. I am one of the anons who has contributed to the art book thread, beg thread, draw thread over the years. Minimal trolling, straightforward crit when asked and I tend to be specific in what’s off and how to fix it. Usually it’s many things at once so it’s hard to decide which one is the most important. But anyway...

You’re allowed to suck. You are also allowed to be in the top 1% of artists here and still get /beg/ fags who draw nothing but boxes telling you you suck. There are good artists here who don’t post much of what they do, but who are willing to help out. A lot of the time “unironically Loomis” is the right response because he covers a wide gamut (intro drawing => narrative illustration) in his 5 or so books. Don’t be discouraged by this. So if you have stuff you want critiqued, post it in beg and someone will give you a redline or a step by step process to whatever you’re having problems with.

>> No.5096934
File: 239 KB, 846x832, 2020-12-29 cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to post my work because I don't want to waste peoples' time critiquing anything but my best work.
You'll never feel like your work is good enough. Post your work.
>I already see flaws in my work and need to practice until I fix them before I post my work.
You'll never fix all the flaws, and people might be able to point out something you're missing or give you better techniques on how to improve. Maybe you're even practicing wrong and will just make yourself worse. Post your work.
>Your work is shit, I disagree with everything you've said, and you have no right to give /any/ kind of advice
Fair enough. Post your work.

>> No.5096953

How the fuck did you get so many watchers???

>> No.5096963

>>the board is shit
>>so i will actively lower the quality of it
Yes, exactly.
>the community is shit because it chooses to stay shit, and you are part of the issue
I am no longer part of the community. Now I just have fun being disruptive because you faggots deserve it. You have made a choice, people always make choices and it is not my duty to stick around forever swimming uphill to "make things better". So basically you can suck my fat cock.
I block images on this board btw, so you can stick your smug anime girl reaction up your ass

>> No.5096989

Woah man. You're kinda cool, I want to be like you.

>> No.5097291

>Then you come here to shit on others?

Lmao, what? Stop projecting anon, I lurk on this board I don't come here to put others down.

I already know what real life is like and it sucks.

>> No.5100049

Post a drawing of your mom from twitter here. Who gives a fuck? There is plausible deniability, since it is already in the public from twitter. No one could prove shit, so no one who doesn't hate you would care, but how would they even know in the first place?